• Blade and soul is a stone that improves the spirit of a defender. P paid surveys on the Internet, paid surveys without investments with withdrawal. Reducing Miracle Power consumption

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    05 September 2019 at 20:30

    Friends! We continue to little by little stir up your interest in the Bow Master. Misha Evrial recorded a video on the test server where you can evaluate the dynamics of the battle of the new class and its DPS on the “basic weight”. It seems to us that this time the developers

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    04 September 2019 at 21:18

    Nock your bow and take aim…the new Zen Archer class is coming to Blade & Soul! The countdown has begun to September 18, when Blade & Soul: Storm of Arrows launches and all Hongmoon warriors can fill their quivers and ready their bows for a new era "Bow Master" - Preliminary information

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    Nock your bow and take aim…the new Zen Archer class is coming to Blade & Soul! The countdown has begun to September 18, when Blade & Soul: Storm of Arrows launches and all Hongmoon warriors can fill their quivers and ready their bows for a new era 04 September 2019 at 18:24

    Friends! On September 24, a big update awaits us: the 12th game class will appear in the game - Archer! In addition, a lot of content will be added, which we will talk about in the near future: - a new dungeon and raid; - there will be changes in

    Get your character on the BnS website!

    Nock your bow and take aim…the new Zen Archer class is coming to Blade & Soul! The countdown has begun to September 18, when Blade & Soul: Storm of Arrows launches and all Hongmoon warriors can fill their quivers and ready their bows for a new era 03 September 2019 at 14:48

    Friends! On one of the streams we talked about how we would update our main website in the fall. It will be completely changed, the information will be updated. And you can also leave “your mark” on it =) Short videos will be published on the site,

    Fix installed

    Nock your bow and take aim…the new Zen Archer class is coming to Blade & Soul! The countdown has begun to September 18, when Blade & Soul: Storm of Arrows launches and all Hongmoon warriors can fill their quivers and ready their bows for a new era August 29, 2019 at 11:24 am

    Friends! The maintenance is over, the servers are open. To prevent abuses, the developers increased the cost of transferring the “Denim Fantasy” outfit from 6 Shiny Stamps to 35 (!). Now in more detail, for those who are not very versed in “abuses”:

    Prevention 08/29/19

    Nock your bow and take aim…the new Zen Archer class is coming to Blade & Soul! The countdown has begun to September 18, when Blade & Soul: Storm of Arrows launches and all Hongmoon warriors can fill their quivers and ready their bows for a new era August 28, 2019 at 06:53 pm

    Friends! The developers have sent a fix that will remove the possibility of the “Denim Fantasy” abuse. The fix will be installed tomorrow during a short preventive maintenance: from 10:00 to 12:00 Moscow time. The situation with players who received additional items during News 08.27.19 August 27, 2019 at 4:40 pm


    The Tower of Memories was erected in honor of the glorious exploits of fallen soldiers. However, there are still enemies from the past - monsters who want to take revenge for their past defeats. You need to fight them again, testing your courage at the same time - and the perky Po Hwarang will help the player in this difficult task.

    The combat mechanics in the tower allow players of all levels to fight bosses back to back, since success does not depend on the level of a particular player’s weapon - the group will find the weapon necessary for victory in the tower itself.

    Upon successful completion of the tests, the player will have the opportunity to receive New Year's attributes, as well as many other valuable items.

    Emerald Village

    6 people

    Once a day, unless you use the Tower of Memories Upgrade Tablet.
    The tablet will be available in the mini-game and in the in-game store for rubles and Coins of the Way of Khon. You can buy it a limited number of times per day.
    Tower of Memories Map

    1st floor
    Lord of the Great Flame
    HP 18,800,000
    Boss Skin

    The boss is very strong. It is impossible to kill him with conventional weapons, but with skillful alternation of freezing and attacking with fire using powerful shotguns that shoot ice or fire projectiles, it becomes easier to defeat him.
    At a certain point in the battle, fiery flowers appear on the floor, and by absorbing them, the Lord of the Great Flame restores his health. However, the player can collect them first and prevent the boss from regenerating.

    2nd floor
    On the next floor, the group will meet one of the bosses already known from Shark Bay and Glacier.

    - Ataman Red Mane
    HP 28,800,000
    Boss Skin

    - Blue mane
    HP 28,800,000
    Boss Skin

    Boss attacks are similar. To defeat them you need to use opposite elements.

    Ataman Red Mane:
    - Absorbs the energy of the red beam and then unleashes a series of powerful moves
    - Receives damage from the blue beam

    Blue mane:
    - Absorbs the energy of the blue beam, gathering strength for subsequent attacks
    - Takes damage from the red beam

    When the boss appears, you need to use grenade launchers to attack the enemy, using laser beams in the room against him.
    It is necessary to allow some rays to damage the boss; when other rays appear, it is important to shoot from the gun and throw the enemy into the air to prevent him from accumulating energy.

    3rd floor
    Hungry Ghost
    HP 288 800 000

    Boss Skin

    To fight the boss, the group will have a powerful flamethrower and a snow shotgun.
    During the battle, players will have to free Po Hwarang from the boss’s traps using the necessary elements, and also fight with the servants of the Hungry Spirit that appear during the battle, which replenish the boss’s health.
    Successfully using the elements opposite to the boss's attacks will help you defeat the enemy and complete the quest, receiving valuable rewards.

    You can get to the Tower by taking on the daily quest “Tower of Memories”.

    As a reward for completing the task, the player receives 2 Memory Coins, as well as 2 Memory Chests with valuable items, in particular Melting Stones (White Mountains) and Faction Seals, so important for those who decide to take the new path of weapon reforging.
    Memory Coins will also appear in the mini-game and as a reward for completing the daily challenge.

    Chest of Memories

    Accumulated Memory Coins are exchanged for items from the Dragon Treasures tab, including new Year costume and accessory.
    Exchange options

    2. With the end of the event in the Tower of Memories, New Year's events in the game will not disappear - The merchant event will start on January 10th , which we will talk about a little later.

    3. Finally, New Year's surprise will be from us too =)

    Safe communication [Magical practices for protection from energy attacks] Penzak Christopher

    Stones of protection

    Stones of protection

    Stones, minerals and crystals are containers of magical energies. Moreover, each stone has its own spirit and unique power associated with its color, composition and even historical use. In Western magic, crystals of deep dark color: black, brown, dark red or green of all shades are believed to have very powerful protective properties. In addition, stones associated with the elements of Earth and Fire, as well as the planets Saturn, Mars and Earth, are considered protective. Followers of other systems of magic believe that stones can be under the protection of different gods, and therefore, in order to receive the protection of a particular deity, it is necessary to use stones, symbols or other objects dedicated to him.

    Listed below are stones, minerals, metals and fossils that can be used for magical protection. They all have their own character, so choose those minerals or metals that attract you.

    Smoky Quartz


    Tourmaline quartz

    Red jasper

    Before using the stone as a protective amulet, it must be cleaned. To do this, fumigate it with cleansing incense or leave it in the sun for several hours. Then meditate on it and ask its spirit for help and protection. Transfer your intention of protection to the stone, charging it with your thoughts and desires.

    Symbols can be applied to stones. For example, try creating a protective symbol using paint, a marker, or drops of candle wax. Some esoteric stores sell stones with symbols already carved on them (note that if you have never carved stones, this will be very difficult to do). But it can be very difficult to draw anything on a polished crystal; in this case, you can simply find black or White stone and use it in symbolic magic. If you intuitively feel that the stone has power and its spirit is ready to become your protector, then work with it. There is no need to limit yourself to the list of stones given in this chapter.

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    Wonderful patterns

    One of the ways to increase the combat performance of your spirit is to inlay wonderful patterns into it. There are a huge number of such items, and each of them differs from each other in the parameters that it increases after inlay. You can learn everything about patterns by reading this guide.

    Creating patterns

    In order to create a pattern, you need to approach the NPC Master of wonderful patterns Era(Tario, 755 1054).

    To create a pattern you will need:

    1. Resources for creation.

    2. Energy and gold consumption.

    3. Create button.

    4. List of possible patterns.

    Please note that pink quality patterns are created "unopened".

    A special item is required to print the pattern. Radiance of the Spirit, which can be obtained in the Legendary Treasury of Heroes dungeon, and can also be purchased in the Premium Store (V).

    To print a pattern, first right-click on the Radiance of the Spirit, then left-click on the pattern. After printing, we will get a pattern that adds random parameters (2).

    Note! Each pattern has 2 requirements for the Spirit into which it will be inserted: the amount of Miraculous power expended when inserting it, and the level of absorption (1).

    Inserting patterns

    Before inserting the pattern, make sure that the pattern is printed, the spirit absorption level matches the pattern, and there are enough Miraculous Power points. If these conditions are met, you need to drag the pattern into an empty cell and confirm your desire to apply the pattern in the pop-up window. After confirmation, the required amount of Miraculous Power and 20 gold will be consumed.

    Increasing the number of cells for patterns

    To increase the number of cells for patterns, you must use an item TOspirit label, which can be purchased in the Premium Store (V).

    Removing patterns

    To remove the pattern, you need a special item - Seal. Depending on the quality of the pattern that needs to be removed, seals are divided into the following types:

    You can get these items by killing ordinary monsters of level 80 and above, as well as in the Premium Store (V).

    To delete a pattern, click below the pattern you want to delete and confirm your selection. After confirmation, 20 gold will be spent.

    After removal, the pattern will be in your inventory, and the spent Miraculous Power points will be restored. The pattern will retain all its improvements and can be transferred to other players.

    Improving patterns

    After inserting a pattern, it can be improved. To open the improvement window, you need to click under the image of the pattern in the spirit menu.

    Pattern improvement can take place in two directions (2):

    • directly improving the pattern by increasing (expanding) its characteristics, which consumes Miraculous Power points;
    • improving the pattern by reducing the consumption of Miraculous power, while the points of Miraculous power are replenished.

    In both cases, points of available extensions are spent (1). The number of points available depends on the quality of the pattern. The better the quality of the pattern, the more expansion points it has.

    Pattern extension

    To expand the pattern, you will need a special item - the Flint of Abilities. There are several types of ability stones, which are divided into:

    1. Ability stones that improve random characteristics(they can be used to improve any patterns):

    • A regular ability stone is an item imbued with energy. Allows you to improve the basic characteristics of a wonderful pattern. Common effect.
    • A strong ability stone is an item imbued with energy. Allows you to improve the basic characteristics of a wonderful pattern. Improved effect.
    • The Perfect Ability Stone is an item imbued with energy. Allows you to improve the basic characteristics of a wonderful pattern. Amazing effect.

    2. Ability stones that improve certain characteristics:

    • Wondrous Damage Flint- improves the damage characteristics of the wonderful pattern by 60-100 units;
    • Wonderful Precision Flint- improves the accuracy characteristics of the wonderful pattern by 50-75 units;
    • Wondrous flint of protection- improves the protective characteristics of the wonderful pattern by 60-100 units;
    • Wondrous Killing Flint- improves the killing characteristics of the wonderful pattern by 50-75 units;
    • Wonderful Flint of Resilience- improves the characteristics of the stability effect of the wonderful pattern by 50-75 units;
    • Wondrous Flint of Fury- improves the rage characteristics of the wonderful pattern by 50-75 units;
    • Wonderful Flint of Insight- improves the insight characteristics of the wonderful pattern by 50-75 units.
    • Wonderful Flint of Darkness- improves the combat and protective characteristics of the wonderful pattern by 30-140 units, other characteristics can be increased by 30-100 units.
    • Ancient flint of darkness- improves the combat and protective characteristics of the wonderful pattern by 40-160 units, other characteristics can be increased by 40-120 units.

    You can get these items by killing Enraged Spirits, for completing tasks from the Emissary of Rewards, in dungeons: Temple of the Elements, Palace of Treasures, Palace of Demons, Palace of Fate.

    These stones can be used to improve patterns that have the appropriate characteristics. That is, for example, you cannot improve a pattern that has parameters for damage and defense with an ability stone that increases crit. blow or insight.

    To expand the pattern, you need to place the desired ability stone in a special cell (1) and press the expansion button (2). After this, a pop-up window will appear on the screen with information about the result of the improvement (parameters that will be added as a result of the expansion, and the number of Miraculous Power points that will be spent).

    If you are satisfied with the result, you need to confirm. If you are not satisfied, cancel. Ability Stone and Gold will be consumed regardless of the choice made.

    Reducing Miracle Power consumption

    To reduce the consumption of Miraculous power, you will need a special item - Greater Ability Rune, which reduces the consumption of miraculous power by 30. You can get it in several ways:

    1. Purchase from the Premium Store (V).
    2. As a reward for participating in the daily events “Honor of the Leader” and “Roar of the Demon”.
    3. From chests, to the “Pirate Bay” and “Devil’s Gorge” dungeons.

    There is also Special Ability Rune, adding 50 miraculous power. You can purchase it in the premium store (V). Less powerful analogues can be obtained as a reward for completing a daily task from the Emissary of Rewards, as well as for participating in the “Two Lords of Terror” daily event.

    1. Number of Miraculous Power points before expansion;

    2. An item used to reduce the consumption of Miraculous power;

    3. Expansion button.

    After use, the number of Miraculous Power points will increase by 30.


    Please monitor your Miraculous Power points and their consumption very carefully.

    It must be taken into account that Miraculous Power points are spent both when improving an existing pattern and when inserting a new one. You cannot allow situations where you do not have enough Miraculous Power points left to insert a new pattern, or expansion points for an existing one to reduce consumption.

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