• What are microdermals? How to do a neck piercing and what are its features. Installation of microdermal - diagram in pictures


    With the help of various body modifications, you can decorate the body or hide visible imperfections, such as scars, burns, scars, and so on. Elements of body modification are, for example, tattoos, piercings, and earrings. They can be made at a relatively low price. A new popular way to decorate the body is microdermal on the neck.

    Microdermal - what is it?

    Microdermal is special jewelry on the body. The trend appeared recently and has become very popular. Young people strive to make such decoration on their bodies. An excellent and safe development by cosmetologists, judging by the reviews. It differs from piercing in that only the decorative end of the product is visible. Looks very neat and elegant on any part of the body. They can be done on different parts of the body, see for yourself by looking at the photo below:

    Ears, eyebrows, lips, cheeks and even in intimate places - girls decide to implant these jewelry and make their appearance individual, studying reviews on forums and social networks.

    The most popular places to place microdermal are the neck, face and décolleté. The decorations are static, they are implanted into the skin, so that the lower part of the microdermal is not visible. You can’t take them off, and you can’t do it yourself. They are removed by specialists in a cosmetology clinic.

    How to do microdermal on the neck

    Microdermal is a piece of jewelry on a leg, like stud earrings, but the non-decorative part is hidden from the eyes of curious onlookers.

    Installing microdermal does not take much time. The process is simple, but requires care. You can make microdermal on the neck anywhere, most often it is pierced at the back under the hair (photo 1):

    Microdermal can be installed individually (photo 2):

    Or create any composition from several decorations. They can be placed in simple lines or depict designs, for example, in the form of a heart or a cross (photo 3):

    When creating a composition of several microdermals, it is important to control the distance between the jewelry: they should be placed at a distance of at least 6 mm so that they do not interfere with each other and are not noticeable on the body. Properly installed decoration should not cause any discomfort.

    Who should do the procedure

    Exclusively specialized beauty salons! The installation site of microdermal on the neck must be disinfected. A small incision is made in the skin using a volumetric needle. There should be no blood, since only the top layer of the integument is cut. The skin is carefully separated from the fat layer and the resulting void is inserted into the stem of the jewelry and firmly fixed. Then the head of the decoration is screwed on top.

    It turns out that only the top of the decoration is visually visible. The microdermal on the neck should be well secured under the skin and stand tightly there, then it does not cause harm, does not injure the skin from the inside, thereby preventing the formation of scar tissue in the puncture area.

    After installing microdermal on the neck, the skin at the puncture site becomes inflamed; for the first two to three days it must be treated with an antiseptic, such as chlorhexedine or miramistin. The jewelry should be covered with a band-aid to prevent infection and prevent infection. At the same time, it is important not to injure the microdermal so that it takes root well: wear clothes that will not cling or rub the place where the jewelry is placed.

    How quickly the puncture heals depends on the person himself. Microdermal needs to be carefully monitored and cared for. A competent master should give advice on care and also emphasize that microdermal needs to be constantly processed. After the jewelry takes root, even if it gets caught, it will not harm the skin. However, after this, the place where the decoration is installed will need to be periodically wiped with a disinfectant.

    Under no circumstances should you try to remove microdermal yourself. You may pay the price with your own life. There may be a large scar left or infection under the skin. Professional craftsmen will remove the implant so that it leaves a minimal trace that will disappear over time.

    Decoration price

    The cost of installing microdermal on the neck is influenced by two factors:

    • the price of the decoration itself;
    • master's work.

    Jewelry can be made from different materials: from titanium to gold, and also have various common or precious stones (imagine the prices for these metals). You can choose them in a salon or purchase them yourself, perhaps not at such a high price. However, do not forget that your health depends on the quality of materials, and, as a rule, it does not come at a low price.

    Prices for microdermal on the neck in different beauty salons may also vary. On average in Russia, one puncture on the neck with a simple earring, with a doctor’s consultation, costs 1,500 rubles.

    Among the types of piercings, microdermal is considered one of the most painless and aesthetic. Microdermal on the neck or complex piercing on the collarbones look very impressive. But piercing performed using this technology is a rather complex operation that requires a responsible attitude on the part of both the master and the client.

    Microdermal - what is it?

    The selected jewelry is implanted on the neck, on the collarbone or in another place at the request of the client.

    Microdermal technology involves intradermal injection of jewelry. The piercing earring consists of two parts:

    • anchor - a subcutaneous implant with an external rod for a decorative part;
    • wrap – the upper part with decorative elements. As the name implies, it is screwed onto the main part (anchor).

    How to choose the right decoration?

    When choosing jewelry for microdermal piercing, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

    • the material must be hypoallergenic and safe.
    • the wrap should be flat, preferably with a minimum of decorative elements.
    • The maximum wrap size for the first puncture is up to 4 mm on the body and 3 mm on the face.

    Jewelry with complex shapes can cling to the skin and injure it. Therefore, for the initial piercing it is better to use the simplest jewelry.

    The optimal choice for the first piercing is titanium. Silver or gold earrings oxidize during use and cause skin reactions. Surgical steel is coated with nickel, the compounds of which can get into the wound. Therefore, its use is also not recommended.

    It is also undesirable to use high wraps, since the higher the decoration, the easier it is to catch on clothing. If the piercing is installed on the neck, then the first wrap must be flat so as not to get caught in the hair.

    How does microdermal last?

    The basis for the piercing is the anchor part. It consists of a thin plate with holes through which skin tissue will grow as it heals. Therefore, an anchor is sometimes called an implant, and this is fair - the piercing is implanted into the body.

    The more time has passed since implantation, the more firmly the earring is attached.

    On what parts of the body can microdermals be installed?

    Microdermal can be installed on almost any part of the body, since this type of piercing is low-traumatic and safe. The decoration looks impressive on the cheekbone, décolleté and chest area. But the breastbone is in contact with the underwear, so it is preferable to install the microdermal above the breasts, between the collarbones or directly on the collarbone.

    Also, caution must be observed if microdermal is installed:

    • on the face - you will have to stop using foundations and makeup bases. Other decorative cosmetics should also be handled carefully so that they do not get into the wound. For facial piercings, it is better to choose small jewelry, as they are easier to care for;
    • on the arm, namely the hand and fingers. There is a high risk of damage to the piercing;
    • on the lower back - this part of the body is most in contact with the edges of clothes and linen.

    The back of the neck piercing is also problematic to care for. Here you will definitely need an assistant to treat the wound. The front neck piercing looks no less aesthetically pleasing, but is easier to care for.

    How is microdermal made?

    Installation of microdermal takes no more than five minutes. The step-by-step process looks like this:

    • The puncture site is disinfected. Instruments must also be sterile;
    • markings are made, the puncture location is agreed upon with the client;
    • A special needle is used to open the top layer of skin. The incision site is small - no more than 1.5 mm. The operation is performed exclusively on the skin, so there should be no blood;
    • an anchor is inserted into the puncture;
    • the selected decoration is screwed onto the anchor pin;
    • the piercing is reprocessed and sealed with an antibacterial patch.

    Microdermal should not be installed during illness - any infection weakens the body, and healing will be problematic.

    Attention! The day before the puncture, you should not drink alcohol, abuse coffee and tea, or take vitamin E. You should also not take medications that reduce blood clotting - aspirin and ibuprofen derivatives.

    Is it painful to install microdermals?

    The pain of the procedure depends primarily on your personal pain threshold and the location of the puncture. The most sensitive areas are the cheekbones, fingers and back of the neck. But, as a rule, piercing is done under local anesthesia.

    The phase of the menstrual cycle in women also affects pain. At the beginning of the cycle, the pain threshold decreases and the implant placement will seem more unpleasant. Therefore, it is worth visiting the salon at another time.

    After the anesthesia wears off, you can take a painkiller tablet. Within two to three days, the discomfort should go away completely. According to reviews from people who have done microdermal, this procedure can be considered one of the most painless types of piercing. At first, the sensation of a foreign object persists, but gradually the discomfort goes away.

    How long does it take for a puncture to heal?

    The healing process of a subcutaneous implant is quite long. Complete implantation of the anchor usually takes six months, or even a year. Healing time is affected by:

    • compliance with the rules of piercing care - if the puncture area is injured or if an infection gets into the wound, healing slows down;
    • implant material – hypoallergenic titanium anchors are implanted faster than steel ones;
    • speed of tissue regeneration – in each organism, tissue regeneration occurs at its own individual pace.

    How much does microdermal cost?

    Microdermal piercing, like any medical procedure, should not be saved. First of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of services, and not to the price. Typically, the price of a puncture consists of:

    • the material from which the decoration is made;
    • cost of anesthetic and other consumables;
    • type of procedure - primary or repeated puncture;
    • number of punctures on the body - one, or it is planned to implant multiple implants.

    Important! It is not recommended to make a large number of anchor implants at the same time, even if you plan to pierce a complex shape. This increases the load on the body, including the immune system. Multiple punctures heal more slowly, and caring for them is much more difficult.

    How to care for microdermal after the procedure?

    Microdermal requires a responsible attitude to care after a puncture. For the first three to five days, the anchor installation site should be kept under a plaster, changing it as necessary. In addition, it is recommended:

    1. Be sure to wash the puncture site with saline solution two to three times a day. This is done using a sterile cotton swab. If your finger is punctured, just dip it briefly in saline;
    2. there is no need to touch the wound again, remove the wrap, try to tear off the crust, etc. If you need to change the patch, you should definitely wash your hands with soap before doing this;
    3. If you suspect that dirt has gotten into the puncture site, it should be disinfected. There is no need to use alcohol-containing liquids for disinfection - this can burn the wound. It is optimal to treat with chlorhexidine, miramistin or furatsilin solution;
    4. do not use healing ointments and creams. They do not speed up the healing process, but only slow it down - the film on the skin steams the wound and prevents it from healing;
    5. For the first month, do not visit baths, saunas, or sunbathe on the beach. Any thermal effect interferes with healing, and steaming can provoke an inflammatory process;
    6. It is also necessary to reduce the contact between the puncture and clothing. Therefore, you should not wear tight clothes or things made of coarse wool. If the anchor was implanted on the neck, collect the hair in a ponytail or braid. If the piercing is done in the dimples on the back, or another hard-to-reach place, you will definitely need an assistant for care.

    Can I remove microdermal myself?

    Under no circumstances should you remove the microdermal anchor yourself. To do this, you need to contact a specialist, preferably the same one who installed it. But you can change the markups at home.

    Changing jewelry should only be done with clean hands.

    Before this, the hands, the piercing area and the jewelry itself are treated with an antiseptic. The wrap is removed carefully, turning carefully so as not to injure the skin.


    Below you can clearly see what the decoration looks like on different parts of the body.

    Piercings of the ears, navel and nose no longer surprise anyone: every girl has or had jewelry on these parts of her body. But, flat piercing proves that body art is a real art that is created to stand out from the crowd. The name itself suggests that jewelry is inserted into flat parts of the body.

    One of the most common types of planar piercings. Piercing the collarbone is a rather painful process that requires not only endurance from the client, but also experience from the master. To carry out the procedure, special earrings or so-called microdermals are used. The photo shows that they differ in shape from ordinary rods.

    The microdermal design is a combination of a fixing plate with a hole and the decoration itself. The earring is inserted onto the plate using a threaded connection. After healing, the plate remains in the skin, and the microdermal itself remains on its surface.

    How to perform a clavicle piercing:

    At this point, the clavicle piercing process is considered complete. To ensure rapid healing of the piercing and minimize body rejection of the jewelry, it is important to follow the rules of care.

    How to properly care for a planar piercing:

    Video: Installation of microdermals

    Planar abdominal puncture

    Getting a belly piercing is a little more difficult than doing a collarbone or neck piercing. This is due to the thickness of the skin and fat layer. The fact is that when installing microdermals, the optimal depth is selected to 5 mm, but on the stomach this segment is quite difficult to determine.

    How to do a flat belly piercing:

    If you decide on this type of piercing, it is important to remember that puncture on the stomach will very often be touched by clothing in everyday life. If the microdermal on the chest can be avoided at least when moving, then with belly piercing it is important to be very careful. In addition, due to sudden weight loss, jewelry in this area may “sag” and sag.

    The most “convenient” in this regard is considered flat neck piercing. In the upper back, in the middle of the back of the head, there is a point that is practically not involved in everyday life. It is precisely this that is favorite among craftsmen and clients.

    Plane facial piercing

    There are different types of planar facial piercings. In addition to the already familiar eyebrow, lip and nose piercings (septum, septril, wing), there are also bridge, anti-eyebrow, cheek piercings and much more. The most popular of them:

      • Bridge– piercing of the bridge of the nose. It can be horizontal or vertical. It is considered quite painful and requires special skill from a specialist. Barbells, half rings for the septum and microdermals (rarely) can be used as decorations;
      • Ear piercings are rarely considered a flat type of body art, although, in fact, tragus, helix and industrial piercing are precisely bodily implantations. They are performed in cartilage, which is why they require care during operation. To puncture the tragus or tragus, special designs in the form of rings and rods are used. For industrial, the bar must be quite long - so that both parts of the piercing are connected to each other by one decoration;
      • Jellyfish– Labret piercing. This flat puncture is made in the center of the philtrum. Studs with flat clips or microdermals are used as decorations. Nowadays its variety is also often found - estrum. This is a special type of labret in which both parts of the decoration are visible at the same time, as in classic planar body modifications;
      • Cheek piercing. In addition to the usual barbells and nails, transparent tunnels or aquariums are actively used to decorate this part of the face. They look extremely impressive, although they cause significant inconvenience in everyday life.

    Body modifications with play piercing

    Play piercing is a special subtype of body art. Its main difference from numerous other types is that it does not remain in the body forever (or for a long time). Most often it is performed for certain events or a short period of self-affirmation. Play piercing is the implantation of various foreign objects under the skin in large quantities with numerous punctures. This is decorating the back, fingers, wrist and stomach with ribbons and beads, installing pins in the skin, etc.

    Even among experienced “piercers,” there are quite a few people who dare to wear such decorations for more than one day. This is not only inconvenient, but also very painful. Among fans of extreme body art, the corset and smiley compositions are especially popular. Although many specialized salons offer to make even more complex combinations of elements.

    Microdermal piercing, pros and cons of this jewelry, convenient places for implantation, installation, care of the puncture site, possible problems, consequences of removing the jewelry.

    The content of the article:

    Microdermal is one of the newest forms of body decoration that is safer, more elegant and discreet than conventional piercings. The structure of the products allows them to be placed in groups at short distances from each other, creating compositions while maintaining convenience and comfort. Thanks to these features, the popularity of microdermals is rapidly growing.

    Features of piercing using microdermals

    Microdermal is a decorative element consisting of two parts. Its base in the form of a small rod is implanted under the skin through a small puncture. The outer decorative part of the jewelry is screwed from the outside onto the base located under the skin.

    Favorite places to install microdermals are the neck and décolleté areas, but this type of body modification can be used to decorate any part of the body. Unlike classic piercings, decoration using microdermals does not interfere with the natural stretching of the skin and rarely injures the epidermis if the puncture site is accidentally touched.

    It looks much neater than a regular piercing because the earring attachment point is hidden under the skin. Thanks to this feature, microdermal patterns built on the body do not look bulky and oversaturated, but original and organic.

    As a 3D element in an ornament, a microdermal piercing can be an extravagant addition to a tattoo.

    How to choose a place to install microdermal

    Installing microdermal in specialized salons is a simple and quick procedure, regardless of the place chosen for the original decoration. The process of piercing and installing an earring is the same for all parts of the body. To avoid unnecessary trauma to the skin, it is recommended to install microdermals in areas that come into least contact with clothing or other parts of the body. This allows you to speed up the healing process and the skin’s adaptation to the new jewelry. Below is a list of the safest areas to install microdermal.

    Piercing in the decollete area

    The décolleté area is one of the convenient, but not the most successful areas for piercing implantation. There is a high probability of injuring the skin during the healing period of the puncture. In this area, you should be very careful when choosing a specific point for installing microdermal, as there is a risk that the piercing will not take root due to constant friction of the puncture site with the bra.

    But even if you choose a place that definitely does not come into contact with your underwear, there is a possibility that the skin will be injured by the base of the earring when rubbing against clothing that fits tightly to the body.

    In this zone, as in general in all piercing implantation zones, the most successful place for an earring is the part of the skin that is least in contact with anything foreign. Therefore, microdermal is usually installed above the chest or in the center of the chest (10 centimeters below the collarbone).

    You should also pay attention to the choice of earrings for this area. Do not attach decorations that are too voluminous, wide or ribbed.

    Microdermal piercing on the face

    The most common places for installing microdermal on the face include cheekbones, the center of the forehead, cheeks, and areas near the ears.

    For this type of piercing, you should choose small jewelry that will not interfere with clothing or hands.

    Punctures on the face take about two months to heal, and the first uncomfortable stage lasts on average one week. Throughout this time, they must be carefully looked after.

    Creams and decorative cosmetics should not be allowed to get into the piercing site during the entire regeneration period, otherwise microdermal rejection may occur, which will leave behind unsightly scars.

    Installation of microdermal on the neck

    There are no special restrictions on the location of microdermal in this part of the body, but most often it is installed on the back of the neck under the hair.

    Usually in this area they are not limited to one puncture, but create a path of two or more decorations. Those who love a lot of jewelry can line up a line of earrings from ear to ear along the very edge of the hairline. This type of piercing looks unusual and is not very noticeable.

    Again, there is one “but”: you should not install decorations too close to each other, because they will be inconvenient to care for. The minimum distance between microdermals should be about 7 millimeters.

    Another thing to remember is that it will be difficult to take care of a fresh piercing if you have a piercing on the back of your neck. Therefore, get yourself a faithful assistant who will help you in this matter.

    Microdermal piercing on collarbone

    Those who want to stand out from the crowd can install microdermal in the collarbone area. In this place there is less risk of harming the healing puncture with clothing and it is convenient to care for it.

    The decoration looks very impressive in the dimple between the collarbones: it is somewhat reminiscent of an ordinary pendant, only without a chain. This can perfectly complement a stylish outfit and intrigue others.

    Microdermals implanted into the hollow above the collarbones or into the dimple under them are also popular. Here, in addition to individual jewelry, they like to do paired piercings with identical twist-on earrings.

    In addition, the collarbone area is a great space for creativity. Here you can build a whole chain of microdermals that will highlight the collarbones, or make a design in the form of a pendant or some geometric figure.

    These areas have become the most common and safe places to install this type of jewelry, but microdermals take root well on other parts of the body. They can easily be placed in the abdomen or lower back, on the arms and in the upper back.

    Despite the safety of this type of body modification, you should not place microdermals in those parts of the body that regularly come into contact with clothing or are injured. Let's not forget that this is still a puncture of the skin, and the less we influence it, the less risk we have of damaging the skin and causing infection.

    How to make a piercing with microdermal

    Almost any piercing can be done independently at home, but in order to avoid bitter consequences in the form of blood poisoning, scarring at the puncture site and rejection of the earring by the body, you need to contact a professional piercer in a specialized salon.

    The correct choice of decoration itself is of great importance. It is important to decide not only on the shape and size of the earring, but also on the microdermal material as a whole. If you get a puncture done in a special salon, then the specialist will definitely help you with the right choice.

    If you decide to search for the desired jewelry yourself, immediately forget about the concept of “surgical steel”; this material cannot be used in this type of piercing. It will not contribute to comfortable and safe healing of the puncture. The best material for microdermal piercings is ASTM grade titanium (F-136). It does not oxidize, so the likelihood of skin rejection is minimized. The titanium base of the piercing does not cause allergies and helps the base of the jewelry to be better absorbed.

    Installation of microdermal is a fairly painless procedure, as it is mainly performed under local anesthesia. The process of implanting jewelry under the skin takes no more than a couple of minutes, but it is not so simple.

    Step-by-step instructions for installing microdermal:

    • First of all, the skin is thoroughly disinfected with 70% ethyl alcohol.
    • Next, using a round scalpel (punch) or a special needle of the required shape, an incision is made in the skin, through which the base of the jewelry will be placed.
    • After this, under the layer of epidermis, an incision is made in two different directions: this must be done so that the shape of the hole in the skin best suits the frame of the microdermal.
    • Then the base plate of the decoration with a small pin is carefully inserted into the finished hole. It is important to insert it straight the first time so that you do not have to adjust it inside the open slot.
    • The next step is to screw a decorative earring onto the pin protruding from the leather.
    • Next, this entire structure is sealed with a band-aid so that during the first stages of healing, debris does not get into the open wound.

    Skin care after installation of microdermal

    At this stage, you are completely responsible for the further “fate” of the piercing yourself. You need to carefully care for the puncture during the period of skin regeneration so that healing occurs quickly and no complications occur in the future. The piercer who did your piercing will tell you how to properly care for the microdermal after installation.

    Let's take a closer look at how to keep your piercing as safe as possible in the initial stages:

    1. For the first two to three days after installing the microdermal, the puncture site should be covered with a band-aid.
    2. For about a week, you should not allow the newly installed earring to come into contact with anything or rub it against clothing. This can disturb the wound and introduce dirt into it.
    3. During the first 24 hours, you should never get the puncture site wet.
    4. It is advisable to refrain from swimming in open water throughout the healing period.
    5. It is necessary to treat the puncture with antiseptics daily. To do this, you can use products such as Miramistin and Chlorhexidine. Tea tree oil diluted with distilled water is also a good antiseptic. It is important that before starting treatment, your hands are thoroughly washed with soap!
    6. It is not recommended to change the top earring until the puncture site has completely healed. It is important to make sure that the puncture has healed and the microdermal has completely taken root. Regeneration time depends on the individual characteristics of the body and usually takes a little more than six months.
    At first, it is important to properly care for the new piercing, otherwise the wound will become inflamed and microdermal rejection may begin. As a result, scars may remain, which can only be removed with the help of a special operation. Therefore, if you experience piercing rejection, you need to urgently contact a specialist and, no matter how sad it may sound, remove the jewelry from the skin.

    How is microdermal removed?

    You must understand that microdermal is not a decoration for life. Often they remove it after several years of wearing it because they get tired of the piercing or simply begin to consider it not very comfortable.

    Removing microdermal is not a complicated process, it only takes about a minute. To have it completed, you should contact only a professional craftsman, preferably the one who installed this decoration for you.

    The frame is pulled out of the skin with small forceps, then the skin is treated with an antiseptic. After this, a small wound remains in it, which soon heals almost without a trace.

    To ensure that the mark from the piercing remains as invisible as possible, you need to care for the wound in the same way as microdermal in the first days. Namely: disinfect, cover with a band-aid and try not to disturb it again.

    Will there be a scar after removing microdermal?

    If the piercing was not damaged while being worn, no scar will remain. Without a doubt, the final result of skin healing depends only on the characteristics of your personal body. The skin may recover completely, or a tiny, almost imperceptible mark may remain.

    However, if you had to decide to remove the microdermal as a result of its inflammation, the scar will still remain. And if the skin begins to reject the piercing, even an unpleasant scar may remain. Don’t be upset if it doesn’t take root; when the puncture site has completely healed (7 months), you can install the piercing in the same place.

    How to make a microdermal piercing - watch the video:

    Microdermal is one of the most stylish and safe types of piercing: installation of this jewelry is almost painless. However, you should carefully consider the entire process of implanting jewelry before deciding to take this unusual step. You need to understand that this decoration is unlikely to stay with you for a long time, because it quickly gets boring and becomes irrelevant.

    Fashion rapidly offers innovations that replace each other. Decorating the body with piercings is also becoming a thing of the past. Now a new trend has appeared - microdermal, which is used to decorate the neck, face, hands and other parts of the body. More detailed information is provided by photographs that can be found on the Internet.

    Microdermal on the neck (the photo clearly demonstrates the decoration), face, arm, chest, collarbone, lower back is a decoration that is implanted inside the skin. This is intradermal micro implantation.

    The essence of the process is as follows:

    Titanium alloy (medical steel) is used to produce products. Dental rods, dentures, all kinds of pins – titanium implantation elements.

    Titanium has unique features:

    • refractory, dense, lightweight metal is best suited for making body jewelry;
    • metal is not prone to cause an allergic reaction;
    • there is no opposition to lymph;
    • Cases of rejection are extremely rare.

    There is a significant difference between dermal and regular piercing. In the first piece of jewelry you can see the decorated part of it, and the piercing also shows a rod for attaching parts.

    The price of jewelry is dynamic. During 2018, there was a decrease in price from 2,650 rubles. at the beginning of the year up to 2520 rubles. by the end of the six months, no price changes were observed for the month of July.

    Benefits as body jewelry

    Microdermal on any part of the body has differences compared to piercing:

    Initially, you should use flat disk-shaped attachments, as they are more difficult to accidentally touch because they fit closely to the skin.


    Microdermal on the neck (the photo shows the features of attaching the jewelry), arm, collarbone, while wearing it has the following nuances:

    • shift in center of gravity;
    • you cannot insert several jewelry close to each other under the skin;
    • It is not recommended to install on thin skin and near bone tissue;
    • Small scars may remain on the body after removal.

    Types of cheats on microdermals

    To please women, a variety of cheats have been developed. The most popular is the wrapping with opal made of titanium.

    • flat figures in the form of disks, nails and cones, crosses and hearts;
    • a separate group consists of wraps with precious or semi-precious stones;
    • There are different wraps for everyday use and those that look better in a festive setting;
    • Large, convex, curly wraps are not suitable for everyday wear.

    Using a micro-implant, there was a temptation to demonstrate wealth. Wraps made of gold or with a diamond in a gilded frame are a demonstration of narcissism and exclusivity.

    Implant anchors are constantly being improved. Modern products are characterized by enlarged holes and a minimal amount of framing metal. Practice has shown that such anchors facilitate the tissue healing process.

    On the neck

    Jewelry on the neck in a single or group decoration represents a certain sign, since a woman’s neck is a graceful and sophisticated place that awaits sophisticated and elegant decoration. An important nuance when piercing is the skill of the master - installing the plate from the first test.

    There are some features of working on the neck:

    In order for the skin to quickly recover, you need to choose the right place to implant the jewelry: inaccessible to contact with clothing and other parts of the body. The combination of dermal in a composition with a tattoo looks beautiful.

    On the collarbones

    Those who wish to choose the least painful procedure should keep in mind that the process of installing a dermal differs depending on the location of the human body. Since the skin is not equally sensitive everywhere, the procedure may be accompanied by more or less unpleasant sensations of pain.

    The twisted rod, located in the subclavian region, in the décolleté area imitates a pendant and looks seductive. Dark jewelry looks nice on fair-skinned girls; light-colored jewelry looks more impressive on beauties with dark skin.

    Installation on the collarbone has the following advantages:

    • the increment location is available for processing;
    • minimal possibility of touching the device with clothing.
    • Below the collarbones, the path of cabochons looks good.

    During the period of biointegration (ingrowth), you should not move, remove or rotate the device.

    On the face

    The face is the most sought after area for decoration. The most popular places for their implementation are: cheeks, forehead, cheekbones. In photographs of professional piercings, you can see that microdermals look like moles.

    The procedure is performed traditionally:

    It is preferable to use miniature and flat wraps in this area for convenience during sleep. The delicate skin of the face can be damaged by a small injury and an inflammatory process can begin from minor contamination. And the most extreme condition is the body’s rejection of the innovation and the appearance of white marks on the face.

    The use of cosmetics should be very moderate and careful so as not to provoke undesirable consequences.

    On the hand

    Microdermals on the neck (the photo shows the nuances of piercing), as well as on the hand, cannot but attract the attention of others. The hand appears to be a multifunctional limb, so the choice of implantation site is of particular importance. The process of installing jewelry is the same as elsewhere on the body.

    The work is being carried out in stages:

    1. Preliminary cleaning and treatment of hand skin with antiseptic.
    2. A technologically advanced small incision (3mm) is made.
    3. An anchor is installed in the resulting hole so that the pin is on the outside.
    4. Decoration is screwed onto it at the discretion of the hostess (flat is recommended).
    5. The incision should be treated with an antiseptic and covered with a bandage.

    It is preferable to place jewelry on the outside of the arm. It is advisable not to twist large and convex shapes due to possible injury.

    On the finger

    In addition to microdermal on the face, neck or hands, which is among the extravagant jewelry, installation on the finger is allowed, although this place is considered not the most suitable place for implantation. If the client wishes, the master can imitate a ring on the finger. Cheats of various sizes and configurations help in this event.

    The technique of placing microdermal on a finger is simple, as, for example, on the arm or neck.

    But there are distinctive features in planning:

    • Initially, you should keep in mind the client’s occupation;
    • wearing jewelry should be treated with a high degree of care;
    • There are increased requirements for elements of jewelry care.

    All precautions boil down to preventing inflammation. Before deciding to get a piercing in this area, you need to carefully consider all the possible dangers.

    On the stomach

    Unlike piercings on open areas of the body, implanting an implant on the stomach is unsafe. The work is complicated by the presence of a fat layer.

    Only an experienced specialist can perform implantation in this area:

    When exposed to elevated temperatures under clothing, diaper rash may appear on the wound. In addition, clothing can cause injury to a fresh wound. The originality and sexuality of the dermal must be maintained by providing careful care. The puncture site must be carefully protected so that it does not become a problem.

    On the cheekbones

    A stylish decoration on the cheekbones is a flat piercing with rounded twists about 3 mm in diameter. It is reasonable to adhere to this size in order to ensure a comfortable sleep. A very small wrap sometimes goes under the skin. The technique is no different from any other piercing on the face.

    In the décolleté area

    Microdermal in the décolleté area, as the most popular area for implantation, looks impressive. In the central part of the décolleté above the chest, as well as on the neck, implantation of plates with balls and disks is practiced. In the photographs you can see several options for placing decorations.

    The area above the chest is convenient, but not a good option for piercing, since there is delicate skin that is susceptible to injury during the healing stage of the incision.

    Microdermal at this installation site most often comes into contact with clothing, which fits tightly to the body during the autumn, winter and spring seasons. Considering these serious reasons, the decoration should be kept to a minimum size.

    Is it painful to do the procedure?

    Microdermal on the neck (photo of professional installation is shown above), face, arm, chest, collarbone, lower back is carried out without painkillers. Girls tolerate piercing and mounting of the structure differently.

    To a large extent, pain is influenced by:

    If the client wishes to use an anesthetic drug, then the master will not ignore her request.. Although the technology is so advanced that the procedure only lasts about 3 minutes. no blood or injuries. In comparison, hair removal using wax feels more painful.

    Experts say that wound healing is associated with the use of anesthesia, in which medications enter a kind of pocket under the skin, prepared for the insertion of a plate. This situation complicates the healing process.

    How long does microdermal take to heal?

    Usually a wound after microdermal on the body heals for six months, sometimes a year.

    If healing takes a long time, there are reasons for this:

    • inflammatory process;
    • damage to the germ layer of the skin;
    • muscle tissue injury.

    If at least one of these serious reasons is present, the regeneration process is inhibited. Experts advise treating dermals as temporary jewelry, but in some cases the implant remains in the body for a long time until it is removed on its own.

    Care of the product and implantation site

    When healing any wound, including the installation of microdermal, you must adhere to certain rules:

    To do this you need to have in use:

    • antiseptic (Miramistin);
    • aqueous sodium chloride solution for washing;
    • patch.

    Cleaning the skin and dermis of secretions and crusts formed is carried out with saline solution:

    • The product to be processed is loaded into the solution for 3 minutes.
    • The skin must be very carefully cleaned of secretions with a cotton swab without touching the puncture.
    • At the end of the procedure, the solution must be washed off with clean water.

    To treat with an antiseptic (Miramistin), a gauze pad or swab is moistened and applied to the site where the anchor is implanted for a couple of minutes. The purpose of the lotion is to neutralize the skin.

    In the first 2 weeks, every day you need to:

    • Rinse the implant with a disinfecting solution.
    • Use shepherd before bed and before going outside.

    Up to three months:

    • The incision site should be washed 1-2 times a day with a weak soap solution.
    • Protect the wraps from possible friction or pressure with adhesive tape.

    After a period of three months to a year:

    • Periodically rinse the dermis, inspecting the puncture site on the skin for inflammation.
    • You can try to change the markups yourself.

    Consequences and possible complications

    Once the initial period following microdermal implantation has passed, it is important to continue to be careful not to harm the complete healing of the skin.

    • from alcohol and tobacco products;
    • from solarium (2 weeks);
    • from the pool for 4 weeks;
    • from sauna and steam baths up to 2 months.
    • on the recommendation of a specialist, exclude certain medications (including Aspirin);
    • It is advisable not to use cosmetics or varnishes.

    The greatest danger is caused by:

    • development of infection at the puncture site;
    • scar formation;
    • implant rejection.

    Infection can be identified by signs:

    • redness appeared in the incision area;
    • pus has formed;
    • pain or itching gets worse;
    • body temperature rises;
    • symptomatic headache, feeling of weakness.

    If you have such symptoms, you need to consult a specialist (dermatologist, surgeon). In rare cases, it is necessary to remove the dermal.

    How to remove dermal

    Experts advise each person to think carefully and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of jewelry on the eve of the first installation. Installation and removal of jewelry is carried out in specialized salons or specially equipped clinics under sterile conditions.

    It is not recommended to remove microdermal yourself, as this is dangerous because it will leave a scar on the neck or other visible part of the body. You can entrust the procedure for removing the base without the formation of scars or scars to an experienced specialist. Only photographs and memories will preserve moments with jewelry on the body.

    Article format: Vladimir the Great

    Video about microdermals

    How to install microdermal on the neck:

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