• Quotes about little sister. Poems for sister


    Today, in the school corridor, a classmate hugged me in a friendly manner. I saw all this younger sister, I immediately reported to my mother that it seemed like I had a boyfriend.

    Today I’m talking to a friend on my cell phone and telling her that our cat seems to have gotten pregnant. To which the little sister immediately reacts: “Why are you lying, do cats fly?!”

    Today I’m walking my brother to kindergarten, and then he says to me: “Vika, let’s hide the fact that you’re my sister. You didn’t put on makeup, so I don’t feel comfortable going out with you in public.” Survived: D

    Fathers and mothers usually treat their children differently, and they love each one in a special way. Lee Salk

    The younger sister turned 10 years old. One day she asked, “What’s for lunch today?” I said, “Look in the refrigerator.” In response I received from the little one: “Thank you, captain!”

    I found my diary, where I kept notes when I was fifteen. At the very end, my sister wrote: “Mom has already read everything!” A little lower with my mother’s hand: “Fiction, I have no idea what we’re talking about!”

    A sister’s soul is a pure diamond, a sea of ​​affection and tenderness. O. de Balzac

    A brother without a brother is like an eagle that has lost its wing, a sister without a brother is like a branch without leaves. (Chechen proverb).

    Read more quotes and aphorisms about your sister on the following pages:

    Cousin (6 years old) had a blast. He comes up to his mother and says: “Mom, here is a tiger - a tiger cub, a lion - a lion cub, and a leopard - a “leoperdig”?”

    Are you going to the cinema without me?! They are also called friends! - Zhenya, I’ll tell you a terrible secret: we are not friends, we are sisters!

    my sister (5 years old) saw a star falling and wished that I would never break up with my boyfriend! Love her

    I’ve been loving one girl for almost 4 years now... I love her more than anything in the world... But how can you not love your little sister.

    Have you ever had a fight with your sister or brother over candy?

    My sister recently wrote me an SMS saying she loves me, and I responded to her: “Are you drunk?” She was a little offended...

    At my little sister Today is her birthday, such happiness, she is 4 years old, time flies so quickly...)

    Who is this red-haired bitch with you on the street?..sister....so cute..

    You won’t believe it, I go outside with my little sister for a walk, everything is already melting, there are streams all around. There was nothing to do and I launched boats with her, like in childhood.)

    I know who the happiest person is! This is my sister, she records her laughter on a tape recorder, and then listens to it all and laughs even more!!!

    I adore you! You are the queen of nerds, you are more stubborn than a donkey, but you are my sister, and I would not trade you for any other sister in the world.

    The guy was jealous of his sister. When I found out that this nice girl his sister, it became so scary!

    He gave me a choice: either him or my sister. I chose my sister. Did I do the right thing? Or is this disgusting thing worthy of another choice?!!

    Stole it from my sister Personal diary- let's say YES to slavery! :)))

    Sister is capable of being best friend, which is not so easy to get rid of.

    We quarrel with our sisters or brothers, shout at them, blame them for everything... and if anything happens to them, we will give our lives for them

    A friend talks about school years: We went to the gynecologist for an examination, he asked: do you live with men? She: yeah, with grandpa... I still didn’t understand why the doctor and nurse were laughing.

    Let's be friends. Let's be like brother and sister... Like second cousin and second cousin. This does not exclude some nuances.

    Of the two sisters, one is always watching and the other is dancing.

    I’m walking down the street, in front of me is a little girl and a boy about 6 years old... The boy says: “My sister and I have such big breasts!” And the girl: “So what? Look, I’m size 3!” Hhhaaa, I fell out, you should have known how I grunted when I heard all this.) Ha ha.

    Mom asked me three questions: why is the music playing so loud? Where is your sister? and who is locked in the closet? I realized that I knew the answers to all the questions...)

    A brother without a sister is like a wedding without a bride, a sister without a brother is a body without a soul.

    The ability to get along with your own sister is an excellent school for relationships with people for the future.

    Why do I have so many leftist people in my contacts as friends? – I thought for a long time and deleted them until I realized that I was sitting on my sister’s page...

    Brothers and sisters are natural enemies, like the English and the Scots, or the Welsh and the Scots, or the Japanese and the Scots, or the Scots and other Scots. Damn Scots! They spoiled all of Scotland!

    I don’t have a younger sister, but a walking asshole!

    She is like a sister to him, and he is her meaning in life.

    I retained good memories of my childhood only thanks to my sister. Therefore, I tell everyone: take care of your dear sisters!

    I want my sister to be my whole life true friend, so I will be a faithful friend to her now.

    No one is more interested in your happiness than your family. And my sister is proof of this.

    It's good when there are sisters, not the ones you're with family relations, and those who became them in life.

    If I eat porridge, my pussy will grow, that’s what my dad tells me, and my sister – about boobs =)

    How can you play when your sister almost died??! - Mom, she tried to open her veins with a spoon. This is an attempt to attract attention. - Stop it! Next time she might do something serious! - Yes, for example, he will throw himself off the porch!

    A sister can be the best friend that is not so easy to get rid of. Linda Sunshine

    What's great news worth if I can't share it with my sister?

    My friend came to the hospital to visit her boyfriend. When she saw a woman in a white coat near the room, she mistook her for a doctor and asked: “Can I see the patient?” “Who are you related to him?” -I’m his sister. -I’m very glad to meet you: I’m his mother! =)

    A sister is a person who will tell you to your face everything that infuriates her about you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth...

    even my little sister, seeing his photo, said: yes, nature was playing a bad joke...

    If it's hard for you to accept sister with all its shortcomings, you will be dissatisfied with everyone in the future.

    Parents cannot show love to all children equally. This is because they are all different, and different children develop special attitudes. – Lee Salk

    Everything I really needed to know was taught to me by my sister when she was still in sixth grade. – Chuck Palahniuk

    It's good that I have my dear sister. I always have someone to chat with.

    My younger sister’s friend wants to cut her veins... The child is 10 years old and is this normal?

    I broke up with my boyfriend, had a fight with my sister, and with my girlfriends best relationship things are going bad, there are also problems in the family... What could be better?!

    And my mother quietly broke the dishes and cried. Why, when we lose, don’t continue the game, but take revenge. Mom constantly asked where my conscience was and how hard it was to be normal, like my sister. And I just live, live for my own pleasure...

    And today a boy rocked my sister (6 years old) on a swing and said: “You are my baby.” So cute…

    Even my little sister, having seen his photo, said: yes, nature was playing a cruel joke.

    Sisters, wake up! The weaker sex does not exist!

    I’m walking with my younger sister past some guys who ride bmx, my sister: “Oh, what bad boys... They’re so big, and they ride on children’s bikes.”)

    A sister's heart is a diamond of purity, an abyss of tenderness.

    A brother without a brother is like a falcon without a wing, a sister without a brother is like a naked twig.

    Mom, did you give birth to me? - I! - And Andryusha? ( younger brother) – Me too! - And Katya? (elder sister) - Me too! - Who gave birth to you? - What do you think? - You too?!

    I love him so much. But I realized it too late... He is now with my sister...

    The conflict between sisters can be compared to an illness. To recover, you need to fight not the symptoms, but the disease itself.

    A sister can be feisty, grumpy and thorny, annoying like a fly and harmful like a snake. Or maybe wonderful, cheerful and lovely, and also very kind and cool, like mine!!!))

    She was 10 years younger than him, but had already managed to sit on his neck. Watch in all schools: “First bell.”)

    Love you, sister!

    Don't wait for your sister to make the first move.

    Ahaha)) Zheee=)) My little sister says “Kinder Pinder” instead of “Kinder Penguy”, and instead of November – fuck xDD

    On the phone: - Grace? - No, this is Debi - her sister, whose life you are not ruining!

    I love, I love only you, and I will never love anyone else like that, there is no one dearer than you, I will always be with you, my sister...

    Sister is best friend, which is impossible to get rid of.

    It’s as if I have two sisters: faith and chance. And my faith cannot rule out chance. But chance cannot explain faith. Faith does not allow me to hope for chance. And chance gives me too little faith.

    There are conversations about friendship, about the noblest feelings between people. But there is nothing nobler than love for a sister, because it is based on an instinctive feeling of kinship.

    Ahhh, the world has gone crazy!!! My 5 year old sister lies and listens to my Mr3, and I sit and color her!!!

    Tanya, Thank you, sister. As always, you help me out!

    This picture just killed me. I go to the page of my younger sister’s friend on VK. She is 12 years old. The status says: “I’m looking for a guy for Serious relationships. I may be a bitch, but I know what love is!”

    My little sister is getting ready to go swimming and looks in the mirror. - Nastya? What do you think, when I grow up, my prince will recognize me?

    If you communicate more often, you will quarrel with your sister less often.

    There is no greater rivalry in a family than that between sisters, and no friendship stronger than that between adult sisters.

    The greatest happiness for me is my sister!!! She and I live in perfect harmony, fist in eye, heel in ear!!! :)

    I found my diary, which I kept at the age of 15... at the end there is a note in my sister’s hand - and your mother is reading your diary! and then mom’s signature – nothing like that!

    I’m sitting right now without makeup, in home clothes, with I’m singing with a nifty on my head, in headphones. And my brother brought a friend. I leave the room all red... And he hears to my brother - What a beautiful sister you have))

    There are conversations about friendship, about the noblest feelings between people. But there is nothing nobler than love for a sister, because it is based on an instinctive feeling of kinship.

    Yesterday my sister (she’s 11 years old and I’m 26) asked, “Yul, do you believe in miracles?” I answer “Of course Yes!” She - “Then why are you still not married?... and in general, I wouldn’t believe in them anymore!”...))

    Vovochka,” the teacher asks in a sarcastic tone, “could you explain to me why the essay you handed me yesterday matches word for word the essay your brother wrote last year?” -What’s surprising here, Mary Ivanna? We do have a common sister.

    I’m growing up... I solve all my problems myself... No one bothers with me... And my older sister doesn’t take me with her, because... Now he sees me as a rival... Damn, I don’t want to be an adult! (

    My sister’s favorite and adored phrase: “Choke and die... You brute”...

    Why do I have so many leftist people in my VKontakte friends? – I thought for a long time and deleted them until I realized that I was sitting on my sister’s page...

    They connected me to Skype! And now, before I sit down at the computer, I clean myself up.

    Lord, how wonderful this is! When you feel bad, your little sisters come up to you, hug you, kiss you and say: “Don’t cry, Lyulechka! We love you!"

    Even to sit on the neck, you need to spread your legs.

    We see in our relatives, and especially in our cousins ​​and brothers, grotesque caricatures of ourselves. Henry Louis Mencken

    Probably everyone felt that awkward feeling when his six-year-old sister came asking to download her favorite cartoon and saw weirder pictures with naked girls.

    It’s very nice when your little sister comes to your room and says: “I’m daddy’s assistant, mommy’s princess and your little one!”

    When my sister comes and says that her friend from school was trying to commit suicide, I thought where are we going...

    Sometimes my younger sister surprises me with her abilities, recently she said: “Is it true that when a hen grows up, she will become a cockerel”?

    Best status:
    Before every dinner, my sister tells me: “Well, you ate everything, you pig!”

    Once my sister said that she would not stay in contact, I looked at her and laughed.

    The most faithful and best friend can only be your own sister!

    Many people simply don’t notice how quickly time flies; today my beloved sister turned three years old, but it seems like she was born only recently.

    You feel like a complete fool when you see your boyfriend with someone else, go to a beauty salon, buy new things and when you come to him you realize that this is his sister.

    And my sister, when she was little, called Dima Bilan “dibilan.”) Why would that be?)

    My sister is 4 years old, and she’s already downloading games from the Internet, we’ve done it!

    Who is this red-haired bitch with you on the street?..sister....so cute...

    I call a friend. His younger sister picks up. - Hello, is Anton there? -And Anton poops.

    Conversation between dad and sister, she is 16. - Daughter, what are you doing here? - I watch The Simpsons. – Ksyusha, you should already study the anatomy of boys, and you’re watching the Simpsons.

    My happiness is my little sister who was born yesterday.)

    And you call and tell him “put up, put up and don’t fight” and you will make peace. He loves you, and he will also give you chewing gum, and said that you are good ^^ (sister 3 years old)

    “I CAN, I’M NOT MARRIED,” my sister shouted at the bachelorette party the day before the wedding

    And you were a friend, you were my sister - apparently I was mistaken, you betrayed me.

    Even to sit on the neck, you need to spread your legs.

    “Vovochka,” the teacher asks in a sarcastic tone, “could you explain to me why the essay you handed me yesterday matches word for word the essay your brother wrote last year?” -What’s surprising here, Mary Ivanna? We do have a common sister.

    Brothers and sisters are natural enemies, like the English and the Scots, or the Welsh and the Scots, or the Japanese and the Scots, or the Scots and other Scots. Damn Scots! They spoiled all of Scotland!

    My younger sister’s friend wants to cut her veins... The child is 10 years old and is this normal?

    I stole her personal diary from my sister - let's say YES to slavery! :)))

    Let's be friends. Let's be like brother and sister... Like second cousin and second cousin. This does not exclude some nuances.

    What's great news worth if I can't share it with my sister? Jenny de Vries

    This picture just killed me. I go to the page of my younger sister’s friend on VK. She is 12 years old. The status says: “I'm looking for a guy for a serious relationship. I may be a bitch, but I know what love is!”

    Have you ever had a fight with your sister or brother over candy?

    If I eat porridge, my pussy will grow, that’s what my dad tells me, and my sister – about boobs =)

    On the phone: - Grace? - No, this is Debi - her sister, whose life you are not ruining!

    A brother without a sister is like a wedding without a bride, a sister without a brother is a body without a soul.

    Who is this red-haired bitch with you on the street?..sister....so cute..

    The guy was jealous of his sister. When I found out that this pretty girl was his sister, it became so scary!

    Lord, how wonderful this is! When you feel bad, your little sisters come up to you, hug you, kiss you and say: “Don’t cry, Lyulechka! We love you!"

    Of the two sisters, one is always watching and the other is dancing.

    There are conversations about friendship, about the noblest feelings between people. But there is nothing nobler than love for a sister, because it is based on an instinctive feeling of kinship.

    How can you play when your sister almost died??! - Mom, she tried to open her veins with a spoon. This is an attempt to attract attention. - Stop it! Next time she might do something serious! - Yes, for example, he will throw himself off the porch!

    A brother without a brother is like a falcon without a wing, a sister without a brother is like a naked twig.

    Why do I have so many leftist people in my contacts as friends? – I thought for a long time and deleted them until I realized that I was sitting on my sister’s page...

    My sister is 10 years old. When to her question: “What did mom cook?”, I answered: “Look in the refrigerator,” do you know what she told me? - Thanks, Cap!

    I broke up with my boyfriend, had a fight with my sister, relationships with my best friends are deteriorating, and there are also problems in the family... What could be better?!

    I found my diary, which I kept at the age of 15... at the end there is a note in my sister’s hand - and your mother is reading your diary! and then mom’s signature – nothing like that!

    I know who the happiest person is! This is my sister, she records her laughter on a tape recorder, and then listens to it all and laughs even more!!!

    - Mom, did you give birth to me? - I! - And Andryusha? (younger brother) - Me too! - And Katya? (elder sister) - Me too! - Who gave birth to you? - What do you think? - You too?!

    Today I was walking through school and accidentally hugged a friend. The younger sister saw it. Now he tells his mother, he tells me, like this is my boyfriend.

    Parents cannot show love to all children equally. This is because they are all different, and different children develop special attitudes. – Lee Salk

    No one is more interested in your happiness than your family. And my sister is proof of this.

    I don’t have a younger sister, but a walking asshole!

    I’m walking with my younger sister past some guys who ride bmx, my sister: “Oh, what bad boys... They’re so big, and they ride on children’s bikes.”)

    A sister can be the best friend that is not so easy to get rid of. Linda Sunshine

    Today I’m talking to a friend on the phone and saying, “My cat got pregnant while walking.” My little sister shouts, “Don’t lie to Lena, cats don’t fly!”

    She is like a sister to him, and he is her meaning in life.

    Don't wait for your sister to make the first move.

    The conflict between sisters can be compared to an illness. To recover, you need to fight not the symptoms, but the disease itself.

    there are conversations about friendship, about the noblest feelings between people. But there is nothing nobler than love for a sister, because it is based on an instinctive feeling of kinship.

    Mom asked me three questions: why is the music playing so loud? Where is your sister? and who is locked in the closet? I realized that I knew the answers to all the questions...)

    Ahhh, the world has gone crazy!!! My 5 year old sister lies and listens to my Mr3, and I sit and color her!!!

    I love him so much. But I realized it too late... He is now with my sister...

    A sister is the best friend you can't get rid of.

    It’s my little sister’s birthday today, she’s so happy, she’s 4 years old, time flies so quickly...)

    I’m growing up... I solve all my problems myself... No one bothers with me... And my older sister doesn’t take me with her, because... Now he sees me as a rival... Damn, I don’t want to be an adult! (

    Everything I really needed to know was taught to me by my sister when she was still in sixth grade. Linda Sunshine

    I’m walking down the street, in front of me is a little girl and a boy about 6 years old... The boy says: “My sister and I have such big breasts!” And the girl: “So what? Look, I’m size 3!” Hhhaaa, I fell out, you should have known how I grunted when I heard all this.) Ha ha.

    And my mother quietly broke the dishes and cried. Why, when we lose, don’t continue the game, but take revenge. Mom constantly asked where my conscience was and how hard it was to be normal, like my sister. And I just live, live for my own pleasure...

    My sister’s favorite and adored phrase: “Choke and die... You brute”...

    It's good that I have my dear sister. I always have someone to chat with.

    Why do I have so many leftist people in my VKontakte friends? – I thought for a long time and deleted them until I realized that I was sitting on my sister’s page...

    And today a boy rocked my sister (6 years old) on a swing and said: “You are my baby.” So cute…

    There is no greater rivalry in a family than that between sisters, and no friendship stronger than that between adult sisters.

    She was 10 years younger than him, but had already managed to sit on his neck. Watch in all schools: “First bell.”)

    My sister recently wrote me an SMS saying she loves me, and I responded to her: “Are you drunk?” She was a little offended...

    I’ve been loving one girl for almost 4 years now... I love her more than anything in the world... But how can you not love your little sister.

    They connected me to Skype! And now, before I sit down at the computer, I clean myself up.

    even my little sister, seeing his photo, said: yes, nature was playing a bad joke...

    It’s as if I have two sisters: faith and chance. And my faith cannot rule out chance. But chance cannot explain faith. Faith does not allow me to hope for chance. And chance gives me too little faith.

    Cousin (6 years old) had a blast. He comes up to his mother and says: “Mom, here is a tiger - a tiger cub, a lion - a lion cub, and a leopard - a “leoperdig”?”

    You won’t believe it, I go outside with my little sister for a walk, everything is already melting, there are streams all around. There was nothing to do and I launched boats with her, like in childhood.)

    Statuses about my younger sister - Yesterday my sister (she’s 11 years old and I’m 26) asked, “Yul, do you believe in miracles?” I answer "Of course Yes!" She - “Then why are you still not married?... and in general, I wouldn’t believe in them anymore!”...))

    It’s very nice when your little sister comes to your room and says: I’m daddy’s assistant, mommy’s princess and your little one!

    The younger sister is the only woman, which can be educated.

    One day a little sister asked her older brother: “What is love?”
    He replied: This is when you steal chocolate from my briefcase every day... And I continue to put it in the same place...

    Many people simply don’t notice how quickly time flies; today my beloved sister turned three years old, but it seems like she was born only recently.

    Little sisters only attract those who don't have them.

    It’s so unusual to see when your sister, who seems so young, is already dating a guy. Suddenly you realize how your parents looked at you and what they were afraid of.

    Sisters are divided into two types: the eldest and the snitch.

    It’s such a strange feeling when you marry off your younger sister. May he love her no less than I do.

    Do you also have younger sisters who empty your closet when you can’t see, try on all your clothes, put on high-heeled shoes and walk around copying you?

    Let my sister choose a husband for herself, let her parents bless them, and I, as an older brother, will check him.

    I’m growing up... I solve all my problems myself... No one bothers with me... And my older sister doesn’t take me with her, because... Now he sees me as a rival... Damn, I don’t want to be an adult!

    For a brother, a sister is always a small, cute, mischievous creature that you can’t help but love, even if you’re offended by him.

    I’ve been loving the only one for almost a year now, I love it like I’ve never loved anyone before... How can you not love your little happiness, your little sister?!

    Forgive me, little sister, for sometimes offending me, but know that no one in the world loves you as much as your older brother.

    A sister is small, beautiful, of course sometimes harmful, but still dear and very loved by her brother...

    Little sisters are strange creatures. No matter how cute they are, you feel absolutely nothing for them. For me, my sister's underwear is just a piece of fabric. She's definitely beautiful, but I just think that she really looks like me. That's how it is with real little sisters.

    When the younger sister falls, the older one helps her get up; if the older one falls, the younger one laughs.

    My little sister said she wanted to be a nettle. I asked why. She replied: “So that they don’t touch me.”

    The greatest happiness in my life is my younger sisters. Every time I’m upset, they run up to me, hug me, squeeze me, shout: we love you, don’t be sad, we are with you. At such moments, the desire to live flares up with renewed vigor.

    I am lucky in this life to have a sister like her! You give joy and warmth, warming the soul with a smile. I wish you health and eternally youthful beauty. May all those whom you love so much look at you with love.

    Today my mother bought her little sister a plant with some talking stuff in it. The little one, so joyful, runs up to her dad: “Dad! Look! My mom bought me a talking plant!” Dad: “Well, go shopping with her!”

    At times we are inseparable, and at times – I’m ready to kill my sister! She is terrible and grumpy sometimes, and sometimes she is a beloved friend again. In general, it all depends on my mood.

    Our parents give us life, they raise us, they love us. But the most priceless thing they can give us is to give birth to another boy or girl.

    I grew up. Now no one babysits me or solves my problems. Elder sister she stopped taking me with her because she saw me as a rival. Eh, I don’t want to grow up!

    Parental love for all children is not identical. After all, all children are not alike, and therefore the attitude towards them is different.

    Children related by blood are natural enemies. It's like the British and the Scots. Or like the Welsh and Scots. Or Norwegians and Scots. Or Scots and Scots. Damn those Scots, they've disgraced all of Scotland!

    You trusted her with secrets, you considered her family. And she never betrayed, she was your sister. But the world is cruel, and it happens that misfortunes burst into life: the one you called a friend suddenly steals your happiness.

    “Your sister almost died, and you sit and play calmly?” “Mom, when a person wants to commit suicide, he will not try to open his veins with a spoon. She just attracts attention to herself, that’s all” - “Next time she can do something more serious!” - "For example? Take a death leap from the porch?”

    I know who the happiest person is! This is my sister, she records her laughter on a tape recorder, and then listens to it all and laughs even more!!!

    A sister's heart is a diamond of purity, an abyss of tenderness.

    Are you going to the cinema without me?! They are also called friends! - Zhenya, I’ll tell you a terrible secret: we are not friends, we are sisters!

    I’ve been loving one girl for almost 4 years now... I love her more than anything in the world... But how can you not love your little sister.

    I adore you! You are the queen of nerds, you are more stubborn than a donkey, but you are my sister, and I would not trade you for any other sister in the world.

    Today I’m talking to a friend on the phone and saying, “My cat got pregnant while walking.” My little sister shouts, “Don’t lie to Lena, cats don’t fly!”

    Even my little sister, when she saw his photo, said: yes, nature was playing a really bad joke...

    They connected me to Skype! And now, before I sit down at the computer, I clean myself up.

    A brother without a brother is like a falcon without a wing, a sister without a brother is like a naked twig.

    Ahhh, the world has gone crazy!!! My 5 year old sister lies and listens to my Mr3, and I sit and color her!!!

    There is no greater rivalry in a family than that between sisters, and no friendship stronger than that between adult sisters.

    I found my diary, which I kept at the age of 15... at the end there is a note in my sister’s hand - and your mother is reading your diary! and then mom’s signature – nothing like that!

    I’m walking with my younger sister past some guys who ride bmx, my sister: “Oh, what bad boys... They’re so big, and they ride on children’s bikes.”)
    You won’t believe it, I go outside with my little sister for a walk, everything is already melting, there are streams all around. There was nothing to do and I launched boats with her, like in childhood.)

    A sister is the best friend you can't get rid of.

    On the phone: - Grace? - No, this is Debi - her sister, whose life you are not ruining!

    Why do I have so many leftist people in my VKontakte friends? – I thought for a long time and deleted them until I realized that I was sitting on my sister’s page...

    “Vovochka,” the teacher asks in a sarcastic tone, “could you explain to me why the essay you handed me yesterday matches word for word the essay your brother wrote last year?” -What’s surprising here, Mary Ivanna? We do have a common sister.

    Have you ever had a fight with your sister or brother over candy?

    I broke up with my boyfriend, had a fight with my sister, relationships with my best friends are deteriorating, and there are also problems in the family... What could be better?!

    Love you, sister!

    Mom asked me three questions: why is the music playing so loud? Where is your sister? and who is locked in the closet? I realized that I knew the answers to all the questions...)

    There are conversations about friendship, about the noblest feelings between people. But there is nothing nobler than love for a sister, because it is based on an instinctive feeling of kinship.

    If I eat porridge, my pussy will grow, that’s what my dad tells me, and my sister – about boobs =)

    Who is this red-haired bitch with you on the street?..sister....so cute..

    My younger sister’s friend wants to cut her veins... The child is 10 years old and is this normal?

    She is like a sister to him, and he is her meaning in life.

    I don’t have a younger sister, but a walking asshole!

    Even to sit on the neck, you need to spread your legs.

    My sister’s favorite and adored phrase: “Choke and die... You brute”...

    My sister recently wrote me an SMS saying she loves me, and I responded to her: “Are you drunk?” She was a little offended...

    Let's be friends. Let's be like brother and sister... Like second cousin and second cousin. This does not exclude some nuances.

    Sisters, wake up! The weaker sex does not exist!

    A sister can be the best friend that is not so easy to get rid of. Linda Sunshine

    Of the two sisters, one is always watching and the other is dancing.

    Cousin (6 years old) had a blast. He comes up to his mother and says: “Mom, here is a tiger - a tiger cub, a lion - a lion cub, and a leopard - a “leoperdig”?”

    And today a boy rocked my sister (6 years old) on a swing and said: “You are my baby.” So cute…

    It’s my little sister’s birthday today, she’s so happy, she’s 4 years old, time flies so quickly...)

    The guy was jealous of his sister. When I found out that this pretty girl was his sister, it became so scary!

    Tanya, Thank you, sister. As always, you help me out!

    She was 10 years younger than him, but had already managed to sit on his neck. Watch in all schools: “First bell.”)

    I love him so much. But I realized it too late... He is now with my sister...

    My sister is 10 years old. When to her question: “What did mom cook?”, I answered: “Look in the refrigerator,” do you know what she told me? - Thanks, Cap!

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