• Tail and plumage. How to make arrows for a bow Correct placement of arrow feathers


    Experienced archers prefer to purchase individual arrow assembly components to customize their arrows, outfitting them with the arrowheads, tubes, fletchings and shanks that best suit the shooter's specific needs.

    In the Interloper bow and crossbow store you can buy glue for fletching, glue for inserts and glue for shanks and perekluka, which allows you to evenly and correctly glue the fletching onto the arrow. It’s worth buying glue in order to be able to glue feathers onto an arrow in compliance with the angles without any preliminary marking of the arrow and the ability to not hold the glued feather with your hands. With stickers, as a rule, there are three options for gluing fletching for arrows: left spiral, right spiral, straight sticker. For bowhunting and 3D competition, the most popular fletching option is the right-hand spiral. If you choose to use natural feathers, make sure the feathers are from the same wing as the direction of the sticker pin (a right-hand spiral decal requires feathers from the right wing). The plastic fletching has no orientation, so it can be used with any adhesive. Modern stickers are very diverse in design and allow you to glue several feathers at the same time. Arrows with three feathers usually have one feather highlighted in a different color, for uniform placement of the arrow on the string.

    Carbon arrow tubes

    Please note that Interloper stores sell tubes of a wide range of stiffnesses, suitable for bows with different tension and draw weights, as well as components for gluing arrows yourself.

    Carbon tubes for Focus arrows (cost - 530 RUR*) for self-gluing are made of high-quality carbon fiber and have an extremely low tolerance for straightness and can compete in this parameter with arrows from leading foreign manufacturers; they are supplied in four different stiffnesses:

    • length 30 inches (76 centimeters)
    • internal diameter - 4.2 mm
    • Available hardnesses: 350, 400, 500, 600.
    Carbon tubes for arrows Fat Man (cost - 600 rubles *) for self-gluing have a large diameter and are supplied in three hardnesses:
    • length 30 inches
    • internal diameter - 8 mm
    • Available hardnesses: 350, 400, 500.

    Inserts for arrows and pins for shanks

    The tip insert is a threaded insert into carbon and aluminum tubes, into which a sporting or hunting tip is then simply screwed, which makes repair or replacement much easier. In the Interloper bow and crossbow store you can always buy inserts for bow and crossbow arrows, as well as pins for attaching shanks.

    In the photo on the left are aluminum inserts for crossbow and archery arrows Vector (40 rubles*), on the right - pins for archery arrows Fat Man (50 rubles*) and Focus (25 rubles*)

    Arrow Shanks

    The shank is the part of the arrow that secures the arrow to the string. The arrow shank is designed to secure the arrow to the bowstring, as well as to transfer the force of the bowstring to the arrow. The shank, together with the feathers, stabilizes the flight of the arrow. The bow arrow shank is made of lightweight plastic. The shanks are installed so that the groove for the bowstring is perpendicular to the guide feather. In the Interloper bow and crossbow store you can always buy shanks for bow and crossbow arrows.

    In the photo on the far right is a shank for a pin for arrows Focus and Fat Man INTERLOPER - cost 35 rubles*

    Arrow fletching

    Arrow fletching serves to stabilize the arrow in flight and comes in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes. However, the main difference between the fletching is the material from which the arrow fletching is made:

    • plastic arrow feathers - the aerodynamics of plastic arrow feathers are slightly higher than those of natural ones of the same length, they are more durable and their service life is much longer than that of natural ones, they are also waterproof and can be used when shooting in the rain.
    • natural arrow feathers - natural arrow feathers are slightly lighter than plastic arrow feathers of the same length, so the initial speed of an arrow with natural fletching will be higher than with plastic one.
    In the Interloper bow and crossbow store you can always buy fletching for arrows.

    In the photo - third from the right - natural fletching for traditional arrows, 4 inches, orange or white color to choose from - 60 RUR*


    Sports tips typically have a bullet, tapered, or rounded shape. This is necessary so that the tips provide the arrow with the least resistance in flight, are least dependent on the wind and do not have a very large penetrating ability so that they can be easily removed from the target. For one set of sports arrows, you should buy sports tips of the same weight and type; this is important, since the tip significantly affects the aerodynamics of the arrow, and therefore the stability of hits on the target. Training tips will help the shooter get into shape. In Inteloper stores you can buy sports arrowheads and hunting arrowheads.

    In the photo, second from the right - INTERLOPER Break-off tip 80-120 - aluminum tip with variable weight: by separating parts of the tips, you can reduce the weight from 120 grains to 80 - cost 80 rubles*

    *The price is indicated as of May 15, 2016 - current prices and assortment are on the Interloper website arbalet.ru

    Crossbows, compound bows, traditional bows, arrows and accessories

    you can always buy atINTERLOPER- official distributor and dealer of crossbows and bows from the leaders of the global archery market.

    Previously on the topic:

    D revko
    I recommend, especially for people involved in historical re-enactments, to make 40 arrows.

    This amount is enough for the game, if less, you will save arrows, and this is bad. So you have a glazing bead.
    First you need to cut it to the required length of the workpiece (your personal arrow length plus 30 mm).

    Somehow I got distracted. So, having made 40 octagonal beads from 40 square beads, we proceed to the second part. Clamps technological 30 mm into a drill, take a rag (I use an old potholder) and “evil” sandpaper, hold the drill with one hand, you can clamp it in a cleat, or put it on some stable surface, grab the workpiece with the other hand, turn on high speeds, and move your hand back and forth over the workpiece.

    It won't take much time, literally 1 minute. Next, take a thinner skin and repeat the process.

    Then we take the smallest skin and repeat the process again. The shaft should be smooth, it should be brought to a pleasant tenderness.
    We cut off technological 30 mm. Having done this 40 times, we move on.

    Now you need to make a cut for the bowstring, take this very seriously. First, we make a cut with a hacksaw for metal perpendicular to the annual rings to a depth of about 7 mm. We expand it with a file and round the corners. Next, using a round file at a distance of about 1.5 cm from the heel (see picture), we make two round “dimples”. Instead of “dimples”, you can simply remove about 2 mm with a 20 mm long spatula.

    We do this with all the shafts.


    I recommend a tinting antiseptic from Pinotex.

    Color is a matter of taste. I recently found 4 arrows at a shooting range that had been lying around for almost 4 months and nothing had happened to them, absolutely nothing, like new. So the antiseptic does its job.

    If you want to develop your eye, then there is nothing better than archery. Our distant ancestors also used these weapons in war and hunting. It is convenient and practical. Does not misfire and is silent. But such weapons require cartridges - arrows. And now we’ll figure out how to make arrows. This is an interesting and exciting activity.

    There are several ways to process arrows. Historical and modern. The historical method is waxing, i.e. wax treatment. The result is simply phenomenal. To do this you need a felt rag and natural wax. The arrow is waxed using felt. Then, so that the wax is well absorbed into the wood, it should be warmed up a little. The easiest way to do this is in a preheated oven. First one end of the arrow beam, then the other. After this procedure, the arrows are again rubbed with felt until they shine. Both the moisture protection and the appearance are simply amazing.

    Modern methods include methods using materials that did not exist in ancient times. We are talking about all kinds of varnishes, impregnations and primers. But current materials have disadvantages. They quickly begin to swell and be removed in layers from the arrow shaft. We can recommend Pinotex tinting antiseptic. Of all materials it is the most durable. You can, without struggling with the brush for long, simply blow it out with paint from a spray can. The effect will be good. An alternative material for protecting arrows from moisture can be tape. Wrap it carefully and you're done. But, in this case, a choice must be made between practicality and historical similarity.

    How to make fletching for an arrow.

    Any feather is suitable for making arrow fletching. Only crow feathers are not very practical. They are very fragile. Initially, in Europe, flight feathers from the wings of birds were used for arrows. Asian craftsmen also used tail feathers. This is not important. The main thing is that on one arrow there are feathers from only one wing. Either from the right or from the left. Combination is not allowed.

    We will make a triple fletching on the arrow. The angle between them should be 120 degrees. One feather will be the leading one. It should be attached parallel to the annual rings of the arrow shaft.

    Now let's take a closer look at the pen. In its center there is a rod with a groove in the center. Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the feather lengthwise along this indentation. You will get two parts. Most of it is used to make fletching for the arrow.

    And you need three of these parts. We cut the shaft so that about 1 cm remains before the beginning of the pile. On the other side of the feather, where it ends, we also cut it. An incision is made in the place where the thickness of the rod becomes less than 1...0.7 mm. But you should make sure that all arrow feathers are the same length. Then we cut the pile to a distance of about 5 mm. The rod remains intact. This is where the fletching will be attached to the arrow shaft.

    Now attach the plumage to the shaft. We apply the feathers so that the thin ends do not reach the edge by 1 cm and the angle between them is 120 degrees. To fasten the feathers, we hold them with one hand, with the other we take the thread and place it under one of the feathers so that the free end is 10 cm long. Then, one by one, we apply turns of thread onto the feather shafts. When winding, pay attention to maintaining the angle between the feathers. We will sew the middle part using a needle and thread. The length of the latter should be about 40 cm and without a knot. This is called single thread sewing.

    We carefully tie the end of the thread to one of the feathers in the place where the rewind ended. The feathers are stitched at the base of the pile in increments of about 1 cm. Work should be done very carefully so as not to damage the pile. It turns out to be a kind of winding of feathers to the arrow shaft. We wrap the free end of the thread at the base of the feathers in a pile (not placing one turn to the other, but as it turns out). The other end of the feathers is secured to the shaft in the same way, i.e. tie in a circle. Then very carefully fill the threads with glue so as not to touch the feathers.

    And the final stage is giving the plumage an optimal shape. It should be noted that a long and wide tail better stabilizes the arrow in flight, but greatly reduces the speed. The flight feather pile tends to curl slightly at the edges. The location of this bend is the maximum height of the tail. What will the final form be? There are many types depending on the purpose. We will not touch on this in this article. To begin, give the fletching of your arrows a conical shape with an extension from the tip to the base.

    Arrows made in this way can be used not only for target shooting. Try to organize an extreme hunt with your friends. None of them had ever experienced such pleasure. There is something primal, wild, and, at the same time, alluring in this.

    Now you understand how to make arrows. There is nothing particularly complicated about this process. But without some dexterity and skill, it may not work out the first time.

    How to make fletching for an arrow. DIY arrow fletching. Arrow fletching. How to make smooth fletching for arrows. There were cuts in the lid. What if I put an arrow shaft through a hole in a small piece of leather with three slits around the hole, would this device hold the feathers?

    I went home and selected several pieces of leather that were 1/8 inch thick by 1-1/2 inches square, and moderately stiff. Took a piece of 3/8 inch diameter tubing (hollow bird bone will work)[??], the diameter of my arrows, and cut some criss-cross slits into the end of the tube with chopping saw teeth. I twisted this makeshift hole, saw through the center of the skin in about 30 seconds. You can also use birch bark and cardboard. I moved the jig on the already fletched arrow, marked the position of the fletching, removed the jig and made three 1/2 inch cuts extending away from the hole at 120 deg. I then placed three more 1/2″ cuts between the existing cuts (6 cuts total). This will allow the leather, bark or cardboard to expand easily. In addition, you can use 2, 3, 4, or 6 nibs.

    We take the arrow shaft and insert it into the resulting device, then insert the feathers so that they protrude about 15mm and secure with thread as shown in the figure.

    Now we press on the shaft from behind and carefully push it until there is about 10-15 mm left to the end of the feathers.

    Then we tie the plumage in increments of one and a half inches (??? do the math for yourself) and at the end we tie it as shown in the figure. Once completed, look at the arrow from the rear - the fletching should be equally divided with the correct number of turns (?? I didn't fully understand here). It takes approximately 7 to 12 feet of thread to feather one frog.

    The influence of the shape and material of the empennage on the characteristics of the arrow

    One of the most important factors influencing the behavior of an arrow during flight is the feathering. A properly stabilized arrow will have the correct flight path, which will significantly increase the likelihood of hitting the target. In order to create the highest quality arrow, it is necessary to pay close attention to the choice of material and shape of the feather. It is the correct plumage that guarantees the stability of the arrow during flight and the accuracy of the hit, on which the shooting result directly depends. When choosing the material from which the fletching will subsequently be made, great care is required, since the quality and durability of the manufactured arrow will depend on this factor. The shape of the fletching affects the accuracy and speed of the arrow, and also plays an important role in balancing. A well-chosen feather shape helps to increase the stability and accuracy of the fired arrow.

    Arrow fletching materials

    The feather material has a direct impact on the quality of arrow balancing. A well-chosen type of feather will increase the aerodynamic characteristics of the arrow. The most popular materials used to create feathers include bird and synthetic feathers, as well as rubber or hard plastic. Each material is characterized by certain properties that affect a number of aspects during arrow flight.

    • Natural feather. Such material is able to qualitatively balance the boom, increasing its aerodynamic capabilities. The fletching made of natural feathers, when hitting the shelf, unlike artificial material, elastically folds and expands during flight, without affecting the further flight of the arrow. But, the use of this type of plumage is desirable only in dry weather conditions, since when wet, natural feathers absorb moisture, as a result of which the feathers gain weight, which introduces an imbalance in the flight path of the arrow, which affects the accuracy and accuracy of the shot. Also, the disadvantages of this type of plumage include rather low wear resistance, compared to the same plastic. The most common use of natural feathers is in the production of arrows intended for traditional bows.
    • Hard plastic. This type of artificial material is famous for its reliability and reasonable price. The plumage, made of hard plastic, has a high degree of strength and is much more durable than natural materials, but is still inferior to rubber in terms of durability. When using arrows whose feathers are made of artificial materials, it is necessary to install more complex and expensive shelves on the bow. Thanks to special designs, the arrow avoids hitting the flange with the flag, which allows you to maintain the perfect condition of the feathers.
    • Synthetics and rubber. The plumage, made of synthetic material, is not afraid of moisture, does not deform, does not wear out and has the highest degree of strength. The only negative is that when fired, the plumage can touch the bow shelf, thereby, albeit slightly, but still changing the flight path of the arrow.

    The influence of the shape of the plumage on the dynamics of arrow flight

    The shape of the plumage plays an important role, since the effect of air flow on a flying arrow depends on this factor. The shape of the plumage gives the arrow its own peculiarity, which is reflected in the range, speed and accuracy of flight. Each shooter chooses his own type of plumage, which directly depends on the set distance and the archer’s goal. When making plumage, 3 or 4 feathers can be used. There are three most common types of feather stickers:

    1. 1.Straight plumage. Arrows with this type of fletching have high speed. The released arrow flies straight and fast, but is inferior in accuracy to the spiral type. High speed is guaranteed by the fact that during the flight of the arrow there is an unhindered flow of air through the feathers. In this case, the tail serves only as a balancer, but does not affect the straightness of flight.
    2. 2.Angular tail. The arrow twists during flight, has good accuracy, but lower speed, in contrast to the straight type of plumage. The lower speed is due to the fact that the intense rotation of the boom takes energy, causing a rapid decrease in speed.

    Spiral tail. The arrow has maximum stability; air passing through the curled feathers contributes to the rotation of the projectile. During flight, the arrow rotates around its axis, which allows it not to deviate from the given direction. An arrow with a spiral fletching has high accuracy, but its speed is lower than that of arrows with a straight fletching.

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