• Mood variability during pregnancy. Mood during early pregnancy Why pregnant women are not in a mood


    Tears, whims, sentimentality, the need for tenderness replace each other with incredible speed. Are your relatives unable to keep up with your mood changes? Reassure them, there are reasons for this. We have collected the most common ones.

    Is progesterone responsible for everything?

    In the 1st trimester, sudden mood swings during pregnancy in the expectant mother largely depend on hormonal levels, especially on the increase in the level of the female sex hormone - progesterone. Progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy, makes the expectant mother overly sensitive, susceptible to the slightest emotional fluctuations and sentimental.

    Increased fatigue, drowsiness, chest tension, nausea, possible intolerance to certain smells or foods make the expectant mother feel uncomfortable and contribute to frequent mood swings during pregnancy.

    In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, more significant physical restrictions are added in the form of an enlarged abdomen, changes in gait, and increased urination. These “natural wonders” make us feel awkward, clumsy, or unattractive. This further contributes to sudden mood swings.

    Why is a pregnant woman crying? Psychology and fears of a pregnant woman

    • In addition to physiological reasons, our psyche is also responsible for the frequent changes in the mood of the expectant mother. At the beginning of pregnancy, we often begin to worry: will I be able to become a good mother, what will happen to family relationships, career, body, health, and future life? After all, we bear great responsibility for the little person inside us. This stage often passes closer to 10-12 weeks, when the expectant mother gets used to her position and begins to accept her changed body.
    • Closer to 16-20 weeks, when the time comes for the 2nd trimester, which makes it possible to more accurately judge the health of the fetus, fears about the health of the unborn baby may begin to arise. Almost all expectant mothers are subject to such fears. And it is precisely because of these fears that a pregnant woman cries most often. Usually the stage passes after receiving favorable tests and good results.
    • Against the backdrop of approaching labor and increasing fatigue, at 34-38 weeks of pregnancy the peak of frequent mood changes again occurs. The reason for this is fear of the unknown, the birth itself, and fear for the baby’s health.

    Why pregnant women should not be nervous and cry

    During pregnancy, the female body undergoes enormous changes. Everything is aimed at ensuring that the baby grows and develops fully. This is ensured by chemical reactions to produce “pregnancy hormones”. They also affect the condition of the expectant mother. Many people are interested in: “Why do pregnant women cry?” The answer is simple - this is a consequence of hormonal surges that can rage throughout the nine months of bearing a baby.

    Pregnant women are capable of shedding tears for any reason, or even without it. And although gynecologists and psychologists explain why pregnant women should not cry, expectant mothers are very sentimental and sensitive before giving birth.

    But in fact, why shouldn’t pregnant women be nervous and cry? The thing is that the future baby always feels what his mother’s mood is. And, most likely, she gets upset when she is sad. This is a good reason not to succumb to sadness?!

    How to cheer up during pregnancy

    If your mood changes regularly during pregnancy, you often feel sad and cry, you need to improve it! How to do it? There are many “recipes” on the topic of how to cheer up during pregnancy.

    The best way to cheer up during pregnancy is to think about the time when the baby is born and what a wonderful life will begin in your family.

    You can watch good films with a wonderful ending, read your favorite books with pleasant content, listen to beautiful music, walk in the fresh air more often, meet with friends, cook delicious food and eat it in pleasant company. A great way to forget what a bad mood is like during pregnancy is a show at a dolphinarium or hippotherapy. True, you don’t need to ride a horse, but just walking and admiring the horses is great.

    And the best way to cheer up during pregnancy is to think about the time when the baby is born and what a wonderful life will begin in your family.

    What to do about frequent mood swings during pregnancy

    Frequent mood swings during pregnancy are a natural part of the “intersession situation”, caused both by hormonal and bodily changes in the body, and by the emergence of understandable fears for oneself and the baby. Doctors and psychologists usually advise:

    • Feel free to cry and complain if you want. It is better to ask for help and support from someone who can listen and calm you down. This could be a psychologist, a friend or one of the relatives.
    • Find good ones

    A bad mood during early pregnancy is a frequent visitor to women and an enemy of their health. Of course, all the nuances that ruin the life of young mothers cannot be taken into account, but any pregnant woman needs to learn one lesson: prepare for humility and follow it for all 9 months.

    When the mood begins to change, the body experiences stress, as if it is heating up from the inside. And during pregnancy, this condition becomes three times worse. Think about this before you go into conflict and cry constantly! The very first weeks after the baby’s conception are characterized by the construction of the child’s especially important systems. This construction can end in disaster if you do not cope with your bad mood.

    Bad mood in pregnant women: how does it change?

    Changes in a pregnant woman’s mood are noticed by all the people around her. Moreover, one mother can cry for all 9 months for no apparent reason, while another can scream forever. What other conditions can be observed in women?

    1. Anxiety and nervousness. These two symptoms of a bad mood can overtake you either for any reason or without it. You leave the entrance and feel that you forgot your keys. What will you do? You return home. Already in the apartment, you realize that the keys are in your bag. But how did you cope with their loss! Be careful even in the simplest situations. Anxiety can develop into depression.

    2. Crying mood during pregnancy. Have you noticed that you cry a lot? Then isolate yourself from TV and scary programs. Don't read horror films. Many pregnant women like to scare themselves with films and related literature. Some people just want to cry, and they deliberately create situations for themselves when they can shed a tear.

    3. Forgetfulness, inattention. This condition begins to occur to mothers in the second trimester of pregnancy. When going to work or to the antenatal clinic, check your bag several times.

    4. Diffidence. Suddenly, out of the blue, you decided that you are not confident in your strength, beauty and previous functionality in general. Your energy goes into your baby’s health, so there’s nothing wrong with your condition. Just don't dramatize the situation. You are still the same. Sometimes you just need to be patient, lie in bed, drink some tea and calm down.

    If you notice even one sign of a bad mood, immediately take measures to eliminate stress. You will read how to do this in this article.

    A pregnant woman is in a bad mood: what happens in the body?

    Poor mood during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, occurs due to a number of changes in the body. Here are some of them:

    1. Changes in hormone levels, and, as a consequence, a change in metabolic rate. As you know, many hormones affect mood. Therefore, from the first weeks of your new position, your household can easily guess what happened to you.
    2. Many life circumstances do not allow a pregnant woman to create comfortable conditions around herself for bearing a child. Someone continues to work, and even in the maternity hospital does not part with the computer. Some people don't want to stop drinking, smoking or exercising. Although in most cases, gynecologists immediately put a ban on the usual way of life. Of course, all these factors affect the female body, which, as it processes itself, simply malfunctions, leading to stress and bad mood.
    3. , especially in the third trimester, is caused by excessive concern for the baby. Usually the last weeks before childbirth are very difficult: swelling, varicose veins, allergies and other troubles occur. During this period, mommy is especially worried about herself and the baby. In addition, before the maternity hospital, she needs to have time to prepare all the things for the baby and herself. Agree, this is no less stressful than childbirth itself.
    4. In the early stages the body is just adapting to the new position. Because of this, a woman’s mood can also worsen.

    In addition to psychological reasons, there are also physiological ones. For example, toxicosis. Some people suffer from it almost throughout their pregnancy. This is also a big reason for the expectant mother to be in a bad mood. During the development of the baby in the womb, a woman's perception changes. For example, some favorite smells can become very unpleasant. Imagine being unable to eat your favorite ice cream or salad because these foods have begun to emit an unpleasant aroma. What if your new favorite perfume begins to disgust you? Of course, even such little things drive you crazy.

    But a bad mood during pregnancy, be it in the early stages or just before childbirth, can be eliminated.

    Bad mood during early pregnancy: what to do?

    A bad mood during early pregnancy brings a lot of grief. But what is its reason? One trend has now become fashionable: now, if a couple wants to have a child, they must be examined and prepare for pregnancy and childbirth, both mentally and physically. On the one hand, this is correct. Because in the age of digital technology, people have forgotten about the environment and the state of human health. On the other hand, planning a baby does not mean wanting one. Some already after giving birth understand what a blessing it is to have a son or daughter. Others immediately abandon the baby.

    Unfortunately, today women have simply forgotten about the maternal instinct. Because of this, they have a hard time during pregnancy.

    Bad mood and pregnancy, unfortunately, are gradually becoming synonymous.

    Therefore, psychologists have come up with a number of tips that future mothers simply must heed:

    1. Don't plan your pregnancy. At some point in your preparation for childbirth or conception, you may get tired of this whole process. A baby is a full-fledged person, and not a toy that can be thrown away or given away.
    2. Once you know your new situation, find out more about pregnancy and childbirth. Read several books on raising a child. Or just chat with other moms.
    3. Whatever your financial situation or whoever you live with, know that you will never have a child closer to your own. Work on yourself and your consciousness. Don't jump to conclusions.
    4. Do not take any medications without your doctor's approval. If you really feel bad, drink some mint tea and lie down to rest.

    Know that in the early stages of pregnancy, your psychological attunement to the child is important.

    How to cope with a bad mood during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

    When the bad mood of the early period has already gone, and pregnancy of the second trimester is on the threshold, it’s time to calm down and find yourself for the entire 9 months. What does this mean? You must find something you like to do to periodically take your mind off everything bad.

    • Get creative. Maybe you dreamed of learning to play the guitar or piano? It is possible that you are good at drawing. And best of all, compose a fairy tale for your baby! In general, release your soul as you please, within the framework of creativity, of course.
    • Be sure to try knitting. Why not? Knit your first baby booties or baby vest. Perhaps this will become your additional income.
    • Be sure to replenish your circle of acquaintances with good people. Meet a couple of pregnant women, talk to them about your condition, tell them about your hobby. This really helps to get rid of negativity.
    • Try to surround yourself with beautiful pictures. Pregnancy is the best time to meet great artists. Also take up reading Russian and foreign classics. Fill your soul only with excellent and selected information.
    • If you have the opportunity, change your wardrobe. Pamper yourself, at least a little. Buy a blouse or dress.

    These tips will definitely help you avoid your bad mood. Look for yourself in a variety of activities and you will find something that will help you calm down.

    Bad mood during pregnancy: 3rd trimester

    The third trimester is the most difficult and responsible. Even a bad mood in the early stages of pregnancy, which may be characterized by a special outburst of emotions, cannot compete with the last weeks before childbirth.

    G Inecologists together with psychologists advise you to refer to the following recommendations:

    1. In the last weeks before the maternity hospital, try to joke more and perceive the world from the point of view of humor. Believe me, this is possible in any life situations. Many people, finding themselves in terrible places, for example, in a dark forest, survived only thanks to the strength of spirit that rests on a good mood.
    2. After waking up, put yourself in a good mood by thinking about the new day and saying a few nice words to yourself.
    3. Never discuss your problems with anyone just before giving birth. The less they know, the better they sleep. In general, this advice is universal, but if you are a talker, learn to remain silent.
    4. Before giving birth, do not try to find out who gave birth and how. Everyone knows that childbirth is unpleasant and painful. Each woman experiences them differently. And you don’t need unnecessary details of other people’s births.
    5. Create your own comfort zone: remove things in the house that irritate you, communicate less with those who, in your opinion, do not wish you well. Eat what you want (only within reason).

    Of course, you may not achieve complete comfort, but you can make your pregnant life better.

    Bad mood during early pregnancy: treated with diet

    Since the mood of pregnant women often changes, and when you are stressed you want to eat a lot, nutritionists advise adjusting your diet as follows:

    1. Forget about various seasonings and marinades. Eat more vegetables and greens. Basil and a little curry are also allowed.
    2. Avoid fried foods. Roast vegetables and boil them. Try to use the grill very rarely.
    3. Eat more fish. Indulge yourself with red fish species. Be sure to eat mullet, lightly salted herring and sardines. Fish contains a lot of vitamin B6 and phosphorus. Thanks to her, you will be less nervous.
    4. Use foods rich in vitamins A and E. You can also buy them in drops and add them to food and even shampoo.
    5. Chromium is very beneficial for the body. It helps relieve stress. To replenish its reserves, eat peas, meat and wholemeal bread.
    6. Now let's move on to prohibited foods: give up sweets. Sweets, cakes and pastries will not help you. True, they gain weight well. Do you need it?

    Don't overeat, don't have a rich meal. If you're afraid of overeating, start counting calories.

    Bad mood during pregnancy: depression in the early stages

    A bad mood during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, can derail all your plans. But sometimes it becomes unclear whether it’s hormones raging, or whether the woman is having problems.

    How to understand the symptoms of depression in a pregnant woman?

    1. Follow yourself. Do you feel depressed? How often does it visit you? Perhaps every day. This is the first sign of depression.
    2. Do you feel weak? If it occurs frequently, then you should contact your gynecologist.
    3. Do you think that you can no longer do anything useful in this world?
    4. Can you do what you love? Do you have the strength to get out of bed and make yourself some soup?

    Answer these questions for yourself. If the answers to them frighten you, do not delay and go to a psychologist. Real depression can be hidden under the mask of a bad mood.

    Bad mood during pregnancy– a very common and unpleasant phenomenon. It especially begins to bother you in the early stages. Psychologists say that stress and depression can be avoided if you think a little about your new situation. Try to find the positives in your current condition. Do gymnastics, exercise. Cheer yourself up by any means possible. If it’s really hard for you, find a like-minded person or seek help from a psychologist. Don't give in to your bad mood!

    Pregnancy is an exciting, joyful and responsible time in the life of an expectant mother. The contours of the woman’s body gradually change, as does her mood.

    Why do pregnant women often experience mood changes?

    The reason generally known to everyone is a large number of hormones. In the lives of girls, emotional outbursts occur during menstruation, and during pregnancy all feelings become much more intense, which, oh, how difficult it is to control.

    In some ways, grandmother’s wisdom is right, but you shouldn’t eat for two, but rest. The female body experiences constant stress and strain on all organs and organ systems. The lungs, hearts, kidneys and spine work under additional stress.

    Pregnant women experience increased anxiety and fear

    At the same time, the woman is tormented by her fate, career and how best to take care of her beloved child. An increased sense of vulnerability can lead to resentment at anything, a bad compliment, or even ill-timed advice.

    The task of loved ones is not only to take care of the health of the pregnant woman, but also not to ignore the mood. Depression and irritability over every little thing should not prevail over a woman.

    Sudden tears and unreasonable screaming are not the norm for an expectant mother. It is impossible to control yourself, emotions are uncontrollable. The only solution is the understanding and support of loved ones.

    Do not forget from the first days of conception you are responsible for your baby. You will not be protected from stress, but you can learn to experience it more calmly. The best way to control yourself is not to change your lifestyle. Continue doing what you were doing before pregnancy.

    Do not delay consulting your gynecologist if you experience frequent mood swings, since the responsibility for the health of both lies with the mother.

    We would like to assure skeptics that rapid mood changes are not a whim of pregnant women. And it has very good reasons.

    Hormonal changes

    During pregnancy, a woman undergoes a real hormonal revolution. For example, only in the first weeks the hormone progesterone increases several times compared to the non-pregnant state.

    Such a riot of hormones leads to the fact that a woman’s emotional state becomes unstable.

    Emotional storms

    Hormonal changes lead to the fact that the character traits that were inherent in a woman before pregnancy become stronger. Reactions to words and situations escalate.

    In general, many pregnant women feel very vulnerable and weak. There is a reassessment of values, a change in self-identification. After all, she is now not just her, but her mother.

    Fears and anxieties

    Fear and anxiety simply haunt pregnant women.

    At the beginning of pregnancy there is a fear of losing the child. Thoughts constantly arise - how is the baby, is he developing, is everything normal, is there any pathology.

    In the first trimester, “kind” doctors or friends who readily dump on a pregnant woman knowledge about all sorts of childhood pathologies that they know about are very harmful. This is especially true for women over 30. They are told in vivid colors what pregnancy entails in “old-timers.” As a result, before the first ultrasound, the poor pregnant woman simply cannot find any relief from anxiety.

    Advice. If a doctor or friend tells you about childhood pathologies just for information, change the doctor and limit communication with your friend.

    After the baby begins to move and the second ultrasound, the pregnant woman’s condition becomes calmer. After all, she already knows that everything is in order, and the child can “tell” about his well-being with his movements. The usual worries remain - how not to fall, not get sick, not gain excess weight, etc.

    In the third trimester, as labor approaches, fears intensify again. Basically, women are afraid of the birth itself, worried about how well it will go, whether the baby will be entangled in the umbilical cord, whether he will turn over correctly, etc.

    Advice. Don't read "birth stories." Little is written about calm, pathological childbirth. But problematic childbirth is described in all colors.

    In general, probably all pregnant women are susceptible to mood swings during pregnancy. Even those who are sure that throughout their entire pregnancy they were calm, like a “boa constrictor.” If you want to know what a woman was like during pregnancy, ask not her, but her loved ones.

    Therefore, calm down and be patient - after all, this woman is carrying your child. Just remind her more often that you love her, appreciate her very much and want to be with her all her life.


    The mood of pregnant women is often compared to the changeable autumn weather: in a matter of minutes a whirlwind can blow in, rain can fall, and then the sun has already come out. The same thing happens to a pregnant woman.

    As a rule, sudden mood swings are typical for expectant mothers at the beginning of pregnancy.

    I trimester

    From a medical point of view, they are responsible for serious hormonal changes in the entire body, which begins in the first trimester. Think about it: in the first weeks, levels of the hormone progesterone increase several times! Emotional “swings” in such a state are inevitable.

    From a psychological point of view, mood swings at the very beginning of the birth of a new life are due to the fact that the expectant mother is going through a serious process of self-identification, awareness of herself in a new status, and finds herself on the verge of radical changes in life. Hence the ambivalent attitude towards what is happening: on the one hand, women feel very vulnerable and weak, and therefore require global attention and even overprotection from others. On the other hand, the sense of responsibility for the future child and the feeling of one’s own importance grows stronger. It has been noticed that even very childish girls often seem to “grow up overnight” when they find out about their situation.

    II trimester

    As a rule, this is the most emotionally stable period. The hormonal storm more or less subsides, the second ultrasound has been completed, the baby begins to move, and the expectant mother can use this to determine whether everything is going well. A period of relative calm ensues.

    III trimester

    In the third trimester, a storm may strike again. Why? There are several reasons for this, one of the most common is physiological. The growing belly begins to put pressure on the internal organs, and this causes discomfort. Often, late-term women experience problems sleeping, they develop swelling, late toxicosis and other unpleasant symptoms. In addition, the expectant mother begins to worry about how the birth will go, and this fear also does not add to her positive attitude.

    What determines mood changes?

    Is it possible to predict how a woman will behave during pregnancy? Medical practitioners say this is rarely possible. There are, perhaps, only two more or less working signs. First: if you experience sudden mood swings before your period, be prepared for similar symptoms during pregnancy. And besides, many character traits of pregnant women become aggravated: for example, if you are sentimental, then you will probably shed tears over every plucked flower while expecting a baby.

    Or maybe mood swings in pregnant women are just a tactic? We have all heard many jokes about how ladies in an interesting position make the whole world revolve around them. Some men seriously believe that “pregnant whims” are just a ploy to attract all possible attention to themselves. But modern medicine has long proven that frequent mood changes during pregnancy are caused by truly objective reasons.

    A storm of emotions is wonderful

    Everyone knows that being nervous when carrying a child is extremely harmful - this is an axiom that seems not to be questioned. Some women even develop a persistent feeling of guilt if they cannot control their emotions as confidently as in their “pre-pregnancy” life. But, at the same time, the symbiosis of the embryo and mother is very harmonious; a woman and her unborn child continuously communicate, complement and influence each other. There is a theory that the mother’s outbursts of emotion are also useful for the baby: thereby she prepares the future baby for the fact that in life there is a place for a variety of feelings, and not only joyful ones. The main thing is not to accumulate anger and irritation, allow yourself to express them, and move on.

    Here’s what one young mother wrote on her blog: “The baby inside also really needs mood swings. This is how he sees what life means - that sometimes it is sad, but this is not the end: mom takes it and copes with it. A prerequisite for coping is to recognize that it is there and allow yourself to express it. By denying the negative side of our emotions, we do not protect the baby: he sees that we cannot cope. What is worth showing him is that his mother lives, is happy, sad and sometimes irritated. This is exactly what the baby needs to see so that he is not afraid to be born into this world.”

    How to reduce the intensity of passions?

    It is important to remember one more rule: what is manifested is not dangerous. It’s better to cry honestly, to get angry honestly when you want to, than to push irritation and resentment deeper. Otherwise, the depressed state may turn into chronic depression.

    And yet, if you realize that emotions are constantly overwhelming you, it is a good idea to slightly reduce the intensity of passions - if only because sudden mood swings exhaust your loved ones. In the arsenal of expectant mothers there are walks in the fresh air, calm music and meditation, yoga for pregnant women, weak motherwort tea (if there are no contraindications), and simply pleasant communication with loved ones.

    Pregnancy and emotions – first trimester

    Mobile application “Happy Mama” 4.7 Communicating in the application is much more convenient!

    I found out about pregnancy at 4 weeks... I couldn’t even believe it))... the next day I fully felt all the signs of pregnancy right away. I sleep on the go, I can’t stand any smells at all. I start to cry from movies... my husband doesn’t understand... more accurately, he probably understands... but sometimes I feel like he’s ready to kill me and I also don’t want sex at all. I stopped cooking... fortunately my husband does an amazing job with it himself. I can’t walk past the kitchen - I’m holding my breath... my husband says everything is fine there, but I can feel it. and all at once. sometimes I can’t stand my husband either... it seems like everything is fine and I want to hug, cuddle... and then I start to feel all the smells that accompanied him during the day and everything... covers

    I'm terribly afraid of getting sick! I work with children, and their parents constantly bring them half-sick to classes... I should register... and when I remember what lines there are all the time and the dissatisfied faces of the doctors - I’m in tears again... RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR HELP ME.

    My husband is not annoying at all, but sometimes I want him to “little me” all the time, as they say. So he helps me in everything, he’s always with me, if not at work, but it’s still not enough for me)))) I don’t know how the poor thing will stand me for another 7.5 months)))))))

    Nadezhda, at first I didn’t have anything either, only my chest bothered me. And now I’ve started to notice that I don’t feel very good in the mornings (((

    My family is all happy, my dear is in seventh heaven) but sometimes I feel like I’ve been replaced. We are trying to deal with my sudden mood swings. It’s good that everyone understands me and is not offended)))

    And it seemed to me that I was alone and no one loved me... I feel sick all the time, it’s good that at least I’m not vomiting)) this makes me happy))) I roar all the time like a little girl) I’ve become terribly capricious) everything is wrong for me and the food is not the same)) I just threw a tantrum... I want cake... and all the time))) tomatoes are my favorite food))) I used to not like them, now I eat them as soon as I feel sick))) Speaking of nausea, how do you cope? Maybe what you are taking is safe)))

    And my husband really annoys me. I take offense at everything. I’m being incredibly harmful to him... I wish it would go away sooner. then I roar... The toxicosis is mild, but the changes in food are concrete.

    I lost my sexual desire immediately. and this makes me sad, especially remembering the wild orgies during planning ((((and now... it’s impossible to touch my chest, I feel like a clumsy, bloated elephant, there’s some kind of heaviness andeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeselfself... what to do.

    And already on the 3rd day of the delay I realized that I was pregnant and when I took the test I was very happy.

    I feel everything mentioned in the article and at the 8th week it seems that I’m already on the 20th... because I’m terribly round (and toxicosis torments me and mood swings...

    I thought I was the only one, but I read the comments to the article - it turns out everything is fine))

    Oh girls, God forbid I didn’t vomit, but I felt sick constantly until 9 weeks... and terribly... I don’t eat in the morning... everything is fine... And as for my husband... he really wanted a little one and is trying to help... there are times when you tell him how something hurts you, and he responds to this: “well, what did you want?” I think how I would hit it, but I don’t show it... but he doesn’t refuse me anything at all))) that’s why I always want to thank him) although I understand that it should be this way) I think it will work out))) otherwise my nose will turn up)))))

    Mood variability during pregnancy

    What is the cause of mood swings and how to deal with it.

    Women have given birth, are giving birth, and will give birth, and nothing can be done about it, since this is the biological function of the female body - procreation. A woman in this position can evoke different associations for each person, but everyone knows that they become nervous, capricious, uncooperative, fall into childhood, their mood changes several times a day, and in general they acquire a lot of oddities (each has their own ). Yes, everyone knows, and everyone perceives this as a temporary phenomenon and treats a pregnant woman condescendingly (especially men, who are often lost and simply do not know how to communicate with their pregnant wife). Few people really try to understand pregnant women (a woman is already very difficult to understand, and then there is also a special psychological state), even women who already have children do not understand how they could behave this way, only a few not only understand, but also know , what exactly happens to a woman expecting a child. But at all stages of pregnancy, women are exposed to the threat of mental disorders (sometimes serious), neurotic reactions, and this is in addition to the fact that there is a huge load on the physical body, the occurrence of complications, unpleasant and painful sensations, and much more. Not a single man could withstand this on himself, since he is psychologically much weaker, and “breaks” faster (many have already begun to admit that the stronger sex is the female, and it’s not a matter of physical strength), men even feel pain stronger and sharper, since their pain thresholds are lower than those of women. In order to withstand and survive childbirth, nature took care to increase a woman’s pain threshold, but still some after childbirth, after a painful shock, acquire schizophrenia, and here no one is 100% insured. Perhaps, after reading the information below, you will begin to treat pregnant women differently and look at them with different eyes.

    As you know, the period of bearing a child takes a week, about 9 months, this period is divided into trimesters (three months for each), each of them has its own characteristics and its own specifics in physiological and psychological terms. An obstetrician-gynecologist monitors the child’s normal development and health, but no one monitors the child’s psychological health until the woman begins to behave extremely inappropriately. Although recently there are clinics that provide psychological support for pregnancy and childbirth, not everyone can afford it. The first problems arise from the moment a woman begins to suspect that she is expecting a child. There are different situations, a woman is not always ready for this, although theoretically this possibility always exists, but theory and practice can be very different. It is unknown how the father of the unborn child and relatives will react; life changes dramatically in an instant, even if the family has prepared for this event in advance. What if a child is unwanted during this period of life? But we will not analyze this sensitive situation and will discuss in more detail the situation when a woman decides to give birth...

    The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by an ambivalent (dual) attitude towards the child; there is a struggle between two opposing tendencies. The first is the infantilization of a woman, she behaves like a little girl, she likes guardianship and care from others. The second trend is the emergence of a sense of adulthood in connection with motherhood. It is the struggle between these two tendencies that leads to frequent changes in mood, which are perceived by others as unmotivated. And besides this, hormonal changes occur in the body, which also affect the nervous system. At this stage, a large number of neurotic reactions can be observed. Increased sensitivity to smells, sounds, a large number of vegetative reactions: headaches, dizziness, pressure surges, sweating, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting. It is during this trimester that toxicosis of pregnancy (histosis) occurs, which, in addition to physiological reasons, also has psychological causes. Thus, according to Adler’s theory, histosis is symbolic in nature, vomiting is a show of disgust towards the child. Freud believed that histosis occurs due to a weakening of the will to motherhood, as a consequence of the excessive civilization of human society. In addition, histosis is a manifestation of an unconscious attitude towards the husband. Our domestic psychologists believe that the leading role in the occurrence of histosis is played by the personal characteristics of a woman. Therefore, women can be divided into two categories:

    1. This includes women with minor affective disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of irritability, short temper, women are tearful and touchy, and at the peak of these experiences, histoses occur. Before pregnancy, these women were distinguished by a harmonious personality and a realistic approach to solving emerging difficulties.
    2. The picture of the course of pregnancy is polymorphic, there are many manifestations, the most common of which are chills, increased body temperature, headaches, fainting, surges in blood pressure, and swelling. Emotional disorders: unaccountable fear, constant feeling of anxiety, stress. This group of women had many crisis situations and stress before pregnancy, and therefore during pregnancy they have more problems than women of the first category.

    The most difficult period is 7-9 months; psychological disorders occur in 80% of women. Pregnant women become introverted and unsure of themselves. In the initial stages of the trimester, the phenomenon of “immersion in the child” is observed - this is the appearance of obsessive thoughts about the child, about the possible consequences of childbirth for him, the fear of the presence of defects in the child, in general, the woman becomes very impressionable and fearful when it comes to the child. As labor approaches, fear of labor arises. Therefore, it is very useful to read literature, watch special films, and only have a positive attitude, because your loved ones will be nearby. There are several types of prenatal anxiety:

    1. generalized - fear in response to various sensations, all unusual sensations are perceived as the beginning of labor;
    2. physical – occurs when a woman has a hard time with the physical aspects of pregnancy;
    3. fear for the fate of the fetus;
    4. fear of having to care for a child;
    5. fear of feeding a newborn;
    6. psychopathological variants of anxiety - the occurrence of neuroses and psychopathy, and they can also occur in mentally healthy women. Thus, the syndrome of rough treatment of the fetus is an expression of anxiety, while a woman hits herself hard in the stomach in the absence of a desire to provoke an abortion, and is an indicator of aggression towards the child.

    Postpartum psychosis (3-5 days after childbirth) manifests itself in a woman’s attempts to harm the child, is a reaction to psychotrauma, so the new mother requires supervision so that she does not harm the child (at this time she is not aware of her actions).

    Of course, this is not all that can happen to a woman over nine long months, and the most difficult thing is yet to come, these are new fears and sleepless nights. But in order to understand, you need to know. Maybe now you will look differently at a pregnant woman on public transport, and maybe give up your seat to her, not because the rules of decency and etiquette require it, but because now you understand her a little more.

    Your mood in the first trimester

    But I really don’t want anything at all, either: bad: : bad:, or heartburn, after lunch I start to want to sleep, I don’t want to think about food, and accordingly, preparing something for me is generally a test. I cook something quickly, or I ask my mother (she lives with us). My mood is correspondingly so-so, I try to talk less, I don’t want to call anyone and I don’t want to go on a visit either, I just want to go to bed quickly. I see my husband even condemns, but tolerates it, whether he will endure this period to the end: dirol: it’s not clear. This is my second pregnancy, but the first was a long time ago and everything is just like the first time.

    How are you feeling? Do you continue to lead your old lifestyle without paying attention to physics?

    It's not difficult, that's what I tell him. It just doesn’t calm him down much, or rather not for long.

    and what does he want from you?

    Then you’ll want to eat in the second trimester, so don’t push it.

    He wants FOOD, delicious food, first + second, he doesn’t like to eat in restaurants, he dines at home. Now I can’t distinguish what is tasty, for me now everything is not tasty: heat: I just cooked buckwheat with sausages)))

    I’m waiting for the second trimester, when I want to “eat”)

    when will the baby be born? There you don’t always have time to prepare proper food. That's some kind of nonsense. then let him cook or help cook.

    vodka and beer without snacks.

    2) The next morning, get up, take a sleeping pill and go to work.

    If you feel very sick, stay home, but please clean up and

    3) Tie sandbags - one and a half kilograms each - to your feet.

    4) Eat cottage cheese. If you don’t want to, do it a little at a time.

    5) Don’t eat this, you can’t. It is too. And this. Better - an apple.

    6) Quit the cigarette, what are you doing?

    7) Lie down and eat some more yogurt.

    Wipe it up if you're sick. Don't call your wife - she's busy.

    9) Go to the clinic and donate blood from a vein for AIDS and syphilis.

    10) Get examined by a proctologist three times a month.

    There is a continuation for the second and third trimester.



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    Mood during pregnancy

    The first trimester is perhaps one of the most difficult periods of pregnancy. New sensations, tastes, and culinary preferences appeared.

    Your health leaves much to be desired - nausea, vomiting, heartburn, constant fatigue, drowsiness, toxicosis seem to be stuck to you, preventing you from leading your usual lifestyle.

    How not to burst into tears at the thought that your body has moved into the camp of the enemy and is constantly attacking from there... Low self-esteem, depressed mood, which is replaced by bouts of irritability, and even real rage, sentimentality, tearfulness - these are some of the typical and natural reactions of a pregnant woman. However, their reason is not only fears for the future, but also the play of hormones. During this period, the level of adrenaline, norepinephrine and endorphins increases sharply. If you want to fly with joy and generously share it with others, then “happiness hormones” predominate in your body, but if you intend to spend the whole day under the covers without getting out of bed, “tear hormones” have prevailed.

    Depression and tantrums during pregnancy

    It is impossible to predict how your pregnancy will unfold emotionally. Much depends on the characteristics of the body - if during PMS you were often ready to cry, then most likely. this will happen again during pregnancy. However, the cause of breakdowns may not only be hormones. According to doctors, about 10-12% of pregnant women suffer from depression, and the same number suffer from postpartum depression. Its symptoms are very similar to the usual manifestations of hormonal fluctuations - sadness, fatigue, anxious thoughts, tears. If this condition lasts more than two weeks without clear intervals and you are not sure what is causing it, do not hesitate to consult a psychotherapist. Many symptoms can be removed during a conversation with a specialist, and in case of emergency, with the help of antidepressants, the decision to take which must be made together with a gynecologist.

    Tantrums with tears or outbursts of rage lead to spasms of blood vessels in the uterus and excessive release of adrenaline, which in turn reaches your baby. Your feelings can affect the development of his nervous system, and according to research, even leave an imprint of pain in the brain cells. Remember that hormones are not the end-all and be-all, and there are some things you can control. Nature is designed intelligently. With the help of tears, the hormonal system relaxes muscles,

    If you feel like tears are about to flow, just tell yourself: “my body is asking for rest.”

    Psychological support during pregnancy

    Don't aggravate your condition with feelings of guilt. In your position, you have the right to experience any emotions - pessimism, anxiety, and emptiness. The main thing is not to let them last forever. The simplest technique will help with this - instead of hiding them or suppressing them, name to yourself what you are currently experiencing. It is also important to take care of psychological comfort - avoid stressful situations, do not take on unnecessary responsibility, be it a quarterly report at work or general cleaning of the house, postpone important decisions that are not related to pregnancy for some time. Fantasize more often about the future - how the baby will appear, how you will walk, play and talk with him. New mood swings will await you in the 3rd trimester, when your child’s feelings are already completely in tune with yours. Tune in to transmit joyful and calm waves to him.

    Yoga, meditation with quiet music, and quiet walks will help you relax and soften the effects of emotional changes.

    How to calm down

    • Learn to recognize negative thoughts and block dark fantasies.
    • Stop worrying about things that are out of your control.
    • Find time to take care of yourself - give yourself small gifts, go to the beautician and hairdresser.
    • Talk to your family and friends about how you feel.
    • Try not to get stuck solely on pregnancy.

    No matter how difficult it may be for you, try to make this period easier for yourself and your loved ones. Put yourself in the position of the father of your unborn child - it is no secret that the partners of pregnant women are also emotionally involved, sometimes so much that they experience similar symptoms - nausea, dizziness and mood swings. Not everyone has the patience and sense of humor to fulfill all your whims. Even the most persistent man can be completely at a loss in the face of constant tears, and this not only threatens misunderstanding, but can lead to conflict and cooling of relationships. To prevent this from happening, explain to your husband the reason for your condition, tell him what kind of support you expect from him. Don’t be shy about asking him to hug you, and together prepare the baby’s room and choose a crib and stroller. Remember that pregnancy passes, and the mutual feelings that you strengthen during a difficult period will remain with you.

    First trimester of pregnancy

    Nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy

    First trimester of pregnancy

    Discomfort in the first trimester of pregnancy and ways to get rid of it

    Nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy

    How to eat in the first trimester of pregnancy

    Has anyone had yellowish discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy?

    colds in the first trimester of pregnancy

    I’m sick too. I’m worried. How will this affect the child’s health? ((

    First trimester of pregnancy - common complaints and ways to eliminate them

    First trimester of pregnancy.

    About whims and nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy

    My first trimester of pregnancy!!

    Progesterone in the first trimester of pregnancy

    I agree, it’s too small, I was 55 and then they prescribed utrozhestan, I took it until the 16th week

    Vitamin E in the first trimester of pregnancy

    Menstruation in the first trimester of pregnancy.

    Increased bilirubin in the first trimester of pregnancy

    be patient - the toxicosis will pass)

    They say milk helps with heartburn, but I couldn’t drink it during B - I felt nauseous

    I can’t tell you, I haven’t experienced such happiness... I was pregnant with a girl.

    Fasting days in the first trimester of pregnancy. Weight gain during pregnancy.

    Why should he be disadvantaged? In buns and excess sugar?

    Eat right and healthy, that's why you won't gain weight.

    The entire first trimester of pregnancy...

    Can you dye your hair during the first trimester of pregnancy?

    wait a little, now everything is taking shape in the baby, and it’s not worth inhaling fumes of paint, much less ammonia, yet. It’s not a matter of signs. Friend G said that it’s better not to do anything in the first trimester

    My goddess told me to be patient until 12 weeks, I was patient, after that I painted it twice, and now before the New Year I’m going to get myself in order)

    I took it and painted it))) before the new year I will paint it again)


    but there was no tone, no detachments... in general, there was nothing like that. ttt.

    but I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks, 8, 10, 12, 16.

    For many, it periodically lasts until the 10th week, if it does not CONSTANTLY aching and does not INCREASE, and also if there is no DISCHARGE, then a papaverine suppository in the butt or drinking no-shpa should go away.

    What to watch out for in the first trimester of pregnancy

    Don’t be nervous, don’t lift heavy things, don’t put it down, and not just the first trimester, but the entire pregnancy. The sooner you get into the position, the better because with age it becomes more difficult.

    Femibion ​​1 vitamins for the first trimester of pregnancy.

    I was prescribed to drink Femibion, so I drink it, I don’t complain. Femibion ​​2 is a set of Femibion ​​1 (tablets) and capsules with fatty acids, two in one, so to speak, because the first costs about 500 rubles, and the second about 950 rubles

    Tell me the first trimester of pregnancy

    They prescribed me Lugol, it helps right away, I’m not your doctor, go to the doctor. After all, everything is connected, ear, throat, nose, 8 weeks is not a joke, this is a critical period, you can’t take anything without a doctor,

    Chamomile, baking soda + salt + iodine - helps a lot if you rinse often

    I took both Isla Moos and Isla Mint. It helped a lot.

    Runny nose in the first trimester of pregnancy

    I was also sick during pregnancy, the doctor prescribed Nazaferon drops and Viferon antiviral suppositories. A very good way to get rid of a runny nose is inhalation. You can inhale with Borjomi or just breathe in natural. solution, you will see the effect immediately. If you don’t have an inhaler, you can breathe in the vapor of medicinal herbs or essential oils, such as eucalyptus or menthol. You can breathe in the vapors of potatoes boiled in their jackets. You can also drip carrot or beet juice onto your nose. But do not buy ready-made juice in the store; you need to use freshly squeezed beet or carrot juice. Black radish also helps a lot with colds. You take a radish, cut out the middle and let it brew until the radish releases juice, take a teaspoon three times a day. There is a simplified version: you grate the radish and mix it with honey, take it the same way. Rinse your nose more often and do wet cleaning. I hope my recipes will help you. Get well.

    It’s entirely possible that it’s not a runny nose at all =) If your nose is stuffy and you still feel the smell, then I “congratulate” you. This is pregnancy rhinitis, I myself suffer from this, they say it will go away after pregnancy =)

    The drugs don't do any harm, rinse your nose more often

    Cough first trimester of pregnancy.

    Althea syrup helped well, or dissolve mucaltin 2 tablets in half a glass of water! Warm drink: tea with honey and lemon, cranberry juice, milk! I was sick myself, I remember how afraid I was to take anything! Get well!

    My first trimester of pregnancy!

    My first trimester of pregnancy

    First trimester of pregnancy

    Comparison of my first trimesters of pregnancy (with my son and now)

    The first pregnancy was like yours... Only I had toxicity until about 20 weeks... I wanted to scream about my happiness... I was always taking pictures, adding photos to VK, putting avatars... I was always sleeping and eating, eating and sleeping

    I talked to my belly, stroked it forever, watched videos, read about every week of pregnancy))

    During my second pregnancy, I was tormented by doubts, I was afraid that I would never be able to love my youngest as much as Ritulya... I hid the pregnancy from evil tongues. But I still read about every week and watched videos... but I didn’t communicate with my stomach.

    The belly also came out early in the second pregnancy... at 9 weeks it already seemed huge... although in the first B, of course, it was not small.

    Although I didn’t work, I didn’t hang out on the forums much, because of little Ritulka next to me... basically, throughout my pregnancy I carried her, then the stroller, and breastfed, and everything was fine))

    I already know for sure that we won’t tell anyone about our third pregnancy... My husband and I decided that even relatives will only find out when they see the belly themselves... Close friends only if it’s 12 weeks, and the rest will only find out when I post a photo from the discharge (in this I I understand you)

    but even now, if suddenly there is a delay, then websites/books beckon you to read what’s happening in a certain week

    What happens to your mood during pregnancy?

    Is progesterone responsible for everything?

    In the 1st trimester, sudden mood swings during pregnancy in the expectant mother largely depend on hormonal levels, especially on the increase in the level of the female sex hormone - progesterone. Progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy, makes the expectant mother overly sensitive, susceptible to the slightest emotional fluctuations and sentimental.

    The first symptoms of pregnancy - increased fatigue, drowsiness, chest tightness, nausea, possible intolerance to certain smells or foods - make the expectant mother feel uncomfortable and contribute to frequent mood swings during pregnancy.

    In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, more significant physical restrictions are added in the form of an enlarged abdomen, changes in gait, and increased urination. These “natural wonders” make us feel awkward, clumsy, or unattractive. This further contributes to sudden mood swings.

    Why is a pregnant woman crying? Psychology and fears of a pregnant woman

    • In addition to physiological reasons, our psyche is also responsible for the frequent changes in the mood of the expectant mother. At the beginning of pregnancy, we often begin to worry: will I be able to become a good mother, what will happen to family relationships, career, body, health, and future life? After all, we bear great responsibility for the little person inside us. This stage often passes closer to weeks, when the expectant mother gets used to her position and begins to accept her changed body.
    • Closer to weeks, when the time comes for screening of the 2nd trimester, which makes it possible to more accurately judge the state of health of the fetus, fears about the health of the unborn baby may begin to arise. Almost all expectant mothers are subject to such fears. And it is precisely because of these fears that a pregnant woman cries most often. Usually the stage passes after receiving favorable tests and a good ultrasound.
    • Against the backdrop of approaching labor and increasing fatigue, the peak of frequent mood swings again occurs during the week of pregnancy. The reason for this is fear of the unknown, the birth itself, and fear for the baby’s health.

    Why pregnant women should not be nervous and cry

    During pregnancy, the female body undergoes enormous changes. Everything is aimed at ensuring that the baby grows and develops fully. This is ensured by chemical reactions to produce “pregnancy hormones”. They also affect the condition of the expectant mother. Many people are interested in: “Why do pregnant women cry?” The answer is simple - this is a consequence of hormonal surges that can rage throughout the nine months of bearing a baby.

    Pregnant women are capable of shedding tears for any reason, or even without it. And although gynecologists and psychologists explain why pregnant women should not cry, expectant mothers are very sentimental and sensitive before giving birth.

    But in fact, why shouldn’t pregnant women be nervous and cry? The thing is that the future baby always feels what his mother’s mood is. And, most likely, she gets upset when she is sad. This is a good reason not to succumb to sadness?!

    How to cheer up during pregnancy

    If your mood changes regularly during pregnancy, you often feel sad and cry, you need to improve it! How to do it? There are many “recipes” on the topic of how to cheer up during pregnancy.

    The best way to cheer up during pregnancy is to think about the time when the baby is born and what a wonderful life will begin in your family.

    You can watch good films with a wonderful ending, read your favorite books with pleasant content, listen to beautiful music, walk in the fresh air more often, ride a bike, meet with friends, cook delicious food and eat it in pleasant company. A great way to forget what a bad mood is during pregnancy is a show at a dolphinarium or hippotherapy. True, you don’t need to ride a horse, but just walking and admiring the horses is great.

    And the best way to cheer up during pregnancy is to think about the time when the baby is born and what a wonderful life will begin in your family.

    What to do about frequent mood swings during pregnancy

    Frequent mood swings during pregnancy are a natural part of the “intersession situation”, caused both by hormonal and bodily changes in the body, and by the emergence of understandable fears for oneself and the baby. Doctors and psychologists usually advise:

    • Feel free to cry and complain if you want. It is better to ask for help and support from someone who can listen and calm you down. This could be a psychologist, a friend or one of the relatives.
    • Find good courses for expectant mothers. There you can get comprehensive information about the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the first months of life with your baby, as well as prepare for it.
    • Ask your spouse, friends or relatives, or just strangers for help if something is physically difficult for you to do.
    • Look for relaxing and calming techniques: auto-training, meditation or other relaxing techniques. If there are no contraindications, massage of the back and feet helps, as well as light physical activity, such as yoga for pregnant women or swimming.
    • Worry less about trifles and enjoy every new day of your pregnancy.

    Mood during pregnancy

    I do not want and I will not

    There is a widespread belief that while expecting a baby, a woman is completely at the mercy of her own unpredictable emotions, often going from one extreme to another, and it is impossible to cope with this.

    It is well known that during pregnancy many different changes occur in a woman’s well-being. The psycho-emotional sphere is no exception: new sensations, a sense of responsibility and concern for the baby’s health cannot but affect the mood, reactions and behavior of the expectant mother. Mood changes are very individual and temporary; with the right attitude towards this issue for the pregnant woman herself and her loved ones, emotional restructuring can take place completely painlessly and unnoticed.

    Unfortunately, there are many persistent myths about the mood and behavior of a pregnant woman that create incorrect patterns of behavior in future parents. Sometimes such incorrect stereotypes cause expectant mothers and their loved ones much more trouble than real changes in the emotional sphere.

    Mood during pregnancy: I don’t want to, I won’t

    For some reason, it is generally accepted that the expectant mother is constantly in a state of “out of the frying pan and into the fire”: she either cries, or laughs, or gets offended, or gets angry for no reason. This behavior is indeed not uncommon for expectant mothers; however, it is wrong to consider it the norm and an indispensable attribute of pregnancy.

    The psycho-emotional sphere is the most subtle and individual area of ​​human physiology, therefore there can be no talk of any patterned changes that are the same for all pregnant women. Of course, the emotional background of the expectant mother changes relative to the usual rhythm; however, the scale and nature of these changes are different for each woman.

    At the beginning of pregnancy, when hormonal changes occur, your mood can really “jump” along with your hormones. Normally, such emotional instability is felt within 1–2 weeks and is noticeable only to the pregnant woman herself and the closest family members. Often during this period the main character does not even know about her “interesting situation”. However, even during this period, not all expectant mothers experience mood swings. Many women note a stable change in the emotional background, for example, a constantly elevated mood (euphoria) or a predominant feeling of depression - a depressive state.

    The stability of emotional changes indicates the establishment of a “dominant pregnancy” in the expectant mother. Psychological dominance is an emotional state that prevails over all other experiences of a person at a certain stage of his life.

    In the emotional state of the expectant mother, not one, but several dominants are distinguished; each of them usually corresponds to a specific stage of pregnancy. In this case, we are no longer talking about swings, that is, constant mood swings from one extreme to another within a short time, as is usually attributed to pregnant women. Well, and finally, about 30% of women do not note any changes in the emotional sphere - neither at the beginning of pregnancy, nor at further stages of its development.

    The situation when a woman throughout her pregnancy illustrates with her behavior the famous lines of the classic “she will howl like an animal, then she will cry like a child,” indicates the need for consultation with a perinatal psychologist; this condition is not normal and may indicate more serious deviations in the well-being of the expectant mother. Unfortunately, there are often cases when such a fickle mood and behavior of a woman is simply due to the influence of a psychological template: “I’m pregnant, and I’m supposed to show my feelings violently!”

    Pregnant woman's mood: Whims - a classic of the genre

    Actually this is not true; the opinion that an expectant mother is “supposed” to be capricious is not true and is quite harmful: the influence of this myth significantly complicates the life of the pregnant woman herself and her loved ones. The classic vagaries of “pregnant folklore” include suddenly arising irresistible desires of the expectant mother that require immediate fulfillment, for example, the requirement to buy oranges at two in the morning. Naturally, failure to fulfill a whim is followed by resentment, tears and accusations from loved ones of lack of sensitivity towards a lady in an “interesting position”.

    The widespread misconception about “a pregnant woman should want something like this” forces a huge number of women to artificially invent special desires for themselves, constantly puzzling their relatives with them and being in an offended and irritated state, since whims often turn out to be difficult to fulfill and do not always cause delight among others. To the question: “Who really had an irresistible craving for something during pregnancy - craving salty foods, wanted to listen only to classical music, etc.?”, asked on a thematic forum on the Internet, only 13?% of respondents answered positively.

    On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with a pregnant woman’s desire to give herself little joys. In the end, it is useful for the expectant mother to experience positive emotions, because the hormones of joy released at the moment of pleasure speed up the metabolism and have a positive effect on the development of the baby. So you can allow yourself small whims from time to time - of course, if it does not turn into an obsession, does not terrorize the household and does not poison the existence of the “culprit” herself.

    Fear of childbirth

    This is a very persistent myth about the emotional state of the expectant mother. It is believed that while expecting a baby, any pregnant woman should experience various phobias - fear for the course of pregnancy, for the development of the fetus, for her own health and the future health of the baby, and finally, fear of childbirth.

    Unfortunately, many believe that fear is a normal state of a pregnant woman, a completely logical reaction of a woman’s psyche to a “responsible” position and, therefore, no special actions are required from others to combat “pregnant” fears. This is an erroneous opinion: a feeling of fear cannot be the norm in any condition, especially during pregnancy. Fear is destructive in nature: it suppresses the normal functioning of the nervous system, paralyzes the will, and leads to the development of emotional stress and depression. The feeling of fear is accompanied by the release of adrenaline in the body of the expectant mother - a biologically active substance that negatively affects the functioning of the heart, blood circulation and the state of the nervous system.

    Adrenaline circulating in the blood of a person experiencing fear causes a rapid heartbeat - tachycardia, an increase in blood pressure - hypertension, and increases the excitability of the cerebral cortex. These changes in well-being are extremely undesirable for the expectant mother, since an increase in vascular tone and excitability of the nervous system directly leads to the development of uterine hypertonicity - the main factor in the threat of miscarriage and premature onset of labor.

    With high blood pressure, placental blood flow is affected and, consequently, the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus is impaired. Against the background of a panic state, the risk of such dangerous pregnancy complications as gestosis, a toxic disorder of the kidneys in late pregnancy, which is manifested by high blood pressure, an increase in edema and protein in the urine, increases significantly; acute placental insufficiency – disturbance of blood flow in the placenta; premature placental abruption. It is obvious that it is impossible to consider a condition that provokes such dangerous complications to be normal.

    Of course, it is common for an expectant mother to worry about the course and outcome of pregnancy. All women at various stages of an “interesting situation” experience anxiety about their health, doubt in their own abilities, and worry about the baby. Of course, all expectant mothers are worried about the upcoming birth and sometimes even afraid of it. It is important that this natural anxiety that occurs from time to time does not turn into constant uncontrollable stress caused by a panicky feeling of fear.

    The main reason for any panic is fear of the unknown, the lack of timely and adequately provided information on the topic that has become a source of excitement. Therefore, the best way to deal with fears is to look for answers to disturbing questions; The ideal source of such information are special magazines, books and courses for future parents.

    Normal mood during pregnancy

    A characteristic feature of the emotional background of pregnancy is a woman’s loss of the ability to control her emotions. The pregnant woman herself suffers from such changes no less than those around her, complaining that she literally “cannot keep up” with her emotional reactions, which sometimes become too harsh. Similar behavior occurs in some women during premenstrual syndrome (PMS); the difference is that PMS lasts a few days at most, and emotional lability can manifest itself during the first trimester of pregnancy.

    As before menstruation, at the beginning of pregnancy irritability occurs as a result of powerful hormonal changes. A woman’s normal hormonal profile, predominantly consisting of the female sex hormones estrogen, begins to decline from the moment of fertilization, giving way to the “pregnancy hormone” progesterone. At first, the ratio of estrogen and progesterone in the blood of a pregnant woman changes every day; It is these changes “at the chemical level” that lead to mood instability and sharp emotional reactions of the expectant mother.

    Later, when a constant hormonal background of pregnancy is established and the balance of hormones in the body is restored, mood swings should bother the expectant mother less. However, even in the early stages of pregnancy, irritability cannot be considered the norm for the expectant mother’s condition; rather, it is a common pathological reaction that certainly requires correction. Being irritated and nervous for a pregnant woman is just as harmful as worrying: such negative emotions, like fear, lead to an increase in adrenaline in the blood, the negative effect of which was mentioned above.

    The best way to stabilize the emotional background of the expectant mother is to switch her attention to events or activities associated with receiving positive emotions. During laughter, joy and pleasure, “happiness hormones” – endorphins – predominate in the expectant mother’s blood. These substances control the metabolic rate, oxygen saturation of the blood, as well as the supply of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and everything that is necessary for its full development to the fetus. So, an expectant mother who is in a good mood during pregnancy has a better chance of having a healthy baby than women who are constantly nervous, irritated and crying during pregnancy.

    In order to cope with irritability, you must first get rid of the physiological sources of discomfort. These include fatigue, vitamin deficiency, sleep disturbances, and insufficient oxygen supply to the expectant mother’s body. In the fight against irritability, daily walks in the fresh air, water treatments with sea salt, visiting the pool, yoga and Pilates are great help. When there is an unmotivated change in the emotional background, it is very important to normalize night sleep.

    To get a good night's sleep, before going to bed it is recommended to walk in the fresh air for at least half an hour, ventilate the bedroom for 15 minutes, and take a warm bath. You can drink a motherwort infusion at night, a sedative for pregnant women, or just a glass of warm milk with honey. If it is not possible to restore sleep and a stable mood using non-drug methods, you should consult a doctor about sedative therapy: exhaustion of the nervous system associated with sleep disturbances affects not only the irritability of the expectant mother, but also an increase in blood pressure and uterine tone, and this can lead to serious pregnancy complications.

    The whims of a pregnant woman: I can do anything

    A pregnant woman can count on special treatment from others; some expectant mothers begin to take advantage of their “interesting position” and manipulate loved ones with the help of scandals, insults and whims. Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon - many representatives of the fairer sex consider it not shameful to use all the advantages of their special position to motivate care and attention from relatives. The desire to manipulate loved ones has nothing to do with the notorious instability of mood - it is caused not by a lack of ability to control emotions, but by a conscious influence on others by simulating violent feelings.

    It also happens that the expectant mother simply ceases to control her emotions and behavior, believing that during this period everything is forgiven for her. In this case, of course, we are not talking about an attempt to deliberately manipulate others; however, such a position of “permissiveness” is also unacceptable. Within reasonable limits, control over emotions is still necessary: ​​the tone of the uterus and placental blood flow, which ensures breathing and nutrition of the fetus, depend on the status of the nervous system. In addition, the eccentric behavior of the expectant mother can serve her badly: loved ones, tired of constant scandals, will soon stop reacting to constant mood swings, tears and irritability. As a result, instead of the special treatment that the “capricious” pregnant woman was counting on, relations in the family may cool down, resentment and quarrels will begin - and this is already a reason for real depression.

    You've probably noticed that doctors, as well as your friends and family, focus mostly on the physical aspects of your pregnancy. Their main concern is your health and the health of your child. In addition, the physical aspects are more pronounced and noticeable from the outside. But many pregnant women agree that excessive emotionality and mood swings are just as difficult to bear as physical symptoms.

    What makes pregnancy so emotional at times? And how can you cope with this wide range of feelings and moods?

    Big changes

    You, like many women, look forward to pregnancy and motherhood at some point in your life. But during the pregnancy itself, planned or not, your feelings may differ from your expectations. Women who thought it was scary may be surprised at how calm they feel; and those who thought they were ready for pregnancy may suddenly feel completely the opposite.

    In fact, feelings change with each trimester, and each stage brings its own emotional challenges. You may find it difficult to come to terms with the fact that you are pregnant. you will focus on the fact that you are actually having a baby. you will probably be thinking about the future - about your new responsibilities and the joys of motherhood. You need to adapt to all this emotionally.

    Changing Roles

    Pregnancy also changes the dynamics of relationships within a family. If this is your first child, from being an individual or part of a couple, with obligations only to yourself or to another adult, you will turn into a person who is completely responsible for the baby who is dependent on you.

    If you're expecting your second child (or third, fourth), your family will continue to experience changes as your responsibilities increase. Having a new little person in the house can be stressful even under the best of circumstances. This is why pregnancy is sometimes called a “developmental crisis.” Although having a baby is an integral and wonderful part of life, you may feel very anxious. And your feelings may be fueled by hormonal changes occurring in the body.

    What can you feel

    Here is a list of emotions and reactions that many pregnant women report. Please note that not all of them are negative:

    • joy, happiness and excitement
    • uncertainty or fear
    • irritability
    • calmness
    • greater dependence on partner or family members
    • pride, as if you have performed a miracle
    • love for your child, affection even before his birth
    • reactions to changes in your body (you may or may not like the way you look during pregnancy)
    • frivolity
    • sadness that a lot has changed
    • worries about finances, living arrangements, childcare, loss of independence, changes in your relationship with your partner, childbirth, doubts about whether you will be a good mother, and so on
    • impatience - feeling like you've been pregnant for ages
    • increased sensitivity to other people's comments or advice
    • I often feel like crying for no apparent reason
    • constant thoughts about your baby

    Monitor your emotions

    While all of the above are normal, there are steps you can take to reduce your mood swings during this surprising but challenging period:

    • Monitor your physical condition. Eat well, exercise and get plenty of rest. If you feel unwell or tired, you are more likely to feel anxious or upset.
    • Find out more about what is happening to you. For example, take childbirth classes and read books about pregnancy. Knowing what to expect, hearing it from professionals, and meeting other expectant parents can help reduce stress.
    • Share your thoughts and feelings with your partner, friends or family.
    • Try not to become overextended due to household or work responsibilities.

    Talk to your doctor before taking any medications for depression or mood swings, including various herbal remedies. And remember, always consult your doctor before taking any medications during pregnancy, prescription or over-the-counter.

    Take good care of yourself, that's the most important thing right now. In a few years, you may look back on those 9 months and miss them.

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