• How the tin foil hat came to be (5 photos). Conspiracy theory and practice: A tin foil hat does not help A tin foil helmet on your head


    The term tin foil hat has firmly entered into everyday life not only among residents of the United States, but also in our country. A lot of people have come across references to this high-tech device. If you are not a tin foil hat fan, because... not sure about her useful properties or, on the contrary, are interested in acquiring the skills to make it, then it’s time to read the article.

    You've probably watched the movie "Signs", perhaps you've just heard about it. This film reveals and confirms some of the beneficial properties of a tin foil hat. Let's figure out why it is recommended to wear it constantly.

    First of all, as we learn from the above-mentioned film, the cap saves us from the influence of aliens. This fact has also been confirmed more than once in the cartoon South Park. So, remember, a tin foil hat helps protect against the influence of aliens.

    The second no less important property of a tin foil hat is the ability to protect the person wearing it from mind reading. It is difficult to overestimate the usefulness of such a device in a society of telepaths. By the way, there is also the opposite effect - by wearing a hat you can protect yourself from reading the thoughts of other people, and it can also save you from the voices in your head. The protective properties of a tin foil hat are shown very well in the Futurama featurette.

    The third reason for wearing a tin foil hat first appeared in the USA - it is protection from federal services, in particular the NSA, using electromagnetic weapons and influencing people. IN best case scenario, this is a technological mind reading, however, using the same technology, people are zombified, as well as various manipulations of consciousness. This is often mentioned in the cartoon "King of the Hill". In addition, EMR can cause harm to health, including psychological health. Unfortunately, there is evidence of the testing and use of similar installations by law enforcement agencies in Russia. One of the confirmations of the use of such technologies in our country is the book “Trace of the Zombies” by Oleg Divov

    Finally, another not unimportant property, although far from the last, of tin foil hats is the ability to concentrate the positive vibrations of the cosmos. Wearing a hat helps not only to reduce anxiety, but also to experience a feeling of complete security and peace, helps to open the third eye and protects against leakage of vital energy.

    If you are interested in the method of making a hat from foil, I have attached instructions for making a simple, but nevertheless extremely effective design:

    How useful do you think a tin foil hat like this is? Perhaps you have your own developments for its manufacture or unique designs? Have you ever regretted not having foil on hand?

    Everyone knows about the continuous manipulation of consciousness from space - psychotropic waves are recorded daily by all the leading ufologists in the world. Thanks to Edward Snowden, humanity has received irrefutable evidence of the existence of the GMS (Global Mind Scan) satellite system, deployed on the orders of a secret world government.

    In these conditions, it is simply necessary to take care of personal hygiene of consciousness, protecting the brain from harmful radiation and scanning thoughts. Our company is an expert in creating protective foil caps that have proven to be highly effective in daily use.

    The lineup

    A model with improved dome properties that provide reverse osmosis of brain radiation. Recommended for meditation.

    The most popular model, in the past it was combined with the combat armor of warriors. The spherical shape has a better reflection coefficient of psi waves.

    Maximum protection of the centers of vital cunning in the hypothalamus. Used in foil-covered rooms or in combination with other models.

    Increased protection of the temporal lobes of the brain for being in open spaces with a visible horizon. Ideal for walks in nature.

    A model with a psi-radiator that evenly scatters brain radiation and makes it difficult to read. Maximum confidentiality of thoughts.

    Our advantages:

    • We use only the best certified aluminum foil with a thickness of 19 micrometers and adamantium reinforcement.
    • All products are personally tested by our specialists using psi emitters with a power of up to 20 millisieverts.

    • Recognized design - stay fashionable and modern by choosing any of the models for public events.
    • An individual approach to each client - we conduct remote tests, identifying the innate dispersion coefficient of the skull.

    Three models of tested foil hats: “Classic”, “Fez”, “Centurion”

    Experimental setup

    For quite some time now, there have been “theories” that the governments and intelligence services of some countries use powerful satellites to monitor citizens of interest from orbit, and, if necessary, read their thoughts, and even instill the necessary ones to control their behavior.

    The most recognized means of counteracting this vicious practice is a hat made of at least two layers of thin aluminum foil. It (seemingly) should reflect all control radio signals of secret satellites.

    However, work carried out according to all the rules scientific research by a group of MIT students, led them to the opposite conclusion: tinfoil hats, on the contrary, amplify radio waves of certain frequencies and thereby only make the work of the insidious government easier. But none of the three models of caps they tested were capable of shielding signals with sufficient efficiency. However, first things first.

    The authors tested the three most popular models of foil hats, which they conventionally called “Classic”, “Fez” and “Centurion” (see illustration). All caps were made from two layers of Reynolds brand household aluminum foil. A radio signal ranging from 10 KHz to 3 GHz was generated by an omnidirectional antenna coupled to the generator of an Agilent 8714ET circuit analyzer. The same analyzer and directional antenna were used to detect and record the signal.

    At different stages of the experiment, the receiving antenna was installed in 4 areas of the volunteers’ heads - in the area of ​​the frontal, occipital and temporal lobes of the brain. The signal was recorded both with and without a foil cap.

    Brave researchers have shown that for all models of caps there is not a weakening, but a significant increase in the signal at frequencies of 2.6, 1.2 and about 1.5 GHz, regardless of where the receiving antenna is located.

    It is instructive that these frequencies are not given over to harmless radio stations. According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), frequencies in the region of 1.2 and 1.5 GHz are reserved in the United States for radio navigation and satellite communications, and 2.6 GHz is reserved for mobile communications. It doesn't take much imagination to draw the obvious conclusion: wearing tin foil hats not only does not prevent, but even helps the United States government control and zombie its citizens. Perhaps it is his hand that should be seen behind the myth that such caps protect against signals from satellites. A myth that science has once again brilliantly refuted.

    From all kinds of scans from space, it has long been dispelled. The Internet literally exploded with information about these amazing miracle caps, they say they protect your brain from radio waves. Also, wearing it, you don’t have to be afraid of alien attacks by affecting the brain. It was believed that all negative effects were simply reflected back without causing any harm. However, thanks to a number of studies, it was discovered that foil cannot in any way contribute to the reflection of various signals back into the universe. ToRead and Science wrote about this.

    Every person has the right to an opinion and their beliefs. Many of those who feared any kind of tracking from space and all kinds of mind control ardently believed in such an invention as the tin foil hat. It was believed that such a “device” made of foil was a serious invention that would serve as salvation from magnetic waves. Some, by the way, still wear them, believing that they will serve as an excellent weapon that will either send all negative signals back into space or simply suppress them.

    A number of experiments were carried out on such caps, the material for which was ordinary aluminum foil, thanks to which it was found that they could not be effective in protecting against control from space.

    The research was carried out quite thoroughly. Several varieties of this hat were used: classic shape, Fez and Centurion. Tests were carried out on volunteers. A tin foil hat was put on and receiving antennas were installed. They created certain frequencies, and the Agilent analyzer, which was connected to them, checked the incoming signals. The experiment showed that people's belief that a tin foil hat blocks signals is wrong. And even on the contrary - the signals were strengthened, not weakened.

    This signal was analyzed by Agilent, and the result showed that frequency amplification occurs in literally any region of the brain. Therefore, a tin foil hat is not only ineffective, but also harmful. And during the war with aliens, she will not help humanity, but enemies from outer space.

    Nick Pope, widely known in narrow circles as the head of the UFO research project of the British Ministry of Defense, said that our planet is completely open to invasion by extraterrestrial civilizations. After all, since the time when the UFO research department was closed, no one has been observing. He also noted that everything, as it was before, is not noted anywhere and is completely ignored. If suddenly someone reports that they saw something inexplicable, the Ministry will not react in any way.

    Pope was the project manager from 1991 to 1994. Over all these years of work, he has identified a lot of various signs of the presence of alien creatures. According to him, the Earth is in no way protected from attack from space. However, an extraterrestrial civilization has never shown signs of hostility, so there are no significant reasons for alarm. However, you should not believe that if a war of the worlds suddenly breaks out, humanity will be saved by tinfoil hats.

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