• How colors are combined in clothes. Combination of colors in clothes. How to choose a wardrobe


    To choose clothes that perfectly suit your style, body type, and age, it is not enough to take into account only fashion trends. It is advisable to have at least a general idea of ​​the combination of colors and shades in clothing. As a last resort, you can simply use the existing recommendations of designers posted in the table of combinations of colors and shades.

    Basic concepts and definitions

    All colors visible to the eye are divided into two groups: chromatic and achromatic (from the Greek word "chromos" - color). All colors in the spectrum are chromatic. They are characterized by color tone, saturation and lightness.
    Achromatic (colorless) colors include white, gray and black. All achromatic colors have one property - lightness.

    Lightness is the greater or lesser proximity of a given color to white. Hue is a clearly visible difference in color. Saturation is the density of color or the maximum possible brightness for a given color. Each color can be darker or lighter, its strength and intensity can change without changing its hue. Color saturation has several transitions: very light, light, medium, deep-dark, dark. The most saturated colors are the primary colors of the spectrum. They are called pure.

    If you add white to any saturated color, the saturation decreases and the color becomes whitened. Typically, pastel colors are considered washed out. Soft pastel colors go well together and can be recommended to almost everyone. If you add black to a saturated color, darkened colors are formed.
    Light colors reveal shaped lines in clothes, emphasize the texture of the fabric, and visually increase volume. Dark tones, on the contrary, hide the shaped lines, the texture of the fabric and visually reduce the volume. Light-colored fabrics appear lighter than dark-colored fabrics.

    Colors of different tones have different effects and evoke different feelings. Blue, cyan and some green colors evoke a feeling of coolness and are called cold. Cold tones are perceived as receding; they have the ability to visually reduce and distance objects. Red, orange, yellow colors are associated with the idea of ​​fire, the sun, they are called warm.

    If you take two identical objects and paint one in a cool color and the other in a warm color and view them from afar, it seems that the first object is smaller and located further from the second.

    Visual perception of background

    Not only the color, but also the background can visually change the size of an object. Light objects on a dark background appear larger than dark objects on a light background. Against the background of cold tones, objects of warm, saturated colors seem enlarged and brought closer.

    Basic patterns of color combinations

    To combine colors in clothes, it is important not only to learn to distinguish between compatible and incompatible colors, but also to be able to arrange the details of clothing according to color and color proportions into a single whole. Mixing and combining the seven primary colors of the spectrum gives a wide variety of colors. These combinations have their own patterns. If spectral colors are arranged in sequence in a circle, but purple is inserted between red and violet (it is obtained by mixing red and violet and is added for a smooth transition from violet to red), then a chromatic circle is formed.

    All chromatic colors can be divided into contrasting, related and complementary colors. The distance between two colors of a circle is called the chromatic interval.

    A small interval is the interval between two related colors or the distance between the shades of each color.
    The combination of colors in small intervals gives a good perception of them, since in monochromatic harmonies the colors differ only in the degree of saturation and lightness. They give smooth transitions from one color to another, for example, green and light green. A similar harmony occurs when combining adjacent or related colors that are located side by side on the color wheel, for example, yellow and green.

    The interval of colors through one color sector is called average. The combination of colors in the middle intervals often produces an unpleasant impression. The combination of green and blue, red and purple are considered incompatible.

    A color interval that includes colors across two or three color sectors or colors located at opposite ends of the chromatic circle is called large. Complementary colors are located at opposite ends of the chromatic circle and when mixed produce a light gray color. The complementary color to red is green, to blue is orange, to violet is yellow.
    The combination of these colors in clothing creates a good impression; they enhance and emphasize each other. In such combinations, one color should be the main, predominant color, and the second should be an additional color, serving as finishing.

    There is such a thing as color contrast in lightness. Colors become lighter on a dark background and darker on a light background. The harmony of the triad combines three contrasting colors (or their shades) lying on the vertices of an equilateral triangle inscribed in the color wheel - these are yellow, red and blue; orange, green and purple; yellow-green, red-orange and blue-violet.

    Chromatic colors combine well with achromatic ones. A warm tone gives a beautiful combination with a dark achromatic one, and a cold tone - with a light one. White and black go well with almost any color. Light colors combined with white create a soft palette. Rich colors harmonize well with black and white. Low-saturated colors harmonize with various shades of gray.

    Shades of similar colors

    There are many colors and shades in nature. With the development of technology and chemistry, new color combinations, shades of colors and color mixing combinations are created. However, the patterns of color harmony have not been studied enough, so the recommended color combinations cannot be perceived as mandatory.

    Sometimes unexpected color combinations in clothes create a very pleasant impression. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the combination of the color of the suit with the color of the hair, eyes, and skin. The combination of colors in a product may be beautiful, but it will not “become” the person.

    Conventional division of people into four color types

    There is a conditional division of all people into four color types, named after the seasons - Spring, Autumn(warm colors), Summer, Winter(cold tones).
    You can determine your color type like this:
    Sit in front of a large mirror. The lighting should not be too bright, but strong enough to make the colors look natural.

    If your hair is dyed, you need to tie it with a scarf, otherwise the result may be inaccurate.

    Remove all decorative cosmetics from your face.

    Alternately apply peach and pink scarves to yourself. The color your face looks best with depends on whether you belong to the group of warm, peachy tones (“Spring”, “Autumn”) or to the group of cool, pink tones (“Winter”, “Summer”).

    If you classified yourself in the group of cold tones: hot pink, black, bright yellow (“Winter”); calm pink, burgundy, steel-blue (“Summer”).

    And if you belong to the warm group, choose the following colors: grass green, lemon yellow, bright blue (“Spring”); olive, yellow-ocher, deep blue-green (“Autumn”). In the rich range of shades, you can always find the one that “becomes” you, and find your own unique solution for combining colors in clothes. If, for example, you are going to sew something in red tones, and your type is “Spring,” poppy and orange-red will suit you, and if your type is “Summer,” then you need cherry red or raspberry.

    Below is a summary of the table of color combinations in clothing.
    Turquoise: fuchsia, cherry red, yellow, brown, cream, dark purple.
    Grey- basic color, goes well with moody colors: fuchsia, red, purple, pink, blue.
    Beige- with blue, brown, emerald, black, red, white.
    Pink- with brown, white, mint green, olive, gray, turquoise, soft blue.
    Red- goes with yellow, white, brown, green, blue and black.
    Brown- bright blue, cream, pink, fawn, green, beige.
    Orange- blue, blue, lilac, violet, white, black.
    Yellow-blue, lilac, light blue, violet, gray, black.
    Green- golden brown, orange, light green, yellow, brown, gray, cream, black, creamy white.
    Blue- red, gray, brown, orange, pink, white, yellow.
    Blue- light purple, blue, yellowish-green, brown, gray, pale yellow, orange, green, red, white.
    Violet- golden brown, pale yellow, gray, turquoise, mint green, light orange.
    Black versatile, elegant, looks in all combinations, best with orange, pink, light green, white, red, lilac or yellow.

    The selection of color combinations for your clothing is based not only on the recommendations of designers from numerous color combination tables. The choice of color or color combination depends on many individual characteristics of each person. All tables are for guidance only.

    You should take into account the meaning of these tables, but you still need to rely more on your taste and liking. The important thing is not how others will perceive your clothes, but how you will feel in them, for example, in a bright red skirt with an insanely colorful blouse. If such clothing gives you confidence and does not cause discomfort, then your choice is correct, even if it does not correspond to the recommendations of the color combination table.

    I recently resumed my drawing and painting lessons, and I want to tell you about color combinations. In any situation when it comes to color, there are good and bad combinations of shades. Whether it's a manicure or clothes, a drawn card or even a home renovation, it's always important to choose a beautiful and interesting color combination.

    With regard to clothing, this is even more important, if you can paint your house and your favorite bedroom in any shades you like, and invite only loved ones there, then clothing is the most important social tool that allows us to form the first opinion about each other, and therefore we cannot allow your clothes said the wrong thing about you. How to choose good shades and choose interesting pairs? What are the rules about this? How to choose any tones with shine?

    A little theory

    The easiest way to choose the right shade is to use a color wheel. It is divided into 12 sectors and represents the primary colors. Also, each sector is graduated from light (in the center) to dark (along the edge). What can we deduce from this circle?
    1. White harmonizes with absolutely any tone and makes it brighter.
    2. Black will help dilute any ensemble and at the same time give it depth.
    3. Complementary and similar color neighborhoods are visible.
    4. You can derive triads, tetrads and squares.
    What is a complementary pair? These are colors that are located opposite each other on the color wheel. Red and green, blue and orange, purple and yellow. In order not to miss, it is best to choose shades that are equal in lightness and saturation - equidistant sectors from the center.

    This is a good combination, and most often many clothing lines use it - they produce the same models in complementary shades, and then if you buy a purple blouse, you can always choose a pistachio skirt to go with it (and vice versa).

    Similar pairs- those that stand next to each other on the color wheel. Such pairs are often found in architectural compositions. Surely you have seen when a house is painted light lemon, and the architectural elements - slopes and cornices, balustrades and architraves - are green. This solution is also found very often in accessories - for example, it is much easier to find yellow shoes with orange trim than yellow ones with blue or purple.

    Triads, tetrads and squares are patterns that are drawn according to a special shape on the color wheel. For a triad it is a triangle, for a tetrad it is a rectangle, and a square speaks for itself.

    Look at different color wheels to understand the principle, and you will never go wrong in choosing the right shade.


    Neutral colors are called black, white and gray - they go with almost everything and look good together. However, it should also be taken into account that a person dressed in black or gray from head to toe is bad manners; monochrome outfits have long become a sign of bad taste. In the summer, it is appropriate to be dressed in white from head to toe, but here accessories - a bag, shoes, bright jewelry and details - can help maintain the brightness.

    Any combination of gray should be well balanced. As a rule, fabrics or accessories of a pure gray shade are rarely found on sale; most often the color has a cold or warm undertone. Accordingly, when choosing color combinations with gray, you need to look at:

    • to the warmth of gray;
    • on the warmth of the selected color;
    • on the lightness of two shades and their compatibility.

    Warmth of Gray

    Gray can be warm or cool.

    Warm shades are best combined with warm tones - yellow, orange, red, pink, crimson.

    Cool gray looks perfect if you add blue, lilac, green or blue to it.

    Warmth of the chosen color

    Even yellow can be cold. It is best to choose those paints whose temperature corresponds to the main temperature of the color. Warm yellow and cool blue look good with cool gray.


    This is the position that the chosen color would occupy on a stretch from darkest to lightest. It is best if the gray does not compete with his partner. Can't choose? Choose the brightest shades or pastel colors, and it is better to refrain from dark ones.


    Warm colors on the color wheel range from yellow to violet. This is a pleasant range that lifts the mood and gives a feeling of warmth and light. However, choosing color pairs here is not so easy. Naturally, when I talk about the proximity of red or yellow, these are those combinations where the color I indicated is the main one (that is, it predominates visually).

    The best combination of red is with white, blue and black. These are pure shades that were worn by kings and queens; this range (without black) is represented on the Russian tricolor and the flags of other states. Use pure shades, and then you can definitely be confident in your choice.

    The combination of burgundy color with shades of blue and gray turns out to be interesting. In general, any berry tones will suit burgundy. But it is better to choose green tones with a cool undertone.

    A wonderful combination of brown and beige - you get a pleasant chocolate combination. Shades of cocoa and coffee, tea and milk, pastries and ivory - many color combinations with brown evoke thoughts of desserts.

    Naturally, warm tones go well together - brown and light orange look great together, and the combination of red, orange and yellow was once ultra-fashionable.

    Want to add some flair to the combination? Try complex tones. Combine brown with plum, beige and blackberry, warm inky and cool turquoise. Yes, don't forget about the brown and mint color combination. The combination of mint and chocolate evokes thoughts of entertainment, pleasure and relaxation.

    Do you like extravagance? Add some accessories in a deep shade - for example, cobalt blue will set off orange or pink well, and turquoise looks good against shades of yellow and green.


    Cool colors are those from green to purple. These are shades of grass and water, cool and refreshing, they bring peace and tranquility. If you want to use cool shades in the interior, then it is best to give preference to bright, clean colors, the compatibility of which is very high with other colors.

    The best combination for the home is dark blue with white and red. Moreover, red should be a highlight, there should not be a lot of it, but it’s better not to skimp on blue.

    My favorite shade is turquoise, also called turquoise and Tiffany's favorite shade. Turquoise color goes well with a variety of shades. You can choose warm pink and rich orange, which can beautifully set off the turquoise color. An interesting combination of turquoise shade is obtained with coral - the reddish-red palette emphasizes the turquoise color well.

    It is also worth trying a combination of blue with cold yellow and light green tones, and blue will help to set off green tones. In general, the combination of green with yellow and blue is classic for spring and spring holidays, so try to find your own solutions in this color scheme (and don’t forget to look at the color wheel).

    Try to pay more attention to the combination of green with other colors - this year the Panton company announced Greenery as the shade of 2017, so it would be a sin not to acquire a couple of green wardrobe items and buy some emerald jewelry for home. By the way, you can choose beautiful color combinations with green online - the color palette will be created automatically.

    Do you want to create interesting purple color combinations? Try light cool colors - lilac, pink, green. Don't like deep purple? Try lilac and lavender, and don't forget lilac.

    Different ideas

    Can't figure out the combinations of yellow with other colors? Check out original and classic schemes of matching shades.

    A cool combination of yellow and lilac with purple, a combination of pink and yellow - this combination of lilac and yellow with purple will be remembered by absolutely everyone.

    Looking for beautiful brown based schemes with others? Save these diagrams for yourself - if the table is always at hand, then you can match all the tones to brown.

    Remember that the combination of orange and black is sultry and hot!

    And here are schemes for combining pink with other shades and red with other colors.

    Do you want to create a palette in cold colors? Then combinations of lilac with cold tones - blue, emerald, blue and gray are at your service.

    Now you know almost as much about color combinations as professional artists, which means that you will definitely be able to choose any color combinations - whether for the perfect wardrobe or for a wonderful renovation!

    It is extremely important for a woman to be able to choose things that will harmonize with each other, creating a bright, spectacular and unforgettable image. On the one hand, this is simple, but on the other, quite complicated. And it doesn’t matter at all what size your wardrobe is. It can consist of a dozen things, and at the same time you can successfully combine them with each other, striking you with your individuality every day. It can also be a huge number of things that do not fit together, in which case you will face great difficulties with choosing clothes every day. Today we are looking at color combinations in clothes for women.

    Basic understanding of color

    Let's immediately decide that the combination of black and white is a win-win, but boring if we consider it as an option for everyday wear. Of course, work is not the place to realize all your fantasies, but in the office you can remain attractive, fashionable and bright, without going beyond etiquette. To do this, you need to know well the combination of colors in clothes for women, which is what we will be studying today. Surely you know that objects themselves have no color. Just the color of a blue dress can absorb all the rays of the solar spectrum except blue. And so with everyone else. Based on this, we understand an interesting fact: it is not fashion that dictates to us what combination of colors in clothing for women will be acceptable. It’s just that the human eye is designed in such a way that only the presence of two or more complementary colors in an ensemble gives a sense of balance and harmony.

    Twelve-part color wheel

    We need it in order to understand and feel what complementary colors are. Based on this concept, we will select a combination of colors in clothes for women. Imagine where red is located at 12 o'clock, yellow where 4 o'clock, green where 6, and blue where 8. There are transitional shades between them. So, complementary colors are those whose mixing produces white, and they are on opposite sides. Red - green, blue - orange, purple - yellow. If you look at a red square for a long time and then close your eyes, you will get a picture of a green square. This is how the brain strives for balance.

    Such different shades

    However, this is not all you need to know about flowers. The combination of colors in the clothes of a man and a woman requires taking into account not only the presence, but also shades that are warm and cold. So, on our circle we can distinguish two areas, from 12 to 4 o’clock - warm shades, red, orange, yellow. From 8 to 10 o'clock - the zone of cold shades, blue, and its derivatives. There are borderline colors between them - green and purple. In each individual ensemble, they will change their “temperature regime”, depending on what shade they are combined with, warm or cold.

    But that's not all. It must be remembered that there is a concept of brightness and saturation. The same color palette can look completely different. Imagine trendy red and green colors with high brightness and saturation. These are disco colors. High brightness with low saturation produces calm, pastel shades. And finally, low brightness and high saturation give dark, deep shades (burgundy, dark blue), which men love very much.

    From theory to practice

    First of all, you need to remember that the ideal combination of colors in clothes for women can only be achieved when you consistently follow a number of rules. You need to know exactly your type, because the natural characteristics of your appearance determine which color scheme will look appropriate. Knowing this, it is easier to choose the base color. And finally, starting from the base, you can combine the details of the toilet with each other. Do not forget that attention should be drawn primarily to your figure and face, and clothes are only a frame, if we draw an analogy with a painting.

    Basic rules for men

    Usually it is much easier to choose a men's wardrobe than a women's. But to look truly elegant, you must also follow a number of recommendations. First of all, determine the base color. Most often it is brown, white or gray, dark blue. The main color is the color of the suit and trousers, that is, it should be the most in the set.

    The second rule is that you cannot use more than three colors in one toilet. For example, a pink shirt and a green tie go well with each other, and the trousers can be either the color of the jacket or white. But most often, men are limited to a plain suit of dark colors and a plain shirt, burgundy, blue or white. In this case, it is recommended to choose a shirt that is lighter than the jacket, and the tie should be richer than the shirt.

    There is a division of shades by season to make it easier for you to make your choice. All shades are initially divided into blue and yellow undertones. In turn, blue undertones are usually divided into “pastel summer” and “diamond winter”. "Pastel summer" involves choosing soft, elegant colors, including shades of blue and gray. You can dilute the palette with yellow shades, but orange is completely excluded. In this case, medium and high brightness of shades and low saturation are selected. Combination of colors with smooth transitions.

    Diamond Winter features rich, vibrant hues that include pure white, black, blue and grey. You can play around by choosing bright and saturated shades or bright colors with low saturation. Contrasting combinations are possible. "Bright Spring" is a choice of warm, light shades. Characterized by high brightness and medium saturation, as well as a varied combination of light shades. Finally, “deep autumn” are options in which there are many brown, orange and green shades, but practically no gray, blue and pink. Characterized by low brightness and different saturation options. This option features deep colors.

    Women's wardrobe: division of beautiful ladies into types

    Indeed, we are all very different, and it is difficult to give recommendations to everyone at once. What goes together on a bright brunette may look awkward on a delicate blonde. Of course, there is an average table in a woman’s clothing, but we would like to understand this topic in more depth. So, four female types, which are also correlated with the seasons.

    Summer, winter, spring and autumn

    Let's start with the "winter" type. These are girls with black hair, light, porcelain faces and noble features. Accordingly, the combination of colors in clothes for women (the photo conveys the image better than words) will be appropriate. To better understand the image, imagine a winter landscape, snow sparkling under the dazzling sun, black trees and blood-red rowan berries. Cold, piercing colors and bright, rich shades suit these women very well. A great option is pure white and black. A combination of cool, rich shades will look great: red and orange, green and blue, purple and brown. But warm, pastel shades do not suit them. The combination of colors in women's clothing is a topic for an entire dissertation, so we will give a lot in tables to make the information easier to perceive.

    "Autumn" type

    Probably the warmest type. You immediately imagine rich fields and trees in gold. It is this rule that corresponds to the combination of colors in clothes for women. Autumn is all about choosing warm browns, golden or reddish browns. Warm, gilded shades of red, burgundy in combination with mustard, honey or chocolate will look great. Green, olive or marsh colors will perfectly complement this ensemble. Recommended colors are lilac and violet. But cold shades are completely contraindicated. Surely you would like to take a closer look at the combination of colors in clothes for women. The table in Russian will completely satisfy your curiosity and become a reliable companion on your shopping trip.

    Summer and spring

    Essentially, these are two options for blondes. Most often, spring is the choice for young girls. A varied combination of warm, light and radiant colors is more appropriate here. Dark and caustic colors, black, dark blue, emerald, orange should be completely excluded. Dazzling white, as well as blurry, cold shades of yellow and bluish-white, are inappropriate here. The ideal choice would be a combination of light red and dandelions. A great option would be a combination of green and yellow, sand, cream or beige.

    "Summer" type is a combination of colors in clothing for women over 40 years old. This is a wide palette of delicate, pastel colors with a slight coolness, as if covered with the haze of a newly arrived summer morning. The main rule is that the colors should be dim. It can be light cold red and ash pink, lemon yellow, grayish yellow, bluish green, gray blue, light purple. To create an image, you can consider not only shades within the same color, but also consonant adjacent colors, which can also be determined by the first circular pattern.

    Age and color choice

    As you can see, there are a lot of nuances. But there is another one that we have only slightly touched upon. In spite of everything, one cannot recommend the same combination of colors for a young girl and a mature lady. Moreover, for the first frame they will be very conventional, she will be forgiven for using even incompatible colors in her toilet, it will brighten up with youth and freshness. The combination of colors in clothes for women over 30 years old should be more balanced. It is advisable that you have about 70% simple, basic items and 30% bright, designer items in your wardrobe. It is worth abandoning bright, multi-colored things, now calm elegance comes to the fore. Moreover, it is recommended to choose dark clothes in autumn and winter, and light ones in summer and spring. The table will tell you more about the combination of colors in clothes for women.

    As you approach forty, discreet shades will be your ideal choice. From the light range it can be beautiful “dusty” and pink, light green and lavender. That is, a neutral range of classic style, within which it is even intuitively easy to guess the combination of colors in clothes for women. The table will only allow you to check your sense of style.

    And again a little about age

    This is the most difficult category, because many people give up and believe that they will no longer look good. Of course, this is wrong, because a good outfit, properly chosen, can highlight the natural beauty of a mature woman. It is the combination of colors in clothes for women over 50 years old that is a very important point that must be taken into account. First of all, experts do not recommend wearing green and purple outfits. In addition, it is completely wrong to wear only black clothes. In order for the combination of colors in clothes for women over 50 to be ideal, you need, firstly, to focus on the color of your skin and eyes. That is, often the best option will be delicate, pastel colors that refresh and youth, in contrast to heavy, dark shades.

    Let's sum it up

    The topic we are considering today is truly inexhaustible. The combination of colors in women's clothing can be considered endlessly, finding more and more new options. Of course, fashion changes, and we ourselves change with age. You have to adjust your wardrobe, throw something away, buy something. However, you must always be aware of what you will wear this or that item with. That is why today we raised the topic of color combinations in clothes for women. A table in Russian with examples will help you make the right choice and amaze those around you with your elegance every day.

    The most boring colors can acquire a unique sound when choosing the right color. Properly combined colors work together successfully to create masterpieces!

    Up close, people around you pay attention to the style, the quality of the fabric, how the model fits on you. From afar, colors are the first to appear, which create the general mood and perception of the individual. You can wear a black robe, but a bright scarf will do the trick and make you stand out from the crowd.

    In the ability to dress beautifully, an important role is played by the choice of clothes in colors that suit you. Choose a color palette for your wardrobe taking into account the features of your appearance.

    Learning to combine

    Pastel colors include shades of beige, soft blue, lemon, light coral and other colors.

    All pastel colors will be combined with white, sand, and gray colors. Gray and beige tones will be an ideal companion for any pastel shade; the combinations are gentle and unobtrusive.

    Before you create an image, choose a color that will be taken as the base. Based on the base color, choose a second color that complements the look. Images that use no more than three colors are harmonious. As a third color, just choose an accessory or a spectacular handbag.

    Mute the brightest color with neutral or pastel. Often fashionistas create a wardrobe using pastel colors as a base. Two pastel colors without draperies or patterns work well together. To add rigor and elegance, just add black to your look. Pair a pastel blouse with a black skirt or trousers. The ideal outfit would be a black little dress and a coat of any pastel shade. Blue jeans and a pastel blouse are a great combination. In early spring, a coat in pastel colors will be popular, which will create a spring mood.


    Orange is the color of mood, energy, joy. The warmest in the color palette, which contains no cold shades. Orange color defeats depression and lifts your spirits. A light shade of orange suits girls with fair skin. This color is for determined representatives of the fair sex who are not afraid to experiment.

    It is advisable to use this color in a summer wardrobe, as well as in the fall. Before purchasing an orange item, take a closer look to see if it suits you. This color is dangerous and can disfigure your outfit.

    Orange combines harmoniously with violet, lilac, green, most brown tones, and white. Avoid sets with red and pink.


    Plum is a stylish color. He brings originality and individuality to the image. An evening look with plum color is a win-win choice. Plum color adds sensuality and delicacy to the appearance. Romantic people prefer lighter plum shades. Plum color brings out dark skin in the best possible way. Those with fair skin should avoid plum color, it will make your skin even lighter.

    Plum color goes well with pastel, neutral shades such as beige and cappuccino.

    Plum-colored trousers and a soft sand-colored jumper or blouse - and your everyday look is ready. To add luxury, add gold-colored accessories or a contrasting scarf. Nude heels will always come to the rescue. Any blue jeans and a plum T-shirt, blouse, shirt of your choice and a casual look will be irresistible. A blue dress and a plum long cardigan, an original silver brooch, and you are ready to go on a date. Believe me, these colors in combination will add mystery and mystery to you. It’s hard to imagine a more harmonious combination than with lime color. The play of contrasting colors will give you sophistication and show others your excellent taste!

    Light green

    Light green is a dangerous color with which you should be as careful as possible. Color can either lift your spirits or irritate others. Light green clothes should always be tried on; do not give in to momentary desires to buy a light green item, especially on the Internet.

    The image chosen in absentia may look completely different on you! It is better for girls with light skin tones to avoid light green; it will not beautify you. And on chocolate tanned skin, a light green outfit looks incredible.

    If you have green eyes, light green color will also suit you and you can choose perfect looks. Light green harmonizes with bright scarlet, brown, plum flowers. Avoid combinations with sky blue and ultramarine.


    Most fashionistas consider brown to be boring when done on its own. Brown-colored items always require either bright accessories or complementing with items of other colors. Brown goes well with denim, orange, cappuccino, lighter and darker tones of brown.

    For office style, you can safely choose a white top and brown bottom. Brown leather handbags and jackets are always in trend. This color will never go out of style! Brown along with gray perfectly adds variety to a strict office wardrobe.

    Brown can also be used in an evening look, but here you should give preference to a golden color for the clutch and jewelry. Avoid combining brown with lemon, pink and bright purple colors.


    Swamp is different from khaki, it has a brown tint that makes swamp warm and cozy. The swamp color is ideal for creating a military or safari style look.

    Lovers of a romantic or sporty style should avoid the marsh color. The best combinations are obtained by combining things with denim, white or brown colors.

    Swamp color is not easy to use in everyday looks, but it adds great variety and will undoubtedly attract attention.

    Coffee with milk

    One of the universal colors that will add charm and highlight your natural beauty. The color highlights the eyes and makes them more expressive. Images based on the color of coffee with milk are distinguished by their solidity and restraint.

    Images of this color are refreshing and rejuvenating. The color finds a harmonious combination with white, denim, and all shades of brown.

    Girls and women of any age and appearance can safely choose images where the base color will be coffee with milk. This cozy and calm color goes well with equally calm colors and shades. We do not recommend combining it with orange, red, light green flowers.


    If you have dark skin, we highly recommend paying attention to the peach color. The color will be a real decoration in any look and will give you a feeling of celebration!

    Girls with snow-white skin and black hair should avoid peach-colored products; this color does not suit you.

    Mint and peach colors seem to be made for each other. The image turns out to be romantic, gentle, weightless. Gray, white, and blue shades are harmonious with peach color. Don't forget about the peach and purple duet!


    Crimson is a color consisting of dark red and shades of violet. This color belonged to the royal choice, and in ancient times it showed its superiority and dominance over others.

    In modern times, with crimson color you can create romantic, office, and evening looks. With a white shirt and a raspberry skirt, you can safely go to a meeting or conference. A raspberry dress in addition to a golden clutch and various jewelry will organically create an elegant evening look.

    A raspberry knitted cardigan will complement a casual look of jeans and a beige turtleneck. It is advisable to select shoes in this combination in brown shades. An expressive look for a social event will be a combination of crimson and purple colors. Raspberry is truly a feminine and sensual color!


    As soon as you try to replace white with sand in any look, you will notice that the outfit has acquired naturalness, elegance, and special warmth. Sand color suits all types of appearance, but you need to carefully choose the shade of sand color. Lighter shades without a hint of brown are suitable for fair-skinned girls, but the darker the skin, the darker the choice will be.

    Try to choose shades so that they do not blend with the color of your skin. Sand harmoniously combines with white, pink, peach colors, as well as dark brown shades. The most universal look is a white blouse and sandy pants or a skirt. A brown coat or cardigan will complement the look on top.

    A sand-colored pencil skirt will add variety to any woman’s summer wardrobe, and will look great with pastel-colored blouses. Shoes in a neutral color, such as nude pumps, are suitable.


    Many avoid chocolate color, considering it too conservative. But in vain! This color is ideal for sophisticated fashionistas. The color got its name due to its resemblance to a chocolate bar. Brings nobility and sophistication to the image. The color is ideal for use in everyday and office looks. Chocolate color is universal and goes well with almost all colors and shades.

    In combination with bright and light tones, chocolate acquires a soft sound. But in addition to the black color, the image turns out gloomy and extremely strict. It is better to avoid such combinations if you do not want to create a visual barrier with your interlocutor. For formal meetings, white, pale lemon, and beige colors will be the best companions.

    Feel free to combine chocolate with both cold and warm shades that suit your taste. When forming a base color, take a closer look at chocolate; it will easily compete with gray and black colors. And it will demonstrate to others your individuality and impeccable taste!


    Have you been thinking about changing your image for a long time? Do you want to attract attention? Then red color will definitely suit you. Red, approaching golden chestnut, suits dark skin tones; for girls with pale skin, a classic red color is recommended. The reddest shades of red are suitable for mulatto women.

    In most looks you will find the perfect combination with gold, beige, peach, and khaki colors. Red is also harmonious with moderate red and darker brown shades. It is not recommended to use red in combination with yellow, pink, and blue flowers.

    Strong friendship is achieved in combination with denim. A red dress paired with a denim jacket will not leave you without compliments from others!


    Lilac is considered the color of creative people. It combines notes of mystery and tenderness.

    The color is not easy and it doesn’t suit everyone. If not properly combined with other colors, lilac can add several extra years to a representative of the fairer sex. It is advisable to create images using purple as the dominant color. It is enough to add a few accessories to it, an interesting handbag and the image will be received with a bang by those around you.

    When in doubt about what tone to combine lilac with, you don’t have to choose a pair, but give it the dominant role by throwing a beige coat or cardigan on top, and choosing beige-colored shoes. If you wish, you can experiment by making a combination with lemon, light blue or cappuccino flowers. Purple goes well with dark brown or sand colors. A purple velvet dress will create an intriguing and sexy look. When complemented with golden jewelry and a clutch, the look will look luxurious!


    The golden color looks the most chic at social balls and evening events. The color of wealth and abundance. If you have dark skin, then feel free to opt for a gold-colored dress. This color suits you perfectly and at glamorous parties you will not find equal!

    The golden dress is designed to shine on special occasions. In everyday life, you should refrain from using golden shades in clothing, and limit yourself to accessories or small details in images of this color. Avoid going to the store or to work wearing gold-colored items.

    At the very least you will look funny. If you want to attract the attention of others, a scarf or gold-colored brooch is enough. Gold goes well with plum, white or red.


    Most of us have to learn the basics of color combinations, a talent not many are born with. And the eggplant color requires close attention and understanding of its characteristics. The color is difficult to combine.

    Color adds nobility and mystery to the image. Girls with fair skin should give up the eggplant color in their wardrobe, otherwise there is a high probability of becoming even paler in its guise. Eggplant dresses look amazing on tanned skin! An ideal combination with black, coral, lemon, gray colors.

    What color goes with gray in clothes - photo? To create business sets, you should prefer adding gray and beige tones. This color is well recommended for combination with silver accessories.


    Lemon color sets the mood! Highlights people who are cheerful and optimistic. Color instantly relieves blues and despondency, brings notes of summer, sun, and relaxation to life. Lemon perfectly plays on girls of different types of appearance, and adds romance, femininity, and youth to each one.

    Lemon color can make you individual, and vice versa, create a soft childish image. It is much easier to play up lemon color than bright yellow. Ideal combination with white, black or sand colors.

    Feel free to create sets from any other pastel colors. It is also enough to add lemon shoes and a hat to the most boring and everyday look, and the image will begin to be perceived differently. A zest and originality will appear!


    Cocoa is a beloved childhood drink with a delicate taste. Likewise, in combination with other colors, cocoa makes the image soft and cozy. The cocoa color is not flashy and suits people with a calm temperament. This color is widely used both in interior design and on catwalks.

    Purchasing a cocoa-colored coat or handbag will not only please a girl, but will also last for a single season. You don't have to worry about getting tired of the color. Cocoa color is designed to smooth out variegated looks. The fashion industry offers various leather straps, jackets in the current cocoa color.

    Harmony of cocoa color is achieved in combination with colors:

    • white;
    • blue, bright blue;
    • creamy lighter tones;
    • darker brown tones;
    • pink, fuchsia, fawn, beige;
    • green.


    Salmon goes harmoniously with any warm colors and pastel shades. A set with lilac or light pink colors would be acceptable. An excellent combination - with white or beige tones. The most amazing images are obtained with turquoise or powdery colors.

    Salmon is a truly noble color that suits girls and women of any age and appearance type. It works for you, making the image fresh, gentle, romantic. Complement your dress or suit with a leopard print accessory and you are on trend!

    Swamp-colored blouse and salmon trousers; you can wear this attire to a cafe, for a walk, or on a visit! Avoid combining salmon with light green, hot pink or sky blue, otherwise there is a high chance of being among the tastelessly dressed people!


    Do not confuse pistachio color with mint color. The main difference between pistachio will be muted, tender, airy. Pistachio color embodies femininity. Regardless of fashion trends, this color gains popularity with some frequency. If this color is not at the peak of fashion today, you still shouldn’t neglect it and cross it out of your wardrobe. Pistachio color adds lightness, calmness, and serenity to the image.

    The color has various shades from cooler to soft muted. Pistachio color has a positive effect on a person and creates inner balance. The peculiarity of this color is that it has a rejuvenating and refreshing effect. For those with dark skin, pistachio color is a win-win; it adds radiance to the skin. Do you want to draw the attention of others to the color of your eyes?

    Pistachio color will help in this task and will perfectly highlight brown eyes; the color will add romance to blue-eyed girls. We do not recommend combining pistachio with black, since such a contrast causes more irritation than acceptance by others. An excellent choice would be a combination with white, blue, cappuccino, café au lait or any other pastel brown colors.


    Truly considered a universal color that can be combined with any colors. The color of purity and innocence. If you want to start a new life, then prefer white. A new story can be written from a clean slate. The brightest colors are appropriate with white. When in doubt about color combinations, remember that white is a lifesaver. The combination of black and white in the image will be classic.

    It is worth remembering that white color suits slim figures perfectly. White color can visually hide excessive thinness and add shape. Those with curvy figures should avoid a completely white look, as it will visually add pounds. The magnifying effect of white is due to its ability to cast off glare.

    White color will gain contrast with red, blue, black. Such combinations will be the best.

    White is rightfully associated with neatness and sterility; clothes of this color require special care. If you are looking for aesthetics, minimalism, purity and modernity - create images using white as a basis!


    Berry color is the most delicious and juicy! Most people intuitively prefer berry color and for good reason. Color has energetic properties, creating a holiday and a feeling of romance around. Berry color and its shades will not allow you to get lost in the crowd. Color is always in the spotlight.

    The main thing to consider when creating images is the type of your appearance and the shade of berry that emphasizes your beauty. A wide variety of looks in combination with berry shades suit girls of summer and winter appearance.

    A berry dress would be ideal for a party. If you tone down the berry color with gray, you can easily choose a business wardrobe. An olive pencil skirt combined with a berry blouse is a win-win combination for office style! The berry color represents power.


    The unobtrusive color of cappuccino has loudly declared itself and claims to be a basic color in the wardrobe. It goes perfectly with gray, brown, marsh, lilac or ash rose flowers.

    It is better to avoid combining with red, bright green, and blue; such combinations cause more irritation, and cappuccino loses its appeal. Take a look at the variety of cappuccino-colored shoes.

    Every fashionista can afford those versatile stilettos that will complement any outfit and are appropriate for any event!

    How to choose the right one?

    In the modern world, fashion is not limited to the use of the classic palette of colors, which are presented in the children's watercolor set. Today, designers are experimenting with the most unimaginable color combinations. Several colors are mixed to obtain an incomparable shade.

    It's no secret that our mood depends on the colors that surround us. Knowing the rules of color combinations, you can create worthy images for going out. An incorrectly selected color scheme in an image causes confusion among others. If your clothes have a combination of colors that irritates others, you will be considered a person with bad taste. Do not neglect the basic rules, respect the people around you. Let them think of you as a person with impeccable style and excellent taste!

    Isaac Newton proposed a color wheel that is successfully used by designers, fashion designers, and artists. The color wheel is a kind of cheat sheet for people who, by nature of their work, need to work with colors and be able to combine them.

    Here is the most common color wheel, which contains spectrums of colors formed on the basis of yellow, red and blue. Using the color wheel you can easily determine whether the shade you like is warm or cool. Remember, the less blue in the composition, the cooler the shade.

    The warm color palette consists of shades dominated by yellow and red.

    The expanded color wheel has all sorts of shades derived from one color or another.

    Let's look at the basic rules that will help you combine colors accurately.

    Rule 1. Combination of opposite colors on the color wheel. An example of an excellent combination is lilac with lemon.

    An example of an excellent combination is lilac with lemon.

    Rule 2: Colors that are located at right angles to each other work well together. An example of a combination is lilac with salmon. The colors are less contrasting, but very effective.

    Rule 3. For fashionistas who prefer three colors at the same time in their image, you should adhere to the rule of a triangle superimposed on the color wheel. Mentally construct a triangle inside the chosen circle, as shown below. A triangle can also be isosceles. The colors that are at the tops of the triangle match perfectly!

    An example of using a color palette to create an image: photo.

    A color matching chart will be invaluable. You do not need to design triangles or lines on the plane of the color wheel, but just look at the table. Find your favorite color in the left column and in the adjacent column you will see a list of harmonizing colors.

    Color compatibility table.

    Stylish looks

    Blue with pistachio: a game of contrasts. The bold deep blue becomes much calmer in this combination. The image will not be boring and at the same time, it will not irritate others with its brightness. Pistachio color in such a tandem will emphasize the tenderness and romance of a fashionista. Don't forget about well-chosen shoes and avoid red, orange, and purple. Beige pumps or white ballet shoes - simple, comfortable and tasteful!

    An excellent choice would be a combination of pistachio and cappuccino colors. The image will be romantic, gentle, and not provocative. Emphasizes the gentleness of character and inner peace. Don't forget to add neutral jewelry and accessories. Refuse colorful jewelry, it will create imbalance and disharmony in general. White necklaces are appropriate.

    A blue denim jacket would be a good combination. It is appropriate to wear it with both a dress and a pistachio-colored skirt. If your choice is a skirt, then it is better to choose a blouse or T-shirt in a neutral color such as white or black. Otherwise, there is a high probability of turning into a motley parrot, where every detail is distracting and does not form the integrity of the perception of the image.

    The topic under consideration has inexhaustible variants of images and fantasies. Every season, fashion designers offer our attention more and more amazing and extravagant combinations of clothing colors. If you have a basic wardrobe consisting of universal colors, you will not have any difficulty being on top of fashion every year. It is enough to purchase a couple of current accessories or items in colors that are on trend.

    Simple tips on how to properly combine colors in clothes + table
    Exclusive! For those who don't like to be "like everyone else."

    To be stylish and unique, you need not only to buy clothes that fit your figure, but also to combine things correctly, choosing them wisely by color. Today our stylist Alexandra Vernier will tell you how to do this easily and simply.

    You can talk long and tediously about color theory and how to choose the right colors using the color wheel. However, this method is not entirely convenient in everyday life, so it is better to use a practical table of the 22 most popular primary colors in clothing:

    Table of color combinations in clothes

    This table has 22 rows, each of which starts with the main color (for example, the color of a dress, skirt, blouse or trousers), and then comes the most harmonious colors (for example, the color of shoes, a bag, a scarf, a sweater, a jacket, etc. ), which color matches best. Please note that you need to match the main color no more than 3 additional, apart from white and black, which are combined with all the colors from this palette.

    How to choose the right color of clothing according to the table

    There are only 22 colors in this table, so you need to select the shades yourself. However, there should be no problems with shades - you choose them in accordance with yours.
    For example, in the table, the neutral light khaki color (21) can easily be replaced with a warm beige color, and blue (1) with turquoise if your appearance requires warm shades. In addition, remember the rule that contrasting colors from the same family always go well together, and similar shades, although they are combined, look boring. And in an ideal set there cannot be more than one.

    bright thing
    Let's look at an example of how to correctly use the table and combine colors.
    For example, you bought coral-colored jeans. Looking at the table, coral color is the 15th line.

    Now let's choose things in those complementary colors that we like: a mint-colored pullover, and a skirt, shoes and bag in similar beige shades. Let's add a white shirt and a jacket with gray and black stripes.
    These are the fashionable and stylish clothing sets:

    Now check yourself!
    3 Question: Which of these skirts goes best with a coral blouse? Use the table above, line 15.
    1, 4, 6 Answer:
    2 - fits perfectly, because... brown and coral belong to the same family, but at the same time create a contrast with each other.
    5, 7 - are not suitable, although these combinations are quite popular now, but they never look as amazing as 1, 3, 4, 6, because Only one bright color looks ideal in an image.

    Examples of color selection

    Let's look at a couple more examples. We select shades: in the set on the left we take a turquoise shade as blue, and in the set on the right we consider the top color of spring greenery according to the green color table (6).
    Please note that it is better to take either the top (blouse, dress) or the brightest item in the set as the main color, like the yellow skirt in the example on the left or above, we looked at jeans.
    In the picture, unnecessary colors from the palette are lightened for convenience:

    Here are some more simple but effective combinations for inspiration:

    Dress stylishly and beautifully!
    Read practical style tips every day

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