• Chrysolite stone. Chrysolite: who is the stone suitable for and its magical properties


    The properties of which are used in esotericism and lithotherapy. It was found in the craters of volcanoes, it has the color of young grass and sunlight. The magical properties of chrysolite make the world a better and kinder place. It protects from evil glances and awakens the best qualities in a person.

    Mentions of the green crystal date back to ancient times, as far back as the 4th millennium BC. Its description is in Indian and Christian books. The mineral was found around the crater of a volcano and among meteorite fragments.

    Geologists call it “olivine,” jewelers call it “peridot” and “evening emerald.” Peridot has the ability to change its color with changes in lighting, from transparent to dark green. This is one of Cleopatra’s favorite gems, and she knew a lot about jewelry.

    One of its representatives weighing 192 carats is in the frame of the Russian crown and is kept in the Diamond Fund. Another, slightly smaller one, adorns the exhibition of the London Geological Museum. The gem can be seen in the gold frame of Andrei Rublev’s “Trinity” icon.

    In ancient times, the properties of the chrysolite stone were used in the manufacture of amulets. The gem was credited with the ability to protect its owner from theft and fire. That is why trading people loved him so much: merchants and bankers.

    The magic of the green gem

    Esotericists are sure that chrysolite received its magical properties by feeding on the energy of the sun. Therefore, most often, gemstone products are combined with a gold frame to enhance the effect. In silver, olivine works as a talisman against conflict. The mineral staunchly protects its owner from troubles and helps him in difficult situations.

    The crystal appears in the following forms:

    • Peacemaker. Peridot is often called the mineral of friendship. He is able to extinguish conflicts and stop quarrels, relieves aggression. Maintains harmony in family relationships.
    • Psychotherapist. It pulls a person out of depression, defeats melancholy, reduces tension and aggression.
    • Teacher. Promotes the development of intelligence, teaches insight, develops esoteric abilities. Increases self-esteem.
    • Assistant. The magic of olivine will help resolve difficult life situations and win a legal dispute.
    • Defender. Protects against theft and fire. Keeps you from making hasty decisions.
    • Healer. Gives men a special charm, enhancing their attractiveness to women and masculine strength. Put the mineral under your pillow and you will forget what insomnia is.

    Peridot stone has a unique feature: it develops intuition and awakens a craving for esoteric sciences. Olivine becomes so attached to its owner that if it is given to another person, the crystal may break. Due to its physical characteristics, peridot changes color when exposed to areas of different light levels. This further strengthens the belief in its magical properties.


    The magical properties of the stone are most often transmitted to those people to whom it suits their zodiac sign. The green mineral shows particular favor in relation to Pisces, Leo and Virgo. Compatibility with other zodiac signs varies.

    Aries, in collaboration with peridot, becomes calmer, more reasonable, and does not immediately rush into battle without thinking everything through in advance.

    Pisces are characterized by their indecisiveness and always underestimate themselves. Therefore, for Pisces, the crystal can become a driving force in decision-making; it is wiser for them to carry peridot with them all the time.

    For Taurus, the mineral serves as a natural calmer, showing everyone how kind and generous this stubborn person can be.

    To a person whose zodiac sign is Leo, stones will add charm and increase attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. For Leo, olivine is suitable as a decoration.

    Stones dressed in gold would be a suitable talisman for practical Virgos. Olivine will give softness to the demanding Virgo, improve memory and increase intelligence. Olivines are stones that are ideal for Virgos. A Virgo, whose character is contradictory, must know which stones suit her. Chrysolite will even protect her from witchcraft and develop intuition.

    Peridot for Libra will give strong family relationships. The properties of the peridot stone will relieve this zodiac sign from depression and return joy to life.

    Geminis are constantly torn apart by their contradictory two-faced nature. The calming properties of peridot stone will come in handy here, they will smooth out their unbalanced character.

    According to the horoscope, peridot is suitable for Sagittarius and Capricorn. These signs should not expect such a strong impact from it as those for whom it is more suitable. But simply wearing jewelry made from such an unusual gem is also nice.

    Peridot stones do not favor all zodiac signs equally.

    Not recommended for Scorpio, whose character is independent. The stone will aggravate the negative traits of the sign. For Aquarius, it will bring conflicts with work colleagues. For Cancer, the crystal is dangerous because it completely deprives him of his ability to work and the desire to do something.

    Astrology clearly distinguishes which zodiac sign chrysolite will bring prosperity, and which sign is better off without it.

    Healing properties

    Official medicine does not support the idea that peridots can heal. But their medicinal properties were described in ancient books.

    Lithotherapists say that the gem helps with the following ailments:

    • For people who stutter, the crystal will help balance the speech process and express their thoughts more calmly.
    • Reduces pain in painful conditions such as neuralgia, osteochondrosis, stomach pain and headaches.
    • In case of disturbances in the endocrine system, it normalizes hormonal levels.
    • An olivine amulet is recommended to be worn after surgery or a long illness in order to recover faster.
    • It has been noticed that if you look at the crystal often and for a long time, your vision will be restored and your eyes will hurt less.
    • Helps in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and fever.
    • For women in labor, chrysolite makes childbirth easier and alleviates the pain of contractions.

    Lithotherapists use chrysolite powders in their practice. They are given orally to rid the body of poisons and toxins. Add to a simple cream to cure old skin diseases.

    How to wear

    To enhance the properties of the peridot stone, you need to know a few rules. The combination of colors in clothes is, of course, important, but if you want to use the healing properties of olivine stone, then listen to these tips.

    The main rule is that peridot is suitable only for the person to whom it belongs. It can only have one owner. Even if you give it to a very close person, the mineral will still lose all its extraordinary qualities.

    It is important to know how to wear a crystal ring. Beware of wearing jewelry on your little finger. The meaning of a stone worn on the little finger is ominous. This means that the owner of the stone is lying and his intentions are insincere.

    If you wear the jewelry on your left hand, you will have good luck.

    Olivine jewelry tends to be afraid of various chemicals. Therefore, when starting cleaning, it is better to remove them.

    Chrysolite protects its owner from the misfortunes of the surrounding world, from evil glances and rash decisions. Helps a person live in peace with himself and with others. Trust him and do not allow negative thoughts into your head, and then he will definitely bring you peace and prosperity.

    A beautiful transparent stone of a noble green shade that immediately attracts attention. It was often used in jewelry, and its magical properties have been noted since ancient times. Peridot stone: properties, zodiac sign, who is it suitable for, if you are going to buy jewelry with it for yourself or as a gift? Here's what we know about this beautiful stone today.

    Peridot stone: properties, who is suitable for it

    It has a calming property, treats various diseases, makes a person more harmonious and balanced. Helps improve the energy of the heart chakra, endows a person with kindness, tenderness and the ability to gently resolve various conflicts and quarrels in life.

    As a decoration, chrysolite can be used to normalize the energy of your body, improve mental abilities, and find a way out of a difficult situation. Chrysolite promotes peace in the family, protects the house from thieves and criminals, fires and the rampant fire element. Therefore, jewelry with stones was kept in the kitchen as a talisman.

    Chrysolite also helps to improve intuition and even reveal the ability of clairvoyance in those who have harmony of personality, body and spirit. It helps to improve relationships with partners, treat various diseases of the eyes, lungs and blood. Many, when buying jewelry with such a stone, begin to think about what kind of peridot stone it is, its properties, and who it is suitable for. In fact, it does not repel anyone and will never be a dangerous stone for a person. Therefore, using it in magic or simply as a talisman and talisman can help different people, although in moments when you need to show willpower or aggressiveness, chrysolite can suppress a person’s emotions.

    Most of all, this stone helps Pisces, as well as those who are indecisive, do not have breakthrough qualities, or are engaged in mental activity. He promises them career growth, material success, money and good luck in creativity. If disharmony reigns in a relationship or family and a person cannot resist the pressure of others, chrysolite as a talisman adds a little self-confidence to its owner. Therefore, such a stone should be used by everyone who strives for harmony and success, but does not have pronounced leadership qualities.

    For Libra and Sagittarius, chrysolite is a favorable stone. It helps to find the necessary contacts, and makes Leo’s temperament softer, just like Capricorns. It is also very useful for Taurus to wear chrysolite, as it helps to normalize their energy and soften stubbornness and intractability. But Cancers, Aquarius and Scorpios should not wear this stone, since its soft energy can interfere with making an important decision at the right moment.

    Impact on feminine energy

    Peridot brings good luck to girls with blue and green eyes, and also promotes a successful family life. Enhances feminine attractiveness and softness, but can become an obstacle if you need to show determination or masculine qualities, such as assertiveness and will. Equally suitable for both an unmarried girl and a woman who has a husband.

    Peridot stone: properties, zodiac sign - is considered soft and harmonious, pacifying an overly violent temper. However, this stone also has its drawbacks: it can make a person too indecisive, although it gives timid people self-confidence and promotes success. Therefore, not everyone can wear it as a permanent talisman. But on the other hand, it will protect your home from thieves and fires and will promote peace in the family and personal harmony.

    A brilliant member of the green gem mineral family, peridot is beloved for its optimistic color and accessibility. Its features were appreciated by folk healers, yogis, and people with high aesthetic needs.

    Chrysolites are mentioned by Pliny the Elder (1st century AD), the Indian Vedas, and the first Christian books. The Crusaders brought them from the East.

    This is Cleopatra's favorite gem, which was first mined in her homeland, Egypt. Precious stones chrysolite were dug up at night, considering that it was impossible in the light.

    The mineral is revered by religions:

    • one of 12 on the breastplate of the high priest of Judah;
    • decoration of Christian church paraphernalia;
    • a special attitude towards everything green in Islam.

    Its origin is volcanic or cosmogenic, that is, we find it in magma or meteorites. This causes awe and reverence among the Mongols, who call the mineral chrysolite the Dragon Stone. It is also on the Moon.

    Large specimens are rare, and industrial-scale deposits are few. More often it is mined together with diamonds or emeralds. Present in kimberlites, basalts, and various placers.

    Since the end of the 19th century, it has had a reputation as a stone that helps men.

    Name confusion

    According to science, chrysolite as a mineral is a precious variety of olivine (peridot in English-speaking countries and Germany). Some call Peridot or Olivine.

    Popular literature and collectors apply the term “peridot” to light green garnet (“Ural emerald”). Minerologists are against it, and gemologists are too, although they cite as an argument the centuries-old tradition of calling beryl aquamarine - chrysolite, topaz - Saxon chrysolite, and chrysoberyl - Brazilian.

    Until 1968, olivines and peridots were classified as peridots. Jewelers and gemologists, having gathered at the congress, decided that peridots were only specimens of a golden or green hue.

    National treasure

    The world's largest treasuries are proud of their precious green exhibits.

    Chrysolite is revered in Russia. The country's diamond fund has two:

    1. Listed among the seven “historical stones” is the olive green crystal from Seberget. It is larger than a quail egg, weighs 192 carats, is superbly cut, and is of exceptional purity.
    2. Bow brooch and girandole earrings.

    Light green stones complement the gold frame of the Trinity icon by Andrei Rublev.

    Thanks to color, we are revered by the Muslim world:

    • rulers and rich people decorate their turbans with it;
    • the collection of chrysolites from the fabulously rich treasury of the Ottoman Empire is the largest in the world;
    • The throne of the Sultan in Istanbul is inlaid with thousands of stones.

    The Vatican keeps Nero's monocle. According to Pliny, the emperor who set fire to Rome contemplated the fire and gladiatorial battles through it.

    The Smithsonian Institution in the US capital owns the world's largest crystal at 310 carats.

    • It will help indecisive Pisces to make quick, correct decisions, avoid conflicts, be more confident, and assertive. The crystal is necessary for people suffering from self-criticism to raise self-esteem.
    • Leos, who love to be the center of attraction and win, often lack fortitude and confidence. The gem will tell them the right decisions, enhance their attractiveness, and reveal their positive qualities.
    • It will make overly rational, demanding Virgos more lenient and patient with people. At the same time, it will contribute to intellectual development, strengthening attention, memory, and attractiveness.
    • Libra is the zodiac sign that needs a stone to improve family relationships and get rid of melancholy and phobias.
      • Aquarius will worsen their dislike for work and contacts with others (see suitable stones);
      • Cancers will become lazy and indifferent (look for effective minerals for Pisces);
      • Scorpios will fall under the influence of others, which others use for their own purposes (suitable for Scorpios).

      For other signs it is decoration.

      Video: Chrysolite bringing money and success

      The affordable price of peridot makes it possible for people with different financial capabilities to purchase it. Who knows, suddenly a green fish at the entrance to the house will attract wealth and prosperity to it.

    One of the oldest minerals known to man is chrysolite. The name of the mineral is translated from ancient Greek as “golden stone”. This transparent green mineral with various shades has unique properties. Jewelers call the stone peridot, and geologists call it olivine. Due to its ability to change color to green under artificial light, it is also nicknamed “evening emerald”.

    Chrysolite has attracted people with its attractive power and charm since ancient times. The first mention of it dates back to the 4th millennium BC. This semi-precious stone was also found in meteorites that fell to Earth.

    Description of the chrysolite stone

    • This mineral belongs to the valuable varieties of olivine.
    • Chrysolite is a fragile, but at the same time hard mineral that dissolves well in acids.
    • It is easy to polish. After this procedure, the mineral acquires its signature shine.
    • The color of peridot is green with various shades of gold, yellow, pistachio, grass, olive and brown. With rare exceptions, the color can be intense; usually the mineral is characterized by pale tones.
    • The mineral has a glassy luster.
    • Hardness – 6.5–7 on the Mohs scale.
    • The density is 3.3 g/cm3.
    • Chemical composition – iron-magnesium orthosilicate.
    • Iron affects the color intensity of the mineral.
    • Sometimes the stone contains chromium and nickel.
    • Deposit: Egypt, Pakistan, Vietnam, Mexico, Mongolia, Burma, Russian Federation, Australia, USA and other countries.

    Application area

    Peridot has found application in jewelry. Typically, this beautiful transparent stone is used as inserts in all kinds of gold or silver products. Peridot is also used to decorate various accessories and interior items. This mineral is used for embroidering icons. It is processed using the step, emerald or diamond cut method. This is done with extreme caution, since chrysolite is a fragile and heat-sensitive stone. This semi-precious stone is also used in magical rituals. Despite its relatively low cost, this gem is considered rare today.

    The stone has found use in alternative medicine. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it must be applied to the sore spot for half an hour. In order to prepare medicinal water, the mineral is thrown into the liquid and infused for 24 hours. In addition, medicinal ointment is prepared from peridot. To prepare, place a piece of stone in a container with the prepared ointment.

    Varieties and colors

    The main color of chrysolites is green. Most stones are transparent and have pale shades. Bright stones are rare. Gems can be evenly colored, have spots or stripes. Minerals with a “cat’s eye” color are often found.

    The healing properties of chrysolite

    Official medicine does not have scientific evidence that chrysolite can cure a person from a large number of diseases. But adherents of lithotherapy think differently. Since ancient times, representatives of many nations have used this stone to treat various diseases.

    In lithotherapy, chrysolite is used for the following purposes:
    • improving vision and healing from eye diseases. It is believed that looking at the stone for a long time is sufficient for healing;
    • to reduce pain in the stomach, kidneys, liver, gall bladder, spine;
    • in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, fever, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the endocrine system;
    • to relieve neuralgia;
    • getting rid of stuttering. To do this, lithotherapists recommend constantly wearing jewelry made from this gem;
    • to balance hormonal levels;
    • for quick recovery after serious illnesses;
    • helps women in labor by relieving pain during contractions;
    • getting rid of headaches;
    • treating insomnia and getting rid of nightmares.

    Lithotherapists use chrysolite powder to heal the body, relieve pain in the stomach and cleanse the blood of poisons and toxins. This powder is also added to ointments used to treat dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

    Magical properties of chrysolite

    Since ancient times, people believed that the Sun endowed chrysolite with special powers that could protect against the negative influence of dark forces and evil spirits. That is why ancient magicians wore amulets decorated with chrysolite. It was believed that in order to increase the magical power of this gem, it must be framed in gold. The mineral differs from other minerals in its strong energy.

    The following magical properties are attributed to chrysolite:

    • he is able to establish mutual understanding between people, as well as strengthen relationships, including friendship;
    • relieves envy and nervous tension;
    • help its owner gain a sense of self-esteem;
    • restores the joy of life and relieves depression, melancholy and melancholy;
    • develops intelligence and intuition;
    • helps in resolving difficult life situations;
    • assists in court cases;
    • protects against rash, stupid actions and bad luck;
    • protects from fires;
    • gives the owner insight;
    • helps get rid of bad dreams. To do this, just put a gold decoration with chrysolite under the pillow;
    • protects from enemies and danger;
    • increases male attractiveness and helps cope with male impotence, awakening passion.

    Who is suitable for chrysolite according to their zodiac sign?

    Jewelry with peridot can be worn by all zodiac signs. According to astrologers, this gem is most suitable for Pisces, Leo and Virgo. It is not recommended to wear peridot for Aquarius, Cancer and Scorpio.


    It helps Pisces make meaningful, quick and correct decisions, as well as avoid conflict situations. Chrysolite also gives people born under the zodiac sign Pisces confidence and determination. In addition, jewelry with chrysolite should be worn to increase self-esteem, since very often representatives of this sign lack self-confidence.

    Evening emerald, a stone with a pleasant green color, which will certainly calm you down after a hard day, and will also give you positive thoughts. All this is a magnificent chrysolite (or peridot). This semi-precious stone is one of the most common varieties of olivine. The color scheme is dominated by pleasant grassy green shades, sometimes closer to yellow and even golden.

    Chrysolite (photo)

    Even in the photo of peridot you can see that the gem has a transparent surface. It sparkles even in low light and plays well in the sun, harmonizing with both holiday outfits and office dress codes. But we’ll tell you right now what magical and healing properties chrysolite has, to whom it suits according to their zodiac sign and other important indicators.

    First of all, it is important to pay attention to the magical and healing properties of the talisman. They have been known about for centuries - after all, peridot in different cultures was considered a symbol of emotional stability, restoration of the nervous system after stress. The talisman stone well harmonizes the flows of excitation and inhibition - and it is precisely these phases that make up the work of our psyche.

    That is why, when choosing peridot, it is useful to know about the following qualities of this gem:

    1. The green color symbolizes not only life itself, nature, human nature, but also its best qualities, which are manifested in relation to others. Caring, support, selfless kindness. Long-term use of jewelry with peridot makes the owner softer, and also - develops eloquence.
    2. Also, green shades are closely related to the spiritual qualities of a person. If someone seriously intends to engage in self-knowledge, any spiritual practitioners or the development of intuition, you can pay attention to this talisman.
    3. Chrysolite will become a real talisman for people whose profession is associated with constant risks - primarily financial. He will help accountants, bankers, cashiers. And also a stone protects on long trips, so drivers may also want to take a closer look at it.
    4. If you are facing litigation, disputes with relatives or strangers, you can add chrysolite to your collection. The talisman develops in a person intuition. If you tune in correctly to this wave, then after a little time you will begin to notice, as if you had already vaguely guessed that what happened was supposed to happen.
    5. Regarding medicinal qualities, then they are all in one way or another associated with a beneficial effect on the nervous system. If not all diseases are “from nerves,” then at least chronic stress certainly does not benefit the body. That is why constant wearing of peridot has a wonderful effect on all internal organs. First of all, a person becomes more alert - as if he began to get enough sleep every day. The aging process slows down, the skin rejuvenates, allergic rashes disappear. Along with this, it is believed that the stone helps well with problems with the liver and gall bladder, and helps maintain their normal physiological activity.


    In a situation of nervous tension, when urgent help is needed to relax the nerves, simply hold the peridot for a few minutes in either palm. Relaxation will definitely come, and you will feel pleasant relief. By the way, this is a great alternative to smoking!

    Stone according to zodiac sign: who suits chrysolite

    When choosing your gem, it is important to talk not about who a particular stone may be suitable for, but about a specific person. After all, everyone has a unique wave, which to some extent depends on the person’s horoscope, name, and on the other hand, his worldview and temperamental characteristics.

    It seems that with so many nuances you can get confused right at the beginning of the journey. However, there is one faithful assistant that nature has blessed everyone with since birth. Its name is intuition. And that’s what people pay attention to first. It is no secret that the energy waves emitted by a gemstone are in perfect harmony with the field of some people and are repelled by the field of others. It is very easy to verify such a statement - after all, in life it often happens that one thing repels, and another attracts; the third simply leaves you indifferent.

    If doubts still remain, the art of astrology comes to the rescue. Of course, she has her own answers to the question of who the chrysolite stone is suitable for according to their zodiac sign. The compatibility picture looks like this:

    1. Perhaps most of all, peridot (peridot) suits the mysterious and kind-hearted. These people by nature strive for some ideal emotional balance between themselves and their environment. Pisces sincerely do not wish harm to anyone, and even more so, they want no one to be offended by them. Of course, it is difficult to imagine such a good picture. That is why representatives of this zodiac sign do not dare to take important actions, and chrysolite will be useful to them precisely for self-confidence. The beneficial effect of the stone will certainly strengthen and develop the already sensitive intuition of fish.
    2. But the problem of self-doubt is practically non-existent. Yes, there are also shy people among this zodiac sign. However, they always consider their own interests first. It is not surprising that it is often lions who become leaders who are forced to take on increased responsibility. And in order to relax the nervous system and concentrate on the wave of necessary thoughts, it is best to have peridot on hand.
    3. For practical and hardworking representatives of the sign, the stone will work in a completely different capacity. These people are quite critical of themselves and others. To reduce the degree of dissatisfaction a little, it is better to replenish your collection with this particular stone. In addition, chrysolite will help to establish contacts with others, which is also of great importance for a shy maiden.
    4. For peridot, it will become a kind of compass that will help balance the decision-making arrow in one direction. Gentle Libras do not decide to take a specific step because they want to get the maximum effect, and not just do this or that. That is why these people are immersed in doubts a little more often than they would like. Peridot will allow you to balance the scales.
    5. For earthly Taurus, the stone will allow them to reduce pressure when it is not at all beneficial to the cause. they love to argue, if, of course, it concerns their personal interests. But intransigence sometimes leads to unintended consequences, doesn’t it? Harmonizing energy and increasing tolerance for other people's opinions - these are the purposes for which beautiful chrysolite is quite suitable.

    Chrysolite - suitable for everyone to harmonize feelings and patience

    Who should refrain from purchasing chrysolite?

    The stone itself cannot be hostile. This rule has no exceptions, so in the case of chrysolite we can say that the gem is quite possible almost everyone can wear it people, regardless of their horoscope. But if in some cases peridot is perfectly combined with the element of the zodiac sign, then in others, on the contrary, it cannot fit into the overall energy picture.

    Despite the fact that peridot is a neutral gem, it is better not to consider it for Aquarius, Cancer and Scorpio. These people need additional emotional support, because otherwise they quickly experience moral fatigue from the monotony of life. And chrysolite acts mainly as a kind of lightning rod, relaxing the human psyche. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to stones that generate more dynamic waves - for example, carnelian or lapis lazuli.

    Stone by name: how to make the right choice

    The name is the main word in a person’s life, a kind of wave that sets both the pace and the rhythm. In fate, the name influences almost as much as the zodiac sign. Needless to say, the energy of the stone also interacts with these waves. In the case of the chrysolite stone, the best compatibility is with the following female names:

    • Alevtina;
    • Karina;
    • Angelina;
    • Marina;
    • Lily;
    • Renata;
    • Lyudmila.

    Among men, the stone will be most useful for the names:

    • Gleb;
    • Semyon;
    • Alexey;

    As for the other names, chrysolite is neutral towards them - which means that basically the magical properties of the talisman are revealed only thanks to a person’s inner mood. Therefore, everything is in your hands.

    And finally: how to enhance the beneficial effects of chrysolite

    Finally, after your cherished dream has come true and you have purchased your little talisman, it remains to get acquainted with some recommendations for its use. It is no secret that when wearing each piece of jewelry, it is important not only to guess who the stone is suitable for based on their zodiac sign, name and individual preferences, but also to know how to enhance its beneficial effects. In the case of peridot, the advice is very simple and effective:

    1. Astrologers recommend straighten this stone is exceptional into gold, and it is advisable to wear it not on the right, but on the left hand. It is in this position that chrysolite is especially effective in protecting against negative energy and dark forces.
    2. Categorically it is prohibited to transmit peridot to any other person, even for a while (and of course, you shouldn’t take worn jewelry either). The stone is quite “jealous” - it gets used to a specific person, his energy field. Therefore, if returned to the previous owner, the protection effect will be much weaker.
    3. Peridot can be give to newlyweds. Moreover, if the newlyweds themselves exchange gifts with chrysolite to each other, such a marriage is destined to live for a very long time. The color green represents life, plants and trees, and they grow throughout the entire period of existence.
    4. Interestingly, if the main purpose of using the magical properties of this talisman stone is material well-being, it is best to purchase not the gem in its pure form, but figurines of animals or plants made from it.

    Photo: peridot, jewelry, rings with peridot

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