• Coffee lovebirds pattern. Do-it-yourself lovebird cats made from felt. The main stages of a master class on making lovebirds


    In my master class I want to tell you how I sew lovebird cats. The pattern of the sitting cat Tilda is taken as a basis. Having tried to combine them once, I was pleased with the result. Together they look very harmonious. Such a pair can serve as a gift on many occasions: for a wedding, wedding anniversary, Valentine's Day, or just a gift for a married or loving couple.

    So we need:
    Pattern (pattern taken from an open source on the Internet http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/10/111/423/111423445_large_4...
    The size can be any according to your desire. Since we will have two cats, we need to make two patterns: one (larger) for the cat and the second (slightly smaller) for the cat. I left the pattern itself practically unchanged, supplemented it with a heart (we will need it to decorate the cat) and I simplified the paws - I don’t sew on the toes.

    We need two types of fabric that can be combined with each other. Checks, polka dots, stripes, small flowers look good - but everything, of course, depends on individual preferences. I chose discreet coffee tones.
    Also for work you will need:
    Sewing machine
    Threads to match the fabric
    Four buttons in matching colors
    Iris threads (for decorating faces)
    Four black beads (for eyes)
    Lace, decorative key for decoration elements
    Stuffing material (I use holofiber)
    We determine what fabric the cat will be made of. For the cat, I usually use fabric with flowers or the brighter one of the companions.

    Let's get started: let's start with the cat. We fold the fabric in half with the right side, apply the pattern, do not forget that we need two legs, trace it.

    Now we sew on the machine (stitch pitch 2 mm). Leave room for turning inside the legs and tail as shown in the pattern. I sew the carcass itself a little differently. I stitch it completely except for the bottom corners. I used red pins to show the unstitched area for turning.
    Cut it out. It is imperative to make notches on all corners and curved places (at the ears, on the back, in the inside of the tail), otherwise the parts will bulge when we turn them inside out.

    Now you need to form a beautiful bottom for the cat.

    We cut out the corners with an indentation of 1 cm. Then we unfold the corner, combining points A and B. You should get a corner like this.

    I marked with a red line the place where I should sew. We do the same with the second corner.

    This is the bottom we should get.

    We turn out all the details

    Let's start stuffing. This process is probably the most uncreative, but very important, because the appearance of the finished product depends on how well and correctly we fill our blanks.
    I use holofiber for stuffing, I’m quite happy with this stuffing material, it allows you to make the stuffing dense and uniform. I help myself with a wooden sushi stick - a very convenient device. We stuff the legs tightly, the tail tightly, but at the end just a little, the carcass itself tightly, evenly, we pay attention to the ears so that they do not remain empty.
    When everything is ready, we sew up all the holes with a hidden seam.

    Now let's take care of the legs. First of all, let's form the “toes” on the paws. Using strong threads, we tighten it over the edge; I used red pins to mark the places where the needle would be inserted.

    Now we need to sew the legs together, this technique will allow us to sew them to the body more evenly, and they look more attractive this way. And now we can sew on our buttons; for us they serve as a decorative element, i.e. You can, of course, do without them, but with buttons it’s much more interesting.

    We sew the tail in this way: first we sew it to the body in the place where we stuffed the carcass.

    Then we turn it in the direction we need - the one where the muzzle is planned. Pin and sew.

    It should look like this.

    Now we sew on the paws, they will also serve as a support for the cat so that he can stand (or sit?) on his own. We place the cat evenly on the table, try on the paws, pin them with pins and sew them on.

    This is what we got.

    Let's start designing the face. I love the "face" expression suggested in the pattern. The cats turn out to be so decorous, important, full of significance and dignity. Let's start with the peepholes. Use pins to mark the place where the eyes will be and sew on black beads.

    Using black iris thread (or floss in 3 folds) we embroider a cross-nose and mouth. I hide all the nodules under my eyes.

    All that remains is to give our cat a mustache. You can embroider them with floss using one thread, it turns out very neatly. But I often make it from thick linen thread.
    Our kitty is almost ready.

    A cat is sewn in exactly the same way, only when we sew on the paws and tail, do not forget to “turn” it towards the cat.

    Now “decorating” is the most interesting and enjoyable stage of our work, because, firstly, the entire “mandatory program” has already been completed and our cats are sitting and looking at us (and we are looking at them and we REALLY like them), and secondly Secondly, you can give full rein to your imagination.
    I usually give the cat a heart to match the cat, and the cat a rose. There are a great many options, it can be bows, flowers, lace, etc.

    We sew (or glue, or tie) decorative elements on the necks of the cats. I also add thin cord collars to them.
    We plant them next to each other, and the lovebird cats are ready.

    The ancient teachings of Feng Shui convince us that souvenirs in the form of a couple attract and retain love. Therefore, Valentine's Day is an excellent occasion to present such a talisman to your loved ones.

    To sew lovebirds, prepare:
    - cotton fabric with a small pattern and threads that harmonize in color;
    - filler;
    - black and white acrylic paint;
    - sewing tools (needle, scissors, sewing machine, tailor's pins);
    - a small piece of felt;
    - satin ribbon and floss threads for decoration (optional).

    So let's get started.
    1. You can use a ready-made pattern, or you can draw it yourself (then your product will definitely turn out unique). Let's place it on the material, folded in half, facing inward. Let's circle it.

    2. Sew along the contour using a machine and cut out with allowances. We cut it with scissors for ease of turning.

    3. Turn it inside out, straightening the seam. On the front side, draw a line with a pencil that will separate the animals. Let's machine stitch it.

    4. Fill tightly with filler.

    5. Sew up the bottom edge (use a blind stitch). Fold the edges of the cut corner inward and also sew it with invisible stitches. Let's repeat with the second corner.

    6. Let's draw a face with acrylic. We decorate the figures at our discretion. For example, let's sew on a felt heart with embroidery, which will be very relevant on Valentine's Day.

    To make the souvenir brighter and more interesting, you can combine fabric of different colors. To do this, we will cut out the animals separately and change the pattern.

    1. Let's transfer the silhouettes to pieces of fabric that are harmonious in color.

    2. Sew and cut as described above.

    3. Turn it inside out and fill it tightly. Let's sew up the bottom.

    Handmade toys have always been in great demand, because such products differ from ordinary store-bought ones not only in originality and exclusivity, but also in the certain style of a particular master, his individuality and, of course, the warmth of the soul and love invested by the creator in his creation.

    Among the many wonderful toys that you can sew with your own hands, I would like to mention the category of lovebird dolls. Such a product can be presented as a gift for any occasion, but lovebirds look especially cute and touching on Valentine’s Day, as well as on a wedding day or anniversary, both for a couple in love and for family people. A compliment toy in the form of lovebird cats will be an excellent gift that will certainly be remembered for many years - for your friends and loved ones.


    Cats as a means of escape from a bad mood

    There are many master classes that show in detail how you can sew a toy called lovebird cats - a symbol of fidelity, eternal love and family warmth.

    First of all, you need to decide on the details: what size your cats will be, what color, whether they will have any additional elements in their paws or whether traditional “hugs” are planned, etc. In a word, imagine a full-fledged image of future cute cats.

    Having decided all these points for yourself, you can choose fabric for the toy and prepare other materials and tools:

    • when selecting fabrics, try to take ones that would be in harmony with each other in color, since it is better to make seals not in the same range and, of course, not in the same color (you can take a piece of plain fabric and several pieces with fragments of different colors, and then beautifully combine them);
    • in order to sew lovebird cats you will also need a pattern (they are quite simple, you can use the pattern diagram for the tilde cat, because these toys are very similar);
    • be sure to stock up on padding polyester for stuffing cats or a special filler for toys (you can take holofiber);
    • do not forget about the usual tools - scissors, glue, threads, needles;
    • additional accessories and decorations that you want to see on your lovebirds (ribbons, bows, pendants, flowers, etc.);
    • You should also look for eyes on sale for toys or dolls (they have running pupils) to make the cats look even cuter. However, if you sew them like tilde toys, you can simply embroider the face, make it out of felt, or even paint it using acrylic paints (master classes on making tildas show these techniques in detail).

    Having prepared everything you need, you can start working on a sweet couple of cats in love.

    The main stages of a master class on making lovebirds

    1. First, you will need to print out the pattern and cut out all its details (depending on the size of the pattern, your cats will turn out to be the same size; for example, from a pattern on A4 sheet size, toys with a height of about 15 cm will come out).
    2. Then take the fabric and cut it according to the pattern (first fold the fabric with the right side inward). Secure the pattern with pins so that the fabric does not move, and carefully trace it with a pencil.
    3. Do the same procedure with a different type of fabric (for the second cat).
    4. Don't forget to leave a few centimeters for allowances.
    5. If you just want to make cuddle toys, then you will need to draw a tail and paws on each future cat (just machine stitch over the applied drawing and then erase it).
    6. To get regular cats, choose the appropriate patterns. For example, with the help of voluminous tails you can create a support and make lovebirds stand firmly. At the same time, tail details are often sewn onto cats as appliqué.
    7. Baste and sew the pieces together, making small, neat cuts at the ears and the edge of the head.
    8. Turn the blanks inside out (you can use a tube or stick for this, as in the case with) and fill them with filler. Pay attention to all corners and ears. Stuffing must be done gradually, spreading the filler evenly throughout the toy and distributing it so that there are no “dips” even in hard-to-reach places.
    9. When everything is ready, sew with a blind stitch the holes that you left for stuffing.
    10. You can do the faces. If you have chosen plastic eyes and noses, then glue them on (it is very good to use Moment-Crystal glue for toys, as it will simply be absorbed into the fabric and will not leave any marks). If you don’t want to do any gluing, make embroidered faces or paint them with acrylic paints.
    11. For two separate cats, you can choose the method of attaching them with a bow from a beautiful ribbon, and if you chose a one-piece pattern, you will need to separate the lovebirds using a sewn line (you can sew it before stuffing or sew it manually at this stage).

    What kind of original gifts are not offered on store shelves before Valentine's Day?
    The lovers were able to surprise each other! However, a gift made with your own hands will be especially precious, because the soul and loving heart of the giver is invested in it. can become a charming cat in the shape of a heart, crocheted according to our master class.

    Step-by-step master class


    • any red yarn for knitting the body - a heart;
    • a hook suitable for the yarn (for example, for yarn 100 g/500 m you need to take hook No. 1.5);
    • a small piece of wire for the tail;
    • a little fishing line for the antennae;
    • ready-made eyes and nose;
    • ribbon for bow;
    • filler.

    Knitting pattern for a cat in the shape of a heart


    A heart-shaped cat can be not only red, but any other color. A fluffy cat made from Angora yarn will look especially cute.

    To make your cat valentine durable, use cereal or small coins as filler.

    You can decorate a cat not only with a bow, but also with a beautiful brooch or badge with the name of your loved one.


    Cats have long been a symbol of home comfort, so this is the kind of gift that would be symbolically presented to newlyweds on their wedding day or to spouses in love with each other on their anniversary. It’s not difficult to make such a souvenir toy, you just need to use our master class and knitting pattern.


    • yarn of any color;
    • suitable hook, needle, scissors;
    • eyes, noses, mustache string, bows for decoration;
    • cereal or granulate for product stability.

    Master class and knitting pattern

    Lovebirds are crocheted from smooth, for example acrylic, or fluffy (mohair, angora) yarn. The body is common to both cats. It is knitted in the round with single crochets and then divided into two halves. Necks, heads and tails are knitted separately.

    Lovecat cat ideas

    There are many options for creating crocheted lovebirds, from color to execution technology. For example, as in our master class, cats can be in close contact with each other, or they can be a little apart. The tails can be separate, or there can be one tail for two. If the gift is intended for a wedding, then the cats can be decorated with wedding accessories, if for a gift to a loved one - with a Valentine card or a heart.

    Knitted cats do not look as elegant as crocheted ones, but you can try to make them this way. The principle of knitting will be the same as in the master class proposed above, but with the difference that it would be best to knit one common neck, and then sew it in half with threads. You can knit the lovebirds with knitting needles, each one separately, but only then you will need to sew them together with threads. These cats, made with knitting needles, are best decorated in a comic style and presented to a couple with a good sense of humor.

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