• Summary of a lesson on speech development "winter fun". Lesson summary on speech development in the second junior group “Winter fun” Lesson summary winter fun 2nd junior group


    Tatiana Kozlovskaya

    Drawing lesson notes

    in the senior group" Our winter fun"

    Program content:

    learn draw a human figure(child) V winter clothes(overalls, conveying the shape of body parts, their location, proportion, teach to convey simple movements of the arms and legs, lead children to convey the image in an unconventional way (using hand);

    continue to learn how to use different materials: graphite pencil, colored wax crayons, watercolor.

    strengthen technical skills drawing materials.

    develop the ability to convey in a drawing your attitude towards winter games;

    instill a love for a healthy lifestyle and playing sports.

    Material: reproduction of a painting by V. Surikov "Taking the Snow Town", illustrations with the image winter sports; A4 paper; simple pencil, oil pastel, watercolors.

    Preliminary work:

    Examination of reproductions by V. Surikov "Taking the Snow Town", illustrations winter landscapes;

    Didactic lotto game "Clothing for any weather" ;

    Observations of children's games at the site;

    drawing various art materials.

    Progress of the lesson:

    At first classes children are invited to look at a reproduction of a painting, an illustration depicting winter games, listen to an excerpt from a poem by A. S. Pushkin « Winter morning» .

    “What happens to nature in winter? What colors predominate? Do you like winter? For what? What games can you play in the fresh frosty air in winter? Do you like to go hiking in winter? What is the best way to dress outside in winter so as not to freeze? What mood do you get when playing in winter?

    After the children answer the questions, offer to compare the two drawings. Who are they depicting? What are the children wearing? How are they different from each other? Find out if they could do it themselves draw the same cheerful children winter walk?

    Physical education lesson "We will build a snow house"

    We went outside


    There's snow!

    (arms up, to the sides)

    Here we will take the shovels,

    (work with shovels)

    And we'll shovel all the snow.

    Let's beat the path

    To the very threshold.

    (stomping feet)

    Let's make round snowballs

    (making snowballs)

    And huge lumps.

    (show a big lump)

    We will build a snow house


    We will live together in it.


    Offer to carefully watch and listen to the story about two palms that help children paint!

    1. Place your left palm in the center of a sheet of paper. Move your thumb to the side. Press the ring and little fingers together, close the index and middle fingers more tightly and move them slightly to the side.

    2. A tick should form between the ring and middle fingers. Press your palm firmly onto the piece of paper so that it does not move.

    3. With your right hand, trace your palm with a simple pencil, do not press the pencil too hard against your fingers.

    4. Remove the left palm from the sheet and close two lines.

    5. Turn the sheet 1800. Ask the children "What does it look like?".

    6. Top draw two arcs(hood).

    7. On the right side you need draw a second hand. The children decide for themselves where she will go. directed: up, down, to the side or to the left on the overalls.

    8. Drawing done: ovals - boots; oval plus finger - mittens; scarf; eyes; nose; mouth.

    9. You need to outline the finished drawing with wax crayons; they are not afraid of watercolors. You need to use different colors to make the overalls bright, noticeable, with many small details (zipper, pockets, collar, cuffs, reflectors, etc.).

    10. Then add plot: snowflakes, shovel, snowman, etc. at the request of the children.

    11. The final part of the work is painting with watercolors.

    The teacher offers the children draw your favorite winter activity. The drawing should convey the mood.

    Then the drawings are combined into a mosaic panel content: skiing, skating, sledding, playing snowballs, etc.

    Tips for a teacher

    On the previous during the lesson, invite children to draw a winter landscape.

    Exhibit reproductions of paintings about winter.

    Source: Collective creativity preschoolers: Lesson notes / edited by. A. A. Gribovskaya. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005. – 192 p.

    Natalia Korshakova
    Plan for the week of “Winter Games and Fun” (second junior group)

    Week plan

    « Winter games and fun»

    (in second younger group)

    date starting from 12.01.2015 until January 16, 2015


    Create an emotionally positive climate in group and in the garden during the week« Winter games and fun» ;

    To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in winter;

    To develop in children a desire to play outdoor games with the teacher;

    Promote the development of physical activity in winter;

    Develop children's artistic perception;

    Cultivate kindness towards each other and a positive attitude towards nature.

    Organizational events:

    Memorizing poems about winter;

    Reading works of fiction, fairy tales;

    Organization of mobile winter games outside;

    Looking at illustrations about winter, winter sports;

    Watching cartoons;

    Writing stories about winter and winter fun;

    Drawing, modeling, applique, on winter theme;

    Preliminary work:

    Looking at illustrations about winter;

    Reading works of fiction, poetry, nursery rhymes, fairy tales;

    Drawing, sculpting winter theme;

    Organization of outdoor games;

    Observations of living and non-living objects while walking;

    Construction of snow structures on the site.

    Conversation about winter « Winter fun» - expand ideas about winter natural phenomena(frost, cold winds, snow, frozen rivers, days are shorter than nights); about the connections between living and inanimate nature (weather - the state of water, snow; season - the state of plants, human clothing).

    Winter Games:

    "The Snow Queen"

    The teacher portrays the Snow Queen (you can make a beautiful kokoshnik). Children run all over the playground (it's limited). Whoever the Snow Queen touches with her hand (he is considered frozen) must stop in place. After some time, the game stops, the number of losers is counted. After a short pause, the game repeats itself. Children use a counting rhyme to choose the Snow Queen.

    "Snowflakes - fluff"

    Children walk around the snow woman without holding hands, they are fluffy snowflakes. The teacher invites the snowflakes to spin around their axis to the right and left (arms to the sides, then walking and light running again.

    "I'll freeze it"

    For this game you need a driver - Santa Claus. It is better if it is one of the adults. The rest of the players form a circle and extend their arms forward. The driver stands in the center of the circle and screams: “I’ll freeze it!” I'll freeze you!" tries to catch the outstretched palms of the players, and when Santa Claus approaches, they put their hands behind their backs. Caught driving a little chides: "Oh no no no! Santa Claus froze you!”, and the game continues.

    Target: develop speed, agility, strength, accuracy, endurance.

    Construction games:

    "Snowballs", "Big Drifts"- consolidate the concept that snow falls in separate snowflakes. During the thaw period, consolidate knowledge about the properties snow: it can be sticky, you can make lumps and animal figures from it.

    Childhood impressions: "I was in winter forest» - consolidate ideas about the characteristic signs of winter; cultivate a love for nature, the ability to feel its beauty.

    Winter Games:


    On the trampled snow, children stand in a column one at a time and put their hands on each other’s belts, depicting a train. Educator speaks: "Train departs!", gives a beep (whistle). At this signal, the train starts moving and sets off on its journey. Can designate destination station (skittle or toy); approaching it, the train slows down. The head of the train - the leader - at repetition For the game exercise, you can choose another child.

    "Find a Pair"

    Children attach colored ribbons of red and blue to their clothes. At the teacher’s signal, the players scatter across the entire playground in different directions. To another signal (blow a tambourine or whistle) Children must pair up with the one who has the same color ribbon.

    "Don't touch me"

    The teacher together with the children makes snowballs and places them in one line at a distance of 0.5 m. Children walk between the snowballs like a snake so as not to touch them. Repeat 2-3 times.

    "Let's find a hare"

    The teacher hides the toy hare in the area in advance so that none of the children know about it. During the walk, he suggests first finding the tracks of the hare, and then himself. The teacher and the children participate in the search for the hare.

    Target: to interest children in finding a hidden toy, to consolidate children’s acquired skills, to develop children’s ability to respond emotionally to games.


    "Make a sheep"

    The year of the sheep has come, and therefore in 2015 it is important to sculpt not snowmen, but sheep.

    "Color the Snowman"

    Now that the sheep are ready, let's add some color to them! You can paint any snow sculptures. To do this, you need to prepare special "snowy" paints. To prepare them, you need to take watercolor paints (or food coloring for Easter eggs, mix the main colors (red, yellow, blue, green, black) in water and pour into plastic bottles. Make one or more holes in the lids and temporarily seal them with electrical tape to prevent them from getting dirty.

    "Pictures in the Snow"

    You can use snow as a canvas. First, prepare paints: for this you need to take half a glass of water and add food coloring there. Make several glasses with different colors. Now we can start paint: Simply spray paint onto the snow. You can also use it to add color to snowmen or snow maidens: Define the mouth, eyes and even hair. In addition, you can make balls, snowmen or various figures from tinted snow.

    Snow building: "Snow Cake" and its decoration.

    Joint production of colored ice floes

    Target: Continue monitoring for water freezing.

    Looking at the painting « Winter fun»

    Target: systematize ideas about winter natural phenomena, the state of inanimate and living nature, winter fun for children.

    “He who has fun is not afraid of frost”

    Children stand on the starting line (marked with a cord or rope, at each person’s feet there are snowballs made in advance. At the teacher’s signal, the children throw snowballs - who’s next! You can designate targets at different distances - these can be cubes, skittles, snowballs, snow buildings (not animals and birds).

    “Who will collect the most snowballs?”

    The teacher scatters snowballs in a limited space. Each child has a container for collecting snowballs. At the signal, the children begin to collect them. The one who collects the most snowballs within a set time is considered the winner.

    Target: continue to develop children’s motor activity, dexterity, speed, spatial orientation.

    “Who will throw the snowball higher?”

    All children take part in the game. On command, children begin to make snowballs and throw them. Everyone completes the task 3 times. The winner is the one who throws the snowball the highest all three times. Throw 2 times with the right hand and 1 time with the left hand.

    A game- fun with sleds:

    "Around the Sled"

    Target: teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, cultivate in children the ability to follow basic rules, coordinate movements, orient themselves in space, teach children to perform movements, showing elements of creativity and imagination.

    Construction game: create a snow sculpture together with the teacher "Snowman" and decorate it with a scarf and hat.

    Reading a fairy tale "The Snow Maiden and the Fox"

    Winter fun using folk games:


    Children and the teacher stand in a circle, one in the center. Sing: How we baked a loaf of bread for Masha on her birthday - (children walk in a circle, then stop)

    this height (children stand on tiptoes or raise their arms up, this low (children squat, this is the size of dinners (narrow the circle, this width) (make the circle wider). Loaf, loaf! Whoever you want, choose! (clap hands) The child standing in the center of the circle chooses one or two children and dances with them. The others clap their hands and sing: Dance, dance! Our kids are good!

    Target: practice forming in a circle, correctly coordinating actions and text; develop speech and motor activity, understanding the different sizes of an object.


    Children stand close together in a circle, holding hands. Together with the teacher they They say:

    Blowing bubbles

    Look at these!

    Blow up, bubble,

    Blow up big

    Stay like this

    Don't burst out.

    (As children recite poetry, they gradually expand the circle.) When the teacher says "The bubble burst", all the children give up, in unison They say: "clap!" and squat down.

    The teacher offers to inflate a new one bubble: The children stand up, form a small circle again, and the game resumes. Option 2 games:

    After the words "Don't burst out" the children don’t sit down, but the teacher speaks: "Bubbles flew". Children run away wherever they want (within the playground, and the teacher speaks: "Let's fly, fly, fly."

    In this version the game can be repeat 3-4 times.

    Target: practice forming a circle; learn to perform actions and text in correct coordination; develop speech and motor activity.

    "The little white bunny is sitting"

    Children - "bunnies" sitting on a bench. The teacher offers to run out "bunnies" to the middle of the site ( "clearing"). Children go to the middle of the playground, stand near the teacher and squat down. The teacher says text:

    White bunny sitting

    And he wiggles his ears.

    Like this, like this

    He wiggles his ears.

    It's cold for the bunny to sit

    I need to warm my paws

    Clap, clap, clap, clap,

    We need to warm our paws.

    It's cold for the bunny to stand

    The bunny needs to jump.

    Skok-skok, skok-skok,

    The bunny needs to jump.

    Upon completion, the teacher pronounces:

    The bear scared the bunny

    Bunny jump. and galloped off.

    The teddy bear teacher scares the children and they scatter all over the playground. Then the game continues.

    Target: teach children to listen to the text and perform movements with the text; teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text; bring joy to children.

    Winter mysteries.

    Observing the freezing of water - freeze water in molds, show children the properties of water. Lead to establishment communications: It’s cold outside, so the water is frozen.

    Theatrical activities: showing a Ukrainian folk tale "Mitten", teacher groups.

    Target: develop the ability to follow the development of action in a puppet show and respond emotionally to it, teach children to watch carefully and cultivate a desire to listen.

    Winter Games: "The Snow Queen", "Snowflakes-fluffs", "Who is faster to the snowman", "Find a Pair"

    Target: increase the motor activity of children during a walk, continue to develop speed, agility, strength, accuracy, endurance.

    Round dance around the snow woman.

    Olga Shuvaikina
    GCD summary: “Winter fun” for the second junior group.


    consolidate the ability to answer the teacher’s questions. Learn

    consider illustrations indicating children's activities.

    To consolidate children's knowledge about winter activities (skiing,

    sledding, playing snowballs, making a snowman).

    Materials, Equipment:

    subject picture “On a walk in winter”; subject pictures “Winter fun”

    Methods, techniques:

    Conversation, story, art. word, looking at pictures, playing.

    Progress of the lesson

    1 Introductory talk

    Guys, it's winter now. All children, young and old, love winter. How can you go for a walk in winter to make it interesting? (Build a snowman, sledding, cleaning paths, etc.).

    Well done! You know how to have fun. Do you want to see how other children have fun in winter? (yes we want to).

    2 Conversation on the picture.

    The teacher shows the painting “On a walk in winter.”

    Look at the picture, what you see in it, tell me... Children are sledding, skiing, several children are making a snowman.)

    Guys, what do you think the snow was like that day when the children were walking? (White, clean, sticky).

    Why do you think it's sticky? (Because they are making a snowman).

    Was the frost severe? (No).

    What kind of faces do children have? (cheerful, joyful, smiling).

    Are the children cold? (No, their cheeks are red, children move a lot).

    What are the children's mood? (Good, cheerful, joyful).

    Physical education minute.

    A game; "Grey bunny."

    The gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears (squatting)

    Like this, like this, he moves his ears. (make “ears on the top of the head” and move the “ears”)

    It's cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm his little paws,

    That's it, that's it, you need to warm your little paws. (rubbing pen against pen, slapping themselves on the sides).

    It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump

    Like this, like this, the bunny needs to jump. (they jump, turning around themselves).

    The wolf scared the bunny, the gray bunny galloped away! (scatter around the group).

    3 - There are a lot of winter activities. Let me now tell you different winter activities, if I say it correctly, then clap your hands:

    In winter they play snowballs.

    In winter they swim in the river.

    In winter they ride a bicycle.

    In winter they collect mushrooms.

    In winter they collect berries.

    In winter they go ice skating.

    In winter they go sledding.

    In winter they make snowmen.

    In winter they go skiing.

    Educator: Guys, do you hear? Who came to us?

    The teacher points to a tree on which pictures of birds are attached.

    Children: Birds!

    Educator: Many are familiar to you, let's name them.

    Children call: crow, sparrow, tit, magpie, dove.

    Educator: That's right! These birds are called winterers. Why do you think?

    Children's answers.

    Educator: Yes. Because they stay with us for the winter. And some birds fly to warmer regions; they are called migratory.

    Guys, is it easy for birds to survive winter?

    Children: No. Because they have nothing to eat in winter.

    Educator: Correct. What do birds eat?

    Children: Seeds, grains, insects.

    Educator: Of course. And we can help the birds, feed them.

    5 Lesson summary

    Guys, what did we talk about today? (about winter fun)

    What kind of winter fun are there? (answers)

    What did you like most? What was difficult?

    This concludes our lesson. Well done!

    Publications on the topic:

    Calendar planning for the week “Winter fun, winter sports” Calendar planning of the group’s work: “Clever and smart girls” on the topic: “Winter fun, winter sports” January. III week 16.01-20.01.2017.

    Open comprehensive GCD for certification “Winter Fun” of the second junior group Integrated educational areas: - Cognition - Communication - Artistic creativity - Socialization - Reading fiction.

    Project "Winter Fun" in the second junior group Relevance Against the backdrop of environmental and social tension in the country, against the backdrop of the unprecedented.

    Program content: To teach children how to play with toys, to promote the development of a plot-game concept, and to develop small skills.

    Elena Machekhina
    Summary of GCD in the junior group “Winter Fun”

    Program content:

    1. Teach children to listen to literary words, solve riddles, answer questions.

    2. expand children’s knowledge about winter sports and winter fun.

    3. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the properties of snow, to clarify children’s ideas about winter.

    4. Teach children to look at a picture, see the plot in the picture, and answer questions about its content.

    5. Teach children to write a short story (from 2 sentences) on open questions.

    6. Develop in children imagination, perception, voluntary memory and attention, observation, verbal and figurative thinking.

    7. Cultivate interest in natural phenomena.

    8. Enrich children’s vocabulary with new adjectives, verbs, nouns (skating rink, hockey, skates, fun, velvety, fluffy, shiny, silver, sparkles).

    9. Consolidate and activate children's vocabulary.

    Material for the lesson:

    Painting « Winter fun» , paper snowballs, baskets, doll. Preliminary Job:

    Readings of poems about winter; conducting experiments with snow; guessing riddles; examination of the plot pictures of the series " Winter fun"; game "Finish the sentences.

    Progress of the lesson:

    There is a knock on the door.

    The doll Katya comes to the children winter clothes. She brought snow from the street and invites the children to examine and touch it.

    Educator: Guys, snow comes from snowflakes. When a lot of snowflakes fall, snowdrifts appear.

    Educator: Children, what kind of snow? Cold, white, fluffy, shiny. The snow shines and silvers.

    Educator: Listen, guys, poem:

    Snowflakes are falling from the sky,

    Like white fluff.

    Covering everything around

    Soft velvet carpet.

    Educator: Remember, guys. When snow melts, what does it turn into? In water. Right. And when water freezes, what happens? Ice. To skate and play hockey, you need a skating rink. And if you pour water on the snow, you get a skating rink (choral repetition words: skating rink, ice, hockey) .

    Educator: Guys, now listen carefully to the riddle and try to solve it her:

    Snow on the fields

    Ice on the rivers

    Blizzard is walking

    When does this happen?

    Children: In winter

    Educator: What signs of winter do you know? Snow is falling, it’s cold outside, the trees are bare of leaves, people are starting to dress warmly. Right. Well done! Guys, we all love winter. It's very beautiful in winter. And in winter, we really love to play outside. Let's look at the picture.

    Examination of the plot picture « Winter fun» .

    Educator: White snow fell. White paths, white houses. On the trees, instead of leaves, there is white snow on the branches. Look how beautiful the Christmas tree is. There is also white fluffy snow on its green branches. Instead of leaves, the tree has green needles that do not fall off in the fall. Real winter has come! The children put on fur coats, pants, mittens on their palms, and new felt boots and boots on their feet. The guys go down the slide. Guys are sledding, skiing, and ice-skating down the hill. Girls are skating at the skating rink, and boys with sticks in their hands go to play hockey. Oh, what a snowman the children made! Instead of a nose there is a carrot, instead of a hat there is a bucket, a scarf around the neck and a broom in the hand.

    The teacher reads a rhyme:

    Snowman, snowman

    Appeared in the yard

    Nose is a carrot

    Mouth - potato

    And a bucket on my head.

    Educator: This is how interesting it is for children to play outside in winter. Really, guys? Look carefully at the picture again.


    What are the children doing? (Walking)

    Where do children go? (On the street)

    What season? (Winter)

    How are the children dressed? (Warm)

    What are the children doing? (Skiing, sledding, skating)

    What did the children do in the yard? (They made a snowman)

    Listen to the poem:

    The snow outside is turning white, get ready quickly,

    Put mittens on your hands, tie a scarf around your neck,

    Fasten the zipper on your jacket and hurry outside.

    But don’t forget to take your sled and skis.

    If you don’t want to, then you will build a snow woman.

    Roll up one lump for now, and a second, and a third.

    Put them on top of each other, the woman came out - lovely!

    Guys, are you tired? Remember how you played snowballs outside. Do you want to play now? Game of "Snowballs"?

    Educator: Look how many white paper snowballs there are. Let's pretend these are real snowballs. Now, you and I will throw snowballs into the basket (the teacher shows the children how to play). Whoever throws the most snowballs into the basket wins. Started (kids are playing) .

    Educator: Now let's play a game "Finish the sentence":

    It has arrived... (winter) .

    Coming... (snow) .

    In winter there are... (frost) .

    Children ride... (skiing, skating, sledding) .

    The boys are walking with clubs... (to the rink) .

    Boys are playing at the skating rink... (in hockey) .

    More children are playing... (snowballs) .

    Children sculpt from snow (snowman, snow woman, fortresses, snowballs) .

    Right. Well done boys.

    And now, children, we will watch the slides and learn to solve riddles.

    Stars are flying from the sky,

    And they sparkle in the sun.

    Just like a ballerina dancing,

    Snowflakes swirl in winter... (Snowflakes) .

    You can make a snow ball

    It's not difficult at all!

    We don't make pies,

    To play you need... (Snowballs).

    We blinded him cleverly,

    There are eyes and a nose - a carrot.

    A little warm - she’ll cry instantly.

    And it will melt... (Snowman).

    The hedgehog looks like her

    you won't find any leaves at all.

    How slim the beauty is

    And for the New Year - you need it! (Christmas tree).

    We are on a frosty day with friends,

    We water the snow with a hose.

    How the ice appears

    So everything is ready... (Ice rink).

    Guys, I have

    Two silver horses.

    I ride both at once

    What kind of horses do I have? (Skis).

    They are racing the puck here with all their might,

    And they throw everything at the gate.

    Here on the field there is ice everywhere,

    We are glad to have such a game! (Hockey).

    It's not easy sometimes

    Get up there.

    But it's easy and pleasant

    Take a ride back! (Snow Hill).

    They fly down the hill on their own,

    But they don’t want to go up the hill.

    You have to climb the hill using a rope,

    Pull back every time. (Sled).

    Well done boys! It was very good and interesting. Did you like it?

    Yes. What did we talk about in class today? About winter, oh winter games and fun. What else did you do? We played snowballs and solved riddles. Right. And now it's time to say goodbye to the Katya doll. Did you like our lesson, Katya? The doll Katya says that it was very interesting and the guys did a good job. And he tells us to dress warmly for a walk, because it’s winter there. Goodbye, Katya!

    Integration of educational areas: “Communication”, “Speech development”, “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”.

    Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, educational, productive, reading.


      To develop the activity and curiosity of children of primary preschool age in the process of cognitive activity.

      Arouse interest in working using the unconventional technique of drawing with “crumpled paper” and creating a composition using the collage technique.



    Expand children's knowledge about the season - winter.

    Reinforce the concept that winter activities are unique to winter.

    Learn to guess riddle poems.

    Activate children's speech through artistic expression.

    Continue learning to answer questions.


    Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

    Develop and improve communication skills.


    Cultivate neatness;

    Develop independence in completing tasks.

    Vocabulary work: frosty, cold, windy, snowy.

    Equipment: interactive whiteboard, paintings by artists about winter, audio recording of P. Tchaikovsky “Seasons” - winter, illustrations of sports equipment and winter fun, album sheets for drawing, and sheets for lumps - stamps, plates with paints, cut-out illustrations of children playing winter fun, glue, napkins.

    Preliminary work: looking at paintings and illustrations about winter. Reading fiction. Conversations about winter fun. Making riddles. Drawing "Winter-Winter".

    Progress of direct educational activities

    Children enter the group and sit on chairs. I'm asking a riddle.

    I'm a white snowflake

    I fly, I fly, I fly.

    Path and paths

    I sweep everything away. (Snowflakes appear on the screen.)

    Guys, at what time of year are there snowflakes flying outside? (children's answers)

    Correct in winter.

    We will now look at paintings by artists. Children look at pictures about winter.

    What is shown in the paintings? (Children's answers.)

    Yes, the paintings depict the season “winter”.

    Tell us what happens to nature in winter; trees, plants, birds? (Children's answers.)

    Describe what winter is like if it’s outside:

    a lot of snow - snowy winter;

    frost – frosty winter;

    wind – windy winter;

    cold - cold winter.

    Well done! Guys, snowflakes want to play with us. You are ready?

    Physical education minute

    Children perform imitative movements to the text.

    They fly straight to us from the sky

    Light fluff.Children run on their toes

    Silver and shine

    White fluff.Children run on their toes and spin around

    The snow has piled up, they spread their arms to the side.

    Everything around was transformed. Turn their head right and left.

    So that we can get through the snowdrift They walk with their knees raised high.

    Raise your legs higher.

    Oh, snowballs, snowballs, snowballs,Perform the movements simulating a snowball fight.

    Fight on a snow hill!

    Oh, you sleds and skates,

    Joy and delight!

    Children sit on chairs.

    Guys, do you know what winter fun you can play outside in winter? (Children's answers.)

    Now guess the riddles. As the riddles are solved, the teacher shows images of sports equipment.

    Two birch horses

    They carry me through the snow.

    These red horses

    And their names are...


    I'm rushing forward like a bullet,

    The ice just creaks

    Let the lights flicker.

    Who's carrying me? ...


    They dragged them up the hill

    To arrange a race.


    We made a snowball

    They made a hat on him,

    The nose was attached, and in an instant

    It turned out... (Snowman.)

    In winter there is only one fun.

    Everyone needs accuracy and dexterity in it.

    What do you call “shells”?

    What are you making and throwing at your friends?


    Let's draw a snowy, blizzard, and paste illustrations of children playing winter fun. Children take tinted sheets for drawing and white sheets of paper to make a lump - a stamp. The white sheet is crumpled into a lump, and a lump is obtained - a stamp. Dip lumps of paper into saucers with paint, and draw a snow blizzard, making prints on tinted paper. Listen to the work of P. Tchaikovsky. After this, the children choose their favorite cut-out illustrations of children playing winter fun. And glue it onto your landscape. At the end of the work, the teacher offers to lay out the work on the carpet and admire it.

    Oh, what a beauty!!!

    Reflection: Did you guys like the activity?

    What is winter like?

    What winter fun do you remember?

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