• Massage with silver spoons. Facial massage with spoons: a simple procedure for improving the condition of the epidermis Massage with a spoon

    • A pair or two of cutlery that everyone can find. It is better to choose the size individually depending on the area on which the work will be carried out. For beginners, the average size of the dessert room is recommended; as your skill increases, you can select the size of the device for each zone separately. For example, use a tea room for the area around the eyes, and a cafeteria to improve skin elasticity. The most obvious results will come from using silver cutlery, since silver exhibits its antioxidant properties much better than other metals. It is also recommended to store the equipment used for the procedure separately from other cutlery.
    • Oil selected according to the type of dermis or cream. We must not forget that some oils can provoke the growth of comedones on the face, so the selection should be taken extremely responsibly. You can use your favorite nourishing serums. The basic rule of spoon massage is that the device should move easily over the surface of the dermis and never allow the dermis under the device to stretch or shift.
    • Two containers with water of different temperatures - cold, warm. Instead of water, you can use herbal or tea infusions, which will increase the usefulness of the procedure. You can add ice to a vessel with cold water. It is important to remember that a hot metal object should not burn the skin; its temperature is selected individually and should not exceed 50 degrees Celsius.
    • Cosmetic wipes or a towel to remove excess oil from the face after the procedure.

    This is the entire list of what is needed for spoon self-massage; these items can be found in every woman’s household, so this method of rejuvenation is available at home.


    Any type of procedure has its contraindications. Spoon massage is no exception, so before starting a cosmetic procedure, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications.

    • Since kneading essentially promotes the drainage of stagnant lymph, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with a separate list of contraindications to the lymphatic drainage massage procedure.
    • It is not recommended to use hot rubbing with cutlery for colds, as they are accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
    • In the presence of pustular inflammation on the skin or severe herpes, it can aggravate the problem, which is also undesirable.

    Based on the fact that there are not many contraindications, we can conclude that such facial skin care is suitable for almost everyone.

    Basic rules for spoon facial massage

    Before starting self-massage, cutlery must be disinfected with an antiseptic or alcohol solution, the skin of the face must also be cleaned so as not to spread even the slightest contamination throughout the face.

    In order for the results of the procedures to please the eye during the procedure, it is necessary to move the device along the massage lines.

    The main massage guides are located on the forehead - from the bridge of the nose to the hairline, in an arched manner above the eyebrows to the temples. Around the eyes, massage should be carried out from the outer corner, using circular movements. In the middle part of the face, start moving from the nose, move the device to the temples.

    Remember that the metal must move easily with sliding movements over the skin, preventing it from stretching without moving it.

    The massage technique itself consists of pressing, stroking, tapping the skin with a hot or cold spoon. To avoid the appearance of unwanted bruises, you need to strictly control the force of pressure on the device during self-massage.

    The morning hours will be the best time to carry out the procedure, as it will help eliminate puffiness after sleep, nourish the skin with the elements of the cream, and energize it for the whole day.

    Basic complex of self-massage with spoons against wrinkles on the face

    Basic is a complex of basic massage manipulations aimed at all areas of the face in turn. Paying attention to each problem area, this complex of elements eliminates the main shortcomings: nasolabial folds, bags under the eyes, crow's feet, wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose, remove the double chin, make the oval of the face clearer.

    Sequence of the basic complex:

    • The area around the eyes.
    • Neckline area.
    • Area of ​​nasolabial folds.
    • Lower third of the face, chin.
    • The bridge of the nose, the frontal part of the facial oval.

    After working on each of the listed areas, it is necessary to drain the lymph from this area along the main lymph flow from the ear, along the neck to the collarbone and to the side.

    Anti-puffiness massage around the eyes with cold spoons

    In order to eliminate swelling in the area around the eyes, cold devices are suitable.
    You need to start the procedure by applying a cooled spoon to five points:

    • Outer corner of the eye (where crow's feet form).
    • The center of the lower eyelid is on the bone of the orbit.
    • Inner corner of the lower eyelid.
    • Inner corner of the upper eyelid.
    • The center of the upper eyelid is on the bone of the orbit.

    It is necessary to continue kneading by draining the lymph, using soft sliding movements from the first point to the ear and down the neck. Repeat the manipulations about 10 times for each eye. If during self-massage the cutlery heats up from the face, it must be cooled in cold water and continued movements.

    Fighting wrinkles on the face and décolleté with warm spoons

    You need to start massaging with warm spoons from the décolleté area. The main massage lines of this zone are located in rays from the cleavage to the armpit, to the collarbone and to the throat.

    Also, rubbing with warm spoons will help eliminate problems such as fine wrinkles in the corners of the eyes or, as they are called, crow's feet. You need to start massaging at the point of the outer corner of the eye and carry out light circular movements towards the temporal part of the head. It is better to repeat massaging movements 4-6 times for each eye.

    Warm devices also smooth out nasolabial folds well. Regular self-massage of this area will help you avoid a visit to a cosmetologist for expensive and painful beauty injection procedures, which sometimes bring unexpectedly negative results and sometimes irreversible consequences. The massage should be carried out along two main massage lines:

    • From the wing of the nose up the cheek to the temple.
    • From the corner of the mouth along the cheek to the earlobe.

    The second incredibly effective way to get rid of nasolabial folds is a tapping massage with a warm spoon. To carry out the procedure, you need to inflate your cheeks to stretch the problem area of ​​the nasolabial lips and walk along the wrinkle from bottom to top with light tapping movements. It is better to repeat the manipulations about five times for each side. To enhance the effect of such a massage, you can use spoons of contrasting temperatures to give the area elasticity and prevent the formation of new wrinkles.

    The next problem that can be eliminated by massage with warm spoons is horizontal creases on the forehead. The simplest massage method will be radial and circular pressing movements from the bridge of the nose to the scalp and above the eyebrow towards the temples.

    Performing self-massage with spoons on video:

    Contrast massage to give skin elasticity

    The use of contrasting spoons in a massage will help to more clearly define the oval of the face, get rid of a double chin and give the skin in any area greater firmness and elasticity.

    For contour facial massage, you need to fold two spoons with their backs and perform kneading techniques on the jaw, starting from the chin to the ear. With proper experience in this type of massage, movements can be replaced with small circular ones. It is important to remember to drain the lymph after 3-4 manipulations on each area.

    To eliminate sagging skin of the chin, you need to place spoons under it in a horizontal position, create tension in the lower jaw and massage along the lines from the chin up and to the sides, moving towards the ear.

    Massage with contrasting spoons can restore elasticity to the skin on the neck, but it is important to avoid the thyroid gland area with the massage.

    Duration of massage

    The time of the procedure is selected individually based on the rhythm of life. If you manage to carve out precious 5 minutes in your busy schedule, they will certainly benefit your skin condition. You should also not get carried away and engage in self-massage for more than 20 minutes. This time is quite enough to work on each of the problem areas and drain the lymph.

    Completing the procedure

    At the end of the self-massage, use silver spoons to remove excess oil or cream from the face, neck and décolleté. If necessary, wash with cleanser. For washing, you can also use infusions of beneficial herbs, cosmetic lotions and tonics, and cosmetic water. The very last step is to pat your skin dry with a towel. Do not aggressively wipe moisture from your face; simply applying the material to your face a few times is enough to remove moisture.

    Thus, we can conclude that massage with silver spoons will help in the fight against many problems associated with skin aging and loss of its firmness and elasticity. You can carry out such a massage yourself at home, without any special preparation, using the usual available means. It is important to remember about disinfection of devices, their accessible and separate storage and compliance with the rules of lymphatic drainage massage.

    It is important for any woman to preserve the beauty and youth of her face for as long as possible. One way to achieve this is to massage your face with spoons. In this article we will talk about what technique to perform it, what spoons are needed and what effect you can expect from a spoon massage.

    Spoon massage was developed by cosmetologist Rene Koch. At an early age, he noticed that when his mother applied an ordinary spoon to a bruise, it became less painful and swollen. Rene Koch decided to try this technique in the beauty and health industry. Now this is a fairly popular method of skin rejuvenation, combating cellulite, sagging, and sagging skin. This type of massage with spoons is very convenient to use at home.

    What effect does massage with spoons give?

    A quick massage for the entire face is performed according to the following scheme: eyes, décolleté, nasolabial fold, chin, neck, forehead, bridge of the nose. It will take no more than 10 minutes.

    Neck massage

    The neck area should be worked with warm spoons. The pattern of movements starts from the bottom of the middle of the chin to the ears. This is a good way to tighten the skin of the neck area.

    Massage with spoons on video

    We offer you a selection of master classes on video about facial massage with spoons.

    There are many beauty recipes. Modern techniques make it possible to prolong the youth and freshness of the skin. Facial massage with spoons helps to cope with age-related changes and delay the effects of time. The technology was developed by Rene Koch. The cosmetologist put into practice a well-known folk method for swelling and bruising on the integument. Thanks to the effects of available tools, it is possible to smooth out wrinkles and restore the oval line.

    Indications for use

    Refers to anti-aging techniques. A positive effect is observed due to the acceleration of blood circulation and lymph outflow. As a result, cells are saturated with nutrients and oxygen, renewal processes and collagen synthesis are accelerated. The lymphatic drainage properties of a spoon massage remove fluid from the subcutaneous tissue, relieve swelling, and restore tone.

    Indications for:

    • loose, tired skin;
    • facial, static wrinkles;
    • double chin, shaved;
    • unhealthy, gray color;
    • puffiness, swelling;
    • bags under the eyes;
    • enlarged pores;
    • lumpy structure;
    • inflammation, irritation.

    As a result of performing a facial massage with spoons, the overall condition of the skin improves. Muscle spasms are relieved, fibers relax, wrinkles are smoothed out. Activation of blood flow promotes the synthesis of collagen, which fills folds.

    Note! The technique is often used to correct the oval line, shape the cheekbones, and tighten the drooping eyelid.

    Execution Rules

    For a cosmetic procedure to be beneficial, you need to adhere to basic recommendations. This is one of the few techniques available for home use. The result can be compared with hardware lymphatic drainage massage; the effect will be noticeable after the first sessions.


    • Used spoons should be kept separate from cutlery. Before and after the procedure, be sure to treat with an antiseptic.
    • Silver spoons are considered the best, as this metal has antioxidant properties. You can also massage with regular stainless steel ones.
    • In the salon it is performed with 2 or 4 spoons, at home you can use only 2.
    • Before the procedure, the skin is cleaned and then finished with the application of a cosmetic product.
    • For glide, base oils and essential compositions are used. You can use nourishing cream.
    • Before the massage, it is necessary to test the compositions. If burning or irritation occurs, only the basics are used - jojoba, wheat or olive oil.
    • Like all techniques, it is performed strictly along massage lines. The pressure is of medium intensity and is self-adjustable. This allows you to avoid trauma to blood vessels by affecting the subcutaneous tissue.
    • To solve aesthetic problems, various temperature conditions are used. To relieve puffiness - cold, to smooth out wrinkles, combine the effects of heat and cold.
    • The temperature of the applied spoons should be comfortable; burns or, conversely, hypothermia of the tissues are not allowed. Before performing a massage, it is worth testing on the elbow bend.

    Preparing for the session

    For the procedure, you need to prepare containers with cold and hot water. It is recommended to use mineral or decoctions of chamomile, plantain, mint to enhance the cosmetic effect. The base oil must be warmed to room temperature.

    The face is cleansed of decorative cosmetics and impurities. Then you need to apply massage oil or nourishing cream in a fairly generous layer to prevent displacement and stretching of the skin.

    Important point! Coffee ones are used for the area around the eyes, dessert ones are used for the cheeks and chin. Teaspoons - for the eyelids, bridge of the nose, forehead, nasolabial folds, tablespoons - for the neck and décolleté.

    Types of massage techniques

    Depending on the temperature, massage is divided into cold, hot spoons, and mixed. For the face, cold and mixed are often used. To correct your figure and get rid of orange peel - hot.


    To perform the procedure, prepare chilled water, green tea or herbal decoction. You can add ice cubes to maintain the desired temperature. Techniques with cold spoons are performed after hot ones. They stimulate the outflow of lymph, relieve swelling, and help smooth out wrinkles.


    Prepares and warms the skin, opens pores as much as possible, and helps eliminate toxins. It is important to test the hot spoon on your wrist or elbow beforehand to avoid getting burned. Massage with warm spoons helps smooth out nasolabial folds on the forehead. It cannot be applied to the eyelids, the only exception being the area of ​​the crow's feet.


    Alternating exposure to warm and cold metal stimulates blood flow and has a lymphatic drainage effect. Alternation helps speed up the renewal process and removes dead cells. The most effective method for preventing age-related changes and correcting the oval line.

    Instructions for implementation

    Dip a spoon into cold or hot liquid. Take it out and wet it with a napkin; you can apply oil or cream directly to the instrument itself. All techniques are performed 4–5 times alternately with hot and cold spoons.


    1. Place 2 hot spoons on the bridge of the nose. Apply 6 pulsating pressures, then draw along a line to the center of the forehead, parallel to the eyebrow arches. Complete the movement at the temples, repeat with cold spoons.
    2. From the center of the forehead, draw a spiral using hot spoons towards the temples. Repeat as standard when cold.
    3. Use zigzag movements from the bridge of the nose to the temples with hot, then cold spoons.
    4. A simple technique will help with nasolabial folds. Take air into your cheeks and, using patting movements, work the lines of the nasolabial triangle from top to bottom with warm spoons, then with cold spoons.
    5. Place hot spoons over the upper lip, mouth relaxed. Move with smoothing movements to the corners of the mouth, make 3 presses. From this point, stroke towards the ear tragus. Repeat with cold tools.
    6. Cold spoons are used to relieve swelling. Install in the inner corner area. Using wave-like movements, move the instrument towards your temples, make 3 presses. Then - to the earlobes, and return to the inner corner of the eye.
    7. To smooth out crow's feet, you need to place warm spoons at the corners of the outer eye. Make 3 circles towards the temples, then repeat with cold spoons.

    Number and cost of sessions

    The first positive changes can be noticed after 3-4 procedures. In total, at least 10–15 sessions will be required, the number and frequency are determined by the specialist, depending on the condition of the skin.

    With pronounced age-related changes, it is better to trust professionals. In aesthetic medicine salons and clinics, the cost of a session varies from 800 rubles. up to 5000 rub. The price is influenced by the experience and qualifications of the master, as well as cosmetics used during the massage.

    Attention! You can massage with spoons yourself to maintain freshness, eliminate inflammation, and narrow pores. But with pronounced problems - nasolabial folds, lumpy structure, drooping eyelids, double chin - home care will be ineffective.


    You should not sign up for a massage if you are feeling unwell or have an exacerbation of chronic pathologies. It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure for allergic and dermatological diseases.


    • pathologies of the lymphatic system;
    • rosacea;
    • fever;
    • pustular formations;
    • herpes;
    • infectious, inflammatory diseases.

    Massage with spoons is a great way to maintain elasticity and youthful skin. It will enhance the effect of cosmetic products and restore the skin, as if after a spa holiday. You can master the simple technique yourself by using it for home care.

    Useful videos

    Famous Canadian cosmetologist Zina Chervinskaya talks about a unique and very simple method of facial care.

    Facial massage with spoons for beginners.

    R A recipe for a quick and very simple way to smooth out wrinkles on the face using spoons.

    Rene Koch, a German cosmetologist, is sure that in order to get rid of wrinkles on the face and tighten the skin, it is not necessary to turn to plastic surgeons. For massage at home, massage with spoons is well suited. It is not complicated in its technique, but it will not make you wait long for results with regular use.

    This massage has been known since past centuries, when kings and various nobles used gold or silver spoons for it.
    The procedure is performed with the back of a spoon, which gently and evenly presses on a certain area of ​​the skin, and smoothes out wrinkles like an iron. Although spooning massage can be performed on the entire body, facial massage is the most common.

    Performing a massage with silver spoons, which is now carried out in many expensive beauty salons, is, of course, good, but we will make do with simple spoons of different sizes. For self-massage at home, spoons ranging from table spoons to coffee spoons are suitable.

    We may need

    A pair of silver or cupronickel spoons, but if you don’t have those, then simple steel ones will do;

    In addition to spoons, you will need 2 containers, the first will contain hot water, and the second will contain cold water (you can use ice).

    Hot and cold decoction of some herb or green tea

    Vegetable oil (you can take an oil suitable for your skin type. For oily and combination skin it is better to take “hazelnut”, “almond”, “sesame”, and for normal and dry skin - “apricot”, “peach”, “olive”.)

    To do a massage you will need about 20 minutes of free time.

    The massage technique is very simple.

    No special skills are required for self-massage.
    A little effort and a mild lifting effect, improved blood supply and lymph flow are guaranteed.
    Depending on the purpose, the massage will be carried out with a chilled or heated spoon. From this we will get different results.

    The spoons are first wiped with alcohol.
    Before starting, you need to cleanse your face and apply cream to it, although it can be applied directly to the spoon before the massage (on the convex side). The cream promotes a better result, so if you want to apply it specifically to spoons, do it this way: Place the spoons in containers with water, 1st in hot water, 2nd in cold water. First, the massage is performed with a hot spoon. Do you take it out of the hot water, blot it with a napkin and check if it is too hot before applying the cream? Then apply the cream and proceed directly to the exercises.

    If you grease the back of the spoon with honey, you will get a greater effect.

    Important! We perform massage strictly along massage lines.

    Main directions of massage:

    Along the forehead from the bridge of the nose to the temples and hairline,
    along the eyelids in a circular motion from the inner corner back to it,
    along the cheeks from the wings of the nose to the temples,
    from the chin to the temples,
    along the neck from its base to the chin.


    We massage the face with spoons, first clockwise, and then vice versa.
    It is important to ensure that the movements are gentle and the skin under the spoons does not stretch or move.
    Make clockwise massage movements with pressure, and counterclockwise use light stroking to avoid backflow of tissue fluid.
    It is recommended to perform each movement at least 10 times.
    Each time the spoon begins to slide worse, it should be lowered into the oil.
    At the end of the procedure, the face should be washed with warm water.

    Facial massage with spoons: perform exercises

    1) “Line” - smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows.

    You need 2 spoons.

    Place the hot spoon between the eyebrows and press 6 times, then move it up the forehead.

    We lower the spoon back into the container with hot water and do the same action with a cold spoon.

    2) “Spiral” - smooth out wrinkles on the forehead. You will need 2 spoons, both of which are placed in a container of hot water. We apply the spoon to the right temple and draw a spiral in three circular movements, then move the spoon along the forehead to the left temple. We draw the same spiral with three circular movements. We take a new spoon and start the exercise again, only this time on the left temple.

    3) “Zigzag” - the task is the same, smooth out wrinkles on the forehead. Take 4 spoons. Place a couple of hot spoons on your forehead (in the middle). Next, you need to immediately move both spoons from the middle to the temples, as if drawing a zigzag (point the spoons in different directions). Reach your temples and perform 6 light pressures. Repeat with cold spoons.

    4) “Drum” - smooth out the nasolabial folds. Cosmetologists say: the presence of a pronounced, deeply drawn nasolabial fold on the face makes a person’s face 7-10 years older. She also gives her face an aggressive, gloomy, sad expression.
    You will need 4 spoons. Using hot spoons, tap 10 times on and around the nasolabial folds (do this with puffy cheeks). Do several repetitions.

    5) “Letter O” - the goal is the same as in exercise. No. 4. You will need 2 spoons. Apply anti-wrinkle cream to hot spoons; your mouth should be slightly open, as if pronouncing the letter “O”. Place the spoons at the wings of the nose, perform circular movements, gradually descend, drawing “antennae”, to the lips (corners). Perform circular movements again. Close your mouth, heat the spoons and you can do the exercise again a second time. Only 3 repetitions.

    6) “Mustache” - smooth out wrinkles around the lips. You will need 2 teaspoons, which are hot and placed in a horizontal position above the upper lip. Keep your mouth slightly open and pronounce the sound “E”. Using small movements in the form of a semicircle, move to the corners of the mouth, drawing antennae. They stopped and slightly pressed the spoons into the corners of their lips. Then turn them over to a vertical position and move towards the earlobes as if trying to lift the corners of the lips. When you reach your earlobes, stop, perform three presses and move up the ear muscle. Repeat - 2 times.

    7) “Wave” - eliminate dark circles and bags under the eyes. A common problem is swelling of the eyelids and bruising under the eyes.

    In our age of “stress and passion,” computers and radiotelephones, such manifestations are more than common.

    And for your eyes to sparkle and stop being tired and sad, let’s start with the eyelids.

    First, cool the spoons in the ice broth (by the way, you can pre-cool the spoon in the refrigerator). Let's apply them to the upper eyelids for a few seconds. And so on in 5 passes. This exercise will help eliminate swelling and visibly tighten the skin of the upper eyelids.

    Let's repeat the exercise, applying a cooled spoon to the lower eyelids - we will remove puffy bags and dark circles under the eyes.

    You will need 2 chilled spoons. Place them near the inner corners of your eyes. Using wave-like movements, move the spoons towards your temples. Perform 3 presses on the temples, move towards the ears. Stop for 6 seconds, again move the spoons onto your eyelids, hold for 2 seconds. Total - 3 repetitions.

    8) “From crow's feet” - the purpose of the exercise is clear from the name. You will need 4 spoons, onto which you will need to apply a gel or cream that fights such wrinkles. Place heated spoons near the corners of the eyes, above the cheekbone. Perform 3 circular movements, moving to the temples. Stopping is literally a few seconds. Repeat 2 more times. Now perform with chilled spoons (1 time). Again, 3 repetitions heated and 1 cooled. Total repetitions - 3.

    The spoons need to be kept a little in warm oil.

    Start massaging your cheeks along the massage lines.

    With slight pressure the spoons are moved

    along the facial massage lines in parallel or alternately:

    From the chin to the earlobes, without moving the skin;
    from the center of the upper lip to the auricle;
    from nose to temples;
    from the chin to the cheekbones and further to the temples

    To avoid stretching the skin while massaging the cheeks, it is necessary to fix it under the chin with the other hand or place a fist under the chin.

    10) Neck and chin, décolleté

    Heat a spoon in the broth and grease it with vegetable oil.

    Let's run it from the collarbones to the chin on both sides of the neck. Let's repeat 10 times.

    These movements will help get rid of the annoying double chin.

    Let's move on to the chin massage. Movements are made from the midline to the ears and from the upper edge of the jaw down towards the throat. We massage the décolleté area from the cleavage to the armpits.

    11) Individual work. To work with wrinkles we use the “contrast shower” principle. That is, we will apply a hot and cold spoon to the face alternately. This effect will lead to improved skin tone.

    Go to the mirror and look at yourself, remember the location of facial wrinkles. You will have to carefully “work” each area in a circular motion, massaging alternately with a hot or cold teaspoon.

    If you want to achieve the desired result, then make this procedure your mandatory ritual.

    When performed regularly, massage with spoons can work wonders: make the skin more elastic, remove excess fluid, improve blood circulation, and restore clarity to facial contours.

    For the first time, German cosmetologist Rene Koch suggested using spoons for facial massage. The cosmetic procedure is carried out using two spoons. And also two glasses - with hot and cold water. Use spoons at different temperatures to warm up the facial muscles. This leads to improved skin nutrition and drainage of excess lymph.

    We all know that the process is inevitable, but is there really nothing we can do? But there is a way out. This is a facial massage with spoons, the reviews and results on the Internet are very positive. Let's find out how to make it at home and which devices are best suited.

    Facial massage with spoons: how to do it correctly at home

    • How to do it right

    There are 57 muscles under the skin of our face. Not all of them are involved. Those who are unemployed become weaker over time. This is how the corners of our lips droop, our cheeks and eyelids sag. Facial massage with spoons tones our muscles. This means it tightens the contour of the face and smoothes out wrinkles.

    The German cosmetologist Rene Koch was the first to suggest using spoons for facial massage. The cosmetic procedure is carried out using two spoons. And also two glasses - with hot and cold water. Use spoons at different temperatures to warm up the facial muscles. This leads to improved skin nutrition and drainage of excess lymph.

    Features of the technique

    It is optimal to carry out the procedure daily, immediately after washing. You can heat and cool spoons under running water. The manipulation techniques are different: tapping, stroking, pressing. The main thing is without fanaticism.

    • Puffiness, dark circles under the eyes, and soothe irritated skin will help cold spoons.
    • Get rid of facial wrinkles, tighten the contour, skin on the neck - heated spoons.

    They can be heated up to 50˚C. Cutlery should not burn your face. A massage should be comfortable.

    Before you begin the procedure itself, you need to do the following:

    • Cutlery for massage should be disinfected before each session. It is better to store them separately from other dishes.
    • Before the session, you need to clean your face and wash your hands.
    • Apply cream or oil so that the spoons glide smoothly over the skin. During a cosmetic procedure, the skin should not be stretched.
    • Cutlery should only slide along the massage lines of the face.
    • You need to press lightly on the skin, you don’t need to press hard. This will avoid bruising and vascular injury.

    As for the frequency of sessions, it all depends on the goals. If there is swelling, you can do it daily, in the morning, for 5 minutes. If the goal is to tighten the contour and remove fine wrinkles, a course of 10-15 sessions. In this case, the procedure will be longer

    It is good to use different lifting gels and creams during manipulations. After the procedure, apply nourishing cream. Along the way, the vitamin complex will not harm. After the course they take a break. Its duration depends on the condition of the skin. If you are not satisfied with something, the course is repeated.

    This type of cosmetic procedure has contraindications. It should not be done if there are rashes and inflammations on the skin. If you don't feel well. Inflamed lymph nodes are also a contraindication. Avoid places with spider veins; you cannot massage them. If you have diseases of the nasopharynx, it is also better not to do the procedure.

    What tools are best to use?

    Many people are interested in what spoons can be used for manipulation? Silver cutlery is preferable. Silver is an antiseptic and antioxidant. It helps nutrients penetrate deep into the skin. This improves her nutrition. If you don’t have such spoons, stainless steel or plastic will do. Appliances can be cold, warm or room temperature. It is advisable to put ice in a cup of cold water. The second should have hot water.

    The sizes of cutlery are selected individually. Start with a teaspoon, try a dessert spoon, then a tablespoon. You yourself will understand which of them is more convenient to use.

    In terms of time - better in the morning. This will relieve puffiness and tone the skin. If you don’t have time in the morning, you can do it before bed. But no later than 2 hours before you go to bed. Otherwise you may get swelling.

    How to do it right

    Relieving puffiness of eyelids and bags under the eyes

    Cool the cutlery. You can use cold water or ice cubes for this. You need to start at the inner corner of the eye. Swipe the spoon over the upper eyelid at least 5 times. More precisely along the superciliary arch.

    Move from the nose. Afterwards, move along the lower eyelid at least 5 times. The device should now move towards the nose. Movements should be smooth, light pressure. Cool the spoon periodically.

    Nasolabial folds

    To smooth out nasolabial folds, move a spoon along them from bottom to top. As if lifting them up. Make sure that the skin does not stretch. To drain lymph, move the spoon from your nose up your cheeks to your temple. Then from the corners of the mouth towards the earlobes. Be sure to drain the lymph after several movements along the same line. You need to repeat the manipulations several times. Once you have mastered this technique well, you can try circular movements along the lines.

    Puffy cheeks will help enhance the effect of the procedure. Inflate them and walk along the nasolabial folds, lightly tapping them with spoons. Use hot cutlery first, then cold cutlery. The procedure should be repeated 3-5 times. Don't forget to alternate spoons.

    Wrinkles on the forehead

    If you have wrinkles on your forehead, use spoons coated with massage oil. They need to be placed above the eyebrows.

    Make 10 circular movements with the spoon in one direction and the other.

    Place two spoons together between your eyebrows. Move them to the sides towards your temples. Movements should be relaxing and calm. Repeat 10 times.

    You can alternate between warm and cold cutlery.

    Modeling the oval face

    To correct the oval of the face, point the spoons towards each other. Then massage the muscles of the lower jaw with force. Each spoon should move from the chin to the ear. Next, perform at least 3 massage movements on the mandibular muscles. The effect will be better if you tense them. This can be done if you pronounce the sound E during the massage. After the procedure, do not forget to drain the lymph.

    Correction selection

    To correct the chin, heat the spoons and place them under it. Cutlery should be in a horizontal position. The chin muscles need to be tense. To do this, move your lower jaw forward a little. Say M. Then, slowly and with pressure, move the spoons to the sides and up from the middle of the chin.

    3-4 movements are enough and the lymph is drained away. Then we repeat everything again. You determine the time of the cosmetic procedure yourself. 5 minutes is enough for the problem area. If you can do more repetitions, do it.

    Well, now it’s clear why spoons were invented - with them you can stay young and beautiful for a long time. published.

    Olga Sologub

    P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

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