• Determine karmic connection by date of birth. Karmic relationships according to partners’ birth dates. How to recognize karmic relationships


    If when you meet someone you feel like you've known them all your life, you may have already met in the distant past. You can determine a karmic connection by date of birth.

    Every person has a chance to meet a soul mate. However, there is an opinion that such fateful meetings can be dangerous and even lead to unpleasant consequences. It should not be ruled out that meeting a potential life partner may not be accidental: perhaps you have already met him in a past life. There are many ways to recognize karmic relationships, but site experts suggest you use the most effective one. To do this, you just need to know your partner's date of birth.

    Signs of a karmic connection

    According to the laws of the Universe, not a single meeting in our lives occurs by chance. Before determining a karmic connection by date of birth, you can pay attention to the signs indicating it. Perhaps with their help you will be able to understand that your partner not just a soul mate, but a messenger of fate.

    We've known each other all our lives. If you have a karmic connection with a person, first of all you will have the feeling that you have known him for a very long time. Sometimes it may seem to you that you are familiar with all his habits and preferences, so you can literally understand each other perfectly.

    Sudden acquaintance. Perhaps a few minutes before you met, you didn’t even realize that just a couple of minutes later you would meet your life partner or best friend. This may not seem strange to some, but sometimes such a coincidence of circumstances is not at all a simple coincidence.

    You are drawn to each other with great force. If you can't live a day without a person, you may be in a karmic relationship. This attraction is very difficult to explain, but if even a short separation drives you crazy, then there is reason to think about it.

    Rapid development of relations. Sometimes lovers rejoice when their relationship develops at great speed. Many of them mistakenly think that the reason for such rapid development is strong love. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. In some cases, this may mean that you have become a hostage to karmic relationships.

    Drastic changes in life. Just yesterday you didn’t even think about changing your place of residence, but today a new acquaintance has turned your life upside down and you are ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. You should not give in to emotions: before deciding to make such changes, you should think everything over carefully. If a karmic relationship goes too far, it will be much more difficult to get rid of it.

    Diseases and illnesses. If, after meeting a person, you begin to get sick more often and suffer from emotional distress, there is a chance that you have become part of a karmic relationship. In this case, the harmful relationship should be broken immediately, otherwise the consequences may be dire.

    Relationships make you suffer. Due to constant quarrels and disagreements, it is difficult for you to be with this person, but it is much more difficult to imagine your life without him. The problem is that breaking a karmic connection is very difficult, but it must be done. If your current relationship is making you suffer, you need to get over yourself and take the first step towards breaking up.

    Relationships are like a script. If you often communicate with a person using lines from books, TV series or films, this is a clear sign that your relationship is proceeding according to the script. In most cases, this means that you are bound by karma.

    You often see a person in your dreams. If you dream about your loved one occasionally, there is nothing wrong with that. If he visits your dreams every day, your connection with him can be dangerous for both him and you.

    Love addiction. Love addiction itself is a disease. If you are literally dependent on a person and suffer during his absence, first you need to consult a psychologist. If visits to a specialist do not bring a positive result, perhaps the cause of addiction is a karmic connection.

    How to determine a karmic connection by date of birth

    By determining a karmic connection using your date of birth, you can once again confirm that there is a person next to you with whom you have already met. For calculations you need to use your dates of birth.

    For example, your date of birth is 08/15/1982, your loved one’s is 05/22/1987.

    It is necessary to sum up all the numbers - 1+5+0+8+1+9+8+2+2+2+0+5+1+9+8+7=68.

    You only need the last digit with which you can find out the result.

    0 — the resulting number indicates that your couple does not have a future together.

    1 — Such relationships are mainly based on passion, but karma has nothing to do with them. As soon as feelings begin to fade, the love union will cease to exist.

    2 — you had met once in the past and your love was strong. However, in this life, the connection between you is unlikely to lead to a good result.

    3 — in such a union the woman is in charge. If a man can accept this, then the relationship can last a long time.

    4 — There is a karmic connection in such relationships, but it is very weak. Therefore, nothing threatens the partners.

    5 — a strong spiritual and karmic connection, because of which people are drawn to each other. Such relationships can last a very long time.

    6 — dangerous number. It means that in the past the partners were very close, but one of them died early, which made the other suffer. Relationships can be long and painful.

    7 — a successful union. The number seven promises partners a long and happy life together.

    8 — in numerology this number is considered a symbol of infinity. It says that the partners met in a past life and will meet more than once in the future.

    9 — there is no karmic connection, so the duration of the relationship depends only on the partners themselves.

    If you suspect that you are currently in a karmic relationship, do not worry in advance. They are not always dangerous: some in such a union get the opportunity to solve all the problems that haunted them in a past life. If you feel that the relationship brings you nothing but problems, then you will be able to break the connection and find your true life partner. We wish you happiness and love,and don't forget to press the buttons and

    A karmic relationship is a love or marriage that took place in a past life. It is karmic only because the man and woman still have some common unresolved problems.

    Often such relationships can be recognized by certain signs, which, however, are not always accurate. In this case, numbers come to the rescue, namely dates of birth.Karmic marriage and love can be easily calculated if you are not sure of your predictions.

    Numerological calculation by date of birth

    So, you have two dates of birth - yours and your other half. For example, let's take the following dates: 02/25/1990 and 10/11/1986. First you need to add up all the digits of each date and get two numbers. If you get a number of 10 or more, you will need to add the numbers again. You will need to do this until you get a number from 1 to 9:

    • 2+5+0+2+1+9+9+0 = 28, 2+8 = 10, 1+0 = 1 ;
    • 1+1+1+0+1+9+8+6 = 27, 2+7 = 9 .

    By themselves, these numbers do not mean anything in relation to karma: their difference and sum are important. To get two karmic numbers, you must first add the resulting numbers, and then subtract the smaller from the larger one. In this case, it is also important to remember that numbers of 10 and more require repeated addition of the digits.

    • 1+9 = 10, 1+0 = 1 ;
    • 9-1 = 8 .

    The sum number is karmic number of the first degree. Second number - karmic number of the second degree. Next, you just need to find the decoding of your received number.

    Decoding karmic numbers

    Number one, sum. This number shows the nature of karmic relationships, as well as the likelihood of their existence between you.

    Unit. If you get a Unit, then most likely your relationship is far from karmic. The only thing that can tell you about them is your incredible similarity, or polar differences in everything. In the first case, it may be that there is no need to change anything. If you differ so much that difficulties in communication arise between you almost immediately, but for some reason you simply cannot break off the relationship, then this is the effect of karma. In a past life, you were together for a long time, but because of problems in your relationship, your children or other loved ones could have suffered.

    Deuce. This first degree karma number means that you probably do not have any karmic attachments. The only thing that is quite likely is an equally strong desire to create a family, which is higher than love for the other half. Decide for yourself whether this is a reward or a curse, but you have every chance of living together for the rest of your life. It’s just that love will fade into the background over time. This may be an echo of karmic relationships, but it is not dangerous.

    Troika. You will reach an impasse at some point in your relationship. This is a karmic sign, but it does not have fatal consequences. Early divorce or breakup is possible, so don't rush to get married and have children, although children may be a deterrent for you. Love will return if you have children at the time of crisis in the relationship. There are two options - either wait or have children.

    Four. Both of you can become victims of your selfishness. Some of you may be too narcissistic. If this is you, then the problems will be very easy to solve. If this is your lover or beloved, then there will be much more problems. Four in the number of primary type karma is a bad sign. Even if you come to terms with the shortcomings of your other half, it is far from a fact that you can live with it. It is quite possible that in a past life you yourself were the same asdestroyed the family.

    Five. The number Five is obtained by extremely strong-willed people who are ready to do anything for the sake of their family. Such a union is almost certainly devoid of any problems from the point of view of karma and fate. In past lives, you behaved correctly towards your significant other and your family, so in this direction you have nothing to pay for with happiness.

    Six. The primary karmic number Six is ​​an inconsistency in desires. If you want your marriage or relationship to be successful, then from the very beginning it is better to dot all the i’s. Otherwise, you will regret not doing it later. This should be done unobtrusively so that your loved one does not close himself off from you. Of course, the easiest way is to just take it and run away, but not everyone checks karmic compatibility right away, so you will either have to be flexible yourself, or wait for insight from your spouse.

    Seven. This is a dangerous number because it indicates that your relationship will constantly go in circles. You will not be able to find a way out of this difficult situation. Everything bad will come into your life and stay in it. Your quarrels will accumulate, which will gradually lead to the destruction of the relationship. The only way out is to give your significant other as much freedom as possible if you are already married or even have children. Don't hold back your loved one.

    Eight. Perhaps you are in a marriage of convenience. If your beloved woman or man was not financially successful before marriage or relationship with you, but you were, then almost 100% we can say that this is a karmic relationship. They are not in love with you because they want something material from you. You can be used. Be very careful. In other cases, when your material capabilities are approximately equal, everything can be very good.

    Nine. If your karmic number of the first degree is 9, then your relationship is unlikely to be karmic. The maximum for which fate may need them is to solve someone’s problem. But this is just a side effect, nothing more. Nothing threatens your happiness.

    Karmic number of the second degree can be equal to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8, as well as 0 when the numbers calculated by date of birth are equal. It cannot be nine, because the maximum number from the initial calculation by date of birth is 9, and the minimum is 1. We remind you that the karmic number of the second degree is obtained by subtracting a smaller number from a larger number.

    The number of the second degree is the inverse probability that a karmic relationship may enter your life. The lower the number, the higher the likelihood that you will pay in your current life for your sins and mistakes in previous lives. If you get zero, then you have definitely already encountered karmic relationships or have already partially paid off your “debt”. One way or another, you need to keep your eyes open throughout your life, especially if the initial number turned out to be not the most encouraging. If the karmic number of the first degree turned out to be good, and the secondary one is zero, then there is no need to worry.

    Karmic relationships are not something unique. More than half of the people around the world encounter them. The main thing is not the existence of a problem, but how you deal with it. Perhaps your problem lies within yourself. It can benegative programs , curses, evil eyes, whatever. If you are sure that you are completely giving yourself to love, but you are met with negativity or nothing works out, then you can already think about karmic problems.

    Good luck to you!

    Love, from a magical point of view, is any happy or not so happy, long-term or fleeting union of two people who have real feelings for each other. When human personalities, habits, karmic vectors and worldviews are truly tested, one of the most terrifying purgatories on the planet occurs.

    Karmic marriage is a union of two individuals who were previously well acquainted in one of their past lives. They still had debts to each other, so fate brought them together again. It is likely that in past incarnations they could have been spouses, relatives, parents, lovers and even sworn enemies.

    Karmic marriage: what is it?

    Karmic relationships are quite common. At first glance, this may seem like an unlikely alliance. The concept of “karma” itself came to us from the distant and mysterious East. But this does not mean that it is alien to us.

    You can consider karmic marriage using a life example. In a past life, the girl had a boyfriend who loved her very much. He's on it. And she preferred him to a middle-aged man who promised excellent prospects.

    Many opportunities opened up for the woman: a well-paid job, a large and spacious house, a personal car, travel and a lot of money. The girl chose the option that suited her best. She rejected the feelings of her loved one due to her personal beliefs.

    In the next life, something similar will happen to the person who did wrong. He'll have to go through this again. Again he will be faced with a difficult choice and, most likely, will stumble. And this will continue until he learns a valuable life lesson. The main thing is to always do the right thing, according to the dictates of your heart.

    Often, before entering into a legal marriage, no one studies karma. But in vain, because a lot depends on it. The very facts that people usually use when connecting themselves with a loved one can tell a lot.

    Blind passion is a vivid example of a karmic marriage. You can consider a specific situation. In a past life, Viktor Sergeevich was a promising young scientist. Because of his strong love for his girlfriend Alevtina, he quit his scientific work.

    In his next life, his main goal is his career, and he literally avoids women. The soul of this person remembers the previous bitter experience. Consequently, on a subconscious level, a man is afraid to tie the knot. This fear can be compared to claustrophobia and arachnophobia.

    Karmic laws cannot be canceled. That is why in life Viktor Sergeevich finds himself in a similar situation. His fears, as well as all attempts to escape from omnipresent love, are blocked by the amazing mechanism of blind passion. A man falls in love like a teenager, lives with his beloved, and raves about her.

    Later, protective barriers are destroyed and fear recedes. After some time, he will have to face a similar situation again.

    Once again, difficult choices will need to be made. It is important to make the right decision, as a lot depends on it. The ideal way out of this situation is to combine work and love.

    You cannot betray yourself and give up what you love. Another striking example of a karmic marriage is the expression “the time has come”.

    If a person formalizes an official relationship not out of great love, but because such a moment has come, then this will not lead to anything good. From a biological point of view, the individual has simply achieved the so-called ““. He is ready to start a family and have children.

    According to karma, the desire to get married or get married arises at the age when it happened in a past life. Especially if the previous marriage was not very successful. A mistake deposited in karma is waiting to be corrected. It seems that fate is pushing a person to take decisive action.

    Special attention should be paid to marriages of convenience. Often the epidemic of weddings begins in the last years of university. All ties are severed, the usual rhythm of life changes radically, girls and boys are warmed by the hope that together it is not so scary to start a new stage of life.

    Each person continues to search for a suitable partner. People always choose companions with a stable financial situation, with the presence of real and movable property.

    But such relationships will only be happy if there are strong feelings between the young people A guy and a girl should be connected. If the decision to get married comes spontaneously, only for selfish reasons, then the likelihood of creating a happy family is zero.

    From a karmic point of view, such a marriage is a simple desire to deliberately get rid of problems and shift them onto the shoulders of the spouse. The desire to be happy and not need anything is quite natural. But in reality, no one will solve other people's problems.

    No matter what misfortunes a person hides from, they will definitely overtake him again. This will continue until he finds the strength to solve the problem on his own. If a woman values ​​her husband’s salary most of all, then sooner or later he will lose it.

    As a result, the couple will be left with nothing. If a representative of the fair sex likes her husband’s position in society and reliability, then, unfortunately, he will lose everything in the near future. And these are not tricks of fate at all, but only karmic lessons. Each person is forced to go through his own path and learn many things.

    Nowadays, many young girls, in order to get rid of excessive parental control, decide to marry a stranger. Because of this, they face many problems, which are now related to their husband.

    You need to change, become an individual. You shouldn’t constantly depend on anyone else’s opinion. Only in this case will life change for the better.


    A close sexual relationship during the creation of a new family becomes the basis for marital karma.

    At the moment there are four main ones:

    1. two souls that are connected by the bonds of previous karmic relationships, regardless of whether they are created by attachment to shared happiness or suffering, are attracted to each other to form a new family, as well as to procreate;
    2. man and woman are connected to each other at a higher level, which is in an unchanging state. In this incarnation, a family is formed for the birth of children;
    3. a single essence from the high Divine plane is divided into two, appearing in the body of a man and a woman. Later, the souls unite in this earthly incarnation. They are temporarily with each other, combining with material, physical passion;
    4. thanks to God's Providence.


    The genus is the bearer of enormous resources and abilities. There are some signs that indicate that the family system is destructive.


    The couple's relationship develops rapidly over a short period of time. Major life events unfold at lightning speed. Before the young couple knows it, they find themselves legally married.

    The feelings of young people flare up like a match. They flare up stronger with each new day. The lovers don't even have time to understand what's happening. Having cooled down a little, the partners are perplexed as to how all this could have happened.

    Craving for change

    A man and a woman in love are often drawn to dramatic changes. Often, having entered into a karmic marriage, a couple decides to move permanently to another city. Young people are preoccupied with the desire to start life with a “clean slate.” They change apartments, cut off previous connections, and delete close friends from their lives.

    Problems with children

    Everyone has heard the meaning of the word “ancestral karma”, but few know what it is? The definition of karma comes from ancient Indian philosophy. The law of effects and causes, according to the rules of which all good deeds and sinful acts of a person determine his future destiny. The characteristics of these life actions test a person for suffering and pleasure. You can treat this with a great deal of skepticism, others generally live, going with the flow, and some try to understand the reasons and change fate.

    Cause-and-effect relationships;
    - “boomerang law”;
    - revenge and punishment for past sins;
    - fatal fate (or lot)

    People who study numerology know that a person’s karma, the path of fate, can be calculated using ordinary numbers based on the date of birth and understand what is written on the family.

    Karmic connection - what is it?

    This is the name for relationships between people who knew each other in past incarnations. We don’t think about the fact that often random encounters are natural; they are a consequence of past actions.

    Examples of such relationships: misunderstanding between parents and children, quarrels between relatives, betrayal of friends, problems with bosses or work colleagues. The karmic connection that exists between a woman and a man is of the greatest interest.

    This is not just a relationship between two people who have already met before. These are partners who have unresolved common problems, debts or unfulfilled obligations from the past. Perhaps they were unable to forgive each other, or did not find a way out of a difficult situation.

    Regardless of gender, they may be inexplicably “drawn” to each other or, conversely, may experience hatred or hostility for no reason, on a subconscious level. Sometimes you get the feeling that this has already happened and is familiar: the place, the events, and even the person himself. Meeting such people, we have a chance to pay off old debts, resolve situations, forgive, i.e. return “karmic debts” according to the old account.

    Example of a karmic connection

    Karmic relationships have a number of signs by which they are recognized. The main signs of a karmic connection can be strong emotional states: fear in the presence of a certain person, unforgiven resentment, uncontrollable anger, strong dependence on another person, jealousy.

    And in this life, a man and a woman (partners, spouses) re-experience the same emotional states with the old relationship scenario. Karma manifests itself in the fact that already in a new relationship one should behave differently, taking into account “mistakes”. Realize and learn forgiveness, mercy, humility, sometimes increase your self-esteem, strengthen your will, etc. Finally, act differently, change yourself and relationships.

    What is karmic love

    There are many examples. The husband was incredibly jealous in his previous incarnation, reproached his wife, and brought her suffering. The wife ran away, and the husband, in a state of despair, committed suicide. The woman lived with a huge sense of guilt until the end of her days. In the modern world they meet again, and the situation repeats itself. The husband constantly lives in fear that his wife will leave him. What is the lesson from this relationship? A man must learn trust and forgiveness. If a woman wants to leave again, then without offense, let her go.

    Another example of karmic love. Another indicator of karma is the speed of relationships. Partners may even unknowingly enter into marriage, surprising all relatives with their hasty actions. One of them may have a profession that requires frequent business travel. Later, the person seems to awaken, and after a year there is complete disappointment from the object of his adoration. A person cannot explain the reasons why this happened. Then a protracted depression may begin, from which it is difficult to get out. Friendships and family ties are also lost temporarily or forever.

    Unrequited love. People sometimes suffer for years, unable to live either together or at a distance. Monogamous people cannot love another, no matter how hard they try, it’s like an obsession.

    A rare type of relationship when a couple cannot get along together and breaks up. They suffer again, start dating, get together or get married, again scandals, quarrels. This can last for years. The so-called “habit of marrying” everyone to the same person.

    How to recognize a karmic connection

    Extreme situations are an indicator of karmic connections: the partner is a drug addict, alcoholic or disabled. In this version, the spouses obviously switched places. One in the past once humiliated the other, now in his role. A person who betrayed and abandoned a partner in distress finds himself helpless and abandoned in this life. That is, he experiences the same feelings that he did not want to understand. The early death of one of the spouses is also a karmic connection. It is no longer enough to realize your actions, you need to feel it for yourself and come to terms with it. This is a huge challenge for everyone.

    The fatality of love relationships is a rare sign of karma. For example, 4 marriages, all partners die, which is popularly called a “black widow” (widower). This includes the “seal of loneliness”, the “crown of celibacy”, when beautiful and intelligent people with excellent character, regardless of gender, for inexplicable circumstances cannot get married. Either the groom died, or before the wedding the bride ended up in the hospital... One sets conditions that the other cannot fulfill. For example, the groom offers to hand over the child of his deceased sister to an orphanage, otherwise he refuses the marriage...

    Infertility is also a karmic factor. Partners may be medically healthy, but there is no possibility of having children. When a couple, after painful years of treatment and fruitless hopes, resign themselves and adopt a child, it is often at this time that the long-awaited baby is born.

    Love triangle. Also, partners often look outside for qualities that are missing in the family. With a tough tyrant husband, the lover is necessarily gentle and calm and, vice versa. Two women or two men complement each other perfectly. A wife can be a housewife, an excellent cook, quiet and downtrodden. And the mistress is often a bright, daring young lady with inflated ambitions. It’s difficult to break the circle; the beauty lies in the combination of the two characters.

    Types of karmic connections and meetings

    There are 2 types of karma - healing and destructive.

    The destructive karmic connection between a man and a woman in a couple manifests itself in rapid attraction and passion. Gradually, reproaches, conflicts, and tears arise. One or both partners want to end this painful relationship, but they endure it. The presence of small children is often cited as an argument. Over time, the situation only becomes more complicated; it is better to forgive each other without mutual reproaches and let go forever.

    A healing connection is the rarest when kindred spirits meet. Here the partners think alike, often pronouncing the same phrase at the same time. The feeling that you have known a person all your life, but you are seeing him for the first time. This is the ease of relationships, no one tries to force change the other, they know how to trust and forgive, they are always faithful to each other, they support each other in any situation. Separating for an hour hurts.

    In any case, karmic relationships make you think about the causes of problems, and presupposes the spiritual development of the individual in order to complete lessons. If the same events are repeated, it means that you did not understand something and are repeating the same mistake.

    Only when you are aware of your own actions, "". This means that the meeting was not in vain. The lessons are understood, corrected, life will gradually change for the better. This is what karma teaches. This is not fate, but a lesson, an opportunity to correct your mistakes from the past.

    In contact with

    Hello! Many spouses at least once in their lives asked themselves the question: is the person next to me going through life? Whether you are suitable for each other will help explain the karmic connection by date of birth.

    How to Calculate Spiritual Connection

    How to recognize your soulmate? You can compare the signs of the Zodiac, or better yet, identify the karmic relationship between a man and a woman based on their dates of birth.

    It is known that karma is the line of fate that is given at birth. It marks different points that a person must go through. Key stages can completely change the fate of an individual. This stage is marriage.

    The essence of karmic relationships in marriage is the loss of the thread that connects two hearts together. This is where relationship problems begin and the desire to fight for love disappears. The Vedas call those relationships karmic when there is no spiritual connection between people.

    Many marry not for love, but because it is necessary, then they themselves suffer and torture their chosen one. In this case, it is better to wait for your person than to live and suffer. To understand who your destiny is, try to calculate your compatibility by karma.

    • Add up your partners' dates of birth
    • .Example: your date of birth is 04/13/1991; your partner – 07/19/1985.
    • Add -1+3+4+1+9+9+1+1+9+7+1+9+8+5= 68.
    • From the resulting number you need to subtract the number 22. Subtract 22 until you get a number less than 22.
    • In our case, the number turned out to be 2.

    Decoding karmic connections

    Digit 1

    A couple can be formed by great passion, falling in love, and the ability to win hearts. Great achievements await you thanks to your resourcefulness in solving any issues or your ability to brightly present yourself in society. Such a marriage will not last long, you will simply get bored of each other. There is a danger that one of you is performing a magical effect.

    Digit 2

    Your connections come from a deep past. The union can be romantic with riddles and secrets. However, too much head in the clouds can ruin relationships.

    Digit 3

    The woman will have more influence on the relationship. Perhaps for a man the union was given due to karma, but for a woman it is just another entertainment or a convenient option. A strong, lasting union is possible only with mutual respect for each other.

    Digit 4

    The union has more to do with the man. Its strength will depend on the man's behavior.

    Number 5

    Understanding will reign in marriage, since the karmic connection is strong on a spiritual level. It may not appear immediately.

    Digit 6

    Due to many disagreements, the marriage will not be lasting, since both partners will be in an eternal search for sensual pleasures, more on a subconscious level.

    Number 7

    A strong connection between two people will help you go through the most difficult trials for the sake of family happiness. The couple will find happiness achieved through their own labor.

    Number 8

    A formal union based on calculation and the need to be together. There is no love here. If partners are committed to a long-term relationship, then the relationship can bring great joy and a calm life.

    Number 9

    A good union that will last until old age. A strong connection on a spiritual level, which will not appear immediately.

    Number 10

    There is a danger that marriage will not bring happiness. A man and a woman will search for each other for a long time or will hang around together for a long time without enjoying their relationship. If the marriage does not work out right away, then it is better to break it off.

    Number 11

    Low karmic connection. Two people will show off in front of each other, play the role of spouses, but until the end of their days they will never be able to recognize true happiness and sincerity.

    Number 12

    Karmically, people are too different; it is difficult for them to live together. There is a danger: for one of them, the union can become destructive. Healthy sacrifice will help save a marriage, but not to the detriment of either yourself or those around you.

    Number 13

    An empty union, but it can lead to a strong change in life.

    Number 14

    A calm karmic connection that will positively affect the development of children.

    Number 15

    A destructive relationship in which deception, danger, and temptation are hidden. For both or one, marriage can be disastrous.

    Number 16

    Bad karma, which can bring destruction of material wealth, lead to poverty.

    Number 17

    A strong, calm, happy, bright marriage. Kindness can persist into old age, which brings with it good mutual understanding with children, grandchildren, and all relatives.

    Number 18

    Marriage is built on a deep, subconscious desire to be together. It can attract the shadow side of an individual, the secret essence of which will be revealed through relationships.

    Number 19

    The union is based on light energy.

    Number 20

    Relationships will force you to reconsider material values ​​and begin to achieve deferred goals.

    Number 21

    Karmic connection maintained by children.

    Number 22

    A waste of time, falling in love with passion, which will later lead to emptiness, disappointment, and fear.

    Find out: is this your person?

    How do you know if the person you choose is right for you? There are still ways to identify compatibility in relationships, marriage, love. Look at the signs of compatibility to better understand whether you are right for each other.

    Signs you didn't know about:

    1. Your ability to shop. If one person likes to spend money and the other likes to save it, then the relationship may be too tense. Having the same attitude towards money makes a marriage strong and happy. A stingy person and a spendthrift will not get along together.

    2. Mutual friends are a sign of good compatibility. It’s even better if your friends who didn’t know your spouse before became her friends too.
    3. Your partner's friends like you. This is a good sign of compatibility.

    4. Is there any hope for compatibility if people fight? If a quarrel occurs 3-4 times a week, then you should think: is everything good in your marriage? And if you argue, sometimes quarrel, and then completely forget about it, draw the right conclusions, then everything is fine in your family.

    5. You take care of yourself next to each other and it doesn’t annoy you. If you accept gifts, realizing that you are loved, your loved one also perceives gifts as a sign of love. You equally express love through gifts, touch, doing homework together, and support in any matter.

    6. Ability to compromise. A couple can be called compatible if, in conflicts, they are able to come to a compromise that suits both lovers.

    7. You have acceptable differences, but they have not become a point of contention; on the contrary, they contribute to better communication with each other. Differences are better and more interesting for life than sameness in everything.

    8. You accept their weirdness. If you can tell each other about your quirks, oddities, secrets, and do not push each other away, but feel light and free, you can be yourself, telling what you have never told anyone - you have true compatibility.

    9. Love sleeping naked. You enjoy touching, you are happy when you see each other in the morning, you are ready for intimacy.

    10. You can relieve yourself in the presence of another. You don't have to pretend to be something sublime. In any state you feel loved.

    11. The ability to remain silent together will help determine compatibility. If it’s not boring to sit next to each other in silence, read a book, or just snuggle up to each other, then you are a couple!
    12. Having intimate conversations and being interesting to each other is a sign of true compatibility.

    If your relationship is disappointing

    How to break off a karmic relationship if you are not comfortable in it? To break, you need to peacefully, kindly resolve all problems, forgive, and then start living again. Unresolved problems will not leave you anywhere; they will follow you wherever you go.

    You will find people like your exes again. And all because you haven’t forgiven, haven’t let go of the situation, and are dragging it along with you. You are working on karmic connections again. If the union does not work out, there is no point in clinging to it, but you must separate cleanly, peacefully, wishing peace and goodness to everyone.

    How to work off karma?

    In a love relationship, do not commit sins, help people just like that, without gratitude, then even heavy karma can be worked off much faster. Realize your mistakes, begin to correct them, pray for the sins you committed in past relationships, and show humility. Respect yourself and your significant other. Accept the person you are going through life with for who they are. Stop judging, reproaching, teaching for everything, show concern, and provide help in a difficult situation.

    How to understand that karma has been worked out?

    If you managed to realize the value of your union, changed your attitude towards your chosen one, learned lessons, gained wisdom, then in a positive scenario, karma will be reset to zero.

    The karmic connection will be reset if there are no conflicts, swearing, constant arguments, jealousy, revenge, or envy in the family. It is important not to pay attention to your partner’s attempts to organize a quarrel. If he wants to leave, don’t forcefully hold him, don’t humiliate your and his dignity.

    What does karmic debt mean? If the karmic connection is not fully worked out, then a karmic debt will form, which will follow you into the next life or go to your children.

    When completing a karmic connection, learn lessons and grow spiritually. If this does not work out, then you may find yourself in the worst situation. For example, you stopped dating a person, you suffered greatly, but he did not disappear from your life, he constantly meets you along the way, causing even more pain.

    Mentally thank your former chosen one for being in your life, helping you come to insight, revealing hidden energy, forgive and let him go. Thank him again for helping to change your character, your behavior.

    After this behavior, the following may happen:

    • Breaking up because we don't see you together, but we learned useful lessons.
    • Stay together, start a new happy life with pure karma.
    • If you start life from scratch, don’t sort things out, avoid creating destructive energy, just be happy.

    Dear friends, any, even the most difficult karmic connection can be worked off. Treat your chosen one kindly, accept and love him with all his shortcomings, do not try to roughly remake him to fit the image you have invented, and you will be happy!

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