• Prolapse of the fetal head: how it happens. When to give birth if the baby's head has descended into the pelvis The fetus has not descended


    Even experienced mothers do not always remember that childbirth is a gradual process. And preparation for it begins long before contractions. Below are 10 signs that you are about to give birth. But it’s not a fact that it’s tomorrow, which means there’s time to prepare.

    1. The stomach has become lower
    In experienced mothers, this sign is usually absent until the last day. But those who are expecting their first child one day notice that sitting and walking have become more difficult, and breathing has become easier. This means that the baby’s head has dropped slightly down and “inserted” into the small pelvis. For some, this happens almost a month before giving birth, more often - 1 week before it.

    2. Constipation said goodbye
    Pressure on the bladder and rectum increases towards the end of pregnancy. In addition, hormones begin to affect the intestines, relaxing the cervix (and along the way, other smooth muscles, which also make up the gastrointestinal tract). As a result, the stool becomes much thinner. Many women even confuse the onset of labor with “being poisoned by something.” Such symptoms may appear 2-7 days before birth.

    3. No appetite!
    You don’t want to eat, and this is very strange: after all, during pregnancy you could not be pulled away from the refrigerator. Even your favorite strawberries and chocolate do not evoke a storm of emotions in you. Moreover, you lose weight! Yesterday, for example, the scales showed that your weight has decreased by almost 2 kilograms! And the swelling has also disappeared somewhere - now you can sleep without putting a pillow under your feet.
    In fact, the body is getting rid of everything unnecessary: ​​very soon it will need strength that it cannot now expend on digesting food. Weight loss occurs due to fluid removed from the body. In general, there are at most a couple of weeks left before the birth, so get ready.

    4. The baby is quiet
    Before giving birth, most women note that the baby's movements have changed. The baby is not so tiny now, and he is simply cramped in the uterus. Therefore, he may not make himself known with kicks and pushes for a long time. You run to a CTG in a panic, but the machine shows that the child’s heartbeat and activity are normal. By the way, it is better to do CTG in the last month before childbirth, if not every day, then at least 2 times a week.

    5. And laughter, and tears, and love
    Even very seasoned expectant mothers may notice that their mood towards the end of pregnancy changes like the weather in May. Either a sunny smile, or rainy tears. Sometimes a woman is overcome by fatigue and apathy, and then suddenly she begins to remind herself of an electric broom whose “Off” button has broken. And then, without five minutes, the woman in labor scrubs the apartment, washes tiny things for the tenth time, starts rearranging the furniture, and goes on a grand shopping spree. In a word, he loads himself up to the fullest, and then collapses from fatigue.

    6. I want peace
    The nesting instinct is not so much the arrangement of a family nest in anticipation of a speedy replenishment, but rather the desire to retire from everyone and withdraw into oneself. If you cannot see your loved ones, if you want to hide in the farthest corner, curl up and ask not to be touched under any circumstances, then the birth is very close - the clock is ticking. And the body feels this: it requires a break for the expectant mother so that she can psychologically tune in to the birth of a child.

    7. Back hurts
    The most elusive sign, especially in cases where the expectant mother suffered from back problems throughout pregnancy. However, in this case, the pain is caused by the child moving down and stretching the sacroiliac connective tissue, and the main “blow” falls on the lower back and tailbone. A pregnant woman may also be bothered by strange sensations in her legs - as if an electric current is running through them from time to time. This baby moves lower and pinches the nerve endings.

    8. Training contractions
    They can also be easily confused with Braxton Hicks contractions, which can appear as early as the 30th week of pregnancy. “Training” contractions are a little stronger, a little more noticeable, but also painless and, most importantly, irregular. They do not mean the onset of labor unless the intervals between them are reduced. But they say that the birth is already close.

    9. What kind of slime is this?
    What is impossible not to identify is the mucus plug. But her departure is not an indicator that you will give birth tomorrow. Cervical mucus can come out 2 weeks before birth, or a couple of days, or maybe only during childbirth. Throughout pregnancy, the plug reliably closes the cervical canal and protects the uterine cavity from infections. If you notice thick, clear, yellowish mucus on your underwear, sometimes mixed with blood, call your doctor for advice on what to do next. And this must be done if the mucus comes out earlier than two weeks before the expected due date!

    10. Soft neck
    This sign of imminent labor can only be noticed by a doctor during an examination in the chair. Before childbirth, the cervix must “ripe”: this is greatly facilitated by an increase in the level of estrogens and prostaglandins in the woman’s body. Throughout pregnancy, the cervix should be more than 2 cm long, tight and completely closed along its entire length. But by the 40th week, the cervix gradually shortens (its length is 0.5-1 cm), becomes softer, and the cervical canal can open up to “one finger”.

    Signs that labor has begun are:
    Regular contractions of the uterine muscles - contractions. Real labor contractions repeat every 15-20 minutes, they are regular, and the period between them gradually decreases. You can recognize them by drinking no-shpa or inserting a suppository with papaverine: if these contractions are false, they will stop, if labor, their intensity will not change.
    Discharge of water. In this case, you need to immediately go to the maternity hospital: the water-free period should not be more than 12 hours. If the water is stained with blood or green meconium, be sure to notify your doctor.

    Overshoot or undershoot?
    On average, a normal pregnancy lasts 280-282 days. But from 10 to 25% of pregnancies end in birth before the 37th week, approximately 8% of pregnancies are “long-lasting” and last up to 42 weeks (294 days).
    A pregnancy is considered post-term if its duration exceeds 42 weeks. The birth is called late, and the baby is born with signs of overmaturity.
    A prolonged, or physiologically extended, pregnancy also lasts more than 40 weeks, but the child is born without signs of postmaturity, functionally mature, and healthy. There is also no pronounced “aging” of the placenta.
    Premature birth is defined as birth between the 28th and 37th full weeks. At this time, with each “extra” week the baby spends in his mother’s tummy, his chances for successful and rapid rehabilitation after premature birth increase significantly. Every day the baby gains weight, improves its vital systems and becomes better prepared for life outside the womb. That is why, when this pathology threatens, doctors try to do everything to keep the baby inside for at least a few days.

    It is clear that childbirth, especially the first one, is a very exciting event. But try to calm down, do not fuss or panic, even if you notice several of the above signs and even if it happened earlier than expected. After all, success in childbirth largely depends on the calmness and concentration of the expectant mother. And from her confidence that everything will be fine in the end.

    A woman is a curious creature, especially when it comes to her child. Even before the birth of her baby, the expectant mother tries to control him and anticipate his actions. These are the reasons for the desire to know exactly the date of birth of the child during pregnancy. However, on ultrasound and at the gynecologist, the timing of the birth of the long-awaited baby is quite vague. The error in the date set by the doctor can vary within two weeks, so women try to determine the due date of the child based on their own feelings. One of the most obvious warning signs of labor is a pubescent belly. How to determine that it has dropped, and at what time this usually happens - read on.

    What happens when the belly drops in pregnant women

    One of the most interesting precursors of labor in pregnant women is abdominal prolapse. Based on this symptom, the expectant mother understands that childbirth is just around the corner and she needs to pack her things for the maternity hospital.

    It quickly goes down for completely physiological reasons. It changes its shape and becomes like a pear rather than a ball.

    The reasons for abdominal prolapse are that the child takes a preparatory position before childbirth. At this time, the stomach can drop gradually, a few centimeters at a time, or all at once. Let's sharpen why such a metamorphosis occurs.

    Why does the abdomen droop:

    • The fundus of the uterus lowers, causing the abdomen to lower;
    • The baby's head turns downwards, its direction is the small pelvis;
    • The baby descends closer to the “exit”, the uterus prepares for childbirth.

    When your stomach drops, this is a sure sign that you will soon need to give birth. Along with the prolapse of the abdomen, other signs of the upcoming birth of the baby may appear. These are training contractions, removal of the plug, loss of appetite and mild nausea. However, these symptoms do not indicate that you are about to go into labor. These preparatory works by the body can take weeks.

    How the belly drops before childbirth: signs of the event

    You can understand that your belly has finally dropped and you need to expect a baby soon by indirect signs. It is difficult not to notice such sensations, but you need to know which of them indicate prolapse of the abdomen.

    Problems with determining the fact that the belly has already dropped usually arise in first-time mothers. Those who are expecting their second child will not miss such an event, since they are already familiar with it.

    Abdominal prolapse is always accompanied by a number of secondary symptoms. Such sensations definitely come.

  • Descent of the fetus

  • Frequent urination

  • Haemorrhoids

  • Harbingers of labor (signs of the onset of labor)

  • Body change

    Wearing a belly already very difficult. If the baby is 35 weeks pregnancy has taken an incorrect position in the uterus, then the likelihood that it will turn over on its own, small. There is so little space in the uterus that it is difficult for the baby to turn over. If the baby is lying atypically, the mother should continue to do special exercises to help the baby roll over. TO 40 weeks pregnancy despite a good appetite woman loses weight- thus her body “dumps ballast” to facilitate childbirth.

    Descent of the fetus

    Descent of the fetus is the passage of the baby to the pelvic area. The fetus descends deeper into the woman's pelvis, and this phenomenon may be accompanied by a sensation as if it is running down the legs. electricity. This is how the nerve trunks react to this stage of preparing the female body for childbirth. If this is your first pregnancy, drooping may occur just before birth. The belly will then be lower and protrude more forward. With the descent of the fetus in the body there will be a number of changes. You will be able to breathe easily again! And your symptoms of heartburn will decrease.

    Frequent urination

    The urge to urinate becomes more frequent, as pressure on the bladder increases. Do you remember the first months when you also often visited the ladies' room?!


    Hemorrhoids, or varicose veins of the anus, often worries expectant mothers, hemorrhoids occur especially often in late pregnancy. This is not surprising - the uterus grows and puts pressure on the intestines, intra-abdominal pressure increases, and as a result, constipation And blood stagnation in the veins of the intestines, as a result - veins in the anus are expanding. The main symptoms of hemorrhoids are skin irritation, itching, burning and blue-purple nodes (bumps) in the anus, blood discharge from the rectum after defecation. Regardless of whether the symptoms of hemorrhoids are pronounced or not, the main thing is to timely consult a doctor. Even if varicose veins in the anus cause severe pain, there is no need to be afraid of the examination: usually in such a situation, the examination is carried out with the help of special anesthetic drugs and becomes practically painless. After the examination, the doctor will definitely prescribe suitable treatment- tablets that can be taken during pregnancy and (or) external remedies: baths, ointments, suppositories. And if hemorrhoids are treated correctly, then after a week almost all of their symptoms disappear.

    Harbingers of childbirth

    It is so arranged that during pregnancy a woman always waiting for something. First - the very fact of conception. Then - when will the morning sickness finally stop and your tummy will start to grow. And in the last weeks before the approaching date of birth, more and more new sensations arise almost every day, each of which makes you worry: not to miss the main thing! Of course, no one wants to be at the most crucial moment somewhere far from the maternity hospital, therefore, the closer the PDR, the more attentive the expectant mother listens to his feelings.

    However, you should know that the harbingers of labor ( signs of labor), like some signs of pregnancy, very, very individual, and not everyone has them clearly expressed. For example, a woman may notice that her stomach has moved downward. This “dropping” of the abdomen occurs due to the insertion of the presenting part of the fetus into the inlet of the small pelvis and the deviation of the uterine fundus anteriorly. In primigravidas this is observed for 2-4 weeks before birth, but for multiparous women - literally on the eve of childbirth. However, sometimes the tummy is small, the abdominal muscles are trained and little susceptible to stretching. In this case, the stomach, of course, also drops, but neither those around nor the mother see this.

    The motor activity of the fetus changes. Baby maybe A little subside, That move very actively, as if choosing the rhythm and the most suitable moment for his birth. However, among the little ones there are both “little ones” and “lazy ones”, so this indicator is also quite subjective.

    Unexpected change of mood is largely associated with neuroendocrine processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth. The state of fatigue and inertia can suddenly give way to vigorous activity. Appears nesting instinct. The woman is preparing to welcome the baby: she sews, cleans, washes, rearranges and even starts repairs. True, for many this does not happen a week or two before giving birth, but much earlier, starting around the second trimester. And emotional lability, as is known, becomes characteristic of expectant mothers sometimes literally just a few days after conception.

    After 30th week During pregnancy, false contractions may occur. Perceptible but irregular contractions of the uterus during this preparatory period are mistaken for the onset of labor. A woman may feel certain contractions several weeks before the PDR. If a regular and continuous rhythm is not established, if the intervals between contractions are not reduced, then, as a rule, they do not at all mean the beginning of the labor process. Agree, from the 30th to the 40th week is a long time.

    However, there are whole three main signs of the onset of labor, clearly informing: the baby is about to be born, there are only a few hours left before his birth. Contractions begin- regular contractions of the uterus, accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen and (or) lower back. From this moment on, the woman is called a woman in labor. Contractions cause the cervix to dilate and open to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal. Many women in labor experience periodic contractions during the last few months of pregnancy. The difference between labor contractions and pregnancy contractions is their intensity and frequency (labor contractions are more intense and more frequent). Labor contractions gradually become more frequent, stronger, longer, and more painful. Unlike false ones, they do not fade over time, but, on the contrary, intensify. Unless the expectant mother has a super low pain threshold, she will not confuse these sensations with anything. The body gives a signal: here it is, it has begun!

    Throughout pregnancy, the cervix is ​​“plugged” with a dense clot of mucus, which helps protect the fetus during gestation by firmly closing the cervical canal. When the cervix changes and expands, rejection of part of the mucus plug. The degree of detection of a plug depends on the speed of uterine changes, i.e. proximity of childbirth. Sometimes a woman notices only heavy discharge or discovers the entire “plug” during her next visit to the toilet (discharge of colorless, yellowish, or slightly blood-stained faint pink mucus). Should I expect to give birth soon? In a couple of weeks, days, or maybe hours. The intensity of labor is individual for each woman in labor, but the “finish line” has undoubtedly been reached.

    Breaking of water sometimes it happens before the start of rhythmic contractions of the uterus. More often, early rupture of water occurs in multiparous women. For some, however, rupture never occurs, and then a puncture of the amniotic sac is required.

    Every woman experiences the greatest event in her life differently. All listed signs of labor, even the three main ones are only indicative. Labor will begin only when your baby wants to be born. Whether you like it or not, he dictates his own rules to you. All you have to do is patiently obey and, to the best of your ability, help the little man meet you - his mother.

    Already from the ninth month, the body is reconstructed from a state of “preserving pregnancy” to a state of preparation for childbirth. The last month of pregnancy gives you a whole range of new sensations indicating the approach of childbirth. All these sensations are called “harbingers” of childbirth. They can appear 2-4 weeks before birth, or maybe a few hours before it. Some women may not experience any discomfort, but this does not mean that their body is not preparing for the birth of a child, since these sensations are individual for each woman.

    Reasons and mechanisms for preparing the body for childbirth

    1. Aging of the placenta

    Placental hormones play a major role in the development of labor. From the 36th week of pregnancy, the placenta begins to change the amount of hormones produced: estrogen levels increase and progesterone levels decrease. Since progesterone inhibited the contractile activity of the uterus during pregnancy, a decrease in its level in the blood of the expectant mother leads to increased contractions of the uterus.
    Estrogens activate the synthesis of contractile proteins of the uterus, thereby increasing the sensitivity of uterine muscle cells to irritation. Thus, without causing contractions of the uterine muscle, estrogens seem to increase its sensitivity to substances that cause contraction. An increase in estrogen levels leads to an increase in the content of prostaglandins in the uterus. They stimulate the secretion of oxytocin in the pituitary gland in the mother and fetus, cause the destruction of progesterone, and also directly trigger labor by causing contraction of the uterine muscle.

    2. Generic dominant

    It is believed that a normal course of labor is possible only when a “generic dominant” is formed in the pregnant woman’s brain. 1.5-2 weeks before birth, there is a significant increase in the electrical activity of the areas of the brain responsible for labor, which also increases the production of oxytocin, the main hormone of labor, in the pituitary gland.

    3. Fruit maturity

    In addition, due to the high growth rate of the fetus and the decrease in amniotic fluid, the uterus grasps it more and more tightly. In response to stress, the fetal adrenal glands begin to secrete large amounts of cortisol, the stress hormone. Fetal cortisol also promotes the production of prostaglandins in the mother. There is evidence that after the maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system of the fetus during full-term pregnancy, the adrenal glands begin to produce cortisol, which stimulates the production of prostaglandins, and not stress triggers this process.
    Labor will begin as soon as the required amount of prostaglandins and oxytocin accumulates in the pregnant woman’s body. In the meantime, estrogens will make the tissues of the birth canal more elastic and pliable: the cervix, vagina and perineum.

    Anatomy of readiness for childbirth

    Towards the end of pregnancy, the fetal head descends to the entrance to the small pelvis and presses tightly against the bony ring of the pelvis, so the fetus prepares for birth. It occupies a characteristic position: the baby’s torso is bent, the head is pressed to the chest, the arms are crossed on the chest, and the legs are bent at the knee and hip joints and pressed to the tummy. The position that the baby occupies at 35-36 weeks does not change anymore. In this position, the baby will move along the birth canal during childbirth.
    In the case of the pelvic position of the fetus, the lowering of the presenting part (mainly the buttocks of the fetus) does not occur, since due to its large size and softness, the child’s butt cannot be inserted into the bone ring of the mother’s pelvis.

    Towards the end of pregnancy, a woman’s body produces the hormone relaxin, which relaxes all ligaments and muscles, preparing them for childbirth. The lower segment of the uterus becomes softer and stretches before childbirth. In the first pregnancy, this occurs several weeks before birth, and in subsequent pregnancies, just before birth.

    "Raturation" of the cervix
    The cervix (a muscular formation with circularly arranged muscle fibers), under the influence of estrogens and prostaglandins, shortens, softens, and takes a middle position along the axis of the birth canal before childbirth. This process is called "ripening" of the cervix and is the first.

    This harbinger of labor is more noticeable to the obstetrician during examination than to the woman herself. The maturity of the cervix is ​​an important criterion for the body’s readiness for childbirth. Ripening in the prenatal period, the cervix opens slightly, which facilitates its further opening during childbirth... In a healthy woman with good hormonal levels, the cervix is ​​mature by the time of delivery, which means it is ready for the onset of labor. If a woman, for some reason, has a reduced formation of prostaglandins, then the cervix is ​​not mature enough at the time of birth and may require medicinal preparation (introduction of artificial prostaglandins). Signs of cervical maturity appear during full-term pregnancy, starting at 38 weeks.

    True harbingers of childbirth

    Precursors of childbirth are usually called external manifestations of those changes in her body that are actually noticeable for the expectant mother, which are direct preparation for the onset of labor. appear:

    "Prolapse" of the abdomen
    About 2-3 weeks before giving birth, a woman feels that her stomach has dropped. This is due to the fact that the fetal head is pressed tightly against the entrance to the pelvis. At the same time, the height of the uterine fundus, which increases by 1 cm weekly and is about 37-40 cm at week 37 (if there is only one baby in the uterus), decreases by 2-3 cm in a few hours. In multiparous women, this rarely happens before the onset of labor. The expectant mother notes that the shape of the abdomen is changing - it becomes flat, sloping at the top. A palm can now easily fit between the chest and stomach. As a result of moving the child, pressure is removed from the diaphragm (the partition that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity) and stomach, it becomes easier to breathe, shortness of breath disappears due to the fact that there is more room for the lungs, heartburn goes away, since the descending fundus of the uterus no longer puts so much pressure on the stomach. But painful sensations may appear in the lower abdomen and legs, because now the baby is putting pressure on the muscles, ligaments and nerve endings.

    Frequent urination
    After the fetal head is displaced and pressed against the entrance to the pelvis, the uterus begins to press on the bladder with even greater force. Added to this is a physiological increase in urine output to thicken the blood before childbirth, and the toilet in the last days of pregnancy should always be within direct reach.

    Loosening the "stool"
    Childbirth hormones affect a woman’s intestines, leading to a decrease in the tone of its wall and causing loosening of the “stool”. Some women may experience mild abdominal cramps and diarrhea. There is a feeling of pressure in the rectum and pelvic area (there may be a false urge to defecate).

    Reducing body weight
    Before the onset of labor, some women lose weight from 1 to 2 kg, mainly due to the body's release of excess fluid in the form of urine. The additional volume of fluid that was previously used to produce amniotic fluid and increase the volume of blood circulating in the body of the mother and child is no longer needed - excess water is eliminated from the body. The usefulness of this harbinger lies in the fact that as a result of a decrease in the liquid part of the blood, the blood thickens, its coagulability increases, which helps reduce blood loss during childbirth.

    Removal of the mucus plug
    As the cervix ripens, its canal begins to open slightly. During pregnancy, thick cervical mucus in the form of a plug prevents harmful microorganisms from entering the uterus, and by the time of birth it thins out. The thinning of mucus is facilitated by estrogens, the level of which increases towards childbirth. All this leads to the fact that a lump of colorless, yellowish, or blood-stained mucus is pushed out of the cervical canal. More often, the mucus plug is released gradually, in parts, leaving brownish marks on the underwear for 1-3 days. Much less often, it leaves entirely at once, then it is light or dark brown discharge in the amount of about 1-2 tablespoons. The removal of the mucus plug is an equally significant criterion for the body’s readiness for childbirth; this usually occurs 1-3 days before birth (rarely 5 days). Every woman has a question: is this amniotic fluid? After all, both of these discharges are liquid, and at first observation they seem to be similar.
    The water, unlike the mucus plug, is clear, warm and constantly leaking, but may be yellowish or greenish. In order to decide, you can use a simple cough. When you cough, the water will flow more strongly, but the amount of mucus plug will not change. You can also put a gasket, which will get completely wet after a while when the water drains.

    Harbingers - sensations

    Change in appetite
    Appetite may change just before giving birth. More often it decreases. This is due to the influence of changed hormonal levels on the muscular lining of the gastrointestinal tract and its enzymatic activity. The body is preparing to spend energy on childbirth, and not on digesting food.
    It is advisable to take food 5-6 times a day, the last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Meat and fish dishes should be consumed in the first half of the day, dairy - in the second. You should give up meat and fish broths, replacing them with vegetable and milk soups; rich broths require high activity of intestinal enzymes. Explain why.

    "Training" contractions
    “Training contractions mostly appear 2-3 weeks before birth. They are also called “false” contractions, or Braxton-Higgs contractions. O. The purpose of precursor contractions is to prepare the muscles of the uterus and birth canal, and specifically to promote ripening of the cervix. In order for a muscle to successfully complete a marathon during childbirth, it needs training during pregnancy. It is thanks to these trainings that a pregnant woman, in response to the movement of the fetus or physical activity, periodically feels tension in the abdomen, as if it is “cramping”, the abdomen becomes harder to the touch than usual, and a pulling sensation may occur in the lower abdomen or lower back.
    Premonitory contractions are irregular, begin long before birth, come 4-6 times a day, but no more than 2 hours in a row, last a few seconds, rarely up to a minute, their intensity weakens over time or does not change, stops when the body position changes and after massage, warm bath.
    True contractions are regular, begin with the onset of labor, and their frequency and intensity increases over time.
    If these sensations are not very pleasant and tiresome, you can lie on your side and wait until they pass.

    Change in fetal activity
    After the head drops, the child presses his head tightly against the bony rim of the small pelvis, as a result of which he cannot turn, but can only move his arms and legs, and his motor activity decreases. The movements of the fetus become more like swaying, it may either calm down a little or move more actively. Fixing the head prevents the baby from turning over and facilitates the beginning of the birth process.

    Mood changes
    There may be an emotional upsurge, sudden euphoria, causeless sadness, tearfulness, irritability, increased drowsiness, and by the end of pregnancy there is a feeling of fatigue and a desire to bring the hour of labor closer. Sometimes these feelings change quickly throughout the day. Changes in mood are largely associated with neuroendocrine processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth.

    Sleep disorders
    At this time, it is difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping, you have to get up often to go to the toilet, “training” contractions at night disturb you much more often, in addition, cramps in the leg muscles may bother you during sleep. All this leads to restless, interrupted sleep.
    The manifestation of precursors of labor is very individual and optional. They may appear during the last two to three weeks before childbirth; their presence, as well as absence, is normal and does not require seeing a doctor. It is important to learn to listen to your body’s preparations and not be afraid of changes in well-being associated with prenatal preparation. If you have any doubts, consult a doctor, he will evaluate this or that symptom from a medical point of view.

    Lingering harbingers

    Sometimes the period of precursors of labor is delayed. Then the normal period of precursors passes into the pathological preparatory (preliminary) period. If normal prenatal contractions of the uterus are painless, often occur at night and lead to ripening of the cervix, then the pathological preliminary period is characterized by painful prenatal contractions that occur not only at night, but also during the day, are irregular and do not develop into labor for a long time. Fatigue and psychological stress accumulate. The duration of the pathological preliminary period can be up to 240 hours, depriving the woman of sleep and peace. In case of severely painful preparatory pain that deprives a woman of rest and sleep, it is better to consult a maternity hospital doctor after 6-7 hours, as this very tires the woman in labor and interferes with the development of normal labor.
    The essence of the pathological preliminary period is the increased tone of the uterus, while no changes occur in the cervix. The presenting part of the fetus is not pressed against the pelvic inlet; due to the constant increased tone of the uterus, the fetus suffers oxygen starvation.
    The pathological preliminary period is often accompanied by severe disturbances in well-being (sweating, sleep disturbances, pain in the sacrum and lower back, palpitations, shortness of breath, impaired intestinal function, increased and painful fetal movements).
    In this case, you need to consult a doctor; sometimes a few hours of full-fledged medicated sleep is enough to restore strength for normal labor. In the absence of treatment, the pathological preliminary period often turns into primary weakness of labor; Fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen) often occurs, which negatively affects its condition.

    During pregnancy, changes in a woman's body occur constantly. The hormonal background changes, the fetus grows and develops. The changes are especially noticeable in the first and last trimesters. One of the obvious signs that an experienced specialist will not miss is the prolapse of the abdomen shortly before childbirth.

    How to understand that the stomach has dropped before childbirth on one's own? Sometimes it’s enough to ask your loved ones. If there are changes, they will confirm. But more often, the woman herself feels how her stomach drops before giving birth - there are signs that allow you to determine this.

    Causes of abdominal prolapse

    As the pregnancy approaches its natural end, the baby:

    • increases in size;
    • becomes less mobile, because the “take-off territory” is now too small for him;
    • occupies a certain position when the head is directed towards the exit to the pelvis.

    Abdominal prolapse before childbirth- a normal process indicating an imminent meeting between mother and newborn. At each appointment, the gynecologist must measure the height of the uterus. At first, the distance to the fundus of the uterus increases, then, about a month before birth, it begins to decrease. This is a direct sign of a drooping stomach. But there are indirect symptoms, subjective sensations, by which a woman herself will be able to understand that “the process has begun.”

    Signs indicating abdominal prolapse

    Abdominal prolapse occurs gradually and may go unnoticed by the woman herself. But the emerging feeling of lightness gives a hint. Previously, the uterus stood high, putting pressure on the respiratory organs, stomach, and heart. Now you can breathe deeply again. When the belly begins to drop before childbirth, the expectant mother notices that shortness of breath decreases. The process of digesting food becomes better and faster.

    A protruding navel is visually noticeable. Other signs of abdominal prolapse before childbirth less pleasant. The pressure of the head on the pelvic organs increases, which causes pain like a pulling sensation (it hurts like before menstruation).

    The condition manifests itself:

    • pain in the perineum;
    • pressure on the pubis;
    • pain in the lumbar region.

    The urge to empty the bladder becomes more frequent, and you have to get up at night to go to the toilet.

    Changes also occur in the intestines. Stools become softer and more frequent, constipation disappears. The body seems to be cleansing itself, preparing for the birth process. Those who are giving birth not for the first time know what a drooping abdomen looks like before childbirth, so they can easily determine if their abdomen is drooping visually.

    Does your stomach always drop?

    There are cases when a woman does not notice the described changes and begins to worry: there is very little time until the end of pregnancy, but nothing happens - is this normal? Does your stomach always drop before childbirth? The baby always moves closer to the bottom of the pelvis. And the severity of visual changes depends on the fitness of the abdominal muscles, the size of the fetus and the woman’s build.

    Pronounced prolapse of the abdomen, visible to the naked eye, occurs:

    • with weak abdominal muscles (the child’s head is not fixed, he continues to move, roll over - he behaves actively);
    • if the size and weight of the fetus are small (therefore, there is a lot of room for movement);
    • with the natural characteristics of a woman - a narrow pelvis;
    • Twins are expected to be born.

    This development of events is a variant of the norm; do not be alarmed. Whether the belly has dropped or not, labor will begin for all pregnant women, without exception. But if you are very worried about why your stomach is not falling, have your doctor conduct a thorough examination. Occasionally, the reason for the lack of changes is breech presentation. There is time before birth, and the doctor will tell you what to do to make the baby roll over.

    Don’t forget that in order to determine if your stomach has dropped or not, in most cases you need the look of a professional.

    Difference between multiparous and primiparous

    How and when does the stomach drop before childbirth in first-time mothers? The main difference between the category of pregnant women (primiparas) and “experienced mothers” is the timing. If the first ones can already detect a drooping belly at 35–36 weeks, then for multiparous women the period shifts to 38–39 weeks.

    Doctors note cases when the stomach drops before childbirth in multiparous women several days, sometimes hours, before birth.

    Average statistical data indicate that the abdomen drops 4 weeks before the immediate onset of labor. At about 38 weeks, the uterus is ready to reject the fetus. He is fully formed, able to survive on his own. The birth canal is being prepared. The stomach drops and begins to resemble a pear shape. You can freely place your palm between your stomach and chest.

    However, there is no clearly established period for how long the stomach drops before childbirth.

    Signs of approaching labor

    The question of how to determine whether the belly has dropped and whether this will definitely happen is most often asked by those preparing to become mothers for the first time. To make sure that the process is going according to plan, they should listen to themselves. Have the tremors become less frequent? Has your weight stabilized or even decreased, or your appetite decreased? Happens periodically

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