• Why does a girl's belly grow from below? Big belly in women - causes and treatment. The most problematic areas


    Excess belly fat is unsightly and unhealthy: it is a risk factor for metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Unhealthy belly fat is called visceral fat - it accumulates around the liver and other abdominal organs.

    Even people of normal weight who have excess belly fat are at risk for health problems. To prevent this, the site will tell you why the belly grows and how to remove excess fat deposits in the abdominal area.

    Why the belly grows in men and women: possible reasons

    Sometimes, when we gain weight, we ourselves can determine the reason for the increase in kilograms - a decrease in physical activity and/or overeating. As a rule, to get rid of excess weight, it is enough to adjust your diet and increase your calorie consumption during active pastime. However, sometimes reason for weight gain is not so obvious, and fat accumulates in certain areas of the body, for example, in the abdominal area.

    Why the belly grows, you need to pay attention to the following factors

    • nutritional features;
    • beverages;
    • level of physical activity;
    • hormonal background;
    • intestinal microflora.

    Try to reduce the amount of sugar and trans fats in your diet so that less fat is deposited in the abdominal area.

    Trans fats are the most harmful fats in existence because their stability is achieved by saturating them with hydrogen (hydrogenation). And such fats are used to extend the shelf life of various products, for example, crackers, muffins, and baking mixes. Trans fats have been proven to trigger inflammation and can lead to insulin resistance, heart disease and other diseases. It is not surprising that the belly of such substances grows in both men and women.

    A sufficient amount of protein in the diet is very important, since protein is not only the main building material for the body and is not stored in reserve, but also helps control hunger and speed up metabolism. Lack of protein in the long term leads to weight gain and belly growth due to increased levels of a hormone called neuropeptide Y.

    To control weight, you also need to consume enough fiber - it fills you up, stabilizes hunger hormones and allows you to eat less high-calorie foods. If the diet is dominated by carbohydrates and lacks fiber, a person unsuccessfully tries to fight the feeling of hunger and gains weight.

    What drinks cause belly fat deposition?

    The first and most important liquid enemy of a flat stomach is alcohol. Firstly, it contains too much sugar, which itself promotes fat accumulation. Second, liquid calories do not affect appetite in the same way as solid foods.

    If you drink calories, you don't get full, so you add food on top. And, as a rule, this food is quite high in calories and harmful. In addition, alcohol promotes inflammation, liver disease and other health problems and, as studies show, suppresses calorie burning and promotes fat storage. This explains why the belly grows and also why it is called a beer belly.

    Sweet soda has long been rightfully accused of causing weight gain because it contains huge doses of sugar. However, fruit juices are also not the best drink for those who want to protect their belly from excess fat, since even unsweetened 100% fruit juice contains a lot of sugar. If you compare 250 ml of juice and the same amount of cola, they will contain the same amount of sugar - 24 grams.

    How physical activity levels affect belly fat

    A sedentary lifestyle is one of the most significant risk factors for poor health. The decline in human activity levels has been observed for several decades. The study, which was conducted from 1988 to 2010 in the United States, showed that with a decrease in physical activity, weight gain, including an increase in abdominal girth, increased in men and women.

    Physical activity will not only help prevent the accumulation of belly fat, but also improve your overall health.

    But the harm of inactivity doesn’t stop there. Research also shows that people who have lost belly fat gain the weight back when they become more inactive.

    What hormonal changes can lead to belly growth?

    During the menopausal period, women often wonder why their belly grows. The fact is that during puberty, the hormone estrogen causes the body to accumulate fat in the thighs and buttocks - this is how a woman prepares for a potential pregnancy. Menopause occurs after menstruation stops, and during this time estrogen levels drop sharply, causing fat to be deposited in the abdominal area.

    Another hormone, elevated levels of which can cause belly fat to grow, is cortisol. This hormone is produced by the adrenal glands in stressful situations, but constant stress leads to the appearance of a “cortisol belly”. Lack of sleep also increases cortisol levels and causes weight gain.

    How gut microflora affects fat accumulation

    The human intestine is home to various bacteria. Some of them benefit the body, others harm it. An imbalance of bacteria in the gut increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

    Some studies show that the prevalence of harmful bacteria leads to weight gain, including in the abdominal area. Scientists have found large amounts of bacteria in obese people Firmicutes and suggested that such bacteria increase the amount of calories absorbed from food.

    There can be many answers to the question of why your belly is growing: poor eating habits, lack of sleep, hormonal changes, lack of physical activity, imbalance of bacteria in the intestines, frequent stress and even diseases. In some cases, the belly grows due to the influence of several of the above factors.

    Therefore, the site believes that the approach to getting rid of belly fat should be comprehensive - the right lifestyle will allow you to stay slim for many years.

    The patient's complaints about a tumor-like formation of soft consistency, located on the anterior abdominal wall and gradually increasing in size, allow us to suspect the presence of a lipoma. A hernia of the Spigelian line appears immediately lateral to the rectus abdominis muscle, midway between the umbilicus and the pubis. It is rare and usually easily reducible.

    Enlarged lower abdomen and large intestine

    The sudden appearance of cramping pain in the central part of the abdomen, around the navel, which is soon localized only in the right iliac region, definitely allows us to make a presumptive diagnosis of acute appendicitis. If, 48 hours after the onset of pain, the patient does not develop diffuse peritonitis, then an appendiceal infiltrate may form, followed by the formation of an abscess in the right iliac fossa.

    When cancer of the cecum occurs, the patient notes either the appearance of a tumor in this area, or dysfunction of the intestine and presents general complaints indicating the presence of anemia, for example, fatigue, drowsiness. The same symptoms are observed in patients with cancer of the ascending colon.

    In the presence of feces, uneven and hard formations are palpated throughout the large intestine. With cecal volvulus, the patient usually complains of cramping pain from the central part of the abdomen, around the navel and bloating.

    Intussusception occurs primarily in infants and presents with cramping abdominal pain and the classic “repetitive gelatinous” stool.

    Crohn's disease usually involves general malaise and diarrhea, accompanied by cramping pain in the central part of the abdomen, around the navel.

    With sigmoid colon cancer, the patient often complains of cramping pain in the lower abdomen, changes in bowel function (constipation followed by diarrhea) and bleeding from the rectum. Similar symptoms can be observed if the patient has diverticulosis. With volvulus of the sigmoid colon, cramping pain in the lower abdomen is noted, and in the left iliac region it is possible to palpate a tumor in the form of a solid formation, over which tympanitis is noted upon percussion. Crohn's disease of the colon is manifested by the appearance of diarrhea in the patient, and during physical examination a sausage-like tumor-like formation is often palpated.

    Enlarged lower abdomen and small intestine

    The detection of a tumor-like formation in the right iliac region during palpation of the abdomen indicates the presence of a pathological process in the terminal ileum. In this case, the patient usually experiences cramping pain around the navel and impaired bowel function.

    Enlarged lower abdomen and ovary

    The patient sometimes points to a tumor-like formation identified in the abdominal cavity (ovarian cyst, uterine leiomyoma) or notes a diffuse enlargement of the abdomen, the cause of which may be a large ovarian cyst or ascites caused by ovarian cancer.

    Women with a history of ectopic pregnancy have menstrual irregularities. The most common symptoms are pain and bleeding from the vagina, and with acute rupture of the tube, collapse with hypovolemic shock develops. With salpigoophoriga, there are complaints of pain in the lower abdomen, pain when pressed, increased body temperature and often purulent vaginal discharge. Complaints of menorrhagia (hypermenorrhea), pain in the lower abdomen and dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse) may indicate that a woman has uterine leiomyoma.

    Enlargement of the lower abdomen and retroperitoneal space

    Upon admission, the patient may complain of a noticeable pulsating tumor-like formation in the iliac region. If there is a history of surgery for a malignant tumor of the lower extremity, especially malignant melanoma, lymphadenopathy of the pelvic lymph nodes can be assumed. In this case, there may be a pathological process in the lower limb. A dull, boring pain may indicate damage to the ilium. A palpable bone formation indicates osteogenic sarcoma or Ewing's sarcoma.

    E. Raftery, E. Lim

    Enlargement of the lower abdomen and other diagnostic materials.

    Most representatives of the fair sex notice with age that their belly is growing. This phenomenon can be pathological or physiological in nature.

    Medical indications

    More often, the causes of the phenomenon in question are hereditary and endocrine in nature. A similar clinical picture can be observed in late pregnancy, diseases of the stomach and other internal organs.

    The main reasons why the belly can grow quickly in women at any age:

    • hereditary factor;
    • introduction of an incorrect lifestyle, no physical activity;
    • the woman is pregnant;
    • With age comes menopause;
    • diseases of the stomach, thyroid gland;
    • no hormonal balance;
    • gastrointestinal pathologies;
    • metabolism;
    • cancer process.

    Hereditary factor

    Under what constitutions does the belly appear? The concept of “constitution” means a specific configuration of the human body, which is genetically determined by nature. A woman's constitution can be of a masculine type.

    With a female figure, fat is deposited evenly, with a lot accumulating in the hips and back.

    The male body type is characterized by the appearance of the first fats on the abdomen. This phenomenon is observed in women after 30 years.

    Lifestyle disruption

    A common etiology that can cause a woman’s belly to grow is poor nutrition. Due to excessive consumption of junk food, fat and belly appear, as during pregnancy. Why else is it growing? This is due to dry food nutrition.

    If you eat little in the morning and more in the afternoon, a belly will appear. A large dinner leads to a similar phenomenon. The stomach may become bloated after eating large amounts of fiber.

    Passive life, “mental” work, passive rest are factors leading to abdominal growth. At the same time, fat is deposited in the area of ​​the right and left sides.

    Why else can the belly get bigger after 30 years? This phenomenon is promoted by physical exercises that are performed incorrectly. A large belly makes it very difficult to move.

    Women who do not have bad habits are less susceptible to belly growth. There is an opinion that cigarettes reduce weight. But in reality, many women who smoke have fat and a huge belly.

    Why is this happening? When smoking, nicotine disrupts metabolism, which promotes fat deposition.

    After drinking high-calorie alcohol, the size of the abdomen also increases, and fat accumulates in the left and right side area.

    A similar picture is observed when a woman “eats” stress with different foods.

    At the same time, her body does not have time to absorb food, which contributes to the deposition of fat. With age, this leads to the appearance of a huge belly. Women may be diagnosed with obesity and diabetes.

    Why does the appearance of a big belly occur after frequent stress? This may be due to excessive production of the hormone cortisol, which increases appetite.

    Changes at hormonal levels

    A provoking factor for the very rapid appearance of a belly in women is measurements in the balance between hormones. A similar phenomenon is observed during pregnancy, after an abortion, before menstruation, after 40 years before menopause.

    The second part of the cycle is accompanied by an increase in the size of the uterus. After this, the lower abdomen begins to hurt, which grows. Why is this phenomenon observed?

    More often this is due to decreased peristalsis, slow evacuation of food, high absorption, and constipation.

    If I experience the phenomena described above, what should I do and who should I make an appointment with? It is better to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

    Before therapy, a specialist checks the level of sex hormones.

    If your stomach hurts very much, your stool is disrupted, dyspeptic conditions develop, your diet is adjusted. It is recommended to eat vegetables, fruits, and drink water. After 30 years, flatulence is more common.

    When it appears, what is the best thing to do? In this case, foods that enhance peristalsis are included in the diet.

    In addition to physiological factors affecting the balance between hormones, experts identify endocrine diseases. They also provoke abdominal growth in women before and after pregnancy.

    The metabolic process in the human body is regulated by the endocrine and nervous systems. A specific area in the brain is responsible for their performance - the hypothalamus.

    If its work is disrupted, the regulation of metabolic processes changes, fat is deposited in the area of ​​the right and left sides at a faster rate. If a woman eats little, the above process provokes rapid growth of the abdomen.

    If such a clinic is observed in women after 35 years of age, and there is no pregnancy, then menopause occurs.

    During menopause, the production of estrogen, testosterone and progesterone decreases, so the belly grows. If a woman is under 35 years old, estrogens increase the production of thyroxine.

    Women over 50 years of age may experience a deficiency of this hormone, which contributes to the development of hypothyroidism.

    Against the background of this pathology, cellular metabolism slows down, lipid levels increase, and the abdomen increases to the size of pregnancy.

    The patient is rapidly gaining weight. Such phenomena are not only age-related, but also damage to the thyroid gland.

    This may cause stomach pain. Only an endocrinologist can decide what to do after examining the patient.

    Gastrointestinal diseases

    If my stomach gets bigger after eating, what should I do? The etiology of this phenomenon is first clarified. Irritable intestines or colitis contribute to increased gas formation.

    At the same time, the stomach swells and flatulence develops. If there are no loose stools, but the lower abdomen hurts, you will need to be examined by a gastroenterologist. It is more difficult to diagnose the disease if you are pregnant.

    During this period, frequent ultrasound examinations are contraindicated. In the absence of therapy, increased accumulation of gases and feces occurs, which provokes a feeling of fullness after eating. The stomach is bloated.

    The patient is prescribed medications that normalize gastrointestinal motility. The treatment regimen includes a diet. To normalize the flora, taking bifidobacteria is indicated.

    The menu includes yogurt, kefir, and various lactic acid products. Failure to follow the gastroenterologist's recommendations may lead to increased abdominal pain.

    If my stomach is distended due to celiac disease, how can I reduce the symptoms? The causes of autoimmune disease include a hereditary defect in the enzyme that gluten is responsible for breaking down.

    Against the background of this disease, food allergies to certain foods develop. If you don't follow a diet, your stomach will swell and become hard. The risk group includes women planning to conceive.

    Pregnancy with this diagnosis is indicated or contraindicated in each case individually. More often, this pathology is detected in childhood, when introducing the first complementary foods.

    What should patients at risk do? Such persons are advised to constantly take enzyme preparations and diet.

    Cancer processes

    If pregnancy is not confirmed, and the belly is growing, and all the above symptoms do not appear, what should you do?

    In this case, experts advise undergoing an examination and biopsy in order to identify or refute the presence of a tumor in the peritoneum.

    If it is present, fluid accumulates in this cavity, which contributes to an additional increase in the volume of the abdomen in women. If it grows rapidly, ascites may occur.

    This disease is also provoked by an ovarian tumor, severe circulatory failure due to cardiac pathologies. These include defects and heart attack.

    The latter phenomenon is more often observed in older representatives of the fair sex.

    Postpartum period

    A woman who has given birth may wonder why my belly grows after childbirth. Scientists have proven that the postpartum period is considered dangerous for the following reasons:

    • throughout the entire period of gestation and growth of the fetus, the abdominal walls stretch, which makes it difficult to return to their original state;
    • altered hormonal balance negatively affects the body;
    • After the birth of a child, a woman does not have enough time for herself, which leads to weight gain.

    Despite the above factors, gynecologists and pediatricians advise continuing breastfeeding. What else needs to be done?

    Additionally, you need to eat properly. This will reduce the volume of the abdomen and reduce overall body weight.

    After childbirth, the female body is exhausted, it needs normal sleep and rest. It is recommended to lead an active physical life. You can sign up for water aerobics, do gymnastics, or sign up for a fitness class.

    If my abdominal volume has changed for trivial reasons, what should I do to restore the previous elasticity? It is recommended to consult a therapist first.

    The specialist will prescribe an ultrasound and laboratory tests. If any abnormalities are detected, a consultation with a gynecologist may be required. If the phenomenon in question is provoked by a gynecological disease, HRT is prescribed.

    In case of endocrine disorders, the help of an endocrinologist is required. But therapy is carried out after taking a blood test for hormones and sugar. To combat gastrointestinal diseases, you will need the help of a gastroenterologist.

    If the therapy is successful, regardless of the etiology of the appearance of a large belly, the patient is recommended to continue to exercise. You can go to the gym.

    Dietary nutrition must be followed, which consists of limited consumption of fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, the woman gives up bad habits.

    If the symptoms in question are provoked by chronic stress, the help of a psychotherapist or psychologist is required. The patient may be prescribed adaptogens and sedatives.

    Any of the above reasons should be eliminated only with the help of doctors.

    Useful video

    Good day, dear readers? Have you noticed that even when you lose weight and lose weight, you often remain with a bulging belly that you can’t get rid of? And this is the biggest problem. Well, that, and also extra sides, like mine, for example.
    Today I propose to figure out together why women’s bellies grow after 30 and what can be done to prevent this process.

    Do you dream of a flat stomach? And, probably, especially strongly in spring and summer? To achieve this result, you need to determine the reasons for the appearance of a large belly.
    Deposits in this area often consist of internal fat, which means that all internal organs are wrapped in it. Such problems can contribute to the emergence of heart disease, diabetes and even cancer.

    So let's talk about the reasons:

    1. Little active and physical activity. Sitting in the office all day and drinking tea in the evenings leads to the fact that there is nowhere to burn fat. And it accumulates in the body. If you tend to be overweight, you will gain weight very quickly.
    2. Normally, a small cushion of fat is present even in girls with a slender figure. After all, this is inherent in nature; little protection is created for the fetus during pregnancy.
    3. Poor nutrition is a very common cause of a belly button. By the way, in women this area can also occur from beer.
    4. During pregnancy, muscles stretch, which also contributes to the accumulation of fat deposits.
    5. Another reason is stressful situations. At the same time, the hormone cortisol is produced, which leads to the growth of forms.
    6. Common causes include hormonal imbalance in the body, which manifests itself with age.

    Did you know that your belly size is affected by the time you sleep? On average, you should sleep 6-8 hours. Anyone who spends more or less time in bed becomes predisposed to the appearance of excess deposits.

    Do not forget also about weight gain in winter. This may be due to decreased physical activity or consumption of heavier foods.

    Digestive system problems

    Fat often accumulates in the stomach area, which can be the result of problems with the digestive system.
    may be the reason why your belly has started to grow.

    In this case, bloating occurs, which is accompanied by pain and constipation. This problem indicates that the digestive system is not working properly. Bloating most often occurs in the evening. If you're wondering how to get rid of it, it's not difficult.

    Eliminate grain fiber from your diet.
    Often the cause of a large belly is flatulence. To reduce its occurrence, chew your food slowly and do not swallow large pieces.
    Celiac disease is considered one of the types of food allergies, which also causes an enlargement of the abdominal area. It is caused by poor breakdown of protein components.

    Internal violations

    In general, the appearance of belly fat can be associated with disorders within the body. For example, the lower abdominal cavity increases due to complex gynecological diseases.
    The tummy also grows with hormonal fluctuations. This can occur in early pregnancy or during the premenstrual period. Drinking water and light walks will help relieve the condition.
    If you do not set a goal in a timely manner, obesity may become a further stage. This may cause pressure changes, blockage, and shortness of breath. All this is caused by increased stress on blood vessels and poor nutrition.

    Keep in mind that it is difficult to reduce your belly fat with aerobic exercise alone. Or rather, the total mass will evaporate. But the stomach will remain protruding or saggy. An excellent solution is a combination of aerobic and strength training.

    The appearance of a belly during menopause

    For some reason, at the slightest manifestation of character, the first thought that comes to the minds of those around you is what you have. Therefore, you should not lose your temper, especially after turning thirty.
    The end of reproductive capacity may cause external changes. The belly grows especially often during menopause. Gestagens and estrogens affect many processes in the body, including the ratio of adipose tissue.

    In the absence of hormones, all processes slow down. According to experts, the growth of the abdomen at this time can be explained by the activation of the adrenal glands, which rebuilds the body according to the type of men.

    The most problematic areas?

    You probably think that when there is an excess of fat, only the stomach grows. But in reality this is not entirely true. Fat deposits also appear on thighs and buttocks. Most often, fat appears there first. The second popular place for fat to appear is back and sides. As women gain weight, their breasts also grow. But don’t be too happy, in other places the mass is growing faster.

    How to get rid of belly fat?

    Do you want to know what to do to lose belly fat? To do this, it is not enough to just go on a diet. After all, such nutrition is aimed only at losing extra pounds and does not take into account the loss of useful elements. But proper nutrition in combination with the consumption of clean water will bring benefits. The diet should contain grains, fruits, vegetables, as well as meat and fish.
    If you do not have health problems, start training several times a week for half an hour. At the same time, combine abdominal swings with aerobic exercise.

    And if you have health problems, start training too. You can consult your doctor. There are a large number of health-improving gymnastics, without causing harm to health. This could be breathing techniques, yoga for beginners or Pilates. Movement in any case is life.

    Well, on this cheerful note we will say goodbye. Take care of yourself and be healthy! If you have something to say, write in the comments, and also subscribe to my blog updates.

    See you soon!

    For many women, the problem area is the stomach, and it can be full even if there is no excess in other parts of the body, although most often the female body gets better evenly. Needless to say, the fair sex will be categorically dissatisfied with the deterioration of their figure in this direction. In addition, excess fat in the waist and sides is dangerous to health, so it is possible and necessary to combat this problem. But first you need to figure out why women’s bellies grow.

    When thinking about why the belly grows, one cannot exclude such a factor as pregnancy - in this case, the increase in the volume of the abdomen is due to completely natural reasons.

    Another point is the structural features of the figure. Women with an apple-type figure tend to accumulate excess fat in the upper part of the body, including on the stomach, but their legs are usually slender.

    What to do? Of course, you can’t change your natural constitution, but you can control your lifestyle and diet so that your stomach remains as slim as possible. Need to do exercises to strengthen your abs. Also, learn highlight your strengths through clothing. And with this type of figure there are enough of them - slender legs, beautiful breasts.

    Posture disorders

    The reason why the belly grows in women may lie in incorrect posture. Moreover, even with the absolute absence of excess weight, a woman in this case may have a protruding tummy. The reason is that a curved spine displaces the organs in the abdominal cavity from their normal places, causing them to appear to protrude. This problem is quite relevant for teenagers, and if no measures are taken, it will only get worse with age. Often the cause is sedentary work, in which the spine is in the wrong position for a long time.

    What to do? Improve posture and strengthen back muscles. Very A swimming pool is useful for this. Swimming can correct minor spinal deviations. Water relieves part of the load and allows the vertebrae to return to their correct, natural position. And this result is recorded by muscles, which are also strengthened during swimming. Over time, the internal organs will return to their natural places, and the figure, accordingly, will also become more correct.

    Hormonal imbalances

    Our body is a very complex system in which everything is interconnected. And changes in hormonal levels can lead to weight gain. This is the answer to the question of why the belly appears after childbirth and during menopause - the balance of hormones changes. The same applies to adolescents during puberty. Also, hormonal disorders can be a consequence of disorders of the endocrine system. Thyroid hormones are responsible for the breakdown of fatty acids. If there are too few or too many of them in the body, then the metabolism is disrupted, fats are not broken down, but settle on the stomach.

    What to do? Initially check your thyroid gland, take hormone tests, consult with medical specialists. It will probably be necessary to optimize your diet. A microelement such as iodine is also important - it helps maintain normal functioning of the thyroid gland.


    Stress and extra centimeters in the abdominal area are closely related concepts. When the body is under stress, it actively produces cortisol, a hormone that promotes fat storage. In addition, many people tend to eat stress with not the most healthy foods.

    What to do? It is important to be able to deal with stress and not run to the refrigerator at the slightest nervous tension. Drink plenty of water– it reduces the level of stress hormones in the body. Try to walk more, master breathing techniques– choose the ways to deal with stress that are right for you.

    Stress in many women can cause the absorption of fat according to the male pattern, since it inhibits the functioning of the ovaries, and they cease to produce progesterone and estrogen in normal quantities. This can make your figure look like a man's, and a protruding belly will be a major sign of this.

    Age-related changes

    With age, your figure deteriorates - this is a consequence of natural processes. Over the years, metabolism slows down and hormonal levels change. Therefore, it is not surprising that for many women, as they age, their lower abdomen grows and it becomes more and more difficult to maintain their shape. Some people encounter this after 30, some after 40, some only after menopause - everything is individual.

    What to do? The older you are, the more you need control your diet. If you want to maintain your figure, give up unhealthy foods and go in for sports.

    Why does the belly grow after childbirth?

    The postpartum period is dangerous for a woman due to the following reasons:

    • During pregnancy, as the fetus grows, the abdominal walls stretch, and it can be quite difficult for them to return to their original state.
    • Hormonal levels also change, which may not have the best effect on the body.
    • Finally, a new mother has a lot of troubles, and she may simply have no time to take care of herself. All of these factors combined can cause your stomach condition to worsen significantly.

    What to do? First of all, don't give up breastfeeding– this process has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the figure. Eat right and don't overeat. No matter how difficult it may be, try to get enough sleep And do not forget about physical activity. There are many options for young mothers, for example, gymnastics with the baby. And regular walks with a stroller in the fresh air have a great effect on a slightly spoiled figure.

    To prevent deterioration in the shape of the abdomen after childbirth, you can use a special bandage during pregnancy.

    Lack of physical activity

    A very common reason why the belly grows in women. Physical inactivity (lack of movement) is unnatural for the human body. However, the realities of life today are such that most of us work in the office, sitting motionless for several hours at a time, and relax at home on the couch. This is a serious burden for the body. He does not use up all the calories he gets from food, and the excess is deposited on the stomach. In addition, physical inactivity is fraught with many other negative consequences, for example, muscle atrophy, problems with blood vessels, and curvature of posture, which we have already discussed.

    What to do? Everything is trivial - find time for physical activity, no matter how difficult it may be. Ideally recommended devote at least 3-4 days a week to training, combining cardio exercises aimed at burning fat and abdominal exercises that help strengthen muscles and tighten the body. Yoga, bodyflex, hula hoop work well.

    Even if you can’t fully engage in sports yet, still try to move more. Even a couple of bus stops that you walk and taking the stairs instead of the elevator is better than nothing. Remember that without physical activity you will not be able to achieve a beautiful figure.


    Probably, poor nutrition should take first place in the ranking of the reasons why the belly grows in women. Therefore, you need to know what foods make women’s bellies grow, and how to eat to get rid of it. The following eating habits can lead to excess waist size:

    • Overeating and large portions that stretch the stomach.
    • Uneven nutrition, when a person skips meals, but eats enough at one time.
    • Avoiding breakfast and eating large amounts of food in the afternoon.
    • Eating unhealthy foods that cause your belly to grow. These include fast food, sweets, cakes, white bread, pastries, chips, mayonnaise and other sauces, fatty, fried, salty foods - in general, all foods that do not fall into the healthy category.
    • Abuse of sugar and products that contain it.
    • Insufficient fluid intake.

    What to do? Review your diet and form new eating habits that will help you lose belly fat. The menu should be built on the following principles:

    • Avoid strict short-term diets. Firstly, they promote weight loss through muscle and water, not fat, and secondly, as a result, the belly can become even larger, as the body begins to actively make reserves in case of the next stress such as starvation.
    • Eat small, frequent meals. Thanks to this, you will narrow the volume of your stomach and begin to eat less, and your metabolism will speed up. This has a beneficial effect on the condition of the figure.
    • Eat enough fruits and vegetables. They are low in calories, yet they contain a lot of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
    • Eat proteins. The body spends a lot of energy on their absorption, and they are also necessary for muscles. Sources of protein are lean fish and meats, cottage cheese, eggs, and so on.
    • Fats cannot be excluded from the diet - otherwise the refusal will negatively affect women's health. But you need to choose healthy sources: vegetable oils, fish, nuts.
    • Food should be varied. This will help you stay on track with your diet.
    • Snacking is okay, but snacks should be healthy. This could be a handful of nuts, fruits, vegetables, boiled eggs, or a fermented milk drink. Do not tolerate hunger - because of this, not only your mood suffers, but also your metabolism.

    Big belly with a slim figure

    It happens that a quite slender woman has a large protruding belly, creating imbalances in her figure. And even nutrition and exercise may not help fight this. The reasons for this may be the following:

    • Flatulence. It provokes bloating and, accordingly, its enlargement. The causes of flatulence can be different - dysbiosis, certain disorders in the digestive system, various foods and drinks.
    • Clogged intestines. If the intestines are clogged with waste, digestion slows down, food accumulates in the intestines, and the volume of the abdomen increases because of this. In this case, you need to cleanse the intestines.
    • Congenital an abnormality called elongated intestine. It also provokes figure imbalances.

    As we can see, there are a large number of reasons why women have a growing belly. In any case, it is important to combat this problem, first of all, by adjusting your lifestyle.

    Why the belly grows: video

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