• Painting nails with newspaper. How to do a manicure using newspaper. Creative and original options


    A manicure in black and white always looks elegant. The original and simple newspaper manicure became fashionable, first abroad, and then in our country. You can do it at a salon or yourself. It’s not at all difficult to make; for this you will need a very small amount of materials. There are several ways to create a manicure using newspaper.

    The first option is how to do a newspaper manicure

    Step 1. Prepare your nails - do them, give them the required shape and apply a layer of transparent, white or any other varnish at your discretion.

    The color of the nail polish can be chosen to match your look, accessories and outfits for a specific event. In our example, this is blue varnish.

    Step 2. Take a newspaper (it doesn’t matter whether it’s black and white or color) and cut out small pieces that will perfectly cover the shape and size of each nail.

    Step 3: Pour alcohol into a small container and place a piece of newspaper in it for a few seconds.

    Step 4. When the polish is dry, you can apply the cut-out wet newspaper to the nail and wait 10-40 seconds. Time depends on print quality, paper weight, etc.

    Press down a little with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol so that the letters are printed more clearly.

    Step 5. Carefully remove the piece of newspaper with tweezers.

    Step 6. After this, cover the nails with a top coat with newspaper.

    You can apply pieces of newspaper not to the entire nail, but only to part of it. If you cut out small pieces, you can arrange them in any order.

    Although the technology and basic design are the same, much depends on the background color, for example, a manicure in pink tones looks very gentle.

    And such a bright background is more suitable for parties and nightclubs.

    Such pieces of newspaper will look especially original if you lightly singe them first.

    Newspaper (there is also the option of using a dollar bill or any other bill) can be used in gel nail extensions.

    A manicure with newspaper will look original and fresh if you add some sparkles, rhinestones or glitter to it. You can also add painting and various drawings - this will greatly enliven the newspaper manicure and add its own flavor.

    How to do a newspaper manicure - video

    Watch the video - two options - how to do a manicure with newspaper yourself.

    The second method is how to do a newspaper manicure

    It should be started in the same way as in the previous version, but then you will need a fresh, recently printed newspaper.

    Having applied it to nails painted (and dried) with white or clear varnish, you must apply a cotton swab soaked in alcohol or an alcohol-containing liquid on top.

    If you want your hands to always look well-groomed and attractive, but the opportunity or time to visit a beauty salon is not always available, you will be interested in learning how you can make a spectacular manicure from newspaper at home.

    Unlike many complex nail art options, the original newspaper manicure is very easy to do. In addition, it harmoniously combines with both business and casual wear.

    Such simple manicure ideas are also good because they are suitable for those with any shape and length of nails.

    It is worth noting

    An indispensable condition for this original decor is neat nail plates, removed cuticles and well-groomed hand skin. To achieve a better result, you can also sand the surface of the nails or cover them with a layer of a special product, which, in addition to visually smoothing out unevenness, also protects the nails from the effects of various coatings, accelerates their growth and prevents delamination.

    Knowing how to make a manicure from newspaper, you can easily create new unique options every time. As for the choice of colors, you can safely experiment and select any shades depending on your taste or mood. When choosing colors, also take into account the latest fashion trends and the time of year. Thus, the design of a summer manicure is distinguished by the brightness of the colors, while in the winter season most fashionistas prefer warm, calm tones. The classic option is one that uses white or not too bright varnishes as a base, since the translated inscriptions in this case are very similar to newspaper clippings.

    Variations of this nail design may be different. For example, you can place pieces of newspapers on your nail plates in different ways. Depending on this, the transferred font can be positioned slanted, horizontal, vertical, or diagonally. You can also decorate only the free tips of the nail plates (this option looks especially interesting on a classic French jacket) or only the ring finger.

    Ideas for manicure done using newspaper: photo

    Newspaper manicure as an original way to decorate nails

    How to do a newspaper manicure yourself so that it doesn’t differ from one done in an expensive salon? This does not require professional skills or special devices and cosmetics, and the procedure itself will not take too much free time.

    Materials you will need:

    • newspaper with bright font;
    • plain varnish as a base (do not choose too dark shades, since translated inscriptions are difficult to see on them);
    • a little alcohol or nail polish remover;
    • cotton pads or sticks;
    • fixative

    Before you start doing a manicure with newspaper, prepare the required number of pieces of newspaper, which should be slightly larger than the surface of the nail plates. Please note that magazines with glossy pages are not suitable for this purpose; you only need a typographic font on regular newsprint.

    So, how to do a newspaper manicure at home?

    First, carefully apply one or two layers of the varnish chosen as the base to the prepared nails.

    When the base has dried, soak a piece of paper in alcohol (this must be done quickly so that the paper is not completely saturated with liquid), carefully lay it face down on the surface of the nail plate and leave for a few seconds.

    Do not move or touch the paper at this time, as this may cause the print to become smeared or sloppy.

    After some time, you can remove the paper. Try to do this in one motion so that it does not tear and the drawing is not smudged. For convenience, the paper can be removed using tweezers, which makes it much easier to grab it without spoiling the transferred drawing. If the font is not visible at all, repeat again. Perhaps you used too little liquid or the newspaper was too old and had faded ink. You can also dip your finger in a container of alcohol for a second, and only then apply newspaper to the nail. If you feel like the paper is too dry, try adding a drop or two of alcohol on top of it.

    To make the transferred letters brighter and clearer, you can use nail polish remover instead of alcohol. In this case, some skill will be required, because if the paper is too saturated with liquid or if you overexpose it on the nail, the main tone may be smeared, and pieces of newspaper will stick to the base. To prevent this from happening, do everything quickly but carefully.

    You may not get the result you expected the first time, but over time you can easily do a newspaper manicure using nail polish remover.

    After this, apply a layer of sealer or clear varnish.

    This is necessary so that the paint does not wear off, and your manicure with newspaper patterns remains neat and beautiful for a long time.

    There are several more ways to perform a newspaper manicure, for which you also first need to tidy up the nail plates and give them the desired shape.

    Based on clear varnish

    An original manicure can be made using clear varnish. To do this, apply it to one nail, carefully place a piece of newspaper on the surface, press it lightly, and then immediately drop a few drops of nail polish remover onto the paper. Press the paper carefully so that it does not move, as this may affect the quality of the resulting design. After a minute or a minute and a half, remove the newspaper and apply a layer of sealer or clear varnish. If a small piece of newspaper remains on the surface, do not be discouraged. It will not be noticeable under a layer of fixative, and your nail art will look beautiful.

    Based on light-colored varnish

    You can also decorate your nails in another original way. To do this, apply a base to the prepared nail plate, which is covered with a light-colored varnish. When everything is completely dry, wet your nails with water and apply pieces of newspaper or cut-out strips of text to them. Then you can cover everything with several layers of fixative, which will securely fix the paper and give the manicure a beautiful shine.

    Manicure with newspaper was invented by a female cosmetologist from France. One of the newspapers published an article about the specialist’s achievements, and in order for the advertising campaign to work, the cosmetologist took a bold step - she distributed printed materials on nails. She offered her clients a newspaper manicure by imprinting letters on their nails. The result was impressive; since then, women from all over the world have been trying to replicate the newspaper manicure at home.

    To do this, you will need Russian or foreign printed publications, materials and tools for manicure.

    How to make nail art from newspaper step by step

    How to do a newspaper manicure? Pieces of paper can be used in three ways - as an all-over print with letters, as multiple printed cut-outs, as a gradient style from newspaper. Let's look at how nail art is performed using these methods.

    1. Prepare your nails - do a classic manicure by filing, shaping, and removing cuticles.
    2. Paint your nails with a coat of white or clear polish.
    3. Try the cut out pieces of newsprint on your nails. If the sizes of the pieces match the size of the nail plates, they can be soaked in water for a few minutes. Then apply the paper to your nails, trimming its free edges. Cover it with 1-2 layers of clear coat.
    4. If you want to give your nail art a spectacular look, choose a print with images of multi-colored letters, banknotes, or burn the edges of the paper. You can secure the result with varnish with sparkles, glitter or rhinestones.

    See how to make a newspaper manicure with a burnt paper effect.

    Method No. 2

    1. Newspaper manicure with a generous coating of varnish. As in the first method, the nails must be pre-treated, giving them length and shape.
    2. The second step is to cover your nails with a generous coat of polish of any color. The layer should be thick and well dried.
    3. Pour a little boric alcohol into a small container and dip your already painted nails into it one by one. After 2-3 seconds, remove your fingers from the liquid so that the coating does not completely dissolve.
    4. Apply pre-cut pieces of paper from newspapers or magazines in a chaotic manner to each nail. Using an orange stick, press the design firmly so that it does not get smeared. Fresh printed publications adhere best to varnish.
    5. When all the paper fragments are attached to the nails, they can be covered with a layer of clear varnish.
    6. Manicure using newspaper is suitable for everyday or evening wear. To give your nail art some contrast, you can do it not on clear varnish, but on colored enamel. On a dark color, multi-colored letters printed in the form of patterns and shapes look great.

    Method No. 3

    Newspaper manicure in home prints is a kind of canvas on which an artistic picture is made. There are many more ways to do a newspaper manicure. In this case, you can use standard techniques or your own imagination.

    Manicure using obmre newspaper is a beautiful design that uses polishes of several colors. Can be applied to nails of different shapes and lengths. Instructions for performing a newspaper “measurement”:

    1. For nail art, you can use two contrasting shades: blue and pink, white and black, yellow and green, depending on your mood and time of year.
    2. Prepare your nails for the procedure - treat the surface of the nails with alcohol or degreaser, give them shape.
    3. Take a sponge or sponge, apply two colors of varnish on it perpendicular to each other, and immediately apply the sponge to the nail. Do the procedure on all fingers.
    4. Place the prepared pieces of newspaper on the dry coating and paint your nails with a colorless fixative. It is important that the paper allows the varnish colors to show through well. Remove any rough edges. When the clear polish dries, the manicure is ready!

    Check out how to do a manicure using newspaper.

    Newspaper nail art using shellac

    A manicure using newspaper can also be done with gel polish (shellac). Before the procedure, you need to treat your hands with an antiseptic, then you can start working:

    1. Paint your nails with a light gel coat and let it dry under a UV lamp for 2 minutes. Then you can start decorating.
    2. Cut out 10 paper squares.
    3. Pour alcohol into a small container and soak a piece of newspaper in it. Apply it to the nail for 20-30 seconds until the alcohol dries completely.
    4. Remove the newspaper. Cover the nail art with the final sealer, and dry the layer under a UV lamp for 2 minutes so that the result is finally fixed on the nails. A newspaper manicure with shellac is done quickly and easily; it is important not to overexpose the paper on your nails so that the alcohol does not dissolve the shellac.

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    All creative ideas, as a rule, come to us unexpectedly. Likewise, the popular newspaper manicure today owes its appearance to a French cosmetologist. This French woman craved recognition. When an article about her came out, albeit in a less popular publication, I was filled with happiness. And in the wake of her emotions, a wonderful thought came to her: “Why not stick fragments of a published article on clients’ nails!?” So suddenly the idea turned into a fashionable trend for painting nails. Read on to learn how to do a newspaper manicure yourself.

    You will need:

    Preliminary preparation

    Clean your nails well of any previous polish and remove the cuticles. Give your nails the desired shape using a nail file. Now short oval or square shaped nails are in fashion.

    In order for the “sacrament” itself to go perfectly, you need to prepare 10 pieces of newspaper approximately in the shape of your nails. Newspaper protruding edges are easily removed from the nail plate.

    It will be useful to know which varnish background will look good with a newspaper manicure. Ideally, these are white, gray, beige colors. Other pastel colors and red are also a good combination.

    It may be more convenient to use tweezers to apply a piece of newspaper to the nail and a pipette to subsequently wet the newspaper.

    We do a newspaper manicure. Method 1

    On prepared nails you need to apply a base coat. Next, you should paint your nails with the chosen colored varnish and wait until it dries.

    Pieces of newspaper prepared in advance should be moistened with water so that they stick to the nails better.

    After this, apply 1-2 layers of clear varnish to fix the manicure.

    We do a newspaper manicure. Method 2

    Alternatively, you can cover your nail with colorless varnish and, without waiting for it to dry, apply a piece of newspaper moistened with acetone. Press down on the newspaper, but try not to move it, otherwise the printing ink will smear.

    After 1-2 minutes, carefully remove the newspaper. If there are stuck fragments, cover them with colorless varnish. And this is how each nail is shaped.

    We do a newspaper manicure. Method 3

    Another version of the manicure differs only in the way the letters are applied.

    A piece of newspaper is moistened with any alcohol-containing liquid and within 30 seconds a pattern appears on the varnish.

    Or you can dip the nail itself in alcohol for 5 seconds.

    After this, we also cover the printed letters with colorless varnish to fix the printing ink.

    Varieties of design

    Are you used to doing French manicure at home? Try something new. There are many options for applying a newspaper pattern to your nails.

    You can make text on your nails that is not difficult to read.

    One of the most fashionable trends is newspaper manicure. Unusual inscriptions on nails attract attention and give the appearance of its owner a special elegance. How to do a newspaper manicure will be discussed in this review.

    What is newspaper manicure, its advantages

    Manicure with inscriptions on nails are prints of newspaper inscriptions translated into manicure in various ways. This nail design is ideal for everyday wear. The calm tones of the base coat will make this manicure suitable for wearing in the office, and the fancy designs of the inscriptions will unobtrusively attract the attention of colleagues and acquaintances. Women of any age can do it. Newspaper designs on nails are suitable for all women without exception. This manicure has a number of undeniable advantages:

    • Unique pattern. You can use newspapers in foreign languages ​​or come up with your own design options;
    • The base varnish can be of any shade;
    • You can make an inscription on your nails of any shape and length;
    • You can design each nail separately according to your imagination;
    • You can transfer a nail design from paper yourself. The nail design technique is not complicated and can be done at home;
    • This manicure is very easy to do. This does not require any special knowledge or skills.

    Types of newspaper manicure

    Newspaper designs on nails can be made in various designs. There are many types of newspaper manicure. Every woman can perform it, based on her taste preferences:

    You can perform a newspaper manicure at home in any design. It all depends on the flight of fancy of its owner.

    What you need to do a newspaper manicure

    Before you start creating a unique design, you need to prepare your nails and process the cuticles. Before applying the coating, you need to perform a regular unedged manicure. In order to make an inscription on your nails, you need to prepare the following tools:

    • Pieces of newspaper;
    • Alcohol or acetone;
    • Bath;
    • Tweezers;
    • if the manicure will be performed using gel polish;
    • Varnish of the selected tone.

    Depending on the technique, additional tools may be required: a sponge or cotton pad, an orange stick and special glue.

    Newspaper manicure technique

    There are several types of newspaper manicure techniques:

    • Using alcohol;
    • No alcohol;
    • Each technique will be discussed in more detail below.
    • Performing a newspaper manicure with alcohol.

    Newspaper manicure using alcohol

    You don't have to use pastel colored nail polish. Bright colors combined with unusual inscriptions will add originality to the image.

    Newspaper manicure without alcohol

    A manicure with inscriptions on the nails can be done without alcohol. To do this, you need to cut out pieces of newspaper that fit the size of the nail and apply them to the not completely dry varnish. Excess newspaper must be trimmed. The top of the manicure is covered with several layers of fixative. An alternative way to transfer the inscription to the nail is to wet the newspaper in acetone. The picture is translated in the same way as described above.

    Newspaper manicure with gel polish

    In order to make such a nail design, you must follow the step-by-step instructions:

    1. Prepare and degrease nails;
    2. Apply a layer of base and dry it in a lamp;
    3. Apply one or more layers of gel polish. Each layer must be thoroughly dried;
    4. Moisten newspaper in alcohol and apply it to the covering;
    5. Remove the newspaper after 10-15 seconds;
    6. Wait for the print to dry;
    7. Cover your nails with topcoat and dry them in a special lamp.

    The original manicure with gel polish is ready.

    When performing a newspaper manicure, many girls make mistakes. The most common of these is the newspaper moving away while applying it. If the drawing turns out to be blurry, it must be removed and reapplied. If the skin around the nail is dirty, then it is necessary to remove the remaining newspaper inscriptions using alcohol or acetone. Before applying the design, you must wait until the varnish is completely dry. Experienced manicurists recommend waiting a few hours before starting to transfer the design. Experts do not recommend doing a manicure yourself using gel polish. Inexperienced girls may not succeed. You can apply newspaper strips diagonally. In this case, the drawing will look unusual.

    Newspaper manicure options

    You can design your nails according to your imagination. The transparent fixative can be replaced with a similar one containing glitter. Pieces of newspaper used in the gluing technique. Can be pre-fired. This will give the manicure a certain personality.

    For greater originality, you can use newspapers published in foreign languages. You can apply special stickers, foil on top, or complement the manicure with artistic modeling. Newspaper manicure attracts attention with its unusual pattern. Making it yourself is not difficult. Every woman can master this technique.

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