• Buying wedding rings signs. Wedding rings - folk signs and beliefs


    One of the most important jewelry in every person's life is a wedding ring. That is why his choice should be taken as responsibly as possible. Some couples choose wedding rings based on superstitions and superstitions, while others rely solely on their taste preferences.

    The Svadebka.ws portal decided to help couples in love choose wedding jewelry that will certainly not disappoint after purchase.

    What should a wedding ring look like according to signs?

    The tradition of exchanging rings appeared relatively recently, it is only a few centuries old. But this did not stop our ancestors from noticing a number of beliefs that left their mark on the choice of wedding accessories in the modern world.

    How to choose an engagement ring according to signs:

    1. Jewelry for the bride and groom must be purchased from the same store on the same day;
    2. The newlyweds' rings must be made of the same metal and in the same style;
    3. Traditionally, wedding decorations are smooth. Why should wedding rings be smooth? Our ancestors believed that the absence of stones and carvings on the ring symbolizes a smooth and trouble-free path for a married couple;
    4. As a rule, couples are advised to buy new wedding rings, however, if your grandparents were truly happily married and offer you their rings, you should not refuse such a gift, provided that the couple had a golden wedding;
    5. Under no circumstances should you try on your rings, either before or after the wedding;
    6. Yellow gold is the traditional metal for wedding jewelry. But if you don’t like this metal or one of the couple is allergic to gold, you can choose absolutely any material that suits you in terms of price and external qualities, for example, platinum wedding rings are a great way to emphasize the wealth and status of a newly-made family;
    7. According to signs, rings should be without stones. But in recent years, jewelry encrusted with diamonds has been gaining popularity. This stone has already become a symbol of pure and true love, and also foretells a prosperous life together for lovers.

    But still, there is only one correct answer to the question of what wedding rings should be like: the chosen jewelry should be endlessly liked by both spouses! After all, the accessory will be on your hands for many years, which means it should not irritate you with its appearance or interfere with your daily chores.

    What determines the cost of wedding rings?

    When we enter a jewelry store, we see not only an amazing variety of engagement rings, but also a wide price range. Therefore, before buying jewelry, you need to decide on your budget. After all, buying rings should not drive a young family into debt.

    The price of the rings depends on:

    Only the future newlyweds decide which wedding rings are best to buy. To avoid unnecessary disputes and conflicts, we advise only the bride and groom to go to the store. The third-party opinion of girlfriends, mothers, and relatives can confuse a couple, and the purchased jewelry can ultimately disappoint. Therefore, trust only your own sensations and feelings.

    Where is the best place to buy engagement rings?

    The modern world of wedding services is very developed. This also applies to engagement jewelry, which is why the question of how to choose the right wedding rings is so relevant.

    Newlyweds of the 21st century can purchase rings in different ways, because the main thing is convenience and comfort during the purchase.

    Online store


    • Save time. Without leaving home, you choose jewelry taking into account your budget and your taste. And filters will help you choose from the catalog the most suitable accessory models for your needs;
    • The cost is lower than in real stores. After all, online platforms do not need to pay rent and maintain a staff of specialist consultants;
    • The ability to buy a ring in any city in the country or even order it from abroad;
    • You will be able to find out how much gold (and not only) wedding rings of different designs, decor, weights and from different manufacturers cost;
    • Regular discounts;
    • Convenient payment methods.


    • Difficulty choosing a size. If you order jewelry from another city, then you do not have the opportunity to evaluate how the ring looks on your hand, whether it is comfortable on your finger and whether the size is appropriate;
    • Quality. Again, this problem may arise when ordering rings from neighboring countries or cities. Especially if you choose engagement rings with stones. When shopping online, no one can guarantee that all decorative elements will be in place.

    Jewelry stores and salons


    • Professional consultants. Experienced sellers will always help you choose jewelry in accordance with your desires and financial capabilities. In addition, you will receive useful tips on caring for your jewelry;
    • The opportunity to see the rings live, evaluate their appearance and try on as many jewelry as you need in search of your ideal option;
    • Regular promotions and bonuses for newlyweds;
    • Guarantee for jewelry inlaid with stones;
    • Walking distance, because jewelry stores are scattered throughout the city, incl. and shopping centers where brides love to walk.

    Newlyweds, when choosing wedding rings, are guided by many factors: appearance, design, price. But some pay attention to another point: signs. Someone will say that this is nonsense, someone will listen that only you decide what to do. But it doesn't hurt to get to know them.

    Wedding rings upon purchase

    A wedding ring is a symbol of a couple's unity, eternal love and constancy. They can act as wedding rings, or the couple can buy another pair for their wedding.

    In the old days, it was believed that the groom should buy wedding rings secretly from the bride, but now young people prefer to do it together. There are a number of signs on how to choose engagement rings for a wedding or wedding:

    . the purchase must be made in one place and on the same day in order to always remain together and close;

    . the metal must be homogeneous, the surface smooth, without inlay, drawings, inscriptions, then family life will be smooth;

    . Inserts of precious stones are allowed, but you must first learn more about their symbolism. Diamond and ruby ​​give prosperity and passion, and pearl promises separation and death.

    The idea of ​​putting your parents' rings on your finger isn't that bad if they have a happy marriage. In this case, the parents (grandparents) must have been married for at least 30 years, still love each other, and not cheat. Rings for divorced people, widows and widowers are definitely not suitable.

    If the groom gives the bride an engagement ring, then after the wedding the engagement ring is put on top. An engagement ring must have a stone.

    Wedding rings at a wedding

    The most important sign is that wedding rings should not fall during the ceremony. The ring falls out during the ceremony - foretells separation. If the ring does fall, you need to pass a thread through it, which is subsequently burned.

    The box from under the rings should not be thrown away, and it should not fall into the hands of ill-wishers. Therefore, it is usually given to an unmarried bridesmaid.

    It is considered good luck to touch the rings, a box or a pillow for them - a sign of imminent marriage.

    Wedding rings in family life

    Since ancient times, rings have been considered a powerful amulet against evil forces, envy, the evil eye, illness, and separation. Therefore, wedding rings were worn without removing them on the ring finger of the right hand. Nowadays they are often removed, but those who believe in omens are still advised to wear them at least during the day.

    For the same reason, it is considered a bad omen if the ring is lost, cracked, or a stone falls out of it. This symbolizes discord, separation, rupture.

    You should not let someone try on a ring before, during, or after the wedding. By giving a ring to be tried on, you are giving away your family happiness and well-being. If it is impolite to refuse, then you cannot pass the ring from hand to hand. You need to put it on a table or other surface, and your counterpart will take it from there. You also need to return the ring after trying it on, placing it on the table so as not to convey your family negativity to the bride.

    Sometimes the rings become small or large. There is nothing wrong with going to a jeweler and having your size reduced (increased). If a husband and wife decide to buy new engagement rings for this reason or to renew their vows, the old ones should be placed in a safe place and stored. You cannot sell them or melt them down, but you can give them to your children for engagement or wedding, if the marriage is successful.

    If one of the spouses dies, the other must change the ring to the ring finger of the left hand. After a divorce, the ring is completely removed.

    There are many wedding signs not only regarding rings, but also dresses and celebrations, but one is the most important and reliable: if a couple loves each other, everything will be fine.

    An engagement ring is the cherished dream of almost every girl and her parents. But this piece of jewelry not only adorns a delicate hand, but also endows its owner with magical powers and protects the home from all troubles and misfortunes.

    There are many superstitions about wedding rings. All of them relate mainly to family happiness. For those who wear the attributes of marriage or are just about to wear them, it would not hurt to study folk signs about wedding rings in order to choose and use them correctly.

    Buying wedding rings

    Signs and superstitions about wedding rings dictate what they should be like and how to buy them. Popular rumor claims that these nuances affect future married life.

    When to buy?

    Oddly enough, there are also superstitions about this:

    • You need to buy wedding rings after the engagement, when the groom proposed and the bride and her parents accepted him.
    • You cannot purchase marriage symbols on your wedding day.
    • Both rings must be purchased at the same time from the same place.

    If the groom wants to give a ring at the time of the marriage proposal, it should be an engagement ring. It has special power. If a girl gives her consent to marriage, then wearing an engagement symbol, she cannot flirt with young people.

    Who should buy?

    According to ancient traditions, the groom must choose and purchase it personally. Times have changed, the range of jewelry has expanded significantly, so the presence of the bride in a jewelry salon is acceptable. She can help with the choice, but the man must pay for the purchase.

    How to choose?

    In order for the family amulet to show all its strength, the wedding ring must be chosen correctly:

    • It is better to opt for the simplest, smooth and even rings that will attract the same impeccable, calm family life.
    • Do not engrave your wedding attributes so as not to put your future happiness to the test.
    • Prefer products made of precious metals. The newlyweds' favorite is gold (yellow, white, red). This is a symbol of material wealth. Some newlyweds choose platinum as a symbol of the strength and inviolability of marriage. Silver is also allowed.
    • It is customary for these paired jewelry to be made in the same style, from the same metal. If the rings are different, one is made of silver, the other is made of gold, then the spouse on whose finger the silver jewelry adorns will dominate the family.
    • When choosing, trust your taste, pay less attention to fashion trends. Fashion changes quickly; a wedding attribute should decorate the hand for a long time.
    • You need to be in a good mood when buying engagement rings. If it is not there, you should postpone the purchase.

    If, when thinking about wedding rings, you imagine an accessory with stones, you need to know the signs about these additional inlay elements:

    1. Aquamarine is the keeper of the family hearth and will prevent adversity.
    2. Amethyst is the “catcher of happiness.”
    3. Turquoise is a symbol of fidelity and love.
    4. A diamond is a sign of strong family ties and represents the success of a person and a marriage.
    5. Pearls – health and longevity.
    6. Emerald is the stone of Venus (the goddess of love), enriches intimate relationships, and drives away disturbing thoughts.
    7. Moonstone is a protector from quarrels.
    8. Opal is a symbol of trust and sincere feelings.
    9. Ruby is a sign of eternal love, a protector from the evil eye.
    10. Sapphire - purity and morality, will help to remain faithful in a couple throughout life.
    11. Zircon is a deliverer from lovesickness.

    There is one more useful sign. Upon returning home with a successful purchase, say out loud at the doorstep: “To a happy life, to a strong family! Amen!"

    Is it possible to take someone else's?

    It is highly not recommended not only to use it for a wedding ritual, but also to simply try on used wedding rings. No matter how profitable it is to buy used rings, you should avoid it. You should also not accept wedding symbols as gifts or borrow them from friends.

    Superstition on this matter states:

    • Together with other people's jewelry, you can accept someone else's fate, most likely a bad one.
    • Expensive things are ideal for causing damage. When a person gives away or throws away a piece of jewelry, together with it he strives to get rid of a serious illness or other misfortune, shifting the problems onto this thing.

    Is it possible to try on wedding jewelry before the wedding?

    According to signs, wedding rings after purchase cannot be worn until the marriage ceremony. Actually, there is no need for such a fitting, there is only simple curiosity. The magic of the wedding ritual lies in the novelty of sensations, so newlyweds put rings on each other for the first time in the registry office or during the wedding.

    Signs about wedding rings do not say to wear these accessories until the wedding. It is recommended to fill them with water in a single container and freeze them. But if the bride wears a wedding ring, this means that the girl remains pure until the wedding. In this case, wearing a ring is acceptable.

    What to do if the bride has lost her engagement ring?

    Losing any ring is a bad sign. It's much worse when a wedding or engagement ring disappears. This suggests that the wedding may be upset, that the girl is unsure of her feelings, or that the young man made an insincere proposal. In this case, the bride and groom should listen to their feelings so as not to make an unfortunate mistake.

    If a piece of jewelry accidentally falls off the bride’s finger, and the future newlyweds are confident in their desire to start a family, they urgently need to buy the same exact piece of jewelry as it was. The bride should continue to wear it.

    How to handle wedding rings?

    When you are married, wedding rings must be handled very carefully.

    Is it allowed to rent or sell?

    They cannot be pawned or sold, because this amounts to exchanging family happiness for money. You can also lose something very important in life if you sell the ring of your deceased spouse.

    But after a divorce, the symbols of the former marriage are an obstacle to creating new relationships and finding other family happiness. They should be removed from the house (sold, donated, or even thrown away). Moreover, if you simply melt down the ring, it can preserve the energy of the broken union and continue to ruin life.

    A wedding ring fell on a mural

    This is a bad omen, foreshadowing an imminent separation, but it is easy to neutralize. To do this, the witness must pull a white thread through the ring, and the culprit of the incident (“the bungler” who dropped the attribute) must burn this thread with the words: “Fire, take all our troubles and sorrows.” It is believed that the thread will take over a bad omen, and the fire will destroy it completely.

    Why shouldn't newlyweds touch an empty ring box?

    After the main attributes of the wedding celebration are on the fingers of the newlyweds, the bride and groom should not pick up the box or pillow on which the betrothal symbols rested. This item should be taken by anyone who wants to get married as soon as possible (the girl can be one of the newlyweds’ friends or relatives).

    A stand for rings (a box, a pillow, a saucer, etc.) has the same magical power as the bride’s bouquet, which is usually thrown into a crowd of bridesmaids at a wedding. An empty ring box becomes a kind of “catcher” for a new wedding.

    Is it possible to put a ring on a glove?

    This question interests brides for whom gloves are an integral attribute of their image, and newlyweds with various hand defects, serious or minor.

    It is strictly forbidden to put a ring on a glove only during a wedding. When getting engaged at the registry office, there is no such strict prohibition. It is customary to remove the glove during the exchange of rings, even for reasons of practicality. To fit the decoration onto the fabric, it must be larger than necessary. Wearing such a ring in the future will be inconvenient, it will be easy to lose it, or you will have to hold it on your hand with a second one.

    Is it possible to let other people try it on?

    “A wedding ring is not a simple piece of jewelry...”, so you shouldn’t even let other people hold it, let alone try it on. Counts:

    • If a stranger tries on your ring before the wedding, it can ruin all your wedding plans.
    • If a stranger takes your marriage attribute after the wedding, he steals your family happiness.

    Is it possible to film?

    In the old days, after the wedding, it was not customary to remove the attributes of marriage, because they are a symbol of love, a talisman against any shocks and serious illnesses. It was believed that when a person takes off his wedding ring, he and his significant other are left without protection.

    But modern experts (medics and experts in esotericism) do not constantly recommend it in order to avoid blocking the energy flow. In practice, you have to remove jewelry when performing wet work. It is recommended not to put on the wedding ring yourself - this should be done by the spouse each time. This will preserve the strength of the union.

    Some women get scared when their husband doesn't wear a ring. Of course, you need to be vigilant. Suddenly a man does not want to reveal his marital status to his passion or mistress. But many representatives of the stronger sex simply do not like to wear jewelry; they are irritated by unnecessary elements on their hands.

    Which finger to wear the ring on

    The placement of the ring on the hand is as important as the symbolic decoration itself. Traditionally, wedding and engagement rings are worn on the ring finger. Only in the USA and most European countries is the sign of marriage on the left hand, and in Russia - on the right. The reasons for such differences are unclear. After all, the ring finger of the left hand is directly connected to the heart. It is quite logical to wear a symbol of love and fidelity on it.

    Women pay more attention to conventions. Therefore, you can find out about a lady’s marital status by the jewelry on her hands:

    • The ring on the ring finger of the right hand is evidence of a woman’s marriage.
    • Marriage attribute on the ring finger of the left hand - the lady is divorced. Sometimes widows or women dreaming of divorce wear a wedding ring on this finger.
    • 2 wedding rings (one on the middle finger, the other on the ring finger) - a widowed woman remembers her husband and remains faithful to him. On her middle finger, a woman wears something belonging to her late husband. If such a combination of marriage attributes is on a lady’s hand while her husband is alive, this is a wish for death to the spouse.
    • A wedding ring on the little finger is a desire to improve family relationships. Therefore, if the ring has become small, it can be worn on the little finger without harming the marriage.

    All of the above rules apply to men as well. Only the stronger sex often does not wear wedding jewelry. But an experienced eye allows one to judge a man’s marital status even by the mark of the ring on his finger.

    Can I use my parents' wedding rings?

    The marriage attributes of older relatives can be passed on to subsequent generations if the parents’ marriage was long and happy (people lived at least until their silver wedding).

    Family heirlooms can be worn or not worn, but they cannot be melted down so that the accumulated positive experience does not disappear. If the jewelry does not fit, it is better to carefully store it together in a box. This way they will bring more benefits to the new family.

    Other signs about wedding rings

    There are many beliefs about wedding rings. For example, if a husband leaves home, the wife only needs to look after him through her wedding ring, and the man will definitely return. Wedding jewelry serves as a talisman for the whole family, and not just for the person to whom it belongs. For example, if a baby is sick, you can put his father or mother’s wedding ring under his pillow, the child will recover quickly.

    The magical power of rings is obtained as a result of reading special spells over them, or during religious ceremonies (engagement, betrothal). It is clear that any troubles with such expensive items (broken, cracked, blackened) cause anxiety in their owner.

    If it is an engagement or wedding ceremony, this indicates the instability of the couple’s relationship. There are several explanations:

    • The item warns the owner about the infidelity of the spouse.
    • A breakdown foreshadows a difficult period in the life of a family with the presentation of mutual claims and stormy showdowns.
    • Damage to the ring indicates the appearance of an enemy who wants to quarrel between spouses and casts a spell against them.

    In the latter case, the thing deteriorates, taking on other people's bad thoughts and averting trouble. Therefore, there is no need to torment your partner with suspicions. It's better to buy new rings and exchange them. Moreover, it is important to buy exactly 2 new jewelry so as not to break the pair. Old rings can be melted down into other jewelry.

    If the wedding ring turns black, it brings sad thoughts. In fact, it is explained by the low quality of the metal. If the real gold ring or the finger underneath it darkens, this means that there is a lot of negativity around (envy, enemies), and the wedding attribute is taking it upon itself.

    Other signs

    1. If the ring becomes small, you can “roll it out”. According to signs, increasing the size of rings prolongs the happy period of marriage.
    2. - a sign of an upcoming major quarrel that could lead to divorce.
    3. Found a golden wedding ring - a harbinger of a repeat of a series of events that you have already gone through. It is advisable not to take or wear someone else’s item.
    4. It lies at a crossroads - it cannot be taken. Surely someone is casting a spell on him.
    5. If the gold ring is bent in your hands, you are about to become the culprit in creating problems with your spouse.

    One of the main prohibitions is that you should not let anyone take the wedding ring off your finger! Then your marriage will last for decades.

    Its roots go back to ancient times. And, despite changes in society, morals and values, they still remain a symbol of boundless love and devotion. In addition, a wedding is a significant and sacred event in the life of every couple, covered in special mysticism and superstitions. The Svadbaholik.ru portal will tell you what signs there are about wedding rings.

    How to choose the right wedding rings

    Choosing and purchasing wedding rings is a very responsible and serious task. Here it is important to take into account the traditions and personal preferences of the young. There are a lot of folk wedding signs on this occasion. So, in Russia, a predominantly Orthodox country, there is a special sign about an engagement ring. It is customary for it to be smooth and unadorned. This symbolizes a calm and balanced life for the future family.

    There are often cases when parents give their wedding rings as a sign of continuity of generations and traditions. This option is acceptable, but provided that the marriage of the givers was long and happy. Then this baton will pass to the new owners of the rings. According to Slavic signs and superstitions, the wedding rings of grandparents who celebrated a golden wedding will bring special luck.

    Is it possible to buy engagement rings in advance? Our answer is yes! There are several signs on how to choose the right engagement ring.

    Firstly, both the bride and groom should go shopping together. This symbolizes the integrity and cohesion of the family. Together they must decide on the metal of the product, the presence of decorative elements and other aesthetic nuances. In addition, it would be useful to consult with a jeweler, who will tell you about all the intricacies of care and advise on how best to engrave the rings. And a good sign would be purchasing the kit in one place on one day.

    If you want a product with a stone, then you should definitely check how it suits you. To do this, place it on the palm of your right hand and bring the palm of your left hand to it. As soon as you begin to feel warmth and calm, then this is your stone, feel free to buy a ring.

    Is it possible to try on wedding rings before the wedding?

    First of all, we note that there are two types of wedding rings - engagement and wedding rings. The first is offered by a man to his woman in exchange for agreeing to be his wife. If the decision is positive, then she must wear this ring until the wedding. Signs associated with an engagement ring say that only the groom should choose and buy it, without the participation of the bride. Otherwise, the future family faces frequent quarrels and conflicts.

    As for wedding rings, folk wisdom here does not advise trying them on before the wedding, except at the time of purchase. According to legends, jewelry can accumulate a person’s energy and feelings. And by trying on an engagement ring in advance, you are trying on a new social role that you have not yet received. Thus, you weaken its sacred protective properties.

    If the engagement ring is large: sign and solution

    It happens that a ring purchased before the wedding in size one day becomes large and begins to fall off the finger. According to the superstition, if the wedding ring turns out to be too big, then happiness and love run away with it. Therefore, it is necessary to take immediate action. There are several ways to solve the problem:

    1. Move the jewelry to the middle finger, which is thicker than the ring finger. This option is suitable for both men and women.
    2. You can hang the ring on a chain and wear it around your neck. In this case, the symbol of love and fidelity risks turning into just another decoration.
    3. The most logical thing is to contact a jeweler who will adjust the ring to the desired size.

    In addition, do not forget about the most radical method. If you are not superstitious, then you can simply stop wearing the ring. The main thing is that both partners take this calmly.

    What other signs are there about wedding rings?

    All other wedding signs and superstitions about rings can be divided into two parts: what happens at the wedding itself, and what happens after it.

    During the wedding:

    • If the ring falls on the floor during the painting in the registry office, then the marriage will then be short-lived and difficult. To neutralize this effect, you must immediately thread a thread through the fallen ring and burn it to the person who dropped it.
    • When one of the couple gets married not for the first time, then in this case it is highly not recommended to use an old ring. Popular rumor says that then all the difficulties and problems will transfer to the next marriage.
    • After the bride has a wedding ring on her finger, she and the groom are strictly forbidden to pick up an empty ring box. The box should be picked up by the bridesmaid who wants to get married as soon as possible.

    Signs after the wedding

    Don’t forget that there are a number of folk beliefs about how to deal with wedding rings after the wedding. So, under no circumstances let anyone try on your rings. Otherwise, you risk giving this person part of your family happiness.

    Unfortunately, sometimes life develops in such a way that a family loses one of its members. If divorce is to blame, then the surest thing to do would be to get rid of the ring: sell it, throw it away. You should not re-gift or melt down, because according to popular beliefs it retains negative energy, which will be transferred along with the metal.

    There are also recommendations for widows and widowers. As a symbol of love for the departed person, the wedding ring can not be removed, but worn on the ring finger of the other hand. The question of whether a husband’s wedding ring can be worn by a wife is quite controversial. On the one hand, this is also a symbol of good memory, but you shouldn’t forget about the energy of the deceased person either.

    If you happen to find a wedding ring dropped by someone, then know that this is a very happy omen. For family people it symbolizes a happy life together, for unmarried people it is a harbinger of a long and successful marriage.

    What to do if the bride has lost her engagement ring?

    There are a lot of superstitions about this, from the most harmless to downright terrible, prophesying the imminent death of one of the spouses. In any case, if an engagement or wedding ring is lost, or in the worst case, when it was stolen, then it is not necessary to immediately look for a bad omen in this. The main thing is to remain calm, not to panic, but to go to the same jewelry store where you purchased it and order a duplicate.

    As you can see, omens are sometimes not the most joyful. Therefore, everything ultimately depends on the couple’s own feelings and sensations. And the portal website reminds: relationships are not decorated by things, but by real actions!

    A perfect wedding is every girl’s cherished dream. There is so much to do and choose: a dress, flowers, music, photographers - it’s just dizzying. However, if you wish, you can do without all this, but having a wedding without wedding rings is a completely different matter. Rings are not only an indispensable attribute of any wedding, such as champagne and the bride’s garter, but also a symbol of the endless love of the newlyweds, fidelity, affection and hope. Therefore, a wedding ring embodies various signs, superstitions and mystical properties. Let's figure out how to handle rings so as not to cause separation.

    Buying a ring

    Previously, it was believed that the groom must buy both rings, but a guy cannot always guess the preferences of his beloved, so it is permissible to buy wedding rings together. The main thing is to do it at the same time. When choosing and buying a ring, try to think only about the bright and good, for example, about the upcoming wedding.


    It is believed that rings made of homogeneous metal without inlays or engravings promise a calm and harmonious relationship. This belief is still popular in our time, because despite the abundance of elegant jewelry, there is still a tendency to purchase classic ones without unnecessary jewelry.

    There is another sign according to which a ring inlaid with stones, especially diamonds, promises a life of abundance.

    Trying on a ring

    It is considered a bad sign to let strangers try on your ring. This applies to both the groom and the bride. The sign says that family happiness may go away along with the ring. But if your friend insists, and you don’t want to offend her by refusing, do not pass the ring from hand to hand, but first put it on the table so that she can take it from there. You should pick up the ring in the same way.

    Losing the ring

    There is a superstition that losing a wedding ring leads to separation. This is due to the fact that the rings, like the feelings of the spouses, are forever connected and symbolize the strength of the marriage bond. However, you should not take everything to heart and run to the registry office with your passport if you find it missing. What to do if you lost your jewelry? Just buy a new one. The only caveat is that you need to purchase it in pairs with another, and give the new ring to your partner.

    Rings as an inheritance

    Popular rumor says that if you marry with your parents’ rings, you repeat their fate, so you should be careful and not accept rings as a gift if quarrels and misunderstandings are common in the parents’ family.

    It is considered a good sign to marry with the rings of people who celebrated a silver or, even better, a golden wedding. If your grandparents want to give you their wedding rings as a gift, and you are not a fan of newfangled trends, accept them, you won’t regret it!

    One more nuance: rings should never be sawed or melted, this is considered a bad sign.

    “Used” rings should only be accepted from close relatives; if you use a stranger’s ring, then you are living his fate, and who knows what his fate was? Because of this, it is not customary to sell wedding jewelry.

    Ring Accessories

    During the ceremony, wedding rings are usually presented to those getting married on a beautiful stand, velvet pillow or in a beautiful jewelry box. Once the rings have been exchanged, neither the bride nor the groom should touch the ring accessory. Only those who have not yet tied the knot should take it. As a rule, this is an unmarried friend of the bride. Touching a pillow or ring box is a good omen; it means that the person touching it will soon celebrate their own wedding.

    Drop the ring

    Dropping a ring at a ceremony is a bad sign, promising separation. To avoid parting if the ring falls off your finger, you need to stretch a special thread through the ring, which witnesses should have with them just for such a case. After this, the person who dropped the jewelry must burn the thread.


    There is a superstition that says that breaking a ring leads to a broken marriage. If your ring is broken, think about whether your significant other is cheating on you?


    Finding an engagement ring is an extremely favorable sign; if you are single, it means that soon you will have a romantic meeting and your own wedding. However, you should not wear the ring; you can simply store it as a talisman or melt it down.

    Changed size

    If your wedding ring has become too big, don’t worry, it’s just that the ring wears out from constant wear and starts to slip off. In order not to lose it, it is recommended that the two of you buy a new pair.

    You should do the same if your wedding ring is stolen.


    The ring should not be worn over a glove; this promises a frivolous and frivolous attitude of the spouses towards marriage. If the bride is wearing gloves, they should be removed before exchanging rings.

    Other signs

    • on day X you need to remove all other rings;
    • shortly before the wedding, you can put the rings in a container of water and freeze them, this symbolizes the inviolability of the marriage union;
    • After a divorce, it is better not to use an engagement ring;
    • if a misfortune occurs and one of the spouses is widowed, the ring remains, but now it must be worn on the other hand;
    • Is it possible to remove the ring? Yes, but it is recommended to do this only if necessary.
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