• Proverbs and sayings about the earth. Proverbs about soil 5 best proverbs about soil


    To the question of a proverb about soil asked by the author simplify the best answer is Without an owner, the earth is an orphan.
    You can’t put it in the ground, and you can’t take it from the ground.
    No one is a prophet in his own land.
    Return the debt to the earth - it will be useful
    The earth will give shelter to every person - both good and bad.
    Where there is no earth, there is no grass.
    Hold on to the ground, mother - she alone will not give you away.
    Ten people leave footprints on the ground, a hundred trample a path, and a thousand trample a road.
    A mother is kind to her children, and the earth is kind to all people.
    A good land is full of money, a bad land is a bad land.
    Expensive goods grow from the ground.
    The land is black, but it produces a white loaf.
    The farmer is on the land, and the fisherman is on the water.
    Land without structure is not suitable for a cemetery.
    The earth takes labor and gives back pounds.
    The land is a grave for the enemy, but protection for us.
    The earth nourishes everyone, but itself absorbs everyone.
    The earth loves care.
    The earth accumulates strength in winter and rests in summer.
    The earth is the nurse.
    The earth feeds people like a mother does children.
    The native land is a golden cradle.
    The earth loves work.
    Don't abuse the land - you'll end up in it, don't abuse the people - you'll suffer curses.
    Respect the earth, it gives a harvest.
    The history of the land is the history of its people.
    As is the land, so is the bread.
    A peasant without land is like a tree without roots.
    Whoever gives to the earth, to whom the earth gives back threefold.
    Whoever cherishes the earth, the earth takes pity on him.
    Whoever loves mother cheese the earth will not be hungry.
    He who sits on the ground is not afraid that he will fall.
    Whoever worries about the earth, the earth feeds him.
    Whoever cares about the earth, the earth feeds him.
    Mother earth feeds everyone, gives everyone water, clothes everyone, warms everyone with her body.
    On uncultivated land, only weeds grow.
    A people cannot exist without strife, and a land cannot exist without enemies.
    On a foreign land even spring is black, on our own land even winter is green.
    Don’t look at the sky - there is no bread there, but to the ground below - closer to bread.
    Do not spare your efforts, there will be more pounds.
    The land where the bear lives is not the road, but the land where the chicken scratches.
    The owner of the land is not the one who wanders on it, but the one who walks on it behind the plow.
    There is no land more beautiful than our country.
    There is no land better than your homeland, better than there are no people in your homeland.
    There is no people without sons, no land without flowers.
    There is no bad land, there are bad owners.
    To the plowman the earth is his mother, and to the lazy man his stepmother.
    For fish - water, for birds - air, and for man - the whole earth.
    Don’t make friends with fire, water, or wind, but make friends with the earth.
    Every land is good, but your own land is best.
    Even if you die, don’t leave your land.
    Man lives on the earth, and the earth is red with man.
    Rather than being a sultan in a foreign country, it is better to be a candle in your own land.
    We don’t want someone else’s land and we won’t give up ours.

    Without an owner, the earth is an orphan.

    God will not give birth, and the earth will not give.

    Large frost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - for grain production.

    In August, a peasant has three jobs: mowing, plowing, and sowing.

    In April the earth crumbles.

    Down to the ground, not a grain out of the ground.

    You can’t put it in the ground, and you can’t take it from the ground.

    In July, the yard is empty, but the field is thick.

    He brought manure to the field - a cartload of grain from the field.

    No one is a prophet in his own land.

    Spring flies from the earth (quickly leaves).

    Return the debt to the earth - it will help.

    The earth will give shelter to every person - both good and bad.

    Where there is no earth, there is no grass.

    The Lord commanded to feed from the earth.

    Hold on to the oak tree: the oak tree goes deep into the ground.

    Hold on to the ground, mother - she alone will not give you away.

    Ten people leave footprints on the ground, a hundred trample a path, and a thousand trample a road.

    You can't reach it from the ground with a pole.

    A mother is kind to her children, and the earth is kind to all people.

    A good land is full of money, a bad land is a bad land.

    Good earth will raise more.

    The good earth will accept the earth once, remember nine years.

    Expensive goods grow from the ground.

    If only he had a pig's snout, the morel underground wouldn't escape him.

    If you plow with a plow, the land will become a meadow.

    To go after a craft is to orphan the earth.

    The farmer is on the land, and the fisherman is on the water.

    Don’t abuse the land - you yourself will end up in it, don’t abuse the people - you will suffer curses.

    They plow the land without waving their hands.

    Respect the earth, it gives a harvest.

    The earth is the nurse.

    Land without structure is not suitable for a cemetery.

    The earth takes labor and gives back pounds.

    The earth is a grave for the enemy, but protection for us.

    The earth nourishes everyone, but itself absorbs everyone.

    The earth loves care.

    The earth accumulates strength in winter and rests in summer.

    The earth feeds people like a mother does children.

    The earth is round - we will meet at the edges.

    The earth will cover the grave, but will not cover the bad glory.

    The soil is rooted when plowed.

    The native land is a golden cradle.

    The earth is full of rumors

    The earth has warmed up this spring.

    The earth is a plate: what you put in is what you take out.

    The earth loves work.

    The history of the land is the history of its people.

    Like heaven from earth.

    As is the land, so is the bread.

    Put the manure thickly, the barn will not be empty.

    If the ground is not frozen, it will not give juice (after warm winter crop failure).

    If you dig, you will find it.

    A peasant without land is like a tree without roots.

    Whoever gives to the earth, to whom the earth gives back threefold.

    Whoever cherishes the earth, the earth takes pity on him.

    Whoever loves mother cheese the earth will not be hungry.

    He who sits on the ground is not afraid that he will fall.

    Whoever worries about the earth, the earth feeds him.

    Whoever cares about the earth, the earth feeds him.

    A swan in the sky, a moth above the earth, to each his own way.

    A summer day feeds the year.

    The mother of cheese is the earth - it is impossible to say.

    Mother earth feeds everyone, gives everyone water, clothes everyone, warms everyone with her body.

    There is no wall between them, but you can’t climb over.

    On good soil, thistles will become wheat, on bad soil, wheat will grow into thistles.

    If it knocks in the sky, it can be heard on earth.

    You can't get into heaven, you can't go into earth.

    On uncultivated land, only weeds grow.

    On a foreign land even spring is black, on our own land even winter is green.

    On whose land comes the hay.

    A people cannot exist without strife, and a land cannot exist without enemies.

    Don’t look at the sky - there is no bread there, but to the ground below - closer to bread.

    Do not spare your efforts, there will be more pounds.

    It is not the earth that will give birth, but the year.

    Without bowing to the ground, you won’t even raise a mushroom.

    Buckwheat is not level - the ground is not level.

    The land where the bear lives is not the road, but the land where the chicken scratches.

    Not a potion to put into the ground, but something to live on.

    The owner of the land is not the one who wanders on it, but the one who walks on it behind the plow.

    Don’t grab the stars from the sky, but get bread on earth.

    Heaven is the robe of the Lord, heaven is his throne, earth is his footstool.

    There is no land more beautiful than our country.

    There is no land better than your homeland, better than there are no people in your homeland.

    There is no people without sons, no land without flowers.

    There is no bad land, there are bad owners.

    We dig the earth down to clay and eat the chaff.

    Any other kind of praise would go to the ground.

    They plow the arable land without waving their hands.

    He fell into tartarar, fell through the ground!

    Wake up before you are buried in the ground.

    For fish - water, for birds - air, and for man - the whole earth.

    Don’t be friends with fire, water, or wind, but be friends with earth.

    Don’t make friends with fire, water, or wind, but make friends with the earth.

    The pig's snout is in the ground, and the pig's snout is not in the sky.

    Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

    The earth is full of rumors, and the light is full of whims.

    It’s dark, like a club, like the ground.

    The darkness that is underground.

    Every land is good, but your own land is best.

    Even if you die, don’t leave your land.

    The king and the people will all go to the ground.

    Man lives on the earth, and the earth is red with man.

    A person works - the earth is not lazy; a person is lazy - the earth does not work.

    Rather than being a sultan in a foreign country, it is better to be a candle in your own land.

    What goes around comes around.

    What you trample is what you dig.

    We don’t want someone else’s land and we won’t give up ours.

    Whose land is his bread.

    Without an owner, the earth is an orphan.

    You can’t put it in the ground, and you can’t take it from the ground.
    No one is a prophet in his own land.
    Return the debt to the earth - it will help.
    The earth will give shelter to every person - both good and bad.

    Where there is no earth, there is no grass.

    Hold on to the ground, mother - she alone will not give you away.
    Ten people leave footprints on the ground, a hundred trample a path, and a thousand trample a road.
    A mother is kind to her children, and the earth is kind to all people.
    A good land is full of money, a bad land is a bad land.
    Expensive goods grow from the ground.

    The land is black, but it produces a white loaf.
    The farmer is on the land, and the fisherman is on the water.
    Land without structure is not suitable for a cemetery.
    The earth takes labor and gives back pounds.
    The land is a grave for the enemy, but protection for us.
    The earth nourishes everyone, but itself absorbs everyone.
    The earth loves care.
    The earth accumulates strength in winter and rests in summer.
    The earth is the nurse.
    The earth feeds people like a mother does children.
    The native land is a golden cradle.
    The earth loves work.
    Don't abuse the land - you'll end up in it, don't abuse the people - you'll suffer curses.
    The earth will cover the grave, but will not cover the bad glory.
    Respect the earth, it gives a harvest.
    They plow the land without waving their hands.
    The earth is round - we will meet at the edges.
    The earth is full of rumors

    The history of the land is the history of its people.

    As is the land, so is the bread.
    A peasant without land is like a tree without roots.
    Whoever gives to the earth, to whom the earth gives back threefold.
    Whoever cherishes the earth, the earth takes pity on him.
    Whoever loves mother cheese the earth will not be hungry.
    He who sits on the ground is not afraid that he will fall.
    Whoever worries about the earth, the earth feeds him.
    Whoever cares about the earth, the earth feeds him.

    Mother earth feeds everyone, gives everyone water, clothes everyone, warms everyone with her body.

    On good soil, thistles will become wheat, on bad soil, wheat will sprout as thistles.
    On uncultivated land, only weeds grow.
    A people cannot exist without strife, and a land cannot exist without enemies.
    On a foreign land even spring is black, on our own land even winter is green.
    Don’t look at the sky - there is no bread there, but to the ground below - closer to bread.
    Don’t grab the stars from the sky, but get bread on earth.
    Do not spare your efforts, there will be more pounds.
    The land where the bear lives is not the road, but the land where the chicken scratches.
    The owner of the land is not the one who wanders on it, but the one who walks on it behind the plow.
    There is no land more beautiful than our country.
    There is no land better than your homeland, better than there are no people in your homeland.
    There is no people without sons, no land without flowers.
    There is no bad land, there are bad owners.

    To the plowman the earth is his mother, and to the lazy man his stepmother.
    They plow the arable land without waving their hands.
    Wake up before you are buried in the ground.

    For fish - water, for birds - air, and for man - the whole earth.

    Don’t make friends with fire, water, or wind, but make friends with the earth.
    The earth is full of rumors, and the light is full of whims.
    The pig's snout is in the ground, and the pig's snout is not in the sky.
    Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

    Every land is good, but your own land is best.
    Even if you die, don’t leave your land.

    The king and the people will all go to the ground.

    Man lives on the earth, and the earth is red with man.
    Rather than being a sultan in a foreign country, it is better to be a candle in your own land.
    We don’t want someone else’s land and we won’t give up ours.

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