• Signs and sensations of a second pregnancy in the early stages. Consultation. Pregnancy with your second child Differences in well-being between the second and first


    The strong opinion of some women that the second pregnancy is easier than the first is not entirely correct. Psychologically, it is certainly easier, but there are quite a large number of different complications that the expectant mother cannot predict. Plus, since a woman most often experiences a second pregnancy and childbirth at a more mature age, possible chronic diseases can also have an impact.

    Every fifth woman, after the birth of her first baby, thinks about a second child a couple of years later. Doctors, in turn, support this desire in every possible way and advise planning the next pregnancy no earlier than 2-3 years after the first. This time is enough for the female body to regain strength and not completely forget the previous birth; moreover, as obstetric statistics say, it is thanks to this break that the second birth is somewhat easier. After a cesarean section, the break should be at least 5 years, since during this time the suture on the uterus should be completely healed. In cases where more than 5 or 10 years have passed, the birth is considered the first.

    Doctors are unanimous in the opinion that each case is individual, and there is actually a difference between births. Pregnancy with your second child can be easier, or it can be more stressful. This largely depends on the woman’s age, her diet and professional activities.

    There are also very frequent cases when the second pregnancy, which began in the first six months after birth, does not make itself felt until the moment when the woman begins to feel the baby’s movements. Those around her have been observing the emerging belly for a month now, but the expectant mother herself has not yet understood what is happening to her. The positive aspects of second birth are also obvious. This is the colossal experience that the mother has already acquired while raising a growing baby, as well as the responsibility and discipline of a woman in handling a newborn.

    Experienced mothers are much less worried about re-birth, and the experience they already have, on the contrary, helps them better navigate the symptoms and manifestations during the second pregnancy. Before planning a second pregnancy, even an experienced woman would benefit from consulting a gynecologist and family doctor. If necessary, both partners will need to be tested for sexually transmitted infections. In their absence, childbirth, as a rule, takes place without complications.

    However, there are a number of factors that can provoke certain complications during pregnancy. Doctors pay closer attention to such women. These factors are:

    • unplanned pregnancy with a second baby, when the time from the birth of the first child to the next conception is less than a year. Most often this happens when partners used the period of lactational amenorrhea as contraception. There is no need to terminate such a pregnancy, because by following all the doctor’s instructions and advice, you can successfully carry and give birth to a healthy baby;
    • Women with kidney, heart or lung diseases are at risk. In such pregnant women, the period of toxicosis is longer and more difficult, labor is not active, and premature birth is also possible;
    • Women whose second pregnancy is accompanied by chronic diseases are also under close medical supervision;
    • Rh conflict between the blood groups of the mother, father and unborn child. This factor can be prevented by administering antibodies at 28 and 34 weeks of pregnancy.

    Features of the second birth

    If your first birth was difficult, then do not think that the second one will be the same. In medical practice, there are certain features of the course of the second pregnancy and second birth. Among them:

    1. You won't be able to hide your situation for long. The fact is that the second pregnancy manifests itself faster, since the uterus is already somewhat stretched and it is easier for it to deviate forward under the influence of amniotic fluid and the fetus. And hence the feeling as if the stomach is rapidly growing.
    2. During the second pregnancy, you will feel the first movements of the baby already at 17 weeks, while during the first pregnancy they appear only at 20 weeks.
    3. During the second pregnancy, the stomach is more drooping even in the initial stages. To reduce stress on the lower back and legs, it is recommended to wear a bandage.
    4. Full dilatation of the uterus during the first birth is achieved in 12-18 hours, and during the second - within 5-8 hours. Due to the fact that the vaginal muscles are more elastic, the pain of labor is also reduced. Accordingly, only a specialist can determine the approximate due date during the second pregnancy, taking into account all the risk factors or characteristics of the pregnant woman’s body.
    5. If during the first pregnancy the woman was very bothered by toxicosis, then this time it may manifest itself more intensely. This also applies to swelling in the legs and increased blood pressure. It is extremely important for the expectant mother to follow a diet, control blood pressure, and take urine and blood tests.
    6. Often, during the second pregnancy, Rh conflict between mother and child is diagnosed. In this case, a woman should determine the amount of antibodies in her blood every month and undergo an ultrasound to monitor amniotic fluid and the size of the placenta (it should not be thickened).
    7. The gender of the children also influences the course of pregnancy. For example, when a woman is pregnant with a boy, toxicosis practically does not appear. A second pregnancy with another man may also be different.
    8. Obstetricians say that the second child is born, as a rule, larger than the first by about 200-500 g. This occurs due to the fact that comfortable conditions have already been created in the uterus for the development and growth of the baby.
    9. The contractions and birth of the placenta the second time are not as painful, but much more intense.
    10. You should also be aware that if a woman has a second pregnancy, but the first child (the previous pregnancy ended in miscarriage or abortion), then the birth must be considered the first.

    Risk factors for repeat pregnancy

    Repeated pregnancy and second birth are more difficult in cases where there are certain factors that have a direct impact on the gestation period and labor. These include:

    • previous miscarriages or abortions;
    • not fully cured infections of the internal genital organs;
    • Caesarean section during the first birth;
    • loose postpartum sutures on the uterus;
    • mother's age. Doctors consider the most optimal age for bearing and giving birth to a child to be from 18 to 30 years. For those over 30 years old, it will be somewhat more difficult to bear a child. In any case, constant monitoring by a gynecologist is required.

    Factors influencing the perception of repeat pregnancy:

    • The more time passes between births, the faster a woman forgets her feelings. And the new pregnancy will be as easy for her as the first time;
    • in the case when, after the first labor, the young mother did not develop new diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, significant weight gain or endocrine changes, then the repeated period of bearing the child may not have significant differences;
    • Pregnancy with a boy and a girl has its differences.

    Signs of a second pregnancy

    If the next pregnancy proceeds similarly to the previous one, and the symptoms do not differ significantly, this does not mean that everything will be the same this time. Genetically, the baby is different from the previous one, and the conditions for its gestation are different, which means that pregnancy also manifests itself differently:

    1. The first trimester of the second pregnancy is usually accompanied by similar and familiar symptoms. Toxicosis can be either mild or vice versa. Pain in the mammary glands and their enlargement appear a little earlier, this also applies to reactions to odors.
    2. At the beginning of the second trimester, the belly is already visible and very soon the expectant mother will feel the first movements of her baby. However, a woman may develop chronic diseases due to the fact that her body is no longer so active and easy to cope with everything at the same time: both infections and bearing a child.
    3. The third trimester is characterized by a significant drooping of the tummy, due to which the mother can breathe a sigh of relief. Pain sensations appear in the pelvic area, as the bones began to move apart earlier. The weight of mother and child has increased, which means varicose veins are inevitable. A positive point should be noted: labor in multiparous women goes faster than the first time.

    Precursors of childbirth during repeated pregnancy

    The symptoms, which are a signal of approaching labor, are always practically the same and have no differences. A woman can independently determine that labor is about to begin based on the following signs:

    • Approximately 2 days before giving birth, the woman’s mucous plug comes off, as evidence of the beginning of dilation of the cervix. In appearance and consistency it resembles the white of a chicken egg, sometimes with a brownish tint and is similar to premenstrual discharge. In cases where the fetus is large (up to 5 kg), the plug can literally fly out, and the woman in labor clearly feels this. But mostly it comes out gradually and in parts. When the cervix does not ripen very actively, the mucous plug begins to be released a week or even two before birth. However, this is rather an exception to the rule, and most often this harbinger notifies a woman several hours before the onset of labor;
    • regular contractions. Contraction of the uterine muscles continues periodically and rhythmically. Contractions before childbirth differ from false ones in that they cannot be calmed by taking a warm bath. And if they are also accompanied by copious discharge, then childbirth is already very close;
    • One of the precursors of labor is frequent urge to go to the toilet. Thanks to the work of hormones that stimulate labor, a woman’s intestines are actively emptied; in addition, contractions may be accompanied by vomiting and nausea;
    • sometimes the approaching birth makes itself felt by dull pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region;
    • very often there is also labor fever;
    • fetal activity changes. Before birth, the baby can move both very actively and slowly;
    • characteristic precursors of childbirth can also be a decrease in appetite and a decrease in the total body weight of the expectant mother;
    • change of mood as a result of changes in the endocrine system. Fatigue can be replaced by sudden activity, and vice versa;
    • nesting instinct. Feeling at the subconscious level that the baby will be born very soon, the woman begins to prepare baby clothes, set up a playpen, sew, clean and spend more time doing household chores;
    • Well, the most obvious sign that labor is beginning is, of course, the breaking of the waters. This harbinger is probably noticed by all women in labor. Amniotic fluid may suddenly rush out of the amniotic sac, or it may also leak slowly. There is no pain, but the woman should immediately go to the maternity ward.

    Nutrition during pregnancy

    A multiparous woman with experience should already know what she can eat during pregnancy and what she should avoid. Food should be prepared only from natural, high-quality and fresh products. For the next 9 months, you should forget about smoked meats, canned food, hot and sour foods. Products must not contain dyes, preservatives or flavor stabilizers.

    The uterus is enlarging, which means you need to eat in small portions so as not to create additional stress on the internal organs. From morning until lunch it is better to eat meat and fish with cereals, and after 12 o’clock - fermented milk products and vegetables. Now we need to remember that the main thing the female body needs is proteins and vitamins.

    The daily dose of proteins for the first 5 months for a multiparous woman should be at least 100 g, then their amount should be increased to 120 g. Vegetable and animal fats in women's fats are sufficient and 80 g per day. Nobody cancels healthy carbohydrates, such as wholemeal bread and cereals. Berries and fruits, as well as vegetables in large quantities. It’s better to forget about fast carbohydrates for a while. Pasta, sweets and baked goods will add extra unnecessary weight to you.

    Do not forget about maintaining the water regime. The ideal amount of fluid per day is 2 liters. If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to drink so much pure water, replace it with herbal teas. By the way, liquid in vegetables and fruits is also taken into account in the total amount. It is best to take vitamins and minerals only with the permission of your doctor. Yes, they are extremely necessary for a woman and her child during the second pregnancy, but an excess of nutrients will not lead to good consequences.

    The list of necessary and important nutrients for a pregnant woman includes:

    • zinc, which helps avoid premature birth, as well as the birth of a child with low body weight. Available in sufficient quantity in stewed beans, peas, spinach;
    • Calcium is directly involved in the formation of the fetal skeletal system, improves the functioning of nerves, blood vessels and muscle tissue. Yogurt, cottage cheese and broccoli are rich in calcium;
    • In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is extremely important to saturate your body with folic acid, which helps the embryo develop. Eat legumes, grains and spinach;
    • Iron, which is rich in red meat, green leafy vegetables and chicken meat (but not breast), helps maintain the development of the placenta at the proper level;
    • thanks to protein, normal formation of fetal tissue occurs;
    • Sources of vitamin A include eggs, raw carrots, lettuce and natural cereals. These products are rich in nutrients necessary for both the mother and child's body;
    • tomatoes, strawberries, kiwi, sweet peppers and oranges will help replenish vitamin C reserves.

    Always be mindful of your baby and wash him before eating an apple (or any other food). The fact is that unwashed vegetables and fruits, raw seafood and eggs, as well as unpasteurized milk can cause the appearance of pathogenic bacteria.

    Limit your caffeine intake in the form of coffee, energy drinks, and other products containing this component. Doctors warn that an excessive daily dose of caffeine (more than 200 mg) can lead to miscarriage.

    Diseases of the mother's digestive system during pregnancy provoke diseases of the nervous system of the fetus and other negative aspects that can lead to its death.

    Second birth after caesarean section

    The number of artificial birth operations performed has increased significantly in recent years. This is not a whim of doctors, but an extreme necessity in order to save the life of a newborn and his mother.

    Some women, in order to avoid pain during natural childbirth, ask obstetricians to deliberately perform surgery. Therefore, today, cesarean section is a natural alternative to vaginal birth.

    In this regard, in our country the process of carrying out the operation is optimized and simplified as much as possible:

    • new modern equipment and materials were purchased;
    • Lighter anesthesia appeared;
    • the risks of complications during childbirth are minimized.

    Obstetricians also prescribe this procedure in cases where natural childbirth may lead to serious complications. If these are not observed, then, of course, it is better to resort to natural childbirth, since their advantages are obvious:

    • reduced risk of bleeding;
    • the likelihood of thrombosis and infections is minimal;
    • the newborn manages to avoid breathing problems and adapt to the external environment more easily;
    • A woman’s lactation period goes through the lactation period more easily, and babies suckle better and more actively at their mother’s breasts.

    If a woman’s first birth ended with surgery, then she needs to plan a second pregnancy only after the sutures have healed, otherwise uterine rupture cannot be avoided.

    In any case, childbirth with a scar on the uterus should be carried out in an inpatient department and with a full team of doctors who will be able to quickly perform an operation at any time, saving the lives of the mother and baby.

    So, when deciding to give birth to a baby naturally after a cesarean section, it is necessary to weigh all the positive and negative factors that may affect natural labor.

    Positive points include:

    • woman's age under 40 years;
    • you have already given birth on your own, or you have given birth with a suture on the uterus;
    • labor began spontaneously after the water broke;
    • there are no prerequisites for the operation.

    Negative points:

    • you have had more than two caesarean sections;
    • premature fetus (less than 38 weeks);
    • large fruit (more than 4.5 kg);
    • the use of medications to induce labor.

    If doctors decide to operate before birth, it is necessary to discuss with them the names of pain medications, as well as the likelihood of using epidural anesthesia. The fact is that some drugs can slow down the process of labor to such an extent that the operation will have to be performed again. Moreover, there is no need for epidural anesthesia when the cervix is ​​dilated to five fingers. Some painkillers can cause significant harm to the baby, as they easily penetrate the placenta.

    A woman preparing to become a mother for the second time after a caesarean section should make every effort to ensure that her birth takes place naturally. At the same time, stimulation of labor should also be natural, using all possible methods for this. If doctors begin to use drug stimulation, it will most likely not be possible to avoid surgery.

    Second pregnancy. Video

    For any woman, this is a period of the unknown. She has nothing to compare this state with; she lacks any experience. During the first pregnancy, a woman especially clearly feels all the processes occurring in her body. At this time, all feelings are new and unknown. The course of the second pregnancy is basically no different from the first. The article will discuss the state of a woman’s health during this period.

    Waiting for the birth of a baby for the second time is different psychologically. The decision to have another child is made consciously by the woman. Sometimes second babies are born unexpectedly (contraception failed, as well as other reasons). Having become pregnant again, the expectant mother realizes everything that awaits her. She knows about all the difficult and joyful moments and approaches it by weighing the pros and cons.

    However, repeat pregnancy carries psychological differences. Expecting a child at a young age, the girl dreams of quickly showing her new position to others. She waits for her belly to grow, buys clothes for expectant mothers, and sometimes gets upset that she was not given a seat on the transport in the 3rd month.

    While expecting a second child, a woman calmly treats pregnancy as a natural process.

    Signs of pregnancy

    During the period of bearing a second child, a woman does not experience any new sensations. The onset of pregnancy is characterized by the following signs:

    • pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen;
    • constant urge to urinate.

    A woman notices spotting. The second pregnancy, as studies show, is completely no different from what a woman felt when carrying her first baby.

    Physical Features

    There is a common belief that it is the second pregnancy that is easier. The second child is born earlier. Sometimes this is completely wrong.

    It is difficult to determine how the process of bearing and giving birth to a second child will go. After all, this is an individual process that cannot be predicted. It can go both positive and negative. Sometimes both pregnancies are identical, without any significant differences. No specialist will say that he is expecting his mother a second time. There are features that can be noted during the second pregnancy in most women:

    • body change;
    • special feelings of a woman;
    • well-being and changes in health status;
    • baby's first movements;
    • the onset of the first contractions;
    • birth process;
    • postpartum changes.

    All these signs can be completely similar to the sensations that a woman had during her first pregnancy. There are some differences in some situations.

    Body change

    At the beginning of the second pregnancy, the changes occurring in a woman's body become more obvious. If you were overweight, the increase in body volume will become more noticeable. The same can be said for a growing belly during a second pregnancy. At this time, it can be noticed in the fourth month, and during the first pregnancy in the 5-6th month. This is due to the fact that the abdominal muscles and ligaments stretch after the first pregnancy. The woman’s well-being changes. She rarely experiences heartburn or difficulty breathing. The uterus does not put pressure on the gastrointestinal tract and diaphragm, and the urge to urinate may become more frequent because fetal pressure is felt on the bladder.

    The mammary glands do not enlarge so rapidly, but these changes are also noticeable.

    Stretch marks appear most actively in the first pregnancy, and in the second they may appear or not appear at all. For some women, such skin defects occur most intensively during the period of expecting a second child.

    Pregnancy with a second child is sometimes characterized by diastasis, in which the rectus abdominis muscles separate. Due to this, a small belly may remain for several months after childbirth. To get rid of such a defect, a woman needs to engage in special physical exercises; in case of a significant discrepancy, abdominal wall plastic surgery is performed.


    At the beginning of the second pregnancy, a woman may experience toxicosis. Most often, the condition is similar to the sensations that she experienced with her first child. It may have slight deviations up or down. Toxicosis is tolerated much easier during the second pregnancy, because the woman eats what she likes best and avoids foods and smells that she perceives negatively.

    The concept that toxicosis is not eternal and lasts only a few months helps a lot.


    During the period of bearing a second child, its first movements are felt earlier. During the first pregnancy they can be noticed at 5 months, and during the second at 4-4.5 months. This is due to the fact that the sensation of fetal movement is familiar to the woman and is therefore recognized earlier.

    When carrying a second child, movements may appear 2-3 weeks earlier.

    Back and joint pain

    Back pain occurs during any pregnancy. They are most noticeable when expecting the 2nd or 3rd child. Pain during a second pregnancy is inevitable and will occur again if it was also observed when carrying the first baby.

    Pain in the joints can occur in a woman in any trimester, especially if there is swelling. Typically, expectant mothers who are aware of the peculiarities of their body drink more fluid, monitor their weight and consult a specialist in a timely manner.

    Some women experience restless legs syndrome when they become pregnant again. It is characterized by a special condition in which a woman experiences pain in her limbs and moves them to provide temporary relief.

    Carrying a baby is the main cause of pathology; about 20% of women suffer from it. After the birth of the baby, the pain disappears, but in some cases it persists for 2-3 months.


    Pathology also occurs during the first birth. The main factors for its appearance include:

    • redundant everything;
    • unbalanced diet;
    • incorrect behavior of a woman during the pushing period of childbirth.

    During the second pregnancy, hemorrhoids also appear and are characterized by unpleasant sensations. Exacerbations of this disease can be avoided if you follow the correct advice of a specialist, walk more and eat right.

    Changes in iron and calcium levels in the blood

    Sometimes during the first pregnancy, a woman’s body experiences a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. This is due to the increased need for iron during pregnancy and blood loss during childbirth. If a woman has not undergone appropriate therapy, she develops iron deficiency anemia.

    The pathology is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • weakness;
    • increased fatigue;
    • low blood pressure;
    • susceptibility to various diseases;
    • fainting and dizziness;
    • changes in taste and smell;
    • deterioration of the condition of hair, nails and skin.

    The disease develops again if very little time has passed after the birth of the first child. With a lack of iron in the body, not only the expectant mother suffers, but also the fetus. With each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of anemia increases.

    Calcium reserves, like iron, may decrease during pregnancy. If you do not take vitamins and special medications, then its deficiency develops. This can manifest itself as problems with teeth and hair and increased bone fragility. Calcium deficiency affects the proper formation of the fetal skeletal system.

    With calcium deficiency, fractures may occur, even with minor injuries.

    Childbirth and postpartum period

    The time of the onset of labor is an individual process, and incomparable with anything. Experts say that the birth of a second child may occur 1-2 weeks later, due to the high distensibility of the uterus. But usually subsequent births take place at the same time as the first.

    Their duration may vary. The first labor lasts 12 hours or more, and the second - 5-8 hours. Although there are other developments in the situation.

    When the second child is born, a woman should be prepared for a faster delivery, so she needs to go to the maternity hospital in time. Therefore, it is best to take these features into account in advance.

    The postpartum period in multiparous women is much easier, which is due to the following:

    1. Reducing complications that arise after the first birth.
    2. The concept of how to cope with the difficulties that arise.
    3. The ability to independently establish the lactation process.

    A woman's care for her children allows her to quickly cope with the difficulties that arise after childbirth.

    The course of any pregnancy is influenced by the emotional mood of the expectant mother. Full confidence in your abilities and the expectation of a healthy baby will bring only pleasant memories.

    It will take some time before you are ready to get pregnant and have your second child. During this period, your age and psychological state will change, but the most important thing that the website for mothers wants to draw your attention to is that the reproductive function of your body will be restored.

    Often women who are preparing for the birth of their second baby are concerned about the same questions: what is the difference between the first and second pregnancy; how it proceeds; Is it true that giving birth a second time is faster and easier? Let us tell you right away that no one, even the most experienced doctor, can answer these questions.

    You become pregnant and are carrying a completely different baby at a different time. This is a new pregnancy and how the body perceives it depends on many factors. Although repeated pregnancy and childbirth have some peculiarities, which we will pay attention to in this article.

    Planning a pregnancy

    It is good if the second planned pregnancy occurs after your body is ready for it after the first birth and breastfeeding. The process of restoring reproductive function depends on how the first pregnancy proceeded, how much time passed after the birth of the child, whether the birth occurred naturally or ended in a cesarean section.

    Even if you feel healthy, planning a second pregnancy, you definitely need to undergo an examination: visit a gynecologist, therapist, and take additional tests with your partner for all infections if necessary. If there are no health problems, then usually the second birth and pregnancy proceed without complications and are easier.

    During the first pregnancy, it often does not matter who is born - a boy or a girl. Many parents who decide to make a second attempt use every opportunity to... And even if no method gives you a 100% result, it’s worth at least trying and checking.

    When does a second pregnancy require special attention?

    There are some prerequisites that may indicate possible complications during pregnancy. You should pay attention to them.

    • It happens that the child is not even a year old when the woman suddenly realizes that she has become pregnant again. We are talking about a second unplanned pregnancy. This often happens when partners hope for lactational amenorrhea (a natural method of contraception during breastfeeding) after childbirth. This is not a reason to terminate a second accidental pregnancy. We are confident that if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, the pregnancy will end in a successful birth.
    • Women who have had kidney disease or heart disease, liver disease, or lung disease are at risk (complicated obstetric history). They are susceptible to premature birth, toxicosis, and weak labor. Therefore, during the second pregnancy they will be under special supervision of a gynecologist.
    • A second pregnancy complicated by chronic diseases requires careful monitoring. Additional tests or studies may be needed.
    • You should not refuse a desired pregnancy if the mother’s blood is negative and the father’s is positive. Rhesus conflict in modern medicine can be prevented. After giving birth, the woman is immediately injected with antibodies; they are also recommended for pregnant women at 28 and 34 weeks. Timely testing and following the doctor’s recommendations will help pregnancy with a negative Rh factor end successfully.
    • If quite a lot of time has passed after giving birth, then the pregnant woman is considered a first-time mother, and the second birth is regarded as the first.

    Features of repeated pregnancy

    Each subsequent pregnancy is influenced by those physiological changes in the woman’s body that occurred in it after childbirth. A difficult first pregnancy does not at all indicate that the second will be the same. There are characteristic features of the course of repeated pregnancy.

    • Pregnancy becomes more noticeable earlier. If you wanted to hide it from others for as long as possible, then it’s unlikely to work. The ligaments of the uterus are stretched after the first birth. It deviates anteriorly under the influence of amniotic fluid and the fetus. At the same time, the abdominal wall is no longer as elastic as before childbirth, and is weakened, so it seems that the stomach is growing faster.
    • If during your first pregnancy you could hear the baby’s first movements only at 5 months (20-22 weeks), then this time you will feel the first tremors earlier - at about 17-18 weeks. The gynecologist takes this date into account when calculating the due date.
    • During the second pregnancy, the fetus is located lower. This increases pressure on the lower back and spine, so it is advisable to wear a bandage from mid-term.
    • If a fairly short period has passed between pregnancies, and you have a small child in your arms, try to lift him less. You should also be careful about physical activities.
    • There are interesting observations regarding the shape of the abdomen. An acute and high abdomen during the first pregnancy in women with a narrow pelvis becomes saggy during the second. During the first pregnancy, the belly drops a few weeks before giving birth, and during the second - a couple of days.

    Pregnancy following a cesarean section requires special care from the doctor. In this case, there is a danger of rupture of the suture on the uterus.

    The site advises you to maintain an interval of up to 2 years. This will allow the postoperative scar to mature, atrophy and thin out.

    But if you got pregnant earlier, then it’s not so bad. Usually the uterus returns to normal within six months. A period of up to 2 years is needed in order to avoid a low location of the placenta due to a suture or its detachment in later stages. In most cases, the second pregnancy after cesarean ends with surgery. But there are cases when a woman is allowed to give birth naturally for the second time.

    During repeated pregnancy, the sensitivity of the uterus to hormonal changes is quite high, so childbirth can occur as early as 38 weeks.

    Second birth

    Very often, mothers who are pregnant for the second time with twins are afraid of giving birth prematurely. But thanks to the first pregnancy, the uterus can stretch more, and, as a rule, childbirth occurs on time.

    Be prepared for the fact that the fetus this time will be larger than the first by an average of 200-500 g. Especially if the second is a boy. This is explained by the fact that favorable conditions have already been created in the uterus after the first pregnancy.

    Childbirth will be different from the first. If pregnancy proceeds without complications, all three periods will pass faster and easier.

    1. The opening of the uterus occurs more intensively. During the second birth, the cervical preparation period is 4 to 8 hours, whereas during the first birth it took up to 12 hours. There is a simultaneous opening of the internal and external pharynx during the second birth, so this process is more painful. The first time, all this happened in two stages.
    2. The contractions are not as painful as compared to the first birth, but they are more intense and intensify more actively and faster. The woman in labor is already familiar with pushing, so she has the opportunity to control its progress during the second birth. The first child, born naturally, made the cervix more elastic, so the second baby will have an easier time passing through the birth canal.
    3. The birth of the placenta, as with the first birth, is almost painless. Subsequent contractions are not as strong as during the first birth.

    You should know that even if this is the second pregnancy, but the child is the first (the reason for termination of pregnancy could be abortion, spontaneous miscarriage, etc.), then the birth is considered the first, and the woman is classified as a primigravida.

    A second child and a second birth are also a burden on a woman. And although they say that it is easier to carry and give birth the second time, this is not always the case. After all, a woman must be psychologically prepared to raise two children. What to do if the second pregnancy is not planned? When is it best, what needs to be taken into account, and how might carrying a second baby differ from the first?

    Childbirth or abortion?

    The first child requires a lot of care, and sometimes it happens that a woman forgets or is not attentive to questions. A second, unplanned pregnancy begins. It is very dangerous in terms of a woman’s health, because the body is not yet fully strengthened after the first birth. He may not be able to withstand such a load, and the child will be born weak or premature. If a second unplanned pregnancy occurs, you need to make a decision with your husband and gynecologist about the advisability of having a second child, about the risks and benefits of this pregnancy. After all, childbirth is equally risky. There is no single unambiguous opinion or solution on this issue. And no matter what decision you make, you should not blame yourself.

    Planning a second pregnancy

    No matter what kind of birth a woman has, the child should be desired and not accidental. The birth of a second child should also be joyful for the whole family. But when exactly will the period be favorable for this? The opinions of doctors, scientists and psychologists vary significantly. What can we say about the arguments between the parents themselves! When planning a pregnancy, you need to take into account the following aspects: are you ready for the birth of a second child, do you want to sacrifice your career, will there be someone to lend a helping hand. Please note that the basis of your readiness for a second pregnancy should be good health. The second baby will also need to be breastfed, and this requires a reserve of physical and moral “strength.”

    The optimal period of rest from the first pregnancy and childbirth is 3 years. It is also favorable from a physiological point of view. If it is a shorter period, then the following must be considered. 90% of women, even a year after giving birth, have a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. During this period, women’s problems with the heart and blood vessels become more frequent. This can greatly complicate pregnancy and lead to the birth of a weak child. Doctors note that with a small time gap between pregnancies, in addition to the threat of miscarriage, a woman is often susceptible to a “bouquet” of other problems. Such a woman may be at risk of weak labor, ruptures, and bleeding.

    Doctors also do not recommend leaving an interval between births of more than 5 years. After all, with age comes many chronic diseases, hormonal disorders, decreased immunity, and fatigue. A difference in childbirth of more than 10 years, for example, is fraught with the threat of miscarriage, weak labor and complications during the birth itself. In addition, the risk of having children with chromosomal abnormalities will increase.

    Getting ready as a couple

    If you are planning a second pregnancy, then, first of all, you need to check the health of mom and dad. To do this, go to a therapist and get general tests and tests for the absence of infections. Dad needs to visit a urologist and take a spermogram to make sure sperm activity. Mommy should consult a gynecologist. When there are hormonal imbalances, they need to be corrected. Perhaps the gynecologist will advise you on additional examinations: ultrasound of the pelvic organs, blood donation for a hormonal profile.

    When planning a pregnancy, it is important to give up bad habits and change your lifestyle to a more active and healthy one. And one of your main common tasks is to prepare your baby for the arrival of a brother or sister in the family. Let him touch his mother’s belly, help him do shopping for the second child, and know that he must help his mother take care of his brother or sister.

    Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

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