• Early development from 1 year. Early child development in the second year of life. Advantages and disadvantages


    While studying various books for parents, sooner or later you will come across the phrase “early development”. Be sure to stop your gaze and think. The term is not entirely successful, since it initially contains a negative assessment - the understanding of “early” as “premature”. And, nevertheless, this designation for a number of author’s and group techniques has been established for decades, perhaps precisely because it “catches” the eye.

    In the understanding of most adults, “early” classes only mean that parents begin to study with children using one method or another, when others around (children of the same age and in the same conditions) did not even think that it was possible to approach teaching a child seriously. Undoubtedly, the child will learn to crawl and walk without your help. However, if you organize training, then he will go at 10 months, and without them - at 11. Agree that in this month he will go around, see, and learn so much! This is the essence of “early” development - achieving certain results or planning for the future as early as possible (but within the limits of the child’s individual development schedule!). Thus, “early” for some will be the development of reading at 3 years old, and for others at 7 years old. It is a pity that there is no methodological book that would comprehensively describe the necessary activities with a child from start to finish. Each family goes its own way, choosing what suits them. He tries some of the author’s methods and refines them further.

    All development methods are so different that it is extremely difficult to classify them: some are called by what they develop, others by the name of the creator. Let's try to "divide" them into "physical" and "creative". From birth to one year, a whole era passes in the life of a baby. During this time, he learns to independently roll over, sit, crawl, walk, eat, smile, pronounce the first words... Therefore, the most important thing for him at this stage is physical development. The way his muscles have become stronger allows him to quickly get up and see for himself what is in this large apartment for him. But closer to three years, “psychological” techniques that develop thinking, memory, and horizons are of great importance.

    Methods for physical development.

    For the first time in our country we started talking about the importance of maintaining child health Boris and Elena Nikitin. They revealed to a wide mass of people, through the example of their children, that even the smallest child has many possibilities, which, if not developed, fade away. So, they said that a newborn has three important innate reflexes: a grasping reflex (if you put a finger or a stick in his hand, he holds on to it tightly), a stepping reflex (pushing off a hard surface with his legs), a swimming reflex (when swimming in water, the baby does not lie down, but moves his arms and legs). If these reflexes are developed, then the child undergoes training “in the first round” - he does not forget about them, and accordingly, he begins to walk, jump and run earlier. No - learning “again”, which is more difficult. For older children, it was proposed to introduce homemade sports complexes, elements of hardening (walking barefoot and dousing), and massage into every home.

    Masaru Ibuka published a sensational book called “After Three It’s Too Late,” in which he says that the maximum development potential is inherent in a child up to three years old - during the period of intensive brain growth. At this time, the foundations of his character and behavior in society are formed, and immunity is established. Of course, all this is superimposed on existing genes. The author emphasizes that with good starting data and strong hereditary genes, you need to work with your child to the maximum. His book inspires optimism, faith in achieving any heights, and treats the baby with respect.

    Dynamic gymnastics. Kitaev and Trunov
    Dynamic gymnastics satisfies the movement-related needs of a child up to one year old: it develops innate reflexes. The technique is rooted in the past: in Rus', children were often taken under the armpits, thrown up slightly, airplanes were made with them, older children were grabbed by the arms and legs, spun around themselves, while spinning around their own axis like a carousel. Parents provide the child with the opportunity to move when he cannot realize himself. After the child crawls and walks on his own, the previous exercises lose their strength and meaning, now you need to use the child’s strength, change the center of gravity, connect various games, exercises, exercises at the sports complex, where you transfer all the acquired elements.

    “Swim before you walk” or infant swimming.
    It is unknown who was the first to suggest not just bathing a newborn, but also swimming with him. However, now swimming is a powerful health-improving and therapeutic procedure for a baby: it relieves neurological diseases, problems with the spine, develops breathing, increases endurance and overall tone, improves appetite, promotes health, and allows the body to develop properly. Conducted in ordinary city clinics and in groups for classes with pregnant women and children. Baby swimming is a very special type of swimming. It has its own technique and exercise. While the child’s movement is still limited, he does not know how to control his body, he moves in the water space by reducing his body weight. And, therefore, he begins to get up a little earlier, walk around the bathtub in the water, do gymnastics, strengthen his muscles, and so on. Classes take place from birth, first in a home bath, then in the “big water” of a swimming pool. The main task is to instill a love of water, breathing control, diving - then. If you do not feel confident in your actions, do not try to teach your child to swim on your own: find an experienced instructor in a children's clinic, in a swimming pool, or invite them to teach you at home. Gross mistakes that you may make will discourage your child from wanting not just to swim, but to be in the water in general, and will instill fear.

    At the age of 0 to 2-3 years, the main ones for a child remain tactile sensations, contact with the mother, and sensitive sensations. It is now a widely known fact that children under three years of age living in tribes where children are carried by their mothers (in the absence of basic conditions, not to mention any techniques) are ahead in their development of their European peers. And only by school, thanks to toys, everyday life and developmental methods, European children already overtake children from tribes. Through tactile sensations, a small child experiences the world; the formation of an image of a physical object occurs through the senses - vision, hearing, touch. In addition, psychologists believe that children up to 5 years old learn about the world through feelings and emotions, from the general to the specific.

    The most important thing at this stage of development is to learn to worry with the child. Highlight positive emotions. One of the greats said that a person can be raised up to the age of 5, and after that he can only be RE-educated. Teach your child compassion, empathy, mutual understanding, affection, care, and love. This is much more important than setting a goal for "early" learning to read, a record for the Guinness Book of Records for the long jump. Remember that parents’ excessive efforts in this matter are only a desire to please their OWN vanity. It’s nice when everyone around says “What a smart child: at only 3 years old he already knows Newton’s second law.” But don’t rush to narrow the world around you to the size of letters and numbers; show it in all its diversity.

    "Creative" techniques

    Teaching numeracy, writing, encyclopedic knowledge.
    One group of methods is entirely devoted to teaching reading, counting, obtaining encyclopedic knowledge, the other is to creativity: getting to know drawing, nature, music...

    Nikitin family.
    They discovered the individuality in each child. They showed how you can practice and achieve results “in the game.” Parents from all over the country, as well as from other countries - Japan and America, came to the hospitable house for experience. The Nikitins never tired of telling all visitors that they were not raising geniuses (born by nature), but simply talented children, who were being developed “to the maximum” of what could come of them.
    Their games - "unicube", "cubes for everyone", "add a square" - are designed for joint play between children and parents. They are variable, multi-level. These are puzzle games for the development of logical and imaginative thinking. Each game is a set of problems that the child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares made of cardboard, plastic, and parts from a mechanical designer. The games are built in order of increasing difficulty “from simple to complex” (some tasks, sometimes beyond the power of the average adult(!), are easily overcome by a smart child). Therefore, games have no age limit - they are educational throughout life. The Nikitins' games are reminiscent of the blocks of Friedrich Froebel, a German teacher of the 19th century, the founder of the first kindergartens - KinderGarten, which introduce the child to the properties of geometric bodies, teach him spatial imagination, the ability to connect a part into a whole.

    "Immersive Environment" by Maria Montessori
    Maria Montessori - Italian teacher of the 19th century, the country's first woman doctor of medicine. Initially I worked with weakened children. I tried to make their life easier, to catch up with their peers, for which I created “feasible” toys. Her approach to learning consists of three parts: the child, the environment, the teacher, with the child himself at the center of the entire system. He independently (!) studies his environment. The teacher never imposes this or that activity, but only observes. If the child chooses to pour water from one vessel to another, then the teacher helps. Lessons with water can last the whole day, until the child himself switches to another subject. The motto of Montessori pedagogy is “help me do it myself.” A large place in the methodology is given to the formation of age-appropriate motor and sensory skills. In the mental development of a child, Maria Montessori identified such features as “age-related sensitivity (sensitivity)”, “absorbent thinking”.

    Sensitive periods. Mandatory periods of special sensitivity in the development of children: speech development (0-6 years), perception of order (0-3), sensory development (0-5.5), perception of small objects (1.5-2.5), development of movements and actions (1-4), social skills (2.5-6). Games are based on the development of imaginative thinking: the child learns to estimate by eye the quantity and volume of objects, regardless of the form they take.

    Absorbent thinking. A child’s thinking is a sponge that absorbs images of the outside world without dividing them into “good”, “bad”, “useful”, “useless”. Therefore, a large role is given to the subject and social environment, the child’s environment. An adult must create the “right environment”: a huge number of objects for sensory impressions (small beads, large cubes, rough, smooth surfaces of toys, pouring and pouring loose objects, liquids in a wide variety of options), which are a natural need of the child. This environment is provided only in a specialized kindergarten. There are gardens that work entirely using this method, and there are those in which Montessori-style groups meet.

    The original equipment is expensive, but analogues can be easily recreated at home. For example, pouring from bottles into pots in the bathroom, in the kitchen, too much peas, lentils, cereals on the street - “Cinderella exercises”.

    Waldian pedagogy is a method of imitating nature. Denial of early development.
    Waldof served as director of a cigarette factory in the early 20th century. Under the leadership of the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner, he created a school methodology for the children of his workers. Education is divided into three stages: up to 7 years of age, children learn through imitation, from 7 to 14 by the predominance of feelings and emotions, and only over 14 the development of logic comes to the fore. The Waldorf method avoids any early intellectual development until school (reading instruction is given only in the 3rd grade). Before school, children are only “allowed” to play, develop intuition, and imagination: there is no need to prematurely introduce unnatural abstract symbols - letters, numbers - into a child’s life. Only the most primitive toys are allowed, exclusively made from natural materials, which contributes to the maximum development of attention and imagination, because the child himself “figures out” the missing details: for example, rag and wooden dolls have no facial expression (it does not keep up with the development of the plot of the game). Preference in the methodology is given to arts (especially theater) and crafts. TV and computer are strictly prohibited. The system tries to temporarily protect the child from the stresses of the “big world”: the politics of the surrounding society, at least until adolescence. Students seem to live within themselves, thus developing their abilities. During one day, children take only one subject that requires serious mental work; the study of subjects in secondary school takes epochs, and much attention is paid to the psychology of the individual. At the same time, the child must have a special way of thinking, character, be easily suggestible, and not be a leader. In our country there are Waldof gardens and schools, which you can learn about in the center of Waldof pedagogy.

    Bits of information or Glen Doman cards.
    Glen Doman - American military doctor of the 40s. Successfully developed Cicero's idea that "Children quickly grasp countless objects." He worked in Philadelphia, an institute later called the Better Baby Institute (BBI). Initially, he treated children with brain injuries. He concluded that stimulation of one of the senses leads to increased activity of the brain as a whole. At his institute, children two, three, four years old began to read, mastered mathematics, and became scholars with good physical development. The creative possibilities of these children are so wide that Doman himself called them children of the Renaissance. Doman is convinced that learning is effective only during the period of brain growth - up to 7 years, and especially in the first 3 years (for example, the head circumference of a newborn is 35 cm, a two-year-old - 50 cm, an adult at 20 years - 55 cm), and that any physical development stimulates the mental. His system of presenting knowledge for 3-4 year olds. A newborn has a huge potential that must be preserved: the number of nerve cells he has is much greater than that of an adult. Connections are developed between them, and those unclaimed cells die off.

    Teaching mathematics is done using cards with large red dots. At the same time, their number is called out loud: it is shown not as a number (an abstract symbol), but as dots, so that the child can feel the real quantity. After the first twenty numbers there are examples. It is recommended to show each card, regardless of what is depicted on it, for 1 - 2 seconds. Thus, the entire lesson takes 10-30 seconds and is repeated several times a day. Based on practice, we can say that it is better to show the card as quickly as the child manages to take in all the components of the image with his gaze.

    Encyclopedic knowledge. Doman believed that memorizing bare facts and systematizing them was an easy task. Children will learn everything, especially since they begin to study objects, numbers, and everything else from scratch. Moreover, the younger they are, the easier it is to memorize. Parents need to make a thematic selection of cards with a series of images of plants, animals, great people and others. The child's memory is certainly developing. But there are many disadvantages. Firstly, the preparation process itself is extremely labor-intensive. For almost a century, no “children’s” encyclopedias of ready-made Doman cards have been published. The parent must cut up old magazines, glue them, and select them himself. Secondly, often only one association is remembered: for example, a photograph of a camel and the caption “camel”. But for a more complete study, you need a story about what kind of camel it is, its color, character, behavior, and distribution area. All this truly encyclopedic information (plus laid out in language understandable to a child) cannot be placed on a card. It’s even more difficult to prepare and adapt for a baby. Of course, parents “get out” of the situation - they create electronic galleries, computer presentations of cards (when no additional paper, colored ink and other consumables are wasted). And yet, reinforcement with “examples from life”, stories, stories and fairy tales, so wisely read by our grandmothers, is much more valuable for a child: after all, then the information does not come faceless, which is much more interesting for the child.

    Learning to read according to Doman - showing, voicing a whole word. The same white cards with large red words written on them. You should start as early as possible, up to a year. Although an “experienced” parent will express his opinion that at this age the child does not know enough objects, especially their names, the name is often not associated with the object. Such memorization of abstract names contradicts figurative perception according to Montessori. It is preferable to show both the picture and the signature on one sheet of paper at the same time. There are two more dangers in learning to read using this method. First: it is aimed at studying foreign languages ​​that do not have a case system. And in Russian the word changes: camel-u-a, camel according to numbers, genders and cases. Second: if the color of the written word or its size on the card changes, the child “does not recognize” the seemingly learned word forever. Third: the child turns from an active participant in the learning process into its object. During learning, he is passive, only his visual system works, absorbing only the information that is located on the cards. He is loaded with facts, becomes a “walking encyclopedia,” but does not learn to think, use, and apply the acquired knowledge. Emotional development suffers. A small child cannot take anything on faith: the thing must be touched, touched, examined from all sides, and its place in the hierarchy of one’s values ​​determined.

    As the child gets older, Doman increases the duration of classes. At the age of 1.5 - 2 years, he begins to study the Japanese language, introduce him to modern art, and teach him to play the violin and other musical instrument.

    The undoubted advantage of the method is that the child absorbs a large amount of information without any intrusiveness from an adult. Moreover, he gets used to constantly reaching out for something new, for large amounts of “fresh information”; a craving for knowledge and classification is developed. In addition, parents are raised who understand that they need to work hard with their child to achieve real results. The facts speak for themselves: a dozen Nobel laureates studied according to Doman as children!

    Cecile Lupan - clear and practical recommendations from mom
    Cecile Lupan, a Belgian actress, believed, following one of the sages, that “A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit.” She did not experiment on children, did not work in kindergartens or medical institutions, but simply lovingly raised her two daughters, subjected meaningful criticism to existing methods of child development, and adapted them for herself. Her recommendations - from just a mother who was carried away by the ideas of early development - resulted in the book “A Practical Guide “Believe in Your Child.” The book does not contain recipes for “raising geniuses.” Its goal is to give advice to parents who want to open the world of a child from the moment he is born .

    Lupan counting is the basis of all calculations, so it needs to be taught first. To count, you need to understand the essence of the counting process itself. Count everything. Repeat the numbers out loud, loudly and clearly, before you do anything - turn off the lights, turn on the TV, open the door. Seeing how you think, the baby will want to follow your example. Once he shows this desire, encourage him to try. Explain what zero is: when moving on to symbols, zero will be needed to write the number after 9. To make your child feel that a number that does not mean anything is a completely special number, ask him funny questions: “How many cows do you have in your pocket? How many crocodiles do you have?” us in the bathroom?" Move on to other account types.

    Count to a predetermined number. Place a handful of beans in front of your baby and ask him to count 3 of them. When he understands this, ask him to make several piles, 3, 5, 9 pieces in each. If he copes with this task, place objects in a row in front of him, ask him to count (touching them, but not moving) a smaller number of objects than lies in front of him. Regularly ask your baby to count to a certain number you specify, without touching or mentioning objects.

    Alternate counting: you say 1, he says 2, you say 3, he says 4, etc. At first he will want to call out your numbers; Explain to him that this is prohibited by the rules of the game. Next time he should start: he says 1, you say 2, etc. When the child can easily cope with a similar task, involve someone else in the game (say, another child, he will also like it!) and play with three of us, then four of us, etc. Now that he quickly figures out what’s what, only continue playing if he shows interest.

    Even and odd numbers. If you divide the peas equally - this is an even number, there will be a "surplus" - an odd number. When your child understands the difference between an even and an odd number, play alternate counting, with one person calling out the odd numbers and the other calling out the even numbers. It is extremely important that counting becomes a habit. The above options are needed to, on the one hand, avoid monotony, and on the other, to teach counting in different ways. As a result, the baby will begin to count everything around him. Encourage this desire: daily practice in counting prepares his mind for calculations.

    According to Lupan, speech begins to develop not at the moment when the child utters the first word, but from birth. Long before this, a long process takes place, which can be accelerated or slowed down by your behavior. Here Lupan agrees with the conclusions of Françoise Dolto that “you need to talk to babies from birth, explain to them what environment they live in, without worrying about the fact that babies do not yet understand the language in which they are spoken. Communication takes place. beyond speech, but through words!"

    Explain to the child everything he does, sees and hears, what is happening or will happen directly around him, who is who, etc. Introduce body parts - during massage and play, name the parts of the body that you touch, say: “This is Sasha’s nose! This is mom’s nose!” Tell short stories. Make up a story about your hand caressing the baby or running away from him, depending on your mood; about himself, that now he will go to the land of dreams, etc. Show everything that surrounds him, clearly, clearly name it.

    Zaitsev. Warehouse reading training. Hundreds in kids math.
    When trying to speak, the baby “produces” whole syllables. There are no individual letters, then painfully combined into syllables, words. Based on this conclusion, an alternative teaching system to traditional reading has been created. This is how the methodology of the modern innovative teacher from St. Petersburg Nikolai Zaitsev (b. 1939) was born.

    His manuals - the most famous are "Zaitsev's cubes" for mastering reading - are based on game-based systemic learning. Preference is given to group classes. The study of reading is built on the principle of “warehouses” - a pair of consonant and vowel, consonant with a hard or soft sign. Each warehouse is located on a separate face of the cube - for example V-VA-VO-VU-VY-VE. Finding the corresponding warehouses, the child composes words. The cubes differ in color, size, and the sound of their filling, which all together allows children to feel the difference between vowels and consonants, voiced and soft consonants. The idea of ​​Zaitsev’s warehouses was developed by the modern St. Petersburg teacher Voskoboyvich, who created folding boxes: he created pictures with a drawing and a poetic caption with highlighted warehouses.

    Cubes teach you to read from the first lessons and form familiar words. And also learn to read and write (with cubes) at the same time. But keep in mind that if you show letters, syllables or folds to a child, he can distinguish them, but this is not a very meaningful reading that parents want to achieve, but recognition, a game between a child and an adult. There is no need to rush to learn reading and writing at the same time. This is exactly what speech therapists worry about: the fact is that the principle of acquisition of the two mechanisms is completely different. Reading is the work of the eyes, and writing is the work of the hands. In addition, there are completely different laws in reading and writing (in oral and written speech). Numerous orthoepic (pronunciation) and orthographic (correct spelling of words) dictionaries speak eloquently about this. Speech develops through conversation. You also need to take into account the fact that a warehouse is not a syllable at all. Therefore, when you introduce a new concept into a child’s life, you must show its difference. Do not rush to teach your child to read from the age of one. Believe me, it won’t take long, and by the age of 2.5-3 years he will be running after you, asking what letter, what word is written on the sign, on the license plate of the car, and so on. Reading should lie on prepared soil. By showing letters and cubes from the age of six months (which is now a fashionable trend), you doom yourself to an endless number of repetitions: because at this age the child forgets faster than he learns a series of symbols. Thus, more effort is spent on achieving the same result (“read it!”) in a year than in 3-4 years. Maybe we should save our energy? Reading is a creative process. A child “really” reads when he can consciously talk, joke, combine words, moves away from simple sentences like “woman, go”, masters grammar, phrase construction, distinguishes himself from his environment, from his mother, and switches to third-person when talking about himself to the only one (not “Olya wants”, but “I want”). The technique itself is designed for children aged 3-4 years.

    Teaching mathematics is characterized by a systematic approach. This is a combination of tables that clearly shows the “meaning” of a number. Fractions and powers are shown as parts of circles, and numbers are shown as the number of dots. This is the subject of the “Stochet” table manuals and the “We’re a crowded crowd” manual for parents. The cost of the benefits is 500-600 rubles, and the kit includes a fairly voluminous book for the parent, which takes time to master. So, in some cases, it makes sense to call a “bunny specialist” for home exercises. Be prepared for the fact that the material itself is a “semi-finished product”: cardboard cutouts must be glued together, “strengthened” with electrical tape, and the “filling” must be found independently in the form of iron bottle caps and wooden sticks. But achieving results is worth the effort.
    Development of creative abilities - introduction to drawing, nature, music...

    To develop creative abilities, it is necessary that the child is already well coordinated, holds pencils and a brush firmly in his hands, and can study diligently for at least half an hour. Therefore, basically, almost the methods of teaching music and drawing are intended for children from 4 years old. Here it is extremely important to meet a good teacher or attend classes at a leisure center. Until this time, all that is required from parents is “pre-preparation” or setting standards: listening to good classical music, becoming familiar with classical paintings. And also “creating” the child’s character: after all, for group classes (and they are effective at this age), the child must be sociable (easily join the group), healthy (not miss classes). The child should already be inquisitive, strive to achieve something - this is the result of the creative work of the parent. Let us repeat that there are very few methods suitable for children. Maybe you will be the first to come up with them and actively implement them into the lives of parents.

    Artists in diapers. Gmoshinskaya's technique.
    The baby is given “edible” paints as soon as he begins to crawl. Sheets and old wallpaper are provided for drawings. There are no strict restrictions on the use of one color or another or the task of drawing according to a sample. The child “creates” what he wants to express at the moment. Kids draw with their palms, fingers, and soft felt-tip pens. The color scheme is the usual colors: orange, red, yellow, blue. You can draw rails, ladders, triangles, circles, ovals together, and name what appears on the paper and what color is used. Animal figures and geometric shapes for applique can be pasted onto the “astrakhan” color background. This is how the parent becomes a magician for the child. It’s better to start with watercolors.. You shouldn’t leave the technique for later, put your hand right away, make sure that the brush follows your hand, paint with the child with one brush. You can use both painting on dry paper and on wet paper (children simply adore the second method); you can then sprinkle salt on the wet paint - you get beautiful stains. If a child quickly loses interest in drawing, use this game: on a sheet of white paper, first draw something with an ordinary paraffin candle - a bear, a butterfly, a flower - and then, together with your child, look for who is hiding, painting the sheet with paints. But remember that you should not use all the techniques you know at once. Mix different colors. Teach your child to look for familiar colors in the world around them - on a walk, in drawings, in books. Enter the names of the main shapes - circle, triangle, square - draw them, cut them out - from paper, dough, with molds - from plasticine. When the baby learns to distinguish them, identify these figures in complex objects, look for something created based on them.

    You can continue your “artist’s career” in art studios and museums. There are always drawing groups at art museums. Their visitors not only learn to depict objects, but also constantly check their gaze with the images of venerable artists. They listen to lectures about paintings and draw from life.

    Absorbing music - Vinogradov’s technique
    Listening to excerpts of good music from different genres. The author is convinced that even the smallest can understand complex classical works. When listening, there is a minimum of scientific explanations. Your story should be like a picture fairy tale. It is even better to leave the child the opportunity to decide for himself what music means. The child quite easily and, one might say, adequately perceives the world’s masterpieces. Harmonious music is so close to his psychological nature. Thanks to musical activities - listening to music and initial dance movements, the child’s self-expression - he develops emotional sensitivity and develops imagination.

    From the very first days of their lives, grandmothers sang lullabies and swayed to the beat of singing. Today there are many “adapted” cassettes produced specifically for children. They can be a great start to the musical Olympus. Hearing a familiar melody, the child calms down, moves, and shows emotions. Mom has a great opportunity to relax herself and mind her own business for a while.

    Kiryushin suggested studying music with myths and fairy tales - books, posters with color illustrations. They develop an ear for music, thinking, memory, and prepare for mastering a solfeggio course.

    Other methods of teaching children from 3 years of age in music schools and with a personal teacher are based not on passive perception of music, but on active participation in the musical process. They perform movements to the music, play with their palms and fingers, and stage fairy tales in a group. You can learn about all this from both the kindergarten teacher and teachers of traditional music schools.

    Method of immersion in a foreign language environment. Zhanna Kitaigorodskaya
    Classes in a second language should be held in a playful way. This round board on four legs is called not only a “table”, but also a table. The child is happy to join the world of a foreign language enchanted by codes. Moreover, if the classes are always taught by the same “foreigner” who “does not understand” the child’s native language. Inclusion groups exist in various kindergartens. Speech therapists advise systematically teaching a second language only after mastering the grammar and vocabulary of the native language - after 3-4 years.

    All methods, despite their differences, agree on one thing: the task of parents is to give their child a good start. Not just teach him to read, but make him love books and enjoy doing math and chemistry. Then in the future he will easily make his choice in favor of one science or another. Early development implies the development of skills of independence, curiosity, and a thirst for new knowledge. Only when you invest the maximum amount of love and patience for your child into your activities, results are achieved. Children do not grow up talented because they master early reading at 2 years old, reading speed, bilingualism and speech literacy. The child needs to create an environment that will help them open up. Quite rightly, Thomas Edison believed that “genius is 99% hard, sweaty work and 1% inspiration.”

    However, in order not to be “loaded” with unnecessary terms and not to get confused in the methods, you can not only independently study the list of recommended literature (this is not one book for each author), but also attend lectures for parents at the development center, where they will explain to you in more detail professional teachers will answer your questions from one point or another.

    Briefly about other names you may come across.

    John Holt. Learning theories. Unschooling.
    By the end of the 70s, I realized that school would never become an effective method in teaching children. This is how the idea of ​​alternative education, unschooling, was born (from the English words un “not” and schooling “learning”). Now unschooling is used to describe a special type of homeschooling, where learning is closely linked to the daily life of the family, and children gain knowledge by following their interests. Holt argued that children learn more when they are taught to be part of the world around them, children are given the freedom to explore their interests, children answer their questions when they ask them, and most importantly, respect children rather than look down on them.

    Piaget. Cognitive development
    The theory is based on the assumption that children go through several distinct stages of cognitive development. Sensory-motor (birth-2 years) - the child learns through sensations and movement. Preoperational (2-7) - Children begin to master symbol systems (such as language) and begin to make assumptions based on past experiences. Concrete Operating Room (7-11) - Children learn to make generalizations (although this ability is limited by their specific experiences). Formal operating room (11 and older) - children can cope with abstract concepts, make hypotheses and guesses. The sequence of stages of cognitive development is observed in all children, but the age at which children master new functions varies greatly from child to child. Educational activities are built taking into account the degree of development of the child.

    Charlotte Mason: Channeling Natural Curiosity.
    Mason recommended studying nature to develop powers of observation and the ability to appreciate the beauty of God's creation. Training is most successful if we take into account the characteristics of the child’s mental development and character. At the same time, the need to develop the ability to manage one's character and to establish strong moral principles was emphasized.

    Gardner. Aggregate Intelligence
    Psychologist Howard Gardner put forward the theory that intelligence is not a single whole, but consists of multiple intelligences. He distinguished 8 types of intelligence: linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, naturalistic, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal. The intellect of each person consists of a combination of different intellects, therefore training is based on the characteristics and strengths of each person, in contrast to the traditional linguistic and logical-mathematical approaches of schools. For example, a person with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence will understand geometric concepts more easily if they are presented in the form of visual aids rather than in the traditional logical, descriptive way.

    After celebrating their child's first birthday, parents begin to think about how quickly time flies. And many of them get the idea that they shouldn’t miss precious moments. What mom and dad don’t give to their baby at an early age will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to make up for in the future. But how to develop a child at 1 year old? What needs to be done at this age so that the baby grows up not only smart, but also happy and carefree? How to maintain harmony and not go too far in the early development of a child? Let's try to understand this complex and important issue.

    Psychological characteristics of children of the second year of life

    After a year, the baby is no longer that peacefully sleeping (or constantly crying) bundle in the crib. During the first twelve months of life, a child has mastered a huge number of skills, but even more discoveries await him. Various educational activities for 1-year-old children will be excellent helpers in this regard.

    At this age, children, along with independence and an irrepressible desire to constantly study their surroundings, exhibit fears and doubts. It is very important that parents help their child cope with the first difficulties; this will help him not be afraid to make new discoveries, which means that the answer to the question of how to develop a child at 1 year old will come on its own. Kids are very wise; they naturally have a real thirst for knowledge. They try to imitate their parents in everything, and this feature is an excellent opportunity to use their example to encourage the child to learn new things.

    Physiology of children 1-2 years old

    Provided proper development, by the age of one year the baby begins to walk independently. Much to the amazement of his parents, a month after his first steps he can walk quite confidently without assistance, and after another two months he begins to run. The growth rate during this period slows down somewhat; the body spends enormous resources on developing all the baby’s systems. Including his dexterity, coordination of movements. Sports can help with this:

    • ball games;
    • classes at a sports complex or;
    • exercises and simple gymnastic exercises;
    • swimming in a large bathtub or pool.

    At this age, it is very important not to limit the child’s physical activity. Walking in the fresh air - in the park and on special playgrounds - is an excellent opportunity to give your child plenty of time to run around and show his spirit of exploration. How to develop a child at 1 year old, if not through communication with the outside world?

    Early child development

    There are a huge number of myths and legends surrounding this topic. Opponents and supporters of early development have diametrically opposed points of view. Some believe that the child should learn everything himself when the right time comes. Others sincerely believe that it is possible and necessary to teach a child almost from birth (in support of this theory, teachers create special didactic materials for their little charges, educational games for children from 1 year old).

    Scientists are clear in their opinion: a child is a blank sheet of paper. Until the age of 4-5 years, his brain is able to remember and assimilate huge amounts of information, so why not take advantage of this, and along with the knowledge necessary for self-care, help the child quickly master speech, teach him to distinguish colors, shapes and animals?

    Montessori school

    One of the most popular areas in early pedagogy is the Montessori system, which teaches parents how to develop a child at 1 year old. Created by the Italian Maria Montessori in the first half of the 20th century, this system found supporters in many countries. What is it? Initially, Maria Montessori worked with children who had various developmental delays. Over time, her methods began to be used to raise absolutely healthy children.

    In this technique, teachers and psychologists teach the child to make decisions, to be independent in his judgments and actions, but at the same time obey generally accepted rules and norms. It is noteworthy that there are no toys as such in the groups where children study according to this system. It is impossible to find a car, a gun or a doll there; on the contrary, children are engaged and studying. Educational toys for children 1-2 years old help them with this:

    • cubes;
    • pyramids;
    • sorters;
    • puzzles;
    • musical instruments.

    Classes according to the Montessori system involve the development of self-service, that is, the child must learn to play, eat, and drink independently. If parents and at home systematically adhere to these principles, then the child grows up to be a self-sufficient person, who has been instilled with the norms of communication in society since childhood. Such a child is able to cope with conflict situations and come out of them with dignity.

    In Moscow, special developmental centers have also been created for children from 1 year old, based on Montessori pedagogy: “Steps”, “Montessori Garden”, “Early Development Club” on the street. Trofimova and many others.

    Is it necessary to torture a baby?

    Early child development is not an easy process for both the baby and his parents. Having chosen one tactic of behavior and created certain rules and norms, you should not succumb to temptation and deviate from the given course.

    When parents decide for themselves an important question regarding the future of their child: “We are developing a child at home, 1 year is the right age,” it is very important that mom and dad work together with him. In no case should you go too far, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect - the child will withdraw into himself. At this age, a little person learns many things through the prism of comparison, imitation, and only in a playful way. Therefore, even educational games for children 1-2 years old should be interesting for the baby.

    During independent studies, you should not press on the child; if he is not interested, he feels bad or is busy with something else that is important to him, you need to let him play enough. Learning will bear fruit only when it occurs in an atmosphere of mutual disposition of both the student (child) and his teacher (mother). Then the process will bring pleasure and, of course, a result that will not take long to arrive! Many parents are confused by the question of whether children at this age can watch cartoons? As practice shows, it is almost impossible to completely protect a child from the benefits of modern civilization, but if you approach the issue wisely, give your child the opportunity to watch educational cartoons for children 1-3 years old, but not for long and only those that are age-appropriate, nothing bad will happen .

    What shall we play?

    After a year, children begin to take the first steps towards their socialization. They learn to play together with their mother, brother or sister. The older the baby gets, the wider his social circle becomes. He makes new friends on the playground, he looks at them with pleasure, listens and tries not only to watch other children play, but also to participate in the process.

    During this period, educational games for children from 1 year old can be varied. It is very important to give your child the opportunity to develop motor skills; for this you can create a few simple activities (under parental supervision!):

    • Sorting various small items - for this you can take large beads, natural materials (chestnuts, nuts), pompoms. They can be of different colors or textures; the child must arrange the items in separate trays or cells.
    • Transfusion, oversleeping is a very important aspect in the development of a child. Playing with water, kinetic sand, cereals is exciting and useful, develops perseverance and
    • Drawing - you shouldn’t expect your child to create a masterpiece, but the process itself will bring him and his parents pleasure. You can draw with anything - chalk, pencils, paints (finger paints, gouache, watercolors).

    Such developmental activities for 1-year-old children will help show the child the difference between big and small, he will learn to recognize his tactile sensations, this also contributes to speech development.

    Don't forget about outdoor games. You can learn to do simple physical exercises with your child: show him how to squat, walk in place, play with balls of different sizes.

    What to play?

    Often, parents, in search of the perfect toy, get lost and buy everything. Giving such freedom of choice to a child is inappropriate. Due to his age, he is not yet able to do it and stop at one thing, especially on his own. Educational toys for children from 1 year old should be at home, but their compliance with the age and level of development, as well as the preferences of the child himself, is a prerequisite. What can you offer:

    • cubes, “Town” constructor;
    • various pyramids;
    • wooden puzzles, insert frames;
    • sorters of various modifications - with geometric shapes, animals, fruits and vegetables;
    • construction set with large elements;
    • large mosaic (plastic, magnetic or wooden);
    • dolls, baby dolls;
    • reliable machines, including pushers.

    Sometimes educational cartoons for children from 1 year old provide a useful idea of ​​what to play with for parents and their baby. Their characters, as well as an unobtrusive form of teaching, help the child understand what to do with the toys.

    Learning to talk

    At one year of age, many babies have a sufficient vocabulary, which makes it possible to maintain communication with their mother. He knows who is who in his environment, he can ask for food, drink, express approval or displeasure. The whole next year is significant - the child’s vocabulary will grow by leaps and bounds, this largely depends on the parents themselves. You need to talk to the child, comment on all the processes, but do it in accessible and simple language.

    Educational cartoons for children aged 1 year and older with short songs and rhymes are great helpers in this regard. Their simple rhymes and simple words are easy to hear, and the combination of sound and image allows the child to quickly learn the names of the characters and their actions.

    A book is your best friend from the first days of life!

    Instilling a love of reading in a very young child is much easier than in an older child. Modern publishing houses print excellent literature for very young children. Thick cardboard pages, large drawings with clear images and no small details - these are the requirements that books for children must meet. Well, the list of authors is very extensive:

    • Elena Blaginina.
    • Boris Zakhoder.
    • Korney Chukovsky.
    • Agnia Barto and many other wonderful children's writers.

    Educational cartoons for kids

    As mentioned above, watching cartoons at such an early age is possible only in limited quantities. In order for cartoons to not only become a pleasure for a child, but also bring benefits, they need to be selected wisely. There are a huge number of them in modern rentals for every taste and age, but what educational cartoons for children 1-3 years old will really be useful?

    Among the most popular are short stories: “Lev’s Truck”, “Auntie Owl”, “Turtle Aha-Aha”, “Tini Love”. In addition, cartoons will be useful to help you learn letters, colors, shapes, animals and the names of objects.


    At the time the baby learned to sit, a wonderful world opened up before him. He was able to look at his environment from a new angle, and the child became even more interested when he walked. A mother needs to constantly look for new sources of knowledge for her child, and creativity is an excellent help for this.

    With a young child, you can also draw, sculpt, make appliqués and assemble construction sets, teach him how to compose images from mosaics and encourage his creative impulses in every possible way.

    Developmental centers for children from 1 year old practice similar activities. Among those recognized by mothers are: “Rainbow”, “Mosaic”, “Anthill”. It is very important that a large amount of material has now been created for completely unintelligent children - this includes non-toxic kinetic sand and safe plasticine. Many development groups practice modeling from salted dough, colored with food coloring.

    Baby to the masses

    Yes, yes, the harmonious development of a baby is impossible without communication. By locking a child in an apartment and limiting his communication, it is impossible to expect great achievements from him. Of course, you can achieve intellectual development on your own; the child simply will have no choice but to do what his parents offer him.

    However, the process of cognition occurs much faster and more naturally when the child is in society. This way he will be able to learn something useful not only from his beloved parents, but also from relatives and other children on the playground, in playrooms and early development centers.

    Childhood is a holiday!

    When raising a child prodigy and a future genius, parents must remember that they are primarily doing this for themselves. A child, especially at such a young age, does not need world recognition; he does not need to know the alphabet and multiplication tables. No matter how much mom and dad want their baby to succeed in life, it is unlikely that he will succeed without a happy, carefree and cloudless childhood.

    The upbringing of a person begins from his very birth, as the most widespread scientific theory says. There are hypotheses that recognize that we are already born with a certain set of knowledge and emotional orientations. This is experience accumulated either in past lives or during the process of intrauterine development.

    One way or another, every mother wants her baby to be comprehensively gifted, to know and be able to do a lot, to study well, to grow into a personality not only adapted to life, but also familiar with creativity and sports. For this reason, especially now, parents often begin to develop their child’s abilities long before he reaches kindergarten and school age. English and mathematics lessons for infants, listening to musical works by Mozart and Vivaldi, excursions to art museums - what you don’t see in parental practice these days.

    Parents most of all want their child to grow up smart and talented, so they begin to develop him from an early age

    Let's try to understand the essence of early child development. Is it really that useful? What are the methods of active early child development? What programs are the most popular? What is better - to work with the baby yourself or to entrust development lessons to professionals?

    Development and its types

    “Active upbringing of a child aged 0 to 2-3” - this is the definition Anna Rappoport gives to the term we are interested in. Despite the apparent harmlessness and benefit of this phenomenon, it often causes negative emotions and ridicule in society. The thing is that there are many interpretations and forms of its implementation.

    Raising children from 1 to 3 is perceived as an antagonist to traditional education, which begins according to the canons of European culture from the age of 6-7 years. Early child development sometimes means not only lessons with infants, but also work with children of primary and middle preschool age, that is, with children 3-4 and 4-5 years old.

    Traditional developmental psychology has constructed a division of early development of children into three types according to its adequacy to the age category. This:

    • Premature. Due to physiological, mental and psychological reasons, the baby cannot perceive the information that they want to stuff him with, or the skills that they want to instill in him. It is clear that teaching a baby to sit is impossible.
    • Later. A situation when they want to instill in a person knowledge and skills that should already be in his arsenal due to physiological, mental and psychological readiness. For example, teaching a child to read after 8 is too late. He, of course, will learn, but the process will be less productive and rational. Another situation is that a child at 10 is definitely too late to learn ballet.
    • Timely. Correspondence of the child’s age and development parameters to the skills and knowledge that they are trying to instill in him.

    For successful learning, you need to clearly understand at what age a child is ready to perceive certain information.

    To the objective majority, the timely variety seems most adequate. It corresponds to age indicators and individual characteristics of a person. However, both the first and second options also have a right to exist. The main thing is to set a goal and not act contrary to the child’s wishes, common sense and physical condition.

    What's the point?

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    Raising children from birth means creating conditions that encourage them to get acquainted with works of musical art and painting, read books to the baby, and play audio fairy tales. It is also the creation of corners filled with objects that develop the child’s senses and motor activity. Active communication with the baby from not only the mother, but also other relatives plays a big role. Conversations with your child are not about how good his mobile phone sounds on the crib and what delicious mashed potatoes he will now eat, but about the fact that it will start to rain and, in general, where this water comes from the sky. Another example is when playing with a child, use sorters and wooden educational toys, complete tasks with him and explain why you need to do it this way and not otherwise: “a circle is round, it cannot be inserted into a slot with straight lines and angles; a wooden bead will not pass through this labyrinth, because here the path is blocked by another bead,” etc.

    So, raising your baby is not only preparation for school or kindergarten, but also the creation of an information environment in which the baby will develop harmoniously and actively, train his memory, attention and imagination, logical thinking, and the ability to analyze and synthesize information. This should not be a focus on raising a child prodigy, but a focus on developing a harmonious personality. This article will help you understand the parenting methods that are most often used by parents independently or in child development groups. Let's analyze their advantages and disadvantages, consider the features of their implementation and what each technique is aimed at.

    Parents should pay attention not only to the physiological needs of the child, but also interact with him intellectually, stimulate interest and curiosity.

    Glenn Doman Method

    Glenna Doman is one of the most famous doctors of the late 20th century, an American physiotherapist who developed a whole theory on raising children. Initially, his technique concerned only children with disorders of the central nervous system, then it was adapted to healthy children. According to Doman, until the age of 6, a person is engaged only in cognition, so it is impossible to force him to truly learn anything. Real learning comes only from school, in which Doman is in tune with the classical European traditions of education.

    The scientist suggests showing cards with different words written on them from 1-4 months of age. This will help the baby learn to read and write in the future as quickly as possible, because the letters will already be imprinted in his memory. For example, show your baby a card with the word “orange”, and the card is large, the letters are quite large. At the same time, pronounce this word clearly and moderately loudly. Repeat this procedure with each word for many days. Gradually, the baby will begin to associate the sound and spelling of the word, and, according to Doman, will remember the spelling and pronunciation. You can also show a real orange with the card. Such visual elaboration of concepts will help the child quickly adapt to the environment. Don't expect him to read War and Peace at age 3. As practice shows, subsequently such children really begin to read and write faster and adapt more actively to external conditions.

    What is the disadvantage of the technique? In its very essence. Few children, especially after one year of age, agree to sit quietly for as long as at least one course of classes requires. Restless, thoughtless children prefer to run, play, and watch cartoons. Three or four cards - and the baby’s attention switches. The Doman technique is often used with the help of professionals, or with calm, slow babies when the child reaches one year of age.

    Doman cards are most suitable for calm children over one year of age or as an auxiliary technique for toddlers

    Monessori technique

    Maria Montessori, a teacher, philosopher and active political figure at the beginning of the last century, turned out to be more far-sighted than Doman. She took into account that children often prefer more active forms of pastime than looking at cards. Montessori suggests setting up several work areas in the room and giving the child freedom of action. He chooses what he wants to do at one time or another. The task of the teacher or parent is to interest the baby, guide his actions and explain how best to use objects. All objects in Montessori rooms must be proportionate to the baby. Small furniture, books and toys that the baby can get from the shelves himself, toy dishes. It happens that even porcelain sets are used, which teach children to be neat and concentrate.

    The Montessori method is based on the belief that each age has its own learning characteristics. So, kids learn about order and discipline by the age of 2.5 years. At 2.5-5 years old they learn to communicate. Sensory skills and speech are best developed before the age of 5-6 years.

    The main advantage of the concept is that it teaches the child not only words, actions and introduces him to the world around him, but also adapts him to society. The Montessori method teaches communication, so most often children are sent to groups from 3 to 6 years old.

    Waldorf system

    The Waldorf concept is aimed primarily at the physical education of the child and instilling creativity. In the first place are active games, dancing, music classes and creativity. Reading, mathematics, improving speech and attention fade into the background. The main rule is that the development of qualities and skills should proceed without advance; the term “premature” does not quite fit it; rather, it is harmonious. Aimed at the harmony of the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual components in the baby’s personality.

    The Waldorf concept is special; it is not even included as elements in the curriculum in regular schools and kindergartens. Typically, Waldorf schools and kindergartens exist on their own, separately. Children do not use toys made from artificial materials. Only wood, clay, and stone are recognized. Children are encouraged to sit in front of the TV and computer to a minimum, take more walks and read books (we recommend reading:). From the first grade in these schools they study foreign languages, actively draw, and engage in sculpture. The Waldorf concept is aimed at nurturing culture in a person.

    The Waldorf method is aimed primarily at the formation of creativity in the child, the development of his aesthetic perception

    Zaitsev system

    The only domestic concept of raising children that has gained popularity throughout the post-Soviet space. An innovative teacher from St. Petersburg wrote a manual, “Zaitsev’s Cubes,” in which he outlined his method of teaching children to read and write. It is aimed primarily at children 3-4 years old.

    Zaitsev developed a whole complex of cards, cubes, tables and funny short songs - the so-called “Zaitsev’s songs”. All this is aimed at mastering literacy in a playful way. During the learning process, children can move from table to table, play with cubes, sing and dance. On the cubes, Zaitsev placed “warehouses” - syllables that the teacher offers the kids to pronounce and visually recognize, instead of teaching them the alphabet. The cubes, depending on the softness or hardness of the syllable, vary in color. Using cubes, you can build words and small phrases after the children have already mastered the syllables well.

    In addition to grammar, Zaitsev also provided for teaching arithmetic. “Hundred Counting” - cards with a picture of a number tape. Zaitsev’s concept is successful in that it allows, as a game, to instill in a child initial knowledge of literacy and mathematics. Little ones are usually happy to participate in the method, which is why Zaitsev’s method is quite popular. It allows us to level out the imperfections of the modern domestic concept of school and preschool education.

    Other techniques

    In addition to the above, there are many methods of education that allow the child to subsequently integrate more smoothly into the educational system and become a harmonious and well-rounded personality. The following proprietary methods are popular:

    • theory of Cecile Lupan (child’s creation of cards and books about himself, focus on emotions and strong spiritual connection with parents, adaptation in society, music);
    • Zheleznov’s concept (active communication between baby and mother, music lessons, massage);
    • Nikitin games (intellectual games);
    • sports and gaming concept by Danilina;
    • Voskobovich games (improving memory, attention, imagination).

    Each of these techniques is interesting in its own way. In their creation, the authors were based on their own pedagogical experience, the heritage of teachers and doctors of past years. Often in practice, elements of different methods are used - for example, children are often taught using games by Nikitin and Voskobovich together.

    Cecile Lupan's technique is designed to form a strong bond between parents and child

    Advantages of systems: opinions of supporters

    Each parent decides for himself how to raise his child - this is what it seems at first glance. Society's opinions and stereotypes influence any person to one degree or another. With regard to early education, this rule applies especially strongly. Usually parents are divided into its ardent supporters and opponents. It's all about a misunderstanding of the situation and excessive fanaticism. There is nothing wrong with developing your children. The main thing is not to go too far.

    Arguments given in defense:

    1. Children who study according to such concepts are usually more developed than others. They begin to read, write and count earlier. They know how to sculpt from plasticine and sing, dance well and know the minimum basics of foreign languages, depending on what system the child uses.
    2. Early childhood development groups accustom the baby to activities from the first months of life and discipline him.

    However, each baby has its own internal age standards - both physical and mental. You will not make a child prodigy if he is not internally ready to become one. Educational methods make it possible to identify inner potential and reveal it. The second statement is true if you don’t go too far and don’t interrupt your classes. Children get used to it very quickly and forget. A standard kindergarten teaches a child discipline and routine much faster and more effectively.

    Cons of systems

    Arguments given against early education concepts:

    • premature development harms the health of the baby;
    • the concepts of premature development do not allow a child to spend his childhood years carefree (we recommend reading:);
    • techniques require a lot of time, money and effort.

    The first statement is completely wrong, because it is quite difficult to harm a baby. If it becomes difficult for him to perceive information and he feels unwell, he will immediately begin to be capricious, try to leave, or throw a tantrum.

    The second statement is true if the child is taken to many clubs and groups that overload the child. If the process takes place in a playful way, the child enjoys it, then this not only does not harm the child’s carefree childhood, but makes it more rich and interesting.

    It’s hard to argue with the third - any method requires financial expenses from parents if you take your child to groups, or time if you work with the child yourself. It requires the purchase of didactic materials, study of the methodology itself, and practice.

    Early development systems will be useful for your children if you are not too fanatical about them. Remember that the main thing for the harmonious development of the baby is your love and attention. Do not try to replace yourself with a professional teacher. None of the methods can replace a child’s mother’s love. The early development of your child is not an attempt to cultivate the basic positive qualities of the baby at home in an artificial way. This is natural attention and love, a desire to instill respect for work and study, coming from the heart.

    The choice is yours!

    Only parents should choose methods for the early development of your child, focusing on the child’s individual characteristics, personal inclinations, capabilities and aspirations. The early development of your child is a responsible matter for many years; you should not approach it carelessly, but you should not get carried away fanatically either.

    The most joyful and important event for all parents is the first birthday of their baby. All year they watched with excitement and interest the development of their child.

    And now the moment has come when you can take stock of what your baby can do at 1 year old and find out which modern ones can be used in the future for his comprehensive development.

    Features of the physical and intellectual development of a child at 1 year old

    one year old the child does not sit on one place. He is constantly on the move, exploring the world around him and improving his own physical skills. Some babies at 1 year old take their first steps or actively crawling, learning new things. In addition, a 1 year old baby will happily performs the following actions:

    • manipulates objects;
    • stacks various objects, throws or knocks them, as well as pushes or drags them;
    • climbs up small steps or other heights (chair, sofa, chair);
    • throws and catches a large ball;
    • shows interest in various small objects.
    • opens door handles, screws caps and performs other actions using fingers.

    one year old the baby is curious and high cognitive activity. He strives to experiment with all objects that are near him. In addition, the baby is interested in all moving mechanisms and objects. Child at this age performs following actions:

    • combines some objects with others: builds towers from cubes, assembles a picture cut into three parts, or plays with insert toys;
    • compares similar objects with each other;
    • recognizes familiar objects by pointing with a finger at pictures in books or objects;
    • enjoys playing with water and loves playing with sand;
    • draws the first scribbles on paper;
    • understands the meaning of many words, including the word “impossible”;
    • performs given actions: feeds a favorite toy, looks for a hidden object, or throws a ball;
    • During the game, he begins to imitate the actions of adults.

    In addition, a 1-year-old child has active development of speech skills. He likes it when adults read colorful books or sing songs with him.

    A one-year-old baby develops a desire for independence.

    It is important to support him at the moment, even if some actions take a long time. must devote in this period maximum time to your child: play with him, read books, draw, build and develop his creative potential in every possible way.

    Tasks for the early development of a child at 1 year of age

    Many parents do not know what priority early development goals to set for their one-year-old baby and what teaching material to use. Teachers recommend first of all for the baby develop speech skills and enrich his vocabulary. In addition, other goals for the early development of a one-year-old child are noted:

    1. Development at the baby's fine motor skills and movement coordination.

    All toys and activities aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands promote active speech development at the baby's. For this purpose, finger games, sensory toys, insert toys, logic cube, large puzzles and other teaching material. With systematic sensory development, by the end of the second year the child will be able to:

    • assemble a pyramid;
    • sort objects based on their size and shape;
    • relate geometric shapes to holes or patterns.
    1. Development at the baby's logic, thinking, intellectual abilities.

    Parents are advised play with baby into games by . For classes, you can use natural materials, large buttons, pieces of fabric, sand, water, cereals, etc. Children especially like to play at this age. with laces, geometric shapes, and also string colorful beads or buttons. If systematically engage with the baby in this direction, by the end of the year baby will be able to:

    • distinguish four colors: red, blue, green and yellow;
    • sort different items by color;
    • sort objects by size and shape.
    1. Development the child is creative potential.

    Creative activities help with the baby development of intelligence, memory, attention, thinking, and also form speech skills and teach the rules of joint play. For classes you can use wax crayons, finger paints, salt dough, colored paper, musical toys and books.

    Kids who regularly are engaged various creative activities, by the end of the second year already know how:

    • make simple crafts with the help of adults;
    • create simple applications from ready-made parts;
    • draw with paints using a brush or pencils.

    In addition, the baby receives maximum positive emotions joint creative activities with adults.

    1. Development a 1 year old child has skills design and modeling.

    The design and modeling process is fun and educational. The baby is active logic, perseverance, attention, imagination develops and creative thinking. By constructing, the child learns to put together small parts of various shapes and sizes. As a result, dexterity and fine motor skills of the hands develop and coordination of movements improves. Besides that, baby learns to bring the process to its logical result, acting purposefully.

    A child can play with ordinary cubes, a multi-colored construction set, or a themed construction set, assembling entire cities or streets.

    With constant practice, the baby will learn:

    • build various buildings and play with them;
    • distinguish geometric shapes and colors;
    • remember images of various shapes.

    It should be noted that every baby develops their at an individual pace. Parents should not be upset if the baby fails in any activity. Be patient and keep practicing. Over time, the child will definitely achieve positive results and delight you with new successes.

    Methods of early child development at 1 year old, reviews

    Today, there are a huge number of early child development methods that help the baby reveal his intellectual and creative potential. Let's consider the most relevant of them for a child aged 1 year:

    Makoto Shichida technique

    This unique technique popular not only in Japan, but also in other countries. According to the author of the methodology, everything babies are born geniuses, and only a close connection with their parents will help them actively develop. To do this, it is important to systematize all the necessary information and repeat it to the child consistently. The basis is special flash cards, which represent a variety of images. You can show these cards to your baby from the age of three months, training his photographic memory and developing the right hemisphere of the brain. Wherein classes must be implemented daily and several times a day. It is important for parents to strive to reduce the image display interval to one second.

    This technique has positive reviews from teachers and parents.

    The main problem is acquiring didactic material for classes. It is worth noting that You can make your own cards Houses. To do this, you should select thematic images and stick them on cardboard.

    Methodology of V. Voskobovich

    This technique was especially popular in the 90s and was used in 90% of preschool institutions. You can start practicing according to V. Voskobovich’s method from an early age. The basis of the methodology is specially designed multifunctional didactic material, which promotes the development of mathematical abilities, logic, imagination, as well as the acquisition of reading and design skills. In addition, in classes using the author’s methodology, children find themselves in a fairy-tale Forest and help its magical inhabitants perform various creative tasks. Most of all, kids love to play with the following materials:

    1. Geocont. It is a board with nails and colored rubber bands. A variety of activities using this material help kids develop creative design skills. One-year-old babies can invent a variety of geometric shapes, helping fairy-tale characters.
    2. Voskobovich square. This material is associated with a square base on which triangles are located. Moreover, on one side it is painted red, and on the other - green. Games with the Voskobovich square promote the development of imagination and logical thinking. A 1-year-old child can put it together into interesting shapes or find shapes hidden in a geometric house.
    3. Ship Splash-Splash. It is a multi-deck boat that develops the mathematical potential of a one-year-old child. The baby can perform many exciting tasks: arrange the decks according to the colors of the rainbow in a diagonal or horizontal direction, place flags by size or color, etc.

    According to parents, it has one drawback - didactic material is difficult to make on your own, and purchasing it is expensive.

    Gmoshinskaya's technique

    The technique was founded by Candidate of Medical Sciences M.V. Gmoszynski and suggests development of creative abilities the kids already from six months. For this purpose, finger painting classes are held. The baby can create his own masterpieces with his fingertips or his entire palm.

    Classes using this method can be carried out at home.

    To do this you should prepare finger paints, large sheet of paper and old clothes. The drawing process begins with smearing paint on paper with your fingers or squeezing paint in your fist. Further, the creative process will gradually become more complicated. It is recommended to conduct classes using this method systematically, without a break during the summer.

    Methodology “School of the Seven Dwarfs”

    This technique was developed for homeschooling children from birth to seven years and is a series of specially compiled developmental manuals. Each manual has a page for parents, which describes in detail instructions on how to conduct classes with a child at a given age. In manuals competently selected illustrations and interesting tasks were compiled that take into account the developmental characteristics of children at a certain age period. In addition, the pages in the manuals are removable, so they can be hung around the room so that the child can repeat previously studied material. Classes with a child using this method should be carried out systematically, starting from 5 minutes a day and gradually increasing the interval.

    Methodology “Good Tales”

    A unique technique was developed by A. Lopatina and M. Skrebtsova and represents a collection of fascinating poems, fairy tales and stories, which teach kids kindness, form spirituality and develop a sense of empathy. designed for joint activities between parents and children. Class structure according to this method is as follows:

    • parents talk with the child about the upcoming topic of the lesson;
    • read a fairy tale or poem to the child on the topic of the lesson;
    • discuss the material read with the child;
    • carry out developmental tasks.

    This technique is effective develops speech skills, creativity, perseverance, memory and attention.

    Thus, parents can choose many interesting methods for the early development of their baby.

    The most important thing is that the learning process is a fun and relaxed game, and that you patiently support your beloved child in all endeavors!

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    Comments (8)

      I like toys that are multifunctional, safe and educational, so I gave preference to one of the best brands. For example, the Chicco “Animal House” sorter is not only all the components in one convenient storage unit in the form of a house, but also a very multifunctional toy; this model offers several types of sorter. The sorter is very bright, all its components (figures, keys) are presented in rich bright colors, and have a streamlined shape without pointed corners, which is very safe! One sorter is on top of the roof, where you can study the figures, and the other sorter on the doors of the house will introduce you to the animal world. Well, the keys cause special delight. Each key has its own shape and color scheme in order to determine which door needs to be opened. Due to the convenient handle, it can be easily carried.

      I also think that every boy, as well as girls who are not indifferent to cars, should have a car like the “Billy Big Wheels” Chicco. It will serve as a faithful friend, because I have never seen a stronger, more reliable and impact-resistant machine. Despite her characteristics, Billy is very positive; those sweet, kind eyes and wide smile beckon her to play. Controlling Billy with the steering wheel allows even a 2-year-old child to feel like a real professional in driving. Everything is here for safety, the steering wheel is round as expected and NO AERIALS! The car is very maneuverable, on the steering wheel there are control buttons forward-backward, left-right, and a horn in the middle. Do you think that's it? Nooo, Billy also makes realistic engine sounds when starting to move, sound effects when the car is backed up accompanied by the illumination of red brake lights, and the bright glow of the headlights themselves. Obstacles are not scary for an SUV, just look at those massive, reliable wheels, so the driving surface can be different and even contain obstacles. In general, there is an opportunity to admire the machine and make your child happy))

      Well, I recommend the Chicco “Talking Farm” toy to everyone who wants to give a gift and not make a mistake with the choice. Because my kids are simply delighted with such an entertaining, versatile toy. Moreover, his little son is now already 3 years old, but he still spends time with interest with her (at the time of the gift he was 1.9), and his little sister is six months old, but she is also already happy to press the buttons that are within her reach. The toy has proven to be long-lasting and versatile for active development. Very high quality, easy to carry, with thoughtful design down to the details. A kind of educational gaming center where you can play and learn in a relaxed playful way at the same time. And also expand your knowledge in both Russian and English. Thanks to this toy, we became acquainted with the animal world and learned to count. And to make learning and games more fun, there are also musical time-outs.


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      The best toy for developing accuracy, speed and agility is the chicco Rugby game center. The toy perfectly develops coordination and accuracy. The child will also be able to run around and have fun at home. The set includes a goal, ball with stand and instructions. The toy is designed for children from 1.5 to 5 years old. There are 3 variants of the game in rugby. Each option is designed for a specific age of the child.

      Option 1 - building a tower (from 1.5 years old). From large plastic blocks you can build a tower 80 cm high. Each block is numbered (from 1 to 6). Therefore, in addition to construction, you can study numbers and colors.

      Option 2 - rugby goal (from 2 years old). To do this, collect the goal and score the ball. When the ball flies over the goal bar, the scoring sensor is triggered, the star on the bar lights up and a melody sounds.

      Option 3 - obstacle course (from 3 years old). We use blocks to create an obstacle course in front of the gate. And then the child runs with the ball in his hands, overcoming all obstacles, and already scores a goal at the goal.

      The gate also has 2 game modes. Modes are switched using a toggle switch.

      Mode 1 - training. After the child hits the ball, 1 star will light up and a sound effect will be heard. After the 2nd goal, there will be a 2nd star, and after the 3rd goal, the stars will start flashing and a cheerful melody will sound.

      Mode 2 - match. In this mode, after each goal is scored, all the stars flash and a cheerful melody sounds every time.

      To count points if you are playing with two players, there are special point counters on the bar (from 1 to 3). In order to change the count, you simply need to rotate the cylinder in a certain direction.

      Electronic toy. Operates on batteries (AA type 3 pcs.). Batteries are not included.

      Also, to save battery power, a standby mode is provided. If the child does not play rugby within 4 minutes, the gate goes into sleep mode. In order to continue the game, you need to turn the gate off and on again.

      All parts of the rugby are made of plastic and have no sharp corners. The ball is also plastic and very light.

      My son enjoys playing rugby. Sometimes I join the game)))


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      The center consists of a soccer goal and a ball.

      The ball is black and white, soft, lightweight, made of fabric, and can be washed in a washing machine.

      The goals are bright, white and orange, with glowing stars, made of very high quality plastic, with multi-colored scores (to count points), with a bright large button for turning on the music, and a cheerful hippopotamus football player is drawn on the net. There is a motion sensor on the goal that is responsible for when the ball hits the goal. If you hit the goal accurately with the ball, you will hear cheerful, encouraging music! There are a lot of melodies and they are so invigorating. The sound is clear and very pleasant!

      When my son doesn’t play for a while, the goal reminds him that it’s time to throw the ball - the referee’s whistle will sound or the fans will chant encouragement. And then, if you still haven’t started the game, sleep mode turns on. And the gates are simply waiting for the young football player to start the match.

      There are two buttons on the back of the gate. The first is the on-off button. I recommend using it if you don't play for a while to save batteries. The second button is for switching the game mode. The gate has three modes. You can play according to the rules - together, recording points, or you can simply throw the ball and listen to music when it hits. My son prefers the second method - just throw the ball and jump for joy if it hits the goal!

      The batteries are securely hidden in a compartment that is closed with a bolt. The child will not open it himself and will not remove the batteries - this is very good, for safety reasons.

      This toy is one of our favorites. She is very cool and modern! The Chicco Goal League gaming center can be played both at home and on the street!


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      Now I’ll tell you about our favorite toy. Chicco Billy big wheels! We have two of these Billys - red and yellow! Billy is really handsome - red (or bright yellow), bright, the wheels are really very large and he easily overcomes various obstacles, a real SUV! To start the journey with Billy, you need to turn it on - the on-off buttons are located both on the machine below and on the remote control. This is very good, if the baby is not playing, then we turn off both buttons and thus save batteries. As soon as both buttons are turned on, you can go. On the control panel, which is made in the form of a steering wheel, there are buttons - forward, backward, and a horn! There are no antennas on the steering wheel (which always break, stick out and try to hit someone). We really love cars with this type of control - they are safe! When moving forward, Billy's headlights are on (you can play in the dark, they will show the way like two cat's eyes), when moving backward, Billy makes a beeping sound - get out of the way, be careful, and when you press the signal we hear a very clear and ringing beep ! How to drive - it’s very simple, turn the steering wheel like a real car, and Billy will go around, crash or turn - it all depends on your skill! Billy is always cheerful - he has eyes drawn on his windshield and a very cute smile on his front bumper! The machine runs on batteries (they must be inserted into the steering wheel and into the machine itself). All compartments are carefully closed with bolts (as with all toys from this company) so that children cannot get to the batteries on their own. So if you are looking for a chic, high-quality and very interesting toy for your baby, Billy will please you very much!

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      The best educational toy is a construction set! Construction set is my son's favorite game. It perfectly develops fine motor skills and imagination of the child. At first we had a cheap construction set, but it didn’t quite suit us. Later we got this new one from Chicco. The difference is obvious. This constructor is safe. It has no sharp edges or chemical smell. The set includes 40 blocks of various shapes, sizes and colors. The blocks are large and a child will not swallow them. With the help of this construction set, you and your child can build 5 vehicles in turn - a car, a steam locomotive, a helicopter and 2 types of airplane. The cars turn out to be large and you can play with them. The locomotive and the car have wheels and can be rolled on the floor. And after you build the locomotive, you can bring it to life. This can be done using a special application installed on your smartphone. You can revive a steam locomotive and a helicopter. After the figure comes to life, you will be able to see on your phone screen a winking train or a little man waving his hand from a helicopter cockpit. It turns out to be an interesting and fun activity. I recommend this designer.


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      It’s a pity that there is no information here about the methods of the P.V. system. Tyuleneva “The WORLD of a child”. I learned about this technique by accident from the Internet. Intended for children from birth.

      Due to our age (we are 2 months old), we started studying this system at the right time.

      How surprised I was when my girl, after a week of classes, began to show the letters correctly. And when I pronounce sounds to her, she tries to repeat everything after me with her lips.

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      We gave our daughter the Little Star piano when she turned two years old. Now she is already 4.5, and this Chicco toy is still relevant for her. The sound of the keys is quiet and pleasant. The piano develops a child’s hearing, instills a love of music, teaches him to distinguish instruments from each other, and light effects also attract the children’s attention. There is an orchestra mode in which you can turn on or off additional instruments. A great toy for kids who are interested in music!

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      My children have been playing bowling for the second year now, and we have come up with all kinds of games with it: they taught numbers, colors, used it as hiding places, boxing gloves, took it with them for a walk in the winter and used it as molds for snow, built towers and, of course, learned to bowl! The set is very durable, bright, convenient and multifunctional!

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    We continue the series of articles dedicated to early childhood development. Last time we talked about what tasks parents face, what toys and materials are needed. Today we’ll talk about the early development of children 1-2 years old.

    The primary task of a child’s early development at 1-2 years is the development of speech and expansion of the child’s vocabulary.

    Montessori games; games and exercises for the development of sensory skills, fine motor skills and coordination; artistic creativity; design and modeling – basic tools for the early development of a child at 1-2 years old.

    The main tasks of early child development at 1-2 years old

    1. Development of sensory, fine motor skills and coordination of movements of a child at 1-2 years old

    The most important skill of the second year of life is speech. It is important for a child not only to hear other people’s speech and try to imitate them, but also to develop fine motor skills. After all, as we continue to develop our fingers, we develop the baby’s speech. Therefore, finger games and toys that require precise and “small” movements, toys with rich sensory sensations remain relevant even after a year.

    With proper sensory development, by the end of 2 years the child can:

    • assemble a pyramid (string 4-5 rings on a rod in the correct order);
    • sort items by shape and size (for example, select lids for different boxes, caskets, jars, etc.);
    • match shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle) with patterns or holes in sorter toys.

    We continue to use toys recommended for children aged 6-12 months ( pyramids, cups for inserting, boxes with lids, etc.) + sorter toys + logic cube + animals on magnets + simple puzzles and cubes for folding pictures (2-4 elements) + labyrinths.

    2. Development of mental abilities, logic, thinking of a child at 1-2 years old

    To develop the mental abilities of children from 1 year old, it is recommended to continue to play Montessori games with water, cereals, pebbles, buttons, fabrics, natural materials, etc. with your child.

    With regular use of Montessori games, by the end of 2 years the child can:

    • confidently distinguish the four primary colors (red, blue, yellow, green), sort objects by color;
    • distinguish and sort objects by size (large - small) and shape (cube, ball, etc.).

    Required toys and materials: samples of different materials, beads for stringing, multi-colored balls, a set of geometric shapes, games with lacing.

    3. Aesthetic education of a child aged 1-2 years

    Creative activities contribute not only to aesthetic education, broadening a child’s horizons, and mental development, but also help his sensory development, speech formation, and teach playing skills. Therefore, the sooner your child makes friends with different types of creativity, the stronger their influence on the overall development of the baby will be.

    With purposeful creativity, by the end of 2 years the child:

    • can consciously use simple materials for drawing (paints and brushes, pencils) and modeling (salt dough, plasticine);
    • distinguishes pencil drawings from drawings drawn with paints;
    • knows basic modeling techniques, can create with the help of adults;
    • makes simple applications from ready-made elements;
    • plays simple musical instruments;
    • can engage in joint creativity with adults.

    Required toys and materials: finger paints, watercolors, gouache, brushes, colored pencils, wax crayons, colored paper (+ velvet paper, corrugated paper, cardboard, etc.), salt dough, plasticine, metallophone (+ bells, pipe, harmonica, etc. .), music books and toys.

    4. Construction and modeling for children 1-2 years old

    Construction is one of children's favorite activities - not only exciting, but also useful. Construction develops creative thinking and imagination, because when a child builds, he first comes up with a certain image of what should happen. By constructing, the baby learns to handle construction kit parts of different shapes and sizes, thanks to this they develop dexterity, coordination of movements, and fine motor skills of the hand. And by bringing the process of design and modeling to fruition, the baby learns to act purposefully.

    With systematic design and modeling activities, by the end of 2 years the child:

    • understands that construction parts differ in shape, color, size, purpose (roof, wall, etc.);
    • remembers and confidently distinguishes images of various shapes (cube, brick, cylinder, etc.);
    • constructs various buildings and plays with them (builds bridges, houses, towers, city streets, etc.).

    Required toys and materials: multi-colored cubes, a simple construction set, a themed construction set + figures for simple role-playing games (for example, a “City” construction set + cars, trees, pets, people, etc.).

    In addition, children aged 1-2 years need a sports complex (rope, swing, rings, wall bars, etc.), sports equipment (balls of different sizes, jump rope, bicycle, etc.), toys for the sandbox, animal figurines, dolls, sets of children's furniture and utensils, toy food, cars, toy telephone, toy books, children's backpack, etc.

    The topic of the next article in the " " section is: "Early development of children: 2-3 years old." To avoid missing out, we recommend subscribe to announcement of articles site.

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