• The child often falls head first. Doctor Komarovsky about what to do if a child hits his head. What to do if a child often falls: rules for parents to prevent injuries


    It is almost impossible to find a child who does not fall. As soon as the baby begins to try to walk, his body, although not completely, is still covered with bruises, abrasions, scratches... Nature has taken care of the child’s body and provided maximum protection for the head from injury. Most falls do not cause significant harm to the fidget's health. But there are injuries that are life-threatening for the baby and have serious consequences.

    Why do children hit their heads most often?

    Pediatricians state that it is the head that leads in the number of injuries received. Parents react more calmly when their baby injures an arm or leg. But most of the bruises are to the head.

    These statistics have their own explanations. Thus, in children under 5 years of age, the head is relatively heavy and large in size compared to other parts of the body. This physiological feature of young children affects the coordination of their movements. Just a slight push is enough for the baby to lose his balance and fall head first.

    Physiological features of the child's brain

    A child's head has a slightly different structure than an adult's. The baby's skull bones are soft and flexible. This means that it is difficult to break the skull in a collision with a hard surface. During an impact, the elastic bones move and return to their original position.

    Another important feature of the child's brain is its immaturity and high content of cerebrospinal fluid. A child's head can withstand impacts much more easily.

    Doctors rarely diagnose a traumatic brain injury or when a child falls and hits their head. Komarovsky talks a lot about injuries and teaches parents to recognize dangerous symptoms. A well-known pediatrician gives valuable recommendations and tells how to properly provide first aid for various head injuries.

    Examination of the child

    If a child falls and hits his head, Komarovsky advises not to panic and monitor the baby over the next 24 hours. Parents should provide their child with peace and not allow active play. If the little one does not complain about anything during the first hours after the fall and feels well, there is no reason to worry and see a doctor.

    The baby's reaction to the blow he receives speaks volumes. With complex head injuries that involve bleeding or a concussion, the child may suddenly become unwell or behave differently than usual. If after a fall the baby stands up calmly and smiles, damage to the head and internal organs is unlikely.

    In any case, if a child falls and hits his head, Komarovsky recommends identifying the presence of dangerous symptoms. All parents should know them in order to consult a doctor in time and prevent the development of complications and pathologies.

    Alarming symptoms

    Doctors identify a number of serious signs that may appear if a child falls and hits his head. Komarovsky compiled a list of the following symptoms:

    1. Impaired consciousness of any intensity and duration.
    2. Inappropriate behavior.
    3. Speech impairment.
    4. Increased sleepiness.
    5. Severe headaches that appeared in the first hours after the fall and persisted for a long period of time.
    6. Cramps.
    7. Repeated bouts of vomiting.
    8. Balance imbalance.
    9. Dizziness.
    10. Different pupil sizes.
    11. Weakness of the arms and legs, inability to move them.
    12. Dark circles under the eyes.
    13. Bleeding or streaky fluid or discharge from the nose.
    14. Sensory organ disorders.

    These symptoms can occur in children of different ages. The presence of at least one indicates the need to immediately seek medical help.

    Falling off the couch

    Young parents often underestimate the capabilities of their baby. They allow themselves to leave the baby on the sofa unattended. Already from 4 months the child is actively moving and trying to roll over. At the same time, the baby gradually begins to crawl. At this age, the baby needs an eye and an eye if the parents want to protect the child from injuries and bruises.

    Probably in every family there was a case where, at the age of, say, 6 months, he hit his head. Komarovsky believes that such an event is almost inevitable. All children under 1 year of age often fall out of bed. Kids cannot yet assess the danger of their actions and in a split second they roll to the floor. Even a very attentive mother may not notice the fidgety baby, turning away for the bottle.

    In children of the first year of life, the brain and central nervous system are actively developing, and the bones of the skull are not yet strong enough and are not tightly connected. This increases the risk of injury from a fall that results in traumatic brain injury. Therefore, it is important to prevent yourself from falling and hitting your head. Komarovsky warns of dire consequences. The baby can get a concussion and even an open head injury.

    What to do if your baby falls off the couch

    If a child falls off the sofa and hits his head, Komarovsky recommends immediately taking the baby in your arms to calm him down. According to the doctor, in most cases there is no cause for concern. The height of the sofas is about 50 cm or even less. A fall from such a height cannot significantly damage the brain. Usually a child can only get scared and therefore cry.

    As soon as the baby has calmed down, you should examine him for abrasions, bumps and wounds on the head. It is important to observe his reactions and behavior.

    If a child falls off the sofa and hits his head, Komarovsky recommends, of course, if there are suspicious signs, immediately consult a doctor. What are these signs?

    Symptoms of serious injury to infants

    The following symptoms indicate that the baby has suffered a dangerous injury:

    1. Loss of consciousness for a short or long time immediately after a fall or after some time.
    2. Formation of edema at the site of the impact, which rapidly increases.
    3. Presence of bloody discharge from the nose and ears.
    4. Abnormal behavior of the baby, which may indicate headaches.
    5. Vomit.
    6. Constant crying.
    7. Impaired coordination of movements.

    A well-known doctor who described in detail the manifestations when a child fell and hit his head is Komarovsky. The dangerous consequences of such a blow if untimely medical intervention threatens the health of the baby.

    Treatment tactics for TBI in infants

    At the slightest suspicion of a traumatic brain injury, the infant should be hospitalized in a hospital for examination by neurosurgeons and neuropathologists. To confirm the diagnosis, the following tests and studies are performed:

    1. Ultrasound of the brain.
    2. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.
    3. Electroencephalogram.

    Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the baby is prescribed appropriate medications, physiotherapy and a special regime. Correctly formulated therapy helps to heal the injury with minimal consequences.

    First aid before doctors arrive

    The most common question that all young parents ask is: “What should I do? The child fell and hit his head.” Komarovsky recommends examining the baby and performing the following steps:

    1. If there is a minor bruise, it is enough to apply ice or a cold object to the swelling area. This will reduce swelling.
    2. Regardless of the force of the blow, the baby must be kept at rest. If the injury is severe, it is important to keep the child awake until the ambulance arrives. Following this recommendation will also help you avoid missing other symptoms.
    3. Place the child on the bed in such a position that the spine and head are at the same level.
    4. If there is vomiting, the baby should be placed on his side so that the secretions can easily drain and do not interfere with the victim’s ability to breathe normally.

    These are basic recommendations that will help you navigate the situation and tell you what to do if your child falls and hits his head. Komarovsky, as a pediatrician, prohibits taking other actions. During the examination, the doctor will be able to determine the severity of the blow and conclude whether hospitalization is necessary.

    Possible consequences

    The most common and easiest injury is soft tissue bruise. In this case, the brain is not damaged. After a blow, a lump or abrasion may form on the scalp.

    With a traumatic brain injury, the consequences can be different. In mild cases, the child makes a full recovery. If the injury is severe, important brain functions may be impaired.

    With severe brain damage, the prognosis for the development of disorders is unpredictable. The completeness of recovery depends on the treatment tactics, the medications used, compliance with the doctor’s recommendations, the severity of the injury, the gender and age of the baby, and the state of his health.

    One of the most famous pediatricians who urges parents to respond quickly when a child falls and hits his head is Komarovsky. The consequences of this type of injury can be life-threatening. Timely provision of medical care helps prevent complications.

    How to protect your child from falling

    If at 3 months a child falls and hits his head, Komarovsky blames the parents in this case. Many injuries could be avoided if the baby was kept completely safe. Most often, infants fall from changing tables. Therefore, it is better to swaddle the baby and carry out hygiene procedures on the sofa or use a table with high sides. In this case, one of the adults must be near the child.

    In addition, you can lay a carpet near the surface on which the baby will lie. It will soften a possible fall. Some parents even put pillows or blankets on the floor.

    1. Do not leave your baby alone on or on the sofa. If there is a need to leave the room for a few seconds, it is better to put the child in his crib or stroller.
    2. When near the baby, you should hold him with your hand. Often babies fall to the floor in the presence of their mother.
    3. Try not to leave your baby alone in the room for a long time. A six-month-old child may already be trying to sit up and try to get out of the crib.

    Increased attention from parents is also required during walks. A small and curious fidget can easily fall out of the cradle. The baby's desire to sit is a signal that it is time to transfer him to a stroller. Seat belts allow you to securely secure an active child and thus protect him from falling to the ground.

    Special modern devices can protect your baby from head injuries when moving around the apartment - covers for sharp corners, rubberized mats. It is very important that your baby's house shoes have non-slip soles. For children under one year of age, socks with “brakes” are available that reduce slipping.

    If the baby fell from the swing

    Another dangerous place where small children are often injured is the playground. There are a lot of children gathering on the slide, who can not only fall themselves, but also push each other. Even in kindergarten, it happens that a child falls from a swing and hits his head. Komarovsky considers playgrounds to be a place of increased danger that requires constant supervision of children.

    To prevent serious injuries, pediatricians advise parents of preschoolers to always stay close to the child on the playground and support the child with their hands when he climbs high structures. When a child has already learned to ride independently, one of the adults should still watch him and stay at a distance of several meters. This way you will be able to quickly react to the baby’s desire to make a dangerous movement, the results of which can be disastrous.

    Falls on playgrounds are more dangerous. All swings and slides are made of metal, which has an increased risk of injury. And if you take into account the concrete surface of the site, then you should not be surprised by the fact that the risk of seriously injuring your head is quite high.

    : Reading time:

    A psychologist talks about childhood trauma - why a child often falls and gets injured.

    Parents explain the child’s frequent injuries by his frivolity, carelessness, or even “damage” or “evil eye.” I do not take medical problems in which high traumatism is associated with illness, musculoskeletal disorders, bone fragility, but consider cases where a child with average or good health regularly receives injuries:

    • cuts
    • dislocations
    • fractures and cracks
    • bruises
    • concussion
    • severe injuries

    One day in the park I watched a teenager on a bicycle. He skated himself and carefully taught his younger friend. During the next trick, he accelerated strongly, flew over the steps, but landed unsuccessfully - with all his weight on one leg.

    I approached and asked how he was feeling, to which the teenager nonchalantly reported that his leg had cracked when he landed. I looked and my ankle was rapidly swelling. The boy told me not to worry, this was not the first time he had broken his leg on a bicycle, and he hobbled to the bench on his own.

    Then his mother’s cry was heard in the distance. He called her and told her about the injury over the phone, so as not to meet her halfway and wait on the bench. A few moments later I saw a woman, she waved from afar to her son to follow her, and quickly disappeared.

    The boy got up, took the bike and jumped after him, trying to catch up with his mother.

    The boy told me not to worry, this was not the first time he had broken his leg on a bicycle, and he hobbled to the bench on his own.

    Of course, there is no great harm in the injury itself. It is the indifferent reaction of the boy and mother that causes concern. This could open the door to extreme or overly heroic behavior in the future.

    So why does a child fall often? Let's take a closer look at the reasons behind this.

    Features of physiological and neuropsychological development

    In preschool and primary school age, frequent injuries often occur for physiological and neuropsychological reasons. It can be:

    • clumsiness, clumsiness
    • poor coordination - lack of coordination of movements, unnatural gait
    • insufficient sensitivity to pain (can roll head over heels down the stairs and say that everything is fine), changes in temperature (does not feel cold, although his hands are already blue)
    • difficulties in visually assessing height, depth, distance (watch how a child catches and throws a ball)
    • lack of attention
    • motor disinhibition
    • inability to predict the consequences of one's actions
    • the desire to get what you want prevails over reason and a sense of self-preservation

    Behind these signs are features of physical development and brain development - connections between neurons are formed chaotically or insufficiently. Classes to develop sensory integration, cerebellar stimulation, and neurocorrection will help. They may have different names, but they do similar things - they establish connections between different parts of the brain. In each case, a neuropsychologist conducts complex diagnostics and, based on its results, selects corrective exercises and games.

    In addition to working with a neuropsychologist, you can work with your child independently or in tandem with a neurologist and educational psychologist. Sports activities are shown. This could be exercise therapy (physical therapy), running, swimming, some types of martial arts, dancing or juggling. These exercises develop and correct neural connections.

    The child needs support and patience from an adult, because his skill will take longer to develop than other children.

    Bodily memory of trauma

    The body remembers experiences, including traumatic ones. If you twist your leg once, in similar situations it can happen again and again.

    Trauma memory occurs at a conscious age - from 10-11 years - and is associated with the development of voluntary behavior and reflection. What to do if a child often falls and gets injured in the same situation - while riding a bike, playing or playing sports, or maybe just while walking?

    It is based on psychological and functional factors: self-doubt and incorrect movement. The wrong movement that led to injury is easily reinforced because it is emotionally intense. Expectation of a repeated mistake, uncertainty, tension lead to this very mistake.

    In the story with the teenager on the bike, there is a high probability of this exact incident - this is not the first time he has broken his leg when trying to do a trick.

    A habitual injury can occur without tricks (the child constantly twists his leg when walking). The problem disappears as self-confidence increases. Acquiring independence and personal support, success in life changes the gait, making it more elastic and strong.

    Muscles that are constantly injured can be strengthened with exercise. You can do this on your own, but it’s better to take a few lessons with a trainer who will correct mistakes step by step and tell you how to move correctly. This is especially true for sports and near-sports activities: parkour, ice skating, bicycle stunts.

    The psychologist will help you cope with fear and uncertainty, with the “vague feeling” of injury, and will help you complete the “gestalt”: complete the action that you wanted to perform at the time of the first experience of injury.

    Secondary benefit

    Here, as with some illnesses in childhood, we are looking for what the benefit is: freeing ourselves from school and reducing the level of stress, skipping the next test, getting the attention of family and friends, feeling like a “hero,” reconciling mom and dad.

    A calm attitude towards injury, moderate attention, maintaining responsibilities and workload levels will help stop the vicious circle. A calm attitude does not mean indifference to the event. You just need to encourage this behavior in your child less with phrases like “you are a hero.” Irritation and criticism in some cases also act as encouragement.

    Please note that the load may indeed be high. If a child complains about the number of classes and walks around with a dull look, reduce the load - for him this is clearly too much. Frequent injuries in an athlete who is actively preparing for competitions signal overwork and exhaustion - the coach gives him a break.

    Intense negative feelings: rage, anger, irritability

    Also, the most common causes of injuries in children are rage, anger and irritability. “In anger, hit the table with his fist,” “kicked the wall in irritation,” “broke glass in rage” - these situations indicate the inability or impossibility of expressing strong negative feelings to others way. Sometimes only bodily pain or destruction can stop an attack of impotent rage.

    In this case, do not forbid the child to be angry or angry, forget the phrases: “come on, stop the hysteria”, “just try to slam the door again” - this will only increase the destructive power of emotions. Do not use sarcasm and ridicule: “come on, break everything here,” “show what a strong man you are.”

    Often, recognizing the right to a feeling or emotion is enough to reduce its strength and intensity. After the child opens up, help solve the problem: analyze the situation, how you can respond to the offender; acknowledge your responsibility in the conflict if the anger is about you.

    When the emotional state is visible, the problem is obvious and understandable. In this case, we say that a person needs to learn to control emotions.

    Anger does not always lie on the surface. When a child considers anger unacceptable, he controls and restrains it. However, this is too strong and necessary an emotion to be suppressed so easily. Suppressed anger is more likely to lead to self-aggression and injury than externally expressed anger. Help your child become aware of feelings and express them: “I see that you are trying to hide your anger,” “It seems to me that you consider anger to be too bad a feeling to show.”

    Self-punishment and guilt

    Children feel guilty for misdeeds that go unpunished. If a child often falls and hits his head, this sometimes acts as self-punishment. This doesn't happen on purpose. Rather, the child (or even an adult) worries so much that he becomes inattentive, plus the feeling of shame makes the body clumsy and awkward.

    The guilt may be obvious - the child started the fire. Such events leave a deep imprint on the soul, and punishment helps to cope with guilt. Sometimes you need to talk to the child about why there is no punishment (what happened may only look significant in the eyes of the child).

    Sometimes a child has a secret (for example, he lied and considers lying unacceptable). If the child is too categorical and sharply brushes you off in every conversation - “I told you everything is fine, leave me alone!” - let a person talk to him whom he is not afraid of, whom he trusts, or a psychologist.

    In the third case, the reasons for guilt are not clear to the child himself. He is not aware of it - he feels guilty that he is “not good enough.” Perhaps the child is often shamed or criticized. High standards of behavior in the family, set by the situation itself (everyone in the family is a “professor”, but he is not good at mathematics) or by attitudes (the only possible grade is “5”, a good person does not behave like a pig), develop a sense of inadequacy in the child.

    Parent messages

    The most common causes of injury in children are caused by the harmful influence of parental messages:

    • “Taking care of yourself is not becoming a man”
    • "Real men don't feel pain"
    • “The pain must be endured”
    • “You’re already too old to be bothered by sores”

    These messages are realized through the following actions: the parent ignores the child’s injuries, abrasions, bruises (“it will heal before the wedding,” “they all hurt themselves all the time at this age”), reproaches them for tears, scoffs at the child’s request to examine and treat the wound - it may be insignificant , but the child doesn’t understand this.

    The story with the boy on the bike most likely contains such messages. The mother acts with the best intentions - to make the child stronger, stronger, more independent, to let him feel the consequences of his actions, but as a result, he does not learn to take care of himself and is negligent in his health and life.

    It is better to change the attitude to a positive and less harsh one: “I know that you are able to take care of yourself.” In childhood, reinforce with actions: blow on a bruise, treat even a minor wound. A child learns to treat himself by observing the parent’s attitude towards him. After some time, he will learn to take care of himself (and others!).

    At an older age, pay attention to a complex wound or injury and help, if necessary, limit the movement of the injured part of the body.

    The most destructive parental message is “Don’t live.” It is formed as a result of extreme, difficult to bear circumstances in the life of a parent or against the background of postpartum depression and can be expressed in the following words:

    • “Because of you, I didn’t finish my studies (I lost my health, I lost my husband)”
    • “I will love you more when you are gone (if you do something heroic)”

    A child in such a system is filled with feelings of guilt, anger, rejection, resentment, and strives to fill the void and become worthy of his mother’s love, often through extreme behavior.

    What to do if a child often falls: rules for parents to prevent injuries

    There may be more than one reason behind traumatic behavior. But to prevent such accidents, you need to follow several rules.

    1. Play sports with your child, develop his dexterity and muscular system, and overcome physical disabilities (flat feet, scoliosis).
    2. Do not ignore persistent typical injuries. They are based on incorrect movement, which can be corrected by working with a trainer.
    3. Be attentive to changes in the child’s behavior and emotional state, help him speak out.
    4. Avoid focusing on trauma to avoid reinforcing traumatic behavior.
    5. Show your child an example of a careful and attentive attitude towards yourself: do not ignore pain, do not show miracles of patience and heroism, treat wounds, consult a doctor. The same goes for the child. Taking care of the body is also a manifestation of love.
    6. Talk to your child about the importance of taking care of yourself and your body. There is one body for life, there will never be another.
    7. Teach your child self-help techniques in extreme situations. How to behave if you have a broken leg, severely cut yourself, or been bitten by a dog.


    In childhood, any baby often falls and hits hard surfaces. Due to the structure of the body, a significant proportion of injuries occur in the head. In most cases, this is not accompanied by adverse consequences. Still, parents are advised to know what to look for if their child hits their head and when to seek medical help. It is important to understand that if a baby stumbles in the bathroom and hits the tiles or falls down a slide, this is much more dangerous than falling on the carpet or colliding with a cabinet door. Particular attention should be paid to cases of damage to the back of the head or temporal region, situations when a heavy object fell on the child’s head.

    What could be the consequences if a child hits his head?

    Regardless of whether the baby fell out of bed on his back or hit his forehead on the edge of the table, he must be shown to a doctor.

    Symptoms of head injuries can be obvious or subtle, and sometimes they are absent altogether. Even unusual activity of a baby may indicate a serious problem that requires professional intervention. Complications of head injuries can occur several days, weeks and even years after the injury.

    How dangerous are head impacts in young children?

    A head injury in a child under one year of age is usually not dangerous. In this period The baby’s brain is protected as much as possible by nature. Due to the relative softness of the skull bones, the dynamic sutures between them and the shock-absorbing properties of the cerebrospinal fluid, serious damage is practically excluded. When a newborn is injured, he may not even notice it. Children over six months old after a blow begin to scream and cry a lot, but most often this is not a reaction to pain, but to an unexpected movement in space. If a few minutes after knocking, the child calms down and continues to behave as usual, this is a very good sign.

    Although there is no reason to panic in most situations, it is better not to risk it and visit a doctor. He will assess the patient's condition and check his reflexes. Both a month-old baby and an older baby need rest in any case after an injury. You should not put him to bed, but at least for 1-2 hours you need to give up excessive activity and eliminate exposure to bright light and loud sounds on the child’s body. Despite the degree of protection of the brain in the first year of life, everything possible must be done to ensure that the baby has to hit his head as little as possible.

    Symptoms of head injury

    Newborns are constantly under the supervision of their parents, the level of their activity is very
    limited. This allows you to monitor the baby and notice all cases of injury. When an older child falls and hits his head, it may escape the attention of adults. Sometimes children get so carried away that they simply forget to talk about the injury. A bump on the head from a blow is not the only evidence of an accident. There are several points that should alert you and become a prerequisite for a visit to the doctor.

    If a child hits their head, this can manifest itself in different ways:

    • a hematoma appears - it looks like a bruise or bump, can cause discomfort to a small patient or be practically invisible;
    • there are traces of dissection - in some cases it is a small scratch, in others it is a deep and bleeding cut;
    • There are no external consequences, but there are changes in the baby’s behavior and condition – poor coordination of movements, mood swings, nausea and vomiting, different reactions of the pupils, drowsiness and much more.

    The baby may fall on the carpet and not react to the situation in any way, and the consequences will be serious. It is better not to risk his health and at the first opportunity to visit a doctor who will eliminate any possibility of complications.

    Consequences of a bruise

    A blow to the floor or other hard surface can result in open and closed wounds. In the first case, there is a violation of the integrity of the skin, and bone damage may occur. Closed injuries are diagnosed when there is no blood on the surface of the affected area. Contrary to popular belief, the latter scenario is not always less dangerous.

    The consequences of a bruise are as follows:

    • damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue - this can be a bruise, bump, cut. A bruise of the soft tissues of the head without bleeding usually has no consequences. The presence of an open wound requires immediate treatment to prevent infection;
    • concussion is extremely rare in infants due to natural protective mechanisms. The condition has a characteristic clinical picture and requires medical attention;
    • Brain contusion is a serious injury that may be accompanied by a short-term loss of consciousness. A child does not necessarily have a headache after a blow. The development of the condition is indicated by the patient’s sallow complexion, darkening of the skin around the eyes, the appearance of blood from the ears or nose, changes in facial expressions, and deterioration in speech;
    • Compression of the brain is another dangerous condition that develops against the background of compression inside the skull. Accompanied by profuse and repeated vomiting. Periods of “enlightenment,” when the baby behaves as usual, are followed by moments of loss of consciousness.

    The presence of one of the consequences does not exclude the presence of the others. A cut or bump on a child’s head after a fall does not mean that everything went well. If the patient experiences impaired consciousness, problems with coordination, or a fever, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor.

    How does a baby get a bump?

    When the head is bruised, the vessels located in the soft tissues burst. Blood collects in the thickness of the skin and a hematoma forms. It can be slightly soft or very dense, in different sizes and colors.

    The frontal part of the head has the densest capillary network, so the largest and most voluminous cones are formed in this area. At the same time, they are considered the most harmless, because... The frontal bone is the strongest of the components of the skull. Such formations most often resolve on their own, without negative consequences for the body.


    It is observed after the child has hit his head hard, and the location of the injury does not matter. This is the simplest of all traumatic brain injuries. It is characterized by a short-term loss of consciousness immediately after the impact or some time after it.

    Learn more about how to recognize the symptoms of a concussion in

    The clinical picture is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. Due to the mobility of the skull bones and shock absorption, concussions in newborns are extremely rare. In this case, a sign of injury is the baby's restless crying and screaming. The baby may refuse food, burp often, and be capricious for no reason.

    The brain does not suffer after the blow that led to the concussion. In it, the functioning of a number of cells is only temporarily disrupted, which leads to the listed consequences. After 2-3 days, the patient’s condition returns to normal, but with this injury, bed rest and rest for 7-10 days are still indicated.

    What to do if your child hits his head

    Head injuries in childhood are almost inevitable, so adults need to know how to react to them. There is no need to panic; you need to act quickly, clearly and in accordance with the specifics of the situation. If there is such a possibility, it is better to immediately call a doctor or an ambulance, which will eliminate the possibility of negative developments.

    First aid in the absence of visible damage

    First you need to establish what and what part of the skull the baby hit, and assess his general condition. The affected area begins to swell very quickly; cold should be applied to it. This could be a handkerchief soaked in cold water, a bottle of drink from the refrigerator, or frozen food wrapped in a cloth. Keep the compress for 5 minutes.

    After a blow, children often begin to have real hysterics. In most cases, first aid for hitting their head comes down to calming the child. A loud cry is not an indicator of severe pain; most often it is the result of fear. The main thing for parents is to remain calm; this will allow them to quickly find out all the circumstances of the accident and begin providing assistance. After the baby has calmed down, you need to limit his activity for 1-2 days. If the baby falls asleep soon after the injury, he should be woken up every three hours and asked simple questions to exclude changes in consciousness due to serious injuries.

    When to see a doctor after a child falls

    If a child hits the back of the head or temple, this requires mandatory consultation with a professional. In the first case, there is a high probability of brain damage, in the second there is a danger of violating the integrity of the skull bones. There is no need to go to the hospital after every accident, but after a severe impact it is better to do so, even if there are no external signs of damage.

    Indications for visiting a doctor or calling an ambulance:

    • weakness, dizziness, drowsiness;
    • the appearance on the surface of the impact is not a bump, but a dent;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • prolonged crying, anxiety and severe agitation of the patient;
    • pallor, blue lips, heavy breathing;
    • enlarged pupils, their different sizes, squint;
    • lethargy of the baby, problems with speech;
    • bleeding from the nose or ears;
    • large hematoma;
    • numbness of the limbs;
    • even short-term loss of consciousness;
    • memory loss, double vision.

    Which doctor you see for an injury depends on the type of injury. If this is a cut or a frighteningly large lump, you can visit a surgeon. The specialist will treat the affected area and check the patient for neurological disorders. When it is necessary to exclude the possibility of brain damage, it is better to immediately go to a neurologist.

    Drug treatment

    Head injuries that result in brain damage require specific therapy. It is strictly forbidden to give your child medications to relieve headaches after a blow. The drugs are selected by the doctor based on the diagnosis. Their action can be aimed at reducing swelling, relieving pain or inflammation, preventing neurological symptoms, and eliminating nausea and vomiting. Parents may only use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the wound before applying a bandage.

    Medicines to get rid of lumps

    To speed up the resorption of the lump, you can use traditional methods and pharmaceutical medicines. A good effect is achieved by treating the surface with a mixture of iodine and medical alcohol - the drugs are taken in equal quantities. You can also buy “Troxevasin”, “Rescuer” or “Troxerutin” gels and heparin ointment at the pharmacy.

    Plants that help with bruises

    If a child was injured while relaxing in nature or at the dacha, and there was no first aid kit at hand, you can use natural medicines. Juice obtained from fresh green onions will help with bruises. The liquid is applied directly to the sore spot or used to prepare a compress. Plantain leaves are applied to areas of scratches, abrasions or small cuts. Just first you need to mash them slightly so that they release the juice. Wormwood has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Fresh grass is crushed, mixed with water to form a paste and applied to the hematomas.

    Head injuries are dangerous not only in the acute period. Their negative consequences can manifest themselves months and years after the impact. Even if your child does not have the symptoms listed above, it is worth visiting a doctor to make sure there are no risks to his health. At a minimum, you should observe the baby’s behavior for 2-3 days and evaluate the quality of his sleep. It is better to report any alarming moments to a specialist.

    No matter whose strength bends you,
    Neither pressed hard to the ground, -
    You get up as if nothing happened
    All adversities and I burn in spite.
    Rozhdestvensky V. A.

    Hyperactive childhood

    Mom brought the baby to an appointment with a pediatric neurologist. While the mother and the doctor are talking and questions are being answered, the baby turns over from his back to his stomach. Only two days ago he mastered this serious movement for a baby - and now he rolls over until he drops and cannot stop. His mother lays on his back so that the doctor can look, he looks at his stomach, his mother looks at his back, and he goes back to his place. And so on throughout the reception. The neurologist observed and asked:
    - Is he like this with you all the time?
    - Yes.

    Further - in the same spirit. The baby is growing up and mastering new movements. You can’t stop him, it flashes before your eyes: you’ve just been here, you’re already there. You can’t keep up with him on a walk: he doesn’t just run, he “rushes.” Well, it falls, of course, as if without this, at such and such speeds.

    Grew up, but hasn't changed

    When a baby who is just learning to walk falls, this is perceived as normal. It’s not scary when a preschooler or a junior schoolchild sometimes falls - it doesn’t happen to anyone, because they have such active games. But what to do when a big child, almost as tall as his mother, falls? And it falls constantly... This fact causes mixed feelings. Added to the concern for his health are frustration and bewilderment.

    They say about such people: “Fell out of the blue.” He immediately jumped up and ran again. Usually he doesn’t complain or cry, he just rubs the bruised area. When you ask where another bruise or abrasion comes from, he begins to look at you in bewilderment: “I don’t know...” I didn’t even notice how I fell. Or “didn’t fit into the turn.” Or again he “sat down past the bench.” Or “counted another angle”...

    Why is he so careless? And when will this end? It's time to settle down, or something. Maybe send him to a chess club? At least he’ll stop jumping around there: he’ll sit quietly and think. Is this the right decision? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan answers this question clearly and convincingly.

    According to System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, the psyche of each person has desires and properties given from birth, groups of which are called vectors. Our desires are usually definite: we want exactly this, and not something else. And if these are our innate desires, we have all the necessary properties to realize them.

    Nimble, fast, agile, energetic – these are people with the skin vector. The life of such a child is filled with movement, he simply cannot stop. Such a skin fidget is simply not able to sit still calmly, he has a different nature.

    In addition, people with the skin vector have special flexibility in everything. For example, such a person walks in a crowd of people, while deftly and masterfully maneuvering between other people's elbows and backs - he will not collide with anyone.

    It is not by chance that nature created them this way: thanks to their innate activity and flexibility, they realize their desire to be the first, champions in everything - to achieve their goal faster, spending a minimum of effort.

    Only a person with a skin vector is distinguished by the desire for success, for property and social superiority. It is skin people who make a brilliant career - they strive for it, and they achieve it.

    Accompanying the achievement of success is the desire for leadership: a skinny person wants to get one of the first roles in the team. The owner of the skin vector can become the best organizer and manager. Potentially. How to realize this potential?

    We are born to realize ourselves. It sounds nice, but how do you know in which area to show yourself? How to not try everything, but focus on a person’s inclinations? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan provides answers to these questions, as it reveals a clearly working mechanism for knowing oneself and other people. And knowing your naturally-given mental properties allows you to determine your mission, find what you love, and, ultimately, realize yourself in society and be happy.

    If a child does not develop in the right direction, his innate properties still manifest themselves, but in a distorted way. Then the leather worker, who has every chance of becoming the most dexterous, who could potentially become an excellent dancer or achieve success in sports, becomes an awkward and slack person. He falls all the time and bumps into corners, collects jambs, injuring himself. And instead of moving forward at high speed towards the goal, it begins to fuss and flicker in vain.

    Therefore, it is important to give the right direction for a child’s development in order to fully realize his potential. And not try to suppress his natural desires or replace them with others, more “correct” and meaningful in our opinion. It is impossible to change nature, but it is easy to injure a child and influence his life scenario in the most negative way.

    Gymnast or chess player?

    So, what activities can you choose for your skin baby to develop its properties? From the above, it becomes clear that such a child will not sit at the chessboard, calculating moves in the game for a long time. But he can become wonderful.

    How to choose a suitable section or circle for a skinned child? The criterion that the choice is correct will be the child’s general condition - a good mood, a happy appearance and obvious success in his hobby. Give your child the choice of a circle within the framework of the properties of his psyche.

    In addition, it is worth making sure that the child can prove himself as a leader in a group of peers. This is very important for a child with a skin vector and motivates him even more. This can be achieved in different ways.

    Encourage your child to actively participate in various activities in which he can show his best side. First of all, these are various sports games, competitions, as well as dance competitions. Since the spirit of competition lives in every child, participation in sports Olympiads and competitions is to his liking and only further develops his talents. Organizer skills can be demonstrated in presentations of various projects, preparation of children's parties and other events.

    Since status is very important for a child with a cutaneous vector, this must be taken care of. Don’t forget to appreciate your child’s achievements with useful prizes, because material support for his successful activities is also very important for a little leather worker. It is people with skin who like to repeat: “You can’t put thanks in your pocket.”

    In addition, changes are important for a child with a skin vector; he loves everything new and advanced. Therefore, if such a child has the most modern tablet or smartphone, the newest program or game, this will fill his naturally-given desire for change, and will also allow him to arouse the interest of his peers.

    However, you need to be careful with this. After all, a child with a skin vector is potentially an inventor. And in the case of using the fruits of someone else's labor, the child is still only a passive consumer and user. Giving a child with a skin vector the opportunity to come into contact with modern technologies, we must encourage him to see the essence of these processes taking place in the world today and changing this world. He himself needs to be taught to think logically, invent, construct. For example, buy a complex construction set or take you to an interactive museum of new technologies.

    After all, such a child, when he grows up, can become one of the participants in the process of change, inventing something completely new or improving something that already exists. In this case, he no longer just satisfies his needs for novelty, but benefits all people, changing life for the better.

    There is a choice

    By giving a child proper development in childhood, we provide the foundation for its implementation in adulthood. And in this case, as in the epigraph to this article, after any fall he will always be able to rise and continue moving forward. And Vanka-Vstanka in this case becomes a symbol of perseverance and the will to win, and not fussiness and absurdity.

    You can learn how best to develop a child with a skin vector, as well as a lot of other interesting and important information about the mental properties of yourself and your loved ones at the first free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. You can sign up via the link: http://www.yburlan.ru/training/.

    The article was written using training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

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