• Statuses in Spanish about love. Useful Spanish phrases: tourist phrasebook. Useful basic vocabulary


    S? Quien quieres ser, y no lo que otros quieren ver.

    “Be what you want to be, not what others want you to be.”

    T? dejaste a mi lado una parte de ti, voy a amarla y cuidarla, por si no querr?s quedarte.

    “You left a part of yourself next to me, I will love it and protect it if you don’t want to stay.”

    Aunque miro al otro lado, mi coraz?n s?lo te ve a ti.

    “But even if I look the other way, my heart only sees you.”

    En la vida, como en ajedrez, las piezas mayores pueden volverse sobre sus pasos, pero los peones solo tienen un sentido de avance.

    “In life, as in chess, senior pieces can turn, but pawns can only move forward.”

    No vivas dando tantas explicaciones. Tus amigos no las necesitan, tus enemigos no las creen y los est?pidos no las entienden.

    “Don’t live your life giving a lot of explanations. Your friends don’t need them, your enemies won’t believe in them, and fools won’t understand them.”

    Jam?s te rindas, pase lo que pase.

    “Never give up, no matter what.”

    Bajo el ala de un ?ngel.

    "Under the wing of an angel."

    Estamos tan acostumbrados a todo lo que es malo, que cuando sucede algo bueno dudamos si es real.

    “We are so used to everything being bad that when something good happens, we don’t believe it’s real!”

    Amar hasta el ?ltimo suspiro, hasta el ?ltimo latido del coraz?n.

    “Love until the last breath, until the last beat of the heart.”

    Gracias a mis padres por haberme dado la vida.

    "Thank you parents for life."

    Te echo mucho de menos, amor m?o... Haces latir mi coraz?n...

    “I miss you, my love... You make my heart beat...”

    Por muy larga que sea la tormenta, el sol siempre vuelve a brillar entre las nubs.

    “No matter how long the storm is, the sun always begins to shine between the clouds.”

    Los sue?os son la realidad. Lo principal es venir en mucha gana y hacer un paso adelante.

    “Dreams are reality. The main thing is to want it badly and take a step forward.”

    Tu decides cuando es tu amanecer y cuando tu ocaso.

    “You decide when your sunrise and your sunset.”

    Solo mi amor siempre est? conmigo.

    “Forever and ever, my love alone is with me.”

    No me importa que el mundo se termine si estamos juntos t? y yo.

    “It doesn’t matter if the world ends, as long as we stay together, you and me.”

    Los muertos reciben m?s flores y reconocimiento que muchos vivos, porque el remordimiento suele ser m?s fuerte que la gratitud.

    “The dead get more flowers than the living. Because repentance is usually stronger than gratitude.”

    Сu?ntas cosas perdemos por miedo a perder!

    “How much do we lose because we are afraid to lose!”

    M?s hermoso parece el soldado muerto en la batalla que sano en la huida.

    “A soldier who died in battle seems more beautiful than one who survived in flight.”

    Vivir con el presente.

    "Live in the moment."

    Lo m?s importante en la vida es amar y ser amado.

    “The main thing in life is to love and be loved.”

    Te quiero y nunca te olvidar?. Eres lo mejor que hubo en mi vida.

    “I love you and will never forget you. You are the best thing in my life.”

    Cuando las personas se van - d?jales ir. El destino expulsa a los de m?s. No significa que son malos. Significa que su papel en tu vida ya est? representado.

    “When people leave, let them go. Fate excludes the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played.”

    Felicidad es estar en armon?a con la vida.

    “Happiness is harmony with life.”

    Soy como el viento entre las alas: siempre al lado y siempre invisible.

    “I am like the wind between the wings, always nearby and always invisible.”

    Suerte se llama a lo que sucede cuando, se reunen la preparacion y la oportunidad.

    “Luck is what happens when preparation and opportunity come together.”

    Eres todo lo que tengo. Y no me quiero morir. Sin poder otra vez. Volver a verte.

    “You are all I have. And I don't want to die. Failing again. To see you."

    Aunque no tengas nada, tienes la vida, d?nde lo hay todo.

    “Even if you have nothing, you have a life that has everything.”

    No llores porque se termin?, sonr?e porque sucedi?.

    “Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."

    Los ngeles lo llaman alegr?a celestial, los demonios lo llaman sufrimiento infernal, los hombres lo llaman amor.

    “Angels call it heavenly joy, demons call it hellish suffering, people call it love.”

    Nunca te rindas.

    "Never give up."

    Ngel m?o, estate conmigo, t? ve delante de m? y yo te seguir?.

    “My angel, be with me, you go ahead, and I will follow you.”

    Un coraz?n es una riqueza que no se vende ni se compra, pero que se regala.

    “The heart is wealth that cannot be sold and cannot be bought, but can only be given.”

    El amor es la fuerza y ​​la raz?n por la que el mundo sigue dando vueltas.

    “Love is the power and the reason why the Earth turns.”

    El futuro pertenece a quienes creen en sus sue?os.

    “The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.”

    Sabemos qui?nes somos, pero no sabemos qui?nes podemos ser.

    “We know who we are, but we don’t know who we can be.”

    Nunca te rindas aunque todo el mundo este en tu contra.

    “Never give up, even if the whole world is against you.”

    Una vez que consigues lo que quieres, tienes algo que perder.

    “When you get what you want, you have something to lose.”

    El amor alivia como la luz del sol tras lluvia.

    “Love is as calming as sunshine after rain.”

    Quiz?s la felicidad vino y toc? a tu puerta, pero no la o?ste por estar gritando tan alto por tus problemas.

    “Perhaps happiness came and knocked on your door, but you did not hear, because at that time you were shouting very loudly about your problems.”

    Ser?a maravilloso dedicar nuestra vida a los viajes.

    “It would be great to dedicate my life to travel.”

    Muchas veces en la vida las personas olvidande lo que deben recordar y recuerdan lo que deben olvidar.

    “Often in life people forget what they should remember and remember what they should forget.”

    El arte es una mentira que nos acerca a la verdad.

    “Art is an illusion that brings us closer to reality.”

    Un d?a todo ir? bien: he aqu? nuestra esperanza. Todo va bien hoy: he aqu? la illusion.

    “One day everything will be fine: that is our hope. Everything is fine today: this is an illusion.”

    A veces, las cosas que no podemos cambiar, terminan por cambiarnos a nosotros.

    “Sometimes the things we can’t change end up changing us.”

    Spanish is one of the most popular languages ​​in the world, it is spoken in Spain and in Latin American countries, although they speak dialects and variations of classic Spanish. Classical Spanish is the basis and is perfectly understood in Peru, Chile, Portugal, Mexico, Cuba and other South American countries. In general, this amounts to more than half a billion people in the world. So learning 100 phrases in Spanish will be useful.

    The language of Lorca and Cervantes

    The Spanish language sounds beautiful, is melodic and easy to learn. The spelling and pronunciation are almost identical; learning it yourself at the tourist level is quite simple. In everyday speech, Spaniards use approximately 700-1000 words, of which approximately 150-200 are verbs. And for tourism purposes, in order not to get lost in the cities of Spain or to understand airport employees, about 100 phrases consisting of 300-350 words are enough.

    They are conventionally divided into several groups: words of gratitude and phrases for polite communication in a restaurant, airport and on the road. You will also need numbers, pronouns and the most popular verbs, directions and names of places, days of the week and time. You also need to learn the words necessary in difficult and dangerous situations, ask for help or help passers-by.

    Sounds and pronunciations in Spanish

    To speak Spanish, start learning with the basics - phonetics and the alphabet. Language has its own peculiarities and complexities. The Spanish alphabet is almost identical to the English one, with the exception of 1 detail - the letter “Ñ” has been added, it is read “n”. Otherwise they are the same. Let's look at the details of the phonetic features of Spanish letters:

    • at the beginning of a word the letter “H” is not pronounced, in the word “Hola!” (hello), it is pronounced “Ola” with the first vowel removed;
    • in classical Spanish, the letter “C” is often pronounced with a whistle, somewhat similar to the English combination “th”;
    • the letter “E” is read “E”, at this moment foreigners can be heard strongly;
    • the letter "L" in Spanish is soft;
    • Basically, words are read as they are written, there are exceptions, but they are few;
    • stress is placed according to the rules, unlike the Russian language - at the end of the word there is a consonant letter (except for N and S), then the stress is on the last syllable, vowel or letters N and S, then on the penultimate one;
    • the letter “C” is read “K” in combination with the vowels a, o, u; and “C” - with the letters e, i;
    • the letter "G" is read "Г" in combination with a, o, u; and with the letters e, i – pronounced “X”;
    • special combinations “GUE”, “GUI” are read as “Ge” and “Gi”, and “QUE” and “QUI” are read as “Ke” and “Ki”;
    • the letter “V” is pronounced like the middle between “v” and “b”;
    • the letters “S” and “Z” are read like the Russian “S”, and in Spain they are pronounced similar to “ts”.

    These features are easy to remember, otherwise the languages ​​are similar and it is not difficult for Russians to learn Spanish and speak it in a way that is understandable for the natives of Spain.

    The difficulty lies in the first 2-3 months of training, when pronunciation is difficult; at this time it is better to study with a teacher. You can independently instill the incorrect sound of some words and letter combinations; it is then difficult to relearn.

    How to learn a foreign language?

    Regardless of the country and language, its study must contain certain points and stages, then memorization and understanding will be achieved to the required extent. You can’t learn sentences without learning how individual words are pronounced, and you can’t start talking without gaining basic knowledge in constructing phrases. It is best to do everything gradually, including all stages:

    • setting up pronunciation, studying basic words and sounds - here you can create a dictionary where new phrases and expressions are recorded with transcription and translation;

    • solving and performing exercises on phonetics and spelling;
    • writing words and expressions to consolidate knowledge with rote memory;
    • listening to music and watching movies in Spanish with subtitles;
    • reading books by Spanish authors and translating them - start with simple children's stories that are familiar to you from childhood, then move on to more complex ones;
    • communication with native speakers in chat, social networks, language centers, trips to a Spanish-speaking country.

    Skipping any of the stages will negatively affect the speed and completeness of language learning; it is better if everything is in a complex. Communicating in Spanish will allow you to collect all the knowledge you have acquired and try to reproduce phrases so that you are understood. This is an opportunity to hear and try to understand real Spanish speech, because it is very different from the book.

    Words of greeting and phrases of gratitude

    First of all, write down the words of greeting and farewell in your dictionary; they are the basis for any language and for communication in any country. Spain is no exception; here everyone greets politely in shops, cafes, and when meeting acquaintances and friends. As in Russian, Spanish has several variants of phrases for varying degrees of “kinship” with the interlocutor.

    When meeting a friend and a well-known peer, you can say ¡Hola! (Ola!) - Hello! But to a stranger or an adult interlocutor they say ¡Buenos días! (Buenos Dias!), ¡Buenas tardes! (Buenos tardes!) or ¡Buenas noches! (Buenos noches!), which translates accordingly to “Good morning/day/night!”

    Usually after the greeting I add a polite question “How are you?” or variations of it, to which they don’t talk about their problems, they just say “Okay! And how are you?" It sounds like this:

      What do you mean? ke tal How are you?
      What do you think? komo estás How are you doing?

    These two phrases can be used to communicate with an acquaintance or friend, but to a stranger or group of people you should say:

      What do you think? komo está How are you doing? (if there is only one person), or
      What's the point? komo estan How are you doing? (if you are addressing a group of people).

    The answer options again depend on the interlocutor:

      Bien, ¿y tú? [bean, and tu] Okay, what about you? - this is what you can say to a friend, but in other options you need the following wording:

      Bien, gracias ¿y Usted? [been, gracias and ustet] Okay, thanks! And you?

    In addition to standard greetings, you can use or hear the following phrases: ¿Qué tal la vida/ el trabajo/ la familia/ los estudios? (que tal la vida/el trabajo/la familia/los estudios), which means - How is your life/work/family/studies?

    In response to these phrases, you can respond with the standard “Bien!”, or you can diversify your communication:

    • ¡Excelente! (exelente) Great!
    • ¡Muy bien! (muy bien) Very good!
    • Más o menos. (mas o menos) More or less.
    • Regular. (regular) Normal.
    • Mal. (male) Bad.
    • Muy mal. (muy mal) Very bad.
    • Fatal. (fatal) Terrible.

    But after these phrases, polite Spaniards will begin to ask questions and demand details; if you are not ready for this, then limit yourself to the standard wording.

    You can say goodbye or wish you a good day with the famous phrase

    • “¡Chao! (whao) Bye!” or “¡Adiós! (adós) Bye! Goodbye!" if the interlocutors are older than you or unfamiliar, then it is better to choose one of these:
    • ¡Hasta luego! Asta Luego Goodbye!
    • ¡Hasta pronto! asta pronto See you soon!
    • ¡Hasta mañana! asta mañana See you tomorrow!
    • Nos vemos. nose vemos See you later! See you.

    If suddenly you are faced with a complete misunderstanding of your interlocutor, then you can tell him about it in the following words:

    • No entiendo But entiendo I don’t understand.
    • Mas despacio, por favor. Mas-despacio, por-favor Could you speak more slowly?
    • No comprendo. But comprendo I don't understand.

    These words are enough to look like a polite person when communicating with residents in Spanish cities. If you have difficulty understanding, you can switch to English, if it is easier for you to select phrases in this language, besides, you can meet Russian-speaking people, there are a lot of them in all countries of Europe and Latin America.

    The right words if you don't know the way

    The Spaniards are quite responsive and will gladly give directions to a tourist, but you must know how to ask and what they can tell you. In order not to memorize complex phrases and phrases, 3 options are enough and you will be understood:

      Where is…

      I need…

    For example, you need to ask directions to a bank or hotel, you can ask the question this way:

    • ¿Dónde está la calle/un banco/un hotel? (Donde esta la saye/un banko/un hotel?) – Where is the street/bank/hotel?
    • Yo necesito la estación de ferrocarril. (yo nesesito la estacion de ferrocarril) - I need a station.

    Other options that can be used to find the road:

      ¿Cómo llego a...? - How do I get to…?
      ¿Qué tan lejos es…? - How far is...?

    In response, they may offer you a map or show you the direction, or they may explain in detail how to get there and where to turn; for this, the following expressions are used:

    • Right side, to the right (a la derecha) a la derecha;
    • Left side, to the left (a la izquierda) a la izquierda;
    • Straight ahead (derecho) derecho;
    • On the corner (en la esquina) en la esquina;
    • Far (Lejos) Lejos;
    • Near/near (Serca) Cerca;
    • In one/two/three/four blocks (a una cuadra/a dos,/tres/cuatro cuadras) a una cuadra/a dos/tres/cuatro cuadras.

    Even if you don't understand the Spanish answer well, you can ask to repeat it again or say that you don't understand. As a rule, they will be happy to draw a map, guide you to a place, or explain in more detail and more clearly.

    In Spain they treat tourists well and are happy when you manage to pronounce words correctly. They will help you on the street and in the store, and the police officers will also escort you to the right place.

    Phrases for emergency situations

    Unforeseen situations can happen to anyone, no one is immune from this. You or your friends, as well as a person on the street, may need help. You wouldn’t walk past people in trouble simply because you don’t know how to call a doctor in Spanish, would you? When traveling with children, a quick response to a situation is often required, and searching for the correct phrase in a phrasebook or online translator will make it very difficult to solve the problem. What basic phrases might you need to find help:

    • ¡Ayúdame! (Ayudame!) Help me!
    • Help! (Socorro!) Socorro!
    • Stop! (Stop!) (Pare!) Pare!
    • Necesito un doctor/ dentista/ official de police. - I need a doctor/dentist/policeman.
    • ¿Hay una farmacía cerca? - Is there a pharmacy nearby?
    • ¿Puedo utilizar su telefono? - Can I use your phone?
    • ¡Llame a la policía/ ambulancia/ los bomberos! (Yame a-lapolicia/a-unambulansya/a-los-bomberos!) - Call the police/ambulance/fire department!
    • Fire! (fuego) Fuego!
    • I'm lost. (meh perdido) Me he perdido.

    These phrases will be enough to ask passers-by for help in an emergency. If you know them by heart, it may save someone’s life or health and make your trip much calmer and safer.

    As a conclusion!

    Spanish is a beautiful, sonorous and musical language; learning it is pleasant and easy. Phrases for tourists are just the beginning, the tip of the iceberg, and a real understanding of this music will come after a year or two of mastering it. When you can understand your interlocutor, and not guess by gestures what they told you, when you can watch Spanish films without subtitles and translation, then you can confidently go to a foreign country and enjoy its culture and inner world.

    Where you can learn Spanish:

    1. Language schools, courses and individual lessons with a teacher are the most popular and most productive way.
    2. Online programs and smartphone apps for self-study are time-consuming and require self-discipline.
    3. Video and audio lessons, exercises and assignments online and in books will require adjustments from a specialist or help at an entry-level level.
    4. Visiting a country or communicating with native speakers is quick, but it will only give you spoken language; they won’t teach you how to read and write.

    If learning Spanish is your dream, then supplement your studies by reading the history of the country, books by national authors, and searching for information about its culture and characteristics. Then the picture will be more complete. If you need a language to do work, then deepen your study with technical knowledge and specialized words. To do this, you will need special literature, magazines, newspapers, websites and blogs on the desired topics, and you should start studying them only after completing the basic part.

    Classes can take from six months to infinity, depending on the intensity and density of classes, the degree of immersion in learning, repeating acquired knowledge and adding new words and phrases.

    Translation of phrases and statements completed

    Jamás te rindas, pase lo que pase.
    Never give up, no matter what.

    Agradezco a mi destino.
    I thank my fate.

    Amar es el más poderoso hechizo para ser amado.
    Loving is the most powerful means of being loved.

    Amar hasta el último suspiro, hasta el último latido del corazón.
    To love until the last breath, until the last heartbeat.

    Amor apasionado.
    Passionate love.

    Angel mío, estate conmigo, tú ve delante de mí y yo te seguiré.
    My angel, be with me, you go ahead, and I will follow you.

    Angel de la muerte.
    Angel of Death.

    Hasta el que está lejos se acerca si le tienes en tu corazón.
    Even the one who is far away is nearby if he is in your heart.

    Aunque miro al otro lado, mi corazón sólo te ve a ti.
    But even if I look the other way, my heart only sees you.

    Aunque no tengas nada, tienes la vida, donde lo hay todo.
    Even if you have nothing, you have a life that has everything.

    Bajo el ala de un ángel.
    Under the wing of an angel.

    Bebemos, cantamos y amamos.
    We drink, we eat and we love.

    Busco la verdad.
    Looking for the truth.

    A cada uno lo suyo.
    To each his own.

    Cada paso con Dios.
    Every step is with God.

    Camino con Dios.
    I'm going with God.

    Camino se hace al andar.
    The one who walks will master the road.

    Casi desde el cielo.
    Almost from heaven.

    Quisiera compartir la eternidad contigo.
    Let's divide eternity into two.

    Con Dios.
    With God blessing.

    Creo en mi estrella.
    I believe in my star.

    Cualquiera se puede equivocar, incluso yo.
    Anyone can make mistakes, even me.

    Cuando el amor no es locura, no es amor.
    If love is not madness, it is not love.

    Cuando las personas se van – déjales ir. El destino expulsa a los de más. No significa que son malos. Significa que su papel en tu vida ya está representado.
    When people leave, let them go. Fate excludes the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played.

    Una vez que consigues lo que quieres, tienes algo que perder.
    When you get what you want, you have something to lose.

    Cuando veas caer una estrella, recuérdame.
    When you see a shooting star, remember me.

    Cuervo oscuro.
    Dark Raven.

    No lamento nada. No tengo miedo de nada.
    Nothing to regret. I'm not afraid of anything.

    Desearía ser una lágrima tuya… para nacer en tus ojos, vivir en tus mejillas y morir en tus labios.
    I would like to be your tear... in order to be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks and die on your lips.

    Dios de la muerte.
    God of death.

    Dios desea lo que quiere la mujer.
    What a woman wants is what pleases God.

    El amor es la fuerza y ​​la razón por la que el mundo sigue dando vueltas.
    Love is the power and the reason why the Earth rotates.

    Un corazón es una riqueza que no se vende ni se compra, pero que se regala.
    The heart is wealth that cannot be sold and cannot be bought, but can only be given.

    El ganador se lo lleva todo.
    The winner takes all.

    El tiempo no cura.
    Time does not heal.

    El futuro pertenece a quienes creen en sus sueños.
    The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.

    En el corazón para siempre.
    Forever in my heart.

    Eres mi debilidad.
    You is my weakness.

    Eres mi fuerza.
    You are my strength.

    Eres mi vida.
    You are my life.

    Eres todo lo que tengo. Y no me quiero morir. Sin poder otra vez. Volver a verte.
    You are all I have. And I don't want to die. Failing again. To see you.

    Phrases in Spanish
    Mi angel, estar conmigo (Spanish) – my angel, be with me.

    Es muy temprano que nosotros vayamos al cielo.
    It's too early for us to go to heaven.

    Estáte conmigo siempre.
    Be with me forever.

    Estoy a la vista de Dios.
    I'm in God's sight.

    La felicidad y el amor me llevan de la mano en la vida.
    Happiness and love lead me by the hand through life.

    Felicidad es estar en armonía con la vida.
    Happiness is harmony with life.

    Flota como una mariposa, pica como una abeja.
    Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

    Solo mi amor siempre está conmigo.
    Forever and ever, my only love is with me.

    Gracias a mis padres por haberme dado la vida.
    Thank you parents for life.

    Gracias por hacerme feliz.
    Thank you for the happiness.

    Juntos para siempre.
    Together forever.

    La alegría no es más que saber disfrutar de las cosas simples de la vida.
    Joy is nothing more than being able to enjoy the simple things in life.

    La distancia no importa si te llevo en mi corazón.
    Distance doesn't matter if you're in my heart.

    La paciencia tiene más poder que la fuerza.
    Patience has more power than strength.

    Siempre me quedara la voz suave del mar.
    The soft voice of the sea will remain with me forever.

    La vida es un juego.
    Life is a game.

    La vida es una lucha.
    Life is a fight.

    Lograste hacerme feliz.
    You made me happy.

    Los angeles lo llaman alegría celestial, los demonios lo llaman sufrimiento infernal, los hombres lo llaman amor.
    Angels call it heavenly joy, demons call it hellish suffering, people call it love.

    Los milagros están donde creen en ellos.
    Miracles are where people believe in them.

    Los sueños son la realidad. Lo principal es venir en mucha gana y hacer un paso adelante.
    Dreams are reality. The main thing is to want it badly and take a step forward.

    Lo más importante en la vida es amar y ser amado.
    The main thing in life is to love and be loved.

    Me juego la vida.
    I'm playing with my life.

    Mi ángel, estate conmigo siempre.
    My angel, be always with me.

    Mi amor por ti será eterno.
    My love for you will be eternal.

    Mi amor, te necesito como el aire.
    My beloved, I need you like air.

    Mi vida, mis reglas!
    My life my rules!

    Mientras respiro, espero.
    While I breathe I hope.

    Mis allegados siempre están en mi corazón.
    My family is always in my heart.

    Nada es eterno.
    Nothing is eternal.

    No hay nada imposible.
    Nothing is impossible.

    No llores porque se terminó, sonríe porque sucedio.
    Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

    No me importa que el mundo se termine si estamos juntos tú y yo.
    It doesn’t matter if the world ends, if we are together - you and me.

    No dejes que te paren.
    Don't let yourself be stopped.

    No sé que pasara mañana, lo importante es ser feliz hoy!
    I don’t know what will happen tomorrow... the main thing is to be happy today!

    No te pongas triste cuando entiendas tus errores.
    Don't be sad when you realize your mistakes.

    No te tomes la vida en serio, al fin y al cabo no saldras vivo de ella.
    Don't take life seriously, in the end you won't come out of it alive.

    Nuestro amor es eterno.
    Our love is eternal.

    Nunca te rindas.
    Never give up.

    Nunca te rindas aunque todo el mundo este en tu contra.
    Never give up, even if the whole world is against you.

    Nunca te arrepientas de lo que hiciste si en aquel momento estabas feliz!
    Never regret what you did if you were happy at that moment!

    Para conservar la felicidad, hay que compartirla.
    To maintain happiness, it must be shared.

    Para mí siempre estarás vivo.
    For me you are always alive.

    Por muy larga que sea la tormenta, el sol siempre vuelve a brillar entre las nubes.
    No matter how long the storm is, the sun always begins to shine between the clouds.

    Que laten siempre los corazones de los padres.
    Let the hearts of parents beat forever.

    Conseguire todo lo que quiera.
    I will get everything I want.

    Sabemos quiénes somos, pero no sabemos quiénes podemos ser.
    We know who we are, but we don't know who we can be.

    Se fiel al que te es fiel.
    Be faithful to those who are faithful to you.

    Ser y no parecer.
    Be, not seem to be.

    Si algún día vas a pensar en mí, recuerda que tú mismo me has dejado ir.
    If you ever miss me, remember that you let me go.

    Salvame y guárdame.
    Bless and save.

    Si no puedes convencerlos, confúndelos.
    If you can't convince, confuse.

    Si tu amor se apagó, dímelo a la cara, estoy aquí.
    If your love has faded, tell me straight to my face, I'm here.

    Quisiera estar contigo siempre, y que esto dure una eternidad.
    I want to be with you always, and for this to last forever.

    Sigue tu sueño.
    Follow your dreams.

    Solamente tuya.
    Only yours.

    Solo adelante.
    Only forward.

    Solo la vida que has vivido con el amor se puede llamar victoria.
    Only a life lived with love can be called a victory.

    Solo Le pido a Dios – “Cuida a las personas que amo!”
    I only pray to the Almighty for one thing - “Keep the people I love!”

    Sonríele a tu sueño.
    Smile at the dream.

    Soy como el viento entre las alas: siempre al lado y siempre invisible.
    I am like the wind between the wings, always nearby and always invisible.

    Soy la major.
    I am the best.

    Sueña sin miedo.
    Dream without fear.

    Te echo mucho de menos, amor mío… Haces latir mi corazón…
    I miss you, my love... You make my heart beat...

    Te quiero y nunca te olvidare. Eres lo mejor que hubo en mi vida.
    I love you and will never forget you. You are the best thing in my life.

    A toda costa.
    At any cost.

    Todo es para ti, mamá.
    Everything for you mom.

    Todo está en tus manos.
    All in your hands.

    Todos los hombres están a mis pies.
    All men are at my feet.

    Todo lo que pasa es para mejor.
    Everything that is not done is for the better.

    Tú dejaste a mi lado una parte de ti, voy a amarla y cuidarla, por si no querrás quedarte.
    You left a part of yourself next to me, I will love it and protect it if you don’t want to stay.

    Tus deseos son mi flaqueza.
    Your desires are my weakness.

    Un día todo irá bien: he aquí nuestra esperanza. Todo va bien hoy: he aquí la ilusión.
    One day everything will be fine: that is our hope. Everything is fine today: this is an illusion.

    Vivir con el presente.
    Live in the present.

    Vivir para el amor.
    Live for love.

    Vivir significa luchar.
    Live means fight.

    Vivo con la esperanza.
    I live in hope.

    Que me odien, lo importante es que me tengan miedo.
    Let them hate, as long as they are afraid.

    Quien si no yo.
    Who if not me.

    Yo mismo me hago la vida.
    I build my own life.

    4.2 / 5 ( 4 votes)

    Spaniards and Latin Americans are considered to be hot and passionate people. That's the stereotype. Or is this not fiction at all? The Spaniards are very generous with compliments, so don’t be surprised that just walking along the streets, you can easily receive a lot of pleasant words addressed to you. But many compliments can be rude and vulgar. And poor knowledge of Spanish can not only put you in an awkward position, but also lead to misunderstandings.

    Compliments can be given to men and women, regardless of the degree of acquaintance or status. The analogue of this Russian word is “cumlido”. There is also the word "piropo" (corresponding verb "piropear"), but in this case it expresses admiration only towards a strange woman ( echar un piropo a uno - to make, give a compliment to someone). In addition, very often it wears a vulgar and often rude coloring. Thus, to make a pleasant compliment, as in Russian, is hacer un cumplido, and to say a compliment is decir un cumplido.

    Neutral compliments

    So, to make a neutral compliment, for example, to an employee or co-worker about a new hairstyle or a nice suit or just because, you can use the following examples:

    1. Me gusta su nuevo traje (o peinado). – I like your new suit (or hairstyle).
    2. Usted tiene un perfecto gusto en elegir ropa. – You have a talent for choosing clothes.
    3. ¡Usted es una mujer encantadora! - You are a wonderful woman!
    4. Usted es una persona muy responsable. – You are a very responsible person.
    5. Usted es muy amable, gracias. - Thank you. You are very polite.
    6. Usted no ha cambiado nada. -You haven't changed at all.
    7. Usted no parenta su edad. – You don’t look your age.

    In most situations, Spaniards, if they want to give a compliment, even turn to their work colleagues. The address “you” is more acceptable for older people. But even if you say this to a young girl, it will not be a grave mistake.

    You can thank for a compliment or simply respond politely using the following phrases:

    1. Gracias por el cumplido. - Thanks for the compliment.
    2. Es muy agradable oírlo. - I am very pleased to hear that.
    3. Está exagerando. - You overstate.

    Or limit yourself to one word “thank you”: “Gracias”.

    A separate group should highlight the words that are used by men in relation to women when constructing compliments.

    1. Bella is beautiful.
    2. Linda – beautiful, sweet, attractive. (In Latin America - wonderful, excellent)
    3. Atractiva – attractive.
    4. Agradable - pleasant.
    5. Hermosa is beautiful.
    6. Guapa is wonderful.

    Popular compliments to girls

    All the following words have a similar meaning in relation to the Russian word “beauty”, “how beautiful, attractive.”

    "Ricura" is a variant of the word "beauty", used either in very close company, or with a slightly vulgar meaning.

    Nice words for guys

    Girls often also want to say a few nice words to guys and give them an unobtrusive compliment. In this case, a few relevant phrases that you can take note will help.

    1. Eres magnífico. - You are wonderful.
    2. Eres muy hermoso. - You are very beautiful.
    3. Eres tan simpático. – You are so pleasant to talk to (prepossessing).
    4. Me encanta tu manera de ser. - I like your demeanor.

    Compliments on appearance

    To express your admiration for the appearance of your interlocutor, you can use the following phrases.

    1. Estás muy elegante. -You are very elegant.
    2. Estás guapa (guapo) como siempre. – You are beautiful (handsome), as always.
    3. ¡Qué bonita figura tienes! -What a good figure you have!
    4. ¡Qué ojos tienes! - What eyes do you have!
    5. Se te ve muy moderno (o moderna). -You look very modern.

    Declarations of love and sympathy

    You can confess your love or sympathy to your chosen one or chosen one, and also make it clear that you care in different ways: simply and poetically. The first option involves using the phrases presented below.

    1. Me gustas. - I like you.
    2. Yo pienso en ti. - I think of you.
    3. Te quiero. - I love you.
    4. Estoy enamorado (enamorada) de ti. – I am in love (in love) with you.
    5. Tú eres mi todo. - You are all for me.
    6. Eres mi locura. - You are my madness.
    7. Fue amor a primera vista. – It was love at first sight.
    8. Pienso en ti cada minuto. – I think about you every minute.
    9. Eres mi destino. - You are my Destiny.
    10. Me haces feliz. – You make me happy (happy).
    11. Te amo. - I love you.
    12. Te adoro. - I adore you.
    13. Me encantas. - I'm fascinated by you.
    14. Quiero estar contigo. - Want to be with you.
    15. Estoy loco(a) por ti. - I'm crazy about you.

    The second option is poetic, for true romantics (we give only a few expressions as examples, you yourself will understand what to say if this feeling hits you)::

    1. Tu amor es serenidad en el tumulto y consuelo en la tristeza. – Your love is calm in excitement and consolation in sadness.
    2. Siempre te voy a cuidar y quiero hacerte feliz. – I will always take care of you and want to make you happy (happy).
    3. Tu voz es la melodia de mi vida. – Your voice is the melody of my life.

    Common words

    In relationships, couples often use affectionate words.

    1. Mi amor. - My love.
    2. Querido (querida). - Beloved (or beloved).
    3. Mi vida. - My life.
    4. Mi cielo. - My heaven.
    5. Mi alma. - My soul.
    6. Mi corazón. - My heart.
    7. Mi cariño. - My love; my dear (dear).
    8. Eres mi sol. - You are my sun.

    And also warm phrases:

    1. Abrazame. - Give me a hug.
    2. Nunca me sueltes. - Never let me go.
    3. Agárrate a mí. - Snuggle up to me.
    4. Bésame. - Kiss Me.

    As the famous song “Bésame mucho” says

    "I love you"

    There are several variations of the phrase “I love you” in Spanish. The most popular are:

    1. te quiero,
    2. te amo,
    3. te adoro.

    The three verbs, "querer", "amar", "adorar", are arranged in a special order that shows the depth of feeling. "" is typical for colloquial speech, and quite often it and "" are used interchangeably. But still, they differ from each other precisely in the strength and depth of the feelings experienced. The verb “adorar” is the most expressive of the group, and can be translated into Russian as “adore.”


    There are a lot of words and phrases in the lesson, so in order to consolidate the material, you need to complete two simple exercises.

    Exercise No. 1. Please translate the sentences from Russian into Spanish.

    1. I love you very much.
    2. I like your smile.
    3. You are all for me. Do not let me go.
    4. Come close to me and kiss me.
    5. Thanks for the compliment.


    1. Te quiero mucho.
    2. Me gusta tu sonrisa.
    3. Tú eres mi todo. No me sueltes.
    4. Agárrate a mí y bésame.
    5. Gracias por el cumplido.

    Exercise No. 2. Please translate the sentences from Spanish into Russian.

    1. Eres mi destino y mi locura.
    2. No parenta su edad y lo sabe.
    3. Me gusta tu peinado. Eres muy hermosa.
    4. Me parece que estoy enamorada.
    5. Te quiero, mi amor.


    1. You are my destiny and madness.
    2. You don't look your age and you know it.
    3. I like your hairstyle. You are very beautiful.
    4. I think I'm in love.
    5. I love you my love.

    And finally, a couple of love songs in Spanish:

    Enrique Iglesias ft. Romeo Santos - "Loco".

    Enrique Iglesias ft. Juan Luis Guerra – “Cuando Me Enamoro”.

    A tattoo inscription in Spanish always looks tempting and attractive. Unlike English, it is not the most widely spoken language on Earth, so few people will be able to understand the meaning of the phrases. In the article we will analyze beautiful phrases in Spanish for tattoos, get acquainted with their translation, and also look at the works of artists from all over the world in the photo.

    Tattoo inscriptions in Spanish with translation

    With the help of Spanish tattoos, you can confess your love to a loved one, reflect your mood in life, or gain motivation that helps you in life. Below we will look at various Spanish expressions that are popular among body art lovers around the world.

    “Dream” in Spanish – “Sueño”

    • Never give up. Nunca te rindas. An excellent motivational phrase for a tattoo that will help you achieve your goals.
    • Born to be happy. Nacido para ser feliz. This tattoo in Spanish is suitable for a romantic girl who approaches life with an open soul.
    • Dreams Come True. Los sueños se hacen realidad. Various Spanish catchphrases are popular among tattoo lovers. This expression is no exception.
    • Beautiful. Hermosa. Words that are suitable as a tattoo for any girl.
    • Forever. For now. All people put different meanings into this tattoo. Therefore, what it will mean for you is a mystery to us.
    • My heart. Mi corazon. A simple but deep expression can be tattooed either as an independent tattoo inscription, or supplemented with any words that are suitable in meaning.
    • Every man for himself. Cada uno a lo suyo. The modern world is cruel. Anyone who believes can also have this Spanish expression tattooed on their body.
    • We drink, sing and love. Bebemos cantamos y amamos. This inscription tattoo perfectly reflects the life of the Spanish people.
    • My life my rules. Mi vida mi reglos. This phrase in Spanish will find its place on the body of a person who lives according to his own established rules.
    • Everything that happens is for the better. Todo lo que pasa es para major. Quote in Spanish, suitable for people who believe in destiny.
    • Follow your dreams. Sigue el sueño. A parting message reminding a person to never give up when pursuing a dream.
    • Nothing is impossible. No hay nada inpossible. A motivational expression that says that a person can achieve a lot on his own. A wonderful tattoo for purposeful people.
    • I believe in my star. Creo en mi Estrella. Every person has something that helps him live. In this case it is a star.

    Phrases in Spanish with translation for tattoos

    When choosing a phrase for a tattoo in Spanish, try to make sure that it is translated correctly by a native speaker, and not by using popular online services. After all, mistakes made in the inscription will not be so easy to correct.

    • Always be yourself. Siempre sé tú mismo.
    • Life is a game. La vida es un juego.
    • May the force be with me. Que la fuerza venga conmigo.
    • Suffering passes, but love is eternal. El sufrimiento pasa, pero el amor es eterno.
    • When you stop dreaming, you stop living. Deja de soñar, deja de vivir.
    • You cannot tear out a single page from life, but you can throw the entire book into the fire. No puedes arrancar una sola página de la vida, pero puedes tirar todo el libro al fuego.
    • Only the broken-hearted know the truth about love. Solo con el corazón roto saben la verdad sobre el amor.
    • The best way to make your dream come true is to wake up. La mejor manera de cumplir un sueño es despertarse.
    • I'm looking to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life. Miro hacia el futuro porque es allí donde voy a pasar el resto de mi vida.
    • Life is the most exciting opportunity. La vida es la oportunidad más emocionante.
    • Expect the best, prepare for the worst. Espera lo mejor, prepárate para lo peor.

    Quotes in Spanish with translation for tattoos

    Beautiful quotes in Spanish are great for both women and men. After all, in this language you can talk about a lot: about love, about life, about faith, etc. Below is the TOP 5 of the most interesting and best Spanish sayings.

    About love

    Beautiful words about love in Spanish are great for confessing your feelings to your other half. Below are the best quotes suitable for tattooing.

    • You are my life. Eres mi vida.
    • You are my sun. Tu eres mi sol.
    • I go crazy about you. Estoy loco por ti.
    • It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved. Es mejor amar y perder que nunca amar.
    • Life without love is life without sun. La vida sin amor es vida sin sol.

    About life

    Spanish quotes about life remind you to enjoy every day you live. By applying similar phrases to your body, you can show others your mood, goals and attitude towards life. We invite you to familiarize yourself with selected expressions that are suitable as a motive for Spanish tattoo inscriptions.

    • Life. La vida. This inscription is suitable for those people who want to show the deep meaning of a tattoo in one word.
    • That is life. Así es la vida. These Spanish words indicate that a person is ready to accept and overcome any challenges in life.
    • Life is Beautiful. La vida es bella. A great phrase in Spanish that will suit an open and cheerful person.
    • Enjoy the little things, they make life beautiful. Disfruta las pequeñas cosas, hacen la vida hermosa.
    • Life is short, so enjoy it to the fullest. La vida es corta, así que disfrútala al máximo.


    Religious tattoos are just as popular as other Spanish expressions. Most often, such inscriptions are printed as a body amulet, protecting a person from the influence of negative thoughts and actions of other people.

    • Every step is with God. Cada paso con Dios. This phrase is suitable for believers who want to be under the supervision of God.
    • I walk with God. Camino con dios. The text is similar to the statement above. The meaning, in general, remains the same.
    • Under the wing of an angel. Bajo el ala de un ángel. A beautiful phrase that can become a person’s body talisman.
    • Bless and save. Salvame y guárdame. The most common inscription, often written by believers hoping for protection “from above.”
    • My angel is always with me. Mi angel siempre esta conmigo. / My angel will be with me. Mi angel estar conmigo. These Spanish tattoos will look great on both male and female bodies. The phrase can be used as a talisman against the evil eye, damage and various life failures.

    Aphorisms in Spanish with translation

    Aphorisms are expressions with deep meaning. Such tattoos are a wonderful choice for those who value individuality and unpredictability in people. For long inscriptions typed in Spanish, it is better to choose large areas on the body that allow the required spacing between letters to be maintained. Otherwise, in the future you risk getting black, unreadable bars. Remember this.

    • Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. La vida se mide no por la cantidad de respiraciones que tomamos, sino por los momentos que nos quitan el aliento.
    • A friend is someone who knows everything about you but still loves you. Un amigo es alguien que sabe todo sobre ti, pero de todos modos te ama.
    • We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Todos estamos en una zanja, pero algunos de nosotros estamos mirando las estrellas.
    • Keep people at arm's length. Mantenga a las personas a distance.
    • Vain people never hear anything but praise. La gente vanidosa nunca escucha nada más que elogios.

    Tattoo lettering in Spanish: photo

    In the presented photo gallery you can familiarize yourself with the different styles used to apply Spanish inscriptions.

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