• I miss you sad statuses. I miss you statuses


    Statuses about melancholy - Unfortunately, we realize all the good things only with a delay. We live in longing for the past and in fear of the future. Anywhere but in the present.

    Pain, melancholy, depression - that means the session is coming soon!

    Oh, why is my heart so sad?
    Oh, why does the blues tighten your chest?
    The soul stubbornly craves positivity,
    Instead of “alas,” she wants “hurray!”

    The melancholy is not from the lack of men, but from the absence of one loved one.

    As I go through my memories, I’m afraid I’ll come across ones that make me sad. Francoise Sagan "Hello, sadness"

    Another day in which there was everything except you.

    Keeping resentment and melancholy at the bottom of my heart, I clench my fists and repeat: “I can do it.”

    Longing filled my eyes, sadness filled my heart.

    Unfortunately, we realize all the good things only belatedly. We live in longing for the past and in fear of the future. Anywhere but in the present. Erich Maria Remarque

    Look into my eyes and tell me what do you see in them? Sadness, sadness, melancholy, deception. Do you think it hurts? No, I'm used to it...

    Longing is a terrible thing when thoughts run into the distance... When someone loves someone, but he loves from afar...

    What limits did your melancholy and your loneliness reach if you dialed my number?

    I started living... Walking, relaxing. And suddenly I fell in love... again torment, pain, boredom, longing...

    Melancholy attacks with incredible force, the onslaught of which is difficult for me to contain, and my heart is burned by tears of sadness mixed with the time lived without him.

    I miss you greatly and am afraid that you are hugging someone else. I want to be with you. I'm tired of living just a dream

    Melancholy is when you long for something, you don’t know what... It exists, it is unknown and desired, but it cannot be expressed in words. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    Let me go, sadness, I am not your slave.

    Such a pleasant melancholy. Something like the silence of a pine tree from which the birds have flown away.

    Either sadness brings melancholy, or melancholy brings me sadness...

    Sometimes a favorite movie, a cozy chair and a soft blanket are a good cure for melancholy.

    You go where he might be and you have fun, but you're fooling yourself! You can look as good as you like, but no make-up will remove the melancholy from your eyes!

    I feel sad because of the repetitions in life... Elchin Safarli. You were promised to me

    There is melancholy in my house. Apparently, her time has come. Stephen King. Confrontation

    The most tolerable of all types of melancholy is sleeping under your blanket...

    There is spring in the soul... there is longing in the brain

    But although... To hell with melancholy! To hell with pathos! Let all my enemies die! Life is Beautiful!

    Forgive me for being silent. The melancholy cannot be expressed in words.

    I trade a ton of melancholy for a piece of fresh bread...

    The city is sleeping, the lights are burning. We are together - but we are alone! The sound of rain is depressing. I'm sad without you!

    Different people have different melancholy. Some just sit and are ready to howl protractedly at the moon, while others are looking for a way out.

    I miss you at any time of the day, but especially at night it’s hard without you. I miss you, I yearn and wait, but you won’t come, I won’t bring you back...

    I missed you and couldn't wait for Monday.

    Yes, I miss you. Despite your ignorance, despite the lack of attention, despite the distance - I miss you. Just because you are somewhere there, inside and from there you can’t escape anywhere.

    I want you to call and ask how are you baby? I answered: I miss you and in response there was only one word: I’M LEAVING.

    The problem is that when you find a person with whom you feel good, then without him it becomes very bad.

    When you call, my phone’s backlight doesn’t just turn on... It glows with happiness!

    In fact, I don’t miss you... I miss how good I felt then, I miss the times when I loved you...

    Do you know what's important? The main thing is that it's tearing me apart that I can't tell you how much I miss you...

    They asked me if I miss you. I didn’t answer, but simply closed my eyes, smiled and walked away... and then whispered... “crazy”...

    You know, I really miss you. But, honestly, I don’t even know - for you or for myself next to you...

    I'm dying of boredom... Good people, do something with me!

    Her heart is still waiting only for him.

    I miss you madly! I want to meet again soon. I don’t know what’s happening to me. Is this really love?

    How hard it is to miss a person... When most of all you just want to hug, look into their eyes and say: “I love you.”

    If a girl writes, it means she’s bored, and if she doesn’t write, it means she’s waiting for YOU to get bored...

    Be yourself and then they will miss you, and not someone else...

    Sometimes seeing the person you miss madly is enough to make you happy.

    Missing someone is the most beautiful of all sad feelings.

    I will wait for you for years...

    I don’t want to fall asleep now, I want to look into your eyes. I want to touch your lips, if only for a moment to return to you!

    I wait, counting the days on the calendar, and I only adore this life for this... That my heart is given to you! See you! I am waiting! I love! I miss...

    The worst way to miss someone is to be with them and realize that they will never be yours.

    Empty days, empty nights. Empty life, empty eyes. Empty heart and soul, when everything is there, but you are not there...


    We are all human, and each of us experiences boredom. When our family and friends leave us, going to other regions, cities, countries, we experience a feeling that makes us sad and despondent - this is boredom. Overall, she enslaves everyone. However, you should not linger in this state for too long, because... you may forget about your responsibilities, household chores and become depressed for a long, long time. Even animals can get bored. For example, cats, when they are left alone at home for a long time, they begin to slowly accumulate sadness and then this results in screaming, yelling and throwing around the apartment. For how glad they are to see their owners upon their return and the boredom is no longer there. No matter how far your family is, miss you, but move through life and do things, this is what can distract you. Work, sports, friends and favorite hobbies are medicines against illness. I miss statuses especially for those who are looking forward to meeting their family and friends.

    I miss you, come back soon, you hear, I know, you hear...

    Do I miss my classmates? No. Why miss those people who remember me only when they need something from me? 80% of whom don’t give a damn about my problems, and 20% of them are ready to listen about them ad infinitum, because they are only happy about them.

    I miss my old job. - where did you work before? - Nowhere.

    How I miss my childhood, when the most difficult decision in life was which felt-tip pen to choose!

    I can't stand it when I miss a person. but I will never tell him about it.

    I'm sorry, I wanted to be strong. wanted. but I miss you so much.

    A thousand kilometers between us. Heaven and earth are between us. Only God knows how I live. Only I know how much I miss you.

    What is this? I see him and don’t feel anything, and when he’s gone I miss him like crazy.

    I just miss those days when I stood on the balcony and waited to see you.

    Him: What are you doing, my love? -She: I’m sitting watching my dear TV, I love you, I miss you. -At some point he hugs and kisses his friend.

    I miss you so much, but for some reason I don’t want to see you!

    I miss talking about nothing.

    I miss those days when I stood on the balcony and waited to see you...

    The school yard and the laughter of girlfriends The purest, most sonorous And they run through the warm puddles Barefoot girls And they are already rocking others Our school swing School, school, I miss How quickly we grew up.

    Autumn. I miss the sun in the sky and the sun that is not with me now.

    I miss those times when you were inside me every night, MY SANDWICH

    Looks like this winter is closing in on me. I miss people I shouldn't miss.

    You can't imagine how difficult it is to lose a friend. More than a month has passed, and I still can’t believe he’s not around. I miss you and will always love you. Wherever you are, you will always be mine best friend. In memory of Tolik. Always in our heart. :((((

    I don't miss the past anymore. I'm already afraid of losing the present. ❤

    And you know, dreams do come true. I miss my childhood, but I like it here too ©

    Oh, if you only knew how much I miss you!

    I miss the days when we were all friends.

    Every day I miss you. Every hour I miss you. Every minute my heart yearns without you. Every second of mine belongs only to you.

    I miss your tenderness. You could put it in your pocket, like in childhood - sweets with the affectionate name “toffee”. I wish I could listen to this silence when you look at me. In a sense, you and I are sick with the need for each other.

    No, I don’t miss school: everything I might miss was not given to me by school.

    I get used to people so quickly, but it takes me years to get out of the habit. I miss them. someone just forgot. disappeared. and someone will never be around again.

    On the 46th question for the philosophy exam, I realized how much I miss mathematics

    I need Your eyes and smile and words. why are you silent and don’t write!??? I miss you, Baby. Do you hear!?

    I miss the times when you were inside me every night, my cake.

    I skipped organic chemistry class. Those were wonderful times! - I miss my first microscope. - Great, but I miss normal people.

    I was so looking forward to the holidays. And now I already miss my classmates, I love them all :)

    I really miss my beloved LOVE.

    I miss the days when I could push people into the water without worrying about whether they had a phone in their pocket or not.

    Some people don't feel it at all. Some - once a month or week. I feel this all the time. Darling, I miss you!

    I miss you very, very much, when I meet you I will hug you tightly, please don’t leave my life, I value you very much.

    It’s not that I miss him very much, I still feel something for him or I’m jealous of someone, no. But when I see that he needs help, I am ready to give all my strength so that he does not fall.

    I miss those days with you. Sometimes a wave of memories comes flooding back and gives you goosebumps. It’s probably stupid to miss what was and what can’t be now, but I still miss it.

    You are not around and I feel sad, and boredom and melancholy have settled in my heart. I don’t know if you miss you as much as I miss you.

    I miss. I miss you hot. all the dates and lines by heart, a message with the best gift, waiting day and night

    Actually, I don't miss you. I miss how good I felt then, I miss the times when I loved you.

    If suddenly the heavens cry with rain, know that it is I who miss you, if a bright star flashes at night - it is I who give my love to you.

    To the question: “Do I miss you?” I was unable to answer. I just stepped aside, smiled quietly and mentally said: “Crazy.”

    I miss you, I miss you so much. It’s impossible to explain the whim, the gyrus has broken down with a scream, intravenously aching subcutaneously

    I miss people who are not around so much. these are not those who were abandoned or traded, these are those who were taken by heaven

    Nostalgic evening. I miss “us” and have a hard time realizing that this probably won’t happen anymore.

    You may not love me. and somehow remember or completely forget. I come to you in a dream, know that I miss you!

    I miss you like the desert misses the rain.

    I miss you. When I have nothing to do!

    It's so bad when moms aren't there. I miss my parents so much. I really want them to hug me and caress me again. But, alas, you can’t bring them back.

    I want you to call and ask how are you baby? I answered: I miss you and in response there was only one word: I’M LEAVING 164 (1)

    If a girl writes, it means she’s bored, and if she doesn’t write, it means she’s waiting for YOU to get bored... 139 (1)

    I want to come to you... for tea... for a movie... for a conversation... in a hug... under the blanket... no matter what..., but only to you... 167

    To love a person, you don't have to be close to him. It is enough just to look at his photograph occasionally and know that he is doing well. 133 (3)

    I'm waiting!!!, counting the days on the calendar, and I only adore this life for this... Because my heart is given to you! See you! I am waiting! I love! I miss... 171

    The most pleasant moments in a relationship are the moments after long separation when you can’t tear yourself away from each other! 147

    every day I miss you... every hour I miss you... every minute my heart yearns without you... every second of mine belongs only to you... 167

    The worst way to miss someone is to be with them and realize that they will never be yours. 101

    "I miss". This is a banal phrase, a bare fact, a characteristic of a slice of time... But I really miss you... Very much... 92

    I miss the sun in the sky and the sun that is not with me now... 48

    I am always with you. After all, there is the same sky above us...))) my boy, I miss you... 58

    Again and again this feeling... so deep and depressed... I want to go back to where I would be next to him... 72

    Her heart is still waiting only for him. 76

    The two weeks spent with you are the two most best weeks in my life. And now one year without you? But why are we one year old if we had these two weeks!!! 47 (2)

    Empty days, empty nights. Empty life, empty eyes. Empty heart and soul, when everything is there, but you are not there... 65

    I don’t need much - I just want you to be next to me... here and now. 93

    Please hold me when I leave, because I belong entirely to you... 24

    If you want, I will tell you how much I love you... But words are nothing compared to what I feel 50

    Separation from a loved one is a painful state of mind, which still makes you want to live on, waiting for a meeting. 58

    With you next to me I breathe
    I'm burning next to you,
    I live next to you,
    And without you I'm dying. 65

    According to Pike's command, according to my desire...let the impossible become possible. Let what is far become close. And let everything that was very difficult be solved beautifully and easily!!! 54

    Far from me, but still I love you. I'm strong and I can handle it... I miss you... 39

    I love you so much, I miss you so much, and I hug you tenderly! 55

    Sometimes I want to become your phone, sometimes your mirror, sometimes your lipstick. And all in order to be with you and occupy the main place in your life... 19

    I draw happiness to order... I draw love with chalk... I draw you in my memory... 26

    No matter how much you turn the globe, you won’t find me there... 35

    I envy those who see you every day. 123

    Your absence is driving me crazy... 76

    I really miss my beloved LOVE... 85

    Everyone goes on dates, meets, loves... I’m the only one who sits and waits for him to appear... 58

    And does not matter. Whether you are near or far. Because I know that you love me, and I love you. And this is enough for love! 47

    When you miss a loved one, every little thing reminds you of them. 73

    I look at your photo, I see your image again, I want to kiss you. It's a pity you're not with me... 69

    I have a photo of him on my phone. And when I accidentally open it, such a sweet smile appears on my face and the desire to kiss it. 46

    Waking up early in the morning, I open my eyes and quietly repeat - I miss you! I go out to the kitchen, I pour some tea... And again with a quiet echo - I miss you! I live only by you, I don’t notice others, And every minute I miss you! 50

    I miss you is a status that can be found among many on social networks. The feeling of longing or longing for someone is often sung in songs and described in poetry. I miss... It's not so much a word as a concept. It touches the depths of our soul, thanks to which we can express our attitude towards our loved ones and the fidelity of our feelings towards them. That's why so many quotes and statuses are dedicated to longing. We have selected best sayings and phrases with which you can express how much you miss you.

    I miss you - statuses and quotes with meaning

    The best thing in life is to be bored in return.

    Loneliness is time without a loved one.

    If you miss me a lot, think about me. I'll feel it.

    Those who miss the most usually do it silently, to themselves...

    Missing means thinking, thinking and thinking again about your face, eyes, hands, hugs, kisses and just about your name.

    I miss you catastrophically!

    You won’t believe it, but now nothing comes to my mind except you!

    You can’t help but miss someone you don’t love?! So it turns out I love you?

    I miss you, by the way... Even a lot!

    I would probably miss it if I had the strength...

    Why do people get bored and sad? Due to the absence of the desired person nearby. At such moments, everything goes wrong. And time moves too slowly, and everyone around you is rejoicing too loudly, and the sun doesn’t shine for you, and perhaps it doesn’t shine at all. Melancholy paints over everything bright colors life in one - gray. These feelings are probably familiar to everyone. Many people have experienced grief for a loved one. So strong, sometimes, that there are no words to say about it. For such cases, we have prepared “I miss you” quotes and statuses.

    Quotes for those who want to tell you how much they miss you

    If a girl writes, it means she’s bored, and if she doesn’t write, it means she’s waiting for you to get bored.

    Boredom is a lack of meaning. It turns out that you are my meaning, because I miss you like crazy.

    It's never too late to just say: "Hi, I miss you"...

    Sometimes seeing the person you really miss is enough to make you happy.

    You dream because you think, but you think because you miss, and you miss, because you love, and you love because this is your little man...

    And again in a quiet echo - I miss you!

    I can't get enough of you. Catastrophically few.

    I miss? This word is negligible to convey all the longing for you!

    Missing you... It's somewhere on the level of pain...

    And again longing squeezed my heart, everything is simple - I miss you again...

    What makes you miss someone is a feeling of deep closeness, a feeling of love or being in love. That is, when a person is part of your life. That person next to whom you feel incredibly happy. And when he is far away, you involuntarily want to know where he is, who he is with, what he is doing, how his time passes, what thoughts bother him and, of course, whether he misses you too.

    Bored statuses are short and sweet

    The best feeling is when you miss someone and they come back into your life.

    Missing someone isn't so bad if you know you can hug them again.

    Touch... whisper... glance... But you're not there...

    I miss? You can't get out of my head at all!

    When they are bored, they don’t write; when they are bored, they act.

    I'm not bored. I just sometimes want to know how you are doing...

    An unbearable feeling... When your soul misses a person, but with your mind you understand that you can’t...

    All thoughts are about you. And hopes too.

    I really miss... The two of us!!!

    I miss you... I miss you... Very much... sometimes to the point of tears...

    It seems that when you miss your loved one so much, you feel inadequate. Incomplete without your soulmate. Separation greatly affects a person's mood. Sadness and longing are your eternal companions when you miss someone.

    Phrases and sayings about missing a loved one

    I miss you like an asthmatic misses air.

    I miss you, I miss you. It’s corny, but I miss you so dearly.

    If I survive this day without you, then I will cope later...

    I miss you, even when we go around puddles from different sides.

    I'm too human not to miss those people with whom I had a good time.

    You are not near, but you are with me... you are in my thoughts and in my heart!

    You're just confusing "I'm bored" with "I miss you."

    How slowly time passes when you are not with me.

    I have a unique diagnosis: missing you unbearably.

    I miss? No! I just have an urgent need for you. No more and no less.

    I would like to believe that your feelings are sincere, and the separations are not long. Let these bored statuses will help you understand that all lovers go through this feeling, and that it is a natural companion of love. It's normal to miss someone. And this shouldn't be scary. Remember that the sun shines for you.

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