• Tamara Globa: biography, personal life, photo. Tamara Globa: biography, personal life, photo Tamara Globa biography horoscope let's get married


    Famous astrologer, TV presenter.

    Tamara Globa. Biography

    Tamara Mikhailovna Globa (Erzova) lives in St. Petersburg. Studied at the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after. Bonch-Bruevich. She worked in an orphanage, a hospital, and at the Lennauchfilm film studio (actor, assistant director, voice-over artist). She studied astrology with her husband Pavel Globa, whom she met when Pavel came from Moscow to St. Petersburg to film a philosophical film." Sleep masks", in which Tamara even starred.

    Together with her husband, Tamara Globa played a big role in the popularization of astrological ideas in Russia during the perestroika period. After the divorce, Globa withdrew from participation in the work of the Avestan School of Astrology and conducts independent activities. According to Tamara Globa, she initially understood that the marriage with Pavel would last no more than ten years.

    Tamara Globa- author of numerous forecasts and articles in periodicals, regular guest on Russian Radio. Head of the Tamara Globa Center company. Member of the Moscow Actors Club. She was married three times (Pavel Globa Studied at the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after Bonch-Bruevich. Worked in an orphanage, hospital, at the Lennauchfilm film studio (actor, assistant director, voice-over artist). Second husband). Tamara has a daughter Anna (from her first marriage) and a son Bogdan (from her second marriage).

    The most famous predictions of Tamara Globa that came true:

    A month before the start of the first Chechen war, she predicted (during a TV appearance) its beginning, indicating a specific day;

    Moscow fires and smoke in the summer of 2010;

    The only Russian astrologer predicted long ago that the 2018 World Cup would be held in Russia, and football experts laughed at her at the time.

    In February 2015, Tamara Globa became co-host of Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova in the popular Channel One program “

    February 19 in the program “Let's get married!” a new astrologer, the ex-wife of Pavel Globa, will appear on Channel One. Tamara Globa told Woman’s Day about the horoscopes of the co-hosts, how to build relationships during a crisis and when to expect an improvement in the financial situation.

    Tamara Globa, Larisa Guzeeva, Roza Syabitova

    – Tamara, this is not your first experience on television...

    – Of course, I started working on television in the late 80s – early 90s. She was a presenter and participant in a variety of programs: political, social. In the early 2000s, she hosted the “Under the Sign” program on TNT, and in the mid-2000s, she hosted “Star Meetings” on TVC, where she interviewed famous people and made predictions for them. Well, there are countless programs where I appeared from time to time as an astrologer.

    – What do the stars say, did you come to the “Let’s Get Married!” program at the right time?

    – I’ll be honest, if I didn’t like the day and the moment, I wouldn’t agree.

    – Did your new colleagues Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova try to learn from you something useful for themselves in terms of astrology?

    – Since each of us was busy with his own business, while we were only exchanging opinions. Of course, I am interested in the people I work with. They must be clear. And for an astrologer this means looking at a person’s “cosmic passport”. It's like looking into his eyes for me.

    Photo: archive of the “Let's Get Married!” program

    – And what do the stars say about Larisa and Rosa?

    – They are very different people, but they are similar in some ways. Rose is a typical Aquarius, but at the same time a very warm Moon. And Larisa is a classic Gemini who talks endlessly, voices all her thoughts out loud. The position of the Moon in her horoscope characterizes her as an ambitious person who strives to achieve success. She has Venus in Cancer, which means she is a person who is comfortable at home, but in her work she strives for authority and achievement, even to her own detriment.

    – Are these signs comfortable for you? Can you find a common language with them?

    – I can find a common language with all people, except for some crazy people. For this, astrology helps me.

    – What have you been doing lately?

    – Every year I published forecasts for zodiac signs. And recently I published the book “The Big Book of Astrology.” It consists of several parts. The first is about love and the compatibility of signs, and about love of all kinds, as a philosophical concept, including, the second part is about conception, pregnancy and children, the third is about planet Earth, the fourth is dedicated to Arkaim, the star observatory of the ancient Aryans.

    – What’s going on in your personal life?

    - I have a son and daughter. Anna, her last name is Treskunova, daughter from her first marriage, is a very creative person. He writes children's fairy tales, wants to stage a play and film a fairy tale, and also helps me with my work. Bogdan, from his marriage to astrologer Pavel Globa, works on Public Chamber television. For now, the children are in free flight, so I don’t have grandchildren yet.

    - In the program “Let's get married!” The participants are still trying to build relationships. And they listen to your professional advice. Do you receive the horoscopes of your heroes in advance and calculate their compatibility?

    - While I had some time. I had to do work at a very fast pace that required a lot of time. Astrologers will understand me. Moreover, it is a big responsibility.

    – Do you lay all the cards on the table for them at once, don’t fuss about whether the couple has a chance or not?

    - I’m not hiding it. I am a person, maybe even too straightforward, more than necessary. If I see that a situation could end in indifference or hatred, I speak up. If people have a chance for mutual understanding, they are similar in psychotype, I also inform you.

    – Now, when everyone is only talking about the crisis, the family is like a haven where you can find an island of calm. Or, on the contrary, many families can break up at such a difficult moment... As an astrologer, can you tell me how to get around these reefs?

    – So that the family boat does not crash in everyday life, there is only one recipe – love for each other and a willingness to endure hardships. Our parents lived in very difficult conditions during the war and post-war years, but they knew how to enjoy everything that life gave. And therefore, if people are able to live together both in joy and in illness, then, of course, they will overcome everything.

    Tamara Globa, a biography whose personal life is very rich and ambiguous, is engaged in astrology, constantly publishes forecasts, writes books, and appears on television.

    When was Tamara Globa born? The biography and year of birth of the astronomer is not a secret. She was born in Leningrad on March 16, 1957. Tamara grew up in a friendly family, in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. She had 3 sisters and a brother. She was born second to last.

    The family lived in the center of Leningrad, Tamara went to school there. She grew up as a very active girl, attended various clubs and sections. She had singing talents and enjoyed performing on stage; for example, she received first prize in a political song competition at the age of 15.

    Even as a child, the girl was interested in predictions. At the age of eight she became interested in palmistry. An old book found in the attic helped her with this.

    The first “clients” were parents.


    Tamara's father was a geologist and surveyor. He and his mother went on business trips very often. It was a very harmonious couple.

    What did Tamara Globa tell her parents? Biography? Family? What could she predict from her hand?

    Tamara discovered an “island of loneliness” on the line of her mother’s mind. It turned out that this impeccable family had its own problems. Tamara’s dad had a hobby, but her mother couldn’t stand it and left her husband with three children. Fortunately, he rethought his behavior, asked for forgiveness and returned to his family. Thus, peace and harmony were nevertheless restored, but evidence of the troubles remained on the mother’s palm, and Tamara was able to decipher it.

    With her father, she saw that his actual energy would dry up by the age of 50. And so it happened.

    Perhaps Tamara’s passion for the stars was partially inherited from her father. Her dad was interested in astronomy and studied the nature of things. He also had developed intuition. There were cases when it was intuition that protected him from death.

    It is believed that ladies are more sensitive to the dictates of the inner voice, but Tamara says that some knowledge and developed intuition were most likely passed on to her from her father, and to him from her grandfather, that is, through the male line.

    First marriage

    How did Tamara Globa find her first love? Her biography says that first love begins at school.

    Her first husband, Sergei, was a classmate. The feelings appeared in the eighth grade. Tamara and Sergey together entered the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after Bonch-Bruevich. At the age of 20, Tamara married Sergei, and at 24 she gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Anna.

    However, the marriage lasted only seven years. Sergei turned out to be quite a freedom-loving, creative person. It was difficult for him to go to work on schedule, he was attracted to various creative evenings and gatherings, and he practically did not devote time to raising his daughter.

    The living conditions of the young family were also not very good. They did not have their own home, they lived with their parents, sometimes with some, sometimes with others. The interests of the spouses diverged over time, leaving nothing in common. Sergei longed for freedom, and Tamara did not hold him back. The couple separated.

    Does astronomer Tamara Globa maintain any relationship with her first husband? Sergei’s biography was generally successful for him. Now they communicate from time to time. Sergei nevertheless made a career in his specialty. But he left his job and became interested in creativity, composing and singing songs.


    Tamara did not graduate from the Electrical Engineering Institute; she dropped out in her third year. What profession did Tamara Globa choose for herself? The biography of her work activity began at the Lennauchfilm studio. She took the position of assistant director. Films were shot on various scientific topics, so Tamara seriously took up self-education, and in completely different directions. This work taught her a lot, says Tamara Globa. Her biography was formed partly as a result of being in this position.

    It was on the set of the film “Sleep Masks” at this studio that Tamara met her second husband, Pavel Globa.

    Marriage to Pavel Globa

    This meeting gave birth to an alliance of two people who complemented each other mutually. They had a common hobby, which later grew into their life’s work - astrology.

    Gradually they became part of each other's lives. They devoted all their free time to exploring the stellar world and over time turned their name into a real brand of astrology. After all, each of us associates the surname Globa with predictions.

    During this period, Tamara intensively wrote articles, including her first book “Tamara”.

    Was Tamara Globa happy then? Her biography says that this period was not bright. Tamara lost her child and believes that part of the blame lies with Pavel. Then she gave birth to a son. Taking care of my son, housekeeping, work - life was very stressful, active, and there was practically no time left for sleep.

    But the work was not in vain. The couple’s contribution to astrology is difficult to overestimate. They became widely known. Apparently, this popularity did not do any good, so their marriage broke up.

    Now Pavel Globa practically does not communicate with his ex-wife. But Tamara does not hold a grudge against him. The only thing she doesn’t understand is his reluctance to communicate with his son.

    Third marriage

    Tamara met her third husband, swimmer Veniamin Tayanovich, at the airport. He was 10 years younger than her. However, the astronomer considers this particular marriage to be the most successful and harmonious.

    Veniamin took great care of Tamara’s children and managed to find a common language with them and make friends.

    She herself predicted the meeting with her third husband, but did not immediately recognize him when they met. The couple lived in perfect harmony for seven years, despite the absence of a stamp in their passport.

    Tamara predicted a catastrophe for Benjamin and it came true.

    Unfortunately, fate separated the couple. The only thing Tamara regretted was that she did not give birth to another child with Benjamin.

    Now Tamara does not see herself next to a man. The main priority in her life was and remains the kids. The eldest daughter Anna is a lawyer and is still studying at higher courses for screenwriters and directors. Son Bogdan works as a journalist and also heads the TV department of the Public Chamber. Tamara’s children do not yet have their own families.


    Tamara became the only astronomer who predicted the holding of the World Cup in Russia in 2018, although at the time of the prediction it seemed incredible. Among the recognizable predictions that have come true are the date of the start of the first Chechen war, accurate to the day, as well as the appearance of massive fires in 2010 in Moscow. Now Tamara’s forecasts regarding the future of our country are very optimistic. The astronomer considers it one of the most promising territories for life.

    What type of activity has Tamara Globa chosen for herself now? Her biography also includes work in an orphanage and a clinic. Now she heads the Tamara Globa Center. Works with people. Makes both mass and personal astrological forecasts. Tamara also teaches the basics of astrology, teaches people to develop intuition, and make their own astrological forecasts for themselves and their loved ones.

    Project "Let's get married"

    In 2015, Tamara Globa became the co-host of the “Let's Get Married” program. The biography and personal life of a person are revealed to her. Tamara not only sees how suitable the people in a couple are for each other, but can also correct their behavior with her advice so that the relationship is harmonious. There are situations when astrologically people cannot be together, but feelings prevail. Then life together is full of conflicts, and very often people do not understand why this happens. Tamara works with such problems and is quite successful. Now in the project she is replacing astronomer Vasilisa Volodina during maternity leave.

    “I am constantly in a whirlwind of information,” says Tamara Globa (biography, photos of the astronomer are presented in the article). It is sometimes very difficult to discard the unnecessary and not lose the current energy. Tamara is helped in this by her connection with nature and communication with positively minded people. Tamara is grateful to them and the world around her for this support.

    Name: Tamara Globa

    Age: 62 years old

    Activity: astrologer

    Family status: divorced

    Tamara Globa: biography

    Although astrology was never classified as a science, and continues to be considered a pre-scientific teaching originating from the Middle Ages, astrologers play an important role in the modern world. In addition, thanks to television shows popularizing the teachings of clairvoyance, predictions and supernatural and inexplicable human abilities, astrologers are gradually transforming into showmen. Tamara Globa is one of the most famous specialists in the field of astrology in the Russian Federation.

    Childhood and youth

    Tamara Mikhailovna Erzova (married Globa) was born in St. Petersburg on March 16, 1957 in the family of a geologist. Mikhail Erzov met his future wife (Tamara’s mother) during the Great Patriotic War and, according to the astrologer, this is the most amazing romantic story she has ever encountered. In total, five children were born into the Erzov family, the fourth of whom was Tamara.

    During the Great Patriotic War, Tamara's mother was taken to Germany, where she worked as a servant in a German family. And Mikhail Erzov came as a soldier to liberate Germany from the Nazis, where he met and fell in love with his future wife.

    Even as a child, Tamara showed a talent for singing and public speaking; the girl gave comic children's concerts for her parents. Attending clubs helped Tamara develop her natural abilities, and at the age of 15, the girl received an award for vocal ability when performing a song at a competition. In addition, Tamara loved needlework since childhood and still loves to knit and sew in her spare time.

    Tamara Globa in childhood and her father

    At the age of eight, a girl found in the attic of the house an old dusty book dedicated to palmistry - the study of fortune telling, about the personal characteristics of a person, his character, events that happened in life and his future fate based on the skin relief of the palms - papillary and especially flexor lines, as well as the hills on the palm. The girl became interested in fortune telling and began to practice on friends and relatives. Tamara attributes the origin of her unusual gift to genetics: the girl’s father and paternal grandfather had excellent intuition.

    Tamara’s first client was her own mother, from whose palm the girl read loneliness. This fact was confirmed by temporary difficulties in the relationship between the parents: even before Tamara was born, her father cheated on her mother with a young girl, as a result of which they separated, only to reunite later.

    After graduating from school, the girl entered the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after. Bonch-Bruevich. The choice of university has nothing to do with the girl’s inclination towards exact sciences - she followed her lover to the institute at the call of her heart. Tamara never graduated from the institute.

    The girl left her third year at the Electrical Engineering Institute and got a job in an orphanage, and from there to a hospital. However, Tamara’s creative abilities haunted her, and soon she was already working on dubbing roles at the Lennauchfilm film studio.


    Tamara took up astrology seriously in 1989. Having met her future husband, who at that time was unofficially giving lectures on astrology at Russian universities, Tamara deepened her knowledge and gained practical experience as an astrologer, and also decided on a profession.

    In view of the political processes that took place at the turn of the 80s and 90s of the twentieth century, the global uncertainty of people about the future, the lack of stability in politics and economics, a fashion for horoscopes arose in society. Thanks to existing acquaintances on television, the couple quickly got on air and made a recognizable brand out of their surname.

    In 2015, Tamara was invited to the role of TV presenter of the show “Let's Get Married,” aired on Channel One.

    Having become a popular astrologer, Tamara Mikhailovna founded her own company called “Tamara Globa Center”. The company provides astrological services (including horoscopes, astrological forecasts), as well as consulting and educational services in the field of astrology.

    In addition, Russian Radio regularly broadcasts a daily astrological forecast for zodiac signs from Tamara Globa as part of the morning show “Morning Peppers”. The reliability of the forecasts is confirmed by the facts of already realized predictions: the beginning of the first war in Chechnya, fires in Moscow in the summer of 2014, the World Cup in Russia in 2018.

    In her predictions, Tamara assigns a large role to Russia, promising prosperity and a great future for the state, as well as an early victory in the struggle of the superpowers. And regarding the difficult military-political situation in Ukraine, the astrologer predicts the disintegration of the country into five separate regions, one of which has already become Crimea, and the other is Donbass.

    Personal life

    Tamara Mikhailovna does not hide the facts of her biography, including her personal life. Tamara met her first love as a child. Classmate Sergei, who lives in the same yard, immediately won the girl’s heart. In 1977, this relationship led to Erzova's first marriage. From Sergei Tamara gave birth to a daughter, Anna. In 1985, the couple officially divorced. The reason for the divorce was Sergei’s reluctance to lead the lifestyle of a family man.

    Tamara met her second husband Pavel Globa on the set of his film “Sleep Masks.” Given their common interests, mutual sympathy arose between the young people. In an interview, Tamara stated that she always knew that the second marriage would also not last long.

    The woman complains that her husband was so passionate about work that he often completely forgot that he was married. Recently, the former spouses saw each other at a meeting of classmates, and Tamara noted that Sergei had not changed at all - despite running his own business, he never became successful.

    While working on television, Pavel Globa made a forecast that the management did not like, and since the astrologer himself was away, Tamara, who was in the last month of pregnancy, was called in for questioning. As a result of the stress she experienced, the woman gave birth to a premature son, who died ten days later.

    Later, the couple had a son, Bogdan, but the marriage could not be saved. Considering her already established career in astrology with a well-known surname, Tamara did not change her surname after the divorce.

    It is unknown whether Tamara’s children are connected with astrology, but the astrologer’s official website posted a photo with a link to Bogdan Globa’s book, the detective novel “Surveillance.” Tamara Mikhailovna herself published six books dedicated to astrology and esoteric travel between 2013 and 2017.

    The astrologer’s third marriage was, according to the woman, the happiest, although they never officially entered into an alliance. Tamara met the athletic, presentable Veniamin at the airport. Ten years of age difference did not prevent them from creating a harmonious family: Benjamin took care of Tamara’s children and devoted enough time and attention to his common-law wife.

    Based on her knowledge of astrology, Tamara predicted a serious accident for Benjamin, but could not prevent it. Benjamin did not listen to his wife and died as a result of a car accident. After the death of her third common-law husband, Tamara Globa focused on children and work, and the woman’s heart is now free.

    Tamara Globa now

    On December 4, 2017, Tamara Mikhailovna will give a lecture in London, UK. Guests will gather at the prestigious Cavendish Conference Centre, where they will discuss with an astrologer the political issues of relations between the Russian Federation and Great Britain in 2018.

    In addition, Tamara Mikhailovna will give recommendations for 2018 to representatives of different zodiac signs, talk about the influence of stars and planets on the fate, character and abilities of a child, and highlight the main trends in raising children born under certain zodiac signs.

    Tamara Globa’s new book entitled “Morning of Life”, the presentation of which will take place in London on December 4, 2017, is also devoted to the issue of the dependence of the development of a child’s personality on the location of the planets in the sky at the time of birth, pregnancy and conception.

    All guests of the evening will be divided into categories depending on the cost of the ticket: from 45 to 150 pounds sterling. VIP guests will receive a copy of the book “Morning of Life” as a gift from Tamara.

    In addition to astrology, Tamara provides charitable assistance to orphanages and municipal hospitals.


    • 2013 – “Love and the Zodiac”
    • 2014 – “The Big Book of Astrology”
    • 2015 - “Let's get married!”
    • 2016 – “Magic Journey No. 1 - Egypt”
    • 2016 – “Magic Journey No. 2 - India”
    • 2016 – “Magic Journey No. 3 - Moscow”
    • 2017 – “Morning of Life”
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