• Thermage contraindications. A long-proven, effective, but expensive Thermage procedure for the face and body. Facial Thermage – purpose

    Contents §1. What is Thermage? 1.1 - What is Thermage cosmetic procedure? 1.2 - How effective is this procedure? When are the first results visible? 1.3 - How much does the Thermage procedure cost? 1.4 - How will I feel during the procedure? 1.5 - History of the Thermage procedure 1.6 - How will I look immediately after the procedure? How long will it take to recover? §2. How safe is the Thermage procedure? 2.1 - Are there any contraindications for the Thermage procedure? 2.2 - Are there possible side effects? §3. Question-answer (You ask - we answer)
    What is Thermage?

    Thermage is a non-surgical skin tightening procedure. This procedure is most effective in the following areas:

      Face (and especially the chin area)

      Eyelids (more about this problem)

      Back of hands

      Neck and décolleté (the effect is less pronounced, but still)

    Using this procedure, you can also tighten the skin on your cheeks, remove nasolabial folds, and tighten your eyebrows (and thereby make your eyes look more open).

    But as for all other parts of the body, some cosmetologists would not recommend Thermage, since there it practically does not produce results. We dare to assume that you have already seen enough photographs on the Internet showing patients before and after the procedure (for example, after Thermage of the abdomen or buttocks), and the results there are very, very stunning. But we do not recommend trusting these photographs so boldly, since the information is not verified, and professionals know how to take a sensational photograph and convince potential patients of the effectiveness of Thermage!

    What is Thermage Cosmetic Treatment?

    The Thermage procedure is based on the use of radiofrequency radiation. The lifting effect is achieved through compression and compaction of collagen fibers. Radiofrequency radiation, entering the depths of the skin, begins to affect collagen. Heated collagen fibers become firmer and more elastic, and the body begins to produce its own collagen. At the end of the procedure, the face looks fresher and younger, wrinkles and folds disappear, and the skin on the chin and cheeks is tightened.

    How effective is this procedure? When are the first results visible?

    In 2007, a study was conducted in which 5,700 people took part - patients of several specialized clinics. So, 87% of patients had an immediate effect, positive dynamics over the 6 months following the procedure were noted in 92% of patients, 94% of patients were satisfied with the results of the procedure. Clinical studies have shown that an increase in collagen levels was noted in absolutely all patients, even if no visible changes occurred. If in some cases thermage failed to tighten the skin, the procedure was still able to slow down its aging.

    Yes, in many patients changes are visible immediately after the procedure, but the final result can still be seen only after 1-6 months (and the peak in 80-90% of cases occurs in the sixth month).

    Why does it sometimes happen that Thermage does not produce results?

    This simply cannot happen. Yes, there are cases when external improvement is not visible, but there is scientific data that confirms the fact that after the Thermage procedure, the body always (!) begins to produce collagen. And many patients have too high expectations for this procedure, and only a qualified specialist can assess the real situation and predict the result of the procedure.

    And with the help of Thermage, you can correct only minor problems, but if time is lost, then Thermage still cannot cope with serious age-related changes in the skin.

    Scientific data also shows that in 90% of cases the final result can be seen only 6 months after the procedure. Many patients see results literally immediately after completing Thermage. As for those 10% of patients who did not see any external changes, they still should not despair and talk about the procedure, since radiofrequency radiation still did its job: collagen began to be produced, which means that subsequent skin aging slowed down (at least for one to two years). Stopping skin aging is, you see, also a result.

    How long does the effect last after a Thermage procedure?

    Two years, but laboratory studies show that changes in the deeper layers of the skin take place a little longer. The results of this procedure (like all other cosmetic procedures) do not last forever, since aging is inevitable, plus external factors interfere (for example, solar ultraviolet radiation).

    Is Thermage treatment effective on other parts of the body?

    Many experienced specialists believe only in facial Thermage (including the area under the chin) and eyelid Thermage. Sometimes neck Thermage gives good results. As for the back of the hands, cosmetologists recommend complex therapy (Thermage + injections of Juvederm or Restylane).

    But we do not recommend correcting your arms, hips, or stomach using this procedure. You will spend a lot of effort and money, but you will not get results. Every year more and more new equipment appears, so let’s hope that soon we will have a good device at our disposal, with the help of which Thermage on the body will bring specific benefits.

    How much does the Thermage procedure cost?

    Each country, and each clinic, offers its own prices, but we can say that thermage for the entire face will cost you somewhere between 70,000-115,000 rubles. If you want to correct any other part of the body, the procedure, of course, will cost you a little more.

    How will I feel during the procedure?

    You will not feel much pain, but you need to be prepared for unpleasant sensations, since you may not like the alternation of hot and cold streams. If you feel discomfort, tell your doctor immediately, and he will slightly reduce the power of the device. Some centers offer some kind of local anesthetic cream.

    Depending on the area of ​​the working surface, the procedure can last 1-2 hours.

    Here's how the procedure itself will work: First, you will remove makeup from your face. Then a small rubber plate will be placed on your stomach (it acts as a grounding conductor), and the doctor will begin his work. He will process each area several times. Once you have one side treated, you can look in the mirror to see the difference between the treated and untreated areas.

    History of thermage procedure

    This technology was first used in the United States of America at the beginning of the 21st century, but it must be said that progress does not stand still, new devices are constantly being developed and old ones are being improved, and new techniques are being invented.

    As soon as Thermage appeared, they immediately began to talk about it in absolutely all media. Journalists praised this procedure as best they could. But it still cannot be said that the results were somehow supernatural, and the procedure itself was very painful. But the worst thing was that the dermatologists were extremely inexperienced in this matter, so sometimes they set the devices to maximum power, which caused severe trauma to the patients’ skin.

    Then the second generation of thermage machines appeared. The procedures were still painful, but their effectiveness increased significantly (as larger attachments were used).

    And only with the advent of the third generation of devices (which we, in fact, still use to this day) did the Thermage procedure reach a new level. The nozzles have become even larger, and the devices have more functions; now the skin is cooled during the procedure itself (due to which the patient practically does not feel any pain).

    Cosmetologists who have worked with all three generations of devices can say that now it is more comfortable to work, the results are always visible, and there are practically no complaints from patients. It is also good news that literally immediately after the procedure, patients can go back to work and return to their normal lifestyle.

    How will I look immediately after the procedure? How long will it take to recover?

    Literally immediately after the procedure, you can return to normal life. There is simply nothing to recover from! You can even apply makeup. Some patients experience mild redness, but this usually goes away within just a few hours. Discomfort and slight swelling are also possible, but this also goes away on its own in two to three days.

    How many sessions will I need?

    If you are between 30 and 50, then one session will probably be enough for you. If you are over 50, then tune in to two sessions (6 months apart). Subsequently, the procedures will need to be repeated every two years (or a little more often).

    How soon can I have a repeat procedure?

    There are no studies on this issue yet, but it is usually recommended to wait at least three months.

    Will maintenance procedures be needed?

    Necessarily. Once every two years, but if you are over 50, then it is advisable to reduce the interval between maintenance procedures.

    Can Thermage be combined with filler injections?

    Yes, you can, but you still need to do it not at the same time. So, the formation of bumps is inevitable if you undergo Thermage literally immediately after Sculptra injections.

    • Restylane and Juvederm: do injections first, and only after a month undergo Thermage. Hyaluronic cosmetic fillers: what and how.
    • Sculptra: Thermage procedure is possible only 6 months after the injections. Cosmetic filler Sculptra.
    • Permanent fillers such as silicone and Artecoll: For patients who have permanent fillers under the skin, the Thermage procedure is contraindicated (at least the areas in which these fillers are located cannot be treated).

    Do I need to prepare in any way for this procedure? And is there a need for a special regime after it?

    No. Unlike plastic surgery, after Thermage your face looks completely natural. People return to their normal lifestyle on the day of the procedure. There is also no need to interrupt the intake of any medications. Some patients experience slight redness, but this goes away spontaneously within the first few hours without bruising or swelling.

    §2. How safe is the Thermage procedure?

    Radiofrequency radiation has been used in medicine for more than 30 years. Currently, it is widely used in aesthetic cosmetology. Research shows that radiofrequency radiation almost never causes side effects (and if they do appear, they go away very quickly), and they only occur when the doctor turns on high power on the device.

    Are there any contraindications for the Thermage procedure?

    This procedure is contraindicated for people with electrical implants (such as pacemakers and defibrillators); people with a skin disease (if the area where the procedure is to be performed is affected); pregnant women.

    Are there any possible side effects?

    Despite the fact that Thermage is a safe procedure, negative consequences are still possible.

    Redness. But it is usually not strong, and goes away within one to two hours after the end of the procedure.

    Bubbles. They are easy to treat and go away quickly, leaving no scars.

    Swelling. It occurs most often on the face, but this phenomenon is temporary, since everything disappears after 2-5 days.

    Pits. They usually go away within a few days, but can last a lifetime. This side effect occurs in 0.14% of cases.

    Tingling. They happen extremely rarely and go away within one week.

    Bruises are practically not visible.

    §3. Question-answer (You ask - we answer)

    I have an important event planned in two months. When is the best time for me to have Thermage treatment?

    The effects of Thermage can be seen immediately after the procedure, but full results can only be seen after six months. Try to get to a dermatologist as soon as possible so that at least a little of the effect can appear before your event.

    I lead a socially active lifestyle, so I don’t have the opportunity to “go into the shadows” for at least a few days. Is Thermage Treatment Right for Me?

    Yes. This procedure seems to have been created specifically for people like you. Literally immediately after the procedure, you will be able to appear in society, and no one will see a bruise or bump on your face. There may be some swelling, but I assure you, only you will know about it!

    I want to be beautiful, but I don’t have the slightest desire to go under a scalpel. Will I be able to lose at least a few years with Thermage?

    Many other patients over 60 also do not agree to surgery (or have some medical contraindications for this), but all problems can be solved. You will need about two to three sessions with an interval of 6 months. You can get a full face lift without surgery if you add Sculptra injections to the Thermage procedure. And the result is wonderful, and there is no risk.

    Can I use Thermage to improve my neck?

    Practice shows that correcting the skin of the neck (namely the neck, not the lower part of the chin) is very problematic. It is not known why this happens, but it may be because the skin on the neck is much thinner than on the face. Perhaps a more delicate device is needed to work with the neck. But there are cases when Thermage can still solve such a problem.

    I underwent the Thermage procedure, but the results are still not visible. Why?

    There could be several reasons:

      The power of the device was too low.

      Your doctor was not qualified enough, since the result of this procedure largely depends on the experience and skill of the person performing it. Each area should be processed five to six times.

      Perhaps you are one of those 10% on whose face changes after Thermage never begin to occur.

    Thermage is an innovative technology for non-surgical skin rejuvenation. The use of RF lifting has radically changed people's views on the method of influencing the epidermis in order to return the face and body to their former freshness.

    Until recently, the only way to perform a facelift was surgery. However, the operation is associated with a certain risk to life, the possibility of complications and the appearance of unsightly scars. In addition, many people are afraid of pain and a long recovery period after surgery. Facial thermage is an absolutely safe and painless procedure that does not take much time.

    Description of the Thermage procedure

    Progress in this area of ​​cosmetology leads to a gradual reduction in the cost of the procedure. A facelift occurs after the first visit to a cosmetology clinic. In rare cases, the patient has to undergo several treatment sessions.

    The treatment of problem areas of the body is carried out using a Thermage device. This is complex equipment with the help of which complex therapy of the epidermis is carried out throughout its entire volume. Radiofrequency (RF) pulses vibrate cells, causing them to heat up at the molecular level. To prevent burns, the skin surface is constantly cooled, the temperature is monitored by several sensors. At the same time, the body is exposed to vibration, which helps achieve an even greater therapeutic effect.

    Skin Thermage helps reduce collagen fibers, which tend to stretch with age. Collagen fibers strengthen and shrink, causing a decrease in the area and volume of skin tissue. Abdominal thermage can qualitatively improve the figure of people suffering from obesity or metabolic disorders. Thermage lifting helps to activate the body's production of new collagen fibers. This process continues for six months after completing the RF lifting course.

    When soft tissue is exposed to radio wave radiation, fat capsules are split. They decompose into substances that are excreted from the body naturally. As a result, the skin acquires a normal color, becomes fresh and elastic.

    Thermage of the body significantly improves the supply of blood and nutrients to the epidermis. Thermage of the face helps improve its color, eliminate defects caused by aging or the consequences of various diseases. When choosing which is better, plastic or today, more and more visitors to cosmetic clinics are leaning toward the radiofrequency radiation method.

    Indications for use

    The Thermage procedure is patented in the USA after undergoing numerous clinical and laboratory tests. It allows you to achieve good results in a short period of time with minimal side effects. Facial Thermage is recommended for men and women when the first signs of skin aging are detected.

    Thermage at home or in a clinic can be prescribed if you have the following problems with your appearance:

    1. Violation of the shape of the face. This happens due to the appearance of folds on the cheeks and around the nose. Quite often, a network of wrinkles appears near the lips, which spoils a person’s appearance when he smiles and laughs.
    2. Change in eye shape. Thermage of the eyes is performed to reduce the volume and correct the configuration of the eyelids. With the help of radio wave therapy, deep wrinkles on the temples and bridge of the nose are eliminated. Thermage of the eyelids allows you to painlessly eliminate bags under the eyes, which give a repulsive impression.
    3. Figure correction. The use of RF lifting eliminates stretch marks and a sagging belly after childbirth. The procedure is effective for the formation of skin folds on the torso and limbs after sudden weight loss.
    4. . Most women after 25 years face a similar problem. Burning of fat deposits is carried out on the skin of the thighs, buttocks and arms.

    Using Thermage or Altera devices, skin defects in the décolleté area, neck, hands and feet are eliminated.

    Contraindications for use

    The main limitation to the prescription of radiofrequency therapy is the age of the patients. The procedure is not recommended for adolescents under 18 years of age. By this time, the formation of their body has not yet been completed. There is a risk of mutations at the gene level. For people over 60 years old, Russian lifting will no longer help. At this age, the body loses the ability to regenerate collagen fibers.

    In addition, thermage is contraindicated for people with the following characteristics and deviations:

    • presence of a pacemaker in the body;
    • silicone inserts in problem areas;
    • diabetes mellitus in all forms and stages;
    • chronic skin diseases;
    • exacerbation of infectious diseases;
    • malignant neoplasms;
    • unhealed wounds after injury or surgery;
    • serious visual impairment during facial procedures.

    Benefits of Radio Frequency Lifting

    Today, only the Thermage device makes it possible to ensure the penetration of radio frequency to a precisely adjusted depth of the skin. This technology allows you to effectively influence cells of all layers of the dermis. The complex effect of impulses stimulates the development of cells responsible for the qualitative composition of the skin. In this case, pathological formations that spoil the appearance are split and removed.

    The advantages of the RF therapy method are as follows:

    1. Non-surgical effect on the body. Surgery is fraught with infection, inflammation and other complications. Many patients are stopped by the fear of the inevitable pain that accompanies a lift performed with a scalpel. Radio wave exposure does not violate the integrity of the skin and is completely safe.
    2. No recovery period. The patient can leave the clinic immediately after the procedure is completed. During irradiation there is no mechanical effect on soft tissues, general anesthesia is not used.
    3. Speed ​​of the process. There is no need to prepare for it in advance or observe any restrictions. Procedures are performed after work or during a lunch break.
    4. No side effects. Since foreign substances are not introduced into the body, there is simply nothing for it to react negatively to. Light redness of the skin, as a reaction to heat, disappears after a few minutes.
    5. Almost instantaneous therapeutic effect with a long-term positive prognosis. Visible changes occur already during the first procedure. Improvement in skin quality continues for 6-10 months, and the achieved result lasts 2-4 years.

    An important advantage over plastic surgery is lower cost. It is several times lower, but nevertheless the price of Thermage is quite high and averages 70 thousand rubles.

    Carrying out therapy on the body and face

    Radio wave lifting is carried out after consultation with a cosmetologist. During the initial examination, the specialist examines the patient’s health status and determines the likelihood of contraindications. A treatment plan is drawn up. A person must take a shower before visiting the clinic and arrive at the cosmetologist at the appointed time.

    The radio wave therapy procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

    1. Questioning the visitor regarding his well-being, conducting a control external examination. If necessary, the client is offered a sedative.
    2. The patient is asked to lie down on a chair or couch. Treating the surgical field with an alcohol solution. If necessary, excess clothing is removed. A comfortable microclimate is created in the office. The device operates silently; there may be quiet, unobtrusive music.
    3. A diagram in the form of angles, squares and symbols is transferred onto the skin using carbon paper. This is necessary in order to perform irradiation with maximum accuracy. After finishing work, the ink is easily and completely erased.
    4. At minimum power, 2-3 passes are made across the surgical field. After this, problem areas are treated. Depending on the extent of the pathology, this requires from 20 minutes to 1 hour.
    5. Perform finishing processing. It is carried out along certain vectors of skin tension, which are individual for each person. This action remodels the skin, giving it exactly the shape that was intended when planning the procedure.

    Watch a video of Thermage performed in a clinic with specialist comments:

    During lifting, the patient experiences sensations of warm and cool touches. The feeling of warmth means that the radio waves have reached the layer where the collagen fibers are located. Coolness is created by coolant and air continuously supplied to the body.

    Thermolifting around the eyes and on the eyelids

    The organs of vision are very sensitive to temperature and various types of radiation. Until recently, it was possible to influence the skin around the eyes only with the help of injections and microsurgery. Modern technologies have made it possible to work with these problem areas without contact. To protect the eyeballs from overheating and radio waves, special devices are used - Thermage pads. They are inserted between the eyelids and the eye. The material from which the pads are made completely blocks radiation and absorbs heat, preventing burns to the mucous membrane and retina. The pads are included in the kit for the right and left eyes. Each set consists of products for the upper and lower eyelids.

    The eyelid and temple area lifting procedure consists of the following stages:

    1. Instillation of eye drops to soften the discomfort from contact with the inserts.
    2. Insertion of black lenses under the eyelids, after which the eyelids droop.
    3. Treating the surgical field with an alcohol-based disinfectant solution.
    4. Applying a treatment scheme to the skin.
    5. Performing irradiation of the problem area. When working with eyelids, vibration is not used.

    At the end of the procedure, the inserts are removed. The patient only needs a few minutes to get used to the light. After this, he can leave the clinic. And you can evaluate the results from the photos before and after facial thermage:

    Possible side effects

    Various adverse events may occur during and after thermage treatment.

    Most often cosmetologists have to deal with the following side effects:

    • the appearance of red spots at the treatment site;
    • formation of swelling of a point or general nature;
    • scabies and itching after the procedure;
    • burns accompanied by the death of various layers of skin;
    • scars remaining after thermal burns.

    The most common cause of undesirable effects is the individual characteristics of a particular organism, its reaction to radio waves, the age and lifestyle of the patient. In some cases, complications are the result of a superficial examination, during which contraindications are not identified. Burns occur due to incorrect choice of irradiation mode or device malfunction.

    When performing Thermage in a clinic that uses modern equipment and experienced staff, there is virtually no risk of side effects. Reviews about Thermage indicate that the higher the status of the clinic, the better the quality of the services provided.

    Thermage is a procedure based on monopolar radiofrequency energy. This technology is used to rejuvenate the skin.

    What is Thermage

    The impact is current. In this case, the skin is heated to a temperature of 60 degrees, which causes the collagen framework to become denser. Considering that collagen fibers have high conductivity, such a multifaceted effect has a tightening and strengthening effect on the skin from the inside.

    Considering the processes occurring in the skin, we can conclude that during the heating process, collagen compaction occurs due to water loss and denaturation. That is, a dense, unique frame is formed, tightening the integument and significantly reducing the severity of wrinkles.

    The lifting effect occurs almost instantly. At the same time, denatured collagen stimulates the formation of new fibrils, which help create a delayed rejuvenation effect.

    In simpler terms, the procedure allows you to return collagen fibers to their original state, causing them to shrink. Using the ThermaCool device, a double effect on tissue is created. On the one hand, the current affects the deep layers of the skin, heating them, and on the other, the substance sprayed by the unit cools the surface. As a result, collagen fibers begin to actively form within six months, which further enhances the effect.

    The procedure itself gets its name from the device that is used to treat areas with age-related defects. This effect allows you to abandon classical plastic surgery, at least for a while. The effect obtained from this type of manipulation can be compared to a classic facelift. That is why, before going under the knife, you should try this procedure.

    The video below will tell you what thermage procedure is:

    Similar procedures

    There are related procedures that are similar in effect to Thermage. Taxes are considered:

    • During RF lifting There is a dosed effect of electric current on the skin. At the same time, the current strength is much lower and weaker, which means the effect of the procedure is less pronounced.
    • Fraxel Unlike Thermage, it is not a lifting as such. It helps stimulate regenerative processes in skin cells. The effect is exerted by creating intradermal microdestruction, performed.


    Indications for the use of the procedure are:

    • Changing contours; excess skin;
    • Wrinkles;
    • , sagging skin;


    Contraindications to this type of manipulation are conditions and pathologies such as:

    • Pacemaker;
    • Systemic connective tissue diseases;
    • Infectious pathologies;
    • Pregnancy and lactation;
    • in the field of processing;
    • Mental illnesses.

    Some factors can be eliminated with complex treatment, while others are an absolute contraindication to the use of the technique. It is also worth telling the specialist who will carry out the procedure whether you have had any other manipulations like, etc. over the past year.

    Carrying out

    No special preparation is required for the procedure: the specialist conducts an examination and collects anamnesis from the patient’s words. Next, the procedure itself begins:

    1. The area of ​​manipulation is treated with an antiseptic.
    2. Special markings in the form of square contours are applied to the face. After the procedure, it can be easily washed off. Necessary for geometric accuracy during the procedure.
    3. The first rejuvenation approach is made throughout the entire area.
    4. Next, a second rejuvenation approach is carried out, aimed directly at the area with the defect.
    5. Next, the skin is modeled taking into account the tension vectors, due to which the desired effect is formed.

    Based on the feeling of warmth during the manipulation, we can conclude that the radiofrequency pulses brought the collagen fibers to the point where they begin to thicken on their own. The procedure takes from 20 to 120 minutes depending on the amount of work.

    In the case of eyes, anesthetics are instilled before the procedure. A special protective screen in the form of thick black lenses is placed under the upper eyelid. They act as a barrier between radiofrequency radiation and the eyeball.

    Watch the video below to see how the procedure is performed:


    Rehabilitation is not required with this method of exposure. But experts recommend giving up the following for a while:

    • Bad habits like;
    • Saunas, baths, hot baths;
    • Solariums;


    Thermage is a unique patented method of rejuvenation using radiofrequency radiation. This technique was approved in the USA 17 years ago and is now used throughout the world. We are accustomed to the name of the procedure - Thermage, but it can be called differently. Rf thermage or rf lifting thermage - we are talking about the same technique for transforming the face and body. Among fans of thermage there are many show business stars and public people - those who strive to preserve beauty and youth for as long as possible without extra effort. Since its inception, rf thermage lifting has remained a very effective way of rejuvenation without surgery after the first session.

    Impact principles and uniqueness

    At GMTClinic, the thermage procedure is performed using the original, latest generation Thermage CPT device. CPT (Comfort Pulse Technology) technology - a combination of vibration of the device tip and a new cooling algorithm - makes the procedure painless. During thermage, radio waves penetrate into the deep layers of the skin (from 0.5 to 4.3 mm) without damaging its surface. They heat tissues to 60 Cº, destroy old collagen and stimulate the production of new ones. Thermage lifting at GMTClinic allows you to delay a visit to a plastic surgeon and gives a pronounced effect immediately after the first session. Thermage results last up to 5 years.

    Thermage in the clinic

    The Thermage lifting procedure does not require pain relief or special preparation. This is why more and more people are choosing facial thermage. How is the procedure done at GMTClinic? The doctor cleanses the patient’s skin, applies a conductive gel, and adjusts the device parameters taking into account the specifics of the problems being solved. Rf Thermage includes 4 stages: cooling the skin, treatment with radio frequency waves - hot pulses alternate with cold ones to avoid burns, and final cooling. The vibrating handle of the device reduces discomfort to a minimum. Thermage in the clinic is a safe and effective method to preserve youth and beauty for as long as possible!

    • Duration of facial thermage: from 45 minutes.
    • Course: 1 session every 3-5 years.

    Facial Thermage – purpose:

    • wrinkles and swelling in the eye area, heavy eyelids;
    • “floating” facial contours;
    • insufficiently clear lip line;
    • creases on the forehead, in the mouth area;
    • double chin;
    • post-acne.

    Thermage is a worthy alternative for those who are not entirely satisfied with the results of cosmetic and injection techniques, but are not ready for surgical intervention. It has been proven that radiofrequency therapy is superior to other modern non-invasive methods in terms of its effectiveness in improving skin tone, turgor and texture. Important: radio frequency waves do not injure the skin, which means Thermage lifting can be carried out even in delicate areas of the face, for example, in the eye area. Eyelid Thermage is a real alternative to blepharoplasty. An excellent solution for those who are not ready for plastic surgery. Radiofrequency radiation in one procedure copes with the problem of the impending eyelid - the eyes literally “open”, and the periorbital zone looks very natural. It is not surprising that hip-hop diva Iggy Azalea and Oscar-winning actress, writer, businesswoman and admirer of natural beauty Gwyneth Paltrow have chosen eyelid Thermage as a replacement for blepharoplasty. Fortunately, you don’t have to fly overseas for an effective rejuvenation procedure. Experienced GMTClinic specialists will expertly perform eyelid thermage in the very center of Moscow.

    Pros of Thermage

    The infrared lifting procedure provides visible rejuvenation after one procedure, the effect increases for six months and lasts up to 5 years! The numbers speak eloquently about the advantages of radio wave lifting. According to the Solta Medical organization (USA), in 87% of patients, the skin smoothed out after just one Thermage procedure; after six months, noticeable lifting was observed in 92% of patients. Another important advantage of Thermage is that it allows you to postpone a visit to a plastic surgeon and does not require rehabilitation - it saves the patient’s time. Rf lifting thermage can be done to owners of all skin types, men and women (after 30 years), combined with other anti-age techniques.


    There are no special restrictions on the Thermage lifting procedure. Contraindications are standard: childbearing and lactation, cardiovascular, skin diseases, diabetes, hemophilia, presence of a pacemaker.

    IMPORTANT: facial thermage does not require rehabilitation, meanwhile, within 24 hours after completion of the procedure, you should refrain from visiting the bathhouse, solarium, or fitness room, and use sunscreen for several days. To be fair, it is worth noting that cosmetologists strongly recommend using products with UV filters not only after Thermage, but also on a regular basis, regardless of whether you have had one or another cosmetic procedure or not.

    Thermage is a serious medical procedure that must be performed in a reliable clinic, because the result of the procedure directly depends on the professionalism of the doctor and the level of the device. Those who plan to have eyelid thermage should be especially careful in finding their own clinic and their doctor. The skin in this area is thin and delicate - which means the doctor’s skill must be especially high!

    We invite you to thermage at GMTClinic. Our doctors regularly refresh their knowledge and gain new ones in order to offer patients only the most effective and safe transformation methods. The Thermage procedure is performed using the latest generation Thermage CPT device.

    Questions and answers

    How is Thermage different from RF lifting?
    "Thermage is a patented name for the procedure on the TermaCool device. Using the term “Thermage” to designate a range of procedures on devices from other companies is not correct.
    Thermage and RF lifting are related procedures because they both use radio wave technology, but they have some significant differences:

    • Thermage uses monopolar radiofrequency energy of high frequency and power. If RF lifting is carried out, then the current strength and frequency are several times less.
    • Heating of the skin with Thermage can reach 60 degrees, and with RF lifting the temperature of the handpiece and skin is not higher than 40°C.
    • With Thermage, collagen is completely denatured, and with RF lifting, only its tertiary structures are denatured."

    Are fillers a contraindication for Thermage procedure?
    It will not be possible to combine these two procedures in one day, but after taking a month off after installing fillers, it is possible to perform Thermage. The Thermage procedure is not recommended for those who have gold threads; consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary.

    What model of device do you have and what year?
    GMTClinic has an original device of the latest generation ThermaCool CPT from 2018 and was purchased from the official distributor in Russia Premium Aesthetics. This device has a high level of comfort compared to the previous generation device.

    Why choose GMTClinic?




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    The outer beauty of women becomes important in comparison with the inner beauty and soul. Elderly ladies or girls with blemishes on their faces resort to minimally invasive cosmetic procedures that can make the face flawless in a few sessions: eliminate wrinkles and uneven facial skin, as well as tighten the oval and visually make the girl slimmer. The most common procedures today include facial thermage - one of the methods of rejuvenation without the use of a surgical procedure. What are the benefits of Thermage, and who is allowed to use the rejuvenation procedure? The answers to these questions are presented below.

    What is Thermage?

    The Thermage rejuvenation procedure received a similar name due to the use of the Thermage device for treating the face and body. The device was assembled by US scientists and patented in 2002 after successful testing, as a result of which it gained popularity in European countries. Today, Thermage is offered in Russia, but only in high-level beauty salons and medical centers. The procedure is exclusive, so its cost is too high and not everyone can afford it.

    Thermage is a modern treatment of the skin for rejuvenation using radiofrequency radiation. During the exposure process, the tissues are heated and strengthened from the inside due to the increased production of collagen - a natural and essential substance for preserving youthful skin. In the process of several procedures, a lifting effect is obtained.

    Benefits of Facial Thermage

    The new anti-aging procedure has certain advantages, which include the following facts:

    • the result is noted after just one procedure - 30% of clients notice the achievement of their plans immediately after the intervention, while the rest have to wait for the full effect within six months;
    • exposure to the device activates the synthesis of collagen and elastane - this gives the skin elasticity and the same density;
    • short rehabilitation period - the client will return to the previous rhythm of life in 1-2 days;
    • The procedure is allowed for women and men up to 70 years of age, unless there are corresponding contraindications.

    It is important to highlight the negative aspects of the procedure, since in most cases clients get upset without noticing the desired result. Thermage cannot be compared with surgery, so the results will be significantly lower. You cannot hope to completely eliminate deep wrinkles after Thermage - it can only partially smooth them out, but cannot eliminate them. It is impossible to pin hopes on the procedure in question, as on the usual deep lifting.

    In addition, the Thermage device will not help achieve the effect of treating facial skin with a scrub. You cannot use the device for rejuvenation if you have vitiligo - it can cause the formation of scars and cicatrices.


    Facial thermage is permitted by cosmetologists only for the following indications:

    • drooping eyelids – eyelid thermage is in demand more often, and the clientele is somewhat younger;
    • the presence of “crow’s feet” - they are formed at a young age due to the characteristics of the skin (lack of normal elasticity);
    • bags under the eyes – Thermage prevents the formation of bags by preventing the accumulation of lacrimal glands under the eyes;
    • gravitational ptosis of soft tissues - characteristic sagging of the skin under the influence of the natural gravity of the Earth;
    • the presence of a double chin - sagging skin is often formed due to the anatomical features of the structure of the skull and its location to the spine;
    • elimination of fat deposits – thermage is used to reduce the double chin and “subcheek” areas.

    Thermage often acts as an auxiliary or restorative procedure after cosmetic surgery. In this way, you can achieve quick results and eliminate any defects remaining after the operation.


    Despite the certain safety of the procedure and the patented nature of the device, Thermage has contraindications for use, which include:

    • pregnancy and breastfeeding – you should not risk heating the skin;
    • wounds and skin lesions in the treated area - if possible, the lesions should be treated first;
    • implantation of a pacemaker - mandatory consultation with the attending physician is required;
    • elevated body temperature – in case of colds and viral diseases, you should not resort to the procedure even in the absence of fever;
    • connective tissue pathologies - an additional examination is required to identify the stage of the pathology;
    • diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
    • presence of cancer;
    • various mental disorders and diseases of the central nervous system.

    Even if you have not found any contraindications to the procedure, you should definitely undergo an examination to avoid complications.

    How to distinguish a fake?

    Women who have undergone facial Thermage often note that their results never fully manifested themselves. Of course, this is possible due to the lack of professionalism of the master or by ignoring contraindications for implementation. But women note the lack of a corresponding effect even when using the service in a highly qualified medical center. What is the reason? The reason is fake!

    Yes, it sounds strange and ridiculous, but not all beauty salons have a Thermage device, so they offer clients ordinary radio frequency lifting under the guise of the Thermage procedure. The presented facial skin treatment is offered to those interested at a lower cost, which attracts the majority of clients. But this does not bring the desired result, so you can remain with the problems that came to the salon even after several procedures.

    For the procedure in question, only a device called Therma Cool from the manufacturers Thermage is used. This manufacturer cares about customers and tests the devices immediately before using them for their intended purpose. Continuous improvement of the patented apparatus is also noted and innovations are proposed.

    It is easy to distinguish a fake from a real Thermage procedure. Firstly, it’s enough to look at the device itself – the name or brand will be written large on it. Secondly, they have now begun to use a more advanced model of the device with a cooling effect and the presence of a vibrating tip, which is used to treat facial skin.

    It turns out that every client who decides to use a real Thermage service must ask to demonstrate the device before the procedure, talk about its functions and other features. If the client does not find the appropriate mark on the device, and the cosmetologist persistently suggests Thermage as an effective and painless method of rejuvenation, one should expect anything but Thermage.

    Also, you should not trust the words of a cosmetologist who suggests doing the procedure at home - this is simply impossible. The device costs a lot of money, so a simple cosmetologist is simply not able to purchase it on his own. Moreover, the device is sold by manufacturers only under a granted license with permission to carry out cosmetic procedures. A cosmetologist will not be able to obtain a license to perform thermage, and only a qualified specialist can work on it.

    And finally: if a cosmetologist talks about the possible need to undergo several sessions, then this is not Thermage. The presented procedure is carried out only once - the effect can be seen immediately or after several months. You can resort to a repeat procedure no earlier than a year later only after an examination and consultation with a cosmetologist.

    How is Thermage performed?

    Like all cosmetic procedures, Thermage is carried out in several stages - preparation, the procedure itself, recovery.

    Preparatory stage

    The preparatory stage includes the last week before the procedure. At this time you should avoid:

    • solarium;
    • exposure to ultraviolet rays - spend less time in the sun, and use sunscreen before leaving the house;
    • eating fatty foods;
    • consumption of pickles and spices;
    • alcohol and smoking.

    It is important to prevent the formation of swelling on the face and infectious rashes (ulcers and other acne). Therefore, you should resort to standard actions to prevent swelling and rashes - give up salt, drink more water, try to eat plant and grain foods.


    Photos before and after thermage are striking in their results from the procedure, but every client undergoes this, sometimes unpleasant treatment for facial skin rejuvenation, in accordance with the standards. Here cosmetologists turn to the sequence:

    1. The cosmetologist preliminarily examines the client’s facial skin and verbally notes further treatment areas. At the preliminary stage, clients are told about the device and the principle of the device’s effects, as well as about the possible results in the future.
    2. The cosmetologist begins to prepare the device - selects suitable attachments for treating facial skin. There are only 5 nozzles, differing in type and diameter. If only the area around the eyes needs to be treated, the smallest nozzles are used. The largest ones are used to work on the forehead.
    3. During the preparation period, the cosmetologist must determine the client’s skin type in order to choose further tactics.
    4. After all the preparatory stages, they begin to treat the facial skin. All cosmetics are first removed - it is important to completely cleanse the face of previously used creams and decorative cosmetics.
    5. The skin is treated with an alcohol-containing composition - a natural disinfection of the “working surface” is carried out. Depending on the skin type, a composition is selected, which, if necessary, can be replaced with a softer product.
    6. For convenience, contour markings are applied to the face, allowing you to more accurately mark problem areas and adjust the treatment lines in the future. The markings are applied using paper with a permanent marker.
    7. The preparations are completed, the device turns on and heats up to the temperature required for operation.
    8. The cosmetologist gets to work using different depths of treatment depending on the problem areas. During the cosmetologist's work, the client feels hot and cold impulses - it is not painful, but noticeable.
    9. Depending on the number of wrinkles and other age-related problems, session time can vary from 30 minutes to several hours. The time can also be reduced or increased due to the existing skill of the cosmetologist.

    During such treatment, thickening of collagen fibers and activation of nutrients in the epidermis occurs. The process of skin rejuvenation begins immediately, so in the presence of minor defects and age-related changes, the result can be seen immediately. In other cases, a natural tightening of the facial skin occurs over the course of several months - the contours become more expressive, and youth gradually returns.


    Recovery after thermage lasts no more than 2 days, but the time can increase significantly due to the increased number of age-related defects - this can be understood independently by the time of the procedure. After the procedure, after 2-3 days you can return to your previous rhythm of life, but since your facial skin is still sensitive, you should adhere to the following rules:

    • do not stay in the sun - you should not use sunscreen, just avoid tanning under the sun or in a solarium;
    • do not visit saunas and steam baths - this will cause inflammation of the skin;
    • stop eating salty and spicy foods - this will cause swelling;
    • refuse to use decorative cosmetics for 2 weeks - this will provoke an allergic reaction;
    • It is prohibited to use creams and lotions containing alcohol;
    • completely stop using harsh soaps.

    Depending on the condition of the skin after Thermage, recovery may take longer. It is also important to avoid playing sports at first, otherwise the desired effect may not be achieved. About the recovery period, you should consult with a cosmetologist who performs Thermage - this specialist is more knowledgeable about the condition of the skin after the procedure.


    Due to neglect of contraindications and recovery rules, the risk of complications increases, which include:

    • edema;
    • hyperemia – accumulation of blood in the blood vessels;
    • itching and irritation.

    If the cosmetologist was not properly qualified or made a mistake, you can often notice superficial burns, blistering and scarring on the skin.

    If swelling, itching or irritation occurs, do the following:

    • Gently apply Panthenol cream to the affected areas - it will soothe the skin;
    • limit fluid and salt intake - perhaps even the previously reduced amount may not be sufficient;
    • contact the cosmetologist who performed thermage.

    Often, clients run from one careless cosmetologist to another, in their opinion, more qualified. This is strictly prohibited, since redness and swelling can be eliminated on your own, but burns should be eliminated by the previous cosmetologist, who is aware of the possibility of these complications occurring. Scars can be removed by other procedures, but this should be done in a medical center with outpatient treatment.

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