• Test to determine gambling addiction. How to identify computer technology addiction in adolescents. Tests for women


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    Human gaming addiction. A special self-assessment test for a player in gambling (bookmakers, casinos, poker, etc.).

    Bookmakers, like all other games of chance, can cause addiction in the player (the disease of gambling addiction). This disease can ruin your entire life if it does not stop in time. Gambling addiction must be treated like any other disease.

    If you are worried that you are gambling too much, then take a gambling addiction test. This procedure is FREE, ANONYMOUS, and will take you no more than 2 minutes.

    Experts from Sweden have developed a unique online self-assessment tool for players. The test is designed to identify any early signs of risky gambling behavior. Upon completion of the test, you will receive a detailed score based on your answers, as well as links to additional resources if the disease is confirmed.

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    Computer addiction

    This new disease affects the younger population, predominantly teenagers and young adults. Although this disease has nothing to do with infection, it is spreading around the world at epidemic speed. There are a lot of reports in the press that here and there the aggressive behavior of a teenager led to tragic consequences. Probably, many remember how an American teenager shot his peers and teachers with a machine gun, another example is the death of a Chinese girl who, before the tragedy, told her playmates that she was very tired.

    The experts' conclusions are not reassuring. Anyone who spends more than two hours a day playing video games is at risk of becoming addicted to a computer game. How to avoid being enslaved by modern technology? Are there ways to prevent or overcome computer illness? Our clinic “Alternative” has developed a comprehensive program for the treatment of computer slavery.

    How is addiction formed?

    Computer addiction has the same roots as gambling addiction. Every person's brain is equipped with a pleasure center. Constant stimulation of this center in laboratory animals leads to them forgetting about everything in the world. Refusing to consume food in favor of pleasure, laboratory animals die from exhaustion. Computer disease is a disease that develops gradually. If a virtual worker is pulled away from the computer for 2 hours or more, he, like an alcoholic suffering from a hangover, experiences withdrawal symptoms.

    Main types of computer addiction

    • Internet addiction (netogolism)
    • Computer game addiction (cyberaddiction)

    Networkaholics (Internet addiction) are manifested by a person’s endless presence on the Internet. Sometimes they are in the virtual world for 12-14 hours a day, making virtual acquaintances, downloading music, chatting. These are sloppy, unbalanced people who don’t care about their loved ones.

    There are some signs of a networkaholic:

    • obsessive urge to constantly check email;
    • anticipation of the next online session;
    • increasing time spent online;
    • increasing the amount of money spent online.

    Cyber ​​addiction (dependence on computer games) is divided into groups depending on the nature of a particular game:

    I. Role-playing computer games (maximum escape from reality).

    II. Non-role-playing computer games (the desire to achieve a goal - to complete the game, the excitement of achieving a goal, gaining points).

    Signs of computer addiction:

    • Significant improvement in mood from working at the computer,
    • Reluctance to take time away from work or playing on the computer,
    • If you tear the patient away from the computer, he experiences irritation and even shows some aggression towards you,
    • Inability to plan the end of work or play on the computer,
    • Neglecting household chores in favor of the computer,
    • Neglect of personal hygiene and sleep in favor of the computer,
    • When communicating with others, reduce any conversation to computer topics,
    • Refusal to communicate with friends.

    Physical abnormalities in a patient suffering from computer addiction:

    • visual impairment,
    • decreased immunity,
    • headache,
    • increased fatigue,
    • insomnia,
    • back pain,
    • carpal tunnel syndrome (wrist pain).

    Diagnosis of computer addiction

    As with most mental illnesses, it is those around them who are the first to notice changes in the patient’s character and behavior. It is very difficult to convince the gambling addict himself that he is sick. The first step in treating a patient is to realize his pathological dependence on the computer. It is very important to put the patient in a positive mood for a visit to a psychotherapist; sometimes some excuse can be used for this in the form of psychological testing or vocational guidance. You can safely entrust the rest of the work to a professional. As a rule, computer addiction affects people who are insecure, have difficulty communicating, are dissatisfied with their lives, have low self-esteem and complexes. After the first session with a psychotherapist, the gambling addict begins to perceive his addiction more critically. You can finally change yourself and get rid of computer addiction after a course of psychotherapy.

    An important stage in the successful treatment of computer addiction is to identify the reasons that prompted a person to escape from reality. The basis of treatment is psychotherapy sessions. If hidden depression is detected, drug treatment is given. Psychocorrection is carried out both individually and in groups. As a result of treatment, relationships with loved ones and peers improve, strong-willed qualities are developed, self-esteem increases, and new hobbies in life are formed. It is very important to work not only with the gambling addict, but also with his family members. Only with their assistance will the results of treatment be lasting and family relationships harmonious. In individual treatment sessions, the psychotherapist frees the patient from “gaming hypnosis” and forms in him indifference to gambling.

    Tips for preventing the development of computer addiction in children and adolescents

    • Since the root cause of a child leaving the real world is dissatisfaction with the existing reality, it is necessary first of all to find out what prompted the child to go “to the computer.”
    • It is wrong to criticize a child who spends too much time on the computer.
    • If you see signs of computer addiction in a child, do not aggravate the situation, take him to a psychotherapist.
    • You can try to understand the essence of the game by sharing the child’s interests; this will bring the child closer to his parents and increase the degree of trust in them.
    • It is recommended to limit children's access to violent games and films.

    Internet addiction test (S.A. Kulakov, 2004)

    1. How often do you find that you stay online longer than you intended?

    2. How often do you neglect your household chores to spend more time online?

    3. How often do you prefer online entertainment over being with your partner?

    4. How often do you build new relationships with friends online?

    5. How often do your friends complain about the amount of time you spend online?

    6. How often does your education and/or work suffer due to time spent online?

    7. How often do you check your email before doing something else?

    8. How often does your efficiency or productivity at work suffer due to Internet use?

    9. How often do you resist talking or hide if you are asked about what you have been doing online?

    10. How often do you push unpleasant thoughts about your life into the background, replacing them with calming thoughts about the Internet?

    11. How often do you feel a pleasant anticipation about the upcoming entry into the Internet?

    12. How often are you afraid that life without the Internet will become boring, empty and uninteresting?

    13. How often do you get irritated and shout if something interrupts you when you are online?

    14. How often do you lose sleep when you are online late?

    15. How often do you feel engrossed in the Internet when you are not online, or imagine yourself being there?

    16. How often do you notice yourself saying “just a couple more minutes...” when you’re online?

    17. How often do you try to cut down your time online without success?

    18. How often do you try to hide the amount of time you spend online?

    19. How often do you prefer to be online instead of meeting people?

    20. How often do you feel depressed, bad mood, nervous when you are not online, which soon disappears as soon as you go online?

    With a score of 50-79, it is worth considering the serious impact of the Internet on your life.

    If the score is 80 or higher, you most likely have Internet addiction and need the help of a specialist.

    Test for children's Internet addiction (S.A. Kulakov, 2004)

    Answers are given on a five-point scale: 1 – very rarely, 2 – sometimes, 3 – often, 4 – very often, 5 – always

    1. How often does your child violate the time limits you set for using the Internet?

    2. How often does your child neglect his chores in order to spend more time online?

    3. How often does your child prefer to spend time online instead of spending it with his family?

    4. How often does your child form new relationships with online friends?

    5. How often do you complain about the amount of time your child spends online?

    6. How often does your child's education suffer due to the amount of time your child spends online?

    7. How often does your child check email before doing something else?

    8. How often does your child prefer online communication to communication with others?

    9. How often does your child resist or be secretive when asked about what they are doing online?

    10. How often have you found your child getting online against your will?

    11. How often does your child spend time in his room playing on the computer?

    12. How often does your child receive strange calls from his new online “friends”?

    13. How often does your child snap, scream, or act irritated when disturbed about being online?

    14. How often does your child look more tired and tired than when you did not have the Internet?

    15. How often does your child seem preoccupied with thoughts of getting back online when he is offline?

    16. How often does your child swear and get angry when you are angry about their time spent online?

    17. How often does your child prefer being online to his previous favorite activities, hobbies, or interests of others?

    18. How often does your child get angry and aggressive when you impose a limit on the time he spends online?

    19. How often does your child prefer to spend time online instead of going out with friends?

    20. How often do you feel depressed, low in mood, nervous when you are offline, and when you return online, all this disappears?

    With a score of 50-79, parents need to consider the serious impact of the Internet on the life of your child and the entire family.

    With a score of 80 or higher, the child is highly likely to have Internet addiction and needs the help of a specialist.

    Adverse habits that take hold of a person can, over time, develop into serious psychological problems. In these days of permissiveness, it is easy to get caught in a web from which it will be difficult to get out. If you or your loved ones frequent casinos or slot machines, it’s time to take a test for gambling addiction.


    Ludomania is a type of gambling addiction and consists of excessive passion for gambling. One of its stages is gambling, in which the game comes to the forefront. This type of mania is characterized by:

    • uncontrolled addiction;
    • psychoemotional disorder;
    • deterioration in quality of life.

    Free access to slot machines and casinos has led to the emergence of a new type of addiction – gambling addiction. At first glance, these harmless entertainments are designed to serve people as a way to pass time and relieve stress. However, individuals with a weak will and a craving for excitement tend to get hooked on the game.

    Mania affects men and women equally.

    The main reason for the development of gambling is not even the desire for “easy money”, but the desire to escape from real life with its problems and stresses, which is why infantile and indecisive individuals fall into such a “trap”. The consequences of gambling can be tragic. A person loses a lot of money and falls down the social ladder, losing the support of family and friends.


    The sooner gambling addiction is identified, the greater the chances of getting rid of it. Signs by which one can recognize a gambling addict are divided into behavioral and physical. Behavioral differences include:

    • frequent presence of a person in gambling establishments;
    • irritation when trying to distract him from this activity;
    • loss of control over time;
    • exorbitant monetary expenses;
    • lack of interest in other areas of life;
    • neglect of communication with loved ones;
    • a surge of joy and euphoria when playing the game;
    • the obsessed person stops paying attention to his appearance, his sleep and eating patterns are disrupted - he gives preference to snacks, abuses coffee and energy drinks.

    Physiological signs are also observed: pain in the head, pallor, tremor.

    Stages of gambling addiction

    Any disease, psychological or physiological, goes through certain stages in its development. Sometimes one follows from the other, mania manifests itself immediately in a severe stage.

    • Formation of dependence. A person wants to play more and more, but does not yet make this process the basis of his life and does not attach much importance. However, the time spent playing the game is increasing, and the stakes are rising.
    • Suppressing the desire to be at the machines/gaming table. To play or not becomes the addict’s dilemma. He not only spends his leisure time doing this activity, but also sacrifices other things. A person ceases to control himself; his money is constantly “in play”. In his mind, he thinks through new moves and strategies around the clock, “lucky numbers” and talismans appear, illusions about the looming win. The gambling house seems like a wonderful castle, shrouded in a mystical aura.
    • Game for the sake of game. The addict is interested in the process itself, and not the possible gain. Money is no longer the goal, it is now a way to make new bets. A gambling addict is ready to spend all his time doing this activity; he does not care about addiction and the opinions of others.

    It is practically impossible to “get out” of stage 3 of gambling addiction on your own. You will need the help of your loved ones to refer the gambling addict to a psychologist.


    There is a way to identify the degree of obsession in yourself or a relative at home. This is a test for gambling addiction. If you start spending a lot of time in gambling establishments, ask yourself the following questions. Do the length of stay and the amount of money spent in gaming halls exceed expectations? Do you sacrifice work time and leisure time in the name of gaming? Are your loved ones offended by you? They began to notice that there was not enough money, and debts appeared.


    When a person himself is not aware of the problem, he may be offered a harmless option for diagnosing the problem. Tests for gambling addiction consist of 25–30 questions, the answers to which are implied yes/no. In the case of most positive answers, the person needs psychological help. Based on the testing, the specialist will determine the extent of the problem and select the appropriate treatment.


    Since gambling addiction is a purely psychological pathology, its therapy will consist of the help of appropriate specialists; drug treatment is powerless here. The support of loved ones and the desire of the gambler himself to get rid of the addiction play a huge role. You cannot lend him money, but it is better to limit access to it altogether. A gambler, like an alcoholic and a drug addict, will always find funds for his hobby. However, the difficulties associated with this process will sober him up and help him realize the consequences of passion.

    The task of the psychotherapist is to make the patient understand the destructive effects of gaming mania. The doctor and the patient theoretically work through situations related to the consequences of the game and try to prevent them.

    At the recovery stage, the patient draws up his future life plan, in which there is no longer room for gambling.


    Gambling is a hopeless pit. Only one side benefits. If you notice such addictions in yourself or your loved ones, sound the alarm.

    Recently, various computer games, forums, social networks, and online communication have become increasingly popular among children and teenagers. Schoolchildren spend hours in chats, social networks, actively communicating, forgetting about spending time together in reality, about walks and games in the fresh air. For some children, the computer and the Internet are another very interesting life, which sooner or later becomes a problem for family, friends and the child himself in the first place. It is very important for parents to recognize alarming symptoms in time, take action and return the child to normal real life. Simple t eats for computer addiction will help identify the problem in time and take the necessary measures.

    In the previous article we talked about the reasons for its occurrence and ways to overcome it. Now let's talk about how to determine if your child has a computer addiction.

    Why do you need a computer addiction test?

    I don’t think anyone will argue with the fact that computer addiction is a psychological problem that negatively affects the life of an adult. For children this problem is much deeper than for adults. In addition, there is nothing good for physical health either. The child leads a sedentary lifestyle, is rarely in the fresh air, there are deviations in the condition of the spine, and the condition is significantly deteriorating. If a child eats while continuing to play computer games, then the digestion processes also suffer. As a result, immunity decreases, problems arise in the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, obesity, metabolic disorders, frequent headaches and other troubles.

    In order to prevent the development of such diseases and disorders, the symptoms of computer addiction must be recognized in time and measures taken before it becomes a huge problem for the child, which is why it exists. It's worth paying attention to whether your child's mood and general condition changes when he turns off the computer. Try to always be aware of what is happening in his life, take an interest in his affairs. Be careful, often children who are already addicted to computers enter a period of “emotional dullness” when they stop expressing their emotions towards the people they previously loved. This is a very important call.

    When to sound the alarm

    It’s time to start sounding the alarm when the situation gets out of the control of not only the parents, but also the child himself, when the following symptoms of computer addiction occur:

    - the child cannot leave the game of his own free will;
    - neglects friends, family, loved ones;
    - problems appear in studies;
    - neglects to observe the rules of personal hygiene;
    - sleep disorders appear.

    Test for computer addiction in children. Tests for children and parents

    Here is the easiest one for children for parents. Answer the following questions honestly:

    Your child:

    1. Spends time at the computer every day, without missing a day;
    2. Turning on the computer, one loses the sense of time;
    3. Never gets up from the computer without finishing the game;
    4. Eats food near a computer monitor;
    5. Does not agree with your statement that he spends too much time on the computer;
    6. Does not finish the game until it reaches the desired level;
    7. He is too proud of his results and achievements in games and reports them to everyone around him;
    8. Doesn’t do homework, doesn’t listen to comments;
    9. If the computer breaks down, he becomes very irritated;
    10. If adults are not at home, he spends all his time at the computer.

    If you answered positively to 5 questions of the test, then it is quite possible to talk about the child’s computer addiction.

    And here are the questions you ask your child to answer:

    1. Do you often spend time at the computer?

    – daily – 3 points;
    – once every two days – 2 points;
    - only when there is nothing to do - 1 point.

    2. How much time do you devote to the computer at one time?

    - more than 2-3 hours - 3 points;
    — 1-2 hours (I’m into gaming) — 2 points;
    - no more than an hour - 1 point.

    3. When do you decide to turn off your computer?

    - until my parents turn it off - I don’t turn it off myself, or I turn it off when it overheats, or when I don’t start to fall asleep, or when my back starts to hurt, or the colors merge - 3 points;
    - it varies, sometimes I can turn off the computer myself - 2 points;
    - I turn it off myself of my own free will - 1 point.

    4. When you have free time, what do you spend it on?

    - of course, on the computer - 3 points;
    - depends on mood and desire, perhaps on a computer - 2 points;
    – I’m unlikely to sit at the computer – 1 point.

    5. Have you missed any important events or school to play computer games?

    - yes, it happened - 3 points;
    - it may have happened a couple of times, but the event was not that important - 2 points;
    - no, this has never happened - 1 point.

    6. How often do you think about what you do while sitting at the computer, for example, about games:

    — I think about it almost all the time – 3 points;
    - I can remember a couple of times during the day - 2 points;
    - I almost don’t remember at all, maybe very rarely - 1 point.

    7. What is a computer for you? What role does he play in your life?

    - computer - everything for me - 3 points;
    - a big role, but there are also a lot of other interesting things in life that also mean a lot to me - 2 points;
    - the computer does not occupy any special place in my life - 1 point.

    8. When you come home, the first thing you do is:

    - I go to the computer and turn it on - 3 points;
    - it’s different every time, sometimes I sit down at the computer - 2 points;
    – I definitely don’t sit down at the computer – 1 point.

    Now calculate the total points.

    8-12 points - everything is excellent, your child does not have any computer addiction.

    13-18 points – there is no addiction yet, but you should pay close attention to ensuring that the child spends less time at the computer, has other hobbies, interesting friends, and walks in the fresh air. Pay attention to your child before it's too late.

    19-24 points - the child has a computer addiction. It is urgent to take action! Most likely, it will be difficult to manage without a family psychologist. We need to start changing the situation immediately.

    This one is so simple

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