• Tasks for a 4 year old child. Development of thinking in four- to five-year-old children. Sensory and musical


    Summaries of comprehensive developmental activities for children 4-5 years old. Complex.

    5 blocks of notes on preparing for school for children from 4 to 5 years old.

    Lesson notes on preparing for school for children 4-5 years old:

    September-January + February-June

    The notes are written in such detail that it can be taught by a children's club teacher who has any basic education, not just pedagogical education.
    The notes include tasks to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities that a modern 4-year-old child needs to master: developing reading skills (familiarity with letters and sounds, reading words and simple sentences), writing in block letters, developing mathematical abilities (counting within 10 , solving elementary problems, simple geometry, etc.), preparing the hand for writing, developing mental processes (thinking, memory, attention, perception, imagination), developing knowledge about the world around us, drawing, appliqué, modeling, etc.
    Each summary is accompanied by a worksheet, which is full of various tasks on two pages. Unlike thematic notebooks sold on the educational market (separately for reading, separately for mathematics, separately for the development of cognitive abilities, etc.), the worksheet includes tasks for reading, mathematics, and the development of mental processes ( attention, memory, etc.), as well as preparing the hand for writing. You do not have to purchase several workbooks for the club in order to solve all the tasks assigned to prepare children for school.
    The basis for conducting classes are only those manuals and materials that are available in almost every children's club: brushes and paints, plasticine, cardboard and paper, soft toys and dolls, models of vegetables and fruits, cubes, pyramids, nesting dolls, etc. In our developments you will not find benefits that are difficult or impossible to buy.
    The teacher will not have to come up with phrases out of his head that will captivate children in completing assignments - all such “enticing things” are written in the notes.
    Classes are built along the lines of complication and each subsequent lesson reinforces previously learned material, and also advances children in mastering new material.
    Our classes ensure children's learning and development. The results will be visible to parents in the shortest possible time!

    The structure of a comprehensive developmental lesson for children 4-5 years old must include:

    Math block
    Reading training
    Working on the syllable structure of a word
    Sound-letter analysis of a word
    Development of phonemic hearing
    Preparing your hand for writing
    Formation of knowledge about the world around us
    Development of fine motor skills of the hand
    Speech development
    Development of mental processes (attention, memory, perception, imagination and thinking)
    Outdoor games
    Massage breaks with text and written equipment
    Finger gymnastics
    Modeling, drawing and applications.

    As a child approaches senior preschool age, parents think about how to unobtrusively prepare him for school, correctly laying the foundation for future successful learning. For children 4–5 years old, the best educational activities are play activities. And it is better to select them based on the age characteristics and needs of the baby.

    Age characteristics of a child 4–5 years old

    Now the child is truly entering the most favorable period for assimilating a wide variety of information. This is facilitated by the level of development that the preschooler has achieved physically and intellectually.

    • By this age, imagery becomes available to the child’s thinking and imagination develops. He understands what an object looks like and can identify objects by color, size, height, length, width.
    • Voluntary memory begins to develop: the baby remembers the instructions given to him and is able to learn a poem. Verbal and figurative memory is formed.
    • Increases concentration. Now the preschooler is able to hold it on one action for up to 20 minutes.
    • Motor skills also improve. Improves gross and fine motor skills, coordination, and balance.
    • In creativity, the child has access to detailing in drawings, cutting, gluing, designing according to a model and his own plan.
    • The child's speech also becomes richer. The pronunciation of most sounds and diction improves. Children imitate different sounds and intonation appears. Kids show a keen interest in rhyme. The leading motive for communication among preschoolers of this age is cognitive: “why?” They strive for new knowledge that adults should provide.
    • The main form of development remains play. Now it becomes a role-playing game. Therefore, in order for developmental activities to be interesting and useful, they should be built on the basis of games.

    Taking these features into account, we can conclude that classes with children at this stage should look like an integral system.

    To correctly draw up a lesson plan with a 5-year-old child at home, consider the following nuances.

    • In kindergarten, the baby already has daily classes in various areas, including physical education. Therefore, it is important to clarify the program of these classes so that you can complement it at home, and not duplicate or contradict it.
    • You can only study at home on weekends or in the evening. Taking this into account, do not leave vigorous activity and too active fun games until late in the evening.
    • After kindergarten, you will have little time left, so plan no more than 2 activities per day.
    • If your child does not attend kindergarten, you will have to develop his curriculum yourself based on his skills, abilities, and interests.
    • Developmental play tasks for children 4–5 years old should include all aspects of their activity (logic, attention, thinking, memory, speech, movement). Classes should be distributed evenly throughout the week.

    Developing speech

    If a child has problems with pronunciation, speech classes should include articulation exercises for each complex sound. You may need the help of a professional speech therapist.

    In general, good speech development activities for a preschooler at this time would be:

    • poems, songs learned by heart;
    • discussion of plot pictures or works read;
    • solving riddles;
    • listening to audio stories;
    • discussion of everything that happened to the child during the day;
    • familiarization with sounds and letters;
    • determining the first letter in a word, dividing the word into syllables.

    Speech skills can be developed with simple game exercises. You can ask your child:

    • “What happens...?” (long, red, hot, sharp, etc.);
    • "What happens if… ?" (the ball will fall into the water, a black cloud will appear in the sky, I will eat the snow);
    • “What can I do...?” (with an apple, a book, a ball, cookies, scissors...);
    • "What do you mean where?" (what items are in the bedroom, hallway, kitchen; in which room is there a TV, bed, frying pan, hanger...);
    • "Who is this?" (for example: long-eared, gray, coward - who is this?).

    Games to develop logical thinking

    At this age, the child should already be able to generalize and differentiate objects according to a certain criterion, work according to a model, and build simple reasoning to solve any problems.

    In order to stimulate a preschooler to think logically, you can offer him a variety of games. These can be either store-bought development toys (sorters, puzzles, construction sets, children's lotto) or completely household ones.

    For example, your child will have to use their logical skills in the following tasks.

    • He is asked to generalize objects according to some characteristic (name everything round in the room, everything yellow, everything soft).
    • Determine how two pictures or toys are similar and how they are different.
    • Choose identical objects from a variety of objects (balls, bunnies, cubes, etc.).
    • Assemble a building from a construction set according to a model.
    • Find an extra item out of several and explain why it is extra.
    • Find paired objects (both real and on cards or pictures). The child will have to determine the sign by which to look for a pair (for a plate - a spoon, for a hat - a scarf, for a chicken - an egg).
    • Find a way out of the drawn labyrinth (they are often found in children's educational books or magazines). Variations of such “confusions” can be different: help a cat catch a mouse, meet a dog with a puppy, find a key for Pinocchio, etc.

    Memory is not only visual

    A person remembers not only what he sees, but also what he hears or does. Little Man is no exception. Therefore, memory development must be comprehensive and affect all these aspects.

    • Visual memory is developed by games for memorizing a drawing or picture with their subsequent description, describing from memory the location of objects in a room, on a shelf, on a table. You can ask the child to remember what he wore for a walk yesterday, what his mother was wearing. Or draw a grid of several cells on paper, place small objects in each, and then, after giving the child time to memorize, turn it away and swap several objects. Let him try to restore the original arrangement.
    • Auditory memory is trained by memorizing poems, nursery rhymes, songs, as well as retelling fairy tales or impressions of significant events, and following oral instructions from an adult. For example, buy several items in an impromptu store and not forget anything. Or place items, setting the table, in a certain sequence.
    • Motor memory can be trained by all kinds of games in which children repeat the movements of adults in a certain order. Sometimes an adult can “make a mistake,” while the child needs to do everything correctly and not get lost.

    When going to the store or for a walk, plan your route in advance and ask your child to comment on where to go next. This is also auditory memory training.

    Attention - attention

    In order for a child to grow up attentive, be able to concentrate and quickly respond to any changes, it is important to train his attention. You can start as early as 4 years of age. At the same time, it is also not necessary to purchase expensive manuals: the suitable “equipment” is always at hand.

    For example, you can play these games.

    • Variations on the theme “edible - inedible” (sweet - unsweetened, flies - does not fly, clothes - not clothes).
    • "What's new?" (on the table, in the picture, in the guise of dad, in mom’s clothes).
    • “Find the differences” (in two pictures).
    • “Caravan” - the mother names the animal, the child repeats it and adds his own. Mom repeats both and adds a third. You need to repeat in the order in which the animals are named. They play until someone gets lost.
    • "What changed?". During a morning walk, mother and child try to remember everything that surrounds them, and in the evening they compare what has changed (someone hung up the laundry, old women sat on a bench, a car drove up to the next door);
    • Close your eyes and name as many different sounds as possible in the room (a clock, the noise of a refrigerator, the purring of a cat) or outside the window (cars driving, birds singing, the wind rustling).
    • Close your eyes and tell what order is on the shelf, on the table, what mom is wearing.

    It is important to start with easier tasks, gradually making them more difficult, and not forgetting to praise your child for success.

    Reading and writing

    Your child will need these skills in school. After all, the first thing he will have to master by first grade is reading and writing.

    In the fifth year, you need to plan lessons with your preschooler to prepare your hand for writing. Here you will already need the first teaching aids - children's copybooks. These are excellent “developers” for the hand, helping the child develop the necessary muscles so that the hand does not get tired while writing. In children's copybooks, the child is asked to trace simple patterns point by point and then reproduce them independently.

    To reinforce the perception of the first sound in a word (the entire study of letters is based on this), you can glue cards with images of letters to different objects in the house. Let the child determine in which case the card is glued correctly and in which case it is not.

    When teaching preschoolers to read, more and more mothers choose Zhukova’s primer. It consistently shows how letters “merge” into syllables and gives important recommendations to parents. In addition, Zhukova’s teaching methods meet the requirements of school curricula.

    Before you start teaching your child to read, teach him to hear all the sounds in words, in different parts of the word (at the beginning, middle, end), and also to isolate syllables in words. You can find many entertaining games for this.

    Only with this approach will the child learn to read and write without mistakes (children often transfer into writing what they hear or perceive incorrectly).

    Learning mathematics

    The first thing that comes to mind here is numeracy skills. Because it is still difficult for a child to master calculations. How to teach a preschooler to count?

    A child can understand how a specific number relates to the designated number, for example, using counting sticks or cards that depict the number and various objects in the corresponding quantity.

    To reinforce counting in order, you can use coloring pages that require you to connect numbered dots.

    Also, the consolidation of ordinal counting is facilitated by the constant recounting of surrounding objects: houses, benches, birds, steps on the stairs, apples in a vase.

    Mathematics is also... By this age, the child should already know basic geometric shapes. Now it is important to consolidate this knowledge, as well as develop the preschooler’s thinking by playing interesting games with figures. For example, you can fold triangles into rectangles, squares, rhombuses, and other triangles. You can make rectangles from squares.

    It is also interesting for children at this age to draw using geometric shapes (everyone knows that a triangle is a skirt, a circle is a sun, a triangle with a rectangle is a house). Also, the child can already compare figures by color, shape, size.

    Musicality, sensory, movement

    One of the main factors in the proper development of a preschooler at this age remains movement. He must move a lot. This increases his agility, endurance, coordination, develops muscles, and strengthens the skeleton. Therefore, the lesson program should have a lot of space for gymnastics, dancing, exercises, cycling, and all kinds of outdoor games. You can enroll your preschooler in some sports section.

    And if physical activity is accompanied by well-chosen melodies, the child will also receive musical development. He will have an improved sense of rhythm, perception of fast and slow music, sad and cheerful.

    At this age, a preschooler can be given to listen not only to children's melodies, but also to classical ones. He already has his favorite tunes, to which he begins to dance or hum.

    Sensory perception is, first of all, the development of tactile sensitivity. The baby should have the opportunity to touch a variety of materials and textures: soft, hard, smooth, rough, fluffy, prickly, warm, cold. A good game is to recognize objects by touch without seeing them (for example, by taking them out of a bag).

    Improving fine motor skills plays an important role. This helps improve all mental abilities: thinking, speech, memory. In addition, good fine motor skills prepare the hand for writing: the child will hold the pen correctly, the hand will strain and get tired less. Games with small objects and materials are good for this purpose: cubes, construction sets, mosaics, sand, cereals. This also includes tying shoelaces, fastening zippers, unscrewing corks, drawing, appliqué, and sculpting.

    Other knowledge

    The expansion of horizons is facilitated by the first ideas about geography that a child can get, for example, during walks (tell him what the horizon, wildlife, seasons, water and land, sun and earth are).

    Special manuals for preschoolers will help deepen their knowledge. These are such “cognitive things” as, for example, encyclopedias, a globe or a magnetic map of the world, which is accompanied by pictures of plants, animals, and landmarks of different countries. This is how the baby learns about peoples, about his homeland, about continents and islands, about lakes, seas, plains, mountains, cardinal points.

    By the way, geography is the main subject about which children at this age ask many questions. Sometimes simply answering them is enough to give the child all the necessary knowledge.

    A child can get ideas about the history and culture of his people by looking at Vasnetsov’s paintings, listening to epics about heroes, stories about the life of princes (possibly in the form of fairy tales), drawing the nature of Russia, churches, epic and fairy-tale heroes, listening to stories from the history of his family (about grandparents, family traditions), while exploring the beauty of nature and the sights of their hometown during walks.

    It is good to introduce a preschooler to the traditions and culture of our people using the example of folk holidays (Easter, Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala).

    But, according to most experts, it is too early to learn foreign languages ​​at this age. Firstly, memorization will be mechanical, and secondly, for accurate language acquisition, an appropriate language environment is now needed. Thirdly, it is still difficult to properly motivate a child to learn an incomprehensible language. But the risk of ruining your pronunciation in your native language is very high. In addition, such study requires the presence of a teacher: parents are not recommended to teach their child foreign languages ​​on their own.

    It is necessary to develop the skills and abilities of a preschool child in a comprehensive manner. Then he will be fully prepared for further successful development and learning at school.

    The baby's toddler age is left behind. The child grows up, delighting his family with new skills. Sometimes he is lazy, fails to cope, sometimes cries and gets nervous. But is it necessary to interfere in children's fun and help the child play and develop? The answer is clear: “Yes!” It is better if parents actively participate in the child's development. Research shows that children who are happier, sociable and more socially adjusted grow up in a family where mom and dad spent enough time on the child: they played, drew, sculpted, and glued together. Therefore, it is better to put aside your affairs, turn off the TV and start developing the most important person!


    Modern methods offer parents a lot of educational games. In order not to get lost in their diversity and choose the right ones, the first thing you need to determine is for what age group the classes are needed.

    Children require the most attention before school. Usually this is a period of 4-5 years. The child already speaks well enough and is ready to listen and learn. But before choosing educational activities for children 4-5 years old, you need to figure out what they should be able to do at this age.

    1. Determine the positions of objects (top, right, middle).
    2. Know the basic shapes (circle, oval).
    3. Be able to count to 10. Count objects in order.
    4. Arrange items by counting.
    5. Understand the comparison of objects, name their characteristics (thicker, thinner, big, small).
    6. Distinguish numbers from letters.

    Help for parents

    So, the baby has all the necessary skills and is ready for classes. Where to begin?
    Activities should be selected according to the child’s temperament. If the mother cannot cope on her own, a specialist can help her with this in individual lessons. Sometimes parents give preference to special development centers, where the program for children is drawn up by a teacher-psychologist. Most children attend kindergartens, where the teacher also plays with them.

    But if the baby does not attend preschool institutions or the mother wants to work with the child herself, then educational activities at home will come to her aid. What are these? What should you pay attention to when choosing training programs?

    Game form

    The first thing you need to understand is that no matter what developmental activities parents choose for children 4-5 years old, they should be presented to their child only in the form of a game. And nothing else! During this period, children perfectly grasp any information if it captivates them. How else to interest a naughty girl, if not with a funny game?

    Exercises and developmental activities for preschoolers

    Let them be simple games without any theme to begin with. You can bring pencils or markers and a large sheet of paper. Invite your child to dream up. For example, a mother starts a drawing, and a child finishes it. Then laugh together at the finished “masterpiece.” A good option is modeling or assembling a construction set. You can also make an applique with your child, play a board game, or even solve a crossword puzzle. All this is needed to understand what the baby does best. After all, if you identify talent at such an early age, there will be a real opportunity to develop it, and perhaps even make it your child’s profession. All adults know how important it is to do what you love in life.

    Other activities

    If your child is bored with such simple games or he does not show interest in them, you can look for other topics of educational activities.

    1. The most important thing for any child is physical development. Parents just need to decide what they want: just keep their child healthy or make him an athlete. Again, focus on the child’s wishes. You can practice dancing, wrestling, cycling or scootering, roller skating, swimming, football. There are still plenty of options.

    2. Motor skills. Perhaps as important as sports. You can build blocks, constructor sets, assemble puzzles, play in the sandbox, stack pebbles, sculpt from plasticine or clay, draw with crayons, or master “puppet theater,” among other things.

    3. Creative educational activities for children 4-5 years old provide unlimited freedom for imagination. A child can be introduced to any type of art. You can teach him to draw, write poetry, sculpt, cut out paper, do theatrical performances, sing and even sew, embroider and knit (but only if safety precautions are observed and in the presence of adults!)

    4. If the baby is already ready to study, you can work with him to master letters and numbers, thereby training his speech. Contrary to the belief that a child should learn everything at school, it will be better if the child goes to first grade prepared. This will make it easier for him, he will become more confident in himself, and, therefore, he will worry less.

    5. Training of thinking, memory, logic. For these purposes, you can learn poetry, read and retell texts, name colors, shapes and volumes of objects, solve riddles and puzzles, assemble puzzles, play checkers and charades.

    6. It’s great if the child also learns the rules of etiquette. He must learn to properly greet, apologize, thank, give up his seat, and help adults. It's good when a boy knows how a gentleman should behave, and a girl learns to be a lady. No matter how outdated these concepts may be in the modern world, it is always nice when a child is well-mannered and polite.

    7. Some parents do not stop only at these common methods and offer their children individual developmental classes on rare topics. For example, they begin to introduce their child to space, mountains, rivers or rare animals and plants. Most often this happens due to the child’s spontaneous curiosity or is associated with the profession of the parents. In any case, no matter what a child is interested in, you should never leave his questions unanswered. He is growing up and wants to know everything. And the task of adults is to help the child with this.


    And the most important thing in any activity with a child is that you need to stop at the moment when the child is tired and no longer wants to play or has lost interest in the subject of study. Under no circumstances force him to take classes, otherwise there will be no point in them!
    Of course, any development of a child, regardless of age and place, is very important for his future life.

    The kind of person he will grow up depends on how well and freely he can communicate, how well his speech, memory and culture are developed. However, you should not turn developmental activities for children 4-5 years old into some kind of duty or routine work. The child himself must regulate the time and duration of training. He should like the games, not his parents. Only then will he be able to fully enjoy the process and grow up as a happy and morally satisfied child!

    All parents strive for their four-year-old child to develop properly, be erudite and have sufficient knowledge for his age. What should a 4 year old child know and be able to do? In this article I will present to your attention information for testing your baby and a number of educational materials for his development. I am sure that my article will be liked and will be useful not only for parents, but also for kindergarten teachers and methodologists.

    Tests for children 4 years old

    The tests are designed to determine the potential capabilities of the baby in various areas of knowledge, namely, to determine in what the toddler shows success, and in what he needs to work with, devoting more attention and time to this.

    First you need to pay attention to the speech development of a four-year-old baby.

    By age 4, a child should:

    • have a vocabulary of 1000 words and use them when constructing spoken phrases. Speech must be articulate so that not only relatives, but also strangers can understand it.
    • know the difference between a person and an animal and name the main distinguishing features. For example: a person has hair, and an animal has fur.
    • use noun words not only in the singular, but also in the plural. Here, for example: I’m a boy, I’ll go for a walk with the boys.
    • be able to describe objects, talking about their appearance and properties. For example: lemon – yellow, edible, sour.
    • use prepositions in colloquial speech: on, before, behind, in, under...
    • know: who do mom and dad work, what do they do at work. Learn about other types of professions.
    • conduct a conversation, answering questions, reasoning, constructing sentences of 5-8 words. For example, a baby should be able to tell her dad when he comes home from work about what she did during the day.
    • retell a fairy tale, story or other information he has heard. Read nursery rhymes and children's poems by heart.
    • tell basic information about yourself, namely give your name, surname and patronymic, age, place of residence.

    Speech development aids

    If you feel that your child’s speech is not sufficiently developed, then work with your child using study guides:

    • the alphabet in pictures
    • materials entitled “Learning to read”, “Colored letters”
    • a game called “Match a word from a picture” or “Let’s play and learn to read”, “Loto with letters”
    • purely speaking.
    • puzzles depicting letters of the alphabet.

    Math knowledge

    In the field of mathematics, a 4-year-old toddler must demonstrate the following knowledge and skills:

    • navigate the arrangement of objects, i.e. correctly answer on which side (right, left, top, bottom...) this or that object is located.
    • It is correct to name the five basic geometric shapes: square, circle, rectangle and triangle.
    • know the count to ten and be able to count objects in quantities up to 10 pieces. Some 4-year-olds enjoy learning to write the ten basic numbers.
    • be able to arrange numbers in sequence from one to five and from five to one.
    • determine visually or by counting: where there are more objects and where there are fewer, and also be able to equalize their number by rearranging objects.
    • learn to write with sticks, trace a cell in a notebook.

    Tasks for children 4 years old are set out in special manuals:

    • in the form of cards entitled: “Teaching a child to count”, “Numbers from 0 to 10”, “Geometric shapes”, “Find the extra number”, “Coloring numbers”
    • in the form of a game called: “Studying geometric shapes”, “Mathematics with dice”, “Navigating in space: before and after”
    • in coloring books “Color the picture and connect the numbers”, “Numbers-coloring”
    • in copybooks “Numbers”, “Mathematics copybook”, “Learning to write numbers from 1-9”, “Learning to count”
    • in the form of puzzles called “Triple geometric shapes”, “Triple numbers and counting”.

    Logical thinking tasks

    It is very important to develop logical thinking, memory and attention in a 4-year-old child.

    To find out about your child’s success in this area of ​​knowledge, I recommend testing your child by giving him the following tasks:

    • compare the pictures, determine how they differ from each other and how they are similar.
    • put together a structure similar to the model from a construction set
    • fold the cut picture out of 2-4 parts
    • do not get distracted while completing the task (at least for 5 minutes)
    • build a toy pyramid yourself or put together a pyramid, for example, from disposable cups
    • correctly insert the missing fragments of the picture into the holes
    • be able to verbally summarize objects, namely: a table, a closet, a bed - this is furniture; mom, dad are parents. Eliminate an unnecessary item from the list you have listed or find a pair for it.
    • answer basic everyday questions. For example: “Why do we dress warmly in winter?”, “Why does a person need a house?”...
    • choose the right anonymous words for simple words: empty - full (bucket), high - low (tree), hot - cold (cocoa) ...
    • immediately remember several pairs of words that you read to him and retell them exactly.
    • be able to see an incorrectly drawn image in a picture. Point to him and explain why he thinks so. These can be pictures for children 4 years old with images of animals or people, where one of them will be drawn upside down.

    If a 4-year-old child has successfully completed all the tasks, then his memory, thinking and attention are properly developed. If the toddler does not complete one or another task, then you need to devote more time and attention to teaching your child. This may require a training program for children 4 years old or special teaching aids.

    It can be:

    • cards called “Find an extra object”, “Find a pair”, “find a shadow in an image”, “Lessons in the development of logical thinking”, “Determine where is big and where is small”
    • puzzles
    • Krasnoukhov's puzzles
    • coloring pages for developing logic
    • training programs entitled: “Development of attention”, “Development of thinking”, “Development of memory”.
    • games "Who's Who?" or “What is what?”, “Pick up a patch”, “Catch a fish”, “Find a pair”, “Memory and attention”, “Developing memory and Attention”

    What should a four-year-old child know about the world around him?

    First of all:

    • know what vegetables, fruits, berries are and their properties, where they grow, etc.
    • know the main insects: grasshopper, ladybug, butterfly and tell how they move
    • know the main domestic animals, what they eat, what their young are called.
    • navigate the seasons, recognize them from pictures.

    In order to help a child gain enough knowledge about the things and animals that surround him, many manuals have been created in the form of:

    • cards or coloring pages depicting: animals, humans, birds, furniture, vegetables, fruits, berries, clothes, professions, trees and leaves, autumn, spring, summer, winter, transport, insects...
    • educational games.

    What should a four year old child be able to do?

    Here is the main list of his capabilities at this age:

    • knows how to dress, fasten buttons, tie and untie shoelaces, fasten a zipper on a jacket or sweater.
    • knows how to eat independently using cutlery: spoon and fork.
    • can use a pencil or pen to draw a line on a piece of paper
    • knows how to string beads or buttons onto a thread
    • shades or paints over figures, practically not going beyond the outline of the image.
    • knows where the left hand is and where the right is.

    To teach your child all of the above, you do not need to use special teaching aids, because you, the parents, will be able to better tell your child about these basic things.

    Learning foreign languages

    And finally, if you decide that your little one should know English from an early age, then you can use the following educational materials:

    • English with Big Muzzy
    • puzzles with english letters
    • cards with the English alphabet.

    This, perhaps, is the entire development program for a 4-year-old child.

    Since ancient times, educational games have been created that cultivate in children such qualities as: attention, perseverance, logic, order of thinking. Today everything is much simpler - there are educational games online. With them, the child will learn a lot of useful things: counting, the alphabet, arithmetic operations. When preparing a child for school, you can use games for the development of children 3-4-5-6-7 years old as auxiliary preparation. After all, it is not only interesting, but also educational. Here, children have a special approach to teaching subjects from the school curriculum.
    Since you have visited our website, you are a caring and loving parent for your child. On our website you can play online games with your child for free: various ones, including educational ones. It is by playing that the child learns and gets acquainted with the world. This is a kind of bridge from the children's world to the adult world. More often, the game has a plot character; the game often defines specific roles for players, copying the roles of adults. Business games allow you to learn about the world, sports games increase the level of self-esteem, and role-playing games increase the level of intelligence. Since games are based on the perception of different rules, the child is placed in a situation where he must learn to follow certain rules of adult life. A game, by definition, is a winning way to achieve the development of a child’s creative potential voluntarily, without using coercive methods, therefore educational games are good for children of all ages.
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    • games for speed of reaction, developing motor skills and coordination of movements
    • games for memory development.

    We tried to make playing easy; you can play our games right away without downloading them. Online games will help expand your child’s vocabulary, expand the boundaries of his horizons and prepare his child for school: “Find all the letters”, “Collect a school bag”, “Learn the English alphabet”, “Make a word”, “Learn mathematics”. Educational games, even very simple ones at first glance, help constant development: “Kolobok in the labyrinth”, “Help the little animals”, “Complete the picture”, “New Year’s differences” suggest looking for objects, matches, paired objects, what distinguishes them from similar ones them. These educational games have become classics in the world of online games. More than one generation has learned to write and count, distinguish sounds, identify sound information, understand the names and shapes of objects.
    The educational games section is constantly updated and grows along with its fans. Play and learn with passion!

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