• Women's felt boots. Fashionable women's felt boots: review and photos Positive winter comes with fashionable women's felt boots


    We offer to buy fashionable women's felt boots in the TOP SHOP online store, whose catalog offers a large selection of stylish winter shoes made from natural wool.

    The trend in recent seasons has been inexpensive and comfortable models with soles made of non-slip material. The prices for winter boots presented on our website are noticeably lower than the cost of similar shoes in retail stores.

    When placing an order for the selected product, you can order delivery by courier or mail.

    For those who are cold, and not only

    The main and undeniable advantage of felt boots is that they are warm even in the most severe frosts. This is explained by the properties of natural sheep wool, which can reliably protect against the cold.

    On our company’s website you can choose felt boots:

    • with or without anti-slip soles;
    • lined with faux fur, wool or unlined;
    • with embroidery, applique or without decorations;
    • in a wide range of colors.

    The democratic nature of such winter footwear leaves no doubt - students, young mothers, and ladies of an elegant age wear felt boots with pleasure. They are appropriate for going for a walk, going on a winter picnic, and even coming to work.

    Traditionally, felt boots are worn with skinny trousers or jeans tucked into the tops. Although on slender legs such stylish shoes look decent with a short skirt. On the website of the TOP SHOP online store you can choose felt boots of any size.

    When ordering, you must remember that you need to buy felted shoes a size or two larger - wool shrinks greatly when wet. The foot should be comfortable and spacious, in which case the air gap will also help retain heat.

    When ordering felt boots through the TOP SHOP online portal, you invariably receive shoes with excellent characteristics - warm, stylish and comfortable.

    And fashionistas just have to choose what they like. What’s interesting is that recently fashionistas are increasingly choosing not fashionable, but practical things. The above fully applies to warm and cozy felt boots, which are actually now experiencing a renaissance.

    Russian felt boots are turning from rustic footwear into a global trend right before our eyes. Winter 2018-2019 will delight fans of comfort with new collections of fashionable felted shoes!

    Of course, modern felt boots are no match for their unassuming predecessors - gray or black chesankas and pimas. They are so modernized and improved that it is not always possible to recognize modest felt boots in a pair of stylish elegant shoes.

    First of all, fashionable felt boots are equipped with a stable, non-slip and waterproof molded sole, which allows you to walk safely on wet snow and ice.

    In addition, modern felt boots (as felt boots are sometimes called), as a rule, are richly decorated with all kinds of laces, fur, rhinestones, beads, etc.

    So what will boots be like in 2019?

    Positive winter comes with fashionable women's felt boots

    Good news - fashionable felted shoes 2019 will be bright! It is expected that models will be produced in a positive, life-affirming palette - red, cherry, chocolate.

    Felt boots in purple, smoky gray, silver and coffee-with-lait colors will also be in fashion.

    The colored background will not remain empty - it will be filled with embroidered snowflakes, flowers and butterflies.

    In addition, it is very likely that fashionable felt boots will be decorated with applications made of felt and leather, as well as trims and pom-poms made of natural fur.

    Another interesting news is that shoes made from sheep wool will now have high heels! It can be either a high wedge heel or a stable thick heel.

    It is not surprising that beautifully decorated felt boots with heels will make a very worthy (and very, very comfortable!) alternative to elegant leather and suede boots in the new winter season!

    Women's felt boots, see photo:

    Foreign relatives

    Felted shoes are a national treasure not only of Russia. Something similar is present among many peoples of the world. For example, everyone knows the famous Ugg boots - ankle boots made of sheep's wool, originally from Australia.

    Finnish felt boots are not inferior to Russian felt boots, which can withstand frosts from -5C to -40 degrees. Excellent felted shoes are also made in the UK.

    Currently, felt boots from the Finnish company Kuoma and the British company Keddo have won special love among fashionistas around the world.

    Women's felt boots Kuoma

    Women's winter shoes from Kuoma can satisfy the most demanding fashionistas. Essentially, this is a high-tech version of the good old felt boots. Lightweight, exceptionally warm, with a protective top layer of moisture-repellent fabric and a durable, non-slip sole, Kuoma felted boots are not only functional, but also incredibly elegant.

    Kuoma women's felt boots are made in two versions - for wide and narrow legs. Some models have a stable molded heel. Interestingly, the polyurethane sole of felted boots from Kuoma improves its performance properties over time - the grip only increases with wear.

    The undoubted advantage of fashionable felt shoes from Kuoma is that they can be washed in a washing machine. All consumer properties of felt boots are preserved.

    Women's felt boots Keddo

    Winter felted shoes from Great Britain are intended for sophisticated fashionistas. It is believed that the English company Keddo produces the most stylish boots in the world...Russian felt boots!

    A distinctive feature of Keddo shoes is their focus on a young audience and a special, creative urban chic. Women's felt boots from Keddo are always original and beautiful! So in the coming winter season, the Keddo company offers bright, extraordinary models with memorable decor.

    At the same time, felt boots from Keddo can be very cute and feminine - after all, in addition to unusual, catchy models for brave girls, Keddo also produces shoes in restrained colors for lovers of the classics.

    What to wear with felt boots?

    This is a very important question - what to wear with felt boots! Many stylists believe that the best companions for sheep's wool shoes are skinny trousers, jeans and leggings combined with bulky sweaters, fur jackets, vests and down jackets. But wearing dresses and skirts with felted shoes is not recommended.

    However, there are no rules without exceptions. If you bought not just felt boots, but felt boots with delicate heels from Keddo, you can safely experiment with any clothing! Elegant felted Keddo shoes of various lengths go well with knitted dresses, tunics and narrow skirts.

    Environmentally friendly, stylish and at the same time very warm and comfortable, felt boots will, without a doubt, help out fashionistas more than once in the most severe frosts!

    The urban clothing style has been replenished with a new model of winter footwear - felt women's felt boots. Designers have transformed ancient souvenir felt boots into modern felt boots. Such warm shoes are in great demand among women, girls, and even men, and of course, among children. More expensive models of felt boots are distinguished by patterned embroidery, they are decorated with rhinestones and beautiful appliqués. The once rustic felt boots have now become fashionable and glamorous.

    Today you will find out what popular models of women's felt boots are, as well as what you can wear felt boots with.

    What to wear with fashionable felt boots?

    There are full collections of padded winter shoes from famous designers. Their diversity is provided by a multi-colored palette. Stylists recommend wearing felt boots with fitted, cropped down jackets or those that reach the mid-thigh line. The color combination can be matching or contrasting.

    In the light of modern fashion trends, the model of felt boots with heels, which easily combines with outerwear that is short in length, is of interest. Felt boots should not be worn with a long fur coat or a classic coat. Soft felt shoes look great with a short sheepskin coat and short fur coat.

    Take a look at the photos of the images fashionistas create with felt boots, and you will feel the beauty of winter shoes made of felt. Felt boots are essentially the same.

    Women's felt boots with jeans

    Skinny jeans go well with felt boots and any tight trousers, including leggings or warm skinnies in a contrasting color combination. Stylists create a feminine silhouette even with breeches, although it is difficult to choose the perfect shoes for them. Women are happy to wear a warm long skirt with felt boots, and some fashionistas perfectly combine felt boots with boots.

    Women's felt boots and accessories

    Fashionable felt boots made of sheep wool can be worn with a warm, voluminous scarf, a knitted hat and the same mittens. The modern bright earflap hat, which has become a hit in recent collections, goes perfectly with beautiful felt shoes.

    In a fashionable look, a woman combines felt boots with a leather hat with a bandana decorated with a visor; the look can be completed. Stylists emphasize the ethnic style of clothing with the help of an Orenburg scarf and a colored shawl.

    Women's felt boots with jacket and parka

    The result is a glamorous look combinations of felt boots with a fur vest. A hit women's silhouette is a vest made of fur, belted with a wide belt, while the curve of the waist stands out clearly.

    In recent years, a popular combination has been women’s felt boots with a winter parka jacket (khaki color), complemented by a hat with earflaps with appropriate decor, with leather or fabric inserts.

    Proper timely care of a woolen product will ensure its wear resistance; felt boots will serve for a long time without losing their appearance and quality. Felt boots should be dried away from a heat source; high temperatures have a detrimental effect on the warming properties of wool, because the felt hardens.

    What types of women's felt boots are there?

    In modern fashionable felt boots you can recognize rustic felt boots. The beauty is that they have retained their primitiveness. In the recent past, namely in the 70-80s, almost all children wore felt boots with galoshes. These were warm and very comfortable shoes.

    Now galoshes are coming back into fashion. But more versatile felt boots with our usual soles. And there are hybrid felt boots - felt boots with heels.

    This is all you need to know about caring for your favorite fashionable felt boots. There are no restrictions in the style and combinations of felt boots with other clothes, there are no difficulties in caring for felt boots. Now your winter will be warm and very cozy, which is what we wish for you.

    With love, Editorial Board YavMode.ru

    Now spring is in full swing, and it seems like I don’t even want to think about the cold winter that has occupied us so recently and for so long. If you are tired of the heat or you like to stock up on things ahead of time, then you should definitely find out in advance which fashionable felt boots are best to choose for the upcoming winter of 2019.

    Valenki have long won the love of Russian fashionistas - they are a real salvation for our harsh winters and our unpredictable climate. They will keep your feet warm and at the same time add a bright and stylish touch to your look.

    Look at the photos of fashionable felt boots for the winter of 2019 and see the distinctive features of the trends of the current season:

    What should truly winter boots be made of?

    Felt boots have undergone many changes over the past few years. For example, the Finnish felt boots model is very popular. They have a thermal insulation sole that will keep you warm during long walks in the cold season. It is made of polyurethane, which means you can be sure that you will not slip on slippery ice, which is very important for the winter season. The upper part of the felt boots is treated with a special agent that does not allow dust and dirt to stick to the surface of the shoe. They have high-quality pile inside, which helps keep your feet warm and comfortable.

    Looking at the collections of designers, it seems that they completely forgot about what truly winter boots should be made of, the palette of materials used is so diverse.

    Distinctive features of fashionable felt boots 2016 and the color palette of models (with photos)

    Fashionable felt boots of 2019 are not just a dried piece of fabric, now they are shoes of various colors (it is better if they are brighter), richly decorated with rhinestones, embroidery, fringe, lace and other fashionable details. The distinctive features of the upcoming season are perfectly demonstrated at fashion shows. You can see fashionable felt boots in the photo, illustrating all the trends and trends:

    Winter is not a reason to be sad - you need to please yourself with bright colors that lift your spirits and please the eye during a boring and cold season. Fashion designers give preference to raspberry, bright red, blue, light blue, pink, orange, mint, chocolate, and of course black and white. Also in fashion are purple, silver and other metallic fabrics, as well as the color of coffee with milk. This color palette of models will attract attention and lift your spirits even on the gloomiest day.

    But under no circumstances leave the space empty. For example, it is interesting to look at a model of felt boots with a gradient from lavender to bright purple with embroidery of a beautiful flower. You can wear it with either a fur coat or a plain formal coat or .

    Simple models of a smoky gray shade with various patterns on a large part of the surface of the felt boots are again popular. This model looks simple and elegant, perfect for walking with friends.

    You can choose a geometric pattern that will go well with a winter coat and help you complete your formal business look for the winter season. But this does not mean that it cannot be combined with things in a casual style - with a regular down jacket or sheepskin coat, fashionable women's felt boots will look no worse.

    This season, the folk style is at the peak of popularity, with its embroidery in the Russian folk style with flowers, berries and embroidery and appliqués characteristic of nationalities. This model gives you the opportunity to express yourself, since you can completely determine the style of future felt boots and independently design them according to your wishes and taste preferences. As a result, you will receive a unique model that no one else has. Such a thing will be even more valuable than a ready-made one bought in a store.

    This season you can also wear items made from several materials at once, so don’t be surprised to find inserts made of leather, felt, lace, satin and other types of material unconventional for this shoe on regular felt boots. This is the trend of this season. And if you add some other interesting things like lacing, rivets, belts, etc., then they will look even more interesting. Also, fashionable felt boots are decorated in winter with fur inserts and cute pom-poms. You can see similar models in the photo below.

    New this season: felt boots with heels and strong soles

    Unusual new items of the season are felt boots with heels!!! Yes, yes, you heard right, now stylists have come up with the idea of ​​making felt boots from sheep fur with stiletto heels. What a very comfortable model - after all, the model is warm, felted wool retains heat perfectly, the natural sole prevents your feet from freezing and prevents you from falling. The heel allows you to maintain a feminine and elegant look at any time of the year, no matter what. Since we are with you, we should not forget that it should not only be warm, but also stable. That is why it is better to opt for a wedge heel or a thick, stable heel.

    Another alternative to your favorite felt boots is offered by the Finnish company Kuoma - warm, lightweight, with excellent water-repellent properties with a strong sole that does not slip on ice. This model will please the eye not only with its bright colors, but also with its unusual functionality - you can wear them both for everyday wear and for visiting the office. Examples of such a model are presented in the photo below. By the way, unlike their dried counterparts, you can easily wash them in a machine without fear of damaging your shoes in any way.

    But British felt boots are more aimed at a youth audience, so most models are made in an urban chic style. Here are bright models with colorful embroidery, bright prints and unusual patterns all over the surface. All this does not in the least prevent them from remaining as warm and comfortable as real winter boots should be in our harsh region.

    If you love the classics, then the fashion designers of the British company Keddo offer you felt boots in a classic style with neutral colors and a minimum of decor. Stylists usually suggest wearing such felt boots in ensembles in an official business style, or if you are going to a party.

    What to wear with fashionable felt boots in winter 2019?

    A very important question, especially in winter. Finding out in advance what to wear with felt boots in the winter of 2019 so as to always look stylish is very important for girls and women of all ages. It is fashionable to combine classic felt boots without heels with leggings, trousers, jeans, fur vests, jackets and down jackets. But the elegant models, which are presented in large numbers this season, can be worn with skirts and dresses. They will also go well with more feminine coats and sheepskin coats.

    Fashionable felt boots in the winter of 2019 will undoubtedly remain a mandatory attribute of the winter wardrobe; without them it is impossible to imagine life in the harsh Russian climate. A huge number of styles and models with a variety of designs and decor allows you to create your own unique style, unlike anyone else.

    Look at the photos of the most attractive styles and models:

    Winter has come, and with it comes the cold. In order not to freeze when going to work or walking along snowy streets, you should definitely take care of warm and comfortable shoes.

    It so happens that every year I buy a new pair of boots, but, unfortunately, they turn out to be not as warm as I would like, and their durability over time leaves much to be desired.

    But my sister Ilona found a solution that delighted not only me and my mother, but also all her friends. A week ago Ilona brought home gray felt boots, which surprised the whole family. But after she covered the felt boots with PVA glue and painted them with acrylic paints, the shoes were unrecognizable, and our delight knew no bounds!

    Of course, from time immemorial, felt boots were considered the most comfortable type of footwear for the winter, but in recent decades they have faded into the background, replaced by lighter and more moisture-resistant shoes. Many people associate them with the traditional village style of clothing, but literally since 2016 everything has changed.

    Beautiful felt boots

    Today, women's painted felt boots are extremely popular. In such models, the main emphasis is not on the shoes themselves, but on the choice of color scheme. You can buy, like my sister, the most ordinary felt boots made of coarse wool or a dark color and complement them with an interesting print or a bright pattern. Believe me, no one will be able to pass by a girl in such unusual shoes.

    That's why the editors "So simple!" I have prepared 11 ideas on how to decorate felt boots, turning them into the most fashionable shoes this winter. A unique thing for pennies!

    1. To create such beauty, you will need PVA glue, which you need to carefully cover the felt boots so that the paint does not absorb into the material and lies evenly on the fleecy surface.

      Then, when the glue is completely dry, you need to outline the design with soap or a pencil. After this, copy the drawing onto tracing paper, transfer it to the second felt boot and, most importantly, paint both drawings with acrylic paints.

      It is important to iron the felt boots through a thin fabric after this. After drying, acrylic paints acquire a more saturated color.

    2. The most popular themes for painting felt boots are flowers and fruits. With such a print, even felt boots become incredibly stylish and feminine shoes.

    3. Felt boots with the image of Santa Claus, deer, snowman or these cute bullfinches will be an excellent addition to your holiday look.

    4. Here's how you can make a unique designer item out of ordinary felt boots!

    5. Things in the Family look style are the thread that connects parents and children even more firmly and creates a unique aura in the family environment. Having tried on such shoes, each family member can say with complete confidence: “We are a team!”

    6. New for the latest season are designer painted felt boots with a 3D image. Masters paint entire paintings with animals, birds or abstractions. It looks simply amazing, doesn't it?

    7. The fashionable theme this winter is the characters from the cartoon “Hedgehog in the Fog.”

    8. Girls choose a floral theme, because such prints exude femininity, beauty, and romance.

    9. An excellent model for little ones.

    10. And such felt boots can be an excellent gift for someone close to you.

    11. A real princess or Snow Maiden deserves such shoes.

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