• Quotes about women. Beautiful quotes about women


    I don’t know why women demand everything that men have. After all, women, among other things, have men.
    Coco Chanel

    A smart woman is one in whose company you can act as stupid as you like.
    P. Valerie

    A woman's guess is more accurate than a man's confidence
    R. Kipling

    A woman is your shadow: when you follow her, she runs away from you; when you leave her, she runs after you.
    Alfred de Musset

    Beautiful girls and women are rarely alone, but they are often lonely.
    Henryk Jagodzinski

    The later a girl comes on a date, the more smiling she is.
    Gomez de la Serna

    A woman must manage to look so wise that her “accidental” stupidity turns out to be a real gift for a man.
    Karl Kraus

    Night suits every girl and woman.
    S. Flesharova-Muscat

    U loving woman the heart is always full of hope; To kill them, you need more than one blow with a dagger, she loves until the last drop of blood.
    Honore de Balzac

    Without a woman, the dawn and evening of life would be helpless, and her noon would be without joy.
    Pierre Buast

    If God had appointed a woman to be the mistress of a man, he would have created her from the head; if he had appointed her to be a slave, he would have created her from the foot; but since he intended her to be a friend and equal to a man, he created it from a rib.
    Aurelius Augustine

    If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen.
    Oscar Wilde

    Women's hatred is, in fact, the same love, only changed direction.
    Heinrich Heine

    A woman is both an apple and a snake.
    Heinrich Heine

    A man should beware of a woman when she loves: for then she is ready for any sacrifice, and everything else has no value in her eyes.
    Nietzsche F.

    If I am part of your destiny, then someday you will return to me...
    P. Coelho

    “If a woman loves you, then, in essence, the one she loves is not you. But the one she doesn’t love anymore is you!”
    Paul Geraldi

    When the actress was asked what she wears when going to bed, she replied: “Only Chanel number five.”

    Only a woman can temporarily stop time.
    Yuzef Bulatovich

    For some women, it is enough to walk down the street once to remain in a man’s memory forever.
    Kipling R.

    A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man knows its price.

    If you love, let him go free. If he comes back, he’s yours; if he doesn’t come back, he was never yours.

    “A man wants to be a woman’s first while a woman wants to be a man’s last.” Jennifer Wilkinson
    A man wants to be a woman's first, while a woman wants to be a man's last.

    An intelligent woman is like Semiramis.
    K. Prutkov

    What is a mistress? A woman around whom you forget what you knew by heart, in other words, all the shortcomings of her sex.
    N. Chamfort

    Anyone who has not seen a woman in love cannot say what a woman is.
    T. Gauthier

    A woman’s right is to say more than a man, and a man’s duty is to do more than a woman.
    Baurzhan Toyshibekov

    The ideal couple from my point of view is a damn beautiful woman and a devilishly smart man.
    Baurzhan Toyshibekov

    A man who reads morals is usually a hypocrite, and a woman who reads morals is certainly an ugly woman.
    Oscar Wilde

    Even the severity of the woman we love is full of endless charm, which we do not find in our happiest moments in other women.

    A woman is not only able to understand self-sacrifice: she herself knows how to sacrifice herself.

    Night gives shine to stars and women.

    You can kiss a beautiful woman endlessly and never end up in the same place.
    Janusz Makarchik

    Even the most Beautiful legs, end somewhere.
    Julian Tuwim

    Don’t burst into your wife’s room shouting “I know everything!”, otherwise she’ll ask you what year the Battle of Trafalgar took place.

    Nymphomaniac: a woman who wants to make love in the evening despite having done her hair in the morning.
    Maureen Limpan

    To understand women, you need to become a woman, and if it is impossible for her to become one, then all that remains is to accept women as they are - full of mysteries and sweet charm in their individuality.

    And she will only laugh, casting a predatory glance in response; as anyone knows, there are no rules in the life of a cat...

    If a woman is wrong, go and apologize...

    The love of a woman is more to be feared than the hatred of a man. This is poison, all the more dangerous because it is pleasant.


    Many women come to performances only to become part of the spectacle themselves.


    There are no women who, going to the theater, would not hope that they themselves will also be a little object of spectacle.

    "A. Carr"

    There are thousands of tricks to get women to talk, but there are none to silence them.

    "G. Bush"

    Women don't have second loves; their nature is too tender to be able to endure this terrible shock of feelings twice.

    "G. Heine"

    An ordinary woman has as much intelligence as a chicken, but an extraordinary woman has as much intelligence as two.


    Smart women love it when people do stupid things for them, especially expensive ones. Only for the most part they love not the one who does stupid things, but the other.

    "AND. Goncharov"

    I sought wisdom and found that a woman whose heart is like a snare and whose hands are like snares is more terrible than death.


    The woman whom the gods gifted with the beauty of her soul, combined with the beauty of her body, is both a reality and a mystery. Its truth is open to those who look at it with the eyes of purity and love, but is hidden in the fog of confused confusion from those eager to describe it in words.

    "D. Gibran"

    A woman who everyone considers cold has simply not yet met a person who can awaken love in her.

    "AND. Labruyère"

    Women give themselves to God when the devil no longer wants to deal with them.

    "WITH. Arnoux"

    Women demand the biggest and the smallest; they demand love, as well as courtesy towards them - in the form of a million for small expenses.

    "TO. Bern"

    Women at home are ravens, in company they are peacocks, alone with a friend of the heart they are doves.

    "TO. Weber"

    God makes a woman beautiful, and the devil makes her pretty.

    "IN. Hugo"

    Even the severity of the woman we love is full of endless charm, which we do not find in our happiest moments in other women.


    If God had appointed a woman to be the mistress of a man, he would have created her from the head; if he had appointed her to be a slave, he would have created her from the foot; but since he appointed her to be a friend and equal to a man, he created her from a rib.

    "Aurelius Augustine"

    There are women in whose character self-love dominates to such a strong degree that they confiscate any praise, no matter who it is said about, for their own benefit.

    "G. Fielding"

    There are many women who scream at the sight of a mouse or rat, but are capable of poisoning their husband or, even worse, leading him to poison himself.

    "G. Fielding"

    A woman would be in despair if nature created her the way fashion makes her.

    "P. Bourget"

    A woman may sometimes confess her sins, but I have never known one who would confess her weaknesses.

    • Women usually hate those whom their husbands love, not out of malice, but by nature. Thomas More
    • Women's intuition is the result of millions of years of not thinking. Rupert Hughes.
    • A beautiful face is a silent recommendation. Bacon F.
    • A woman's dream is to be the woman of her dreams. – E. Sevrus
    • A woman is the most powerful being in the world, and it is up to her to guide a man where God wants him to go. Heinrich Ibsen
    • All women are lovely, and what gives them beauty is the love of men. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - Quotes about women.
    • The feminine instinct is worth the foresight of great people O. de Balzac
    • Every woman's mistake is a man's fault. Herder I.
    • Woman is sacred; the woman you love is doubly sacred. Alexandre Dumas - father
    • A woman is both an apple and a snake. Heinrich Heine
    • A divinely beautiful woman often has a devilish character. E. Sevrus
    • A woman will always sacrifice herself if given the right opportunity. This is her favorite way to please herself Somerset Maugham
    • A smart woman is one in whose company you can act as stupid as you like. Paul Valéry
    • If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen. Oscar Wilde
    • The female sex is another part of our human race: however, due to its weakness, it was born more secretive and crafty. Plato.
    • Women's guesses are much more accurate than men's undoubted facts. Rudyard Kipling.
    • Beauty is also a virtue; a beautiful woman cannot have flaws. Schiller F.
    • A man can give everything to his true friend, - everything, but not the woman he loves. Heinrich Ibsen
    • Without a woman, the dawn and evening of life would be helpless, and her noon would be without joy. Pierre Buast
    • A woman has all her heart, even her head Jean Paul
    • Many women come to performances only to become part of the spectacle themselves. Ovid.
    • Intuition is what replaces common sense in a woman. English wisdom.
    • A woman who everyone considers cold has simply not yet met a person who would awaken love in her. Labruyère J
    • A loving woman's heart is always full of hope; To kill them, you need more than one blow with a dagger, she loves until the last drop of blood. Honore de Balzac
    • Grumpy women see life as a boxing match. They fight with their chests, butts, and always feint.
    • Women disdain those who love them and love those who disdain them. M. Cervantes.
    • A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there are a hundred thousand opportunities to be attractive. Montesquieu
    • An outfit is a preface to a woman, and sometimes the entire book. Chamfort
    • A woman inspires a man to great accomplishments, the implementation of which she then makes difficult. Alexandre Dumas - son
    • A woman must manage to look so wise that her accidental stupidity turns out to be a real gift for a man. Karl Kraus.

    The wife is the one who repents of what she did, but will certainly do it again.
    G. Mencken

    The wife is a creature who complains that she has absolutely nothing to wear and no longer has anywhere to keep her things.
    author unknown

    A wife sees in her husband both a strength that needs to be broken and a weakness that needs to be protected.
    J. Rostand

    A wife should be smart enough to appreciate her husband's intelligence and stupid enough to admire him.
    I. Zangwill

    A wife should be so smart that she does not seem smarter than her husband.
    V. Zubkov

    The wife consoles her husband in misfortunes that a bachelor will never have.
    author unknown

    A beautiful wife is not for home use.
    M. Impostor

    A beautiful wife is a common asset, an ugly wife is a punishment for her husband.

    If a wife bought herself something funny, she assures that the price was also funny.
    author unknown

    If your wife talks more than usual, it means there is something she doesn’t want to tell you.
    Ya. Ipokhorskaya

    When there are noisy family quarrels
    The wife is sometimes wrong
    More on this later in the memoirs
    The widow who has regained her sight is grieving.
    I. Guberman

    It’s very annoying when a wife knows how to cook, but doesn’t want to; however, it’s even worse if the wife doesn’t know how to cook, but wants to.
    R. Frost

    Why does a wife spend ten years trying hard to change her husband's habits, and then complain that he is not the man she married?
    B. Streisand

    Alas, but a faithful wife,
    Having escaped the low-lying abyss,
    Always a little irritated
    Or sad for no reason.
    I. Guberman

    A thrifty wife is one who can make a wonderful new coat out of a bunch of crumpled and dirty hundred-dollar bills.
    JI. Kudrinsky

    The happiest wife is not the one who got the most best husband, but the one who made the best of what she managed to get.
    X. Rowland

    A lucky man is a man who has a wife who tells him what to do and a secretary who does it.
    L. Mancroft

    If you want your wife to talk as little as possible, don’t forbid her to smoke.
    M. Impostor

    If you find flaws in your wife, these are probably the same flaws that prevented her from finding a better husband.
    Zh. Golonogova

    If you want to anger your wife, don’t argue with her.
    V. Blonskaya

    Even the shadow of the wife you want to divorce seems ugly.
    Sinhala saying

    If you have not memorized your shortcomings, then you are not listening to your wife carefully.
    author unknown

    Don't rely on your wife to laugh a lot.

    It is not difficult to find a wife who has not cheated on her husband, but it is difficult to find one who has cheated once.
    author unknown

    Never interfere with your wife's makeup, otherwise you will like other people's wives more.
    M. Impostor

    Nothing fuels a wife's suspicions more than an unexpected gift from her husband.
    author unknown

    Many men became geniuses thanks to a girl, many men became poets thanks to a girl, many men became saints thanks to a girl; but who in reality became a genius, a hero, a poet or a saint thanks to the girl who became his wife?
    S. Kierkegaard

    There's nothing like a good dose of another woman to make a man appreciate his wife's worth.

    Intuition allows a wife to object to her husband before he can open his mouth.
    author unknown

    Wives listen to us most attentively when we are talking with another woman.
    author unknown

    Wives who keep their home in exemplary order are wives who love the home more than their husband.
    Ya. Ipokhorskaya

    From best lovers come out the most bad wives. But the worst wives, alas, are never the best mistresses.
    L. Konopinsky

    Cold wives rarely get fur coats.

    There are only two days when wives are dear to us: on the wedding day, and then on the day the body is removed.

    Many wives are sure that if they once said “yes”, now they must always say “no”.
    author unknown

    Fortunately, the most famous philosophers usually had ugly wives. Pretty wives would make them forget about all philosophy.
    author unknown

    Give your girlfriends the same perfume as your wives. Wives have an exceptional sense of smell.
    N. Rothschild

    What a pity that only bachelors know how to treat their wives!
    D. Coleman

    Some cunning people choose stupider wives for themselves, hoping to command them, and they are always mistaken.
    S. Johnson

    When a husband is promoted, his wife's attitude towards relatives and friends changes first of all.
    V. Zubkov

    New and rediscovered aphorisms and quotes from books and the press


    If a man is ready to do anything for a woman, it means he loves her. If a woman is ready to do anything for a man, then she gave birth to him.

    What catches our eye are the women who would never throw themselves at us.

    I did not open my forms, I just removed the covers from them.
    I didn't discover curves; I only uncovered them.

    This woman is not my reward; I am the punishment for her.

    Extremely beautiful women are not so surprising the second time you meet them.

    It's good to be a husband's wife. True, all desires and temptations do not disappear, but only intensify.

    The ability to fly on a broomstick is all that distinguishes a witch from an ordinary woman.

    We women have only two weapons - mascara and tears, but we cannot use both of them at the same time.

    For a woman, any desire ends in patience.

    The most useful thing a beautiful woman can do for society is to prefer decent men.
    DARIA SPIRIDONOVA, TV presenter. Quote from: Esquire, 2010, No. 60, page 154

    Next to a woman, a man must remember that in front of him is another land, another continent. America.

    The path to a woman's refrigerator goes through her heart.

    Handle the woman with care! It is made from a crooked rib. God failed to create it more directly; if you want to straighten it, it will break; If you leave her alone, she will become even crooked.

    A man's face is his biography. A woman’s face is the work of her imagination.

    A peasant needs land, a nobleman needs honor, a soldier needs war, a merchant needs money, a woman needs the whole world.

    When you want to write about a woman, dip your pen in a rainbow and shake the dust off the butterfly's wings.

    When a woman doesn't know what she wants, she doesn't want you.

    When a woman is in the arms of a man, then the man is in the arms of a woman.

    When you talk about women, think about your mother.
    Spanish proverb

    Sometimes a woman owes you so much that you will never leave her...

    Women take revenge because they loved us.

    Women don’t need to explain anything; you always need to act with them.

    Woman smarter than men s, and she spends her mind, first of all, on ensuring that the man does not notice this.

    A woman looks at her body with anxiety - as if the body is her unreliable ally in the battle for love.

    A woman attracts men to her by playing on her charm, and keeps them near her by playing on their vices.

    A woman should be cunning than men. She's weaker.
    ALINA ORLOVA. Quote from: Esquire, 2010, No. 61, page 159

    A woman is the same force of nature as wind, lightning, electricity.

    A woman is like a traffic police inspector: she’ll say stupid things, take away your money, ruin your mood, and it’s also your fault.

    If we are not willing to re-read a woman, she was not worth reading.

    If a woman cries, it means she is up to something.

    If she doesn't like the way you look when you eat or sleep, you don't stand a chance.
    DARIA SEMYONOVA, actress. Quote from: Esquire, 2010, No. 4, page 129

    If they managed to convince a girl before the age of five that she is a queen, after five she will inspire this in the whole world.

    If you want to know a girl's flaws, praise her in front of her friends.

    The girl is attracted precisely to the man who has a bad reputation. It immediately occurs to her that her love will correct him.

    They say women don't have brains. Well, yes, anatomically our skull is smaller. But we can’t say that we are unhappy because of this.
    ALINA ORLOVA. Quote from: Esquire, 2010, No. 61, page 159

    We get to know women better through divorce than through weddings.

    Women are woven from paradoxes, stitched with inconsistencies and filled with mutual exclusions. Maybe that's why you don't get bored with them?

    Women never age, it's men's eyesight that deteriorates!

    A girl should have two beautiful things - her eyes and her lips, because with her eyes she can make you fall in love, and with her lips she can prove that she loves you.

    Everything you do, I do in heels.
    From the movie Date Night

    Every woman is a mystery, covered with a dress.

    For a woman to be good is not so useful. Not even sexy.

    For a woman, beauty is more important than intelligence, because it is easier for a man to look than to think.

    God gave woman beauty. The devil is the mind.

    God, when creating women, did not give them a sense of humor, so they are only able to love men, instead of laughing at them.

    Some women need to grow up to; to others - to go down.

    Kindness and intelligence are properties of old age. At twenty years old, a woman is much more interested in being heartless and frivolous.

    If there were no women, all the money in the world would be meaningless.
    If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning.

    If a woman is not loved, then she will at least make sure that she is hated.

    There are no wives of the Decembrists only because there are no Decembrists.

    A woman who does not forget Heinrich Heine the moment her lover enters the room loves only Heinrich Heine.

    Life must be accepted as it is, and women as they pretend to be.

    A mirror is a tool that helps a woman be late.

    Which one is the most clever woman? The one you want to thank even for refusal.

    How unhappy a woman feels who has no one to make her cry!

    When a woman has nothing to say, this does not mean that she will remain silent.

    Beauty prevents a woman from becoming smarter, and intelligence from preening.

    Easy virtue is the least drawback of women of easy virtue.

    A lady is a woman who creates conditions under which a man can only do one thing - to be a gentleman.

    Love a woman with all her “nos”, this is the way to many of her “yes”.

    Any woman needs only two things to be happy: a husband and everything else.

    You can prove to a woman that she is wrong, but you cannot convince her of it.

    Men want to be convinced in every matter, women are content to be persuaded.

    Men are prone to casual sex, women are prone to casual love.
    TONY PARSONS in the article “What to do when meeting your ex? Remember all the bad things." GQ, 2008, No. 2, page 137

    Men value the most material thing in women - beauty, and women value the most ephemeral thing in men: reliability.

    Thoughts and women do not come together.

    A real woman can make a salad, a hat and a scandal out of nothing.

    To a real woman you don't need much. A real woman needs everything.

    There are no fat women, but some women are not tall enough for their weight.

    An attempt to structure a woman is genocide.
    VERA KRICHEVSKAYA. Quoted from: Esquire, 2010, July-August, page 66

    The way to a woman's refrigerator is through her heart.

    Serious girls are like serious websites. Registration is required to obtain additional features.

    A woman's strength lies in her inability to deny her weaknesses.

    Those women who are usually married secretly dream of being those whom they will never marry.
    DARIA SEMYONOVA, actress. Quote from: Esquire, 2010, No. 4, page 129

    For women, the G-spot is at the end of the word SHOPPING.

    A woman has no friends. She is either loved or not.

    How life is more complicated, the higher the heels.

    While the man is deciding whether he is right or wrong, the woman manages to admit his mistake.

    Women's tears are not always a performance.
    NELLY UVAROVA, actress. Quote from: Esquire, 2010, No. 5, page 80

    A woman is a weak and defenseless creature from whom it is impossible to escape.

    A woman always knows that she is making a mistake, and she makes it anyway.
    VERA KRICHEVSKAYA. Quoted from: Esquire, 2010, July-August, page 66

    The woman doesn’t know how to hammer a nail, but she knows exactly where.

    A woman cannot be truly beautiful if there is not something disgusting about her.

    A woman is wrong until she cries.

    A woman, when choosing one of two men, hesitates only when she does not need either one or the other.

    A woman is weakest when she loves, and strongest when she is loved.

    A woman is designed in such a way that, even when answering a specific question, she says not what she is asked, but what she wants.

    Women need only two things to be happy: money and that’s it.

    Women are not the weaker sex, the weaker sex are rotten boards.

    Women love sufferers, if, of course, they have the intelligence to suffer romantically, without whining.

    Women die later than men because they are always late.

    Women are smarter than men. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?

    God created women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so that they could love men.

    It’s becoming less and less common to find a woman holding out her hand to you, palm down.

    If there is a woman, there is a problem, if there is no woman, there is also a problem.

    Women's intuition is much more accurate than men's confidence.

    Beautiful woman pleases male gaze, ugly - female.

    Why do they give hurricanes female names? Because when they come, they are wet and wild, and when they leave, they take your house and car.

    The smaller your ideal woman hears that she is ideal, the more likely she will be ideal with you.

    You can fake an orgasm, but you can't fake a laugh.
    You can fake an orgasm but you can't fake laughter.

    Even in the fairy tale, Elena the Wise and Elena the Beautiful are different women.

    Give a girl good shoes and she can conquer the world.
    Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the World.

    Women should not be given anything they cannot wear in the evening.
    Answer to the question: “Do you think women should not be given the right to vote?” in the film "Dorian Gray" directed by Oliver Parker

    There is nothing impossible for a woman who knows how to cry at the right moment in front of the right man.

    To spend money wisely, it is not enough to have intelligence and money, you also need the absence of a woman...

    Is it a woman's fault that she is always right?

    Women inspire men to do great things, but always prevent them from doing them.

    Women give themselves to God when the devil no longer wants to deal with them.

    To keep your figure slim, share your food with the hungry.

    A woman's beauty increases with her years.

    The motto of all women: we are born to make money in dust!

    A woman's strength is determined by the degree of suffering with which she is able to punish her lover.

    Why is it that when a woman leaves, she always has crooked legs?

    Every woman should have four pets. A mink in the wardrobe, a jaguar in the garage, a tiger in the bed and a donkey who pays for everything.
    Attributed to PARIS HILTON

    Beware of ladies in corsets! Yes, these women get your blood pumping. But with such a lady you will not have real happiness: women wearing corsets will not want to have children, so as not to spoil their waist.

    This is the fate of women: they are forced to wait all their lives, only to end up never getting it.

    We women have only two weapons: mascara and tears.

    It takes a mother twenty years to make a man out of her son; another woman would make an idiot out of him in twenty minutes.

    Live own life, at your own discretion, for yourself, freed from conventions and prejudices.
    SIMONE DE Beauvoir, "The Force of Circumstance"

    For a smart woman, compliments serve to evaluate men, for a stupid woman - for self-esteem.

    A girl can leave the village, but the village can never leave the girl.

    Don't insult women by not trying.

    God created man, and then decided that he was capable of more and created woman. ADELAH SAINT JOHN

    If a woman is so smart that she asks a man for advice, then she is unlikely to be so stupid as to act on this advice.

    When a man is not with a woman, he starts doing stupid things. When a woman is not with a man, she begins to do dirty tricks.

    How little we can say about a woman when we are happy. And how much when you are unhappy.

    You should never trust a woman who tells you her age. A woman capable of this is capable of anything.

    A woman should not have age, she should have a past.

    A woman's dream is to be the woman of her dreams.

    A woman is more judicious in matters of love than a man, because for her love is more the subject and work of her whole life.

    You can only fight women with a hat. Grab her and run.

    In a mature woman's house they don't talk about scales.
    EVGENIYA PISHIKOVA in the article “We lost, sister!” “Russian Life”, 2008, No. 10, p. 50

    A woman always has three ages: apparent, real and ascribed to herself.
    A. CARR

    If I ever die because of a woman, it will be from laughing.

    If a woman is wrong, go and apologize.
    French proverb

    A woman never forgets the men with whom she succeeded, and a man never forgets the women with whom he failed.

    It is easier for a woman to defend her virtue from men than her reputation from women.

    Both men and women are right when they do not trust women.

    We are not women to gain wisdom overnight.
    Zyryan - Volga in the novel “The Heart of Parma” by ALEXEY IVANOV

    Some people tend to have misconceptions about women; they think that the only thing women can do is get themselves a husband. This is wrong.

    A woman is the strongest drink.
    Hussar aphorism

    By cheating, a woman is looking for the best, and a man is looking for something new.

    Women never put reason first, and in this they act more intelligently than us [men].
    DJANGO EDWARDS - Arthur Solomonov in an interview “Men are a mistake of nature.” The New Times, 2008, no. 36, p. 46

    They [women] cannot speak with pauses like men.
    JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

    Chance is on the women's side.

    Perhaps this is a common female characteristic - to take away while giving.

    A woman with money can dress in Chinese consumer goods for the sake of a masquerade, but even the diamonds in a small, worn-out ring will be real.

    A new dress has the same effect on a woman as four shots of vodka on a man.

    If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen.

    If you think women don't explode, try dumping one of them.

    I don't think silicone can make a woman better. Or worse.
    JAMES CAAN, American actor. Quote from: Esquire, 2008, No. 7-8, p. 121

    My speech synthesizer speaks with an American accent. I realized a long time ago that American and Scandinavian accents are the best turn-ons for women.
    STEPHEN HAWKING. Quote from: Esquire, 2007, No. 6, p. 110

    A woman can say “goodbye” if, despite all the obvious advantages, a man smells “wrong”. A woman can forgive the most terrible offenses if a man smells “like that.”
    ALYONA SVIRIDOVA. Esquire, 2008, no. 2, p. 130

    Even more than childbirth, the core of a woman's oppression is love.
    VEDRANA RUDAN, “Ear, Throat, Knife”

    In my opinion, scars adorn not only a man, but also a woman.
    LISA BOYARSKAYA - Natalya Dyachkova in an interview “I’m terribly in love...” “7 Days”, 2008, No. 4, p. 48

    Every woman's mistake is a man's fault.

    There is no escape from a woman, just like from death.

    Plain women know more about men than beautiful ones.

    Living without a woman is asceticism. It’s too early to live with a woman.
    JEAN-BAPTISTE BOTUL, " Sex life Immanuel Kant."
    In fact, there was no Botul, he was invented by the journalist FREDERIC PAGE. The philosopher Jean-Baptis Botul, an expert on the works of Kant, appeared in the satirical weekly Le Canard enchaine (The Duck in Chains). In particular, the fictional Botul was made the author of the book “The Sexual Life of Immanuel Kant,” published in 2004. Those who fell for the bait of Pages admit that the journalist who invented Botul must himself be an excellent philosopher... Source: “Book Review”, 2010, No. 4, p. 2

    I've always said that a woman should be like a good horror movie: the more space left to the imagination, the better.

    Man came from a monkey, woman from a mannequin.

    Women who stubbornly want to be like men must be prepared to look like a significant part of men - complete idiots.

    A smart woman is one in whose company you can act as stupid as you like.

    If “men are big children,” then women are small children.
    IGOR YUGANOV, “Carts and Dwarves”

    A man forgives and forgets, a woman forgives – and that’s all.

    If men and women have anything in common, it is the fact that they both prefer male company.
    MICHAEL DOUGLAS. Esquire, 2007, No. 12, p. 235

    At thirty, a woman must choose between her butt and her face.

    Attention is the currency for which a woman’s freedom and independence are sold.

    A luxurious woman is a background against which any man is pitiful.
    ELENA MOROZOVA, actress. Quote from: Esquire, 2006, No. 9, p. 128

    If women have so much intuition, why do they always ask about things?

    “One is not born a woman, one becomes one.”
    SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR, "The Second Sex"

    "There are no bad women."
    SERGEY FILIPPOV, actor, in Emilia Kundysheva’s article “In Father’s Footsteps.” “Petersburg on Nevsky”, 2007, No. 11, p. 40

    “Today, to be modern, a woman must look like a young girl, dress like a boy, think like a man and work like a horse.”

    “Out of two evils, choose a woman.”

    “A woman can, even if she doesn’t want to, deceive a man, but a man can only deceive him if the woman herself wants to.”

    “Women and dogs have a finer sense of smell, which is why they are so picky about love and friendship.”
    TATYANA DRUBICH. Esquire, 2007, No. 10, p. 244

    “Frivolous women love formal hairstyles.”
    OLGA ANDREEVA in an interview with Renata Litvinova “Myths are never funny.” "Russian Reporter", 2007, No. 6, p. 54

    “A woman’s whole life is a history of affects.”

    “Human life is entirely under the power of a woman’s thirst.”

    “When a woman looks like an angel, then beware and know that there is a devil in her.”
    Chinese proverb

    “Initially, it is not men who make the main threats women's world, but women who devour each other."
    CAROLINE ELYAEF, NATALIE EINISCH in the book “Mothers and Daughters. Third wheel?" Quote from: “Book Review”, 2007, No. 21-22, p. 6

    “A woman can be given any nickname. The main thing is to pronounce it with a special feeling, and it will sound tender and affectionate.”
    ALEXANDRA URSULYAK, actress. Quote from: GQ, 2007, No. 5, p. 78

    “It seems that tears are a distinctive feature of all Russian women, or, in other words, not a single woman dares to call herself Russian without having once tasted the bitterness of life.”
    JORGE REYES, Quebec, Canada, about the film “Cruel Romance”. Esquire, 2007, No. 4, p. 224

    “There is a common misconception among men: it seems to you that the more affairs you have, the more desirable you are to us. Believe me, not every woman likes consumer goods.”
    MARINA ZUDINA. Esquire, 2007, no. 5, p. 110

    Good girls keep diaries; Bad girls don't have time for that.

    Having heard beautiful music, we sometimes prefer not to seek the company of the soloist, so as not to be disappointed.
    ALYONA AKHMADULLINA, designer. Esquire, 2007, No. 12, p. 228

    A career is amazing, but you can’t snuggle up to it at night if you’re cold.

    Lying is the most fun activity for a girl, not counting striptease, but striptease is still better.
    PATRICK MARBER, English playwright, in the play "Closer"

    “When a woman shows character, they say “bitch” about her. When a man shows character, they say he is a “great guy.”

    “As a rule, it only takes me ten seconds to form an opinion about a man, and then it rarely changes.”
    MARGARET THATCHER, Esquire, 2007, February, p. 108

    “Once you put a woman on an equal footing with a man, she begins to surpass him.”

    “Sometimes the king is a woman.”
    Inscription on the fence, Esquire, 2007, February, p. 126

    What suits girls suits everyone.
    MAXIM KUROCHKIN, “Almost Aivazov.” Esquire, 2007, No. 12, p. 78

    “The main thing that Renata Litvinova has achieved perfection in is the art of being in public.”
    BORIS BARABANOV in an interview with “Pair Skating”. "Citizen K Russia", 2007, No. 1, p. 189

    “When I’m good, I’m very, very good, but when I’m bad, I’m even better.”

    “If a girl is simultaneously unhappy with the weather, the state of the economy, and your tie, then she wants you to hug her. Least".

    “If a girl answers a question with silence, this does not mean at all that she agrees.”

    “In order not to complicate your life, do not take your eyes off your beloved.”
    SVETLANA ZAKHAROVA, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater

    “We are drawn either to dangerous or reliable men, it all depends on the menstrual cycle.”
    SCARLETT JOHANSON, reproducing a thought from a magazine she read. GQ, 2007, no. 4, p. 242

    “It doesn’t matter if a man is only after your money. Until you decide to give them to him.”
    PARIS HILTON. Quote from: “7 Days”, 2007, No. 12, p. 35

    “If a girl weighing 45 kilograms is attacked, all she can do is hit one of three points with all her might: the eyeballs, the groin or the shin. And at this moment you need to give in.”
    BRUCE LEE, Esquire, 2007, February, p. 128

    “I try to avoid temptations that I can resist.”

    “One mandarin fell in love with a courtesan. “I will be yours,” she said, “if, while waiting for me, you sit a hundred nights on a stool in the garden under my window.” But on the ninety-ninth night the mandarin got up, took his stool under his arm and left.”
    Roland Barthes

    “Red is a year-round reminder of summer.”

    “The form of a woman is her content.”

    “Men are always right and women are never wrong.”
    Alsatian proverb

    “Girls start talking earlier because they have more to say.”

    “Why does it happen at concerts and exhibitions more women than men? Because men create masterpieces, and women mainly consume them.”
    SERGEY SHILYAEV, TV journalist, Sergiev Posad

    “Women don’t pay attention to handsome men, but on men with beautiful women.”

    “Women never dine alone. If they eat dinner alone, it’s not dinner.”

    "Only a woman can temporarily stop time."

    “A man is smart from books, but a woman is smart from birth.”
    From Indian epic

    “I am absolutely convinced that you can conquer any woman by endlessly photographing her.”
    SERGEY DOVLATOV, “Branch. Notes from the presenter"

    “There are not as many rich men in the world as beautiful women deserves them."

    “The most difficult task for a woman is to prove the seriousness of his intentions.”

    “Of all the signs of attention, women prefer cash ones the most.”

    “Unlike women of other nations, Russian women answer the question “whose?” with their last names.

    “If there are housewives, then somewhere there must be wild ones.”

    “Because of these blondes, so much evil is happening in the world!”

    I don’t know what I think about it yet - I haven’t said anything about it yet!
    One lady from Novosibirsk

    Apply perfume to those places that you would expose for a kiss.

    In the human world, as in the animal world, the female decides from whom her cubs should be born.

    We need novels, not adventures. Only a small child can distract us from the desire to be in a novel for a short time.
    ELENA BEREZNITSKAYA-BRUNI, editor-in-chief of Newsru.com. Esquire, 2008, No. 3, p. 188

    You need to talk to men in the language of the poster.
    Feminine. Quote from: Vogue Russia, 2008, September

    People will always be what women make them.

    It is just as impossible to live without a wife as it is impossible to live without food and drink. Born and raised by women, we largely live their lives and have no way to detach ourselves from them.

    It is very easy to be beautiful, it is much more difficult to convince others of this.

    A woman is like a fortress: one can be captured after the first assault, another after a long siege, and a third after negotiations.

    If a woman quickly surrendered to a man, this is not his merit, but all those who were with her before.

    Woman came from man, and man from monkey.

    Every year it becomes more and more difficult for a woman to get used to the fact that she is thirty.

    Thirty - best age for a forty year old woman.

    Three wishes of a French woman: a glass of wine before and a cigarette after.

    Virginity can be just as little justified as murder... After all, if all people began to practice virginity, this would lead to the end of the human race.

    If a woman allows you to look into her purse, it means that she has completely lost interest in you.
    MARIA POROSHINA, actress. Quote from: Esquire, 2005-2006, No. 12-01, p. 112

    A woman is graced by mediocrity.

    Take me if you want... It's the least I can give you, and that's all I can give you.
    Helen in the novel by JULIO CORTAZAR “62. Model for assembly"

    The egoist believes that men were created for her, the altruist believes that she was created for men.

    Be cold as ice and pure as snow - you still cannot avoid slander.

    When they end critical days, the critical years begin.

    She has only one drawback, she is unbearable. One of the French

    Mathematical logic is studied for one year. Women's - all my life.

    At fifteen, a girl hates men and would gladly kill everyone. And two years later he looks around to see if by chance one of them survived.

    The First Lady doesn't have to be beautiful. She must be brilliant.

    I'd rather cry in a Rolls-Royce than enjoy life on a bicycle.
    PATRICIA REGGIANI, wife, now widow of Maurizio Gucci

    Everything is in the hands of a man, and a man is in the hands of a woman!

    Kings can do anything, but queens can do more.

    A woman can neglect a man, but not his feelings.

    A woman is truly happy for twenty years - between the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth years of her life.

    Women usually plan their days carefully and leave their evenings to chance.

    Women allow men to say whatever they want about women, but do whatever they want to them.

    Of two evils, a woman chooses a man.

    Any woman remembers perfectly well with whom she lost herself.

    Men and women cannot be equal - because women are better!

    There is no lady without fire.

    When communicating with a man, a woman does not think about anything or thinks about another man.

    A decent woman should have a rich past.

    Only a widower's wife is an angel.

    Women's logic is the firm belief that any objective reality can be overcome by desire.

    A real woman should look like she looks even better from the front.

    To stay young, you need to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age.
    The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.

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