• What color is indigo? Dark blue indigo color


    A shade that creates wonderful combinations, both in clothing and in the interior. Chic palettes, tables. Photo.

    Indigo color is a dark, vibrant shade of blue with purple undertones. Its name comes from a plant from which rich, bright paint was extracted in India. The dye was exported all over the world, it also became the parent of blue jeans (they were dyed with this shade). And yet, in its homeland you can find the most incredible shades of indigo, both in clothing and interior design.

    This is a spectral color that can only be achieved with a special dye, but if you divide it into halftones, you can distinguish blue, black and violet in it, where black is the power of the subconscious, violet is mysticism, and blue is intellect. This gives rise to the intellectual, innate super abilities that are attributed to indigo children. At the same time, this color can be attributed to cosmic distances, a thirst for knowledge, something greater than the ability of an ordinary person to grasp.

    Indigo shades in the Pantone system

    All tones of this color are very dark, but they can vary the balance between bright blue and purple highlights. Brightness is also a variable value. In the Pantone system, tones are more muted than true paint.


    Indigo color: combination

    Indigo is a grateful tone for combination. Bright, and at the same time not pressing on the psyche, it can be combined with both very bright shades and muted ones, forming wonderful, harmonious pairs full of contrast and grace.

    The combination of indigo with white and blue is one of the main ones in understanding light and brightness contrast. Lighter shades emphasize the depth and richness of the tone, allowing it to shimmer. The combination consists of white, light gray-beige, pale gray-blue, royal blue, sea buckthorn (yellow-orange), black.

    In addition to white tones, indigo’s frequent companions are beige, beige-brown and golden brown. This combination introduces thermal contrast, which gives the base color additional richness. This range includes white-gray, light gray-beige, beige-brown, tomato, denim, and electric blue.

    The more pale blue and blue tones there are in the palette, the more noticeable the indigo differences are - the transcendental inner light. And if the range contains warmth, a pastel, pink tint, then you can understand how acceptable this amazing tone of blue is.
    The palette is made up of pale peach, sky blue, sea green, gray-yellow-beige, dark blue, black.

    Muted yellow tones, gold, golden, beige and brown are the perfect setting for this color. And if yellow makes a scandalous pair with blue, with indigo the combination will be bright, but natural, since it itself is extremely rich.
    The combination with indigo is pale yellow, straw, gold (old gold), yellow-brown, blue-green, blue-black.

    Combination table with indigo

    The indigo color combination is usually rich and expressive. As a dark tone, it almost always comes into light contrast. Like a deep, cool shade, thermal contrast is also fundamental. Pastel shades on a dark blue background look like flickering, midnight lights, without losing their color. And saturated mid-tones become more juicy.

    The combination of indigo and pink is contrasting and touching. Both warm, bright and cold, pale ones can participate in it. The contrast of warm and cold and light and dark will always poke through. An example of a combination with white-lilac, orchids, criveco, coral, magenta.

    How – it is filled with the power of a “super hero”, however, compared to the average blue, the pair looks more impressive due to the additional contrast of dark and light. Consider a combination with light red, alizarin, coral red, ruby, dark burgundy.

    Orange is a complementary shade to blue, but its darker cousin with a purple undertone will give this combination extra charm, especially if the shades of orange are not pure, such as coral and peach tones.
    Combine indigo with light peach, coral orange, carrot, dark coral, orange coral.

    Yellow, as a related tone to orange, combines more softly with bright dark blue, due to the saturation of the main tone and its dark direction. Yellow is also complementary to violet, of which indigo is a relative.
    Colors from the yellow-blue palette: champagne, banana, mustard, bright gold, dark yellow.

    Grassy green tones create a thermal contrast with the base tone. Its soft, muted representatives, such as the color of avocado, a fainting frog, protective, the color of pine needles, dark green, create an atmosphere of mystery of the night forest, which is pleasant not only aesthetically but also morally.

    Green, and even more so its cold shades, are relatives of blue in the Itten circle, thus the shades can flow into each other and form intermediate shades. Cool green is lighter than the main color, so there is light contrast in the pair. Combine indigo and water color, light gray-green, mint, emerald green, patina color.

    Indigo and blue, blue

    The main color is a shade of blue, so the presented range can be called “one tone”. Lighter shades of blue contrast in lightness, cementing a cool coloring. The deviation of paired colors to the blue-green or purple side represents a play of light and halftones in combination. Combine the main tone with aquamarine, bright blue, denim, Prussian blue, and black sea color.

    Violet colors are practically shades of indigo and form the same harmonious contrasting pair with it as with blue ones. However, purple tones can be considered warmer due to the admixture of red, so you can see a slight combination of cool and warm.
    For example: you can pair blue-violet, lavender, amethyst, blackberry, purple.

    One of the most aesthetic combinations will be a combination of brown and a shade of blue: complex golden, rich beige-brown tones are an ideal pair in terms of soft thermal contrast, to achieve a medium brightness of the combination and light contrast. Take note of the range of beige-brown, cocoa, cinnamon, light chestnut, and mahogany.

    Indigo and neutral color

    The color itself is very rich and aesthetic, so it may well play the “first fiddle”, and for this it will need a contrasting frame of neutral colors, such as cream, papyrus, light gray, anthracite, black.

    Indigo in clothes

    Indigo color in clothing is quite common, given that it was originally a dye for fabric, but bright blue surfaces glowing from within in clothing are rare. First of all, because they are suitable only for contrasting appearance, of which there are not so many representatives.

    Who should wear indigo color in clothes?

    For the “spring” color type, the indigo color is too dark, but still, if they are ready to sacrifice a gentle, light, light image, then bright blue will sufficiently satisfy this need, without generally harming their appearance.
    For “winter”, a rich shade of dark blue will be ideal, and not only because it is in a cold range, it is also dark enough to fully make the contrast of their appearance play out.
    For “summer” and “autumn”, “faded” indigo tones, in which the violet part is more pronounced, will be more beneficial.

    Combination of indigo color in clothes: wardrobe selection

    The combination of indigo color in clothes is varied: from compositions with discreet shades to really bright and shocking combinations.
    Let's take a look at how these combinations manifest themselves in the wardrobe.

    – mystically dark and mysterious. It is necessary to use bright colors, otherwise everything will merge into one tone.

    Gray and indigo – light gray is used in combination with dark or black to deepen the effect, a pair where bright blue takes center stage, maintaining a cool palette.

    White and indigo are an extremely contrasting tandem; for a more complex and soft effect, it is better to take complex shades of white or cream.

    Golden and light beige tones are the perfect setting for this color: juicy, bright and at the same time calm and graceful.

    Brown combined with indigo creates an expensive style, like sapphires and leather.

    Various shades of blue create a cool contrast with dark blue, often diluted with warmer tones such as beige, pink, gold, etc.

    Pink tones for a pair with bright blue can be either muted lilac (such combinations are good for a non-contrasting appearance) or with flashy fuchsia tones.

    Violet tones are a harmonious pair for indigo, but it requires dilution with lighter neutral shades: light beige, light gray.
    Red in combination with rich dark blue is one of the mystically strong tandems.

    Combinations with orange are varied. Due to the excessive expressiveness of the pair, the combination is often complemented by neutral shades: white, beige, and also restrained brown and green.

    The combination of indigo and yellow can be very diverse depending on the shade of the latter. Soft mustard tones dampen the violence of bright blue, while pure yellows, on the contrary, make it shine.

    Combinations of green, like blue and blue, are best mixed with additional tones: beige, brown, gold, white.

    Indigo color in the interior

    Indigo in the interior gives a mystical image to the interior, even if it is only furniture or individual objects. But we want to show how this color will look, dominating the interior.
    The bright dark blue walls surround the room in twilight, against which lighter interior items look like sources of light. The whole situation speaks of the unreality and sacredness of the environment.
    Lighter, less vibrant tones of blue and cyan will help dilute this impression.
    The interior will look good with golden, light brown tones in furniture or on the floor.
    Use warm light, it will help smooth out the oppressive feeling of darkness, replacing it with pleasant gatherings at sunset with a fire.
    Blue-green plants will be a good decoration. Preferably tropical.


    Perhaps the most famous dye among non-professionals, indigo, was once actually produced from plants. Therefore, clothes of rich blue color were far from the most affordable at that time. Today, almost the entire volume of dye produced is synthetic, and “blue jeans” are synonymous with a democratic mass product. However, we are more interested in that same natural indigo, which was obtained from the leaves of indigofera plants, as well as its younger (in importance, but not in age) brother - the dye obtained from woad plants. We will tell you about the technology, history and confrontation between these two ancient natural dyes.

    Indigofera tinctiva(Indigofera tinctoria) is a herbaceous plant from the legume family. Indigofera bushes reach two meters in height. Indigofera grows in India, Egypt, Japan, southern regions of Europe, Russia and the USA.

    If you think a little about the name, you will come to a completely correct guess - this dye is named after India, where the most extensive indigofera plantations grew and which has been the center of its distribution since time immemorial. In general, experts call indigo one of the first dyes on Earth to reach us - it was used in ancient civilizations - Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece and Rome, not to mention India itself and the countries of Southeast Asia. Mostly silk was dyed with indigo, but not only. Cuneiform clay tablets, which scientists presumably date back to the 7th century BC, describe a recipe for dyeing using indigo wool. Needless to say, this dye was a luxury item, and clothing of the corresponding colors was a marker of the nobility and wealth of its owners, and in completely different societies - from the Tuareg nomads of West Africa to the aristocrats of East Asia.

    Dried natural indigo tiles
    Skein of indigo-dyed linen thread

    In fact, processing leaves into indigo has become a real craft, often the only lifelong profession. Huge clay vats were used to soak the leaves; in countries with a warm climate, a hole in the ground was simply dug for them, and in colder places, coals were used for heating.


    Actually, the main active substance in the production of indigo is indican - a colorless water-soluble substance, the content of which in plant leaves usually ranges from 0.2% to 0.8%. The leaves were soaked in water and fermented, turning the clear indican into blue indigotine. The precipitate of this solution was mixed with a strong base such as lye, the hardened mass was pressed into tiles, and then it was dried and turned into powder. And only then this powder was added to various solutions to obtain different shades of blue and violet.

    Woad dyeing(Ísatis tinctória) - a plant of the cabbage family. It grows in the steppe and desert zones of the Caucasus, in Central Asia and Eastern Siberia, as well as in North Africa. In general, woad is much less demanding than its famous competitor, and therefore, before indigo, it was used from ancient times in Europe.

    Woad differs from indigo in its more “dusty” and “greenish” hue.

    Archaeologists date woad seeds found on the territory of modern France and Germany to the Neolithic, the last period of the Stone Age. Woad was one of the first dyes discovered by the ancient Egyptians, who used it to dye mummy robes. And the warlike tribes of the Picts, with whom Julius Caesar fought, applied woad to their faces and bodies. In the Middle Ages, the French city of Toulouse, in the vicinity of which a huge amount of woad grew, literally flourished thanks to this plant - the city's leaders exported the dye in huge quantities and built stately mansions, many of which have survived to this day.


    The leaves were ground with a little water into a uniform mass and left to ferment in tall pots for fifteen days, after which it was formed into balls and dried. These dark blue-green or yellow-green balls, when rubbed with water, produced a solution that stained fabrics blue. In fairness, it must be said that woad is essentially a technically cheap substitute for indigofera. Its leaves, as a rule, contain less of the sought-after indigotine, and the color was often not so rich, rather “dusty.”

    Confrontation between woad and indigo

    As often happens with products that are strategically important for the national economy, woad found itself at the center of real financial and political conflicts, fighting with indigo imported from India. Day by day, the merchants, the “domestic producers,” who were getting richer from the cabbage plant, were completely unable to cope with the emergence of a stronger competitor from a technological point of view, and here we see a vivid example of medieval lobbying of interests.

    In 1609, the French monarch Henry IV prohibited the use of “Indian potion” under penalty of death. Both woad and natural indigo died (at least to the general public) at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when an efficient way to synthesize the blue dye was discovered. Although it is worth saying that in a number of German states some factories still dye their products using natural woad.


    The most practical way to synthesize indigo was discovered just before the curtain XIX century, and XX century finally sank the "blue gold" label, making indigo one of the classic colors in a wide range of textile dyes. By the way, now synthetic indigo is obtained from, at first glance, rather unexpected substances - oil or coal tar. The irony of fate is that once an integral attribute of aristocracy and wealth, indigo went into the service of the working class in the last century. Jeans, chambray shirts, even the term “blue collars” itself gives us an idea of ​​what dye was most often used in the production of work clothes.

    1. Woad production in Thuringia, illustration from 1725. 2. Production of dye from woad, early 20th century. 3. Ancient Britons painted with woad dye. 4. Getting Indigo 5. Mel Gibson as William Wallace in Braveheart. The face is painted with a dye obtained from woad. 6. This is what woad balls look like. 7. Box set for painting with woad at home.

    It is worth saying that even today woad has not become a useless weed, but is actively used in completely different areas - in order to protect against harmful chemicals, tree trunks are painted with it, used for the production of ink, primarily for printers; the glucobrassicin contained in woad is a component that prevents cancer diseases, and in China, traditional medicine even offers to treat a whole range of unpleasant ailments with the help of woad leaves, from influenza and scarlet fever to syphilis.


    One pair of jeans requires from three to twelve grams of this dye. Even less is required to dye silk or wool. There are many methods of painting, but we will consider the highest quality and most commonly used, albeit not the simplest, rope method of coloring.

    Indigo dyeing process:


    The small company, based in New York, takes great care of its products. The site is full of valuable information about the history of denim production, about the “correct” cotton, indigo, etc. The jeans themselves are made, of course, in Japan.
    A British company, interesting primarily because the threads for its denim are made from sugar cane. It’s immediately clear that we are dealing with fetishists, so what other indigo can they use other than natural one?
    Canadians who try to look like the Japanese and constantly remind them that their materials are Japanese. Despite the fact that they also use synthetic dye, they regularly also have things hand-dyed with natural dyes, and at much more lenient prices than Japanese ones.
    Like all Swedes, Nudie tries their best to maintain the image of an eco-friendly company that uses the most natural materials possible. Almost every year, several models dyed with natural indigo appear in the company’s line.
    We diligently tried to avoid Japanese companies, about which it is already clear that they use only natural materials and dyes. Did not work out.

    Items dyed with woad

    Nudie Jeans Woad/Guado

    Not long ago, the Swedish brand Nudie Jeans released a limited collection of denim items dyed with woad dye. Italian artisans from the province of Marche helped them in this. Due to the labor-intensive process, which the creators of the brand carefully documented, the collection was released in a limited edition - only seven hundred items.

    Denham X Woad Inc.

    As part of its S/S 2011 collection, the Denham of Amsterdam brand released a joint line with the Woad Inc. factory in Norfolk. The guys from the factory, or rather from the farm, hand-dyed 75 pairs of premium selvedge jeans using only natural woad. Included with each pair, the lucky owner also received a silk scarf (guess what color) and a DIY kit: a white T-shirt and all the ingredients for painting it yourself.

    Indigo is a well-known fashion color, halfway between navy blue and purple. The name comes from the indigo plant, which grows in India, from which the corresponding dye was extracted, created for dyeing clothes. In English the color is called “Indian blue”. Traditionally, indigo is included in the classic seven-color optical spectrum, but modern scientists do not consider it a separate color and classify it as violet.

    What to combine indigo color with?

    If you refer to the collections and shows of fashion designers, the indigo shade looks good with orange and gray colors. Indigo also looks impressive with a mustard tint; this image looks original.

    Emerald, purple, turquoise and black colors can also be safely combined with indigo.

    The fashionable shade of purple looks especially elegant on evening and cocktail dresses. It is better to make a choice in favor of expensive and high-quality fabrics.

    A bright shade of indigo will add a flirty look, easily changing emerald eye color to blue. For an office, a combination of indigo and gray would be an excellent solution.

    Speaking of indigo, it is impossible not to mention jeans of this color. Skinny denim is especially popular. It is better to choose models with pronounced arrows and large pockets. Pairing with white shirts and formal jackets is a practical and stylish option for every day.

    Indigo color has quite a large number of shades. Among them:

    • electric indigo,
    • blue-violet,
    • violet blue,
    • indigo pigment color,
    • indigo web, indigo Kreyola (color of wax crayons),
    • denim,
    • imperial blue,
    • dark imperial blue,
    • dark midnight blue,
    • Persian,
    • Japanese indigo.

    The latter shade of indigo has long been used to make kimonos, and Persian takes its name from Persian fabric dyed with the corresponding pigment.

    Denim indigo

    Indigo has gained most popularity in the jeans industry. Denim is a shade of traditional denim that is dyed with a given shade of dye. Levi Strauss first added pigment in 1853. At that time, denim was considered work clothing, which was used mainly by gold miners.

    In modern times, fashion designers create various items of clothing from indigo-colored denim; in collections they appear either as independent options or combined with other wardrobe elements in khaki, black, gray, blue, fuchsia, muted brick, shades of brown, bright open lagoon, yellow , orange flowers and of course white.

    Shades such as midnight blue and indigo gained popularity and love among fashionistas all over the world back in the fall-winter season last year. Recently, buyers have been paying more attention to rare, original shades. Such as: white flannelette, flash, yew or beet water shade.

    Models of a dark midnight blue indigo shade were presented in the collection of the fashion house Valentino. The designer chose silk as the material and pleated as the shape.

    The blue-violet shade of indigo, in turn, stands out against the background of denim or imperial blue - it charms, brings harmony and balance to the image. Saturated electric and web indigo allow you to create bright, catchy non-standard images.

    The popularity of a particular shade carries international motives, so indigo is widely known in some countries and is completely unpopular in others.

    You should read about other fashion trends of 2020 in this article.

    The ability to combine different shades will please the taste of the most demanding beauty. Every girl thinks about the eternal question of how to give her image an unforgettable “zest” and often their choice falls on a color palette that emphasizes the indigo color in clothes.

    After all, this color has long taken a strong position in all popular “Fashion palettes”. Due to the versatility of combination with other colors, this color can look different from cold restraint and nobility to bright seduction.

    Not surprisingly, the name of this deep shade comes from the Indian plant indigofera, which was the main ingredient in the preparation of the dye. Because of its origin, many foreign manufacturers give the name “Indian blue” to this color.

    Indigo – what color is it?

    Indian blue has deservedly occupied a niche between dark blue and violet, which is why many scientists attribute it rather to the violet color. It is interesting because it combines a spectrum of shades of blue and violet. At first glance, this shade is cold, but when combined with bright colors it will add originality and unusualness to the image, creating quite creative images. The richness of indigo colors can amaze anyone.

    • Indigo electrician
    • Indigo Kreyola (indigo web)

    • Denim
    • Imperial

    • Midnight
    • Persian
    • Japanese

    Indigo shades go well with expensive silk, satin, and velvet fabrics; thanks to their flowing structure, you can’t take your eyes off such things. The advantage of indigo as a color is that it is rich and evokes various associations, creating an original and unforgettable image. This color will easily fit into the wardrobe of both women and men. Most designers and stylists recommend using indigo color at any time of the year, creating accents with shoes, bags and accessories.

    Psychologists say that blue is the color of good luck. It helps eliminate bad mood and absent-mindedness. Everyone who prefers shades of blue in clothes has an extraordinary character filled with melancholy, honesty and modesty. Those who prefer shades of blue have special traits: slight uncertainty, modesty. The choice of indigo color in the wardrobe of people with predominant traits of rebellion, calmness and generosity will be contrasting. Indigo shades are most suitable for girls with summer and winter color types.

    Indigo color in the wardrobe

    Based on tips and ideas from annual fashion shows, the question of which indigo color combination is stylish should not arise, because this shade is present in almost any wardrobe. This color can hardly be called neutral, so you need to approach combinations with other colors wisely. If you take into account all the nuances, you can get a very impressive outfit both for an official event and for a walk. When combining indigo color with other representatives of the color spectrum, first of all you need to pay attention to your color type. So, for example, a combination of turquoise and Indian blue can visually change the color of the eyes.

    But a correctly selected color palette will be very relevant, making an impression on others.

    Basic and contrasting color combinations

    The basic option is a combination of indigo color with white, gray and black. Outfits with an emphasis on white in a duet with this shade of blue will be an excellent option for office style. Gray will give formality, and black will give solemnity.

    A palette of pink and purple flowers will add a touch of romance and mystery. Shades of pink can significantly transform the subdued indigo color. Purple will create a romantic image with a touch of mystery.

    An emphasis on unity with nature in a combination of brown, green and beige. Outfits of this color scheme are ideal for every day, but an indigo-colored accessory or main item can give them individuality. It can be like an indigo hat under a coat. And vice versa, a basic indigo dress paired with beige pumps. A combination of any shades of green will create a fresh accent.

    A combination of warm shades and cool indigo such as yellow, red, orange will create a bright and cheerful look. You should only pay attention to bright shades; they will make the image more relaxed and feminine. You need to be careful with the color red. When combining these shades, you need to observe a fine line, crossing which will result in a vulgar image. It is better to pay attention to red accessories.

    It is known that shades of the same color harmoniously match each other, especially if they are contrasting. So you can safely combine things in blue and indigo colors. This will make the image expressive.

    Separately, it should be noted that one of the irreplaceable things in the wardrobe is a good pair of jeans. Indigo skinny jeans are the perfect representative of the denim industry. The peculiarity of the model is that it completely takes the shape of the body, combining it with T-shirts and shirts, as well as with formal jackets and cardigans, creating a stylish look for every day and looking good in the photo. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to just skinny jeans, because many fashion designers remain partial to various items of clothing made from indigo-colored denim. These can be either individual outfits or combined options combining them with various colors: terracotta, gray, fuchsia, brown, khaki, yellow and many others.

    Video on the topic of the article:

    Indigo color, both in clothes, shoes and hairstyle, as well as in accessories and manicure, is considered one of the noble shades. It is not catchy or flashy, but rich and chic, combined to varying degrees with the entire rainbow palette and pastel colors, especially beautifully with white, black, red and gray.

    Indigo color - what color is it?

    What does indigo color look like? This unique shade is between and purple tones, as if transitioning from one color to another. It is distinguished by originality and richness. Traditionally, according to the classification of the color spectrum according to I. Newton, this tone is located in the seven-color optical spectrum, but in modern times it is not distinguished as an independent color in the rainbow palette.

    Indigo, history of color

    The color blue indigo has been known for a long time, its history began more than 5 thousand years ago in the Indus Valley, where tropical plants, by boiling leaves and fruits, obtained a persistent precipitate of a deep and beautiful blue hue, dried in the sun, and then cut into pieces. It was one of the most durable dyes at that time. It was brought to Europe by Arab merchants in the 15th century, and this was the beginning of a long journey of royal, durable and chic color, which won the hearts of millions of fashionistas around the world with its deep beauty.

    Indigo color includes several shades. This is electric blue, imperial, Japanese, Persian, deep blue, eclipse color, there is even the color of the astral aura, and some others. Each of these undertones is good in its own way, but they are all considered noble, look stunning in fabrics and furs, and range between purple and basic blue. Widely used in manicure and hairdressing.

    What does indigo color go with?

    What combination of indigo colors in clothing do style setters highlight and use in their collections of branded items?

    1. A classic combination from the days of royal robes: red, blue, white. Indigo products also look amazing with black and orange, and interesting with green, when the shade is closer to purple. It also benefits from soft and pastel tones: sky, blue, beige, light yellow, soft pink, cream and pearl.

    1. Stylists recommend combining indigo color with gold and silver, yellow and gray tones, when, just like in tandem with white, indigo is fully revealed and creates around a certain aura of mystery and richness in the play of contrasts. It can be neatly combined with light blue and purple colors.

    Indigo color in clothes

    Indigo women's clothing will never go out of style because the deep blue-violet shade is so popular. A variety of different items are produced in this tone, from denim items to fur coats and sheepskin coats made of natural and faux fur. Even mink is often dyed this noble color, and jeans were originally in indigo, and only then, with the development of the clothing market, light blue and light blue pants began to appear.

    Who is the deep indigo color suitable for? Almost all women, especially those with blue and blue eyes. Blondes and red-haired beauties who choose clothes of this tone will stand out remarkably against the general background. It perfectly shades and adds a luxurious play of contrast to the appearance of both light and dark skin. It goes perfectly with things and accessories in the main rainbow spectrum and other tones, for example, burgundy, marsal, pink and fashionable pearl-milky shade.

    Indigo dress

    And an indigo evening dress is a choice with a claim to luxury and chic. It can be of different styles and lengths, and if it is perfectly matched to the figure, then its owner simply becomes an irresistible beauty. Which models are at the peak of popularity?

    1. Along with the timeless classic, the sheath dress, short knitted and openwork knitted solutions designed for club events and light parties are in demand. A beautiful option is a loose-fitting maxi dress with an open back and large flounces instead of sleeves.

    1. For a celebration, guipure and lace dresses with a train and lush dresses with open shoulders are suitable; the indigo blue color itself does not need additional decor, but designers decorate their masterpieces with embroidery, rhinestones, and in laconic versions, thin light belts that favorably emphasize the waist. If the dress is sewn with a slouch, or in the Greek style, then the line of the hips or chest.

    Indigo jeans

    A classic of the genre – indigo denim trousers. Among the hot hits of the new season, leading fashion designers include solutions in the hippie style, equally perfect for grunge, boho and - flared jeans, both from the hip and from the knee; they consider this not only a stylish choice, but also a tribute to the prevailing retro. Boyfriends with an aging effect remain in fashion; on the catwalk you can see indigo bananas and even corduroy trousers, both with and without additional decor.

    Indigo sweater

    Another great solution would be to use dark indigo color in knitted and knitted clothing. So, a sweater of a similar shade even visually looks warm and soft, you immediately want to wear it and thereby add interesting, cozy colors to your snow-white winter everyday life. Due to the depth of indigo, these items do not require elaborate decor; they look great when made with large purl or stockinette stitch, English stitch or voluminous elastic.

    Indigo color allows you to wear one sweater with different clothes several times a week, and it will not be noticeable, because you will constantly get different combinations. For example, light blue jeans and a dark sweater, black leggings or classic trousers and solutions in rich colors, white and red pants, mustard or brown skirts and blue-violet sweaters.

    Indigo fur coat

    Deep indigo color is used in fur dyeing, which gives things not only a truly royal velvety hue, but also enriches them with an internal visual radiance and adds the colors of a starry night. These products look great and are self-sufficient in order to create chic, respectable images in any of the chosen styles, from street to glamorous evening.

    Fur products, in which indigo color dominates, are wonderfully combined with various clothes, and depending on the length and purpose of the created images, they will look stylish:

    • with elegant and casual dresses, skirts and blouses, tunics and long sweaters, both with tights and dress shoes, and with leggings and lace-up boots;
    • with jeans, leather and velvet trousers, especially in a single color ensemble.

    Indigo jacket

    The beautiful indigo color is revealed not only in furs, but also in down jackets and jackets of any style. Spectacular and balanced, it gives even sport-chic outerwear a touch of charm and noble calm. An excellent game of contrasts will be presented if, going to a ski resort, or just for a walk on snow-white snow sparkling in the sun, you choose an indigo jacket or down jacket, and red or mustard sweatpants will add bright colors to this ensemble.

    A combination of an indigo jacket and insulated jeans, black, blue and purple leggings will also look stylish. In the new season, leading couturiers offered trendy combinations with checkered pants, both catchy and traditional Scottish tones, and delicate, for example, muted white and gray shades. An interesting solution is an elongated down jacket in indigo purple and beige or sand with white shoes.

    Indigo coat

    The ideal choice for stylish beauties for spring is a women's indigo coat in any of its shades. Mini coats and robes look beautiful in a two-tone combination of indigo with cream, beige or sand inserts on the pockets, sleeve cuffs, neckline and collar. Among the hits of the new season, stylists include single-breasted and double-breasted oversized coats with an English collar, which are perfect for many street style looks.

    Original models with a beautiful hood length to the middle of the shin, dominated by indigo purple, with patch pockets and a wrap effect, are in demand. They will look chic with ripped jeans and sports shoes, and midi cocoons will go well with tight pants and shoes with heels, for example, sneakers or retro lace-up boots, interestingly in brown tones.

    Indigo scarf

    If you have fair skin and blue or blue eyes, then deep indigo color will definitely suit you. The best choice, playing on shade combinations, would be an indigo scarf and hat; you can add mittens or mittens to the set. The trend this spring will be long narrow and wide scarves in patterned knitting, both plain and with additional decorations in the form of embroidery and a combination of several tones in one product. Snoods and collars, scarves, hats and stoles remain in fashion.

    Indigo shoes

    Patent, suede and leather dress shoes in indigo color are a chic choice for a respectable evening look under beautiful velvet, pan-velvet, velor and satin maxi dresses of various styles. Pumps will suit any outfit, even an office suit. Solutions of the season - elegant tango-style shoes with straps and shoes with a hidden platform with a transition to a high stiletto heel will be appropriate both at a club disco and in urban chic ensembles, as well as at a gala and evening event.

    Indigo bag

    If you like the dark indigo color in accessories, then you have excellent taste. After all, a patent leather clutch of this shade will go equally well with a chic velvet dress in dark and rich colors, and with ripped jeans with a leather jacket. Indigo color is good for its versatility, and accessories presented in this tonality will not be flashy, but will become a stylish final accent that makes the image presentable. There are many options for bags in the trend; here the choice will depend on the purpose of the bow being created and personal preferences; experiments have not been canceled either.

    Indigo manicure

    The color blue indigo is also widely used in manicure to achieve an extravagant design in a rich and dark shade. The fashion of the new season includes the trends of past years: cat eye, matte varnish and manicure with the effect of broken glass. New products include combinations of light matte indigo with dark glossy varnish; mirror and pearl rubs based on indigo are in demand. In evening versions, you can add rhinestones, painting on one or two nails, highlighting the moon and a French smile.

    Indigo hair

    In hairdressing, deep indigo color is used to give hair a deep and rich tint dark effect. Brown-haired women and brunettes with long wavy locks with a blue tint look gorgeous. Indigo color looks great on haircuts such as bob with bangs, garcon, gavroche and cascade for long hair. If you like sessun and it suits you, then you will also benefit from using indigo dye; it will give your curls a noble velvety shiny sheen.

    Also, the indigo color in its various variations will look incomparable both on long hair, when they want to create the effect of feathers in violet-blue combinations. The only thing that experienced hairdressers do not recommend is using blonde and indigo tones at the same time, since a sharp contrast can be a disadvantage, and the result will be a sharp and catchy transition with a hint of vulgarity. You can do a lot of experiments on dark hair, especially if you want to create an extravagant and daring image of a glamorous diva.

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