• Ten secrets of true love. How to love and be happy. The first secret of True Love is the power of thought Read 10 secrets of love Jackson


    The first secret of True Love is the power of thought

    Love begins with thoughts.
    We become what we think about. Loving thoughts create a loving life and loving relationships.
    Positive affirmations can change our beliefs and thoughts about ourselves and others.
    If you want to love someone, you need to take into account their needs and desires.
    Thinking about your ideal partner will help you recognize him when you meet him.

    The second secret of True Love is the power of respect

    To love someone, learn to respect him first.
    First of all, you need to respect yourself.
    To gain self-respect, ask yourself: “What do I respect about myself?”
    To gain respect for others—even those you don't like—ask yourself, “What do I respect about them?”

    The third secret of True Love is the power of giving

    If you want to receive love, you just need to give it! The more love you give, the more you will receive.
    To love means to give a part of yourself, without payment or reservations.
    Practice showing kindness just for the sake of it. Before entering into a relationship, ask yourself not what the other person can give you, but what you can give him.
    The secret formula for a lifelong, happy love relationship is to always focus not on what you can take, but on what you can give.

    The Fourth Secret of True Love - The Power of Friendship

    To find true love, you must first find a true friend.
    Loving means not looking at each other, but looking at the world together in the same direction.
    To truly love someone, you need to love them for who they are, not what they look like.
    Friendship is the soil in which the seeds of love grow.
    If you want to bring love into a relationship, you must first bring friendship.

    The fifth secret of True Love is the power of touch

    Touch is one of the most powerful expressions of love, breaking down barriers and strengthening relationships.
    Touch changes physical and emotional states and makes people more receptive to love.
    Touch can help heal the body and warm the heart.
    When you open your arms, you open your heart.

    The sixth secret of True Love is the power of the principle of “giving freedom”

    If you love someone, set them free. If he comes back to you, he is yours, if not, he was never yours.
    Even in truly loving relationships, people need their own space.
    If you want to learn to love, you first need to learn to forgive and free yourself from past grievances and sorrows.
    Love means freeing yourself from fears, prejudices, egos and reservations.
    “Today I am freed from all my fears, the past has no power over me - today is the beginning of a new life.”

    The Seventh Secret of True Love - The Power of Communication

    When we learn to communicate openly and honestly, life changes.
    Loving someone means communicating with them.
    Let people know that you love them and appreciate them.
    Never be afraid to say those three magic words: “I love you.”
    Never miss an opportunity to praise someone.
    Always leave a word of love for the one you love - maybe this is the last time you see him.

    If you were going to die soon and could call the people you love, who would you call, what would you say and... why aren't you doing it right now?

    The eighth secret of True Love is the power of devotion

    For love to be true, one must be devoted to it, and this devotion will be reflected in thoughts and actions.
    Devotion is the true test of love.
    To have a truly loving relationship, you need to be committed to that relationship.
    When you are committed to someone or something, leaving is not an option.
    Commitment distinguishes strong relationships from fragile ones.

    The ninth secret of True Love is the power of passion

    Passion ignites love and does not allow it to fade. Lasting passion is created through not only physical attraction, but also deep devotion, enthusiasm, interest and joyful excitement.
    Passion can be recreated by recreating past situations where you felt passion.
    Spontaneity and surprises create passion.
    The essence of love and happiness is the same; you just need to live every day with passion.

    The tenth secret of True Love is the power of trust

    Trust is vital to a truly loving relationship. Without it, one person becomes suspicious, anxious and full of fears, while another feels emotionally trapped and cannot breathe freely.
    It's impossible to truly love someone if you don't trust them completely.
    Make sure your relationship with your loved one never ends.
    One way to decide if a person is right for you is to ask yourself: “Do I trust him completely and without reservation?” If the answer is “no,” think carefully before making a commitment.


    Today I will share my interpretation of 10 secrets of Love. Help those who are tossing about and restless!:-0) Perhaps our already wise people will think about it and make some kind of verdict for themselves. It is not for nothing that there is a saying in Judaism: “He who saves one soul saves the whole world.”

    And the epigraph to My 10 secrets, and perhaps to my own life, is again the saying “Great is he who conquers cities, but truly great is he who conquers HIMSELF.” So, 10 secrets of True Love.

    1. From the Silt of Thoughts

    Love begins with a thought. We become what we think about. Change your thoughts and you will change your experiences - it's very simple. If you have evil thoughts - you experience anger, distrust of your loved one - jealousy, joyful ones - joy, if happy thoughts - happiness... and if your thoughts are full of Love - you experience Love. Thoughts full of Love create a life full of love and relationships full of love. Therefore, if you want Love, create it. The only reliable way to know who your ideal person is even before you meet him is to think about the qualities that you need in a person.

    2. With respect

    To love someone or something, you must first respect it. AND, FIRST OF ALL, you need to respect yourself; and if you don't love and respect yourself, it's very difficult to love and respect others. You need to learn to accept yourself, value yourself, no matter what others think or say about you. You just need to learn that everyone has their own Place on Earth. Each of us is UNIQUE, each is PRICELESS - no matter what the color of his skin is, no matter what his religion is, or his ideological principles. For this alone, anyone, everyone living on this Earth is worth Respect.

    3. The Power of Giving

    If you want to receive Love, give it. The more you give, the more you receive. Love is like a boomerang - it always comes back. Maybe not always from the person to whom you gave it, but it will still return to you. And it will return a hundredfold. The supply of Love is unlimited. When we give it, we don’t lose it. To lose the Love within us is to not give it to others. If you want to experience True Love, you must be willing to give love without reservations, without demanding anything in return. A gift is not a gift if it is not given for free. True Love is unconditional - it asks for nothing in return.

    Practice good deeds JUST SO. To love means to give a part of yourself without payment or reservations. Before entering into a relationship, ask yourself not what the other person can give you, but what YOU can give them. The secret formula for a lifelong, happy love relationship is to always focus not on what you can TAKE, but on what you can GIVE.

    4. From the Silt of Friendship

    If you want to find true Love, find a true Friend first. Your partner should share your views, values ​​and goals. To truly love someone, you need to love them for who they are, not what they look like. Friendship is the soil on which the seeds of Love grow. If you want to bring Love into a relationship, first bring Friendship.

    5. From the power of Touch

    Love is the most powerful healing force in the entire Universe. There is incredible energy in touch that works wonders. Touch is one of the most powerful manifestations of Love, breaking down barriers and strengthening relationships. It changes the physical and emotional state and makes people more receptive to Love. Touch can help heal the body and warm the Soul. When you open your arms, you open your heart.

    6. The power of the principle “Give Freedom”

    There is a Chinese proverb: “If you love someone, set him free.” If he returns to you, he is yours; if not, it will never be yours.” If you love someone, respect their needs and desires. If you can't let go of someone you love, it's not love. We ourselves write the pages of life. It is impossible to FORCE love, we need to release the people we love. If you love someone, you need to let him BE FREE.

    Free to make decisions, free to live the way he wants, and not the way we want. It's not always easy to let someone you love go free, but there is no other way. You need to let go not when the relationship has fizzled out or is over - you need to let go when the relationship exists. Each of us needs OUR OWN SPACE, and even in truly loving relationships, people need it, their own space. People need to be free in relationships because otherwise they feel trapped.

    When we cling to someone, we can emotionally stifle them and this is usually done out of jealousy, fear, or insecurity rather than out of love. You need to free yourself not only from physical affection, you need to free yourself from everything that prevents you from loving, from all prejudices and judgments about people. If you want to learn to love, first learn to forgive, and free yourself from past grievances and sorrows.

    Each of us makes mistakes, and if you want others to forgive you, be ready to forgive them too. Love means freeing yourself from fears, prejudices, egos and reservations. You just need to remember that every problem that arises (jealousy, hatred, pain and any other negative emotions) brings with it a Gift that can enrich your life.

    7. With the power of Communication

    When we learn to communicate openly and honestly, life changes. Know how to express your feelings. Inability to communicate with each other is the most common disease that people suffer from. Never be afraid to say those 3 magic words – “I love you”. If you communicate, do so honestly and openly. Loving means sharing and communicating. Let people know that you love and appreciate them. Never miss an opportunity to praise someone. Finally, ask yourself this question: If you were going to die soon and could call the people you love - who would you call, what would you say and WHY ARE NOT YOU DOING THIS RIGHT NOW?

    8. With the power of Devotion

    If you are not devoted to a person, you don’t really love him. To have a truly loving relationship, you need to be committed to that relationship. Commitment distinguishes fragile relationships from strong ones. Love is devotion. Fear of commitment is fear. Fear is the biggest obstacle to Love. Fear of rejection, fear of ridicule, fear of loss. If you want Love, strive to overcome your fears and concerns, and be ready to devote yourself to everything that is dear to you. Every relationship has its ups and downs, good times and bad.

    The viability of a relationship depends on HOW we deal with such periods. For a successful relationship, it is important for TWO to understand that their relationship is more important than everything: money, career, cars and clothes. And separation should not be considered, even as an option. The problem is that sometimes we are simply not committed to another, and so we give up. For Love to be True, one must be devoted to it, and this devotion will be reflected in thoughts and actions. Devotion is the real test of Love.

    9. From the silt of Passion

    A truly loving relationship requires Passion. Purely sexual passion is short-lived and cannot be the basis of a long-lasting relationship. Passion is not limited to sex. This is deep interest and enthusiasm. Passion is that magical spark that ignites Love and nourishes it;

    if you lose that spark, the relationship slowly dies. Physical passion is short-lived; much stronger passion comes from thoughts and feelings. Spontaneity and surprises ignite passion. When we lose passion for something, we lose the feeling of Love. The essence of Love and Passion is the same - you just need to live with Passion every day.

    10. With the power of Trust

    Trust is vital to a relationship between two people. Trust not only the other, trust the relationship itself. Without trust, one person becomes suspicious, anxious, full of fears, another feels trapped. Therefore, it is impossible to truly love someone if you do not trust him. The future doesn't have to be the same as the past. And whatever it may be, whatever life experience, each of us has the ability to change.


    We ourselves write the Book of Life. Life changes when we change. The next page will not necessarily be the same as the previous one. We can start a new chapter. It doesn't matter what happened in the past. The past is dead. Happiness is possible only in the Eternal Now.

    True Love is simply accepting another person. Completely and Unconditionally. It is important to trust the relationship to live in such a way that even if there is a fire or a flood, the relationship will never end. Many people create problems for themselves in life before they actually arise. And remember: the only person who can change in your Life is you. Nobody else.

    And Love is the ONLY dimension in which it is worth changing. Without reasoning, go to Love - it is safe.

    whose “shattered” relationship: EVERYTHING CAN BE FIXED,



    2. Learn to respect yourself and your partner, ask yourself the question: “What do I respect about myself?” and “What do I respect in my partner?”

    3. Pay attention not to what you would like from the relationship, but to what you yourself do not bring to the relationship.

    4.Make friends with your partner. Look for common aspirations, common interests.

    5.Touch each other gently and open your arms to each other.

    6. Free yourself from the past and forgive. Start your life again.

    7. Express your feelings openly and honestly.

    8. Commit yourself fully to your relationship and put your partner at the top of your list of priorities.

    9.Recreate passion in your relationships.

    10.Learn to trust your partner, trust your relationship and make sure it never ends.

    WE CREATE LOVE – it is not the result of fate or luck. EACH OF US has the ability to love and be loved. No matter how you live now - alone, or trapped in an unhappy, fizzled out relationship - life can change, and YOU ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGING IT.

    With love. Elena.

    10 secrets of Love from Elena updated: December 20, 2016 by: website

    Love does not come on its own, we create it, and each of us has the ability to do it. People make the mistake of thinking they are "falling in love" they imagine that one day they will be walking down the street, see someone and - boom! But this is not love...

    This is a physical hobby. But not love. Of course, love can develop from mutual physical attraction, but love cannot be only physical. To love - to truly love - you need to understand a person, you need to understand her and respect her. You need to sincerely care about her well-being.

    It is impossible to determine what kind of person is in front of you just by appearance alone. To truly love someone, you need to see them from the inside - their nature, spirit or soul. There is something that is not noticeable with the eyes.

    In Love with a capital L, the most important thing can be seen only with the heart.

    Here they are, Ten Secrets of True Love from Adam Jackson:

    1. The power of thought.

    Love begins with thoughts. We become what we think about. Loving thoughts create a loving life and loving relationships. Positive affirmations can change our beliefs and opinions about ourselves and others. If you want to love someone, you need to take into account their needs and desires.

    2. The power of respect.

    To love someone, learn to respect him first. First of all, you need to respect yourself. To find self-respect, ask yourself, “What do I respect about myself?” To have respect for others—even those you don't like—ask yourself, “What do I respect about them?”

    3. The power of talent.

    If you want to receive love, you need just give it away! The more love you give, the more you will receive. To love means to give a part of yourself, without payment or reservations.

    Practice showing kindness just for the sake of it. Before entering into a relationship, ask yourself not what the other person can give you, but what you can give him.

    The secret formula for a happy, lifelong love relationship is to always pay attention to what you have to give.

    4. The power of friendship.

    To find true love, you must first find a true friend.

    Loving means not looking at each other, but looking at the world together in the same direction. To truly love someone, you need to love them for who they are. Friendship is the soil in which the seeds of love grow.

    If you want love in a relationship, you must first make friends.

    5. Power of touch.

    Touch changes physical and emotional states and makes people more receptive to love. Touch can help heal the body and warm the heart. When you open your arms, you open your heart.

    6. The power of the principle of “giving freedom.”

    If you love someone, set them free. If he comes back to you, he is yours, if not, he was never yours. Even in truly loving relationships, people need their own space. If you want to learn to love, you first need to learn to forgive and free yourself from past grievances and sorrows. To love is to be free from fears, prejudices, egos and reservations. “Today I am freed from all my fears, the past has no power over me - today is the beginning of a new life.”

    7. The power of communication.

    When we learn to communicate openly and honestly, life changes. Loving someone means communicating with them. Let people know that you love them and appreciate them. Never be afraid to say those three magic words: “I love you.”

    Never miss an opportunity to praise someone. Always leave a word of love for the one you love - this may be the last time you see him. If you were going to die soon and could call the people you love - who would you call, what would you say and... why aren't you doing this right now?

    8. The power of devotion.

    For love to be true, one must be devoted to it, and this devotion will be reflected in thoughts and actions. Loyalty is the true test of love. To have a truly loving relationship, you need to be committed to this relationship. Devotion is the criterion that distinguishes strong and serious relationships from frivolous ones.

    9. The power of passion.

    Passion ignites love and does not allow it to fade. Lasting passion is created through not only physical attraction, but also deep devotion, enthusiasm, interest and joyful excitement.

    Passion can be recreated by recreating past situations where you felt passion. Spontaneity and surprises create passion. The essence of love and happiness is the same - you just need to live every day with passion.

    10. The power of trust.

    Trust is vital to a truly loving relationship. Without it, one person becomes suspicious, anxious and full of fears, while another feels emotionally trapped and cannot breathe freely. You can't truly love someone if you don't trust them completely. Act so that the relationship with your loved one never ends.

    One way to decide if a person is right for you is to ask yourself: “Do I trust this person completely and without reservation? If the answer is no, think carefully before making a commitment.

    How to recognize your partner for life?

    1. Does he or she have the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual qualities you want in a lifelong partner?

    2. Do you respect him (her)?

    3. What can you give him (her) to satisfy his (her) needs?

    4. Is he/she your best friend? Do you have common goals and aspirations, common values ​​and common beliefs?

    5. When you are with each other, do you feel like you are one?

    6. Do you give each other space and freedom to grow and learn?

    7. Can you communicate honestly and openly with each other?

    8. Are you both committed to your relationship?

    9. Do you approach your relationships with determination and passion? Does he/she mean more to you than everyone else?

    10. Do you completely trust each other?

    With honest answers to these questions, you yourself will put everything in its place for yourself and decide exactly: how long will you be with this person, do you want to be with him for the rest of your life, can you continue to live with him “in joy and sorrow, happiness and adversity."

    If you decide that this is your person, and there are still some stumbling blocks, not everything is as good as you would like, then here are some recommendations that will definitely help you.

    How to bring love back into your relationship

    1. Think about your partner's needs and desires as much as your own.

    2. Learn to respect yourself and your partner. Ask yourself the question, “What do I respect about myself?” And “What do I respect in my partner?”

    3. Pay attention not to what you would like to get from the relationship, but on what you yourself add to the relationship.

    4. Make friends with your partner: look for common interests, common aspirations.

    5. Touch each other tenderly and open your arms to each other.

    6. Let go of the past and forgive. Start your life again.

    7. Express your feelings openly and honestly.

    8. Commit yourself fully to your relationships. Put your partner at the top of your priority list.

    9. Renew the passion in your relationship.

    10. Learn to trust your partner, trust your relationship and make sure it never ends.



    The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or heard... but they are felt with the heart.

    Helen Keller

    We all passionately desire love and loving relationships, perhaps more than anything else, and we all long for that special relationship. Why then do so many people live alone, searching, hoping, but rarely finding what they want? If we desire love above all else, why is there an unprecedented increase in divorce and broken families? Why are there so many single parents trying to raise their children on their own? Why is it that in crowded cities, many people feel so alone, so isolated? Maybe we are looking for love in the wrong places?

    Contrary to popular belief, love is not the result of fate or luck, it does not “come and go”, we create it... and each of us has the ability to create it. Each of us has the ability to love and be loved, each of us has the ability to create relationships in which the main thing is love. It doesn't matter how we live now. - Whether alone or trapped in an unhappy, stale relationship, life can change, and we are the ones who can change it.

    Unlike many other parables, many of the characters in this book are prototypes of real people, although their names, of course, have been changed. I hope their stories will inspire you as they have inspired me, and serve as a reminder that life can be all that it is meant to be—filled with joy, wonder, and an abundance of love.

    Adam Jackson

    Hertfordshire, July 1995


    You probably wouldn't notice it; none of the other two hundred guests paid him any attention. He sat alone at a table in the far corner of the room; a young man of about thirty, of average height, build and appearance, dressed, like most of the other men in the room, in a black tuxedo.

    However, he felt that he stood out too much sitting alone. All the other guests who had been sitting at his table during the meal were now dancing, and since the young man was naturally shy and came alone, without a girlfriend, he decided to stay at the table and watch the party.

    By any standards, it was a magnificent reception, with no expense spared. Champagne cocktails were followed by a six-course dinner. Between courses, guests danced to the music of a cheerful seven-piece jazz ensemble. The place itself was quite spectacular - the "Royal Banquet Hall" of one of the most first-class hotels in the city center. And yet, despite all this splendor, the young man was not happy about what was happening. He had never been particularly sociable and had a different idea of ​​entertainment than being in the same room with two hundred strangers. The only person he knew in the room was the groom, an old friend whom he had not seen for many years. He was even surprised that he was invited here at all.

    He looked at his friend. He danced, holding his bride in his arms. They looked so happy together, and the young man couldn't help but envy them and wonder if this would ever happen to him.

    “Why is it so,” he thought to himself, “that other people get married, build families and have children, but I cannot maintain a relationship with a girl for more than a few months?” It wasn't that he had a hard time finding girls to date; the problem was finding the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

    Sometimes the very thought of it overwhelmed him. He imagined that there must be something wrong with him if he was unable to form lasting and meaningful relationships. And sometimes he told himself that he was simply unlucky. Maybe, as his friends told him, this is all a matter of chance. Love is either written in the stars or it isn't. And nothing can be done to change the destiny; it will either come one day or not.

    There was only one occasion, two years ago, when he thought he was seriously in love, but even that affair lasted only three months. Then it was impossible to console him, he was completely devastated, for several weeks he could neither eat nor sleep. And after this incident, he was determined to never allow anyone to hurt him like that.

    As he sat and watched all the couples in the room - how some sat holding hands and laughed, while others danced and sang - he told himself that it was better to be single. After all, how often do relationships truly last? How often do people stay together? If he remained single, at least he would not have to endure the pain of separation and loss. He has independence, he is free, he can go anywhere, anytime.

    But, looking around the room, the young man saw something that disrupted his train of thought, reminded him that love is possible and that long-lasting, truly loving relationships do exist - in the center of the dance floor there was an elderly couple, they were dancing, hugging each other, and smiled, looking into each other's eyes. Watching them dance, he asked himself the question, maybe, by some miracle, there was someone out there waiting for him.

    Are you here alone?

    The young man turned around and saw an elderly Chinese man next to him. He was short, with gray hair framing his bald head, and large, smiling brown eyes that lit up his face when he smiled. Like most of the other men in Komi, he was dressed in a black tuxedo and a white shirt with a black bowtie.

    Yes, I’m alone,” answered the young man, smiling, the answer to the old man.

    “Me too,” said the old man. - Is it okay if I join you?

    Be my guest,” the young man replied.

    A wonderful wedding, isn't it?

    Well, if you like such things... - said the young man.

    Why don't you like your wedding celebration? - asked the old man.

    It's all just comedy these days, isn't it? - said the young man, leaning back in his chair.

    What exactly? - asked the Chinese.

    Marriage is a comedy only if two people do not love each other, said the old man.

    Contrary to the opinion of most people, love is not fate or a revelation from above, it does not arise and disappear on its own, we create it for ourselves and everyone is able to create this feeling. To do this, you just need to know the ten secrets of true love. We hope that knowing these secrets will inspire you to create relationships full of love and harmony. And this will lead to a happy family life.

    1. The first secret is the POWER OF THOUGHT

    The beginning of everything is thought. What occupies our thoughts prevails in our lives. If you want to have a life full of love, think about it. Cherish love in your thoughts, create it and it will come into your life. Then you will become a happy girl.

    2. Secret two: THE POWER OF RESPECT

    In order for a feeling of love to arise for someone, respect must first appear. Respect for a person as a unique, special, inimitable creation and for oneself, first of all. Realize that everyone deserves respect, no matter the circumstances.

    3. Secret three: THE POWER OF GIVING.

    When you don’t have enough love, be its source yourself, give it to others. The power of love is that when you give more of your love, you receive more of it back. It may not be from the person who got yours, but it will definitely be returned with interest. Give your love unconditionally, without demanding anything in return, give freely, just like that.

    When entering a new relationship, ask yourself what you can offer, give to your partner, and not what you will receive in return. Give a piece of yourself without asking for payment. Always give your partner love without expecting any reward. This is the key to a happy family life. True love is altruistic and selfless.

    4. Secret four: THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP

    Love and friendship are very close. In order to meet true love, you must first open up to friendship. The two of you must go through life, your views on the world and the future must be common, your expectations and aspirations must coincide. Friendship is the foundation on which relationships are best built. Become a friend to your lover. Find joint activities and common interests.

    5. Secret five: THE POWER OF TOUCH

    Love can do many things - heal the soul, heal emotional wounds. And one of its main manifestations is touch. It has the ability to break down boundaries and strengthen relationships between people. Tactile sensations change a person’s perception, his emotional state, make him more susceptible to love, and reveal the most tender feelings, especially if you have a family relationship. They open their hearts by opening their arms. Touch with tenderness and show each other your feelings. Simple touches can strengthen your family and make your marriage happy.


    Even with all-consuming mutual love, a person needs personal freedom. He needs a certain space so as not to feel driven into a corner. If you truly love a person, give him freedom. When the feelings are mutual, he will return to you; if not, then the person is simply not yours and never belonged to you. Respect the personal space of your chosen one, give him freedom of choice, actions and desires. It is impossible to force you to love or live the way you need.

    When we limit someone's freedom, we emotionally stifle them. Complexes, feelings of fear, past bad experiences push us to such behavior. Get rid of prejudices, fears and grievances of the past, free yourself and give freedom to your partner. Learn to forgive in order to learn to love.


    Life changes when we communicate honestly and without trickery. Express your feelings correctly. Lack of communication skills leads to misunderstandings. Share your thoughts and experiences, don’t be afraid to speak out and say the most important words: “I love you.” A person should hear and know that you love and appreciate him, praise your loved ones at every opportunity. You don't know what moment can be decisive when you communicate with a person and see him for the last time.

    8. Secret Eight: THE POWER OF DEVOTION

    True love requires dedication to her, her partner, and the relationship in general. It must come from the heart and thoughts. The more mutual fidelity and devotion in a relationship, the stronger and more durable it is. Devotion will be the real test of love; if you are not committed to another, you may simply give up. Overcome your fears and devote yourself to relationships and everything that is dear to you.

    9. Secret Ninth: THE POWER OF FEELINGS

    Stimulate your senses constantly. Keep the spark in your relationship and don't let it die out. Warm up your passion not only physical, but also emotional. By reviving moments from the past that gave you strong feelings of pleasant excitement, interest, joy and desire, you fuel your relationship. Make pleasant, unexpected gestures more often, so you will fully show your feelings.

    10. Secret tenth: THE POWER OF TRUST

    Trust is the foundation of all happy relationships. If there is no trust, relationships are not possible, it is very important. Even if you once experienced a negative experience, do not project it onto a new relationship. If there is no trust between partners, then the relationship develops in an unhealthy direction, mistrust, anxiety and unfounded suspicions arise. The object of suspicion has the feeling that his freedom is being infringed upon, limited and driven into an emotional trap. True love does not accept mistrust; a sense of possessiveness is incompatible with a true feeling of love.

    If a person is meant for you, then you will trust him unconditionally, completely and unconditionally.
    Ask yourself the question: “Do I trust this person as myself?”

    True Love is the acceptance of another person, his desires and feelings. Completely and unconditionally. It is important to trust a person, believe in a relationship, and build it on mutual respect. Fill your life with love and be happy. Go towards love. Change yourself and your attitude towards others. It's within your power.

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