• Physical education and health work in dow according to fgt. "physical education and recreational work in preschools in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard" educational and methodological material on the topic. Project implementation mode


    One of the main tasks of preschool educational institutions, in accordance with the federal state educational standard, is to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being. Full physical development and health of a child is the basis for personality formation.



    Speech at the pedagogical council

    1 slide: "Physical education and recreational work in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education"

    prepared by: Makarova N.A.

    2 slide :One of the main tasks of preschool educational institutions, in accordance with the federal state educational standard, is to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being. Full physical development and health of a child is the basis for personality formation.

    3 slide : In this regard, physical education and health work in kindergarten is of great importance, both for promoting health and for the formation of motor skills, which are significant components in the cognitive and emotional development of pupils.

    Slide 4: The leading goals of physical education and health work in kindergarten are the creation of favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.

    Slide 5: The objectives of the educational field “Physical Development” are solved in three directions: acquiring experience in motor activity, developing focus, self-regulation in the motor sphere and mastering the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle.

    Slide 6: The planned results according to the Federal State Educational Standard are presented as targets, which are understood as qualities, knowledge, skills, abilities, values, etc. that are not obligatory for all children, emerging or developed by a certain age. Unlike goals, they do not correlate with the age of the children, i.e. .e. are not determined in time.

    Assessment of the development of pupils should be carried out individually and is based not on their comparison with the norm, but by identifying the characteristics of the child’s individual development and analyzing the factors that influenced this.

    The main source of personal development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard is the subject-spatial developmental educational environment. The teacher must fulfill a number of requirements, in accordance with which richness, variability, accessibility, safety of the environment, transformability of space and multifunctionality of materials are ensured.

    7 slide : Thanks to the joint work of a physical education instructor and a teacher, it is possible to build the educational process taking into account the individual characteristics of children: age, gender, level of development of higher nervous activity (strength, mobility, balance of nervous processes), communicative personality traits (sociability, isolation), individual characteristics of the mental state (anxiety, aggression, depression). All this will allow you to productively build a system of “teacher-child” relationships: choose a communication style, regulate the pace, volume of physical activity. Thus, when implementing an individual approach to children in the process of organizing motor activity, it is important to create a situation of success and a situation of choice (partner, physical education equipment, task.

    Slide 8: In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the priority is the activity of the child himself. The teacher needs to pay great attention to the development of initiative in outdoor play. As a result of purposeful guidance of outdoor play, children can come up with variations of it, new plots, and more complex game tasks.

    According to the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, the teacher acts in relation to the child not as a teacher, but as a partner, and the preschooler does not occupy the position of an object of pedagogical influence, but the position of a subject, thereby realizing subject-subject relationships. In accordance with the methodology of physical education, the frequently used techniques in the work of a physical education instructor are commands, orders, instructions, signals, etc., through which the child must obey and do what the adult says.

    Slide 9 : In our kindergarten, a system of measures has been developed and implemented to preserve and strengthen the health of pupils. Every day, in all age groups, several forms of physical education and health activities are implemented: morning exercises, various outdoor games throughout the day, physical education classes, direct educational activities, physical exercises, tourism, etc.All this is used daily in the integration of educational fields.

    10 slide : The essence of the integrated approach is the combination of knowledge from different fields on an equal basis, complementing each other. At the same time, during the lesson, teachers have the opportunity to solve several problems from various areas of development, and children master the content of various sections of the program in parallel, which saves time for organizing play and independent activities. According to the principle of integration, physical education and health work with children is carried out not only in the process of specific physical education and sports games, exercises, activities, but also in the organization of all types of children's activities through physical education minutes, didactic games with elements of movement, outdoor games with elements of speech development, mathematics , design, etc.

    11 slide : To achieve the set goals and objectives, a notebook of interaction with a specialist is used, thereby increasing the level of physical development.

    Slide 12: Working with parents is also important for creating a healthy lifestyle. By involving parents in physical education and health work, we thereby identify their needs, and also involve them in active participation in the life of the child and the preschool educational institution, organizing sports Olympiads, tourism, etc. Thanks to joint activities, parents help in organizing the subject-spatial environment.

    Slide 13 : “Taking care of health is the most important job of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.”

    V. Sukhomlinsky

    Municipal state preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 3 of Taishet

    Information certificate - presentation “Organization of recreational work in preschool educational institutions”


    In the conditions of the modern natural, social and environmental situation, the problem of children's health is becoming global. A variety of medical, sociological, demographic and other data indicate that only 14% of Russian children can be considered practically healthy, 50% have certain health problems, and 35% are chronically ill.Therefore, one of the main tasks of kindergartenis to protect the lives and strengthen the physical and mental health of pupils, the formation of culture, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

    Presenters goals of health work in kindergarten - creating favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, forming the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.Improving conditions for ensuring the physical and mental health of children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education and SanPiN. An integrated approach and implementation of physical education and health activities in contact with all participants in the pedagogical process (teachers, medical workers, parents, children).All work on the physical education of children is carried out taking into account their health status by a physical education instructor and group teachers with regular monitoring by a nurse and the administration of the preschool educational institution.In the kindergarten, instructions have been developed for protecting the life and health of pupils, and a list of conversations has been compiled on protecting the life and health of pupils. Each age group has folders with these materials.

    In our kindergarten, all types of health-saving technologies are performed: medical and preventive; physical education and recreation; technologies to ensure the socio-psychological well-being of the child; health protection of preschool teachers; valeological education of parents; health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten.

    Elements medical and preventive technology

    · organization of health monitoring of preschool children,

    · development of recommendations for optimizing children's health,

    · organization and control of nutrition for preschool children,

    · physical development of preschool children,

    · hardening,

    · organization of preventive measures in kindergarten,

    · organization of control and assistance in meeting SanPiNov requirements,

    · organization of a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions.

    Elements physical education and health technology

    · development of physical qualities, motor activity

    · formation of physical culture of preschool children,

    · prevention of flat feet and formation of correct posture,

    · developing habits of daily physical activity and health care

    · choreography

    For a child, as for an adult, an emotionally favorable environment in a group or educational institution is necessary. Unfortunately, there is no psychologist in the preschool educational institution, so the teacher provides psychological and pedagogical support for the child. A child with any developmental problem receives assistance aimed at individual development.

    Material and technical equipment and facilities, the spatial organization of the preschool environment are brought to compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, and provide physical education and recreational activities. Unfortunately, the kindergarten has neither a sports hall nor a music room. For the full physical development of children and to meet their needs for movement, the following conditions have been created in the preschool educational institution:

    · various sports equipment: (gymnastic mats, balance beams, gymnastic balls, etc.);

    · sports ground for outdoor and sports games;

    · physical education corners (in all groups);

    · medical professional's office;

    · quartz lamps;

    · P selection and labeling of furniture according to the physiological characteristics of children.

    In order to reduce morbidity in kindergarten, a specially organized system of hardening activities has been developed and is successfully used in everyday life. All natural factors are used: water, air, sun. Hardening activities are carried out all year round, but their type and methodology vary depending on the season and weather.

    Preventative workincludes:

    Lightweight clothes for children in kindergarten

    Compliance with seasonal clothing for children when walking, taking into account their individual health status.

    Maintaining temperature during the day

    Compliance with ventilation regime

    Gymnastics after sleep

    Washing hands with cool water

    Proper organization of the walk and its duration

    Nonspecific prevention of respiratory diseases (fortification of third courses, aromatherapy - onions, garlic).

    One of the most effective hardening procedures in everyday life is a walk. In order for it to really have an effect, it is necessary to change the sequence of children’s activities during a walk, depending on the nature of the previous activity and weather conditions.

    Most of the time in a preschool institution, a child is in a group, so the preservation and strengthening of their health depends on how competently the teacher’s activities in organizing the children’s routine are structured. Morning exercises and physical education classes include corrective exercises to prevent scoliosis, poor posture, and flat feet. During organized educational activities, motor and recreational aspects are carried out: exercises and tasks for the development of small muscles of the hand, tasks for the development of facial expressions and articulation, etc.After a nap, it is important to improve the mood and muscle tone of each child, as well as take care of the prevention of posture and foot disorders. This is facilitated by the complex gymnastics after nap , which is variable in nature, depending on this, its duration will also change (gymnastics of a playful nature consists of 2-3 exercises such as “Stretching”, “Cogs”, “Athletes”; warm-up in bed - children gradually wake up to the sounds of melodic music, lying down in bed they perform 4–5 general developmental exercises; children perform arbitrary dance musical-rhythmic movements to music.

    Throughout the year, monthly, at production meetings and teachers' councils, an analysis of morbidity and attendance is carried out. The analysis revealed:

    Child morbidity rate (per child per year)


    year 2012

    year 2013



    22 (chickenpox)

    Health groups



    year 2012

    year 2013

    1 gr. health

    2 gr. health

    3 gr. health

    4 gr. health

    Total children

    Level of physical development of children


    year 2012

    year 2013

    A comparative analysis of data shows a positive trend in the level of development of children, which confirms the effectiveness of the use of health-saving technologies.

    Adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten occurs in a calm manner. In 93% of children, it occurs in mild to moderate severity.

    During the adaptation period, a gentle regime is created for children:

    Shortened day for baby

    Presence of mother in the group

    Increased attention from group staff.

    The effectiveness of physical education and health work in a preschool institution largely depends on the interaction of teachers with the nurse. Compiled work plan for the year, which includes consultations for educators, parents, speeches at pedagogical councils and meetings. The nurse teaches teachers to identify signs of fatigue in children by changes in skin color, facial expression, breathing rate, and the appearance of sweating and promptly regulate the nature of their activity, switching to a calmer one or, conversely, intense. All medical services within the scope of functional duties are provided continuously. Vaccinations: Mantoux reaction, preventive vaccinations according to age DPT, polio, RV measles, RV mumps, BCG for children in the preparatory school group, against influenza.Scheduled medical examinations of children are regularly carried out with the involvement of specialists from the clinic. The results of the examination are taken into account by the nurse, teachers, and specialists in working with children. Children with violations are referred for consultation with specialists. The nurse pays special attention to the adaptation period when children enter kindergarten.

    In the system of physical education and health work in kindergartens, a strong place is occupied by physical education holidays, sports leisure. Interesting content, humor, music, games, competitions, and a joyful atmosphere contribute to the activation of motor activity. When organizing active recreation, teachers take into account climatic conditions, seasonal characteristics and natural factors. We invite schoolchildren – former pupils of preschool institutions, parents, sisters and brothers – to physical education holidays. The themes of the holidays are very diverse: “We are athletes”, “Olympic Games”, “Fun Starts”, “Winter-Winter”, “Neptune’s Holiday”, etc. The greatest benefits for the improvement and hardening of children come from physical education events organized in the open air.

    Traditionally, preschool educational institutions conduct health week, open day. The entire team takes part in these events; the plan for each day is carefully thought out, taking into account the time of year and weather conditions. When organizing work with children, we include various types of activities, rich in both calm and intense movements. These are games and play exercises, sports competitions, tourist walks and trips to a nearby park. In a theatrical or playful form, motor skills and hygienic knowledge are easier to learn. When organizing active recreation, teachers colorfully decorate the venue (group, sports ground) in accordance with the intended content of the activities, and also use musical accompaniment. All events are heldin the presence of mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers. Parents are satisfied with such events and express wishes to hold them more often.

    The system of working with children involves various forms, means and methods of forming ideas about a healthy lifestyle. The main forms of our work are organized activities, routine moments, sports competitions, and leisure activities, during which we provide children with new information and consolidate previously received ideas. In the process of getting acquainted with the world around him, he forms ideas about a person as a living being, his body and health; about lifestyle and the dependence of health on lifestyle. In environmental classes, we form children’s ideas about the conditions necessary for a person to live; about the relationship between human health and the environment.
    When developing cultural and hygienic skills, we form the habit correctly: washing, wiping, caring for the oral cavity, using a handkerchief, and behaving correctly when coughing and sneezing.
    We expand our understanding of healthy lifestyle through: role-playing games “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”, “Family”, reading fiction: “The Tale of Nails”, Dirty Vitya” by I. Gubin, “Tari the Bird”, “Zubik-Zznayka”, “The Tale of the Three Little Pigs in a new way”, learning riddles about body parts, proverbs about health. We continue to introduce children to the rules of maintaining their health and caring for it. To broaden the horizons of children and consolidate previously acquired skills, we use board and didactic games (“Ascorbinka and her friends”, “Parts of the body”, “Fold the picture”, “What first, what then, etc.) We believe that by the time of graduation When children go to school, they receive the necessary ideas about a healthy lifestyle and have strong skills and habits to maintain their health.

    A healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without a rational, varied diet. Nutrition, as is known, is one of the factors that ensures the normal development of a child and a sufficiently high level of resistance of his body to diseases.In our preschool institution, the following principles of rational healthy nutrition for children are followed: regularity, nutrition, variety, by observing the diet, food consumption standards and an individual approach to children during meals. We include fruits, juices, cranberry drinks, lemon tea, and milk in the menu. To prevent acute respiratory diseases, green onions and garlic are included in children’s diets, which allows for a certain reduction in morbidity. The basic principles of organizing rational nutrition are to ensure the supply of all essential nutrients in quantities that meet the physiological needs of the child’s body:

    · Compliance with the rules of cooking technology;

    · Compliance with the diet (food according to sanitary standards);

    · Introduction of second breakfast;

    · C-fortification of dishes;

    · Replacement of products for children with allergies;

    · Organization of drinking regime;

    · Table setting;

    One of the mandatory conditions for developing a culture of child health is a culture of family health. When working with families to develop the need for a healthy lifestyle in children, such forms of work as newsletters, the publication of “Health” booklets, thematic exhibitions, a health library are used, health information corners “Healthy Children”, “How I Grow” are created, consultations are held , round table meetings, parent meetings with the participation of physical education and medical workers, family sports relay races, surveys. Parents are regular participants in all competitions held at the preschool educational institution.

    The kindergarten maintains a continuous connection with Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2. Excursions, sports and recreational activities are aimed at developing in preschoolers and primary schoolchildren basic ideas about the usefulness and expediency of physical activity and personal hygiene. Kindergarten graduates, upon entering school, attend various sports sections: volleyball, basketball, dance sports, martial arts, and boxing school. And in the future it is planned to systematize the work on the continuity of the kindergarten with the school and other public organizations in matters of raising a healthy generation.

    The teaching staff, students and parents took an active part in city events dedicated to the year of the preschool education worker and the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the city of Taishet.

    Participating in the project “The further into the future we look, the more we value the past” (Russian folk outdoor games), the team was awarded a letter of gratitude, 10 students received diplomas (Dima Polyakov, Kira Kulagina, Nastya Kazantseva, Lilya Kravchenko, Vika Zhukova, Dasha Golushko, Drozdov Sasha, Radchenko Sasha, Semenov Dima, Sidelnikova Liza).

    Participating in the “Summer Spartakiad for Preschoolers” project, the team received a Certificate for sporting achievements, Sasha Radchenko a Certificate for personal championship in running, 9 students received participation diplomas (Kira Kulagina, Sasha Radchenko, Lilya Kravchenko, Sasha Drozdov, Dima Semenov, Ilya Nishchev, Sidelnikova Liza, Pogonysheva Tanya, Kazantseva Nastya). Head Kucher O.K., deputy Gryleva I.M., instructor Fizo Kulagina V.A. awarded with certificates.

    The positive effect of strengthening the physical health of children is provided by the use of non-traditional forms of health improvement at work, such as: breathing gymnastics, relaxation, music therapy, color therapy, finger gymnastics, musical outdoor games, musical rhythmic movements, p psychogymnastics, and groplasty, travel games, exercises on a fitball, on step benches. Working with teachers is also an integral part of promoting and maintaining health. The preschool educational institution team participated in the fifth youth forum at the Olympus sports camp.

    Thus, we can say that only a year-round, systematic approach to the organization of physical education, health, treatment and preventive activities will effectively contribute to the strengthening and preservation of the health of pupils, will give positive dynamics to the health of the child’s body, and will allow achieving positive results: increasing the level of physical fitness, increasing the index children's health, positive dynamics in the distribution of health groups, prevention and correction of deviations in the physical development of pupils. The competent organization of a health-preserving environment, as well as the use of health-saving technologies, the introduction of a model of children's health, helped us to minimize the static component in the daily routine of our pupils, and also contributed to the increase in the motor activity of each child and his comprehensive psychophysical development.

    Children have become more flexible and resilient. Quality in the technique of performing movements and expressiveness in motor skills appeared. Children have an emotional response to physical activity, sports passion, interest, and excitement. Teachers began to notice that they had increased endurance in various types of activities, increased mental capacity, perseverance, they became more self-possessed and more attentive. And the most important thing is that the emotional and motor sphere of the child has improved. Children have a proud posture, freedom and ease in their movements, naturalness and variety have appeared in gestures and poses, a direct, open, interested look, a joyful, bright, meaningful facial expression, lively, expressive facial expressions, speech becomes intelligible and melodic.

    The results convince us of the correctness and effectiveness of the measures we have chosen to improve physical culture and health work. However, we do not stop at the achieved level. Our creative search continues today.

    Kindergarten No. 164 is a municipal preschool educational institution of a combined type, operating since April 1992. The preschool educational institution is located at the address: Tver, Blagoeva building 5, building 1.

    The founder of the kindergarten is the Education Department of the Tver City Administration. The preschool educational institution carries out its educational, legal, financial and economic activities in accordance with:

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

    Model regulations on preschool educational institutions in the Russian Federation, dated 07/01/95 No. 677

    Model regulations on a special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with developmental disabilities.”

    Regulations on the municipal educational institution"

    - “Agreement between the founder and MDOU”

    The Charter of the MDOU, registered in the Tver City Registration Chamber.

    License for educational activities.

    As well as other regulatory legal acts of the UO.

    In 2007 MDOU is certified for category 2, level 2, combined type.

    The number of groups in preschool educational institutions was determined depending on sanitary standards and conditions of the educational process, the maximum occupancy rate adopted when calculating the budget funding standard. The following age groups operate:

    Toddler group (1-2)

    2nd nursery group (2-2.6)

    3rd nursery group (2.6-3)

    Two second junior groups (3-4)

    Two middle groups (4-5)

    Two older groups (5-6)

    One preparatory group

    Two logogroups.

    The preschool educational institution operates in the mode established by the Founder, based on the needs of the family and the possibilities of budget financing, namely: a five-day work week, the duration of the preschool educational institution is 12 hours. Working hours of groups: 1 shift of teachers from 7.00 to 14.12. 2nd shift of teachers from 11.48 to 19.00.


    The main subject of activity of the preschool educational institution is the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education, provision of education, training and development, as well as supervision, care and health improvement of children from 1.5 to 7 years.

    The purpose of the Institution is:

    Educational activities, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics,

    Preparing a child for life in modern society,

    Preparing for school

    Raising a preschooler on the principles of humanism, citizenship and hard work.

    Main tasks institutions are:

    Protecting the lives and strengthening the physical and mental health of pupils;

    Ensuring the social, personal, artistic, aesthetic, cognitive and speech development of children;

    Instilling in children citizenship, respect for human rights and freedoms, taking into account age categories, love for the surrounding nature, homeland and family;

    Formation of culture, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle;

    Carrying out the necessary correction of deviations in the child’s speech;

    Introducing children to universal human values;

    Interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child;

    Caring for the child's emotional well-being;

    Providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on issues of upbringing, education and development of children.

    The institution implements « Education and training program in kindergarten" M. A. Vasilyeva; 2006. – for children aged 1 to 2 years.

    "Rainbow"- T.N. Doronova, 2010. – for children aged 2 to 7 years.

    “Special correction program for children with speech disorders” G.V. Chirkina ONR, G.A. FFNR porridge – for children aged 5 to 7 years.

    Partial programs:

    “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture”, O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva

    “Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children” R.B. Sterkina, O.L. Knyazeva, N.N. Avdeeva.

    “Ladushki”, a program for the development of children in musical activities. THEM. Kaplunova, I.A. Novoskoltseva.

    General direction of the educational process to effectively achieve results through the implementation and development of the educational abilities of each child is possible with the effective construction of the pedagogical process. Therefore, the preschool educational institution team is developing the technology of the educational process in two directions:

    1. Traditional training , where the renewal of the educational process is aimed at such an organization in which children are able to fully master the necessary educational material. For this purpose, a list of specific learning outcomes has been compiled.
    2. Innovative technologies , which are aimed at developing the cognitive abilities of each child. Developmental education technologies, the development and implementation of non-traditional forms of classes, cognitive and research activities of children, travel classes, fairy tale classes, quizzes, etc. are associated with this direction.

    The number and duration of classes is determined by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating hours of preschool educational institutions.

    For toddlers from 1.5 to 3 years old, no more than 10 lessons per week lasting no more than 8 - 10 minutes are planned.

    The maximum permissible weekly educational load, including additional education classes, for preschool children is:

    In the younger group (children of the fourth year of life) - 11 lessons,

    In the middle group (children of the fifth year of life) – 12 lessons,

    In the senior group (children of the sixth year of life) – 15 lessons,

    In the preparatory school (children of the seventh year of life) - 17 lessons.

    Duration of classes:

    For children 4 years of age - no more than 15 minutes,

    For children 5 years of age - no more than 20 minutes,

    For children 6 years of age - no more than 25 minutes,

    For children 7 years of age - no more than 30 minutes.

    Breaks between classes are at least 10 minutes.

    Continuing education classes (studios, clubs, sections, etc.) are held:

    For children 4 years of age - no more than once a week for no more than 15 minutes;

    For children 5 years of age - no more than 2 times a week for no more than 25 minutes;

    For children 6 years of age - no more than 2 times a week for no more than 25 minutes;

    For children 7 years of age - no more than 3 times a week for no more than 30 minutes.

    In the middle of the school year (January - February), a week-long vacation is organized for pupils of preschool groups, during which only aesthetic and health-improving classes are held.

    There are no classes on holidays or during the summer. It is recommended to hold sports and outdoor games, sports festivals, excursions and others, as well as increase the duration of walks.

    Parents (legal representatives) of the child are provided with the opportunity to become familiar with the progress and content of the educational process.

    The main direction of the preschool educational institution is physical education and health work in the preschool educational institution.

    Presenters goals of physical education and health work in kindergarten - creating favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, forming the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.

    These goals are realized in the process of various types of children's activities: gaming, educational, artistic, motor, elementary labor.

    For achieving goals meaning are:

    • Caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;
    • Creating an atmosphere in groups of a humane and friendly attitude towards all students, which will allow them to grow sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;
    • Maximum use of a variety of children's activities; their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process;
    • Creative organization (creativity) of the process of education and training;
    • Variability in the use of educational material, allowing for the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;
    • Respect for the results of children's creativity;
    • Ensuring the development of the child in the process of education and training;
    • Coordination of approaches to raising children in preschool and family settings;

    Organizational work:

    All work on the physical education of children was carried out taking into account the health status of the children and was carried out by physical education instructor M.A. Shiryaeva and group teachers with regular supervision by a doctor, a senior nurse and a senior teacher.

    In order to reduce morbidity in kindergarten, a specially organized system of hardening activities has been developed and is successfully used in everyday life. All natural factors are used: water, air, sun. Hardening activities are carried out all year round, but their type and methodology vary depending on the season and weather.

    Extensive preventative work includes:

    Lightweight clothes for children in kindergarten

    Compliance with seasonal clothing for children when walking, taking into account their individual health status.

    Maintaining temperature during the day

    Breathing exercises after sleep

    Washing hands up to the elbows with cool water

    Proper organization of the walk and its duration

    Nonspecific prevention of respiratory diseases (herbal medicine and rosehip decoctions, taking Hexavit multivitamins and Eleutherococcus tinctures.

    Morning exercises and physical education classes included corrective exercises to prevent scoliosis, poor posture, and flat feet. During non-physical education classes and between classes, motor-health-improving moments were organized: exercises and tasks for the development of small muscles of the hand, tasks for the development of facial expressions and articulation, etc.

    During the year, monthly, either at production meetings or at meetings of the local committee, an analysis of the incidence and attendance of children in preschool institutions is carried out. The analysis revealed that, in comparison with the previous academic year:

    Reduced incidence

    Reduced number of passes per child

    The number of days missed due to illness has decreased.

    The number of children did not change significantly. The incidence rate of children in comparison with the regional indicator is lower. An assessment of the physical development of children with the determination of the health group was carried out by the medical staff of the preschool educational institution together with the local service.

    Children with musculoskeletal disorders were sent to the physical therapy room at the clinic and to the physical education clinic, with speech disorders - to speech therapy kindergartens and a commission, with nasopharyngeal disease - to an ENT clinic and rehabilitation center, with decreased vision - to an ophthalmologist and a specialized kindergarten , with neurological pathologies - to a neurologist.

    The main problem remains the large number of pupils with speech development delay - 12%, the reason for this is the low interest of parents in the development of children’s speech skills and attendance at the speech commission.

    All medical services within the scope of functional duties are provided free of charge. Vaccinations have been done: Mantoux test, age-appropriate preventive vaccinations DTP, polio, RV measles, RV mumps, BCG children in the preschool group. Particular attention in the doctor’s work was paid to the adaptation period when children enter kindergarten.

    Adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten is satisfactory - in 93% of children it occurs in mild to moderate severity.

    During the adaptation period, a gentle regime was created for children:

    Shortened day for baby

    Presence of mother in the group

    Increased attention from group staff.

    This contributed to the fact that for the majority of children who first entered kindergarten, the adaptation period proceeded in a calm manner.

    In kindergarten, all types of health-saving technologies are performed: medical and preventive; physical education and recreation; technologies to ensure the socio-psychological well-being of the child; health preservation and health enrichment for preschool teachers; valeological education of parents; health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten.

    Elements medical and preventive technology

    • organization of health monitoring of preschool children
    • development of recommendations for optimizing children's health;
    • organization and control of nutrition for children of early and preschool age,
    • physical development of preschool children,
    • hardening;
    • organization of preventive measures in kindergarten;
    • organization of control and assistance in meeting SanPiN requirements;
    • organization of a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions.

    Elements physical education and health technology

    • development of physical qualities, motor activity
    • formation of physical culture of preschool children,
    • breathing exercises,
    • massage and self-massage,
    • prevention of flat feet and formation of correct posture,
    • developing habits of daily physical activity and health care
    • choreography

    For a child, as for an adult, an emotionally favorable environment in a group or educational institution is necessary.

    Psychologist: the educational institution provides psychological and pedagogical support for the child. A child with any developmental problem receives qualified assistance aimed at individual development. The educational institution uses psycho-gymnastics and other forms of working with the child.

    Ensuring the social and psychological well-being of the child:

    • technologies for psychological or psychological-pedagogical support of child development

    Logistics support for preschool educational institutions

    Material and technical equipment and equipment, spatial organization of the environment of preschool educational institution No. 164 comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements and provide physical education and recreational work. For the full physical development of children and to meet their needs for movement, the following conditions have been created in the preschool educational institution:

    • Gym with sports complexes and sports equipment; (gymnastic walls, trampolines, balance beams, gymnastic balls, various exercise machines, treadmill, gymnastic barre, etc.); sports ground for outdoor and sports games;
    • physical education corners (in all groups);
    • there is a medical worker’s office (isolation room and treatment room)
    • quartz lamps in group and special rooms;
    • music room;
    • Psychologist's office.
    • Art office.
    • Logo office (2)

    Children's physical health is inextricably linked with their mental health and emotional well-being. The system of physical education and health work includes therapeutic and preventive and physical education and health activities.

    Every year at the beginning of the school year, a Wellness plan for the year:

    1. Morning exercises /daily throughout the year/
    2. Gymnastics after sleep /daily for a year/
    3. Breathing exercises
    4. Acupressure
    5. Air baths /before bedtime, after sleep/
    6. Physical education classes /3 times a week/
    7. Finger gymnastics
    8. Gargling, Herbs / once a quarter for 10 days /
    9. Fortification: juices, drinks, syrups, vitamins /daily
    10. Preventive vaccinations
    11. Hardening by sun, water /in summer/
    12. Prevention of flat feet /daily/
    13. Prevention of children’s posture /daily/
    14. Physical education minutes /daily/
    15. Outdoor games /daily/
    16. Walks /in the warm season/
    17. Work with parents on prevention of health-improving activities throughout the year

    The effectiveness of physical education and health work in a preschool institution largely depends on the interaction of teachers with a nurse, music director, and psychologist. Preliminarily compiled joint work plan for the year, which includes consultations for teachers, speeches at pedagogical councils. Medical and pedagogical meetings are planned.

    Consultations for educators:“Motor regime of the day in kindergarten”, “Features of invigorating gymnastics after daytime sleep”, “Children’s physical readiness for school”.

    Planning speeches at teacher councils:“Protecting the life and health of children”, “Life safety of a child in kindergarten”, “Results of health improvement work”.

    Planning medical and pedagogical meetings“Effectiveness of physical education and health work”, “Results of health work”, “Organization of summer health work”.

    In their work, kindergarten teachers use various types of educational activities, among which the predominant ones are:

    • plot-game activities, consisting of outdoor games of varying degrees of intensity;
    • competition classes: children are divided into teams and winners are identified during various relay races;
    • training sessions for basic types of movements;

    Most of the time in a preschool institution, a child is in a group, so the preservation and strengthening of their health depends on how competently the teacher’s activities in organizing the children’s routine are structured.

    One of the most effective hardening procedures in everyday life is a walk. In order for it to really have an effect, it is necessary to change the sequence of children’s activities during a walk, depending on the nature of the previous activity and weather conditions. So, in the cold season and after classes where the children were sitting, the walk should begin with a jog or an active game; in warm weather or after physical education and music classes - from observation, quiet games, etc.

    It is necessary to teach teachers to identify signs of fatigue in children by changes in skin color, facial expression, breathing rate, and the appearance of sweating and promptly regulate the nature of their activity, switching to a calmer one or, conversely, intense. In order to prevent children from overheating and catching colds, it is necessary to correctly select clothing in accordance with their health and weather conditions, go out for walks in subgroups, and regulate its duration depending on the season, the age of the children and their health.

    The teacher, together with the physical education instructor, makes a selection of exercises for physical education classes, for invigorating gymnastics, for organizing games between classes;

    • equipment for a physical education corner;
    • organization of independent motor activity of children in a group and on a walk;
    • drawing up recommendations for parents on organizing physical activity in the family.

    The system of health-improving work carried out in our kindergarten includes the following activities: breathing exercises, prevention of posture disorders and flat feet, herbal bar.

    Every day, in all age groups, several forms of physical education and health activities are implemented: morning exercises in the hall and in the open air in the summer, a variety of outdoor games throughout the day, physical education classes in the hall and in the air. Together, these forms of activity make it possible to ensure children’s physical activity throughout the day and rationally distribute children’s intellectual and physical load.

    The kindergarten nurse also carries out many preventive measures to prevent diseases in the autumn-winter period. This includes maintaining cleanliness, quartzing groups, disinfecting during an ARVI outbreak, ventilating bedrooms before going to bed and ventilating groups.

    The following preventive measures are carried out for children:

    • vaccination according to age with anti-influenza serum and putting ointment (oxolinic) in the nose;
    • vitaminization;
    • rinsing the mouth and throat with an infusion of herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula;
    • breathing exercises.
    • Hardening procedures:
      morning exercises, physical education classes
      walks in the fresh air (-20)
      walking around the group barefoot.

    The same events are carried out in the spring-summer period, only hardening procedures:

    • daily walks in the fresh air
    • air-sunbathing

    Model of the motor mode of children in preschool educational institution No. 164

    Types of activities

    Forms of organization

    Features of the organization

    Children's age

    Physical education and health activities

    Morning exercises


    Gaming nature;

    Using an obstacle course

    Using simple simulators;




    In Group


    (by season)



    Game exercises;

    Dance moves

    Outdoor games

    Every day during a break between classes; duration 7-10 minutes.

    Physical education minute

    General development exercises (ADE)

    Outdoor game

    Didactic game with various movements

    Dance moves

    Game exercises

    Daily, as needed, depending on the type and content of classes; duration 2-3 min

    Outdoor games, physical and play exercises while walking

    Relay games;

    Games with rules

    Exercises in basic types of movements;

    Sport exercises

    Sport games

    Every day during morning and evening walks;

    Duration 10-30 min. Frontally, in subgroups.

    Individual work on movement development

    Physical exercises in basic types of movements;

    Sport exercises

    Every day during morning and evening walks, physical education classes; duration 12-15 minutes. Small subgroups, individually.

    Invigorating gymnastics after a nap

    Musical and rhythmic movements

    Play activity

    Jogging along massage paths

    Corrective exercises

    Daily in combination with hardening procedures; duration 8-20 min

    Logorhythmic gymnastics

    Outdoor games

    Breathing exercises

    Finger gymnastics

    Music therapy

    1 time per week, in subgroups; duration 25 min. Conducted by a speech therapist and music director.

    Dynamic hour

    Outdoor games of varying degrees of intensity;

    Relay games, including with children from other groups;

    Story-based motor tasks;

    Team sports games;

    1 time per week in the gym; duration 20-30 minutes. Conducted by an instructor and teachers.

    Exercise therapy classes

    A set of exercises to correct postural disorders;

    A set of exercises to correct flat feet.

    2 times a week, according to indications; duration 20 min

    Transitions from one room to another

    Calm step;

    Fast walk;

    Difficulty walking up stairs

    Daily as needed, under the guidance of a teacher

    Training sessions

    Physical Culture,






    Using simulators



    Control and verification


    3 times a week, frontally, in subgroups, duration 10-30 minutes. Conducted by: younger age – educators; with average gr. - Physical instructor


    Independent motor activity

    Independent motor activity

    Movements with various toys and aids:

    Role-playing games based on movement and having sports and recreational ideas,

    Performances and theatrical performances,

    Outdoor games of varying degrees of intensity.

    Every day, under the guidance of a teacher, indoors and outdoors. The nature and duration depend on the individual characteristics and needs of the child.

    Physical education classes

    Physical education

    Physical exercises and outdoor games;

    Sport games;

    Exercises in basic types of movements and sports exercises;

    Relay games;

    Musical and rhythmic improvisations

    1 time per month indoors or outdoors; duration 20-40 minutes.

    Physical education and sports holidays

    In the gym;

    Outdoor “sledding” “Snowman competition”…

    2-3 per year, 30-90 min

    Health Day

    Complex classes;


    Relay games based on age parallels

    Physical education and sports holidays

    1 time per quarter


    Physical education and sports competitions in city gyms;

    1 time per year among preschool children of preschool educational institutions; children with a high level of physical fitness participate; duration 75-90 min

    Additional activities

    Clubs by types of physical and sports exercises, games, dances

    Depending on the curriculum:

    Rhythmic gymnastics

    2 times per week; duration 25-30 min

    Joint physical education and health work of preschool educational institutions and families

    Physical education classes for children together with parents in preschool educational institutions

    Physical education training sessions;

    At the mutual request of the parents and physical education instructor

    Participation of parents in sports, recreational and public events of preschool educational institutions

    Preparation and assistance in conducting physical education activities, Health Day, attending open classes

    Summer health work plan


    Ensure the physical and emotional well-being of children through developing forms of health-improving work.

    Create conditions for consolidating the moral qualities of each child’s personality in various activities.

    Health work.



    nary therapy



    Gargling with herbs


    As prescribed by the pediatrician.

    Clinical examination of patients.

    Fruit salad


    Nettle decoction

    Chamomile Rinse


    As prescribed by the pediatrician.

    Fruit salad

    Decoction of black currant leaves

    As prescribed by the pediatrician


    As prescribed by the pediatrician.

    Fruit salad

    As prescribed by the pediatrician

    Calming collection.

    As prescribed by the pediatrician

    Methodical work.

    Item no.





    "Organization of independent motor activity on the site in summer."


    Senior teacher


    Mutual visits between teachers "Conducting research activities with natural materials."


    Senior teacher

    Group teachers


    Creating a photo showcase "Organization of work on labor education of children in the summer."


    Senior teacher


    Consultation for educators "Hardening children in the summer."


    Senior teacher


    Consultation"organization of work with parents on the issues of hardening children who are often and long-term ill."




    Exhibition of new products methodological literature.


    Senior teacher


    Consultation"Organization of work with newly arrived children and their parents."



    Educational work.

    Item no.





    Sports festival , dedicated to Children's Day.


    Senior teacher

    Musical director

    Group teachers

    Instr. physical playback


    Cognitive and research botanical games




    Musical holiday "Hello summer!"


    music hand


    Creation of environmental albums .


    Senior teacher


    Health Day(together with parents).


    instr. physical

    Art. nurse


    Excursioninto a forested area.


    Senior teacher


    Herbarium collectionplants in the kindergarten area.


    Senior teacher

    Musical director

    Group teachers

    Interaction with parents.

    Item no.





    Labor decade – arrangement of flower beds on the territory of the preschool educational institution.



    Head of preschool educational institution

    Senior teacher

    Parental committee


    Consultations"The use of natural factors to harden the child's body."


    Head of preschool educational institution

    Senior teacher

    Group teachers

    Honey. sister


    Participation of parents in the improvement and repair of groups and the territory of the preschool educational institution.

    June August

    Head of preschool educational institution

    Senior teacher

    Group teachers


    Memo for parents "Organization of children's cognitive activity during summer hikes."


    Group teachers


    Consultationsfor parents of newly admitted children.

    June August

    Head of preschool educational institution


    The work of the methodological office.

    Item no.






    Senior teacher



    Senior teacher


    Preparing annotations to the latest in methodological literature.

    June August

    Senior teacher


    Preparation of teaching materials to prepare groups for the new school year.

    June August

    Senior teacher

    Group teachers

    Administrative work.

    Item no.





    Production meeting "Features of working with children during the summer health period."




    Consultations for assistant teachers "Interaction between the teacher and the assistant teacher during special moments in the summer."


    Senior teacher



    Consultation for catering workers "Peculiarities of storage and processing of products in the summer in preschool conditions."

    June August

    Honey. sister


    Repair work in groups and at the preschool site.


    Head of preschool educational institution


    Parental committee


    Instruction "Protecting the life and health of children in summer."

    June August

    Head of preschool educational institution

    Honey. sister


    Production meeting "Preparation of preschool educational institutions for the new academic year."


    Head of preschool educational institution

    Senior teacher

    Afanasyeva L.V., teacher of MBDOU d/s "Rucheyok" r.p. Tokarevka

    Health work in kindergarten

    The main tasks of the kindergarten for the physical education of preschoolers are:

    • Protection and promotion of children's health;
    • Formation of vital motor skills of the child in accordance with his individual characteristics, development of physical qualities;
    • Creating conditions for the fulfillment of children’s needs for physical activity;
    • Fostering the need for a healthy lifestyle;
    • Ensuring physical and mental well-being.
    • Successful solution of the assigned tasks is possible only if all means of physical education are used comprehensively: rational regimen, nutrition, hardening (in everyday life; special hardening measures) and movement (morning exercises, developmental exercises, sports games, physical education classes).

    In order to ensure the upbringing of a healthy child, I build my work in several areas:

    • I create conditions for the physical development and reduction of morbidity in children;
    • I improve my teaching skills and business qualifications;
    • I comprehensively solve physical education and health problems in contact with a nurse;
    • I am raising a healthy child through joint efforts with my family.

    For the full physical development of children and the realization of the need for movement, certain conditions have been created in kindergarten.

    In all groups, physical education corners have been created, where various physical aids and equipment are located, including for the prevention of flat feet. All this increases children’s interest in physical education, increases the effectiveness of classes, and allows children to practice all types of basic movements indoors.

    The area of ​​the land plot is 2475 sq. m. m. The plot is fenced and landscaped. Playgrounds are equipped. There are: sandboxes, ladders, a fungus, a sports ground with obstacle courses, gymnastic walls, and football goals. There is free space allocated on the site for outdoor games.

    Currently I work in an older group with children 5-6 years old.

    For the purpose of health-improving and therapeutic-prophylactic work with children, I developed a system of preventive and corrective work.

    System of preventive and corrective work to improve the health of preschool children:

    • Prevention
    • Acupressure
    • Sets of exercises to prevent visual impairment during exercise
    • Gymnastics
    • Complexes for the prevention of flat feet
    • Complexes for the prevention of postural disorders + sleeping without T-shirts and pillows
    • Breathing exercises
    • Relieving mental fatigue during exercise (relaxation breaks, physical training minutes, ear massage)
    • Walks + dynamic hour


    • Sleep without shirts
    • Walking barefoot
    • Mouth rinse
    • Extensive washing
    • Measures during periods of increased incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infections
    • Rinsing the nose with soapy water
    • Onion garlic

    In my daily routine, I pay special attention to hardening procedures that promote health and reduce morbidity.

    Hardening will be effective only if it is provided throughout the entire time the child is in kindergarten. Therefore I comply:

    • Clear organization of the thermal and air conditions of the room
    • Rational, heat-resistant clothing for children
    • Maintaining a walking schedule at all times of the year
    • Barefoot morning exercises and physical education
    • Hardening the nasopharynx with garlic solution

    Target: prevention and sanitation of the oral cavity for sore throats, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity


    1 clove of garlic per 1 glass of water.

    Mash the garlic, add chilled boiled water and leave for 1 hour. Use the solution within 2 hours after preparation

    • Use as a medicine that cleanses the blood, kills pathogenic microbes, as a remedy against acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.
    • If you need to gargle, you can drop it into your nose.
    • Apply from October 1 to April 30 daily after classes, before going for a walk.

    A set of recreational activities by age group

    Early Years Groups

    Admission of children in a group with mandatory examination, thermometry and detection of parental complaints.

    • Morning exercises - 8.10
    • Acupressure in a playful way
    • Gradual learning to rinse your mouth
    • Walk: daytime 10.00 - 11.10; evening 16.30 - 18.00
    • Optimal motor mode
    • "Garlic" kinders (from October to April)
    • Phytoncides (onion garlic)
    • Sleep without T-shirts and pillows
    • Gymnastics in bed with breathing exercises after sleep
    • Hardening: walking on a rug with spikes, on a ribbed board, a button rug, on the floor barefoot with elements for preventing flat feet

    2nd junior group

    • Reception of children on the street (at temperatures above -15°)
    • Morning exercises in the group 8.15
    • Acupressure
    • Mouth rinse after breakfast, lunch, dinner
    • Physical education minutes during classes
    • Physical education classes (in socks)
    • "Garlic" kinders
    • Phytoncides (onion garlic)
    • Walks: daytime 10.30-11.40; evening 16.45-18.30
    • Optimal motor mode
    • Sleep without T-shirts and pillows
    • Breathing exercises in bed
    • Exercises to prevent flat feet
    • Hardening: Elements of extensive washing

    Middle group

    • Reception of children on the street (at temperatures down to -15°)
    • Morning exercises
    • Acupressure
    • Physical education classes in the hall (in socks)
    • Physical education sessions during classes, prevention of visual impairment
    • (from October to April)
    • Garlic kinders
    • Phytoncides (onion garlic)
    • Walks: daytime 10.15 - 11.50; evening 17.30 - 18.00
    • Optimal motor mode
    • Sleep without T-shirts and pillows
    • Hardening: Extensive washing, walking barefoot; Exercises to prevent flat feet

    Senior preschool age

    • Reception of children on the street (at temperatures up to -15°-18°)
    • Morning exercises (from May to October - outdoors, from October to April - indoors according to schedule)
    • Acupressure
    • Mouth rinse after lunch
    • Physical education classes in the hall (in socks)
    • Physical education sessions during classes, prevention of visual impairment, ear massage
    • Before a walk, rinse your mouth with garlic infusion (from October to April)
    • Garlic kinders
    • Phytoncides (onion garlic)
    • Walks: daytime 10.45 - 12.10; evening 17.45 - 18.00
    • Optimal motor mode
    • Sleep without T-shirts and pillows
    • Breathing exercises in bed
    • Hardening: Extensive washing, walking barefoot; Exercises to prevent flat feet;

    Some hardening techniques

    1. Extensive washing.

    The child must:

    • Open the water tap, wet your right palm and move it from your fingertips to the elbow of your left hand, say “one”; do the same with your left hand.
    • Wet both palms, place them on the back of the neck and move them simultaneously to the chin, say “one.”
    • Wet your right palm and make a circular motion along the upper chest, say “one.”
    • Wet both palms and wash your face.
    • Rinse, wring out both hands, and wipe dry.

    Note: After some time, the duration of the procedure increases, namely: children wash each hand, as well as the neck and chest twice, saying “one, two,” etc.

    2. Sleeping without shirts.

    Held all year round. In case the temperature drops due to interruptions in heating or established cold weather, warm socks for feet and second blankets should be prepared. Of course, the temperature in the bedroom should not be below +14 degrees Celsius.

    When working with children, I follow the basic principles of hardening:

    • I carry out hardening provided that the child is healthy.
    • I do not allow hardening procedures to be carried out if the child has negative emotional reactions. (fear, crying, worry).
    • The intensity of hardening procedures increases gradually from gentle to more intense) with the expansion of impact zones and an increase in hardening time.
    • I harden systematically and constantly (not occasionally).

    Organization of classes

    Of course, in raising a healthy child, I attach special importance to the development of movements and physical education of children in physical education classes.

    Moreover, in each age period, physical education activities have a different focus:

    • They should be fun for small children, teach them how to navigate in space, operate equipment correctly, and teach them basic belay techniques.
    • In middle age - develop physical qualities (primarily endurance and strength).
    • In older groups - to create a need for movement, develop motor abilities and independence, etc.

    Therefore, I try to use a variety of options for conducting physical education classes:

    • Traditional classes
    • Classes consisting of a set of outdoor games of high, medium and low intensity
    • Training sessions in basic types of movements
    • Rhythmic gymnastics
    • Competition exercises where children identify the winners during various relay races of two teams
    • Test classes during which children pass physical education standards
    • Story-based activities

    Parent meeting on the topic:

    “Organization of physical education and recreational work

    in the conditions of a preschool educational institution."

    Target: coordination of the points of view of teachers and parents on the issue of preserving and strengthening the health of children.

    H Part I: Conducting a discussion with parents and teachers.

    Dear parents! Today we have invited you for mutual communication, exchange of experiences and concerns regarding the health of our children.

    Let's try to determine the level of your concern about the health of your children.

    Assignment to parents:

    There are colored cards on each table. Hold up a card of the color that reflects your level of concern about your child's health:

    red - strong;

    blue - moderate;

    green - absent.

    Question to parents:

    1 question - Why did you pick up this particular card, what worries you?

    Parents' answers.

    According to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Article 44, paragraph 1

    “Parents (legal representatives) of minor students have the right to education and upbringing before all other persons. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality.”

    What is health? The Constitution of the World Health Organization states that health is not only the absence of disease or infirmity, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being.

    All of the above indicates that raising a healthy child has been and remains a pressing problem in education and medicine. We are solving this problem in our preschool educational institution. This is the topic of our parent meeting “Organization of physical education and recreational work in a preschool educational institution.”

    Part II: teacher’s speech on the topic: “Organization of physical education and recreational work in a preschool educational institution.”

    Physical education and health work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the approximate basic educational program of preschool education “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The program was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. The leading goals of the Program are to create favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, to form the foundations of basic personal culture, to comprehensively develop mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, to prepare a child for life in modern society, to ensure the safety of a preschooler’s life.

    To achieve the goals of the Program, the following are of paramount importance: caring for the child’s health, his emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development.

    In our kindergarten, to solve the assigned problems, we have created:

    Favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions;

    A flexible daily routine is observed (the daily regimen for children provides for their varied activities throughout the day in accordance with interests and needs, taking into account the time of year and the age of the children);

    Caring care is provided for each child based on a personal-oriented approach;

    Adequate meals are provided;

    There is enough space allocated for active movement, there is a corner for physical education aids;

    Physical education classes are held in the music room;

    Morning exercises are carried out daily in a ventilated group for 5-6 minutes;

    Physical education sessions are held during OOD and in the intervals between them;

    A walk with outdoor games is organized daily (a walk is the first and most accessible means of hardening a child’s body.

    The rules of personal hygiene are observed;

    In accordance with comprehensive thematic planning, physical education activities and holidays are held.

    Part III: Parents’ position on issues of physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions. Questionnaire for parents.

    Part IV: Final part. Decision of the parent meeting.

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