• Ilya Glinnikov: “When I woke up in intensive care, I realized that I had to stop. New “bachelor” Ilya Glinnikov now moves in a wheelchair Ilya Glinnikov why he limp


    Ilya Glinnikov

    personal archive of Ilya Glinnikov

    An actor's destiny is life in life. Moreover, the screen one is completely different from the one in reality. In films, he often plays playboys who easily manipulate the feelings of women in love. And in his life he had to endure a lot of suffering. I had to face betrayal, and fight for my beloved, and even choose between love and life itself. He rarely communicates with journalists, but agreed to give an interview - and unexpectedly at home, on private territory. Our conversation became like a revelation for both of us.

    — Ilya, you don’t give interviews much, but this takes place here, in your apartment. Did you need support from your native walls?

    “I don’t need anyone’s support, but I really need rest.” I'm just under time pressure. Forty-eight hour shifts on the show “The Bachelor” on TNT. I also broke my knee. And I am to blame for this myself, because I entered the project after the operation, which took place in early September. This is reality, and there can be no double. I should be in the frame. And we came up with a lot of extreme sports. So what I was afraid of happened happened. I broke my knee once again and, as you can see, I walk with a stick. After filming, everyone will go to rest, and Ilya Glinnikov will go for a second operation to heal his wounds. Well, maybe on the honeymoon - depending on your luck. (Smiles.)

    — With what feeling did you go into the project? It seems to me that this is a test for a normal man.

    - With fear. Because all his life actor Ilya Glinnikov played womanizers, majors, some sweet boys. Everyone thought I was handsome. At one time I even wanted to get a tattoo on half my face and neck so that they would stop seeing me as handsome. And this will sound strange now, but my main fear in life is to approach and meet a girl.

    - Why?

    - Here we need to start from the beginning. I have a difficult fate. My father was never in my life. They met his mother when he was studying in Moscow to become a neurosurgeon. But they were not destined to be together. Everything was decided by the Georgian diaspora. That's why I have my mother's last name. But I remember from my distant childhood how suitcases of roses arrived for my mother... And my father lived his whole life alone in Georgia, with a dog. We talked to him on the phone once, I was already eighteen years old.

    personal archive of Ilya Glinnikov

    When I turned seven, I got a stepfather, the father of my younger brother Vladislav. Oleg is an educated, intelligent person, a member of the Union of Artists. He insisted that I study at the gymnasium... He taught me to draw. No one at school believed that these were my drawings. I consider Oleg my friend, he instilled in me a taste for many things in life. Most of the books you see here in my office were given to me by him. But I grew up without a father. I have always been a frail guy, short in stature. I often got into trouble in the yard. And I was still such a lively person, everything seemed interesting to me. I remember one day some grown-up boys came back from fishing. I run up: “What kind of fish do you have? Did you catch a lot? And they put some half-dead crucian carp under my shirt. They also gave me a kick. How upset I was that there was no one to stand up for me! I shouted: “I’ll call my father now!” - “You don’t have any father!” And I walked down the street, smearing my tears. Probably, it was at that moment that I realized that if I couldn’t stand up for myself in this life, no dad would help me. I enrolled in the taekwondo section, then began to practice wushu, and even received a red belt. Won the Tula region kickboxing championship. So now I don’t fight on the street, my hands are recognized as edged weapons.

    - What does fear of girls have to do with it? Did the story of the relationship between your father and mother make such a strong impression on you?

    “There wasn’t a day when my mother didn’t remember him... Probably this is some kind of internal fear that my personal life might turn out unhappily.” What if circumstances turn out in such a way that my children will be left without a father. At some moments I really missed his male advice. I confess honestly: I am afraid of women because I am afraid of disappointment and deception. Was taught by bitter experience. At the age of sixteen, I entered into a relationship with a girl who was eight years older than me. We danced together. I came to Moscow at the age of sixteen with one backpack and danced hip-hop on the street. I don’t want to disturb the hearts of my former lovers now, but she is probably the only one with whom I could start a family.

    - Why didn’t it work out?

    “It’s my own fault that we broke up because I entered theater school.” Studying there took up all my time. And her parents were simple hard-working people. They didn't take me seriously. In addition, our age difference seemed significant at that time. Then I had college love. Then - a tragic relationship with one actress. You know, there is love that inspires, and there is love that destroys. She and I looked into such an abyss... There was a moment when I almost killed myself when she said: “I don’t need you anymore.” And only when I woke up in intensive care, I realized that I had to stop - for the sake of my family, for the love of my loved ones, for God. Live on, breathe. Today I am grateful to this woman for the experience I received. To rise to a new level of spirituality, one must fall. It was a very good vaccination. But with all this experience, I am sure: love is the only thing worth living for.

    — But, perhaps, you are already afraid of building relationships with actresses?

    — I think it all depends on the person. For me, there is an example of an actress whom I respect immensely. This is Chulpan Khamatova. She has succeeded both in her profession and as a mother - she has three children. This is a wonderful, pure, enlightened person. I'm happy that we had the opportunity to work together on the same stage. In the play “Joan of Arc” I play the monk Dominic, and Chulpan plays Jeanne. In general, it is very difficult for us, media people, to meet our soulmate. Someone else’s commercialism forces us to be on guard all the time. Someone is looking for a money bag in us, someone else - he sees an opportunity to touch popularity, fame. But, probably, I’ll get married soon.

    - Are you seriously?!

    “I can’t believe it myself, but perhaps I have finally found happiness.” “The Bachelor” is a show that allows you to build boundaries between you and the contestants. But at the same time, you can see the essence of the girls. I'll be honest: I'm not like the previous Bachelor. And I immediately said that I would kiss only one girl on this project, who I really liked. My path is a path of mistakes, disappointments and hopes. But in the end, it seems to me, here I met the person with whom I want to move forward in life. Although my mind resists: you cannot be happy, you have suffered all your life. But maybe miracles are still possible? And perhaps I will propose to this girl, because I already dream of having a family. I abandoned this project three times. The first time I received an invitation, I decided to see what kind of show it was. It lasted me six minutes and fifty-three seconds. After which I turned off the TV, called the agent and asked if she was crazy. She replied that her job was to convey the proposal. Then the attacks from producers began. I refused: “Guys, you chose the wrong person! I'm not a playboy, not a heartthrob. I’m completely different in life, I’ll ruin everything for you.” But in the end they persuaded me. On the very first day of shooting, I told the girls: “For me, it’s blasphemy that you girls are fighting here for a man. I have to do this. Let me pursue you." I have different feelings towards all the participants in the project, but from the very first day I singled out one for myself... In general, I call this show Loner - a loner. A bachelor does not need love, he is not looking for it, everything is fine with him. And the loner dies without her. Look at me from the outside. I am a successful actor, producer, I have money: an apartment in the center of Moscow, a convertible - you can envy. But in reality everything is cold to me. And now there is hope for new love, and life was filled with meaning. It was as if something had opened up in me - creative energy was overflowing.

    - Ilya, but in two months it is impossible to get to know a person so well as to decide on such a responsible step.

    - Time will show. I'm in no hurry. I have a lot of experience, it’s no longer easy to deceive me. And I want to introduce the girl to my “heavy artillery” - my main women. So far I have two of them: a grandmother who buried all her children, including my dad, and a mother who dedicated her whole life to us - me and my brother. The only thing missing is her, my wife. And when she appears, she will stand above all others - at an unattainable height.

    — You weren’t considered an “eligible bachelor” for long.

    - You know, they write all sorts of things about me: “Glinnikov is so and so, he has a lot of fans.” Nothing like this. When I was in serious relationship, then he behaved honestly and did not betray anyone. Although the situations were quite spicy. (Laughs.) I won’t mention her name, she is also an actress, we acted together. After filming, I drop her off at home and she starts undressing right in my car. I say: “What are you doing! I have a girlfriend that I love.” She doesn't give up, she comes in with kisses. He got out of the car himself: well, sit here. Ten minutes pass, then twenty. I look out the window: “Actually, I need to go home. If you don’t come out now, I’ll call a taxi.” She jumped out and slammed the door. I'm offended. Of course, she was spectacular and bright. And I would like to one day tell my son: “I never cheated on your mother.”

    - Ilya, they say that a man is looking for a woman who looks like his mother...

    — I love my mother very much. But God forbid I have such a wife! (Laughs.) My mother has so much blood mixed together - there are Cossacks and Jews. Also Sagittarius according to the horoscope - fiery woman.

    - What kind of person do you need?

    — In Emir Kusturica’s film about Diego Maradona, I heard the phrase that behind every successful man stands a successful woman. I think this is very true. A woman must first of all be wise. One will turn you onto the path of creation, and the other will destroy you.

    - What do you want to achieve, where should it take you? real woman?

    “I want to succeed as a man, the head of a family, the father of at least three children.” As for profession, I don't want to act in popcorn movies anymore. Only if in auteur cinema. Or in your projects. I myself produce, write scripts, and film. Now I have an interesting idea to make a film about my life. And mine will play me younger brother.

    - As far as I understand, you have a very warm relations with mom, brother. Having moved to Moscow, you moved your family here.

    — At the age of sixteen I left home for Moscow. And he achieved everything himself. I already understood then that I wanted to connect my life with creativity. (At that time, Glinnikov participated in a theatrical dance show, played in a musical. - Author's note.) But for a very long time I refused to enter the theater school, because they told me: you will never be able to combine work with study. I was still working. In 2005, I took my family to Moscow, and I had to live on something and pay for rented housing. And I made this decision because my younger brother - he was eight years old at the time - jumped from the garage on a dare and crushed his heel. I realized that he had contacted bad company. And I decided that it was time: we need to live in the same city. Even then I felt my responsibility. And Dmitry Kharatyan, my older friend and colleague, said that I would be a complete idiot if I didn’t get an acting education. He even offered to pay for my tuition. I remember how we consulted with my mother on what to do. The amount is not small. And then (apparently this was a sign!) I received a good advertising contract. Thus, the problem with tuition fees was resolved. And Marina Grigorievna Golub prepared me, may she rest in heaven. She always said that it is easier to teach a dancer to play than a singer. We are plastic, we already control our body. You could say it's mine godmother in the profession.

    Glinnikov plays with Chulpan Khamatova in the play “Joan of Arc”

    — Was it not easy for you both to work and to study?

    “Sometimes after a night shift I arrived at the institute at six in the morning, the guard opened the storeroom for me, and I slept there until classes started. At nine in the morning my classmate Andrei Samoilov arrived, woke me up and said: “Ilyukha, let’s go to the speech.” And so I, all rumpled, entered the classroom, and the teacher Alexander Rogozhin said: “Ilya, I have the impression that you just woke up.” “You’re not mistaken,” I answered. It was difficult. But it’s okay, I managed. And I helped many guys from my hometown of Novomoskovsk move here, one even entered GITIS. And my younger brother is now studying to become an operator at VGIK. And I consider him a brilliant photographer, one of the best in Moscow.

    — Ilya, for some reason it seems to me that in life, in everyday life, you are a difficult person.

    - And I don’t hide it. But I'm quick-witted. Now you see in front of you a tired man after a difficult filming period, and even with a sore knee. I have a lot of things, different energies. I just learned to drive a right-hand drive car with a manual, three hundred horsepower Horse power. And a psychologist I know told me that in this way I put the second hemisphere into work.

    -Are you left-handed or right-handed?

    — I am equally good with both hands. In general, answering the question of who I am, I say: I am a person, a soul, an essence. I used to consider myself bad and thought that the world was like that. And now, it seems to me, I have become better. And the world already seems kinder. (Smiles.) In life there is always a choice and the opportunity to bring light. So I am a beacon that reflects the light that we managed to find.

    He played the flighty Gleb Romanenko, and the actor also managed to gain a reputation as a ladies' man. Although, as Glinnikov himself admits, he does not accept short novels without a serious continuation.

    “Liza”: Ilya, with such a serious approach to relationships between a man and a woman, it is very strange that you agreed to participate in the show “The Bachelor”. Moreover, the attempts of your predecessors to find the love of their lives here turned out to be failures...

    Ilya: I had a hard time imagining that true love can be found on reality TV. It seems to me that we need to look for it in completely different places. In the library, for example. Although there is also a big question - why did the girl come there (smiles). I have always been interested in participating in places where there is no script.

    Because of my love for improvisation, all the directors have already suffered with me (laughs), but here there is absolute freedom of action. I didn’t take into account one thing: at some point this improvisation got out of control and became my life. But I remained completely honest - during the entire project I did not look at a single girl’s Instagram. After all, on social networks, as a rule, we are not real, but as we want to show ourselves.

    I recently saw a funny scene in a cafe. The girl was taking a selfie - sucking in her cheeks, protruding her lips, looking for a winning angle and constantly looking around to see if anyone was looking. Like a child who is planning to commit mischief. And I'm not judging in any way. All these self-embellishments plastic surgery, pumped up lips, tattoos - all from a lack of love and attention.

    L: Does this lack of love manifest itself in men?

    And of course. But now I’ll speak for myself. In Luc Besson's film "Lucy" there was one amazing phrase: "When a cell is alone, it chooses self-destruction." This explains all my extreme hobbies. When you're alone, you're not afraid to risk everything you have. Even life.

    L: But you also forced the participating girls to take risks: to jump into the pool directly from the second floor balcony, have dinner on the roof of a moving train, step into the clouds with a parachute….

    I: I believe that one should expose one’s vices right away. They should have understood from the very beginning who they were dealing with. And under no circumstances should you fall in love (laughs). Because I don’t know how events will develop. And I would hate to break someone's heart. I have been hurt myself, and I know how long and painfully these wounds heal.

    L: Besides extreme undertakings, what other vices do you have?

    I: The main male vice is trying to appear cooler. Open doors, give coats, give flowers... And then take it all and finish it all - they say, the end of the candy-bouquet period, now get used to harsh reality(smiles). I try to keep track of such things. I won’t open the car door for you, and don’t expect bouquets from me for no reason - if I don’t do this for the rest of my life, the girl should know about it right away. So that there are no disappointments later.

    L: You probably also expect utmost honesty from your chosen one - without everyone feminine tricks?

    I: She must have indestructible family values- that's what's important to me. The desire to start a family, have children, live happily ever after with me in a house with a bunch of huskies and an open-air cinema (smiles). At the same time, I will not limit her development at all: if you want, paint pictures, open a gallery, play music - I’ll buy you a piano myself. Just let me be the breadwinner in the family.

    L: Are there feminine traits that you do not accept?

    I: I don’t accept betrayal... Although I would forgive that too. And I would forgive betrayal too. I probably don’t accept vulgarity, vulgarity, loudness, or flirting with other men. I am sensitive and will see right away.

    L: It seems that you are a rather jealous man...

    I: Relationships are work on both sides. How to play ping pong - the ball must return. And sometimes it doesn't come back. This means that one loves, and the other only allows himself to be loved. For me, this model is unacceptable. Loving is always giving. Closeness and trust are important to me. This is the foundation from which everything begins. You can’t control a girl, worry about where she is, who she’s with. This creates dissonance. Go do whatever you want. My door is open.

    L: After the show “The Bachelor,” can you say that you began to understand girls better?

    I: I understood them when I played a young lady in the film “Only Girls in Sports.” And you know, I’m happy that I was born a man! (Laughs.) Poor people, how much you have to do! And the tights! This is impossible! My legs were itching all over. How do you even wear them? One day I sat in clay mask... 16 hours - they couldn’t film the scene. And I hated all your spa treatments!

    God, we're just different planets! But I understood one thing for sure: a man has a path - he sees the road and follows it. But a woman, if she wants something, a whole tree of these roads arises - which branch to follow? This is probably why you can do so many things at once and not go crazy.

    Last Saturday, May 27, the penultimate episode of the show “ Bachelor”, season 5. Ilya Glinnikov has decided on the finalists of the project, and on June 3, viewers will find out who the actor will choose - Madina Tamova or Ekaterina Nikulina. However, according to many fans of the show, there is still another girl in the heart of the Bachelor - Aglaya Tarasova, with whom Glinnikov starred in “ Interns" The fact is that he more than once raised the topic of his past relationships in conversations with project participants and talked about how his beloved betrayed him. Moreover, Ilya even admitted to Madina Tamova that he wanted to commit suicide after learning about the betrayal.

    Aglaya Tarasova prefers to remain silent about what really happened between her and Ilya Glinnikov, and about the reasons for their separation. She has long had an affair with the star of the sitcom " Hotel Eleon » Milos Bikovic. However, immediately after the airing of the show “The Bachelor” with the next revelations of her former lover, a photograph of her near a lake on which a swan was swimming appeared on the actress’s microblog, briefly signed: “Swan song about fidelity.” Numerous fans Glinnikov perceived this post as a mockery of Ilya and bombarded Aglaya with indignant comments about how she could mock her feelings like that.

    « I recently watched “The Bachelor,” where Ilya told how he suffered from a knife in the back. I felt so sorry for him, and here is Aglaya Tarasova’s post!” - these are the softest comments on the actress’s microblog. However, Tarasova’s loyal fans immediately came to her defense, saying that no one has the right to judge and condemn the girl, especially since no one knows the whole truth. Some put forward their own assumptions as to why Aglaya left Ilya Glinnikov: “ Or maybe he and Ilya broke up because he drank forever, hung out with friends in bars and at biker rallies. And Aglaya a real man needed, decent looking..." Aglaya Tarasova herself again chose to remain silent.

    Let us remember that in 2013, Glinnikov began dating his colleague in the TV series “Interns” Aglaya Tarasova, the daughter of a famous actress Ksenia Rappoport. In May 2015, there was even talk about the wedding of Ilya and Aglaya. The relationship lasted until the summer of 2016, when information appeared in the media that Aglaya had left Ilya for Serbian actor Milos Bikovich (“ Spiritless 2", "Hotel Eleon Season 1"). On the eve of the start of the show “The Bachelor,” season 5, the actor dotted all the i’s: “Aglaya Tarasova has had her own personal life for a long time, and I have mine.”

    Aglaya Tarasova, ex-lover Ilya Glinnikov, published near the lake, which she signed: “Swan song about fidelity”

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