• How to make a heart from satin ribbon. Kanzashi heart made of satin ribbon. Volumetric heart made of roses - an original gift for Valentine's Day


    Lena Novikova

    Master class on the topic:

    "Heart for loved ones".

    So, for us to work required:

    1. Red cardboard, a sheet of white paper,

    2. Scissors, glue gun, wire cutters,

    3. Artificial flowers, beads, hearts,

    4. Copper wire 2 pieces, 50cm each.

    5. Satin ribbons white and red.

    First, cut out a template from white paper and transfer it to red cardboard 3 times.

    Cut out three heart.

    We fold hearts in half, red side inward.

    We put the wire together and bend it in half. We twist the middle of the wire, leaving a loop for tapes.

    The result was a blank similar to umbrella: there is a loop on top and four “antennae” - ribs.

    Wrap three wire tendrils in white satin ribbon, and glue it at the end so that it doesn’t unravel.

    Hearts glue them together like a triangular lantern, passing a bare wire through the center. Antennae wrapped tape, direct between the red ribs heart. We twist all the wires together into one bundle. We bite off the excess wire with wire cutters, and on one, we string a bead and secure it.

    Glue on the ribs heart beads or hearts.

    (Note: If you do not wrap the wire tendrils tape, you can string beads on them.)

    Decorating the top of the head heart artificial flowers ribbons, beads.

    If you think that the kanzashi technique is very difficult and beyond your control, you are mistaken! Once you familiarize yourself with it, you will understand that there is nothing complicated about this technique!

    To create such a gift you will need:

    • light pink satin ribbon with a width of at least 50 mm;
    • lilac felt;
    • scissors;
    • glue gun;
    • lighter;
    • rhinestones in two sizes: 3 and 6 mm.

    How to make a kanzashi heart from a satin ribbon with your own hands

    To get started, you need to make squares with sides of 5x5 from the tape. A total of 19 such parts will be required.

    Now you need to take the squares one at a time and make petals out of them for your future Valentine.

    The square should be folded in half, oriented with two corners of opposite sides. The result will be a triangle.

    The folded side should be left untouched, and the two cut edges should be folded into small folds.

    The cuts turned out to be slightly uneven, so they need to be straightened by cutting them with scissors. The resulting edge must be immediately treated with fire in order to melt and solder the folds of the tape together and the petal does not crumble.

    All you have to do is straighten the petal a little and it’s ready.

    Repeating the entire sequence of making this petal, you need to make the same parts from the remaining 18 squares.

    Now you can glue the petals into the heart. First, the two petals should be glued together, applying glue to the sides.

    The third petal must be attached, slightly overlapping the previous ones, covering the place where they are glued. As a result, the parts were used to create a triangle-shaped workpiece.

    In the third row, you need to attach three parts, placing them in a straight line. The soldering point of each petal must be glued to the underside of the parts of the previous row.

    In the fourth row you need to attach 4 petals, making them a smooth edge for the entire workpiece.

    In the fifth row, 5 parts should be secured, increasing the size of the workpiece.

    The result is a large triangular blank, now from the remaining 4 petals you need to give it a heart shape. To do this, you need to take two petals and attach them to one side of the triangle, and fasten the remaining two parts to the other side of the workpiece, the middle will remain unfilled. The result will be a neat heart.

    According to the size of the resulting blank, you need to cut out a heart from lilac felt.

    The resulting felt part should be thoroughly greased with glue and attached to the wrong side of a heart made of pink petals.

    All that remains is to decorate the resulting heart. This will require two sizes of rhinestones. Rhinestones should be glued along the edge of the heart, always alternating large and small ones.

    The result is a beautiful valentine made using the kanzashi technique, which will definitely delight your loved ones!

    January is already coming to an end and soon the beloved holiday of lovers, “Valentine’s Day,” will come. One of the symbols of this holiday is, of course, the heart. On this occasion, I present to you a master class on hanging hearts from satin ribbons with your own hands, which you can give to your other half. It can also be used as home decoration and thereby create a romantic atmosphere.

    To create a heart from satin ribbons we will need the following materials:

    • thick cardboard;
    • pencil;
    • scissors;
    • stationery knife;
    • pink satin ribbon 2 cm wide;
    • thin pink satin ribbon 0.6 cm wide;
    • white flowers;
    • pink roses;
    • white mother-of-pearl bead halves;
    • lighter;
    • glue gun;
    • threads with a needle.

    How to make a heart from satin ribbons with your own hands?

    Draw a heart on a piece of cardboard with a pencil. To make it clearer what size you should get it, we enclose it in a square whose sides are 12 cm.

    Cut out the heart with a stationery knife. Be sure to place the cardboard on some kind of support (for example, a wooden plank) so as not to damage the surface of the table.

    Take a pink satin ribbon 2 cm wide and glue gun glue one edge of the ribbon to the cut out heart. We wrap it completely with tape, then trim the edge and fix it with glue.

    We attach white flowers on top. IN in this case they are on a wire with which you can attach them to the heart. If you have other flowers, then glue them with glue.

    We divide the thin satin ribbon into five pieces, each 16 cm long. Next, cut another piece of ribbon 25 cm long, fold it in half and tie it to form a loop. We process all edges with a lighter.

    First we tie a loop to the top of the heart in the middle, tying the edges with a bow. We also tie the remaining ribbons into bows, distributing them throughout the heart (the distance between the ribbons is approximately 2.5 cm).

    We divide a pink satin ribbon 2 cm wide into pieces 10 cm long. To work, you will need 12 such pieces. We process the edges with a lighter so that the fabric does not crumble.

    Fold the piece in half widthwise and sew along the edge with a basting stitch.

    We tighten the ribbon with an accordion so that it takes the shape of a flower.

    and sew the free edges together.

    Glue the resulting ribbon flowers onto the heart.

    Glue roses on top of the flowers, alternating

    and halves of beads.

    So the DIY heart made from satin ribbons is ready!!!

    In conclusion, I want to wish everyone love and happiness!!!

    Quote from Marrietta Volumetric hearts made of satin ribbons. Three detailed master classes

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    A voluminous heart made of roses is an original gift for Valentine's Day.

    It's always nice to receive gifts. And if they are also symbolic, then doubly so. We invite you to give your other half a surprise, which will be both a gift and an explanation of your feelings.

    To make roses, we need ribbons 4cm wide: satin (red and white), from shiny organza (red and white).

    Let's make roses with the following combination of ribbons:

    White satin ribbon + white organza, 14-16 pcs. roses;

    White satin ribbon + red satin ribbon, 14-16 pcs. roses;

    White organza + red organza, 10-12 pcs. roses;

    Red satin ribbon + red organza, 5-6 pcs. roses;

    The next step is to make a base on which we will attach (assemble our roses). The base will be a three-dimensional heart made of cardboard

    First we need to prepare templates from which, in the future, we will cut out the elements of our heart. We make the template according to the diagram (see photo below), you need to prepare 4-5 templates for each level (one template each). When making a middle-level template (this is the largest template), use a square with sides of 10cm or 9cm as the base (see photo), then each new level will be 0.5-0.7cm smaller.

    After preparing the templates, we begin cutting out the parts. For each template you need to cut out two parts, in the end we will get 8-10 parts.

    So, all the details of our volumetric heart are cut out and ready. Let's start assembling.

    First we glue two large parts together, then we glue the parts on both sides, folding them to decrease in size, see photo above.

    Next, we need to smooth out the gradation of our model, for which our model needs to be tightly wrapped with ordinary tape in several layers until the gradation is completely leveled. Also, instead of tape, you can use strips of paper to first smooth out the gradation of the model with your hands, then you can paste it over with paper.

    So our model is ready, and, the final touch, in order for us to be able to use the cardboard heart we made in the future, we should cover it with paper tape.

    The heart is ready. This three-dimensional base can be used to make various crafts. Lovers of bead weaving, we do not recommend passing by such original master class. When you see him, you will definitely have interesting ideas. In general, all needlewomen will be able to prepare themselves magnificent preparations for the upcoming Valentine's Day holiday. A heart made with your own hands will become a gift that better than words will talk about the feelings of the donor.

    Our original roses will be made from two strips of ribbons of different colors or the same color, but different shades, at your choice. The MK uses white and gold ribbon 4cm wide and 35-40cm long, that is, the length of the ribbon is = 10*the width of the ribbon. The width and length of the tapes can be varied, resulting in a variety of different roses from ribbons, for example, if the length is shorter than half the above mentioned length (length of the ribbon = 10*width of the ribbon), then we will get a rosebud, and if longer, then a fully open rose flower (see photo of options at the bottom of the article).

    Place the ribbons together, right sides up, and use a lighter to align the edges of the ribbons.

    Bend the bent part of the tape in half along the width of the tape. The bend should be slightly angled, as shown in the photo above. Next, fold the edge folded in half, aligning it with the top of the bend.

    Not reaching the edge of the bend by about 1 -1.5 cm, we bend outward. The bending angle is approximately within the range of 20-45 degrees; by varying the bending angle of the petal, you can achieve different effects.

    And the last step is to secure the end of the tape. The end of the ribbon can be secured with a needle and thread or, as I did, with a lighter, at your discretion.

    As mentioned above, varying the length and width of the tape, as well as the bending angle of the petals

    Let's start gluing our roses (white roses) in the middle of the volume, as if dividing our model into two parts, see photos above and below.

    After we have completely pasted the middle of the model in a circle (photo above), we proceed to gluing the next row of roses.

    We glue a new row of roses with red and white roses.

    After finishing gluing the second row, we start a new row and glue red and white organza roses, photo below.

    And the last row, red roses made of organza and satin ribbon.

    So we collected half of our heart from roses. Let's turn the model over and continue gluing the roses, as described above from the second row.

    After finishing gluing the roses, we add completeness. Let's make a scattering of pearls, for what purpose, in different places Glue on white beads. And finally, we’ll add a lush bow, which will give our gift some elegance.

    Ours is ready volumetric heart. Not difficult, but very original. So, you can get ready for Valentine’s Day and don’t need to run around shopping for a gift. After all, you can make a symbolic surprise with your own hands.

    Master class on making an original valentine with a three-dimensional heart from a satin ribbon using the “lotus flower” module.

    With such a valentine you will not only please your loved one, but will also pleasantly surprise you.

    1. We make the main rim of our heart, for which we need 8 lotus flower modules.

    Connecting the modules to each other: take two lotus flower modules and screw them (as shown in the photo).

    Thread one of the strips from one flower into the base of another flower (as shown in the photo above). Pull out a strip from the other side of the plexus at the base of the flower, leaving a distance between the flowers equal to or slightly greater than the width of the flower.

    Next, bend the strip into reverse side and bend the strip again along the width of the plexus (or the width of the strip itself), see photo above. Stretch the strip a little more and thread the last bend into the base of the flower as shown in the photo below; if the strip is long, then step back from the last bend to a distance equal to the width of the strip and cut off the excess. Next, pull the strip back, securing the plexus.

    In this way, fasten the other strip, but with a taper we take a strip of another flower and weave it into the first flower.

    We also weave two more strips from the outside, for which we turn our flowers over and thread the remaining strips under the opposite flower as shown in the photo below.

    As a result, we will get the following result, see photo. Thus, connect 8 flowers in a circle and lay out a heart.

    Next we weave the top of the heart, forming a volume, for which we need three modules. We begin to weave from the upper two mounds. Take one module of a lotus flower, and connect three sides with a circle, forming a side mound, as shown in the photo below, also weave another mound.

    So, one side of our volumetric heart is finished, in the same way it is necessary to weave the remaining three modules to the other side.

    As a result, we will get such an original and very beautiful heart.

    Source http://ourworldgame.ru/master-klass-obemnoe-serdce-iz-roz/

    If you think that the kanzashi technique is very difficult and beyond your control, you are mistaken! Once you familiarize yourself with it, you will understand that there is nothing complicated about this technique!

    To create such a gift you will need:

    • light pink satin ribbon with a width of at least 50 mm;
    • lilac felt;
    • scissors;
    • glue gun;
    • lighter;
    • rhinestones in two sizes: 3 and 6 mm.

    How to make a kanzashi heart from a satin ribbon with your own hands

    To get started, you need to make squares with sides of 5x5 from the tape. A total of 19 such parts will be required.

    Now you need to take the squares one at a time and make petals out of them for your future Valentine.

    The square should be folded in half, oriented with two corners of opposite sides. The result will be a triangle.

    The folded side should be left untouched, and the two cut edges should be folded into small folds.

    The cuts turned out to be slightly uneven, so they need to be straightened by cutting them with scissors. The resulting edge must be immediately treated with fire in order to melt and solder the folds of the tape together and the petal does not crumble.

    All you have to do is straighten the petal a little and it’s ready.

    Repeating the entire sequence of making this petal, you need to make the same parts from the remaining 18 squares.

    Now you can glue the petals into the heart. First, the two petals should be glued together, applying glue to the sides.

    The third petal must be attached, slightly overlapping the previous ones, covering the place where they are glued. As a result, the parts were used to create a triangle-shaped workpiece.

    In the third row, you need to attach three parts, placing them in a straight line. The soldering point of each petal must be glued to the underside of the parts of the previous row.

    In the fourth row you need to attach 4 petals, making them a smooth edge for the entire workpiece.

    In the fifth row, 5 parts should be secured, increasing the size of the workpiece.

    The result is a large triangular blank, now from the remaining 4 petals you need to give it a heart shape. To do this, you need to take two petals and attach them to one side of the triangle, and fasten the remaining two parts to the other side of the workpiece, the middle will remain unfilled. The result will be a neat heart.

    According to the size of the resulting blank, you need to cut out a heart from lilac felt.

    The resulting felt part should be thoroughly greased with glue and attached to the wrong side of a heart made of pink petals.

    All that remains is to decorate the resulting heart. This will require two sizes of rhinestones. Rhinestones should be glued along the edge of the heart, always alternating large and small ones.

    The result is a beautiful valentine made using the kanzashi technique, which will definitely delight your loved ones!

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