• Competition of the dynasty of the Russian land. Regulations on the Internet competition “Dynasty of the Russian Land. Stages and timing of the Competition



    4.2. Within the framework of these Regulations, a dynasty is considered a group of people (members of the same family and their close relatives) of at least three people working in the same organization (industry) for a total of more than 50 years. All of them must take an active part in public life at your place of residence; promote vocational guidance for children and adolescents; promote working professions. The head of the dynasty is recognized as a representative of the labor dynasty who started work in the organization (industry) earlier than everyone else.

    4.3. Only dynasties that have submitted all their documents in a timely manner and in full are allowed to participate. necessary materials.

    4.4. Age of participants social status, work experience is not limited.

    5. Forum nominations.

    5.1. “From century to century” (for the oldest dynasties, including several generations, whose representatives currently work and live or worked and lived previously in Russia)

    5.2. "Creative Dynasty"

    5.3. "Military Dynasty"

    5.4. "For contribution to the development of the region"

    5.5. “Professional dynasty or family in a profession” (for dynasties whose representatives worked and are working in the same professional field)

    6. Stages of the Forum.

    6.1. The forum is held in two stages - an in-person assessment by jury members of documents and materials of participants and an in-person part, which includes presentations of participating families, summing up and awarding.

    7. Procedure for participation in the Forum.

    7.1. To participate in the correspondence stage of the Forum, send to the Organizing Committee application(The application form is provided in Application) with full details of participants:

    Last name, first name, patronymic of all members of the dynasty, their age;

    Last name, first name, patronymic, age of the main applicant from the family;

    Full home address with zip code;

    Contact numbers, e-mail;

    7.2. The application, regardless of the form of presentation of the family dynasty (clause 7.5.), is accompanied by detailed description family dynasties in written form (text in Word format, font size 14, line spacing - 1.5, volume 2 to 5 thousand characters).

    7.3. Works can only be submitted in Russian.

    7.4. A necessary element is a description of the history of the family dynasty.

    7.5. In addition to the description, the family dynasty can be presented in the following forms:

    Video work (home movies, TV reports, video essays about the family dynasty) (duration up to 10 minutes);

    Photo albums, posters, diagrams, collages;

    Computer presentations.

    7.6. Applications and their attachments are sent by email to:

    [email protected] with the note “Dynasties of the Russian Land – Internet Forum”.

    7.7. Applications can also be sent from the official website of the Internet Forum http://dinastiya2016.info/(section “Submit an application”)

    8. The best competitive works are determined according to the following criteria:

    ⎼ consistency and clarity of presentation of the material;

    ⎼ quality of design and presentation of material;

    ⎼ an original creative approach to covering the topic.

    9. Based on the results of the evaluation of applications, winners are identified (three dynasties in the nomination), who are invited to the face-to-face stage of the Forum for the presentation of the family dynasty in the Public Chamber Russian Federation.

    10. Dates.

    10.1. Applications and competition materials for participation in the Forum are being accepted from January 25, 2016 to February 29, 2016.

    10.2. The head-to-head stage will take place in March 2016 , where the results will be summed up and the winners’ works will be presented.

    11. Rewarding.

    11.1. The winners in each category are determined by open voting by members of the competition commission.

    11.2. The winners of the competition are awarded diplomas and memorable prizes.

    11.3. Participants of the competition who did not win prizes receive a certificate of participation.


    Application form

    to participate in the Internet Forum “Dynasties of the Russian Land”

    Full Name

    main applicant

    Last name, first name, patronymic of all members of the dynasty, their age

    Postal home address of the main applicant with zip code

    Nomination for which the dynasty is presented

    Territory of activity of the dynasty

    Main surname of the dynasty

    A detailed description of the family dynasty in written form (text in Word format, font size 14, line spacing - 1.5, volume from 2 to 5 thousand characters).

    Video work (home movies, TV reports, video essays about the family dynasty - (duration up to 10 minutes); photo albums, posters, diagrams, collages; computer presentations.

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    about the Internet competition

    "Dynasties of the Russian Land"

    1. Organizer of the Internet competition “Dynasties of the Russian Land”(hereinafter referred to as the Competition) – Non-profit partnership “Center for the Development of Cultural, Sports and Developmental Programs “Triumph”

    2. Purpose of the Competition.

    The competition is aimed at identifying and supporting Russian dynasties that have made a significant contribution to the economic, social and cultural development of Russia.

    3. Objectives of the Competition.

    3.1. Preservation and enhancement of the best labor and cultural traditions of Russia.

    3.2. Informing the youth of Russia about the achievements of fellow citizens who have made a significant contribution to the development of the country.

    3.3. Instilling in the younger generation a respectful attitude towards work, worker pride, and the achievements of their ancestors.

    3.4. Preservation and enhancement of the best labor traditions.

    3.5. Supporting creative activity and initiative of the economically active population.

    3.6. Ensuring the effective implementation of state policy regarding the family and creating conditions for its self-realization, preserving the continuity of generations.

    4. Participants of the Competition.

    4.1. The participants are family dynasties whose representatives currently live and work in the Russian Federation.

    4.2. Within the framework of this Competition, a dynasty is considered a group of people (members of the same family and their close relatives) of at least three people working in the same organization (industry) for a total of more than 30 years. All of them must take an active part in public life in their place of residence; promote vocational guidance for children and adolescents; promote working professions. The head of the dynasty is recognized as a representative of the labor dynasty who started work in the organization (industry) earlier than everyone else.

    4.3. Dynasties that have submitted all necessary materials in a timely manner and in full are allowed to participate.

    4.4. The age of participants, social status, and work experience are not limited.

    5. Competition nominations.

    5.1. "Dynasty in the profession"

    5.2. "Creative Dynasty"

    5.3. "Family dynasty in the development of the region"

    6. Stages and timing of the Competition.

    The competition is held in two stages:

    The first stage is the correspondence assessment of participants’ documents and materials by experts and the selection of the best competitive works (from October 1 to December 31, 2016);

    The second stage is the All-Russian Internet forum “Dynasties of the Russian Land” with the presentation of the best competitive works (including via conference calls) and awarding of the winners of the All-Russian Internet competition “Dynasties of the Russian Land” (January 2017).

    7. Procedure and timing of the Competition.

    7.1. To participate in the correspondence stage of the Competition on time until December 1, 2016 The Application is sent in the form (Appendix 1) in Word format and scanned.

    7.2. The application for participation in the Competition must be certified by the signature of the main applicant.

    7.3. The following is attached to the Application:

    • a detailed description of the family dynasty in writing (text in Word format, font size 14, line spacing - 1.5);
    • applications, which can be presented in the following forms:

    — video work (home movies, TV reports, video essays about family dynasties, etc.);

    — photo albums, books, posters, diagrams, collages, etc.;

    — computer presentations, etc.;

    • consent to the processing of personal data from the main applicant in the form (Appendix 2) in scanned form.

    Signatures for illustrated materials are also required.

    7.4. The application and attachments can only be submitted in Russian.

    7.5. One applicant may submit only one Family Dynasty Application.

    7.6. Applications and their attachments are sent by email to: [email protected] with the note “Dynasties of the Russian Land – Internet – competition”.

    7.7. Applications can also be sent from the official website of the Internet competition http://www.istoriya-roda.info (section “Internet competition / Registration of participants”).

    8. Determination of the winners of the Competition

    For each nomination, Applications and accompanying materials are evaluated by Competition experts using a 10-point system for each of the following evaluation criteria:

    8.1. Detailed description of the family dynasty.

    8.2. Originality and creative approach to the design of work.

    8.3. A variety of forms for providing information.

    8.4. Contribution to the development of the industry, region, country.

    8.5. Artistic merits of the presentation of a family dynasty (literary language, imagery of presentation, fine art).

    8.6. Duration in time and numerical composition of the family dynasty.

    Based on the results of experts’ assessment of the submitted applications, winners are identified and invited to the All-Russian Internet forum “Dynasties of the Russian Land” for the presentation of the family dynasty.

    The number of winners and participants in the Internet forum “Dynasties of the Russian Land” for each nomination is determined by the Organizer of the competition.

    9. Awards

    9.1. Each participant of the Competition receives a participation certificate.

    9.2. Three each best works in three nominations of the Competition will be awarded with memorable prizes and diplomas.

    February 17, 2017 10:32 /   1282

    On February 13-15, the III Congress of the All-Russian public organization"National Parents Association social support family and protection family values"(NRA).

    As part of the congress, the results of the Internet competition “Dynasties of the Russian Land” were summed up. The winner of this prestigious All-Russian competition was the teaching dynasty of the Alyamkins from the Kovylkinsky district of Mordovia.

    The award was received by the honored teacher of the republic Galina Viktorovna Alyamkina, teacher of Russian language and literature Kovylkinskaya high school No. 3. General teaching experience The pedagogical dynasty, which unites almost 40 people, dates back more than 1000 thousand years!

    The Alyamkins work as teachers of chemistry, history, geography, Russian language and literature, and live in various parts of Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk. In Mordovia, they live and work successfully in Ruzaevsky, Staro-Shaigovsky, Kovylkinsky districts, and Saransk. Among the members of the large pedagogical dynasty there are candidates of economic, philological, philosophical, historical, and psychological sciences.

    “The desire to become a teacher was not accidental,” says Galina Viktorovna. “Both my husband Anatoly Ivanovich and I have many relatives who have become teachers. I am proud of my relatives who dedicated their whole lives to such a wonderful profession as a teacher!”


    Reviewed by The Alyamkin family from Mordovia became the winner of the Internet competition “Dynasties of the Russian Land” on Feb 17 . On February 13-15, the III Congress of the All-Russian public organization “National Parental Association for Social Support of the Family and Family Protection” was held in Moscow Rating: 0

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