• Massage lines for the face, massage with spoons. Massage with spoons for skin rejuvenation. History of massage with spoons


    Greetings, dear readers of our blog! Surely you have heard more than once about such a miraculous and quite affordable procedure as massage with spoons. Let's talk in detail today about its varieties, execution techniques, and the problems that it can solve.

    Massage with spoons: some general information

    Massage with spoons can be:

    1. classic European;
    2. Japanese;
    3. Chinese.

    For the first two types of massage, regular or silver spoons are used, most often dessert ones. Chinese massage requires specially shaped spoons, which are used in China, of course, and the technique differs.

    The most popular type is facial massage, but they also do anti-cellulite massage, neck, chest and abdomen. First of all, massage is done for beauty and improvement of external indicators. The skin gains tone, fine wrinkles, puffiness and bruises under the eyes are eliminated.

    It is believed that the founder of this massage technique is the German cosmetologist Rene Koch. Some experts suggest combining procedures. For example, the author of face forming, Benita Cantieni, suggests combining her procedure with a massage with Koch spoons. Galina Dubinina offers her FaceLifting technique in combination.

    The procedure can be done at home, you just need to master the technique, which is quite simple. You can remove puffiness yourself, make your skin elastic and radiant, using a couple of ordinary tablespoons, without the help of professional cosmetologists.

    Interesting. Thanks to its shape, the spoon perfectly kneads the facial muscles, “disperses” excess lymph in the tissues, and improves blood circulation.

    What is needed for the procedure

    Let's talk in detail about the main tool. What size spoons are needed for massage?

    2-4 spoons

    To start, take a medium-sized “tool”. Dessert spoons work best. Then, when you fully master the technique, you can easily determine what size spoon you need. Teaspoons may be suitable for massaging the eyelids or eyes; tablespoons may be suitable for a general massage.

    As for the material. Ideally, you should take it from silver or cupronickel. Silver is a powerful antioxidant; in addition, it helps the beneficial substances from the massage product to be absorbed deeper and more intensely into the layers of the epidermis; it is also known for its disinfecting effect. Massage with silver spoons will be especially good for people with problem skin.

    If you don’t have a silver utensil at hand, then go to the kitchen and take ordinary stainless steel utensils.

    Small bowls of hot and cold water

    It would be better to replace plain water with a decoction of chamomile, mint, string, some other herb or green tea. To keep the water as cold as possible, you can put ice cubes in it.

    When you gain enough experience, you can massage in the bathtub, without preparing the bowls, but cool or heat the spoons directly with a stream of water from the tap.

    Massage oil or cream

    You can use any oil. For the face, it is best to take almond, coconut, peach, jojoba, avocado, and even regular olive oil will do! The main thing is that you do not have allergies, and that it suits your skin type.

    Instead of oil, you can use any body cream. The product must be applied quite generously to the skin so that the spoons do not create friction and stretch the skin, creating new wrinkles.

    Paper or terry napkins

    You will need napkins to blot any remaining oil or cream from the skin after completing the procedure.


    Any procedure has its own indications and contraindications. Since lymphatic drainage massage is contraindicated for people with diseases of the lymphatic system. It is also not recommended for people with diseases or any skin problems, ENT diseases, rosacea.

    How it works?

    Massage with warm, cold or hot spoons is effective because different temperatures excite the nerve endings of the epidermis, thereby stimulating their work. Blood circulation and metabolic processes also improve. When performing a massage with hot spoons, the pores open, nourishing creams and oils are absorbed better, which is why the effect is achieved faster. Correct movements will remove excess fluid and toxins from tissues.

    Simple rules to keep in mind

    When performing a massage, you must adhere to some rules:

    1. As mentioned above, massage spoons must be stored separately from other cutlery. Before use, they need to be thoroughly washed and treated with an antiseptic.
    2. Of course, before the procedure, the face must be cleaned of makeup, treated with cleansing milk and toner.
    3. Apply enough oil or cream to the skin so that the spoons slide easily without creating friction.
    4. Needless to say, the massage should be performed strictly along the massage lines.
    5. Self-massage is good because you can control the degree of pressure, thereby preventing the formation of hematomas, injury to the skin and blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin.
    6. Before massaging with hot spoons, make sure they are at a moderate temperature. You don't need burns!
    7. The ideal time for these manipulations is morning. Set aside 20 minutes of your time, during which time let nothing distract you.

    How to properly massage your face with spoons

    You should start the procedure with the eyelids and the area around the eyes. To do this, use teaspoons; it will be most convenient to work with them. First, cool them by dipping them in cold water or herbal tea with ice cubes, then gently massage the eyelids and eyes. Just apply the spoons and wait until the cutlery reaches body temperature. If you have bags under your eyes, then you should not just apply the spoon to the lower eyelid, but move it from the inner corner to the temple. All manipulations must be repeated five times: cool, apply, wait for heating and cool again.

    Important. When massaging the eyes, always move towards the temples, in places where there are wrinkles, apply gentle pressure, but do not rub, as you risk stretching the skin.

    The next phase is a facial massage with hot spoons. They need to be immersed in hot water or broth, and then moved with slight pressure along the massage lines. Apply a generous layer of massage product to the skin first. For fatty types, it is better to use nut, sesame or almond oil; kefir is also great. For dry type – flax and jojoba oil. For normal – apricot kernel, peach or olive oil.

    Out of habit, it may be inconvenient for you to perform the procedure with two spoons at once, so you can work on one side of the face first, then the other. Here we also repeat all the manipulations five times.

    Advice. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to alternate hot spoons with cold ones during the massage.

    The following action will help with wrinkles on the bridge of the nose: you need to place a tablespoon or dessert spoon between the eyes and press several times, then continue moving along the lines from the center of the forehead to the temples. Then we begin to move from the eyebrows to the hairline.

    The part of the skin under the nose is simply pressed with a teaspoon. To remove wrinkles around the mouth, it is necessary to pronounce the letter “E” during the procedure, slightly stretching the corners of the lips.

    Advice. To remove deep wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, you need to puff out your cheeks and lightly pat the problem areas with a spoon.

    You can also use clapping to remove a double chin.

    In fact, there are quite a lot of techniques. Experienced craftsmen may develop their own technique, but keep it secret. But, despite these circumstances, there are quite a lot of training videos. Using these videos, you can quickly learn how to massage with spoons yourself at home. Separately, I would like to talk about gua sha, originally from China.

    Guasha massage

    Gua sha literally means “scraping off the old” in Chinese. The technique of the procedure involves a special effect on the points of the face. Stone or horn scrapers are used as tools.

    The advantages of this massage are that it is suitable for absolutely everyone; it does not require the mandatory use of oils or creams, since it does not stretch the skin. The procedure is not prohibited even for those who receive Botox injections.

    Due to the gentle action of the scrapers on the skin, the procedure can be performed every day. It is believed that if you use jade scrapers, you will not only improve your body’s health, but also free yourself from the negative energy that accumulates during the day.

    Guasha massage results

    With this massage the following effects are noted:

    1. First of all, this procedure perfectly enhances lymph flow and blood circulation in the cells.
    2. Effectively removes toxins from epidermal cells.
    3. Accelerates metabolic processes, resulting in natural rejuvenation.
    4. It relaxes well and has a sedative effect, so this type of massage is best done in the evening.

    When carrying out such a procedure, it is possible not only to improve the health of the skin and body, but also to restore the nervous system and normalize sleep.

    Massage with wooden spoons

    Another type of massage that I would like to highlight. This procedure is based on Vedic Old Russian traditions. In ancient times, if someone in the family was sick, they tried to cure him with the help of wooden spoons. It was believed that wood is the strongest energy element that helps fill a person with a feeling of harmony, vigor and well-being, as well as remove negative energy, something like the evil eye, fears, negative thoughts and other things.

    Massage could be performed in two ways:

    • through fabric (clothing), which should be natural;
    • over the naked body, in this case oil or honey was used.

    The technique is quite close to gua shu and Japanese massage with bamboo sticks. Spoons are used for scratching, tapping, pinpoint pressure, and spanking.

    Today you can receive a recommendation from a cosmetologist to take an effective course of anti-cellulite massage with wooden spoons. You can read about it in detail in other publications on our blog and watch training videos. One thing can be said, the result will be amazing. The skin will become elastic, smooth, and unlike the palms, there will be no bruises left when patted with a spoon.

    We hope our article was useful to you!

    Spoon massage - minus 10 years!!!

    A simple spoon, which we use at lunch and dinner, can serve perfectly in matters of beauty. Better, of course, not ordinary, but cupronickel. Even better - silver.

    Heat and rub in!

    So, we find hidden and rarely used family silver hidden deep in the closet. If you don’t have one, buy a silver spoon and rejoice that happiness and beauty are in your hands.

    Depending on the purpose, the massage will be carried out with a chilled or heated spoon. From this we will get different results.
    Your own cosmetologist

    No special skills are required for self-massage. A little effort and a mild lifting effect, improved blood supply and lymph flow are guaranteed.

    The first problem is swelling of the eyelids and bruises under the eyes. In our age of “stress and passion,” computers and radiotelephones, such manifestations are more than common.

    And for your eyes to sparkle and stop being tired and sad, start with your eyelids. Cool the spoon in the refrigerator, then apply it to the upper and lower eyelids at least 5 times. Provide yourself with a good cosmetic, at the same time, generally invigorating effect.
    Let's erase the wrinkles!

    To work with wrinkles we use the “contrast shower” principle. That is, we will apply a hot and cold spoon to the face alternately. This effect will lead to improved skin tone.

    A small, but significant nuance: the spoon can be heated in decoctions of medicinal herbs, or you can lubricate it with a nourishing cream.

    If wrinkles on the forehead are a problem for you, heat the “tool” thoroughly, apply it to the middle of the forehead and direct it towards the temples with light circular movements. Repeat 8-10 times.
    Minus 10 years!

    Cosmetologists say: the presence of a pronounced, deeply drawn nasolabial fold on the face makes a person’s face 7-10 years older. She also gives her face an aggressive, gloomy, sad expression.

    Therefore, it is worth fighting wrinkles that go from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth before they form deep furrows on the face. Again, a wonderful spoon will help with this.

    Gently and carefully “draw” “spirals” with it from the lips, along the cheeks, up to the earlobes. And so on in several approaches, moving first from the upper lip, then from the lower lip. You will get good results if you carry out this procedure every day in the morning before breakfast for 15-20 minutes.

    Cleanse your face with a product suitable for your skin type, apply moisturizer and get started. The main thing is to follow the massage lines only!
    Legs? Like from the cover!

    Is cellulite already visible on the thighs and buttocks? Take larger spoons in your hands. And not to the table, but to the bathroom! Cool the “tool”, lubricate it with body cream, or better yet, an anti-cellulite product.

    An excellent alternative - good quality honey! It greatly tones the skin of “problem areas” and helps remove toxins. Start the massage: place the spoons in the middle of the buttocks and massage them in a circular motion from the center to the sides. Now “go” from bottom to top.

    When massaging your legs and thighs, remember the sequence: work with the inner side of the thigh from the bottom up, and vice versa with the outer side. Don't hesitate - do everything energetically and quickly.
    Beautiful tummy

    But it’s better to “douse” your tummy with cold. Place the spoon in the refrigerator, then lubricate it with body cream and begin to actively move clockwise around the navel. Now you can safely massage your stomach from the center up and to the sides.

    You'll have to work hard, but the result, according to the German cosmetologist, will be simply brilliant. And at the same time you will polish the spoons!

    R A recipe for a quick and very simple way to smooth out wrinkles on the face using spoons.

    Rene Koch, a German cosmetologist, is sure that in order to get rid of wrinkles on the face and tighten the skin, it is not necessary to turn to plastic surgeons. For massage at home, massage with spoons is well suited. It is not complicated in its technique, but it will not make you wait long for results with regular use.

    This massage has been known since past centuries, when kings and various nobles used gold or silver spoons for it.
    The procedure is performed with the back of a spoon, which gently and evenly presses on a certain area of ​​the skin, and smoothes out wrinkles like an iron. Although spooning massage can be performed on the entire body, facial massage is the most common.

    Performing a massage with silver spoons, which is now carried out in many expensive beauty salons, is, of course, good, but we will make do with simple spoons of different sizes. For self-massage at home, spoons ranging from table spoons to coffee spoons are suitable.

    We may need

    A pair of silver or cupronickel spoons, but if you don’t have those, then simple steel ones will do;

    In addition to spoons, you will need 2 containers, the first will contain hot water, and the second will contain cold water (you can use ice).

    Hot and cold decoction of some herb or green tea

    Vegetable oil (you can take an oil suitable for your skin type. For oily and combination skin it is better to take “hazelnut”, “almond”, “sesame”, and for normal and dry - “apricot”, “peach”, “olive”.)

    To do a massage you will need about 20 minutes of free time.

    The massage technique is very simple.

    No special skills are required for self-massage.
    A little effort and a mild lifting effect, improved blood supply and lymph flow are guaranteed.
    Depending on the purpose, the massage will be carried out with a chilled or heated spoon. From this we will get different results.

    The spoons are first wiped with alcohol.
    Before starting, you need to cleanse your face and apply cream to it, although it can be applied directly to the spoon before the massage (on the convex side). The cream promotes a better result, so if you want to apply it specifically to spoons, do it this way: Place the spoons in containers with water, 1st in hot water, 2nd in cold water. First, the massage is performed with a hot spoon. Do you take it out of the hot water, blot it with a napkin and check whether it is too hot before applying the cream? Then apply the cream and proceed directly to the exercises.

    If you grease the back of the spoon with honey, you will get a greater effect.

    Important! We do the massage strictly along the massage lines.

    Main directions of massage:

    Along the forehead from the bridge of the nose to the temples and hairline,
    along the eyelids in a circular motion from the inner corner back to it,
    along the cheeks from the wings of the nose to the temples,
    from the chin to the temples,
    along the neck from its base to the chin.


    We massage the face with spoons first clockwise and then vice versa.
    It is important to ensure that the movements are gentle and the skin under the spoons does not stretch or move.
    Make clockwise massage movements with pressure, and counterclockwise use light stroking to avoid backflow of tissue fluid.
    It is recommended to perform each movement at least 10 times.
    Each time the spoon begins to slide worse, it should be lowered into the oil.
    At the end of the procedure, the face should be washed with warm water.

    Facial massage with spoons: perform exercises

    1) “Line” - smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows.

    You need 2 spoons.

    Place the hot spoon between the eyebrows and press 6 times, then move it up the forehead.

    We lower the spoon back into the container with hot water and do the same action with a cold spoon.

    2) “Spiral” - smooth out wrinkles on the forehead. You will need 2 spoons, both of which are placed in a container of hot water. We apply the spoon to the right temple and draw a spiral in three circular movements, then move the spoon along the forehead to the left temple. We draw the same spiral with three circular movements. We take a new spoon and start the exercise again, only this time on the left temple.

    3) “Zigzag” - the task is the same, smooth out wrinkles on the forehead. Take 4 spoons. Place a couple of hot spoons on your forehead (in the middle). Next, you need to immediately move both spoons from the middle to the temples, as if drawing a zigzag (point the spoons in different directions). Reach your temples and perform 6 light pressures. Repeat with cold spoons.

    4) “Drum” - smooth out the nasolabial folds. Cosmetologists say: the presence of a pronounced, deeply drawn nasolabial fold on the face makes a person’s face 7-10 years older. She also gives her face an aggressive, gloomy, sad expression.
    You will need 4 spoons. Using hot spoons, tap 10 times on and around the nasolabial folds (do this with puffy cheeks). Do several repetitions.

    5) “Letter O” - the goal is the same as in exercise. No. 4. You will need 2 spoons. Apply anti-wrinkle cream to hot spoons; your mouth should be slightly open, as if pronouncing the letter “O”. Place the spoons at the wings of the nose, perform circular movements, gradually descend, drawing “antennae”, to the lips (corners). Perform circular movements again. Close your mouth, heat the spoons and you can do the exercise again a second time. Only 3 repetitions.

    6) “Mustache” - smooth out wrinkles around the lips. You will need 2 teaspoons, which are hot and placed in a horizontal position above the upper lip. Keep your mouth slightly open and pronounce the sound “E”. Using small movements in the form of a semicircle, move to the corners of the mouth, drawing antennae. They stopped and slightly pressed the spoons into the corners of their lips. Then turn them over to a vertical position and move towards the earlobes as if trying to lift the corners of the lips. When you reach your earlobes, stop, perform three presses and move up the ear muscle. Repeat - 2 times.

    7) “Wave” - eliminate dark circles and bags under the eyes. A common problem is swelling of the eyelids and bruising under the eyes.

    In our age of “stress and passion,” computers and radiotelephones, such manifestations are more than common.

    And for your eyes to sparkle and stop being tired and sad, let’s start with the eyelids.

    First, cool the spoons in the ice broth (by the way, you can pre-cool the spoon in the refrigerator). Let's apply them to the upper eyelids for a few seconds. And so on in 5 passes. This exercise will help eliminate swelling and visibly tighten the skin of the upper eyelids.

    Let's repeat the exercise, applying a cooled spoon to the lower eyelids - we will remove puffy bags and dark circles under the eyes.

    You will need 2 chilled spoons. Place them near the inner corners of your eyes. Using wave-like movements, move the spoons towards your temples. Perform 3 presses on the temples, move towards the ears. Stop for 6 seconds, again move the spoons onto your eyelids, hold for 2 seconds. Total - 3 repetitions.

    8) “From crow's feet” - the purpose of the exercise is clear from the name. You will need 4 spoons, onto which you will need to apply a gel or cream that fights such wrinkles. Place heated spoons near the corners of the eyes, above the cheekbone. Perform 3 circular movements, moving to the temples. Stopping is literally a few seconds. Repeat 2 more times. Now perform with chilled spoons (1 time). Again, 3 repetitions heated and 1 cooled. Total repetitions - 3.

    The spoons need to be kept a little in warm oil.

    Start massaging your cheeks along the massage lines.

    With slight pressure the spoons are moved

    along the facial massage lines in parallel or alternately:

    From the chin to the earlobes, without moving the skin;
    from the center of the upper lip to the auricle;
    from nose to temples;
    from the chin to the cheekbones and further to the temples

    To avoid stretching the skin while massaging the cheeks, it is necessary to fix it under the chin with the other hand or place a fist under the chin.

    10) Neck and chin, décolleté

    Heat a spoon in the broth and grease it with vegetable oil.

    Let's run it from the collarbones to the chin on both sides of the neck. Let's repeat 10 times.

    These movements will help get rid of the annoying double chin.

    Let's move on to the chin massage. Movements are made from the midline to the ears and from the upper edge of the jaw down towards the throat. Massage the décolleté area from the cleavage to the armpits.

    11) Individual work. To work with wrinkles we use the “contrast shower” principle. That is, we will apply a hot and cold spoon to the face alternately. This effect will lead to improved skin tone.

    Go to the mirror and look at yourself, remember the location of facial wrinkles. You will have to carefully “work” each area in a circular motion, massaging alternately with a hot or cold teaspoon.

    If you want to achieve the desired result, then make this procedure your mandatory ritual.

    When performed regularly, massage with spoons can work wonders: make the skin more elastic, remove excess fluid, improve blood circulation, and restore clarity to facial contours.

    There are many beauty recipes. Modern techniques make it possible to prolong the youth and freshness of the skin. Facial massage with spoons helps to cope with age-related changes and delay the effects of time. The technology was developed by Rene Koch. The cosmetologist put into practice a well-known folk method for swelling and bruising on the integument. Thanks to the effects of available tools, it is possible to smooth out wrinkles and restore the oval line.

    Indications for use

    Refers to anti-aging techniques. A positive effect is observed due to the acceleration of blood circulation and lymph outflow. As a result, cells are saturated with nutrients and oxygen, renewal processes and collagen synthesis are accelerated. The lymphatic drainage properties of a spoon massage remove fluid from the subcutaneous tissue, relieve swelling, and restore tone.

    Indications for:

    • loose, tired skin;
    • facial, static wrinkles;
    • double chin, shaved;
    • unhealthy, gray color;
    • puffiness, swelling;
    • bags under the eyes;
    • enlarged pores;
    • lumpy structure;
    • inflammation, irritation.

    As a result of performing a facial massage with spoons, the overall condition of the skin improves. Muscle spasms are relieved, fibers relax, wrinkles are smoothed out. Activation of blood flow promotes the synthesis of collagen, which fills folds.

    Note! The technique is often used to correct the oval line, shape the cheekbones, and tighten the drooping eyelid.

    Execution Rules

    For a cosmetic procedure to be beneficial, you need to adhere to basic recommendations. This is one of the few techniques available for home use. The result can be compared with hardware lymphatic drainage massage; the effect will be noticeable after the first sessions.


    • Used spoons should be kept separate from cutlery. Before and after the procedure, be sure to treat with an antiseptic.
    • Silver spoons are considered the best, as this metal has antioxidant properties. You can also massage with regular stainless steel ones.
    • In the salon it is performed with 2 or 4 spoons, at home you can use only 2.
    • Before the procedure, the skin is cleaned and then finished with the application of a cosmetic product.
    • For glide, base oils and essential compositions are used. You can use nourishing cream.
    • Before the massage, it is necessary to test the compositions. If burning or irritation occurs, only the basics are used - jojoba, wheat or olive oil.
    • Like all techniques, it is performed strictly along massage lines. The pressure is of medium intensity and is self-adjustable. This allows you to avoid vascular trauma by affecting the subcutaneous tissue.
    • To solve aesthetic problems, various temperature conditions are used. To relieve puffiness - cold, to smooth out wrinkles, combine the effects of heat and cold.
    • The temperature of the applied spoons should be comfortable; burns or, conversely, hypothermia of the tissues are not allowed. Before performing a massage, it is worth testing on the elbow bend.

    Preparing for the session

    For the procedure, you need to prepare containers with cold and hot water. It is recommended to use mineral or decoctions of chamomile, plantain, mint to enhance the cosmetic effect.

    The base oil must be warmed to room temperature.

    The face is cleansed of decorative cosmetics and impurities. Then you need to apply massage oil or nourishing cream in a fairly generous layer to prevent displacement and stretching of the skin. Important point!

    Coffee ones are used for the area around the eyes, dessert ones are used for the cheeks and chin. Teaspoons - for the eyelids, bridge of the nose, forehead, nasolabial folds, tablespoons - for the neck and décolleté.

    Types of massage techniques Depending on the temperature, massage is divided into cold, hot spoons, and mixed.

    For the face, cold and mixed are often used. To correct your figure and get rid of orange peel - hot.


    To perform the procedure, prepare chilled water, green tea or herbal decoction. You can add ice cubes to maintain the desired temperature. Techniques with cold spoons are performed after hot ones. They stimulate the outflow of lymph, relieve swelling, and help smooth out wrinkles.

    Prepares and warms the skin, opens pores as much as possible, and helps eliminate toxins. It is important to test the hot spoon on your wrist or elbow beforehand to avoid getting burned. Massage with warm spoons helps smooth out nasolabial folds on the forehead. It cannot be applied to the eyelids, the only exception being the area of ​​the crow's feet.


    Alternating exposure to warm and cold metal stimulates blood flow and has a lymphatic drainage effect. Alternation helps speed up the renewal process and removes dead cells. The most effective method for preventing age-related changes and correcting the oval line.

    Instructions for implementation

    Dip a spoon into cold or hot liquid. Take it out and wet it with a napkin; you can apply oil or cream directly to the instrument itself. All techniques are performed 4–5 times alternately with hot and cold spoons.


    1. Place 2 hot spoons on the bridge of the nose. Make 6 pulsating pressures, then draw along a line to the center of the forehead, parallel to the eyebrow arches. Complete the movement at the temples, repeat with cold spoons.
    2. From the center of the forehead, draw a spiral with hot spoons towards the temples. Repeat as standard when cold.
    3. Use zigzag movements from the bridge of the nose to the temples with hot, then cold spoons.
    4. A simple technique will help with nasolabial folds. Take air into your cheeks and, using patting movements, work the lines of the nasolabial triangle from top to bottom with warm spoons, then with cold spoons.
    5. Place hot spoons over the upper lip, mouth relaxed. Move with smoothing movements to the corners of the mouth, make 3 presses. From this point, stroke towards the ear tragus. Repeat with cold tools.
    6. Cold spoons are used to relieve swelling. Install in the inner corner area. Using wave-like movements, move the instrument towards your temples, make 3 presses. Then - to the earlobes, and return to the inner corner of the eye.
    7. To smooth out crow's feet, you need to place warm spoons at the corners of the outer eye. Make 3 circles towards the temples, then repeat with cold spoons.

    Number and cost of sessions

    The first positive changes can be noticed after 3-4 procedures. In total, at least 10–15 sessions will be required, the number and frequency are determined by the specialist, depending on the condition of the skin.

    With pronounced age-related changes, it is better to trust professionals. In aesthetic medicine salons and clinics, the cost of a session varies from 800 rubles. up to 5000 rub. The price is influenced by the experience and qualifications of the master, as well as cosmetics used during the massage.

    Attention! You can massage with spoons yourself to maintain freshness, eliminate inflammation, and narrow pores. But with pronounced problems - nasolabial folds, lumpy structure, drooping eyelids, double chin - home care will be ineffective.


    You should not sign up for a massage if you are feeling unwell or have an exacerbation of chronic pathologies. It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure for allergic and dermatological diseases.


    • pathologies of the lymphatic system;
    • rosacea;
    • fever;
    • pustular formations;
    • herpes;
    • infectious, inflammatory diseases.

    Massage with spoons is a great way to maintain elasticity and youthful skin. It will enhance the effect of cosmetic products and restore the skin, as if after a spa holiday. You can master the simple technique yourself by using it for home care.

    Useful videos

    Famous Canadian cosmetologist Zina Chervinskaya talks about a unique and very simple method of facial care.

    Facial massage with spoons for beginners.

    Useful tips

    It is called oriental Botox for its anti-aging properties.

    Asian spoon massage is very popular among Oriental women, promising to make the skin firmer and more youthful.

    What is spoon massage?

    The spoon massage technique has been used for a long time, but now it has gained popularity thanks to the famous cosmetologist Rene Koch. In short, the procedure involves gently pressing the skin with the back of a spoon.

    You can massage the whole body in the same way, but the best results are noticeable with the face.

    Although the massage itself does not promise to work miracles, as in the advertising of modern creams, it is considered more effective and its results last longer.

    The procedure is quite simple and you only need two spoons. You should not use plastic spoons, as the sharp edges of the spoons can damage the surface of the skin.

    The result is noticeable after 10 procedures, but don’t stop there. Repeat the massage at least every other day, but not more than once a day, to maintain the effect.

    The benefits of facial massage with spoons

    © ferlistockphoto/Getty Images

    The effect is achieved by balancing the flow of fluid and blood in the body. Overall, facial massage with spoons has a number of benefits for maintaining healthy and beautiful skin.

      Improves blood circulation in facial skin tissues, giving it a radiant and healthier appearance.

      Removes excess fluid accumulating in tissues.

      Promotes better absorption of natural nutrients into the skin

      Gives elasticity to the skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

      Improves facial contour

      Rids the skin of toxins

      Promotes facial slimming

    You will need:

    • Two teaspoons or dessert spoons

    It is advisable to use silver, ceramic or copper-nickel spoons. You can massage with ordinary metal spoons, but the effect will not be so noticeable.

      Several ice cubes

      Essential oil

    It is advisable to choose an oil for your skin type:

      sesame or almond oil for combination to oily skin

      olive, peach or apricot oil for normal skin

      jojoba oil or flaxseed oil for dry skin

    Massage is easy to perform at home, but there are several important points to consider, such as:

      It is better to choose for the procedure morning or before bed

      Cleanse and moisturize your facial skin before massage

      Take time for yourself and make sure that no one will disturb you for 10-20 minutes

      Prepare all ingredients in advance. Heat the oil, put ice cubes in the water.

    Please note that you only need to massage along the main lines of the face. The facial massage scheme looks something like this:

    © Milkos/Getty Images

      On the forehead from the top of the nose to the temples and hairline and forehead

      Using circular movements from the inner corners of the eyes

      On the cheeks from the nostrils to the temples

      From base of neck to chin


    Remove makeup and cleanse your face.

    To avoid introducing dirt and infection, spoons should be disinfected by immersing them in boiling water.

    Choose any natural one that is suitable for the skin essential oil, face cream or night cream to reduce friction. If you are not prone to breakouts, use olive, coconut or almond oil. If you have acne-prone skin, try to use a lighter face cream.

    If you massage at night, limit the time to 10 minutes. Do not continue it longer as it overstimulates the skin.

    You may notice some redness on your face and neck after the massage, which should subside soon.

    Facial massage with spoons at home

    1. Start by applying a few drops of essential oil or face cream to your face and neck. Lightly massage your skin using gentle movements. Do not press too hard on your facial skin.

    2. Start with forehead. Start from the center of your forehead towards your hairline and then move towards the sides. Massage should always be performed in the direction opposite to gravity. Finally, move the spoons from the center of your forehead to your temples.

    3. Bring your attention to eyebrows. Follow the natural curve of your brows using the curved part of the spoon.

    4. Once finished, use the tips of the spoon to massage century. Start at the inner corners of the eyes and move to the outer edges of the eyes and then to the lower eyelids.

    5. Chill two spoons in ice water for about 10 minutes. Close your eyes and apply the cooled spoons to your upper eyelids for about 15 seconds. Repeat this procedure 5 more times and 6 more times on the lower eyelid area to get rid of swelling of the eyelids and dark circles under the eyes.

    6. Now dip the spoons in room temperature olive oil or heat the spoons slightly until they are warm. Make sure the spoons are not hot to prevent burns.

    7. Move the convex part of the spoons from the nose to nasolabial folds and to the cheekbones. This helps get rid of fine wrinkles located near the nasolabial folds. The presence of these wrinkles can add ten years to your appearance, make your face dull and give it a sad expression.

    8. Now go to cheeks. Again, repeat the movements in an upward direction.
    Tip: If you want to cover as much surface as possible, you can turn the spoon so it's edged. This part is good for massaging the area around the nose and mouth.

    9. Now apply two spoons to chin and move along the jawline to the ears. Don't forget the area behind the ears. This is where the lymph nodes are located, and massaging this area will help flush out toxins more easily.

    11. Finish the massage, moving from the collarbone to the center of the chest. The movements are directed downward, stimulating the elimination of toxins and excess fluid.

    Repeat each movement 5-10 times for each area, keeping the spoons moist to enhance the effectiveness of the pulling motion and prevent injury.

    After the procedure, wait 5 minutes for the oil or moisturizer to be absorbed into the skin, and then rinse your face with warm water.

    10 beauty hacks with spoons

    Spoons will be useful to you not only for massage, but will also be useful for drawing perfect arrows, nail art and quickly getting rid of acne.

    Here are some interesting beauty hacks with a spoon:

    1. Create an original nail design

    Use a spoon to create your nail designs. Apply lip balm to your cuticles first to make it easier to remove unwanted polish. Mix two types of your favorite nail polish in a spoon.

    Create a marbled effect by mixing the polish with a bobby pin or toothpick. Try to use two shades of the same color or complementary colors. Tilt the spoon slightly so that the polish drips a little and dip your nail into the polish. Remove the sloppy edges with a cotton swab, and your new nail design is ready.

    2. Improving facial contour

    Draw in the cheekbones using a spoon. Its shape is ideal to highlight the hollows under the cheekbones.

    Place a spoon over your cheekbones and apply powder or another contouring product in the area where the spoon ends.

    3. Curl your eyelashes

    If you don't have an eyelash curler on hand, use a spoon. Warm it by rubbing it on your palm. Then place the spoon on your upper eyelid and curl your eyelashes upward to create a curl and apply mascara.

    You can also use your fingers to press the eyelashes to the edge of the spoon and, continuing to press, move the spoon along the entire length of the eyelashes, curling them.

    4. Carefully apply mascara

    If you don't want to get mascara on your skin, use a spoon to cover your upper or lower eyelid when applying mascara.

    5. Restoring scattered shadows

    If your eye shadow, blush or powder has crumbled, this does not mean that you need to throw it away immediately. First you need to crush the remaining shadows (or powder), add a few drops of alcohol until a paste forms and press the contents with a spoon.

    Leave it overnight until it dries and the shadows will look like new again.

    6. Draw arrows

    If you find it difficult to draw neat arrows, use a spoon as an assistant.
    You can use the handle of a spoon or the rounded edge of a spoon on the outer corner of your eye to create straight or rounded wings.

    7. Correcting eyebrows

    The rounded edge of the large spoon is ideal for giving your eyebrows an attractive arch. Place the edge of a spoon under your eyebrow and lightly draw in the eyebrow hairs with an eyebrow pencil.

    8. Removing lipstick residue

    To avoid getting your hands dirty, use a spoon to remove excess lipstick from your lips. Turn the spoon over and apply to your lips after the first layer of lipstick. After this, apply a second layer of lipstick. This way the lipstick will last longer and will not stain your teeth.

    9. Removing a hickey or bruise

    Place a spoon in the freezer and, once it is cold, rub the bulbous part of the spoon over the bruise or hickey to reduce the accumulation of blood and make it appear paler.

    10. Dealing with acne

    Another trick will help you heal a pimple faster. Place the spoon in a glass of hot running water (not too hot to avoid getting burned). When the spoon is warm (check the temperature on your hand), apply the spoon to the pimple and hold until the spoon cools down.
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