• Male female mother on the run 08.06


    Today in the issue of Men's Women's mother on the run 06/8/2017 watch online 15-year-old Alena Suleiko from the village of Krivtsy eldest daughter V large family. Two years ago, their mother Natalya left her family and went to live in another city. The unfortunate father is grieving the betrayal of his beloved wife. Why did Natalya leave home? Will the children be able to understand and forgive their mother? Is there a chance for family reunification?

    A project that tries to help men and women understand their relationships. The studio discusses the most poignant and burning stories that the heroes come with. Watch "Male/Female" today's latest episode online. Presenters: Alexander Gordon and Yulia Baranovskaya.

    Here’s what Alexander Gordon’s co-host Yulia Baranovskaya says: “This is a project about relationships, about feelings, about emotions. It seems to me that I myself am an open enough person to feel each family and each situation separately. I believe that there are no similar situations it happens. There are two people who create a family, and these two people are individual and unique. Personally, I will always fight for the fact that we need to work on the relationship, save it in difficult moments, and not run away at the first crisis. My co-host Alexander Gordon obviously won’t share. We’ll have something to argue about.”

    Genre: Talk show Male-female, Male-female, Male-female, Male-female, Male/female
    Year of issue: 2017
    Released: Russia, Channel One
    Presenters: Alexander Gordon, Yulia Baranovskaya

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    “Male/Female” is a project that will try to help men and women understand their relationships. Here’s what Alexander Gordon’s co-host Yulia Baranovskaya says: “This is a project about relationships, about feelings, about emotions. It seems to me that I myself am an open enough person to feel each family and each situation separately. I believe that similar situations do not exist. There are two people who create a family, and these two people are individual and unique.
    Personally, I will always fight for the fact that we need to work on relationships, save them in difficult moments, and not run away at the first crisis that arises. This point of view is clearly not shared by my co-host Alexander Gordon. We will have something to argue about."

    Men's Women's today's episode Mother on the Run (06/08/2017)

    Two years ago, Natalya Suleiko ran away from her husband and four children in search of better life. An abandoned family is having a hard time dealing with their mother's betrayal. What made the woman leave home? Will the children be able to understand and forgive her actions? And is there any hope for family reunification?

    Watch online Male Female - Mother on the Run

    Watch online Men's Women's today's issue (08 06 2017) on any mobile device (tablet, smartphone or phone). Regardless of the installed OS, be it Android or iOS on iPad or iPhone. Open the series on your phone or tablet and immediately watch online good quality HD 720 and absolutely free.

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