• Increasing payments to large families c. Benefits for large families


    Natalya Kaptsova

    Reading time: 12 minutes

    A A

    In the coming year, large families from Russia can partially rely on the state. A number of privileges, benefits and benefits are designed to support large families at the federal and regional levels.

    Which family is considered to have many children - 2019 requirements

    The legislation of the Russian Federation provides a clear definition of a large family. First of all, this is a family with three or more children under 18 years of age.

    At the same time, it is believed that children can be both relatives and non-relatives (adopted, adopted), and born in more than one marriage (for example, in the past).

    Thus, if a woman has children from her first marriage and children from her second, then in the new marriage the family will be classified as having many children.

    The main requirements for confirming the status of a large family include:

    • Russian citizenship for each family member.
    • Official residence (registration) in the region where the family plans to receive benefits.
    • The number of children required to confirm status in a particular region (from 3 children - for most regions).
    • Children's age is up to 18 years.
    • Permanent residence of all children with their parents (with the exception of military service or studying at a university).

    Which children are taken into account when determining status:

    1. Minors, until they turn 18 years old.
    2. Students under 23 years of age studying full-time at a secondary/higher educational institution.
    3. Adopted, foster and foster children.
    4. Stepsons/stepdaughters are officially adopted children.

    Does not take into account:

    • Children whose parents are deprived of their rights (or have their rights limited).
    • Children who live in orphanages or boarding schools.
    • Children who became fully capable ahead of schedule. That is, independent (before the age of 18) - for example, married.
    • Children separated between parents during the process of mom and dad's divorce.
    • Children who were sent to educational colonies.
    • Children whose adoption decision has been cancelled.

    Often, the definition and parameters by which it is decided whether a family has many children or not are considered by regional authorities. Most adhere to the National Standard, adjusting it at their own discretion.

    For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, children who are under 16 years old are taken into account, and if a child is studying at a university, then parents have the right to receive benefits for having many children before he turns 20 years old.

    In some large regions of the country, this right is reserved until 18 or 23 years of age.

    It turns out that in order to determine whether you belong to a large family or not, you must contact the Social Security Administration at your place of residence or the local Administration. There they will tell you exactly whether you fit the established regional parameters and whether you can receive assistance from the state as a family with many children.

    The status of a large family today is granted as both parents(note – married!), and one parent with whom these children live.

    It is important to remember that moving a family to a new Russian region requires re-registration of status!

    Registration of status is carried out at the regional social protection authority.

    Federal benefits for families with many children in 2019

    All benefits and payments due to parents with many children can be divided into federal (allocated by the state regardless of place of residence) and regional (they are determined by local regional authorities).

    According to the law, in 2019 federal benefits include...

    State support for large families can be provided at the federal level.

    That is, the provision of assistance will not be affected by where the family lives. Benefits and allowances will be allocated and paid from the federal budget.

    Let's list what federal benefits can be paid to families with many children in 2019:

    1. One-time benefit for the birth of a child at the rate of RUB 16,350.33. All families with a third or subsequent children can receive this benefit.
    2. Monthly payment for child care up to 1.5 years. At the state level, mothers can receive RUB 3,065.69 for the firstborn, and for other children - RUB 6,131.67. The maximum benefit amount cannot exceed RUB 23,089.04. Let us remind you that the wives of military personnel are entitled to another payment - RUB 10,500 .
    3. . According to Federal Law No. 256, families are given a certificate for a certain amount for the birth of their second and subsequent children. It turns out that this rule also applies to families with many children. Size maternity capital in 2019 will be RUB 453,026 .

    Other payments are established by the regional authorities.

    The family will also be able to receive funds from the state if they receive awards.

    Parents will be awarded not only badges of honor and state orders, but will also be rewarded with a certain amount.

    For example:

    • Upon receipt of the Order of "Parental Glory" payment is due in 100,000 rub. for the whole family, and a one-time payment to the parent in 25,000 rub.
    • What if the family is awarded the “Parental Glory” medal? , then the amount of incentive for one parent will be 15,000 rub.

    Let's also consider what benefits are provided for families with many children under federal law in 2019:

    • Benefits for purchasing medicines. Parents will be able to receive free medicines for children under 6 years of age. They can be prescribed by the baby’s attending physician.
    • Benefits for paying for housing and communal services. The discount is at least 30%. The family can get back the money spent on paying for water, heating, electricity, sewerage and various types of fuel.
    • Free travel tickets. Issued to students for public transport.
    • 50% discount on suburban bus routes.
    • Free food in school canteens (two meals a day).
    • Free school and sports uniforms for children. They can provide the family with either a school uniform or a set of clothes that can replace the uniform.
    • Benefits for “cultural education”. For example, free tickets to museums, theaters, parks, exhibitions, etc.
    • Priority admission to preschool-type children's institutions. As a rule, children from large families are among the first to be included in the lists.

    All of the benefits listed will apply to both natural and adopted children.

    Let us remind you that labor benefits are provided for parents of large families.

    These include:

    1. Early retirement.
    2. Additional 2 weeks vacation, unpaid.
    3. One additional paid day off per week if the parent works 40 hours a week and the other parent also works.
    4. Assistance in employment.
    5. Accrual of pension points in maternity leave for every baby born. The amount of points will increase your future pension.

    If you work officially, with a conclusion employment contract, then you can contact your employer with any request. He does not have the right to refuse you, for example, additional leave.

    Regional benefits for families with many children in 2019

    In every region of our country, large families are supported. Benefits and allowances are accepted by local authorities, so in one region or region they will be one, and in another - different.

    Let us explain what regional assistance large families can receive in 2019:

    1. Land or cash compensation , which can be spent on purchasing a plot of land.
    2. Housing. If the region has additional funds for the construction or purchase of housing for a large family, then they will be able to obtain new residential premises. If the region does not have such an opportunity, then you should not count on donated housing.
    3. Compensation for the purchase of housing under the “Housing for Young Families” program . The family must take out a mortgage, a certain percentage will be allocated from the state.
    4. Reduced mortgage rates for large families . This innovation should be effective recently throughout Russia. At the birth of their third child, parents will be able to take out a mortgage loan at a lower interest rate.
    5. Compensation for rent. A cash refund will be available as a percentage of the full rental payment.
    6. Tax preferences. For example, property and transport taxes will be reduced. And if the parent is an individual entrepreneur, then the tax will be charged at a lower rate.
    7. Monthly child care allowance up to 1.5 and 3 years.
    8. One-time compensation for the birth of the third and subsequent children . Each region has its own. For example, in St. Petersburg there are 37,000 rub., and in Moscow - 180,000 rub., in Krasnodar, Samara, Novosibirsk, Chuvashia they pay the amount up to 100,000 rub.. There are regions where compensation is very small, and amounts to 7,000 rub.
    9. Compensation for starting a farm , if parents want to run their own business. A subsidy or financial assistance will be provided from the local government.
    10. One-time payments for students , for example, when preparing for school.

    Other measures to support families with many children may also be provided. Each region has its own incentive system.

    For example, in St. Petersburg, such families can count on...

    • Any number of visits to cultural institutions is free of charge.
    • A one-time payment in the amount at the birth of the 3rd and subsequent babies.
    • Allocation of a plot of land (approx. size 0.12-0.15 hectares).

    In the capital, such benefits include:

    • Allocation of a plot of up to 15 acres.
    • Monthly allowance.
    • Monthly compensation for increased prices of consumption/baskets.
    • Reimbursement for telephone/call bills.
    • Targeted assistance for the holidays.
    • Providing vacation vouchers.
    • Payment of half the cost of transport within the Russian Federation.

    How to obtain the status of a large family, and where to apply for benefits and allowances?

    The status of a large family must be confirmed by the authorities social protection population at your place of residence.

    To obtain a certificate confirming the status of having many children, you must:

    • Step 1. Collect documentation. You must prepare parental documents (copies of passports), documents for children (birth certificates), marriage/divorce certificates, a copy of a book to take home or a certificate of family composition. They may require additional papers; the social security department will tell you about them.
    • Step 2. Submit all documents to the social security department of your city or district. This can be done by both the mother and father, guardian or adoptive parent - or a representative of the parents.
    • Step 3. Get your ID.

    Please note that when contacting the social security department, a citizen does not have to pay a state fee! This service is provided free of charge.

    To receive benefits and allowances, you must contact the authorities that provide them. For example, to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Housing Inspectorate, the Tax Service, Rosreestr, the local municipality - or to the same Social Security department.

    The main document for obtaining discounts is a certificate confirming the status of a large family. The applicant can apply with it to any organization and institution. There you will have to write a personal statement and submit some other documents (depending on what type of benefit is provided).

    The decision on granting benefits is made within a month. The competent authority reviews the parent’s appeal and gives either a positive or negative response.

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    To raise a child with dignity, give a good education, and provide even one child with everything necessary is not an easy task in our time. But if there are three or more of them in a family (and such a family can be called large family), the task becomes more complicated many times over: more responsibility, worries and costs. So the benefits and allowances that the state provides large families, are completely justified and vitally necessary, especially given the economic situation in the country, which has significantly reduced the purchasing power of child benefits.

    In 2018 in general large family is considered to be the family in which raising three or more children(including adopted children, as well as stepdaughters and stepsons) under the age of 18. If one of the children is studying full-time at a higher educational institution of any type or undergoing military service in the army, then in most regions, until they reach the age of 23, the status of a large family is retained. This is documented by receiving a certificate of the established form. At the same time, in many regions it is necessary to annually confirm the status of a large family by providing the necessary package of documents to social services.

    In 2017, the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development prepared the concept of the long-awaited federal law “On the status of large families” and sent it for consideration Vladimir Putin May 10, 2017.

    The bill provides for a wide range of additional support for large families (benefits, benefits and compensation), which is proposed to be provided at the federal level, thanks to which social status parents raising three or more children must fundamentally change and increase.

    However, it is proposed to finance additional expenses to support large families through dubious measures - including by introducing tax on small children(for childless citizens and parents with one child).

    Currently, large families in certain regions of the Russian Federation are provided with the following additional social support measures:

    • monthly cash payment at the birth of the 3rd and subsequent children under 3 years of age;

    Regional maternity capital is established in addition to the federal one. The procedure for receiving it and the package of documents are approximately the same as for those paid by the pension fund of the Russian Federation. However, to obtain a regional certificate, you must contact the district social protection department (OSZN) or the territorial multifunctional center (MFC).

    How to obtain the status of a large family

    According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 dated May 5, 1992, the criteria by which a family is large and the signs of their need for additional social support are determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, taking into account cultural and national characteristics peoples living in a given territory, as well as based on the economic and socio-demographic development of each region (region, republic, etc.).

    In most regions, a family is assigned the status of large if it meets the following criteria:

    • the family has three or more natural or adopted children;
    • family members are jointly registered in the territory of a given region (region, republic, autonomous region, etc.);
    • the age of children does not exceed 18 years;

      If there are children aged 18 to 23 years, the status of a large family is maintained only if they are studying full-time in educational institutions or undergoing military service in the army.

    This category of families is registered annually by local social protection authorities. When registering a family with this organization, they are provided with different kinds social assistance: benefits, subsidies, financial assistance and other measures of federal and regional support for families with 3 or more children.

    When obtaining the status of a mother (father) with many children, the following children are not taken into account:

    • are in full state provision in orphanages and other similar institutions involved in raising children;
    • whose parents have been deprived of parental rights.

    After registration with the above authority, one of the parents (guardians) is issued certificate of a large family, confirming this status in a specific subject of the Russian Federation. The procedure for issuing, as well as the form of this document, is established by the territorial social protection authority.

    Where to get a certificate for a large family

    During the period that a family has the status of having many children, in many regions a certificate of a mother (father) with many children is issued. To receive it, you must contact the relevant territorial social service or the Multifunctional Center (if the district MFC accepts documents for this service) and provide the following list of documents:

    • parents' passport, with a note of residence;
    • children's birth certificates;
    • certificates of residence in this region;
    • certificates of paternity (if available);
    • certificate for children over 16 years old about their studies;
    • if there are children from previous marriages or born before marriage, the following are additionally provided:
      • certificates:
        • about marriage;
        • about the death of the other parent;
        • about divorce;
      • court decisions:
        • about transferring this child to one parent for upbringing;
        • on recognition of the second parent as missing;
      • documents on the upbringing of the child (children) in this family;
      • force certificate 25 for entering information about the child’s father into the birth certificate (from the registry office);
    • photographs measuring 3x4 cm of both parents;
    • upon application from a guardian or adoptive parent:
    • decision from the guardianship authority to establish guardianship over these children;
    • court decision or adoption certificate.

    The certificate confirms the status of a large family during the validity period specified in it. Typically this period is 1 year. To continue to receive the benefits you are entitled to, you must annually submit a package of documents to the relevant social service. The certificate will be renewed until:

    • reaching adulthood;
    • graduation from an educational institution;
    • completion of military service;
    • reaching the age of 23.

    What payments are due at the birth of a third child in 2018?

    Since the status of a large family is determined differently in each subject Russian Federation, then the list of benefits for this category of people in need differs depending on the social and economic level of development of a particular region.

    At the birth of a third or subsequent child, parents can receive the following payments:

    1. Are common, which are due at the birth of any (according to the number of children born) child:
      • child care allowance up to 1.5 years;
      • monthly allowance for a child under 16 (18) years of age;
      • maternal capital;
    2. Additional(addressed for families with many children):
      • one-time (regional) payment at the birth of the third or subsequent children;
      • regional maternal (family) capital;
      • monthly cash payment in the event of the birth after December 31, 2012 of a third child or subsequent children until the child reaches the age of three years.

    Maternity capital for 3 children

    Based on Federal Law No. 256-FZ dated December 29, 2006, the management Pension Fund In the Russian Federation, you can receive maternity capital, which is issued to a woman at the birth of her second child. However, a certificate for receiving this payment is sometimes provided in the event of the birth of a third or subsequent child, provided that this benefit was not issued for previous children.

    Many subjects of the Russian Federation, as one of the measures of social support for large families, issue regional family capital, provided to the mother once after the birth of the 3rd or subsequent child. The certificate is issued in the district department of social protection of the population(OSZN) at the place of residence of the woman applying for it. The size of this maternity capital, the procedure for receiving it and the direction of its implementation are established accordingly in each region providing the above compensation.

    To obtain a certificate for regional family capital, you must provide the following list of documents confirming your right to this benefit:

    • the applicant’s passport with a registration page in a given subject of the Russian Federation;
    • certificates:
      • about the birth of all children;
      • about marriage or divorce;
      • about establishing paternity;
    • additional documents approved for individual regions.

    EDV up to 3 years for large families

    Based on Presidential Decree No. 606 of 05/07/2012, from 2013 in regions with low birth rates, large families at the birth of the 3rd and subsequent children are entitled to monthly monthly cash payment(EDV) for each such child. The size of which is set depending on the cost of living for children in each subject of the Russian Federation.

    In 2017, in 42 regions of the country, families with the birth of a third or subsequent child are provided with this payment. One of the parents of this family can apply to the social protection department to receive EDV by providing a full package of required documents. OSZN will check all the applicant’s information, if it meets all the requirements, it will assign a benefit from the moment of birth baby until his third birthday. However, to receive this payment continuously during these 3 years, it is necessary update once a year changing information (about income, accommodation, etc.).

    Basic condition for payment: total income of all family members, per each person there should be below the average established in the region of their residence. The subsidy is valid until the child reaches 3 years of age.

    You can learn more about the EDV for the third and subsequent children born (adopted) after December 31, 2012 on the corresponding page of this site.

    Benefits for a mother of many children

    Since 1992, by Decree No. 431 of 05/05/1992, the following targeted compensations were introduced for social support of large families:

    • reimbursement of 30% of payments for utility services or for purchased fuel for houses without central heating;
    • for children under 6 years of age, free receipt of medications prescribed by the attending physician;
    • Schoolchildren receive free travel in city, suburban and regional districts public transport(bus, trolleybus, metro, tram, etc.);
    • priority admission to kindergartens, nurseries and others preschool institutions;
    • free meals for students of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and vocational schools;
    • free provision of schools to students sports uniform and a set installed in this educational institution, a school uniform or children’s clothing replacing it for attending classes;
    • free entry to exhibitions, cultural parks and museums once a month;
    • priority provision of garden plots;
    • allocation of land plots to those wishing to organize a farm with partial or complete exemption from land tax or rent;
    • provision of an interest-free loan or financial assistance for reimbursement of expenses associated with the development of the above-mentioned farm;
    • full or percentage exemption from the registration fee for individual entrepreneurs;
    • assist in providing interest-free or preferential loans and loans for the purchase of building materials, as well as for the construction of residential premises.

    Obtaining land for large families

    From paragraph 6 of Art. 39.5 of the “Land Code of the Russian Federation” it follows that families with three or more children are provided with a plot of land free of charge. The procedure for obtaining it is established by regional government authorities.

    In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is required that a large family applying for land be registered as needing improvement living conditions. The issued plots can be used for:

    • running a personal subsidiary or farm;
    • gardening and gardening;
    • livestock farming;
    • construction of a summer house or residential building.

    The provided land area must contain the following mandatory information:

    • address;
    • square;
    • cadastral number;
    • type of use.

    Plots are issued to families with many children in the order of priority. One of the parents (adoptive parent), having filled out the appropriate application, must provide the following set of basic documents:

    • a copy of the applicant's passport;
    • certificates of family composition;
    • copies of certificates:
      • about the birth of all children;
      • about marriage, divorce or establishing paternity.

    This list of documents is not exhaustive, so in some regions it may differ from the one presented.

    This land is provided to a large family into common shared ownership for each of its members in equal shares. State registration of property rights is carried out at the expense of the applicant’s personal funds.

    Where to get gifts for large families for the New Year

    Large families low-income families Various types of financial assistance are provided. The frequency, criteria of need and type of assistance provided (food, medicine, clothing, cash, etc.) are determined by the regional social protection authority. Usually cash payments are made annually or semi-annually. However, in addition to financial support for this category of family, gifts are given for holidays, usually for the New Year and Mother's Day.

    To receive such gifts you need to contact the district Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children. However, for this you need in advance:

    • obtain the status of a large family by registering with this institution;
    • re-register child benefits annually, providing updated information on income.

    After fulfilling the above conditions, in order for the given family to receive the gifts they are entitled to, the following documents must be submitted to this center:

    • statement;
    • applicant's passport;
    • birth certificates of all children;
    • certificate of receipt of monthly child benefit;

      If the family does not receive child benefit for children under 16 (18) years of age, it is necessary to provide income certificates to obtain the status of a low-income large family.

    Good upbringing and provision of everything necessary for children in the family requires great responsibility and dedication from parents.

    The needs of a child constantly increase as he grows up. To provide for their child, older family members spend more and more financial resources every year.

    Moreover, for those raising one child, costs are several times lower than for parents with 3 or more children. To alleviate the plight, as well as to maintain and increase the birth rate of children in Russia, the state provides them with financial assistance.

    What benefits are provided for this category of the population?

    Peculiarities of registration of this status in Moscow and the region

    On the territory of the Russian Federation large family It is customary to consider parents who have given birth to and are raising 3 or more minor children.

    This status is assigned on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families.” It states that consideration of the issue of assigning the status of a large family should local authorities authorities.

    In each region there is a definition of the concept of “large family” enshrined in law. It should be noted that local authorities have additionally adopted their own regulations aimed at supporting citizens with minor children. Therefore, it does not automatically make a family large. Those who have received official status with the authorities are entitled to benefits.

    On the territory of the capital of the Russian Federation and in the region adjacent to it, the law “On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow” was approved. It defines the provisions according to which the status is officially assigned to families with 3 or more children. They will have rights to benefits until the youngest child reaches 16 years of age or 18 years of age if he is in school.

    But among them do not apply children:

    • those who are supported by the state;
    • whose parents are deprived of their rights to raise them.

    However, there are children equated to those born by parents and adopted by law as stepsons and stepdaughters. Obtaining the status of a large family of seven is possible in the same way, both for both parents and for one with whom they live in the same living space.

    Parents who can obtain the status of a large family can have a residence permit in Moscow or its region.

    Legislative regulation

    In addition to the above-mentioned laws in the Moscow region, there is also Decree of the Moscow Government dated June 29, 2010 No. 539-PP. Its content defines the procedure for issuing a certificate for a large family in the capital region of the Russian Federation. After receiving it, you can use the ones provided by the state.

    Now let's talk in more detail about what opportunities a large family has to receive financial assistance in the Moscow region.

    List of benefits and payments

    In 2019, it operates in the capital and region the following list of preferential incentive measures for large families:

    Except monetary compensation Large families are also entitled to a number of other benefits, which will be discussed below.

    Tax benefits

    An important point is the availability of sufficient living space for all members of a large family. How do the authorities help such families solve this pressing issue?

    Solving housing and land issues

    Families that have received the status of large families and are registered in Moscow or the region and receive benefits for its purchase. Acquisition of housing with benefits is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis. If a large family with 5 or more children is registered before March 1, 2005, then they receive living space in the next order.

    For those who do not want to wait their turn, the Moscow authorities can provide partial assistance in purchasing housing or improving its conditions at their own expense.

    There are several options for providing benefits for this:

    As you can see, you can solve the housing problem if you register.

    Rules for registration of benefits and payments

    To receive the benefits due to large families, you must contact to local authorities.

    Cash benefits are paid by the district social protection departments at the place of family registration. Benefits for paying for utilities are provided after submitting an application and a package of documents to the RIC or HOA. In order for your child to receive free lunch at school, you must contact the administration of the educational institution.

    All benefits and allowances must be submitted applications with a package of papers. Different documents may be required. It depends on the type of benefits that a large family wants to receive.

    However, there is a list of basic ones provided everywhere. These include:

    • children's birth certificates;
    • parental passports;
    • school certificates;
    • received at the parents’ place of work;
    • for the unemployed, confirmation on paper from the employment service;
    • a certificate confirming the children’s cohabitation with the applicant.

    The period for consideration of an application for benefits sent through the MFC is no more than 30 days. By contacting the social security authorities, a faster resolution of the issue is possible.

    The benefits for this category of families are described in the following video:

    The mother of a large Moscow family must understand the benefits provided by law for large families, so as not to miss the opportunity to save on expenses, take care of rest, entertainment and even the cultural development of her children. Indeed, in addition to the federal ones, the Moscow city law establishes additional benefits for large families.

    The main document, which lists all payments due to large families in Moscow, is Moscow City Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005 “On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow.” Please note that changes and clarifications are made from time to time, so please use the most current version of the law.

    How to confirm your rights to benefits

    To take advantage of benefits and compensation, you first need to confirm your rights to them - obtain a certificate for a large family in Moscow. The procedure for issuing this document is determined by Decree of the Moscow Government dated June 29, 2010 No. 539-PP.

    To obtain a certificate you will need:

    • statement;
    • identity documents of both parents or adoptive parents, the only parent or adoptive parent or guardian (trustee), with a mark on the place of residence in the city of Moscow;
    • If your identity documents do not indicate your place of residence in Moscow, you must additionally submit one of the following documents:

    Unified housing document;

    House book or extract from it;

    A copy of the financial personal account of the tenant of the residential premises;

    A certificate issued by an organization that has a housing stock with the right of economic management or with the right of operational management (residential complex, housing cooperative, HOA, hostel, etc.);

    • children's birth certificates;
    • a document from a housing organization about the children’s place of residence in Moscow;
    • photographs of both parents (adoptive parents) or the only parent (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee) size 3 × 4;
    • certificate of paternity (if available);
    • a document confirming the absence of the second parent, if the applicant is the only parent;
    • a certificate of study in an educational organization that implements basic general education programs (school, lyceum and other educational institutions), if the family has children over 16 years old who are studying at school;
    • a decision (extract from the decision) on establishing guardianship (trusteeship) over a minor, if the applicant is a guardian (trustee);
    • certificate of adoption or a court decision on adoption that has entered into legal force, if the applicant is an adoptive parent;
    • a document confirming the fact that the child is being raised in the applicant’s family, if the family is raising children from previous marriages of spouses or children born before marriage;
    • certificate of name change if one of the family members changed their full name.

    There are two ways to apply for a large family certificate:

    • in person at any of the “My Documents” government service centers;
    • online on the official website of the Moscow Mayor mos.ru.

    What do Moscow benefits include in 2019?

    1. Compensation payments in the amount of 1,044 rubles. per month are set for families with three or four children, 2,088 rubles. - with a large number of children to reimburse expenses for utility bills and housing.

    2. At the birth of a child, a compensation payment in the amount of 14 thousand 500 rubles (one-time) is provided.

    3. Benefit in the amount of 10,000 rubles. per month is paid for each child under 3 years of age and 4,000 rubles. for each child over 3 years old (up to 18 years old), but only when the family income does not exceed the subsistence minimum for one person.

    4. Compensation payment for the increase in the cost of products in the amount of 675 rubles. per month is provided for each child up to three years of age.

    5. Compensation for the increase in the cost of living in the amount of 1,200 rubles. per month is provided for families with three or four children, and if there are more children, then 1,500 rubles. It is provided for children up to 16 years of age, and if they are studying - up to 18 years of age, regardless of the amount of family income.

    6. 250 rub. per month in the form of compensation for using the telephone.

    7. 10,000 rub. once a year they pay for the costs associated with the purchase of clothing for each student.

    8. Families with five or more children are entitled to a monthly compensation payment of 1,800 rubles. for the purchase of children's goods.

    9. Families with ten or more children are paid an additional monthly allowance in the amount of 1,500 rubles.

    10. Children of a large family and one of their parents are provided with free travel on public transport. There are rumors that a bill is being prepared to provide free travel to both parents.

    Free medicines and dairy products with prescriptions

    Benefits for large families in Moscow provide for the receipt of free medications according to doctor's prescriptions for children under 18 years of age (federal benefit - only up to 6 years of age). Dairy products for preschoolers under 7 years of age are also available free of charge with a doctor’s prescription.

    To kindergarten - no queue

    Children from large families are admitted to kindergartens first and are exempt from fees. This benefit does not apply to private preschool institutions.

    Land plot - reality or myth?

    One of the most significant types in-kind assistance those with many children have the opportunity to receive a plot of land for free, which is provided Federal law No. 138 of June 14, 2011. Plots for large families are allocated from lands in state or municipal ownership. But due to the lack of free land in Moscow, they are not allocated, and the issue of compensation payments for them is still under discussion.

    Free parking permit

    Another important type of in-kind assistance is free parking. According to Moscow Government Decree No. 289-PP dated May 17, 2013, a large family does not pay transport tax and has the right to receive a parking permit for a year.

    Pleasant benefits

    Pleasant benefits include the opportunity to visit any municipal bathhouse in the capital for free, as well as once a month for free to go to a zoo, a botanical garden, a sports competition, a museum or an exhibition, and go on rides in the Park named after. Gorky or elsewhere. There is even the opportunity to buy discounted tickets at Grand Theatre- for one certificate, a large family will be sold two tickets. The main thing is to find out on time the start date of sales for the performance you are interested in and arrive when the box office opens.

    Knowing the benefits for large families in Moscow and being able to use them for the benefit of the children is a completely solvable task for their parents.

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