• Assistance to school for low-income families. Payments to low-income families. Additional regional child care programs


    In many Russian regions there are families that have been assigned low-income status. The basis for obtaining this category is a low income that does not correspond to the subsistence level in a particular area. This level is set quarterly, so the family will have to confirm their status with the same frequency. Calculating benefits low-income families in 2017, the state will require certain supporting documents. Therefore, low-income parents will be able to receive the necessary benefits and allowances for themselves and their children.

    Families who may qualify for benefits and low-income status

    In most cases, this status is obtained by parents with many children who are raising 3 or more children. Families also fall into this category:

    • incomplete, where children live with one parent;
    • in which pensioners also live with their children;
    • where disabled people are brought up.

    The state tries to support such individuals and increase their standard of living with a certain amount of benefits. At the same time, he makes counter demands for the registration of benefits.

    1. Everyone lives under one roof.
    2. General housekeeping.
    3. Employment of all adults.
    4. Confirmation of low level of joint income.

    The latter condition is determined by local authorities and may change quarterly.

    If the family claiming compensation or subsidy includes adults and non-working people, then adequate reasons will need to be provided. Applicants are also checked for social well-being and the presence/absence of addiction to alcoholic beverages. If inspectors of the relevant service identify one of the listed reasons, then the allocated subsidies and provided housing benefits are cancelled.

    Calculations that determine the low financial status of a family are carried out by social security employees. To do this, the monthly income for each child and working adult is taken into account. The amount includes:

    1. wage;
    2. accrued pension;
    3. already operating social payments;
    4. possible material rewards or additional income.

    All numbers are summed up and divided first by the number of months in the quarter (3 times), and then among all family members. The inspector checks the result obtained with the subsistence level approved in the region. If family income is low, the amount of social benefits is assigned.

    A family may be recognized as low-income if additional conditions are found:

    • education of minor children and full-time students;
    • officially registered guardianship of children under 3 years of age;
    • raising a disabled child or guardianship of elderly relatives living under the same roof;
    • raising grandchildren by grandparents without parental participation;
    • the presence of 3 or more children who have not yet turned 18 years of age.

    Also, the status of a low-income family and corresponding social benefits are given to single mothers and fathers who raise children on their own.

    Types of assistance that can be received from the state

    If a family claims to be low-income and wants to receive social benefits or discounts on utilities, then you can find out more specific information in your region at the Social Security office. Payments and compensation provided for such cases are divided into the following groups:

    1. social plan;
    2. tax;
    3. subsidizing housing and communal services.

    Social benefits. Parents can apply for percentage compensation for their children’s education municipal institutions. For the first child the service will be cheaper by 20%, for the second you can only pay half, and the third can attend kindergarten with a 70% discount.

    If a low-income family has full-time students, the educational institution or university sets the amount of monthly scholarships. The student will be able to receive social benefits even if he fails the grades or takes an academic leave.

    Pensioners receive an appropriate financial allowance if their income is low at the regional level and throughout the country. Such payments are approved by the federation.

    Material payments as additional assistance can be received by couples who, for various reasons, find themselves in difficult situation. Provisions are also provided for household chemicals, clothes.

    Social program for children

    Parents with many children can separately receive financial benefits for children under 3 years of age. The amounts of such payments are also set by regional authorities. Older children can:

    1. free meals in schools;
    2. ride in public transport;
    3. receive school and sports uniforms.

    Also, large families are provided with medicines and can receive free invitations to attend cultural events or sports sections.

    Help with education

    Applicants have the opportunity to pass a competitive selection and be admitted to the university of their choice, even with the minimum allowed number of points scored. State support is provided to future students whose parents are disabled people of group I or II.

    Social Security provides such students with monthly allowance from the state. In this case, the age of the applicant at the time of admission should not exceed 20 years.

    Tax exemption

    As for tax benefits, couples with low-income status are not burdened with paying personal income tax on the assistance received. Subsidization by local authorities of housing and communal services is provided for six months. The state compensates for all charges that exceed 20% of the family’s earnings.

    The following additional services are offered as preferential services:

    1. earlier retirement;
    2. priorities in employment;
    3. mortgage lending on more favorable terms;
    4. assistance in acquiring land and summer cottages.

    Additional regional child care programs

    Each region independently adjusts and supplements existing social programs. All payments to preferential categories and low-income couples are based on the size of local budgets. Therefore, in the Moscow region, low-income families can receive additional compensation and benefits.

    Pregnant women are provided with one-time assistance. To receive financial support, you must register within 12 weeks.

    If a mother is left without work due to the fault of the enterprise, then she is entitled to maternity benefits. A one-time benefit is also provided at the birth of a baby. A working mother can receive an additional benefit in the amount of 40% of the official salary. Pregnant wives of military personnel receive additional benefits in the third trimester.

    Additional payments are due to parents who become guardians of minors. Also, parents with many children can apply for monthly assistance for each student. And if children get sick often, they can take them around the country for free once a year to get healthy.

    What can low-income families expect in 2017?

    Additional financial assistance to single low-income citizens and families differs from the previously assigned monthly payments. To receive additional subsidies, you will need to resubmit all documents and collect the necessary certificates. The size of the one-time payment is determined by the municipality and is provided at the place of residence of the applicant who finds himself in difficult situations. life situation.

    One-time assistance is also provided for first-graders from low-income families. Such a payment can be issued six months before entering first grade and calmly prepare your child for school. Some regions provide compensation for funds already spent when purchasing school uniforms and supplies.

    Low-income couples who enjoy government support can receive a municipal apartment on a long-term lease basis with optimal conditions. To do this, you need to register with local authorities as a family in need of improvement living conditions. There is also the option of obtaining a social mortgage on favorable terms.

    In housing and communal services, low-income parents are also provided with partial compensation to pay for services. The amount of assistance is determined individually.

    If the family is entitled to receive additional material payments, then the regional authorities will provide:

    1. monthly allowance paid to minors and students raised by one of the parents; pulls out for students required condition full-time education; and a single mother receives maternity payments in 2 sizes for two years;
    2. emergency benefit – paid once in case of serious illness or death.

    For additional social program families of preferential categories have the right to enroll their child in preschool and school institution.

    Among the innovations, experts note additional payments at the birth of a third child. The mother will receive this benefit for up to 5 years.

    Discussion: 2 comments

      Our family is low-income, as we are raising three minor children. My husband's income is small, and I am now in maternity leave. We receive the following benefits: children eat almost free of charge at school, and free travel on public transport. And the eldest is paid a stipend, regardless of his academic scores.

      And we belong to this category. The youngest daughter studies at a technical school, we collect documents every year, and she is paid a social scholarship. The eldest has already completed higher education, but when she studied, she also received it. In universities, by the way, social benefits are much higher than in colleges and technical schools, but thanks for that too) When they were in school, they ate for free, sometimes they only paid a little extra. Well, the ride home from school was free. Social benefits are certainly necessary and help, but you just need to collect a bunch of documents every time.

    • Financial payments to children under the age of majority and single-parent families in which the woman is on maternity leave (double benefit amount).
    • One-time emergency financial support – in the event of the death of close relatives, diagnosis of a serious illness, etc.
    • Reduction of the entrance fee when registering children for kindergarten - 20% for the first child, 50% for the second, 70% for subsequent ones.
    • Free legal consultations public services and representation in courts free of charge.

    What benefits are available to low-income families?

    1. Federal law that defines the conditions for obtaining the status of a low-income family;
    2. Federal law regulating the process of processing various payments for this category of families;
    3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the procedure for receiving benefits for low-income families;
    4. Regional resolutions of local governments on various allowances and other benefits for each specific region of residence of a low-income family;
    5. A federal law that regulates the monthly allowance for each child of a low-income family.

    Benefits for low-income families in 2017

    Low-income families mean that each person has an income less than the subsistence level in the region of residence. If we take into account that this coefficient is set for a quarter, then the status of the poor must be confirmed in accordance with this period, since benefits may be canceled. There is also a fact that in this complex financial situation The inhabitants of the country found themselves in a situation through no fault of their own. So, families where the parents, being fully able to work, do not work, for example, due to alcoholism, are not considered low-income. Local governments issue status low-income families.

    Benefits for low-income families in 2018 in Moscow

    The second option involves visiting the Moscow Department of Social Protection and submitting a paper application. An authorized employee is given 10 days to check the received application and make a decision. This period will include all interactions between the executive branch of government and other departments. All services are provided completely free of charge.

    Help for low-income citizens of the Russian Federation in 2018

    Both childless families and a parent raising a child alone can apply for the status in question. But the law clearly states that couples living in a civil marriage (there is no official registration of marriage in the registry office) and those who are legally married but live in different territories cannot be recognized as low-income families.

    What benefits are available to low-income families in 2017 in Moscow?

    1. Free two meals a day in the canteen.
    2. Get school and sports uniforms.
    3. Use travel tickets. The discount will be 50%.
    4. Visit exhibitions and museums for free once a month.
    5. Visit a sanatorium. If a child is sick, he must be given a ticket once a year.

    Low-income family 2017

    Need due to circumstances beyond the family's control. A family in which the parents do not work due to drunkenness, drug addiction, or other reasons will not be recognized as low-income. To qualify for additional support, it is understood that all able-bodied family members must work, study or be in the employment service (with the exception of women on maternity leave).

    Benefits for low-income families

    At the same time, the important fact is that citizens found themselves in such a difficult financial situation through no fault of their own. This means that families where parents, being fully able to work, do not work, for example, due to alcoholism, are not considered low-income. Low-income family receives this status by decision of local authorities.

    Benefits and allowances for low-income families in 2017

    1. certificate from antenatal clinic about the duration of pregnancy in days (note that it is not in months, because this will not be accepted!);
    2. certificate from the military unit, if future father still serving, or from the military commissariat if he has already completed his service;
    3. a copy of the applicant's passport;
    4. a copy of the marriage certificate;
    5. a copy of the bank account for transferring funds.

    What benefits are provided to low-income families in 2018?

    According to the current Russian legislation, low-income families are considered to be those families in which the income per person is below the subsistence level in a particular subject. This criterion varies in the regions of the Russian Federation, however, it is important to remember that the status of the poor should be regularly confirmed. In addition, families where parents are able-bodied but do not work for subjective reasons (for example, they suffer from alcoholism) are not considered low-income, and the fate of the children becomes the concern of state guardianship authorities.

    Get compensation and benefits

    1. Breakfast during classes, discount on lunches.
    2. Allowance by September 1st for school/sports uniforms.
    3. Travel card until age 7 public transport in the city, suburbs and region.
    4. Distribution of food products to in kind or a discount on food purchases.
    5. Free visit to the dairy kitchen for a child under 3 years old.
    6. Enrollment in the 1st year of a university without a queue if the exams are successfully passed and the parent is a group I disabled person.

    Benefits for low-income families in 2017-2018

    If a family claims to be low-income and wants to receive social benefits or discounts on utilities, then you can find out more specific information in your region at the Social Security office. Payments and compensation provided for such cases are divided into the following groups:

    Child benefit for low-income families

    IMPORTANT: A low-income family can only be recognized as one that finds itself in such a situation for reasons beyond the control of its members. That is, if able-bodied citizens refuse to work (parasitism), abuse alcohol and/or drugs (this fact must be officially proven), then the application for assignment of status will not be considered.

    Rights and benefits of low-income families in 2018

    1. Breakfast at school at municipal expense and discount on meals.
    2. Reimbursement of costs for the purchase of sports and school uniforms in the form of a payment before September 1.
    3. Free travel on all types of municipal transport up to 7 years of age, in suburban railway transport during the years of full-time study.
    4. Benefits for purchasing products and/or providing free products.
    5. Dairy kitchen for children under 3 years old at municipal clinics.
    6. Non-competitive admission to a university for an applicant (under 20 years of age) who has successfully passed the Unified State Exam and whose parent is a Group I disabled person.

    Child benefit for low-income people in Moscow in 2017

    Every year, from January 1 to June 30 (this period is specified in the resolution; in reality, social security authorities accept information about income until September 1), recipients confirm information about the income of family members for the past full calendar year . In case of failure to provide information about income within the specified time frame, payment of benefits will cease on October 1 of the current year.

    If a family is in a difficult financial situation, it has the right to count on government assistance in the form of social benefits and material benefits. To do this, first of all, it is necessary that she be recognized as “poor.” The main criterion by which this will be determined is the average per capita family income, and the measure is the subsistence minimum established in the region of residence of the family (or the one established directly by the Government of the Russian Federation). That is, if the first indicator turns out to be lower than the value of the minimum set of goods necessary for life, then such a family receives an unenviable status, but giving the right to some benefits, if after verification by social authorities this fact is confirmed.

    IN otherwise, if the corresponding application was submitted, and during the audit, income hidden from the state was discovered, then this is fraught with criminal liability, since this is not something to joke about. Also, it is worth noting that according to the law of 2003, one unmarried citizen can receive a similar status.

    How to correctly calculate average per capita income

    Since identifying a family’s income will not be done just like that, it is first necessary to find out the cost of living, which is approved at the legislative level in a given period (since the calculation of the consumer basket is carried out every quarter). Once you have this cost estimate figured out, you can focus on calculating your key metric.

    To do this, it is necessary to decide who can be part of the family under study. And, above all, there must be family ties. It is also an indispensable condition that all family members must run a joint household, that is, live under one roof. If, in fact, these persons do not live with their families or are on the financial support of the Russian Federation, then they have no place in the composition. Speaking of those whom the state financially supports.

    These include the following categories of citizens:

    Conscripts in military service, as well as military personnel undergoing training in specialized organizations and educational institutions;

    Persons serving time in places of restriction of freedom;

    Citizens who have been ordered by a court to receive compulsory treatment;

    As well as persons to whom the state provides full security.

    When calculating income, all cash and in-kind receipts of the above-mentioned family members for the reporting quarter must be taken into account. In particular, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2003 approved the following list of possible incomes:

    Salary (including bonuses, interest, etc.);

    Income in the form of rent;

    Bank interest on deposits;

    Severance pay upon dismissal;

    Budget payments to social segments of the population (whether benefits, pensions or scholarships);


    As well as payment under civil contracts.

    All income is summed up and divided by the number of quarterly months, after which this monthly income is calculated per average family member using the same division method. Actually, that's all. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that this indicator will be recalculated every quarter, since it is tied to the recalculation of the quarterly consumer basket. That is, even a family already recognized as a low-income family will need to periodically confirm this.

    Types of social benefits and benefits

    After confirming the already mentioned status, you can safely inquire from the public protection authorities about what types of social assistance the family can count. Often, it is regional in nature, so it may differ slightly on the territory of a particular subject of the Russian Federation. This includes both cash payments in the form of material benefits, and natural help, as well as various benefits. The amount of payments is determined by the authorities of each specific subject of the Russian Federation.

    List of possible types of social assistance in a particular region of Russia:

    A one-time benefit, that is, one that is paid only once;

    A quarterly benefit, allocated each time after checking and confirming the status of a “poor” family;

    Compensation for housing and communal services;

    Social benefits for large families;

    Monthly payments for minor children;

    Payments related to the child’s enrollment in general education high school(in particular, compensation for the purchase of school uniforms and the minimum student enrollment);

    Additional compensation or regional payments.


    Preferential payment for children in kindergartens;

    Benefits provided for baby food(for example, free milk supply for children under three years of age or free meals in secondary schools);

    Benefits for medical care or free treatment with medications for large families;

    Children's travel benefits valid on public transport.

    However, it is worth noting here that in most cases confirmation or fulfillment of a number of conditions will be required: be it the presence of a specified number of children or the fact of orphanhood.

    At the federal level, there are slightly different types of social support:

    - state assistance in the form of housing subsidies, which is provided for two quarters. Its volume is regulated by the relevant article of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and involves compensation for the expenses of a low-income family on utilities if their size exceeds 22% of total income. That is, special calculations will be made;

    - tax relief, in the form of exemption from taxation of income of members of low-income families, which is also regulated by a specific article of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

    - free legal consultations, as well as representing the interests of low-income families in judicial institutions, which can be obtained thanks to the law “On free legal assistance in the Russian Federation”;

    - student benefits in the form of a possible lack of competition when entering a university or compensation for part of the expenses, which falls under the relevant Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    In particular, to receive these benefits, the following conditions will need to be met:

    the applicant must not be older than 20 years old, smart enough to score a minimum of points on the Unified State Exam, and also be an orphan with one disabled parent of the 1st group.

    How to receive benefits for the poor. The procedure for providing social assistance by the state

    It is provided at the place of residence of the low-income family, for which you must first write a corresponding application to local authorities social protection and present all documents.

    Among necessary documents may appear as follows:

    Proof of identity and registration;

    Confirming the relationship of its members (that is, determining the composition of a low-income family);

    Labor and medical record;

    Certificate of income of each family member or property belonging to them.

    From the moment the application is submitted until it is approved, it often takes from 10 to 30 days.

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