• Which woman is considered a single mother? Cases to which the law does not apply. What gives a woman the status of a single mother?


    There's enough in our world difficult relationships Between men and women, no one is surprised that the female half chooses to raise a child alone. To put it simply, they become single mothers, and sometimes deliberately. Who are single mothers and what is their legal status, what rights and benefits do they have in society and what benefits can their children count on?

    Who is recognized as a single mother?

    Granted the status of “single mother” Not recognized as single mothers
    A woman who gave birth to a child (children) out of wedlock, and provided that the paternity of the child is not established (when registering the child with the registry office, no joint statement parents or not a court decision to establish paternity) A woman raising a child (children) in a single-parent family as a result of divorce or widowhood
    A woman who gave birth to a child during marriage or within 300 days after divorce, if the child’s father is registered as a spouse ( ex-spouse), but paternity was successfully challenged in court A woman who gave birth to a child within 300 days after the divorce, annulment, or death of the spouse. In this case, the former spouse is recognized as the father of the child, even if he is not the biological father of the child.
    A woman, while not married, adopted a child An unmarried woman raising a child whose paternity has been established (voluntarily or in judicial procedure)
    A woman raising a child whose father was deprived of parental support

    If, for example, a woman’s husband died, then officially she is not a single mother, she becomes a widow. Unfortunately, for some reason such situations are not taken into account, and a woman who actually has to raise a child alone is not entitled to the corresponding benefits.

    Is it possible to be married and be a single mother?

    Yes, it is possible, if a woman has a child in whose certificate there is a dash in the “father” column or he (the father) is written down from her words, and she got married, then she does not lose the status of a single mother in relation to this child and remains with her the right to receive an increased monthly allowance for a child. However, if the spouse adopts a child after registering the marriage, the woman ceases to be a single mother and loses the right to receive additional benefits.

    What benefits are available to a single mother?

    A single mother receives all the same benefits as women from two-parent families, but usually in larger amounts:

    • One-time benefit for women registered before 12 weeks of pregnancy - in 2015 - 543.67 rubles.
    • Maternity benefit. From January 1, 2013, the procedure for calculating this benefit has changed (according to Federal Law No. 21-FZ dated February 25, 2011, now certain periods will be excluded when calculating average daily earnings).
    • A one-time benefit for the birth of a child in accordance with Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children.” Its size in 2015 is 14,498 rubles. (RUB 110,775 when adopting several children who are brothers and/or sisters, a disabled child or a child over 7 years old).
    • The monthly benefit for the period of parental leave for up to one and a half years - from 01/01/2013 is calculated based on the earnings of the insured person for the previous 2 years. In 2015, the minimum amount is RUB 2,718.35. at the birth of the first child and 5,436.67 rubles. at the birth of a second child.
    • Maternity capital in the event of the birth of a woman’s second child. Its size does not depend on whether the mother is raising the child alone or together with the father.

    Other types of benefits for single mothers and their amounts depend on the federal subject in which the family lives. For example, in Moscow, a mother has the right to:

    • Monthly benefit for children under 1.5 years of age and from 3 to 18 years of age.
    • Monthly allowance for children from 1.5 to 3 years old.
    • A monthly compensation payment to cover the cost of living for children under the age of 16 (or 18 for students educational institutions, in which government programs are implemented).
    • A monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for single mothers, as well as families in which one of the parents evades paying child support, for children under 3 years of age.
    • Providing assistance in kind (including free sets of baby linen for newborns; free baby milk food with a doctor’s prescription, issued in medical institutions for children under 2 years of age).
    • Monthly compensation payment for caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 or a disabled person from childhood under the age of 23 (disabled people of group I or II who do not work).
      Benefits for children under 3 years old.

    The amount of benefits depends on whether the income a single mother receives is above or below the subsistence level. For example, in Moscow in 2015 the cost of living will be 12,071 rubles. That is why it is better to submit an application for benefits to single mothers not in the period in which they fall recent months payments for sick leave, payments in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, since the income according to the certificate will be overstated. If a woman gets married, but her husband does not adopt her child, his income is not taken into account when calculating and assigning benefits.

    The authorities need to clarify the amount of payments and benefits for single mothers social protection at the place of residence.

    What other benefits are available to a single mother?

    A single mother has the right to a monthly child benefit in a larger amount than others, regardless of the level of financial security of the mother and her living conditions

    • an additional amount is paid up to 1.5 years
    • Every single mother has the legal right to receive from the state an annual additional financial assistance
    • a single mother cannot be dismissed from work on the initiative of the administration when the child reaches 14 years of age, except in cases of liquidation of the organization, when dismissal with mandatory employment is allowed. Mandatory employment of these workers is carried out by the employer also in cases of their dismissal at the end of a fixed-term period. employment contract(contract). For the period of employment, they retain the average salary, but not more than three months from the date of expiration of the fixed-term employment agreement (contract)
    • single mothers are set at 100 - percentage payment sick leave to care for a child under 14 years of age for a longer period than other women
    • they also have the right to annual leave without pay, attached to the main leave or separate from it for a period of up to 14 days at a time convenient for them
    • It is prohibited to refuse employment and reduce wages of employees for reasons related to the presence of children. When refusing to hire a single mother with a child under the age of fourteen, the employer is obliged to provide the reason for the refusal in writing. Refusal to hire may be appealed in court
    • in case of need, she has the right to priority housing
    • a single mother has the right to unhindered placement of a minor child in childcare facility for full state support
    • A schoolchild of a single mother can count on free meals in the school canteen - the decision on this is made by the school director. The same applies to free textbooks.
    • in territorial departments, in order of priority, free (or with partial additional payments) vouchers to sanatoriums and health camps are issued at least once every two years (you need to check with prefectural employees)
    • benefits are also provided for the purchase of certain medications, a list of which should be available in every children's clinic. There is a 50% discount on some medications

    An important help for a single working mother is the double personal income tax deduction provided in accordance with paragraph. 7 subp. 4 p. 1 art. 218 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, in 2015, for single mothers, the standard deduction for the first child is 2800 rubles, for the second – 2800 rubles, for the third and subsequent – ​​6000 rubles. For a disabled child of groups I and II under 18 years old or full-time students under 24 years old, 6,000 rubles are allocated.

    At the federal level, child benefits for a single mother practically no different from payments for children raised in a two-parent family - neither according to the list of types, nor according to their size. Special benefits that could take into account and improve the financial status of a family without a second parent, according to federal laws not provided. This applies to the period of pregnancy of a single woman, and life with the baby after childbirth, and his upbringing until adulthood.

    The only exception is monthly child benefit, which is formally federal, but its size is determined by decision of the regional leadership. For single mothers, this payment is assigned in an increased amount compared to the established basic level.

    In general, child benefits for a single mother depend on the following factors:

    • the fact that the mother is employed;
    • number of children a woman has;
    • average per capita income of a family with a single parent.

    In some regions, with rare exceptions, additional targeted social benefits are also provided specifically for single women whose child does not have a father according to documents (or he is recorded on the birth certificate according to the mother).

    How much does a single mother receive for child support from the state?

    In general, a single mother can count on the same benefits from the state as a mother from a full family. Child benefits depend on the number of children she has, employment status and material income. Moreover, as a rule, they do not depend on the official one at all.

    A single mother will receive the same amount for children as a family with two parents receives. That's why there is no point in applying for single status just for the sake of the size of social benefits. The list and amount of payments at the state level is established Federal law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children.”

    The only federal payment that single mothers can count on in an increased amount is simply called child benefit. It is assigned, and the amount varies depending on the region (most often, it is very modest).

    Regions are also allowed to independently establish targeted or categorical payments to citizens at their own discretion. for single mothers there are additional regional benefits . A single mother should first of all find out whether in the region of her residence there are any special payments that she is entitled to.

    How much does a single mother receive for her first child?

    The state's care for mother and baby begins even before birth. At the state level, a single mother is entitled to payments starting from pregnancy (but only if the woman works) until she reaches 3 years of age. All benefits are divided into monthly and one-time.

    Listed below are benefits for the first child and their sizes, appropriate for a single mother.

    • This list of social benefits is relevant for officially, for which the employer pays insurance premiums, as well as soldier or student.
    • Benefits are issued at the place of work, study or service, and are paid through social insurance.

    Table of benefits for the first child for a single mother

    Amount of benefits for a single mother with two or more children

    An employed single mother who has a second newborn can count on the same payments as after. They are awarded after birth every child. However, the minimum monthly social benefit for caring for a second child under 1.5 years old is increasing and the right to maternal capital single mother.

    Table of additional benefits for a single mother for her second child

    In the case of a single woman third baby, she is also guaranteed the following benefits:

    Other payments you can count on:

    • (monthly or quarterly - the amount is set at the regional level;
    • from the state in the amount of RUB 453,026.00. - the certificate is issued regardless of employment;
    • regional maternity capital for the 3rd child (size varies);
    • in case of low income.

    Formally, military women are also not considered to be working, but they are still entitled to maternity benefits. V fixed size (equal to the amount of the scholarship or allowance).

    One-time benefit for the birth of a child

    The fact of payment of this benefit and its amount does not depend on any external conditions and factors (security, salary, presence of a job or husband). The state guaranteed payment in the amount RUB 16,350.33(as of 2017) to the mother of every child born in the Russian Federation.

    When two or more children are born at one time (twins, triplets, etc.) for each of them. A woman must apply for payment within six months after the baby is born.

    • Since this benefit is formally due to any of the child’s parents, to register it in a complete family it must be provided at the place of receipt (and if one of them works, then only the working parent can receive the payment).
    • In this regard, the procedure for processing payments for a single mother is somewhat simplified: for a single mother no need to provide at the place where you received a certificate from the second parent.

    Obtaining such a certificate can be significantly complicated if the child officially has a father, but they do not live together with the mother and are generally in bad relationship. Then obtaining the coveted certificate may be significantly complicated due to the reluctance of the second spouse to provide it.

    Child care benefit up to 1.5 years in 2018

    Unemployed single mothers will be able to receive in a minimum amount, namely:

    • RUB 3,065.69 - for the first baby;
    • 6131.37 rub. - .

    Moreover, if they receive unemployment benefits, they will be able to choose only one of the payments - unemployment from the SZN or care. Both types at the same time social assistance are not assigned!

    As you can see, unemployed women are at a disadvantage. Indeed, if employed, they could count not only on a minimum wage of up to 1.5 years, but also on the following list of payments:

    • in the amount of 100% of the salary and payment of 613.14 rubles. when registering a pregnant woman up to 12 weeks;
    • Monthly care allowance up to 1.5 years(which is higher minimum size, if the average earnings exceed the minimum wage);
    • until the child’s 3rd birthday - it is paid by the employer and formally should compensate the woman for the temporary inability to earn money (although this has not been done for a long time due to its small size).

    Benefits for low-income single mothers

    Due to the fact that single mothers often do not have official work before childbirth, as well as for other reasons, they are often. Such women are entitled to two additional benefits. They are paid regardless of the woman’s employment, but taking into account need criterion.

    Table of benefits for low-income single mothers

    Title of the manual Regulatory document For which child of a single mother is paid Size Reasons for receiving
    Art. 16 of Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995;

    regional legislative acts

    For everyone up to 16 (18) years oldSet regionallyIf the average per capita income per family member is below the regional subsistence level (LM)
    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 606 of 05/07/2012, regional documentsOn the 3rd and every next child up to 3 years old, born after 01/01/2013The amount of children's PM for the quarter in which the appeal occurredThe average per capita income is below the established amount for the region. Paid only for children with Russian citizenship

    Amounts of both payments depend on the region of residence women and are established according to regional laws.

    It is worth submitting documents on income for months that do not include the month of receipt. Otherwise, incomes may be overestimated, and benefits for the poor will not be provided.

    1. exists in every region of the Russian Federation regardless of the order of birth of the child. If the need criterion is met, single mothers are paid an increased amount compared to the regular amount (usually one and a half, two or three times).
      • It is worth recalling that a single mother is legally considered a woman in relation to a child whose birth documents indicate father not specified(or indicated from her words), and was not served.
      • If a woman is just divorced from her husband(also if a widow or if the child’s father is deprived of parental rights), she is not considered a single mother, and she will be entitled to benefits at the usual rate.
    2. valid only in 50 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and only for the 3rd child (and subsequent children). The list of regions for which the payment is relevant is adjusted annually.
      • These benefits are issued at the local social protection authority. Documents can also be submitted through the MFC.
      • It makes sense to apply for them while the baby less than 6 months old, since it will not be possible to return the unpaid amount within a longer period.

    Mandatory benefits for low-income single women for each child are valid in all regions of the Russian Federation. It is established at the state level, but the size is regulated regionally. Usually it does not exceed 500 rubles, although there are exceptions. For example, it amounts to for each child of a single mother:

    • , - 362-368 rub.;
    • - 472 rub.;
    • - 540 rub.
    • - 540.94 rub. (for the first) and 676.18 rubles. (second and subsequent);
    • and - 1596 rubles;
    • - 3,298 rub. and 3,768 rub. (for the first and second up to 1.5 years), 848 rubles. (1.5-7 years), 787 rub. (7-16 years old).

    Amount for different regions is also very different. For example, as of the 2nd quarter of 2016, in the Belgorod region, a single mother for her 3rd child will receive 8,150 rubles, and in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 21,076 rubles.

    How much do single mothers get paid in the regions?

    Also in the regions (not all) there are different additional payments single mothers.

    • To receive special payments, a woman must submit the necessary package of documents to Social Security, which includes confirming her status as a single mother.
    • Permanent residence in the specified region is required.

    The list and amounts of benefits intended specifically for this category of the population are regulated by local legislation. Even for neighboring regions of the Russian Federation it may differ significantly.

    Examples of regional payments to single mothers

    This table shows only payments established by local law. for the poor, which is mandatory for all regions, was not indicated. Single mothers are also entitled to all the social benefits that a full family can count on in the region.

    If a single mom marries but her husband does not adopt the child, the woman may still be eligible for special single mom benefits for that particular child. When calculating income, the husband's salary will not be taken into account. However, this should be clarified in advance with the Social Security authorities.

    Payments upon adoption of a child by one parent

    The law does not prohibit adoption by a single woman or man (that is, a person who is not officially married). In this case, the child only appears one (sole) adoptive parent. The child can be of any age, but the requirements for a minimum age difference and other factors taken into account during adoption must be met.

    Depending on whether the woman who wants to adopt a child works and in which region of the Russian Federation she lives, she will be entitled to all relevant federal and regional payments. Their list can be adjusted if the adoptive parent gets married and his partner also adopts the child.

    Single employed adoptive mother The following benefits are provided:

    It must be remembered that according to Russian legislation adopted children equal in rights to relatives. A single adoptive parent can count on the same benefits as if the adopted child were his own.

    There are many women in Russia today who raise their children alone. However, not all of them can be considered single mothers in accordance with the law. Therefore, many of them will be interested in the answer to the question of who is considered a single mother and how to obtain such status.

    Which women can be considered single mothers?

    According to the law, a woman with minor children (child) who meets one of the following conditions can be recognized as a single mother in Russia:

    Who is not considered a single mother?

    Some people mistakenly believe that every woman who raises a child alone is a single mother. This is wrong. Will not be able to get this status:

    Advice! If a woman is in serious financial situation, but does not belong to the category of those who can receive the status of a single mother, she should collect alimony from the child’s father through the court.

    How to register your status

    The state provides single mothers with various benefits and privileges. However, in order to use them, it is necessary to confirm and prove to government officials that the woman is indeed a single mother. The procedure for confirming this status is simple. Enough to assemble necessary papers and contact the authorized body (territorial division of the social protection service at your place of residence). Employees of this government agency will need to present:

    After submitting all the listed documents to the social security authorities, you must wait for their decision. Civil servants must make such a decision within 1 month. If the answer is positive, the applicant will be issued an appropriate certificate, and if the answer is negative, the applicant will be given a reasoned refusal. The latter can be challenged in the courts if there are sufficient grounds for this.

    What does the status of a single mother give?

    Having drawn up and received a document that will confirm the fact that a woman is considered a single mother, you can count on some benefits from the state. The list of these benefits includes, for example, the placement of a child in a kindergarten out of turn, while the kindergarten fee is halved. If a child goes to school, he is entitled to free meals.

    There are also certain advantages in labor relations. Thus, a single mother cannot be fired or laid off, and if the employer ceases to operate, then such a woman must be provided new job. There is also the right to additional leave.

    In addition to the above, the legislation also provides benefits in the field of taxation and.

    Attention! Depending on the subject of the Russian Federation in which a single mother lives, the amounts vary monthly benefits and compensation payments. Therefore, the exact amount of compensation due or the volume of benefits provided can only be found out in the authorized territorial bodies at the place of residence.

    The status of a single mother will be extremely useful for those women who are in difficult financial situations. The procedure for obtaining it is very simple, so it is better to devote some time to this issue and receive financial assistance from the state.

    How to get single mother status: video

    A woman, only a woman, can give birth new life. Unfortunately, a variety of situations happen and there are many reasons why a mother is forced to raise her child alone. This is Labor with a capital “T”; such people deserve monuments.

    And you can only rely on the state and its help. But not every parent knows what kind of federal assistance one can count on and what payments single mothers are entitled to by law.

    Who is considered a single mother?

    The concept of “single mother” is enshrined at the legislative level. According to the law, a single mother is considered a female person who:

    • gave birth to a child (one or more) without being married, as well as persons who gave the world a new life 300 days or more after the end of the official divorce proceedings with a spouse;
    • being married, she gave birth to a baby, or less than 300 days passed after the divorce before the baby was born, and the husband (now ex) challenged paternity in court, proving his biological innocence in the conception;
    • became a participant in a state adoption program without being married;
    • She became an adoptive mother while married, but her official husband did not recognize the baby and refused to adopt him.

    Legal status of a single mother: who to cross off from the list of applicants

    There are certain categories of citizens who will never receive single mother status. These include:

    • persons of the fair sex who gave birth and raised a child in a single-parent family, subject to the existence of a father who, due to certain circumstances, does not provide any material assistance, moral support, etc.;
    • girls who are not officially married, but have issued a newborn certificate with the “father of the child” column filled in (in this case, cohabitation is not at all necessary);
    • women who lost their husband due to his death;
    • mothers whose husbands are legally deprived of parental rights to their children;
    • girls who gave birth to a baby within 300 days after the divorce, provided that ex-husband confirms paternity and has no intention of appealing it in court;
    • if a man does not go to court, he automatically receives the status of the father of a newborn, even if he is not biological.

    How to get single parent status

    In fact, are you a mother who gave birth to a child and is raising the baby on her own? Let's now secure your status at the legal level in order to obtain the right to certain material payments, benefits and subsidies, without which it is very difficult to survive alone and raise a child on his feet.

    Single mother: documents

    A single mother's certificate is a direct documentary confirmation of status. It is issued by the social protection authorities upon provision of the following documents:

    • identity document of the person (passport);
    • baby's birth certificate;
    • application of the appropriate sample;
    • certificate form No. 25;
    • certificate of family composition;
    • a document disclosing the income side of the family (certificate);
    • certificate from the employment center;
    • extract from the house register and personal account;
    • work book (required for women who do not have a permanent place of work and are not registered with the employment center).

    Step-by-step instruction

    Step #1. It is necessary to study the law in detail and evaluate the possibility of obtaining the status of a single mother (who is legally a single mother is discussed above).

    Step #2. Registration of a newborn with the civil registry office and obtaining a birth certificate. After the birth of the baby, he must be registered in the registry office at the place of actual residence and receive a birth certificate. This is possible after providing the employees with a corresponding application, where no one is indicated in the “father” column, that is, a dash is placed. The wedding palace authorities subsequently issue a unified certificate of form No. 25.

    Step #3. Appeal to the social protection authorities with a request to grant single mother status. Take the received certificate of form No. 25, the birth certificate of the baby, the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and write an application for obtaining the status of a single parent.

    Step #4. Receive a document confirming your income. You should contact your employer with a request to provide a certificate of income, Form 2-NDFL. If you have not been employed, the certificate is issued by the employment service.

    Step #5. Obtain a certificate from your place of residence about your family composition. As a rule, it is issued at the housing office.

    Step #6. Receive an extract from the house register and personal account. Like the previous document, it can be obtained from the housing maintenance service.

    Step #6. Make copies of absolutely all of the above documents and attach them to the original versions.

    Step #7. Submit a package of documents to the authorized bodies for consideration by the commission. Provide the social security service with a complete package of documents (and their copies) mentioned above.

    Step #8. Get a single mother ID. Your documents will be processed within one calendar month. After its completion (no later than 30 days from the date of submission of papers), you must again contact the social authorities and obtain a certificate that allows you to use a certain list of benefits.

    Attention! You don’t have to apply for a single mother’s certificate. To get everyone due payments, benefits and benefits, it is enough to simply submit to the social security authorities all the documents mentioned above, since it is this social authority that assigns what benefits to single mothers and in what amount.

    What rights does the status of a single mother provide?

    Single parents are not deprived of state attention. It provides benefits to single mothers, certain cash payments, the amount of which exceeds the level of payments to mothers raising children in a two-parent family. Today, single parents can count on benefits such as:

    1. Maternity capital (MC) subject to the birth of a second and subsequent children.
    2. One-time payments to single mothers who right time became registered in antenatal clinic(until the 12th week of gestation).
    3. One-time payment when the baby is born. In the territory Russian Federation is regulated by the provisions of Law No. 81-F3 “On state benefits for citizens with children” dated May 19, 1995.
    4. Regular financial payments (once a month) intended for caring for a child up to one and a half years of age.
    5. Pregnancy benefits for single mothers.

    What other types of financial assistance can a single parent count on?

    All of the above financial payments to single mothers are classified as basic. But there are also tools for additional financial incentives. These include:

    It is worth noting that the amounts of all additional types of assistance are different for each region of the country and depend on its financial capabilities and the operation of a particular municipal program of social significance. In addition, the child benefit for a single mother with many children is greater than for a mother who is raising, say, two children alone.

    Procedure for applying for benefits

    When applying for maternity benefits, the key requirement is the provision of a certain package of documents. The list of such securities is dictated by law and has not changed over the past two years. What documents are needed to receive state financial assistance for single mothers? So, among the first is a document confirming the joint residence of the mother and child - a certificate of the appropriate form, which is issued by the housing maintenance service (ZhEK). Next on the list is a paper confirming the relationship between mother and baby - a birth certificate. The third document is a copy of the mother’s passport and identification code. You will also need a notarized work book of the woman, confirmed by management from the place of employment, and a current account number in a state banking institution or a savings book.

    Benefits provided

    Official cash benefits are an incomplete manifestation of state support for single parents. They are also assigned the right to receive certain additional benefits in the social, tax, medical, educational and labor spheres.

    Social help

    It is impossible to list all the types of social assistance provided for single mothers. This is due to the fact that payments from the Federal budget vary in each region, and since the source of social benefits is federal money, the government bodies of a particular region compile a list of such benefits on an individual basis. The most popular are:

    • providing the child with sets of clothes (once every six months);
    • 50% discount on travel fares for single mothers. The benefit is valid on trams, trolleybuses, state-owned route buses, and electric trains;
    • registration and admission of a child to a state municipal children's institution out of turn;
    • undergoing medical therapy in health institutions and relaxing in camps at public expense.

    A complete and accurate list of social benefits for a single mother can only be provided by local authorities authorities, and in each region they will be “their own”.

    Tax "discounts"

    In accordance with Article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a single mother who did not stop her labor activity, has the absolute right to a double tax deduction from income flows. In 2015, the deduction for the first two children is 2,800 rubles, for the third, fourth, etc. - 6,000 rubles. This tax deduction was introduced in order to reduce the level of expenses of single mothers and increase the level of profitability, which will have a beneficial effect on providing for the child.

    All the details of medical care for single mothers and their children

    The status of a single mother provides its owner with additional benefits in the field of medical services. This “bonus program” can be used by both the parent and the child. The medical benefit is activated immediately after the birth of the baby, and in the event of any serious illnesses, both the baby and his mother can also count on additional assistance from the state.

    List of benefits:

    • systematic (2 times a week) visits to the massage room free of charge, provided that such a room is available in the apartment medical institution, where the mother and baby are assigned;
    • free provision by the maternity hospital of a set of bed linen, diapers, and clothing to the child, subject to the request of the mother;
    • the child has the right to receive annual vouchers for vacation or recreational purposes from state-owned medical organizations (depending on the specific region, partial payment for the voucher is possible);
    • receiving dairy products absolutely free until the child reaches three years old. Provided that the children's kitchen is located in the hospital.

    Educational benefits for single mothers

    Every child who was raised in a single-parent family is provided with benefits related to their receipt of preschool and secondary education.

    The rights of a single mother in this area are as follows:

    • free nutritious meals in the canteen of an educational institution (kindergarten, school);
    • provision of all necessary teaching aids free of charge;
    • providing students with free stationery kits and notebooks (not valid in all regions of the Russian Federation);
    • 30% discount on subscription payments in sport sections, music school, general development clubs;
    • 70% monthly compensation for the cost of paying for a preschool institution from funds from the state budget (not valid in all regions of Russia).

    Housing subsidies

    The housing sector is stingy in its benefits for single mothers. There are the fewest of them here.

    • No need for a single parent to pay for garbage from a multi-storey residential building. Valid until the child reaches 1.5 years of age.
    • The possibility of taking part in housing programs on a federal and regional scale, provided that the single mother does not belong to the age category “35+” and does not have health problems that could affect her ability to work.
    • Improvement living conditions single mother and her baby, subject to such need.
    • Placement on the list of applicants for free public housing out of turn.
    • “Discount” when paying for housing and communal services. Not every single mother can apply for such a benefit. Whether you are entitled to such a benefit or not depends on your total income. It is not entirely easy to independently determine the availability of such targeted assistance - it is better to initially contact the social protection authorities at your actual place of residence with this question, since only in this case can you receive individual consultation and the results of the corresponding calculations.

    Important! The “single mother” status does not provide the right to use subsidies in the housing and communal services sector; it provides the opportunity to take advantage of a targeted subsidy program if the total family income is below a clearly defined level (established minimum). In this case, each parent will have her own personal “discount” on payment for housing services.

    Labor law on the side of single parents

    A single mother who works is under the reliable wing of the state, which guarantees them a number of relaxations and all kinds of benefits in working conditions.

    • Single mothers in Russia raising a child under the age of 14 do not have to worry about the upcoming staff reduction, a quarrel with the boss who threatened to pay off, etc., since her workplace. Provided there are no systematic violations of the internal rules of the enterprise, complaints regarding failure to fulfill official duties, or facts of disclosure of commercial information.
    • If the state ceases to act as the owner of the enterprise, the new owner does not have the right to fire a single mother. He undertakes to conclude a dismissal agreement with her based on his own motives in exchange for material compensation.
    • A parent raising a child alone has the right to count on another privilege - additional, but unpaid leave. As a rule, its duration is a full two weeks, that is, 14 days. Such leave can be used either once (all 14 days in a row) or several times over a certain number of days (for example, 2 times a week).
    • No employer who has announced recruitment may refuse to employ a single mother without giving reasons in writing. If this condition is not met, then the woman can appeal to the courts on the basis of a violation of the right of a single mother.

    Children are the flowers of life! And every mother will agree with this statement. But raising children is always a delicate and complex matter, and raising them in splendid isolation is a test of fate, after which you will become even stronger, and the state will help you with this.

    Dimensions social payments socially vulnerable categories change from year to year. The final amount is closely tied to the status of the recipients. In this regard, it is advisable to find out whether a single mother is considered low-income family in Russia in 2019?

    Basic information

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    In order to clearly separate the status of a single mother and the resulting consequences, it is necessary to distinguish between the terms denoting certain forms of marital status. So, “single mother” and “single mother” are not the same thing. The first category includes divorced women and widows with children.

    In addition, each employer has the right to independently interpret the definition of a single mother and allocate additional funds, benefits, vacations or financial assistance, but without infringing on rights under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    What you need to know

    Left alone with responsibility for a child, a woman should know that she can guarantee certain types of government support. Obtaining official status as a single mother can be a significant help in the family budget.

    As children grow, new opportunities will open up. What if a woman gets married and new husband is ready to accept a child, then her status as a single mother is removed and she will join the ranks of full-fledged families.

    Who belongs to this category of citizens

    It is a mistake to interpret the meaning of the phrase “single mother” literally. The fact that the mother alone provides for the child or children is not the basis for obtaining status.

    According to the law, single mother status can be assigned under the following circumstances:

    • bastardy;
    • the birth of a child within 300 days after the annulment of the marriage;
    • the man has proven that he is not involved in the child and does not pay child support;
    • adoption of a child out of wedlock.

    If the “father” column on the child’s birth certificate contains initials specific person, then the mother cannot obtain status. The fact that there is no financial assistance from the father is not taken into account. Similar rules apply to widows.

    Legal aspects

    The basis for any action is the legislative framework. When planning to apply for single mother status, or applying for other benefits, you should study the relevant regulations and laws.

    The situation of single mothers is addressed by the following official documents:

    1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
    2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.
    3. Federal Law No. 4216.
    4. Order of the Ministry of Social Development No. 1012.
    5. Federal Law No. 81.
    6. Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court No. 1.

    There are also regional laws regulating the legal status and social status of a single mother.

    Is a single mother a low-income family?

    When determining membership in the category of low-income families, the composition of the family is not decisive. Families in this category can be complete, single-parent, large, childless or adoptive.

    The decisive factor is the average per capita family income. In particular, the calculation system takes as its base the average income for each family member.

    Single mothers with incomes below the average subsistence level occupy a privileged position on this list. There is also a mandatory requirement - all family members living together at the same address.

    Living wage

    To objectively assess the standard of living of the population, the subsistence minimum is established quarterly. Based on the data obtained, the category of citizens in need of government assistance is determined. The calculation structure takes into account the size of the consumer basket and mandatory payments.

    Families whose income does not cover the subsistence level have the right to apply for benefits, social benefits and subsidies. The cost of living coefficient changes every 3 months. It is individual for each region.

    For example, for the 3rd quarter of 2019 in Moscow, the following indicators in rubles are recognized:

    Efficient citizens 11 160
    Children 10 181
    Pensioners 8 496
    Per capita of the average citizen 10 328

    How to get status

    The process consists of two stages:

    1. Status confirmation.
    2. Decor.

    Confirmation is carried out in the departments of the USZN at the place of registration of the woman. A guarantee of obtaining status is the presence of a certificate in form No. 25. This document can be obtained immediately when registering a child’s birth certificate.

    If a woman started registration later, then the registry office must collect archival documents to issue a certificate. The package of documents will be reviewed within 30 days.

    The reason for refusal may be the lack of certain documents or the woman’s objective incompatibility with the status of a single mother.

    If it doesn't work

    A woman may be officially or de facto unemployed. In both cases, from the point of view of the state, she is considered unemployed. Such single mothers are entitled to government support, but with a slight difference from benefits for working mothers.

    If a woman worked until childbirth, she has the right to receive maternity benefits. If you quit at a certain stage of pregnancy, you will lose this payment.

    At the birth of a child, the mother is entitled to one-time financial assistance in the amount of 13,740 rubles (each region has its own coefficient). If twins or triplets are born, then a payment is due for each.

    Immediately after the birth of the baby, a single mother can apply for a care allowance. This benefit is provided until the child is 1.5 years old.

    The payment amount is about 500 rubles per month. Working mothers with incomes above the subsistence level receive about 170 rubles.

    Typical set of documents

    The set of documents for registration of single mother status consists of the following papers:

    • extract from the house register;
    • documents for the baby;
    • certificates of mother's income;
    • information from the place of work;
    • certificate of family composition;
    • mother's personal documents;
    • certificate in form No. 25.

    List of benefits provided

    Benefits from the state are provided in two directions:

    1. Financial.
    2. Social.

    There are no special payments in the category of financial benefits. But single mothers receive benefits on general terms along with incomplete and low-income families. Some regions independently set a premium for socially vulnerable categories.

    A single mother has the right to choose one of the following types of standard benefits:

    1. Monthly payments until the child reaches 18 years of age.
    2. Subsidies for pregnancy and childbirth.
    3. One-time payment at the birth of a baby.
    4. Standard benefit for registering a socially vulnerable category.

    When determining the amount of payments, two main factors are taken into account:

    1. Average amount wages throughout length of service mother.
    2. Current family income.

    If the standard payment period has expired and the mother needs financial support, she can apply to the social security authorities and extend the payments.

    Benefits in the social sphere provide a wider range of opportunities:

    Housing issue There are no direct provisions indicating the issuance of housing in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. But a woman has the right to claim improvement in her current living conditions (expansion or repair). Subsidies for the purchase of housing are also provided under government programs.
    Single mothers with incomes below the subsistence level have an advantage
    Tax deduction Doubled amount is relied upon
    The Labor Code prohibits the dismissal of a single mother If the enterprise closes, the employer is obliged to find a job for a single mother
    From the side of state-format children's institutions

    Is it possible to get housing in Moscow?

    The procedure and grounds for obtaining housing are prescribed in the Housing Code. There are two criteria:

    1. Lack of own housing in any region of the country.
    2. Unsatisfactory conditions in existing housing (based on the results of the inspection report).

    Housing at the expense of the state is provided to citizens at their place of work or residence. If a single mother is forced to live in Moscow because of work, then she has the right to apply for housing in Moscow.

    Can the state help a child get a higher education?

    There is no direct obligation of the state in this field. But a single mother has the right to extend her request for an extension of monthly benefits, which by default are provided until the age of 18. The period is extended to 23 years.

    Those who receive grants from universities have the opportunity to receive higher education free of charge or partially. They usually have one criterion - excellent academic performance.

    If a child studies well, he has every right to try his chance. And the state is not obliged to pay for higher education for the reason that it is not compulsory for citizens.

    If you were unable to obtain the status yourself, you should find out the reason from the competent authorities. If a woman believes that the refusal is unfounded, then it is necessary to consult with lawyers and other competent specialists.

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