• How much do low-income families get paid per year? Benefits for low-income families


    In 2018, in the field of state support for the population, the emphasis shifted towards increasing assistance low-income families. This is due to the announced changes in the state’s social policy due to the transition from the old principle of providing child benefits in the format "a little bit of everything"(by categories of recipients) to a more targeted, targeted one - in a larger volume, but only for those in need families within each category.

    Application need criteria When assigning social benefits to families with children, it is important for several reasons:

    • the need for savings and targeted budget spending against the backdrop of a budget deficit;
    • an increase in the number of low-income families in the country due to the general economic situation;
    • the need to minimize social inequality among families with children;
    • tightening the principles for calculating benefits (they are trying to deprive those who actually do not need them of unjustified payments).

    Starting from 2018, the approach to the problem of poverty is planned to change at the state level. The basic principles for the payment of child benefits, which will be applied in the future, are now being laid down:

    • Targeting and need. It is planned to abandon the principle of categoricality. Many payments will now be awarded exclusively to low-income families (especially at the regional level).
    • Declarative principle. To receive a need-based benefit, the child’s parents (guardians) must submit an application themselves and necessary documents to the appropriate authority, confirming your need for additional support.

    Which family is considered low-income?

    Already now, in order to receive benefits, the family must officially register low-income status. To do this, you need to contact the social security authority at your place of residence, write an application and provide supporting documents about the level of income per family member.

    A family is considered low-income if its total income per person is equal to less than the subsistence level(PM), installed in the region of residence. This is stated in Art. 6 of Federal Law No. 134-FZ of October 24, 1997 "On the living wage in Russian Federation» .

    Regional PM differs from the federal one. It is installed once a quarter for past period. Its value depends on the size of the consumer basket in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Some features of PM formation:

    • The subsistence minimum is established generally per capita (average), and also separately for an able-bodied citizen, a child and a pensioner.
    • PM sizes vary across regions. Over the same period in different areas the values ​​may differ by more than two times. For example, for the second quarter of 2016 in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug the minimum per capita amounted to 19,493 rubles, and in the Belgorod region. - 8,221 rub.
    • It is believed that PM can only change upward. However, in fact, in 2015-2016. in many regions the figures decreased from quarter to quarter due to an alleged reduction in the cost of the consumer basket.

    According to Federal law No. 44-FZ dated 04/05/2003 “On the procedure for recording income and calculating the average per capita income of a family and the income of a citizen living alone in order to recognize them as low-income and provide them with state social assistance”, Average per capita income is calculated as follows::

    • the full income of the parents for the previous 3 months is taken (taking into account pensions, benefits, income from real estate, bonuses, in-kind income from subsidiary farming);
    • the received amount is divided by 3 (months) and by the number of family members.

    The result is compared with the cost of living at the time of applying for social security.

    Criteria for need when providing social support measures

    The main criterion of need for obtaining status and benefits for the poor is material (average income per person compared to the minimum wage). But there is also other conditions, compliance with which is mandatory for a family to be recognized as needy. Among them:

    • Family cohabitation(parents and children, single parent and child, guardians and ward, etc.), maintaining a common household. A family in which the father and mother are registered in the registry office, but actually live separately (or live together, but are not registered), will not be able to apply for recognition as low-income.
    • Neediness due to circumstances beyond the family's control. A family in which the parents do not work due to drunkenness, drug addiction, or other reasons will not be recognized as low-income. To qualify for additional support, it is understood that all able-bodied family members must work, study or be in the employment service (with the exception of women on maternity leave).

    There are also criteria that give priority in providing assistance based on need. These include status of a large family, the presence in it pensioners or disabled people- most often, for objective reasons, it is in such families that the average per capita income does not reach the subsistence minimum.

    Benefits for low-income families in 2018

    Payments to low-income families with children are regulated by federal and regional legislation. Full list of benefits and subsidies for the poor depends on the region, in which the family lives, since most payments to those in need are established at the regional level.

    Basic principles for issuing benefits to the poor:

    • documents and an application must be submitted to the local social security authority;
    • traditionally, any of the parents or guardians, and not just the mother, can apply for benefits;
    • To receive a regional payment, permanent residence in a specific constituent entity of the Russian Federation is required.

    Regions are allowed to set the criteria of need based on which benefits are calculated independently. The development of a methodology for identifying families in need, the introduction of which is envisaged by Law No. 388-FZ of December 29, 2015, was entrusted to the Government. By the beginning of 2018, payments to those in need for children under 3 years of age at the state level were still not entered.

    Because of this, in different regions, the average per capita income for each family member is compared with the value of 1 SL, 1.5 SL, 2 SL, and in some cases even with 3.0 SL.

    Payments to low-income families with children under 3 years of age

    A working woman caring for a child under 1.5 years old receives a benefit in the amount of 40% of her salary or the minimum wage (minimum wage). After the baby turns 1.5 years old, with a lack of finances (a compensation payment of 50 rubles from the employer for up to 3 years has not helped for a long time), the mother is forced to go to work and send the child to a nursery. As is known, there is a big problem with the latter in the country.

    In mid-2015, Prime Minister D. Medvedev expressed an initiative to extend child benefits for families in need until the children's 3rd birthday. This would make it possible to better ensure the interests of low-income citizens with children and compensate for the insufficiency of regional payments for children under 3 years of age.

    The measure was recognized as extremely necessary, but costly for the budget, and therefore has not yet been introduced. Therefore, some regions organized the payment of additional benefits for children 1.5-3 years old on their own. The money is paid primarily as part of an increased child benefit for the poor. For example, in Moscow, families with an average per capita income of less than the local monthly minimum (15,041 rubles per capita) are entitled to a special monthly allowance in an increased amount for children 1.5-3 years old.

    Payments to low-income parents per child in Moscow, rub.

    • in Samara region for children 1.5-3 years old who cannot be provided with a place in kindergarten, if the average per capita family income is below the local subsistence minimum, monthly payments of 1,000 rubles, 1,500 rubles, 2,000 rubles are provided. - for the first, second and third child, respectively;
    • in the city of Kirov, each of these children will be paid 2,500 rubles;
    • in the Lipetsk region there is one payment per family - 1,000 rubles. (regardless of the number of children 1.5-3 years old who meet the conditions).

    Child benefit under 18 years of age in 2018 for low-income families

    Benefits for the poor for children under 16 or 18 years of age for all regions of the Russian Federation are fixed at the national level (Article 16 of Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children”).

    Unfortunately, for most subjects of the Russian Federation child benefit low-income is generally the only one that parents of children over 1.5 years old can count on.

    General conditions for registration and payment of benefits:

    • it's supposed to only for the poor(with an average per capita income below the regional subsistence minimum);
    • paid for each child- a relative, adopted child, or guardian in a family up to 16 years of age (or up to 18 years of age, if he has not completed his full-time studies);
    • funds are provided regional budget;
    • As a rule, the amount of the benefit is subject to annual indexation in accordance with regional laws.

    In addition, since 2016, regions have been allowed to set their own size and frequency of payments to the poor. If previously it was monthly everywhere, now it can be paid at least once a quarter. Such a quarterly child benefit, for example, has been established in the Irkutsk region since August 2016 (although in most constituent entities of the Russian Federation it remains monthly).

    Benefits for large low-income families in 2018

    In the regions with insufficient fertility(below 13.3 newborns per 1000 people over the last 3 years) low-income large families can count on a special payment established by Presidential Decree No. 606 of 05/07/2012. It was introduced not only to improve the well-being of families, but also to support demography in the country .

    • Benefit provided for each child in a large family, starting from 3rd, up to 3 years of age.
    • This type of low-income payment is awarded if the applicant and his child have Russian citizenship.
    • In general, the benefit amount is equal to the local subsistence minimum.
    • In 2017, the payment was co-financed from the federal budget for 50 regions of the Russian Federation. Of these, only 42 have an unfavorable demographic situation. In 2016, 8 subjects exceeded the required fertility threshold; therefore, this payment will not be assigned in these areas from 01/01/2017, but will continue to be paid for children under 3 years of age in the previous year of birth.

    For some regions of the Russian Federation, due to good demographics, the benefit is not mandatory, but exists on the initiative of local authorities. In this case, its size and terms of payment may vary.

    In some areas there are other payments for low-income families with many children. For example:

    • in Kaliningradskaya - a monthly allowance for a family in the amount of 1,000 to 9,500 rubles. and more (depending on the number of children);
    • in Buryatia, additional payment is 150 rubles. for each child and regional maternity capital are issued if the average per capita income is below 1.5 subsistence minimum.

    School benefits for low-income people on September 1

    Many regions have introduced payments to low-income families, designed to make it easier for parents to prepare their children for school (sometimes only for first grade, sometimes annually by September 1). The official purpose of the benefit is the purchase of school and sports uniform, school supplies.

    This type of help regulated at the regional level local legislative documents. For example, in 2017, school benefits can be received in the following areas (not a complete list):

    • In the Kaliningrad region. and Dagestan payment of 1,500-3,000 rubles. provided for large families.
    • In the Volgograd region. Every year a schoolchild from a large family receives an allowance in the amount of 1,107 rubles.
    • In the Tomsk and Bryansk regions, 1,000 rubles will be paid by September 1. for each schoolchild from a large family.
    • In the Murmansk region. a benefit is issued in the amount of 4,090 rubles. provided that the average per capita income in the family is below 1.5 subsistence minimum.

    Help is available in some regions in the form of compensation, that is, to receive it you need to provide receipts for the already purchased form.

    Social assistance to low-income families with children

    Families with low incomes are entitled to more than just cash payments to the low-income. They are given the right to apply for other types of social assistance that can improve their standard of living and support them in everyday life. Among them:

    • Security free medicines a child under 3 years of age (according to a doctor’s prescription, the list of medications is approved by the state).
    • Opportunity to stand in a special waiting list for low-income people to receive housing. A free municipal apartment for social rent is provided only to those who need it.
    • Preferential mortgage and additional government guarantees when purchasing housing.
    • Subsidy for utility bills for those who pay more than 22% of their income for utilities. The size of the subsidy differs in the regions; it must be renewed every 6 months. A discount on payment is provided to tenants and homeowners.
    • Tax benefits on amounts received from the state. For example, one-time payments that are transferred to families in the form of targeted financial assistance are exempt from personal income tax.
    • Free legal assistance in writing and orally.

    Various types of social support exist both at the national and regional levels. They vary from region to region. In many constituent entities of the Russian Federation the following types of social assistance for low-income people are available:

    • providing special additional nutrition to pregnant and lactating women and children under 3 years of age;
    • free subsidies for repairs, reconstruction, and purchase of housing;
    • discounts on children's meals at school or providing them free of charge;
    • discounts on kindergarten fees.

    Social contract- this is social. support for families who find themselves in difficult life situation, by providing monetary assistance (one-time or monthly) for the development of one’s own business, the purchase of equipment necessary for work, and other important purposes.

    Amount of benefits to low-income families in 2018 in the regions

    The amount of benefits for low-income children under 16 (18) years of age, which exists in all regions, can vary greatly. Usually there are at least two values: basic and increased (for a child of a single mother, and also if the second parent refuses to pay child support or serves in the army on conscription. In most cases in 2018, the benefit amounts are very small, although there are exceptions.

    Amount of benefits for the poor for some regions, rub.

    Special conditionsAge
    Up to 1.5 years1.5-3 years3-7 years7-16 (18) years
    Basic size1 500 2 500 1 500 1 500
    Single mother2 500 4 500 2 500 2 500

    The parent is serving in conscription or evading child support

    1 900 3 300 1 900 1 900
    Moscow region
    Basic size2 204 3 216 1 104 552
    Single mother4 412 5 422 2 206 1 103
    The parent is serving in conscription or evading child support3 033 4 043 1 654 827
    Basic size2,920 - for the first;848 848 787
    Single mother3,298 - for the first;

    3,768 - on the second and subsequent

    848 848 787
    The parent is undergoing conscription service1 224 1 224 1137
    From a large family2,920 - for the first;

    3,768 - on the second and subsequent

    1 224 1 224 1137
    For parents who have disability groups I and II (per 1 child)5 778 5 778 5 778 4 013
    For a disabled child5 778 5 778 5 778 5 778
    Leningrad region.
    Basic size528 528 440 352
    Parent is serving in the military1 056 1 056 880 704
    Single mother, or if the second parent evades child support1 585 1 585 1 321 1 056
    For each child from a large family792 792 660 528

    In other regions, the amount of benefits to those in need also differs for the general case, single mothers and for the case if the father serves in the army or evades alimony. Regional payments in most cases more modest than in both capitals and their regions.

    For example, for each child in a family, low-income parents will receive:

    • in the Tver region - 181-363 rubles;
    • in the Oryol region - 270-676 rubles;
    • in Sevastopol - 532-1,596 rubles;
    • in the Ryazan region - 156-1,056 rub. (depending on the number of children the parents have);
    • in the Tyumen region - 350-583 rub.


    Families with an average per capita income below the subsistence minimum in Russia are provided with several types of benefits:

    • monthly for a child from birth to 16 (18) years (in all regions);
    • monthly for large families, or for the third and subsequent children (in constituent entities of the Russian Federation with low birth rates, as well as in several others);
    • annually for the purchase of school supplies (not available in all regions, applies mainly to large families).

    Legislators plan to increase the amount of benefits to the poor for a child aged 1.5-3 years, since in fact the payment does not meet the needs of the family. Another important point- transition in social policy from categoricality to the principles of targeting and need. Regions are allowed to set their own criteria for need.

    One of the existing problems after receiving the status of a low-income family is the low level of existing social assistance for children, including in monetary terms. In addition, many parents are afraid that after receiving benefits for the poor, the family will find themselves under too close attention of the Guardianship and Trusteeship Authorities.

    For example, if the average family income is less than 50% of the established subsistence level, 150 rubles are credited monthly for each family member. In addition, a family with such an income is entitled to an annual one-time assistance in the amount of 1,500 rubles. If a family has minor children, the state must pay 450 rubles monthly for their food. Additional assistance for children is paid until their 18th birthday, but if children continue to study full-time, additional assistance is extended until they are 23 years old. Also for partial state provision Families with pensioners over 65 years of age and disabled people with work restrictions can count on this. In addition to monthly and annual assistance, families in difficult financial situation, can qualify for one-time financial assistance in the amount of 1000 rubles.

    How to receive a monthly child benefit in low-income families in Moscow

    1. Preferential working conditions (additional leave, shortened working hours).
    2. Exemption from payment upon registration of individual entrepreneurs.
    3. Purchasing a mortgage with preferential payment terms.
    4. Obtaining a garden plot or apartment under a social tenancy agreement.

    What documents are needed and where to go to get help for low-income families in 2017? Before you run to the social security department, you should collect a package of documents on the basis of which your family will receive low-income or low-income status.

    Children's benefits in Moscow


    After all, the number of low-income families, according to Rosstat, is noticeably increasing every year. Help for the poor can be not only cash payments, but also clothing, baby food, and groceries.

    Where and how to get social assistance to the poor in 2017? In 2017, one-time assistance is provided for women from low-income families. Note that these benefits are available to pregnant, breastfeeding, and parents raising children in a single-parent family: 1. Benefit paid provided that the woman is registered with antenatal clinic up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.
    2. Maternity benefit for the unemployed.

    Benefits in Moscow in 2017

    However, if a family is recognized as low-income, this indicator is reduced using special calculations and coefficients. Moreover, the assistance applies to both the payment of utilities and the payment for housing itself, that is, families who rent housing can apply for it.
    3. Benefits for education Children from low-income families can enter secondary and higher educational institutions without participating in the general competition for applicants. But the establishment of this assistance is possible only if at least one of the following conditions is present: the child has only one parent, and he is recognized as a disabled person of the first degree; during the Unified State Exam or entrance exam, the child scored at least the minimum level to consider that the test was successful; The age of the incoming child is less than 20 years.
    As for the amount of state assistance, each specific case has its own calculation rules.

    Payments to low-income families

      After clicking the “Get a service” button located on the above page, an electronic form for filling out an application will open.

    • You can also get to the service page by going through the “Services and Services” catalog page WWW.MOS.RU to the “Departments” section.
    • In this case, you must select “Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow.”
    • Then, from the list of services provided by this institution, select “Assignment of monthly child benefit.”

    After this, the user must go through the application procedure, which is performed in accordance with the one presented on the website step by step instructions. You can view the completed application and find out its status after submission in the Personal Account of the user of the PSU Portal.

    Benefits for the poor


    Thus, a family whose adult able-bodied members either work but earn less than the subsistence level or are registered with an employment center can be recognized as low-income. The exception applies only to women on maternity leave.

    Since the law does not have a precise definition of the concept of “family,” the composition of the family applying for additional financial assistance may be different. For example, it may consist of one parent and one or more children; two parents and one or more children; grandparents and one or more grandchildren; guardians and wards; stepmother/stepfather and stepson/stepchildren, etc.
    Read also: List of benefits for children under 18 years of age and the procedure for applying for them in 2017 What assistance is available to low-income families Help to low-income families is provided in several forms.

    Benefits in 2017

    But it is worth considering that depending on the region of residence, this benefit can be significantly larger. Monthly Monthly benefits for low-income families are as follows:

    • monthly maternity payment in the absence of work for the spouse in the amount of 534 rubles. However, it is only applicable if the woman was fired due to the liquidation of the enterprise or for another reason beyond her control (bankruptcy, layoff, etc.);
    • when raising low-income family adopted children.
      Monthly allowance is about 15 thousand rubles for each adopted child;
    • upon loss of a breadwinner.

    What benefits are available to low-income families?

    • for children in other families aged 1.5 to 3 years - 2500 rubles.
    • Monthly compensation payment to cover expenses due to the rising cost of living:
    • from families in which one of the parents evades paying child support - 600 rubles.
    • for children of military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription - 600 rubles.
    • in the case when both parents do not work (disabled, that is, they are disabled and/or pensioners) and have a child under the age of 1.5 years - 600 rubles.

    Benefits for large families in Moscow in 2017 A large family is a family in which three or more children were born and (or) raised (including adopted children, as well as stepchildren and stepchildren) until the youngest of them reaches the age of 16 years, and those studying in educational institution implementing general education programs - 18 years.

    Child benefits in 2017: types and sizes

    Innovations for low-income families in 2017 In 2017, children raised in low-income families are provided with the following types of assistance: admission to preschool educational institutions out of turn: free two meals a day in the school canteen; issuance of free school and sports uniforms; free issuance of necessary medications (for children under 6 years of age); 50% discount on travel for a child and one accompanying person on international transport for the purpose of treatment or recovery (valid once a year). In 2017, parents from low-income families are provided next help: preferential working conditions; exemption from payment of business registration fee; lowering the retirement age.

    Help for low-income families in 2017

    Monthly benefits for children from low-income families can be issued remotely in in electronic format by submitting an application in the prescribed form on the Moscow State Services Portal WWW.MOS.RU. The procedure for processing this monthly payment, as well as other electronic services of the Portal, becomes available after the user has registered on the city PSU Portal. How to register on the site and gain access to obtaining benefits is indicated in the memo below. Which families are considered low-income (poor)? Low-income people in accordance with federal legislation (clause
    1 tbsp. 6 of the Law of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ) by decision of the authorities local government A family is recognized whose family income per family member is less than the minimum subsistence level established by law.

    • from 0 to 1.5 years and from 3 to 18 years - 1500 rubles;
    • from 1.5 to 3 years - 2500 rubles.

    The following monthly compensation payments are also provided for children from low-income (poor) families in Moscow:

    • to compensate for the increase in the cost of food (for children under 3 years old);
    • to reimburse expenses due to the rising cost of living.

    Who can apply for benefits and how much does this service cost? One of the parents or adoptive parents of the child, as well as a person replacing them (guardian), belonging to the number of:

    • citizens of the Russian Federation;
    • foreign citizens;
    • stateless persons.

    However, all citizens from the listed categories must have a Moscow residence permit, that is, be registered in Moscow at their place of residence.

    Helping low-income families is an important element of state policy, which takes into account the interests of the poorest citizens of our state.

    It is important to understand that the level of average income is a key, but not the only criterion by which the legislator compiles a list of beneficiaries: depending on the region and other circumstances, not a single parameter can be considered absolute for Russia.

    The legislative framework

    It was there that the definition was given, methods for its calculation were introduced, and all citizens whose incomes are below this level should receive assistance from the state. It also established the concept of a consumer basket - a minimum list of food products that the average person needs for a full-fledged existence. The law establishes that the cost of living must be calculated quarterly in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation separately (depending on the cost of food in the region).

    All related documents and by-laws are accepted only based current law"About the living wage".

    Benefits have different amounts for different categories of the population. Key categories of low-income citizens only three: able-bodied people, pensioners and children. The amounts of payments are individual for each region, but there are general trends.

    The child benefit is on average approximately 5% lower than that for an able-bodied citizen, and for a pensioner – 50%. That is, if in your region the amount of payments is 9 thousand rubles, then approximately 8-8.5 thousand will be paid for a child, and about 6 thousand rubles for a pensioner.

    Types of government assistance

    Cash benefits

    Before we talk about it, it is necessary to understand the method of determining the financial wealth of a family - many citizens mistakenly count on help from the state, without knowing the right way calculation.

    In order to calculate average family income, necessary:

    1. Calculate the total family income for the last 3 months.
    2. Divide them by the number of family members (including those without income and minors) and by 3 more.
    3. Compare the resulting figure with the living wage established for the current quarter in your constituent entity of the Russian Federation. If your number is lower, the family is considered low-income.

    Source the benefits received are the regional budget. The purpose of their provision is:

    • purchase of goods included in the consumer basket (i.e. vital);
    • receiving baby food;
    • preferential use of public transport;
    • preferential meals in the canteens of government institutions (for schoolchildren - in the school canteen, for students - in the university canteen, etc.);
    • compensation for money spent on clothing needed at school (sports and school uniforms);
    • assistance in entering a university.

    Some regional administrations have decided to issue a one-time allowance that goes to school. This operation is performed at the beginning of the school year.

    – a form of assistance to low-income students. The following are entitled to it:

    1. Disabled children of groups I and II.
    2. Victims of exposure to radiation pollution.
    3. Persons who have received military trauma (including disability).
    4. Those who have completed military service or have worked in the Internal Affairs bodies for more than 3 years.

    The size of the social scholarship varies greatly from region to region, but it minimum size established at the federal level: no less than 2010 rubles for universities and 730 for colleges and schools.

    Housing and utility subsidies

    If we are talking about communal services, then it is necessary to list those groups of low-income people who can apply for them:

    • owners of residential premises;
    • members of housing cooperatives;
    • tenants whose obligations with the landlord are fixed in an agreement;
    • family members of all categories listed above.

    Exceptions from this rule are:

    • citizens living under a gratuitous use agreement and who have taken a loan from a legal entity;
    • tenants of housing from private owners;
    • tenants of housing under a sublease agreement;
    • legatees who received housing with the execution of an inheritance;
    • citizens receiving rent under an indefinite maintenance agreement;
    • and, accordingly, members of their families.

    Payments are scheduled for a period of six months. Payments are made in cash to the bank account specified by the recipient. Pension cards and accounts for receiving other payments are also suitable. Payments through post offices are also possible. If documents are submitted in the first half of the month (before the 15th day) and are approved, then payments must be made on the 1st day of the current month. If later - from the 1st of the next day.

    Tax and social benefits

    The practice of tax and social benefits in most regions is limited to granting the right not to pay tax on preferential charges.

    But to obtain such a right, you must contact the tax service at your place of registration. It is important to collect the required package of documents, submit them to the branch of the Federal Tax Service and submit an application, the form of which is approved by the appendix to the order of the Federal Tax Service N ММВ-7-11/280@ dated July 13, 2015.

    Targeted assistance

    Targeted assistance the poor in the regions can be provided with:

    • monthly or one-time benefit;
    • social benefits to pay for technical means of rehabilitation;
    • providing food for children under 2 years of age;
    • provision of one-time assistance to pensioners by social services.

    The key difference between this and other types of benefits is that they are paid only to a certain category of persons. Targeted assistance is provided only to those citizens who have an income below the subsistence level due to insurmountable circumstances or for valid reasons (for example, health reasons). The unemployed cannot count on such benefits. In addition, targeted assistance can be received (more than 3 children under 16 years of age).

    Providing clothes and other items

    This type of assistance is provided both at the regional and state levels. To receive it, you must already be a recognized low-income family.

    A law obliging municipal or regional authorities to provide natural help, simply not - you need to find out about such procedures from the authorities social protection.

    Clearly established procedure there is no receiving it.

    Regional features

    Benefits for the poor at the regional level are presented in the same forms as at the federal level, but it is worth adding several other types of assistance here.

    Most often this is:

    • regular payments;
    • one-time benefits;
    • training grants;
    • scholarship allowances;
    • natural aid (clothing, medicine, food).

    The amount of benefit payments varies from region to region and depends on the cost of products in a particular subject of the Russian Federation.

    In a number of regions there are laws that help families with low incomes when entering a university or low-income children can go to educational institutions without waiting in line. For preschool institutions, there is a practice of reducing fees by 20-30%, but it is worth learning about the specific nuances of these procedures separately for each subject of the Russian Federation.

    Charitable foundations and support centers

    There are dozens of funds and support centers in the Russian Federation that provide:

    • targeted assistance with accompanying monitoring;
    • natural assistance (medicines, food, clothing);
    • psychological and legal assistance, etc.

    The most popular organizations are “The Heart Is”, “Russian Birch”, “Kindness” and others. The presence of branches in your region must be checked independently or with social protection authorities - they often cooperate with volunteer foundations.

    What is needed to get help for a low-income family?

    The Federal Law “On the Low-Income” established and scroll necessary documents for citizens to obtain low-income status:

    The application must be reviewed within 10 working days. If one of the family members is absent and the family does not know (or deliberately hides) his location, the right to benefits still remains. But payments will be made only after a criminal case has been initiated into the disappearance of this person. By the way, falsifying documents and providing false data to social protection authorities can result in denial of benefits, regardless of the real situation of the family.

    Providing support to low-income citizens from the administration of Stavropol is discussed in the following video:

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