• Psychologist's classes. Notes, educational activities, conversations with children. Summary of a psychology lesson "share your smile", kindergarten, preschool education, kindergarten teacher kindergarten, preschool education, kindergarten teacher, Lyubertsy


    Target: development of voluntariness and mental processes necessary for successful mastery of educational activities


    • Development of visual attention, visual and tactile memory.
    • Development of fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity.
    • Development of logic, memory, intelligence.
    • Development of imagination.
    • Development of communication skills.
    • Promoting the emergence of friendships and partnerships in the game.
    • Developing the ability to see the positive in yourself and others.
    • Reduce symptoms of aggression.
    • Creating a positive emotional background, increasing self-confidence.
    • Development of the ability for emotional-volitional regulation
    • Relieving psycho-emotional stress, creating positive emotions.

    Equipment: interactive table; Nikitin cubes (according to the number of children); cards for the game “Find by description”; SMART board for the game “What is Missing”; "Sensino" with geometric shapes; transparent easel; sheets of colored paper, napkins, toilet paper("Firework"); sandbox with small toys; carpet (preferably); 4 images of houses with castles (for each task).


    Educational psychologist: Hello guys! Today we have an interesting journey to an unusual country. I’ll tell you which one a little later. First, let's greet each other. We will speak kindly and pleasant words to your neighbor, and in our sunshine with everyone kind words rays will appear.

    Kind words are not laziness
    Repeat to us all day long.
    Galya looks neat
    Isn't that nice?
    How many times today Nastya
    Did you say “hello” to your friends?
    And our good man Alexey
    I thanked my friends for everything.
    Wonderful people
    Lives in kindergarten!

    Children, saying a kind word, draw rays of the sun on the interactive table.

    Well done, beautiful words made my soul warmer.
    - So, I invite you to a country called “I can do anything.” This is an unusual country, and getting into it is not so easy. Along the way we will have to complete difficult tasks, but I hope that we will not mind all the obstacles.

    Educational psychologist: First, we need to pave a path to the country “I can do anything”, a path not simple, but folded in a certain way. Each of you has a sample on the table, focusing on it, each lay out their own path .

    Children, focusing on the proposed sample, lay out a “path” of Nikitin’s cubes.

    Well done!

    “Magic” music sounds (Classic for kids - “The Magic Flute” by W.A. Mozart), the curtain opens. Children see painted houses presented on easels; each house has a castle hanging on it - a total of 3 houses and a vertical “Sensino”.

    Educational psychologist: Well, here we are in the land of “I can do anything!” Look how beautiful it is here! There are many wonderful houses here, but for some reason they are all locked... It seems that I am beginning to understand... The evil wizard Kodirovkin Castle has bewitched all the houses of this country. And in order to disenchant them, we need to cope with difficult tasks. Well, guys, let’s help the residents of the magical land “I can do anything”?
    Children: Yes!

    Educational psychologist: Then listen to the first task. I will describe the object, and you must guess what kind of object it is.

    Bright, multi-colored, watercolor (paints);
    - grey, timid, small (mouse);
    - round, sweet, juicy (apple);
    - red, cunning, fluffy (fox);
    - yellow, oval, sour (lemon);
    - brown, clubfooted, clumsy (bear);
    - green, juicy, long (cucumber);
    - yellow, maple, autumn (leaf);
    - fragile, transparent, glass (glass);
    - sharp, long, wooden (pencil).

    After each word guessed, the teacher shows a picture with this object.

    Well done! We managed to disenchant the house and completed the task!

    The teacher removes the lock from the house

    Educational psychologist: Let's go to the next house! To remove the lock from it, we need to go to the board. Look what beautiful toys are here.

    The game "What's missing?"

    Progress of the game. The teacher draws attention to the pictures depicted on the SMART board - toys (5-6 pcs.), asks the children to remember them. Then he invites the children to close their eyes and removes one toy. Children must name what is missing. Then the psychologist swaps the toys on the board, and the children name what has changed.

    Very attentive guys! We were able to remove the lock on this house too!

    Educational psychologist: The next house is unusual. He's like a tall tower (Game "Sensino"). And in order to cope with this castle, we need to find by touch the same object that this tower will indicate to us. If the roulette asked to find a dog, we must find the dog.

    Rules of the game:

    Magnetic chips are placed on the roulette magnets located in the center of the easel, and non-magnetic chips are laid out in “holes”. The player must find a pair for each magnetic chip in the holes by touch. The chip for which you need to find a pair by touch is determined using a tape measure.
    Several children search by touch for a given animal.

    Well done, you handled the task deftly and quickly!

    Educational psychologist: Oh, guys, do you hear someone crying? Look, an evil wizard separated the babies from their mothers. Let's quickly help them connect.

    Children on a transparent easel draw a marker along the dotted lines from the baby to the mother.

    Educational psychologist: Well, now everyone is calm and happy! And the last house is freed. And we can confidently praise ourselves. Let's quietly say the words “I”, “very”, “good”.

    Educational psychologist: Let's organize "I can do anything!" in honor of the liberation of the city! fireworks from the evil wizard.

    The children tear the paper into pieces for several minutes. After this, each child throws his pieces up - depicts his own fireworks, and the rest clap for him

    Educational psychologist: We have gone through difficult and interesting tests, and now we can confidently say to ourselves: “I can do anything!” The residents of this city decided to thank us and prepared gifts for us, which we must find ourselves.

    "Find a gift in the sand"

    Children go to the table with sand and find small glass balls in the sand that make wishes come true.

    Pleasant music is playing (Karunesh “Ocean”), the teacher-psychologist invites the children to take a comfortable position on the carpet, they can lie down and close their eyes.
    Relaxation exercise “Fairy Tale”. The psychologist speaks the words of the exercise in a quiet, calm voice.

    Educational psychologist:

    We will spread our arms, we are like birds.
    We close our eyes and we dream of a fairy tale...
    The ball will appear blue...
    And little Mishutka...
    The bright month is behind the mountain,
    And a scarlet flower...
    The petals are caressed by the wind,
    The flower sways a little...
    This is a fairy tale that children dream about...
    Children relax...
    Now the eyes have opened, the muscles are tense!
    Immediately you feel vigor and strength in the body!

    Our journey is coming to an end

    Ritual of farewell.

    Children pronounce words in chorus and perform movements:

    Let's hug you (hug by the shoulders)
    And we'll rise above the ground (hands up)
    Let's unite the warmth of hearts (hands on chest)
    And we will become one sun (hold hands)

    Educational psychologist: Goodbye, see you again!

    Used Books

    1. Sorokina L.I. Intellectual development children 4-5 years old. Practical lesson notes - M: Vlados, 2014 - 183 pp.+CD.
    2. Khukhlaeva O.V. Practical materials for working with children 3-9 years old. Psychological games, exercises, fairy tales - M.: Genesis, 2005. - 176 p.
    3. Chernetskaya L.V. Psychological games and trainings in kindergarten. - Rostov-on-Don, 2005.


    • promote the child’s awareness of his positive qualities; self-expression, improve the ability to speak in front of a group;
    • teach children to understand themselves, their desires, feelings, positive traits;
    • develop self-awareness;
    • develop verbal and non-verbal communication;
    • develop creative skills, logical thinking, attention, memory;
    • train fine motor skills of the hands;
    • build relationships of trust and the ability to cooperate;
    • relieve physical and emotional stress.


    • musical accompaniment “Magic Road”, “Mysterious Dream”;
    • colored sand;
    • White paper A3 format (according to the number of children);
    • decorative elements: beads, pebbles, buttons, shells;
    • colored pencils and markers;
    • paper (according to the number of children);
    • magic chair.


    Game - greeting “I’m like this today...”

    (source – G.B. Monina, E.K. Lyutova-Roberts “Greeting games for a good mood.” - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2011)

    Participants stand in a circle. Everyone takes turns saying: “Hello. This is how I am today” – and non-verbally shows his state. The rest of the listeners say: “Hello,” they say the name of the driver. Then everyone together repeats the name of the player greeting them and says: “Igor is like this today” - while trying to copy his gestures and facial expressions as accurately as possible. The game continues until all listeners have taken part. At the end, everyone joins hands and says in unison: “Hello EVERYONE!”

    Task “My unusual name”

    Educational psychologist: Guys, each of us has a name, it is what distinguishes us from other people. Let us now say our names, but not just like that, but in an extraordinary way... I will give you the ball, and you will say your names in a circle, passing it to each other... Children say their names as they pass the ball to each other. Well done! Guys, it also happens that we meet a person with the same name as ours and this is not surprising... What to do in this case? Children's answers. Of course, the most important thing is not to get upset. We can help ourselves with this... But how? Children's answers. That's right, make your name unusual. To begin with, you and I will try to modify our names, for example, you can shorten your name, or make it affectionate, or even call yourself some other pleasant word... I will pass you the ball, and you go around in a circle, passing it to each other , you will pronounce your modified names... Children say their invented modified names, passing the ball to each other. Well done!

    And now we will try to draw our names and make them the most unusual...

    Exercise-game “Drawing your unusual name with colored sand”

    Educational psychologist: Guys, do you like to draw? Children's answers. I suggest you draw in an unusual way: on colored sand with fingers, hands. Let's draw our beautiful and unusual names on the sand, and then decorate them with magical objects: beads, pebbles, buttons, shells. Do you agree? Children's answers. Come up with your own image of your name. Children draw their names on A3 paper with colored sand to the musical accompaniment of “The Magic Road” and decorate them with decorative elements. Amazing! What beautiful and unusual names you have! Look at your friends' names, do you like them? Children's answers. I like very much! Well done!

    And now we will play one very interesting and magical game...

    Game “Magic Chair”

    One of the children is invited to the “magic chair”: as soon as he sits down, all his advantages are “highlighted” and become obvious; the rest of the guys talk about what their eyes see: they name their qualities (smart, kind, attentive); give behavioral characteristics (he always helps, you can turn to him with a request); talk about external advantages (for example: beautiful hair, eyes).

    Every child should sit on a chair. Children play a game. After all the children have sat on the “magic chair,” discuss with them:

    • what they felt when they sat on the “magic chair”;
    • whether they liked hearing pleasant words and compliments addressed to them.

    Finger gymnastics “My funny fingers”

    My fingers will tell, ( Raise your arms up and turn your palms inward
    Everyone can do it, everyone will show it. and out, then clap your hands).
    Five of them on my hand.
    They can do everything
    They will always help.
    They play the pipe (Next imitate the movements corresponding
    The ball is thrown content of the text).
    Linen is washed
    The floor is being swept
    They think
    They pinch, caress,
    My fingers on my hand.

    Visualization “Magic Flower”

    (source - N.Yu. Kurazheva, N.V. Varaeva, A.S. Tuzaeva, I.A. Kozlova “The Seven-Flower Flower.” Program for the intellectual, emotional and volitional development of children 5 - 6 years old. - St. Petersburg: Speech ; M.: Sfera, 2011)

    Educational psychologist: Guys, I want to take you on a journey into fantasy land, during which I will show you how you can create pleasant sensations in yourself. So, let's begin...

    Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Children, accompanied by the musical accompaniment of “Mysterious Dream,” sit comfortably on soft sofa, soft chairs or carpet. Take three deep breaths in and out...

    Now imagine some flower, bush or tree with beautiful buds. Choose any plant whose flowers you like... Carefully examine it, its leaves, flowers and buds that have not yet blossomed...

    Now imagine that you are one of these unopened buds. Look at the dense shell around you, try to feel how you want this shell to open and you would stretch towards the warm sunlight...

    And now you can imagine how your buds are gradually opening. Try to feel the aroma of this flower... Consider the color of its petals... See how brightly they shine... If you want, you can watch how children and adults pass by and admire such beautiful flowers... Hear them say: “ Which beautiful flower! I like him so much! Admire this flower too, repeating to yourself: “I want to remember it very well. I want my life to become as beautiful and bright.” Do you feel how nice it is to look at this flower? Take that pleasant feeling and place it somewhere in your body. For example, you can inhale this feeling and place it in the solar plexus area....

    Now stretch, relax, open your eyes and return to my office cheerful and rested.

    Guys, do you remember your beautiful and unusual flowers? Children's answers. Then I I suggest you draw them.

    Exercise “Drawing a magic tree”

    Educational psychologist: Let's draw magical and extraordinary trees on which all those beautiful flowers and buds that you were will grow. Do you agree? Children's answers. Then let's begin... Children draw with colored pencils and felt-tip pens to the musical accompaniment of “Mysterious Dream.” Amazing! What extraordinary trees and flowers you have! Look at your friends' drawings, do you like them? Children's answers. I like very much! Well done!

    Exercise “Unusual farewell”

    Now each of you will take turns going to the center of the circle and saying goodbye to us in some unusual way. We will all repeat his actions as we say goodbye to him.

    List of used literature

    1. Kurazheva N.Yu., Varaeva N.V., Tuzaeva A.S., Kozlova I.A. “Seven-flowered flower.” Program for the intellectual, emotional and volitional development of children 5-6 years old. - St. Petersburg: Speech; M.: Sfera, 2011.

    2. Monina G.B., E.K. Lyutova-Roberts E.K. “Greeting games for a good mood.” - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2011.

    I.L. Artsishevskaya





    Recently, parents, educators and teachers are increasingly encountering children whose physical activity goes beyond the idea of ​​a simply active child. Most children preschool age They are distinguished by mobility, impulsiveness, spontaneity and emotionality, but at the same time they can listen carefully to an adult and follow his instructions.

    It is difficult to establish contact with hyperactive children simply because they are in constant motion: they do not walk, but run, do not sit, but fidget, do not stand, but spin or climb somewhere, do not laugh, but laugh, get down to business or run away without hearing the task to the end. Their attention is distracted, their eyes wander, it is difficult to catch their gaze.

    Parents complain that the child does not give them peace - he constantly interferes in the conversations of adults, something always happens to him, and in order to achieve obedience, he has to raise his voice, but comments and punishments do not bring results.

    During collective classes, such children often jump out of their seats, do not understand what the teacher or educator wants from them, and cannot complete tasks to the end. A hyperactive child receives the most comments, shouting, and “negative attention”; he interferes with other children and usually ends up among the “outcasts.” Claiming leadership, these children do not know how to subordinate their behavior to rules or give in to others and, as a result, cause numerous conflicts in the children's team,

    Hyperactive behavior begins to appear in most cases after four years of age and continues until adolescence. However, some people mature age continue to retain features of hyperactivity: excessive mobility, fussiness, impulsiveness, emotionality and talkativeness Most difficult period The life of hyperactive children is associated with entering school. Despite the fact that after seven years children become more diligent, problems continue, and the so-called “attention deficit” comes to the fore. Students with hyperactivity find it difficult to focus and maintain attention on one thing, it is difficult to remember and follow the teacher’s instructions without being distracted by extraneous stimuli.

    For several decades, both in our country and abroad, biochemical studies of the brain function of such children were carried out, as a result of which a decrease in metabolic activity was identified in the frontal and middle lobes of the brain, that is, in those areas that are responsible for the control of behavior. Thus, one should not blame the child for the lack of desire or volitional efforts (“he can, but he doesn’t want!”); it is necessary to understand that the problems associated with his education and upbringing are the result of altered biochemical activity of brain structures (“he wants, tries, but he can’t!”).

    In domestic medicine, children with insufficient maturity of certain areas of the brain are diagnosed with “minimal cerebral dysfunction” (MCD) and associate it with certain “harm” experienced by the fetus during the mother’s pregnancy and childbirth. Children with MMD are less resistant to stress, they have reduced mental performance, motor clumsiness, increased fatigue, and excessive sensitivity; Boys may experience hyperactivity, aggressiveness, and stubbornness.

    Scientists' observations have shown that MMD is more often accompanied by a decrease in attention and mental performance, and only some children are characterized by hyperactivity. However, hyperactive children always suffer from attention deficit. IN last years In such cases, specialists diagnose “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” (ADHD). In 1997-1999 this syndrome was identified in every fifth preschooler in central Russia (according to I.P. Bryazgunov).

    What help can psychologists provide in identifying attention disorders combined with hyperactivity in children?

    Firstly, it is necessary to advise parents to take the child for a consultation with a neuropsychiatrist to make an accurate diagnosis and differentiate ADHD from a number of conditions and diseases in which similar external manifestations are observed.

    Secondly, it is necessary to explain to teachers that a hyperactive child is not “harmful” or “bad”, it is just more difficult for him than other children to restrain his physical activity, it is not his fault. When communicating with a hyperactive child, the teacher should try to follow the following rules:

    • do not “notice” minor pranks, restrain your irritation and do not shout at the child, as noise increases excitement;

    • If necessary, use positive physical contact: take the child by the hand, pat him on the head, hold him close;

    • during classes, sit at the first desk to reduce distractions;

    • in the middle of the lesson, give the opportunity to move: ask to lift something, bring something, offer to wipe the board, etc.

    • Praise for every manifestation of restraint, self-control, openly show your delight if he has completed something.
    When holding meetings with parents of children suffering from ADHD, the psychologist should popularly describe the causes and signs of the syndrome and convince parents that only persistent, consistent and special educational techniques can smooth out the manifestations of this condition. The psychologist invites parents to familiarize themselves with the list of signs of ADHD (see Appendix) and note those that manifest themselves in the child’s behavior. This will help parents understand that they are not alone in their “struggle”, that they have special children - active, inquisitive, creative - who need to be helped to master their own behavior. The psychologist needs to set up parents for long-term work with the child, sometimes right up to adolescence, and give each “Recommendations for parents of hyperactive children” (see Appendix). After this meeting, parents should come to the conclusion that consistent and calm teaching of the child to work attentively and to restrain his impulsive desires and reactions is the main therapeutic and educational task, which will ultimately lead to success.

    Kindergarten psychologists can contribute to the education of hyperactive children. In their arsenal there are enough games aimed at developing voluntary processes and attention. No less important factor- the collectivity of games, their competitive nature, which creates additional motivation for children to master their behavior.


    The course, consisting of 16 correctional lessons, is intended for children of senior preschool age.

    The number of children attending classes is 5-8 people.

    The reasons for enrolling a child in a correctional group are: a doctor’s diagnosis, a psychologist’s conclusion, observations and reviews of educators, and the wishes of parents.

    Part correctional group In addition to hyperactive ones, there may be insecure, impulsive and inattentive children, as well as one balanced child. The latter serves as an example to follow (but without excessively praising him for exemplary behavior). Unconfident, fearful children are given the opportunity to be more active, and at the same time their safety is protected by rules that are mandatory for all group members.

    Before starting the main course of classes, it is advisable to carry out individual work with hyperactive children aimed at developing attention or impulse control.

    Group classes can be held both in the morning and in the afternoon.

    The duration of the lesson is 30 minutes.

    Each of the correctional classes includes games to develop attention, control impulses and control motor activity, psycho-gymnastic and body-oriented exercises. (The need to introduce the latter is explained by the fact that, according to the observations of doctors and psychologists, hyperactive children not only poorly control their behavior, but also have poor control over their own body and do not feel enough about body parts.)

    At the beginning of each stage of the lesson, the recommended duration of its completion is given.

    It is better to conduct classes in the music room - it is quite spacious, there is carpeting and at the same time there are few distractions.

    For better organization The group is introduced into and out of the hall in the form of a game of “Train”: children line up in a column one after another. The first of the children is a “train”, the rest are “cars”. Children put their hands on the shoulders of those in front - “the carriages are coupled”, and, making the sounds “Too-too”, the “train enters” or “leaves” the hall.

    Psychocorrectional work requires a long time and, of course, more classes. This complex should be considered as indicative, from individual parts of which additional lessons can be compiled. Children enjoy playing the same games over and over again, and the benefit of the proposed games is that they allow them to train underdeveloped mental functions.



    LESSON 1


    • establishing relationships between the psychologist and the group and between children;

    • development of coordination of movements;

    • development of emotional and expressive movements.
    Materials for the lesson: medium sized ball.

    1. Exercises from "Yoga gymnastics for kids" (see Appendix) (2-3 min).

    2. Exercise “Walk in the forest” (7 min).
    A psychologist invites children to take a walk in an imaginary forest. Children repeat the movements of the psychologist: they walk quietly, on tiptoe, so as not to wake up the bear, step over dead wood, move sideways along a narrow path around which nettles grow, carefully step on a rickety bridge spanning a stream, jump over hummocks in a swamp, bend down to collect mushrooms and flowers, reaching up for nuts, etc.

    You can ask children what mushrooms, flowers, trees, etc. they know.

    “The Stone and the Traveler” (5 min).

    The psychologist says that after a walk you need to rest. Invites some of the children to become “stones”, and others to become “travelers”. Children who represent stones sink to the floor, clasp their knees with their hands and sit motionless, tense. Each of the “travelers” sits down, leaning his back on the back of a child representing a stone. Then the children change roles.

    At the end of the exercise, the psychologist asks the children: what kind of “stones” were they - comfortable or uncomfortable, hard or soft?

    4. Game “Be careful! (5 minutes).

    Children stand in a circle. The psychologist takes the ball and enters the center of the circle. He calls the children's names and throws the ball. The child, having heard his name, must catch the ball and throw it back.

    5. Exercise “Pass the movement” (5 min).

    Children stand in a circle and, at a signal from the psychologist, pretend to pass each other a large ball, a heavy weight, a hot pancake, a flower, etc.

    The exercise is performed silently.

    6. Final stage (3-5 min).

    LESSON 2


    • development of volition and self-control;

    • development of attention, observation and imagination;

    Materials for the lesson: record player; a cassette with a recording of calm music; easel (stand); board and chalk (sheet of Whatman paper and markers); stick (length - 30 cm).

    1. Exercises from "Yoga gymnasticsForkids"(see Appendix) (2-3 min).

    2. A game “Depict the phenomenon”(8 min).
    The psychologist and the children list the signs of autumn: the wind blows, trees sway, leaves fall, it rains, puddles form.

    The psychologist shows movements that correspond to these phenomena:

    “The wind is blowing” - blowing, lips stretched out.

    “The trees are swaying” - swaying with his arms outstretched.

    “Leaves are falling” - performs smooth movements with his hands from top to bottom.

    “It’s raining” - performs small movements with his hands from top to bottom.

    “Puddles appear” - he closes his hands in a ring in front of him.

    When the children remember the movements shown, the rules of the game are explained: while the music is playing, the children run and dance; as soon as the music stops, the children stop and listen to what phenomenon the psychologist will name. Children must perform movements that correspond to this phenomenon.

    3. Game "Planes" (2-3 min).

    Children squat far from each other - “airplanes at the airfield.” Psychologist says:

    -The planes buzzed, buzzed, buzzed, rose and flew.

    The children hum quietly at first, then louder, get up and begin to run around the hall, spreading their arms to the sides.

    -They flew, flew and landed.

    Children squat down and wait for the psychologist’s command. This is done several times. At the end of the game “planes fly to the sea” - children sit on chairs or lie down on the carpet so as not to touch each other.

    4. Exercise "Annoying Fly" (2 min).

    Psychologist says:

    -Imagine that you are lying on the beach, the sun is warming you, you don’t want to move. Suddenly a fly flew in and landed on my forehead. To shoo away a fly, wiggle your eyebrows. The fly circles near your eyes - blink them, flies from cheek to cheek - inflate each cheek in turn, sits on your chin - move your jaw, etc.

    1. Exercise "One two Three- speak!” (10-12 min).
    Children sit on chairs. In front of them is an easel on which a small board is installed (or a large sheet of thick paper is attached). The psychologist draws a seashore, waves, seagulls, and a steamboat. Then he calls one of the children and in a whisper invites him to add an addition to the drawing (depict a cloud, a boat, a pebble on the shore, another bird, etc.). The easel is turned over, the called child follows the instructions, and the drawing is again shown to the children. The psychologist asks the children to determine which new part appeared in the picture, and name it, but only after the command sounds: “One, two, three - speak!”

    The picture is completed one by one by all the children.

    1. Exercise "One Big Animal"(2 minutes).
    Children and a psychologist stand in a circle and join hands.
    Psychologist says:

    - Imagine that we are one big animal. Let's all breathe together: step forward - inhale, step back - exhale.

    The exercise is repeated 3 times.

    7. Final stage(2-3 min).

    LESSON 3


    • development of volition and self-control;

    • development of attention and imagination;

    • relieving psycho-emotional stress;

    • development of emotional and expressive movements;

    • development and improvement of communication skills.
    Materials for the lesson: three to four medium sized cubes.

    1. Game "Forbidden Movement"(5 minutes).

    The children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist. Psychologist says:

    - I will show various movements. You will repeat all movements except one.

    First, the psychologist shows different movements (for example, arms up, to the sides, etc.). Children repeat them.

    The psychologist then names and shows a “forbidden” movement (for example, jumping) that the children should not repeat. The signal is given to start the game. Children repeat all the movements of the psychologist, except for the “forbidden” ones.

    Mistakes usually cause strong emotional reactions and laughter, but children should not be taken out of the game.

    2. Game "Zoo"(8-10 min).

    Psychologist says:

    - Now try to depict the movements of various animals. If I clap my hands once - jump like bunnies, clap twice - waddle like bears, clap three times - “turn” into storks who can stand on one leg for a long time. Let's start the game.

    3. Exercise “I’m carrying the cube and won’t drop it”(10 min).
    Two rows of chairs are placed at a distance of 5-6 meters from each other (according to the number of children).

    Children are divided into two teams. Each team occupies a row of chairs.

    The psychologist places cubes on the palms of the children included in one of the teams. Children must march like robots, bring the blocks, pass them to the members of the other team and return to their place. Children who received cubes perform the same actions.

    If the children cope with the task easily, the cube is placed on back side palms or on the head. The nature of the movements changes - children must move smoothly.

    4. Exercise "Humpty Dumpty"(2-3 min).

    Children stand in a circle at a distance arm's length from each other and turn the body to the right and left. The arms dangle freely along the body.

    The psychologist says:

    - Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,
    Humpty Dumpty fell in his sleep.
    Children crouch or fall on the carpet.

    5. The final stage(2-3 min).

    Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. The psychologist asks the children to say which task was the most difficult today. Children, passing the cube to each other, take turns expressing their opinions.

    LESSON 4


    • development of volition and self-control;

    • development of attention and imagination;

    • development of movement coordination;

    • relieving psycho-emotional stress;

    • development of emotional and expressive movements;

    • developing group cohesion and children's trust in each other.
    Materials for the lesson: ball.

    1. Exercise “We’ll tell you and show you”(3 min).
    Bend the fingers of the right hand one by one.

    They clap their hands rhythmically.

    Clasp both elbows with your palms.

    Place your hands on your shoulders.

    Perform tilts to the right and left.

    Bend forward and touch your knees.

    Bend the fingers of the left hand one by one.

    They clap their hands rhythmically.

    Children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist and repeat his words and movements.

    One two three four five!

    We can show you everything!
    These are elbows - let's touch them.
    To the right, to the left we will swing.
    These are the shoulders - let's touch them.
    To the right, to the left we will swing.

    If we move forward,

    Then we will touch our knees.

    One two three four five!

    We can show you everything!

    2. Game "Pass the ball"(8-10 min).

    Children stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other with their eyes closed.

    You can modify the game: the psychologist closes his eyes, and the children (with with open eyes) silently pass the ball to each other. As soon as the psychologist says “Stop!”, the ball remains in the hands of one of the children. The psychologist, without opening his eyes, tries to guess who has the ball.

    3. Body-oriented exercise "Pump and Ball"(5 minutes).

    The psychologist invites the children to split into pairs. One of the children represents a ball, the other a pump. Each child performs movements in accordance with the assigned role.

    “Ball deflated” - the child is squatting.

    “The pump inflates the ball” - the child makes appropriate movements with his hands, accompanying them with the sounds “Ssss...”.

    “The ball is getting bigger” - the child gradually stands up, puffs out his cheeks, and raises his arms up.

    “The pump stops working” - the child pretends to pull out the hose.

    “The ball is deflating again” - the child slowly sits down, releases air from his cheeks, and lowers his arms.

    The exercise is repeated several times, then the children change roles.

    4. Game "A Engine with a Name".

    Children sit on chairs located near the wall in one row. The child who will be the first to portray a train is chosen using a counting rhyme.

    “The little train sets off” - the child gets up from the chair and slowly runs in a circle, alternately working with his arms bent at the elbows and saying: “Chuh-chukh-chukh.” Having made a circle, the “train” stops near one of the children and says his name.

    The child named by name becomes the “train” and stands in front, and the first child becomes the “car”. Now the two of them “ride” in a circle with the words “Guh-guh-guh” and, “driving up” to the children, choose a new “train”.

    The game ends after the last of the children portrays a “train”.

    Children repeat the name of the child who represents the “train” while he runs in a circle. If necessary, the psychologist asks the “train” to move more slowly so that the “cars” do not become unhooked.

    "Clowns"(2-3 min).

    Children stand in a circle and raise their hands up. At the psychologist’s command, the following movements are performed sequentially:

    the hands fall down;

    arms bend at the elbows;

    hands relax and fall down;

    the torso bends, the head drops down;

    knees bend, children squat.

    6. The final stage(3 min).

    Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. The psychologist asks the children to say which exercise they liked. Children, passing the ball to each other, take turns sharing their impressions.

    LESSON 5


    • development of volition and self-control;

    • development of attention and memory;

    • development of thinking and imagination;

    • development of emotional and expressive movements;

    • relieving psycho-emotional stress;

    • development and improvement of communication skills.
    Materials for the lesson: sheets of thick paper and markers.

    1. Game “Space Travel” (10 min).
    Children stand near chairs located along the wall in one row

    Psychologist says:

    -Imagine that you have turned into astronauts, and the chairs have turned into a rocket. You are about to go on a journey to another planet. Put on your spacesuits.

    Children pretend to put on spacesuits.

    -The spacesuits are on. The astronaut crew takes a lap of honor before boarding the rocket.

    Children, walking one after another, go around the hall.

    The psychologist reminds them that they are wearing large spacesuits, so they need to walk slowly, with their legs spread wide.

    - The astronauts take their seats in the rocket.

    Children sit on chairs.

    -Attention! There are 5 seconds left before the start. The countdown begins: “Five, four, three, two, one, start!”

    Children imitate the sound of engines.

    As the game progresses, you can invite children to “experience overloads (lean back, press against the back of a chair, strain their arms and legs) and pretend to be a person in weightlessness (stand up from chairs, perform slow, smooth movements).

    -General readiness is announced. Before you is an unknown planet. The rocket is landing.

    Children pretend to wear seat belts. They put their hands on their knees, tilt their heads back, and tense their body muscles.

    - Congratulations. The landing was successful.
    Children relax their muscles.

    -Now you will land on an unfamiliar planet. Be careful. You have to tell all the inhabitants of the Earth about what you see.

    Children get up from their chairs, legs spread wide apart, walk around the hall, carefully looking around.

    -Attention! This is the command post speaking. All astronauts need to return to the spacecraft.

    Children sit on chairs.

    -Stay focused, you will soon be in contact with the Earth.

    Children lower their heads and close their eyes.

    2. Exercise "Interview"(2-3 min).

    Psychologist says:

    • The earth is connected. You have to answer questions from journalists. Answer in chorus, but remember that the Earth is very far away, the sound will not arrive immediately, but after 3 seconds, so you need to speak only after counting “One, two, three.” Is everyone ready? Let's start!

    • Are the astronauts healthy? One two Three!

    • Are there people on the planet?

    • What color is the sky?

    • Is there water?

    • Are there any animals?

    • Do you want to go home?
    You can come up with any questions related to the description of the hall.

    3. Exercise Rostock (2-3 min).

    Psychologist says:

    -Now imagine that you planted trees on the planet. Show how they will grow.

    Children get up from their chairs and squat down.

    The exercise is repeated several times. At the end, the psychologist asks what trees each child planted.

    4. Exercise "Swimmers"(2-3 min).

    Psychologist says:

    - It's time to head back.

    Children sit on chairs and imitate the sound of engines.

    - The rocket is approaching the Earth. Let's sit down. What happened? We didn't land, but splashed down. The rocket ended up in the sea. You'll have to get out of it and swim to the shore.

    Children get up from their chairs and, imitating the movements of swimmers, run around the hall and sit down.

    5. Drawing on a given topic(10-12 min).

    Children are given sheets of thick paper and markers.

    - Imagine and draw what each of you could (would like) to see while traveling on an unfamiliar planet.

    Children complete the task.

    LESSON 6


    • development of volition and self-control;

    • development of attention, observation and memory;

    • relieving psycho-emotional stress;

    • development and improvement of communication skills.
    Materials for the lesson: red, yellow and green circles; screen; stick (length - 30 cm).

    1. Outdoor game "Traffic light"(5 minutes).

    Children put their hands on each other's shoulders, walk around the hall and honk, pretending to be a bus. The psychologist, depicting a traffic light, shows the “bus” circles of different colors. When a red circle is shown, children must stop, a yellow circle must “beep” and march in place, and a green circle must continue moving.

    - And now each of you will be the driver of your own car. Pay close attention to traffic lights and follow the rules traffic.

    Children, pretending to be motorists, move around the hall and follow the traffic lights.

    For violating traffic rules, you can “park the car” - put the child in a chair.

    2. Game "Attentive Eyes"(5-7 min).

    Psychologist says:

    -You drove and drove and arrived at school. Let's see how attentive you are, how well you know each other.

    The psychologist invites one of the children to hide behind a screen or curtain. The rest of the children take turns answering questions: what kind of hair, eyes, trousers or dress he has, etc.

    The exercise is repeated several times.

    3. Exercise "Did you knownumbers?"(2-3 min).
    Psychologist says:

    -Well done, you are all very attentive. Now let's see if you know the numbers. You need to answer in unison, but only after my command.

    The psychologist draws a number in the air, and after a while gives the command: “Speak!” The children answer in unison.

    4. Exercise “We’ll tell you andWe'll show you."

    Psychologist says:

    -The break has begun. Stand near the chairs, listen carefully to the poem and perform the movements it says.

    Let's walk happily together
    And we raise our knees.
    We'll clench our fingers into a fist
    And we'll take it behind your back.
    Hands to the sides, forward
    And turn right.
    Hands to the sides and down
    And turn left.

    Children, having performed the movements mentioned in the text, sit on chairs.

    5. Exercise "You knowwhetherare you letters?(2-3 min).
    (The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one - see point 3.)

    6. Exercise “Who is behind whom?”(5-7 min).

    Psychologist says:

    - You are very attentive, you know the letters, you know the numbers, now let's see how you remember.

    The children are lined up one after another, and one child is asked to leave the line and look carefully at the children. Then he turns away and, remembering who is behind whom, reproduces the names of the children in order.

    You can invite the children to change places,

    and the driver should arrange everyone as before.

    7. Body-oriented exercise "Barbell"(3 min).

    The psychologist invites children to attend a physical education lesson and imagine that they are lifting a heavy barbell. Children spread their legs wide and tense them. Bend forward and clench your hands into fists. Slowly straighten up, bending your tense arms at the elbows, jerk up an imaginary barbell, then lower it down and relax the muscles.

    8. The final stage(2-3 min).

    Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. The psychologist asks the children to say which task was the most difficult today. Children, passing a “magic wand” to each other, take turns expressing their opinions.

    LESSON 7


    • development of attention and voluntary behavior;

    • prevention of fears;

    • development of orientation in space and tactile sensations;

    • development of speech and imagination;

    • development of emotional and expressive movements;

    • relieving emotional stress;

    • development and improvement of communication skills.
    Materials for the lesson: scarf; a cloth bag and 7-8 small toys; ball.

    1. Game "Blind Man's Bluff"(8-10 min).

    Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected. The psychologist blindfolds him with a scarf. The driver's task is to catch one of the players. The caught child becomes the new driver, and the game continues.

    Every child should play the role of a driver. If the player is “caught” for the second time, he is offered to sit on a chair, and a psychologist chooses a new driver.

    2. Exercise "Stretch"(2 minutes).

    Children gather in a circle, squat down and close their eyes.

    Psychologist says:

    - So we woke up and stretched sweetly.

    Children open their eyes, slowly stand up, stretch their arms forward, then raise them up, take them behind their heads and rise on their tiptoes.

    -They stretched sweetly and smiled at each other.

    Children stand on their feet and lower their arms down. The exercise is repeated several times.

    3. Exercise "Lemon" ( 2 minutes).

    The psychologist asks the children to imagine that in their right hand they have a lemon from which they need to squeeze the juice. Children squeeze their right hand into a fist as hard as possible, then relax it.

    A similar exercise is performed with the left hand, then the children sit on chairs.

    4. Exercise "Magic bag"(5 minutes).

    Children look at 7-8 small toys. The psychologist, unnoticed by the children, puts one of the toys in a cloth bag and says:

    - Touch the bag and guess what is in it.

    Children take turns feeling the toy in the bag and expressing their guesses. The psychologist takes out the toy and shows it to the children. The game is played several times.

    5. Exercise “Describe the toy”(10 min).

    The psychologist puts all the toys in a bag. Each child takes turns going to the bag, taking out one of the toys and writing a description story about it.

    If difficulties arise, you can ask children questions: “What is the toy made of?”, “What color is it?”, “What is it made of (what does it have)?”, “How can you play with it?”

    6. The final stage(2-3 min).

    Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. The psychologist asks the children to say which exercise they liked. Children, passing the ball to each other, take turns sharing their impressions.

    LESSON 8


    • development of volition and self-control;

    • development of attention and observation;

    • developing trust in others;

    • development of orientation in space;

    • development of emotional and expressive movements;

    • relieving psycho-emotional stress;

    • development and improvement of communication skills.
    Materials for the lesson: scarf; easel (stand); board and chalk (sheet of Whatman paper and markers); pointer.

    1. Body-oriented exercise "The Blind and the Guide"(10 min).

    The psychologist places several chairs around the room and divides the children into pairs.

    One of the children in the pair will play the role of a blind person, the other - a guide.

    The “blind” is blindfolded, the “guide” takes him by the hand and leads him around the hall, going around the chairs.

    Then the children change roles.

    The other children (“spectators”) watch the couple.

    After each child has played different roles, you can ask: “Who did you like being a “guide” or a “blind person” more? Why?"

    2. Game "It flies - it doesn't fly"(3-5 min).

    Everyone stands in a circle. The psychologist names different objects. Children should raise their hands up only when the psychologist says the name of an object that can fly.

    The psychologist, provoking the children, raises his hands up as he pronounces each word.

    3. Joint human drawing and play " What changed?"(10-12 min).

    Children sit on chairs. In front of them is an easel on which a small board is installed (or a large sheet of thick paper is attached).

    A psychologist draws a man's head. Then the children take turns approaching the easel, whispering the name of the part of the body that needs to be completed (neck, shoulders, etc.), and completing the drawing.

    At the end of the joint drawing, the easel is turned over, the psychologist adds some detail to the drawing and again shows the image to the children.

    Children should “take water into their mouths” and remain silent. The psychologist gives a pointer to a child sitting quietly, who comes up to the board and shows the detail that has appeared.

    Additions to the drawing are made several times.

    4. Body-oriented exercise "Snowman"(3-5 min).

    The psychologist invites the children to stand in the pose of the person they have drawn and says:

    -Our little man cannot speak and cannot move. Imagine that he found himself outside in winter, snow fell and fell on him, and soon the drawn little man turned into a snowman. Let's try to draw a snowman.

    Children spread their tense arms to the sides, puff out their cheeks, make a sad face and stand motionless in place.

    -Our snowman stood like that all winter, but then spring came, the sun warmed up, and the snow began to melt.

    Children gradually relax, lower their arms, “go limp, expose their faces to the sun” and squat down. The exercise is repeated 3 times.

    5. Final stage(1-2 min).

    At the end of the exercise, the psychologist says:

    -This one is a little sad story ended very well. Under the gentle rays of the sun, the snowman melted and turned into a cheerful stream. The stream gurgled loudly and set off on its way. Along the way, a kind stream gave water to the flowers and herbs. Soon he reached a large river, poured into it and set off on a long amazing journey.

    LESSON 9


    • development of volition and self-control;

    • development of attention and coordination of movements;

    • relieving psycho-emotional stress;

    • development of emotional and expressive movements;

    • development and improvement of communication skills.
    Materials for the lesson: red, blue and yellow squares; long ribbon or rope.

    1. A game "Screaminglks- whisperers - silencers"(5 minutes).
    Psychologist says:

    -Guys, pay close attention to the squares that I will show. If you see a red square, you can jump, run and scream, if it’s yellow, you can only whisper, and if it’s blue, you need to freeze in place and be silent.

    The psychologist shows the squares, the children follow the instructions.

    2. Exercise "Sun Ray"(3 min).

    Children squat down and close their eyes. Psychologist says:

    -We played and played and got a little tired. They sat down to rest and dozed off. But here's a ray of sunshine:

    touched your eyes - open your eyes;

    touched your forehead - move your eyebrows;

    touched your nose - wrinkle your nose;

    touched your lips - move your lips;

    touched your chin - move your jaw;

    touched your shoulders - raise and lower your shoulders;

    touched your hands - shake your hands;

    touched your legs - lie on your back and bounce your legs.

    A ray of sunshine played with you and disappeared - get up, guys.

    3. Game "Who will jump into the circle first"(5-7 min).

    Using tape or rope, a large circle is laid out on the floor. Children stand along the outer perimeter of the circle. Psychologist says:

    -When you hear the word "home", quickly jump into a circle.

    The psychologist says different words. Children wait for him to say a word that serves as a signal to jump.

    After several plays, the signal word changes.

    4. Game "Do not rush"(5-7 min).

    Children sit on chairs. A chair is placed at a distance of 5-6 steps from them. Children take turns approaching (do not run up!) to the chair, go around it and, slowly, return to their place.

    After everyone goes around the chair, they are given the task of walking backwards.

    1. Body-oriented exercise "Clowns"(see Lesson 4) (3 min).

    2. The final stage(3 min).
    Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. The psychologist asks the children to say which exercise they liked. Children, passing a yellow square to each other, take turns sharing their impressions.

    LESSON 10


    • development of volition and self-control;

    • development of attention and imagination;

    • development of emotional and expressive movements;

    • relieving psycho-emotional stress;

    • satisfaction of the need for recognition;

    • development and improvement of communication skills.
    Materials for the lesson: record player; a cassette with a recording of calm music; stick (length - 30 cm).

    1. Exercise "Let's say hello"(5 minutes).

    Calm music is playing, children are walking around the hall. If the psychologist claps his hands once, the children shake hands, if twice - with their shoulders, if three times - with their backs.

    2. Game "Ocean is shaking"(5 minutes).

    Children run around the hall, depicting the movements of waves with their hands. Psychologist says:

    - The sea is worried once, the sea is worried twice, the sea is worried three times, the sea figure - freeze!

    Children must stop and maintain the position they were in before the “Freeze” command was sounded.

    The psychologist walks around the hall, examines the “sea figures”, praises each child for the unusualness or beauty of the figure, for immobility, etc.

    3. Body-oriented exercise "Plasticine doll"(5-7 min).

    The psychologist divides the children into pairs. One of the children in the pair will play the role of sculpture, the other - plasticine. The “sculptor” must sculpt the “doll”, giving the “plasticine” a certain pose. “Plasticine” should be soft and pliable.

    After each child plays different roles, the psychologist asks: “Who did you like being more: a sculptor or a plasticine doll? Why? Was it comfortable for the doll to be in the pose that the sculptor came up with for it? Why?" etc.

    4. Outdoor game "Needle and thread"(5-7 min).

    One of the children becomes the leader - the “needle”, and all the rest - the “thread”. The child, acting as a needle, runs around the hall, changing direction, and all the other children run after him.

    The leader changes, the game repeats. Every child should experience the role of a needle.

    1. Exercise "Humpty Dumpty" ( see Lesson 3) (2-3 min).

    2. The final stage(2-3 min).
    Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. The psychologist asks the children to say which task was the most difficult today. Children, passing a “magic wand” to each other, take turns expressing their opinions.

    LESSON 11


    • development of attention and self-control;

    • development of memory and imagination;

    • development of emotional and expressive movements;

    • relieving psycho-emotional stress;

    • development and improvement of communication skills.
    Materials for the lesson: easel (supply); board and chalk (sheets of whatman paper and felt-tip pens); pointer.

    1. Game “Arrange posts!”(4 min).

    Children line up in a column.

    The psychologist playing the role of commander stands in front. The column begins to move around the hall. When the psychologist claps his hands, the child walking last must stop. So the “commander” arranges all the children in the order he has planned (ruler, circle, square, etc.). One of the children can act as a commander.

    2. Game "What changed"(10 min).

    Children sit on chairs.

    Psychologist says:

    - We arrived in the winter forest. Be careful and try to remember everything you see.

    The psychologist places in front of the children an easel on which a small board is installed (or a large sheet of thick paper is attached). Drifts, spruce trees, bare trees, clouds are drawn on the board (sheet).

    Children look at the picture, then the psychologist turns the easel over and adds some detail to the image: a bird, a butterfly, a flower, a snowdrift, a mushroom. The drawing is again shown to the children.

    Children should “take water into their mouths” and remain silent. The psychologist gives a pointer to a child sitting quietly, who approaches the board, shows an object that has appeared and answers the question: “Could this object be in the winter forest?” If the child completed the task correctly, the children clap; if the answer is incorrect, they stomp their feet.

    Additions to the drawing are made until all the children are at the board.

    3. Exercise "Snowflake"(2-3 min).

    Children sit on chairs, eyes closed.

    Psychologist says:

    -Imagine that snowflakes are falling from the sky, and you catch them with your mouth. And now the snowflake:

    lay on your right cheek - inflate it;

    lay down on left cheek- inflate it;

    lay on your nose - wrinkle your nose;

    lay on your forehead - move your eyebrows;

    lay on your eyelids - blink your eyes and open them.

    The snowfall has ended.

    4. Game « Winter fun» (2-3 min).

    Children are divided into two teams. The teams stand in lines opposite each other. Psychologist says:

    -Imagine that there is a thaw outside and the snow has become sticky. You make snowballs out of it and throw it at the other team. But do not forget to dodge the snowballs that are flying at you.

    5.Drawing a snowman together(5 minutes).

    Children sit on chairs. In front of them is an easel on which a small board is installed (or a large sheet of thick paper is attached).

    Psychologist says:

    -Now we will all draw a snowman together. Each person will draw one detail.

    Children take turns approaching the easel and, following the psychologist’s instructions, first draw the bottom circle, then the middle, top circle, depict parts of the face, a bucket on the head, a broom, etc.

    6. Body-oriented exercise "Snowman"(3-4 min).

    The psychologist invites children to imagine themselves as snowmen.

    Children stand up, spread their tense arms to the sides, puff out their cheeks and hold the given position for 10 seconds.

    -And now, says the psychologist, the sun came out, its hot rays touched the snowman, and he began to melt.

    Children gradually relax, lower their arms, “go limp” and squat down.

    The exercise is repeated several times.

    7. Exercise "Skiers"(2-3 min).

    Psychologist says:

    -Today we walked around winter forest, played snowballs, made a snowman, and now it’s time to go home. Imagine that we put on our skis and set off on our way back.

    The psychologist imitates putting on skis and the movements of skiers. The children repeat after him.

    Having formed a column, the skiers leave the hall

    LESSON 12


      development of volition and self-control;

    • development of attention and sense of humor; development of emotional and expressive movements;

    • satisfaction of the need for recognition;

    • relieving psycho-emotional stress;

    • development and improvement of communication skills.
    Materials for the lesson: record player; a cassette recording of slow, calm music; postcards (pictures) cut into two parts; red, blue and yellow squares.

    1. Exercise "Dance of Snowflakes"(3 min).

    Children enter the hall where calm music is playing.
    Psychologist says:

    -Imagine that you are snowflakes whirling in the wind to music - slowly, calmly, beautifully. As soon as the music stops, take the hands of the person standing next to you. After hearing the sounds of the melody, continue dancing in pairs. When I say “Stop!”, you need to stop immediately.

    2. Game "Stream"(4-5 min).

    The psychologist gives each child half a postcard (he keeps one of the halves) and explains the rules of the game:

    -First, everyone will find a pair, and to do this you need to determine who has the other half of your card. Couples take hands, raise them up, stand one after another, forming a “corridor”. The child left without a partner passes under the hands of the players, chooses someone, takes him by the hand and leads him along. At the end of the “corridor” the new couple stands up and raises their hands. The child left without a mate runs forward and, also, walking along the “corridor,” chooses a mate for himself. New couples are the last to stand.

    The game is played at a fast pace.

    3. Exercise "One Big Animal"(see Lesson 2) (2 min).

    4. Exercise "Looking for mistakes"(5-7 min).

    Children sit on chairs.

    Psychologist says:

    - I will read the story. Pay close attention to my speech. If you hear any confusion or something that cannot be, stomp your feet, and then explain why you interrupted the story and correct my mistake.

    A story with absurdities

    One day I was going to the forest. I took my dog, backpack and skis with me. I come to the forest, put on my SKATES and start moving along the ski track. Suddenly my CAT saw something. A RED hare was sitting under the tree. The dog MEOWED and the hare started to run. The hare jumped UPON A TREE, and the dog CLIMBED after him. The hare ran away from the dog, because he runs SLOWLY. Then my dog ​​began to dig the EARTH and dug up - what do you think? MUSHROOM! No, of course, not a mushroom, but a hole, and in that hole lived a CROW. The dog sniffed the mink and moved on. I went after her. I wanted to eat. I took out two sandwiches and a thermos of coffee from my PORTFOLIO. I gave one of the PIES to the dog. We ate, and suddenly I heard the sound of wheels and the whistle of a STEAMER, which meant that the railway was close. We followed the sound of the train and soon reached the station. At the station I took off my SKATES, took money out of my SUITCASE and bought a ticket for the train. A few minutes later we boarded the BUS and set off on our way back. That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!

    1. A game "Chants- whisperers- silent"(see Lesson 9) (4 min).

    2. A game "Broken phone"(4 min).
    The children and the psychologist take chairs and sit in a circle.

    Psychologist says:

    - Let's whisper a little more - let's play “Broken Phone”.

    The rules of the game are explained to the children: the psychologist comes up with a word and whispers it into the ear of the child sitting to his right, who also whispers what he heard to the neighbor on his right, etc. The last child says the word out loud.

    Usually the last word does not coincide with the original version, which causes a violent reaction from the children. The psychologist gives the children time to express their emotions and continues the game.

    1. A game "Locomotive withname"(see Lesson 4) (5 min).

    2. The final stage(2 minutes).

    LESSON 13


    • development of volition and self-control;

    • development of auditory attention;

    • development of emotional and expressive movements;

    • development of tactile perception;

    • development and improvement of communication skills.
    Materials for the lesson: an envelope with geometric shapes (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, ovals, rhombuses); ball.

    1. Exercise "We'll tell you And we'll show you"(3-4 min).
      Children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist and perform the movements that are mentioned in the rhyme.
    Right hand on the shoulder,

    Left hand on the side.

    Hands to the sides, hands down,

    And turn right.

    Left hand on the shoulder,

    Right hand on the side.

    Hands up, hands down,

    And turn left.

    The exercise is repeated several times.

    2. Game "Listen and respond"(5 minutes).

    Children stand in a circle. The psychologist takes the ball and enters the center of the circle. He, one by one, throws the ball to the children and asks them to name a plant, animal, toy, car brand, etc.

    The game is played at a fast pace.

    3. Game "Brownian motion"(5-7 min).

    Children walk around the hall, trying not to touch each other. Having heard the psychologist’s command “Close your eyes,” the children close their eyes and slowly walk to the center of the hall. When the children approach each other, the psychologist says:

    -One-two-three, take the hand of the one who is nearby. Don’t open your eyes, guess who it is.

    Children determine by touch who is standing next to them, call each other's names and open their eyes.

    4. A game "Guess the figure"(7 min).

    Children sit on chairs and close their eyes. The psychologist takes envelopes containing different geometric figures, and says:

    -Don’t open your eyes, but guess which figurine I’ll put on your palm.

    The psychologist places one figurine on the palm of each child. The child determines by touch which figure he got, names it, then opens his eyes.

    The game is played twice: first, the psychologist places the figurine on the child’s right, then on the left palm. If necessary, before starting the game, the names of geometric shapes are clarified.

    5. Game "Edible - inedible"(5-7 min).

    Children line up in a row. The psychologist takes the ball and stands in front of the children. (The distance between the psychologist and the children is 5 steps.)

    The psychologist, naming an object, throws the ball to the children one by one. If the name of an edible object is heard, the child catches the ball, and if the name of an inedible object is heard, he pushes it away. At correct execution task, the child takes a step forward. The one who reaches the psychologist first becomes the leader.

    The game repeats itself

    1. Exercise “Two bears were sitting...” (2 min). Children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist and repeat his words and movements.
    Two bears were sitting
    They squat on a thin branch.

    One was reading a newspaper, they stretched their hands forward and squeezed
    fists, slightly turn head
    right and left.

    Another was kneading flour. They press their fists to each other,
    make rotational movements.

    One peek-a-boo, two peek-a-boo
    They both fell into the flour. Fall on the carpet

    1. The final stage(3 min).
    Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. The psychologist asks the children to say which exercise they liked. Children, passing the ball to each other, take turns sharing their impressions.

    LESSON 14


    • development of volition and self-control;

    • development of attention, speech and imagination;

    • development of movement coordination;

    • development of emotional and expressive movements

    • relieving psycho-emotional stress;

    • development and improvement of communication skills.
    Materials for the lesson: three to four medium-sized cubes; long ribbon or rope.

    1. Exercise “I’m carrying the cube and won’t drop it”(see Lesson 3) (8-10 min).

    2. A game "Circus Artists"(12 min).
    Children place chairs along the wall.

    The psychologist, using tape or rope, lays out a large circle on the floor and says:

    -You were as agile as circus performers. Now be attentive and focused, like artists before a performance. Imagine that you are backstage and waiting to enter the arena (points to the circle). You can slowly talk, move, warm up, rehearse your routine. But as soon as you hear your name, you need to get ready and, counting to yourself to three, enter the arena and impersonate someone - a juggler, tightrope walker, strongman, magician, trainer or his animals.

    After each “speech,” the psychologist pauses for 5-8 seconds.

    3. Body-oriented exercise "Clowns"(see Lesson 4) (3 min).

    4. Game Don't say "yes" or "no"(3-5 min).

    Children sit on chairs.

    Psychologist says:

    -I will ask each of you a question. When answering it, you should not use the words “yes” and “no”.

    The psychologist asks the children the following questions one by one:

    • Are you at home now?

    • Are you 6 years old?

    • Are you in school?

    • Do you like watching cartoons?

    • Can cats bark?

    • Do apples grow on a Christmas tree?

    • Is it night now? And so on.
    If the child uses the words “yes” or “no” when answering, the psychologist repeats the question. During the game, each child can be asked to answer 1-3 questions.

    5. Exercise “We’ll tell you and show you”(3 min).

    Children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist and repeat his words and movements.

    One two three four! Clapping hands rhythmically

    Sweeping the floor in the apartment. Imitate movements

    Five, six, seven, eight! They clap their hands rhythmically.

    Come visit tomorrow. Smoothly spread your arms to the sides.

    Eight, seven, six, five! They clap their hands rhythmically.

    We'll play together. Jumping and squatting

    Four, three, two, one! They clap their hands rhythmically.

    We'll give you some pies. Stretch your arms forward
    holding an imaginary one on your palms
    tray of pies

    In the meantime, we will rest - They lower themselves onto the carpet.

    Let's lie on our sides and fall asleep. Lie down on the carpet, close their eyes

    8. The final stage(1-2 min).

    The psychologist thanks all the children and notes those who were especially attentive, kind, etc.

    LESSON 15


    • development of volition and self-control;

    • development of attention, thinking and speech;

    • prevention of aggression;

    • development of emotional and expressive movements;

    • relieving psycho-emotional stress;

    • development and improvement of communication skills.
    Materials for the lesson: record player; cassette with a recording of major key music; towel or scarf; funny soft toy (“Fantastic”); sheets of thick paper, felt-tip pens (colored pencils).

    1. Exercise "Turtles"(3 min).

    Children squat down.
    Psychologist says:

    - Imagine that you have turned into little turtles. Night has come. The turtles hid under their shells - they pulled their heads in and lowered them, pressed their paws to their bodies, and closed their eyes. Turtles sleep sweetly. But then the night was replaced by morning. The sun's rays looked at the turtles and began to wake them up. The turtles are slowly waking up. So they carefully moved their toes on their paws, opened their eyes, slowly, slowly raised their heads, stretched out their necks and looked around with curiosity. It's time to get up - they straightened their paws, stood up, reached out to the sun, raised their paws up. Oh, what a gentle, warm sun today! Good morning, turtles!

    2. Game "Listen to the command"(5-7 min).

    Children move around the hall to the music. Suddenly the music stops. The psychologist whispers a command (raise your right hand, sit down, jump, sit on a chair, etc.).

    Children follow the command, the music turns on, and the game continues.

    3. Exercise "Whisper the answer"(5-7 min). Children sit on chairs. Psychologist says:

    -I will ask you questions. Everyone who knows the answer extends his hand forward, clenches his fingers into a fist, and thumb lifts up. Show these movements.

    Children complete the task.

    -When I see a lot of fingers raised up, I will start counting: “One, two, three.” On the count of three, you will all have to whisper the answer together.

    The psychologist asks the following questions:

    • What time of year is it now?

    • What day of the week is it today?

    • What is the name of the city (village) in which you live?

    • What number comes after the number five?

    • What is a baby cow called?

    • How many paws does a dog have?

    • How many paws do two dogs have? And so on.
    4. Game “Zhuzha” (6-7 min).

    Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected - “Zhuzha”. He sits down on a chair standing in the center of the hall. “Zhuzha” holds a towel (scarf) in her hands. The rest of the children begin to tease “Zhuzhu”, make faces in front of her, uttering the words:

    “Zhuzha, Zhuzha, come out,

    Zhuzha, Zhuzha, catch up!”

    “Zhuzha” sits patiently on a chair. But then “patience runs out,” she jumps up and smears one of the children with a towel (scarf). A greasy child becomes a “Zhuzha”.

    We must carefully ensure that the blow is not strong.

    5.Drawing on a given topic(10-12 min).

    Children sit on chairs.

    The psychologist shows the children a funny soft toy and says:

    Guys, Fantastic came to visit us. He knows how to tell funny, improbable stories. Listen to one of them:

    “One day I was running across the lawn and jumping on one leg or the other. One time I jumped so hard that I flew onto a cloud. I sat comfortably on it and decided to travel on it. The cloud flew and flew and suddenly collided with another cloud. I was thrown up, I somersaulted over my head and began to fall, but I don’t understand - up or down? What do you guys think? The fact of the matter is that it was not down, but up, and fell on the star. The star was very hot, so I could not stand still and began to jump and jumped to an extraordinary flower. I admired this flower for a long time. All its petals were multi-colored and so bright that I had to close my eyes. And when I opened them, I found myself in my bed at home! It was a dream!"

    The science fiction writer wanted to draw what he saw in his dream, but he didn’t succeed. Let's help him. Take sheets of paper and felt-tip pens (pencils), draw a fantasy dream.

    Children complete the task.

    6. Final stage (1-2 min).

    The science fiction writer thanks the children and praises their drawings.

    LESSON 16


    • development of volition and self-control;

    • development of attention and imagination;

    • development of emotional and expressive movements;

    • relieving psycho-emotional stress;

    • development and improvement communicative skills.
    Materials for the lesson: record player; cassette with a recording of major key music; medium size ball; hoop; cards with images of faces in different emotional states (joy, anger, surprise, resentment)*.

    1. Game "Checkbox"(5-7 min).

    Music is playing. Children march around the hall. At the psychologist’s signal (raised flag), they must stop moving and fix the position in which the signal caught them for 5-7 seconds. Upon a second signal, movement resumes.

    2. Exercise "Compliments"(3-5 min).

    Children stand in a circle. The psychologist, giving the ball to one of the children, pays him a compliment. The child should say “thank you” and pass the ball to his neighbor, while saying sweet words to him. The one who accepted the ball says “thank you” and passes it to the next child.

    Children, saying compliments and words of gratitude, pass the ball first to one side, then to the other.

    3. Outdoor game "Owl"(5-7 min).

    With the help of a counting rhyme, the driver - “owl” - is selected. The rest of the children will pretend to be mice or birds.

    At the command of the Day psychologist, the “owl” sits in the “nest” (a hoop lying on the floor) and closes its eyes, and the children begin to run around the hall. When the psychologist says: “Night,” the children crouch and freeze, and the “owl” goes hunting. She looks out for those who move or laugh, and “carries” them to her “nest”.

    4. Exercise "Emotions"(7 min).
    Children sit on chairs.

    The psychologist one by one shows the children cards with pictures of faces.

    Children, having determined the emotional state of the person depicted in the picture, silently raise their hand. The psychologist says: “One, two, three.” On the count of three, the children must all whisper the answer together.

    At the end of this exercise, the psychologist invites children to depict the following emotional states using pantomime: sadness, resentment, joy, anger, surprise, calm.

    Children complete the task.

    5. Body-oriented exercise "Ship"(3-4 min).

    Children stand in a circle. Psychologist says:

    - Imagine that we are on the deck of a ship. To avoid falling, spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back.

    The wind blew, a wave rose, and the boat rocked. Press your right leg to the floor, bend your left leg slightly at the knee, touching the floor only with its toe.

    The wind has died down - straighten up, relax.

    Attention! New wave. The ship rocked in the other direction - press your left leg to the floor, relax your right.

    The sea has calmed down - straighten up, relax, take a deep breath and exhale.

    6. The final stage(2-4 min).

    Children sit on chairs.

    The psychologist suggests remembering what good, pleasant words everyone heard today.

    Children remember compliments given to them. The psychologist thanks the children for being attentive and kind.


    Yoga gymnastics for kids

    1. Children walk in a circle one after another and hum like trains: “Too-too-oo-oo-oo.”

    2. They stop and stand in a circle.

    3. “Set the alarm clock” - clench your palm into a fist, perform circular movements at the solar plexus: “Jik-jik-jik.”

    4. “The alarm clock rang”: “Z-z-z.” We will stop him - the children lightly hit him on the head with their palms,

    5. “Sculpt the face” - run your hands along the edge of the face.

    6. “Sculpt hairs” - press with fingertips on the roots of the hair.

    7. “Sculpt the eyebrows” - run your fingertips along the eyebrows.

    8. “Make eyes” - touch the eyelids with your fingertips, draw your index finger around the eyes. They blink their eyes.

    9. “Sculpt the nose” - run the index finger from the bridge of the nose along the wings of the nose down.

    10. “Moulding the ears” - pinching the earlobes, stroking the ears.

    11. “They sculpt the chin” - they stroke the chin.

    12. “Draw the sun with your nose” - turn your head, draw rays with your nose - perform the corresponding movements with your head from bottom to top: “Zhzhik-zhik-zhik.”

    13. They say in unison: “I am good, kind, beautiful,” and stroke themselves on the head.

    Circle the numbers next to the statements with which you agree.

    My child:

    very active, runs a lot,

    constantly spinning…………………………………..1
    sleeps much less than other children………………………….………….2
    very talkative……………………………………………………………………………….……….3
    cannot play quietly and calmly

    or do something……………………………………..4

    has difficulty waiting his turn

    (in games, in stores)......................................................... ........................................................ ...............5

    begins to answer without finishing the question,

    or, conversely, having asked a question, does not listen to the answer…………………………….…………. 6

    often interferes with others, interferes...

    into adult conversations……………………………………..7

    cannot calmly wait for reward

    (if, for example, they promised to buy him something)………………………….………………...8

    often does not hear when people speak to him……………………….…………………..9
    easily distracted when a book is read to him.................................................... ............................10
    often does not finish the job he started (game, task)

    to the end……………………………………………………….11

    avoids activities that require long-term concentration……………………………...12

    It is possible to conclude that a child has ADHD if, withinsix months at least seven of the listed symptoms are observed both in the child care facility and at home.




    Before starting collective play sessions, it is advisable to conduct several individual training sessions with children. Children who are disinhibited, inhibited, overly shy and children with poor coordination of movements especially need this.

    When conducting individual lessons, you can use the following games and exercises.

    1. To develop arbitrariness:

    • Don’t say “yes” or “no” (lesson 14);

    • “It flies - it doesn’t fly” (lesson 8);

    • “Edible-inedible” (lesson 13);

    • “Forbidden movement” (lesson 3);

    • “Forbidden word”: the child, following the psychologist, repeats all the words except one, which was “designated as forbidden.” Instead of this word, he can, for example, clap his hands;

    • “One-two-three - speak!” (lesson 2);

    • “The sea is agitated” (lesson 10).
    2. To develop attention and memory:

    • "What disappeared?":
    The psychologist puts 10 toys on the table. The child looks at them and closes his eyes. The psychologist removes one toy. The child opens his eyes and determines “what has disappeared”;

    • "What changed? ":
    the game is similar to the previous one, only the toys are not removed, but swapped;

    • “Attention - draw!”:
    the psychologist shows the child a simple drawing for 2 seconds (see: Nikitin B. Educational games. - M, 1985). Then the drawing is removed and the child draws it from memory;

    • "Listen to the clapping":
    the psychologist agrees with the child that if one clap sounds, you need to march in place, two clap - stand on one leg (like a stork), three clap - jump (like a frog);

    • “Look at the toy, and then describe it”;

    • “Remember and repeat the movements”:
    the psychologist shows three different movements, the child watches, remembers and repeats them. Four movements are then demonstrated;

    • work at the table on sheets:
    “Corrective test”, “Labyrinths”, “Connect in order”, etc.

    3. To develop motor skills and coordination of movements:

    • "Spillikins":
    they lie in a pile on the table small toys or matches. You need to take them with two fingers so as not to touch the others;

    • "Pump and Ball" ( lesson 4);

    • “I’m carrying the cube and won’t drop it”(lesson 3);

    • "Clowns"(lesson 4);

    • "Walking the Line":
    the child must walk in a straight line, placing the heel of one foot in front of the toe of the other and holding his arms to the sides;

    • "Cross claps":
    the psychologist and the child stand opposite each other. First, a regular clap is made, then the psychologist's hands clap on the child's hands, again a regular clap, then the psychologist's right palm makes a clap on the child's right palm, again a regular clap, then the psychologist's left palm claps on the child's left palm and the usual clap;

    • "Robot":
    the psychologist says that the child will now turn into a robot who can only obey commands. The child freezes at attention. Next, the psychologist gives him commands, for example: “Three steps forward, two steps to the right, right hand forward, two steps to the left, left hand to the side, lower your hands, stand still”;

    • any finger or gesture games that cause difficulties for this child.
    4. To overcome shyness:

    • "Dunno":
    the child is asked to play the role of Dunno. In response to any question that the psychologist asks him, he should make a surprised face, shrug his shoulders and say “I don’t know...”;

    • “The bunny got scared”:
    the child must imagine himself as a hare who is afraid of a wolf, and depict fear using pantomime;

    • "Bad Wolf":
    the child uses pantomime to depict an angry and hungry wolf;

    • "Cockerels":
    the child, using pantomime, depicts a brave cockerel, a proud cockerel, a sad cockerel, and a cheerful cockerel;

    • "Delicious candy":
    the child must imagine that he has been treated delicious candy, and show how he unwraps/takes it into his mouth and slowly bites it, while his face depicts pleasure.

    5. To activate the subcortical structures of the brain:

    a) breathing exercises:

    • breathing with a delay in inhalation/exhalation - first in your own, then in an established rhythm. It is performed sitting on the floor “Turkish style” or kneeling, palms are placed on the diaphragm area;

    • the child, sitting cross-legged on the floor and raising his arms up, takes a breath. As you exhale, slowly lean forward, lowering your arms and saying: “Down”;

    • the child, sitting on the floor, spreads his arms to the sides, clenches all fingers except the thumb into a fist. When inhaling, the child raises his thumb up, and when exhaling slowly, he gradually lowers it down and whistles;

    • the child, lying on the floor, puts his palms on his stomach. By slowly inhaling and exhaling through the stomach, the child imagines that a balloon is inflating and deflating in the stomach.
    b) normalization exercises muscle tone:

    • " Snowman ":
    the child is asked to imagine himself only as a molded snowman - the body should be very tense, like frozen snow. But the sun warmed up, and the snowman began to melt: first, the head “melts” and hangs, then the shoulders drop, the arms relax, etc. At the end of the exercise, the child gently falls to the floor and lies relaxed, imagining that he is a puddle of water;

    • "Tree":
    the child, pretending to be a seed, squats, head on his knees, hands hugging his knees.

    • "Seed"
    sprouts and turns into a tree - the child raises his head, then slowly stands up, straightens up, and raises his arms. Suddenly the wind came and broke the tree - the child bends at the waist, relaxing the upper body, his head and arms hang lifelessly;

    • "Fingers":
    in a sitting or standing position, the child bends his arms at the elbows and begins to clench and unclench his hands, gradually increasing the pace. Then he lowers his hands, relaxes and shakes his hands;

    • "Boat":
    the child lies on his back and stretches out his arms. On command, he simultaneously raises his head, straight legs and arms. The pose is held for as long as possible. Then the child performs the exercise while lying on his stomach.

    c) exercises for spatial orientation:

    • the child picks up the ball and, at the psychologist’s command, lifts it up, lowers it down, places it in front of him, to his right and left, puts it under, on, behind the table, etc.;

    • the child jumps on two legs forward, backward, left, right;

    • "Find the treasure":
    there is a toy hidden in the room. The child must find it, focusing on the commands: “Two steps forward, one to the right, etc.


    Aleksandrova E.M., Kurenkova N.V. Psychological support younger children

    school age: Educational method. allowance. Part 1. - M., 2001.

    Bryazgunov I.L., Kasatikova E.V. Restless child. - M., 2001.

    Vygodskaya I.G., Pellinger E.L., Uspenskaya L.P. Eliminating stuttering in preschoolers

    in Game. - M., 1984.

    Goryacheva T.G., Sultanova A.S. Sensorimotor correction of mental disorders

    development in childhood. - M., 1999.

    Zavadenko N.I. How to understand a child: Children with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder. -
    M., 2000.

    Kataeva L.I., Correctional and developmental classes in the preparatory group

    Lesson notes. - M., 2004.

    Kataeva L.I. Psychologist's work with shy children. - M., 2004.

    Kryazheva N.L. Development of the emotional world of children. -Yaroslavl, 1997.

    Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults: Psychocorrectional work with

    hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children. - M., 2000.

    Romanov A.A. Directed play therapy for behavioral and emotional disorders

    disorders in children. - M., 2000.

    Samukina N.V. Games at school and at home: Psychotechnical exercises and correctional

    programs. - M., 1993.

    Snegireva L A. Games and exercises for developing communication skills in preschoolers. -

    Minsk, 1995.

    Strakovskaya V.L. 300 outdoor games for children's health. -ML, 1994.

    Khukhlaeva O.V. Ladder of joy. - M., 1998.

    Chistyakova M.I. Psycho-gymnastics. -- M., 1995.

    Shevchenko Yu.S. Correction of behavior of children with hyperactive and psychopathic
    syndrome. - M., 1997.

    Summary of a group developmental lesson by a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution with children 5-7 years old “Sun in the palms”

    Knyazeva Lyudmila Ivanovna, educational psychologist, MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 163” of a combined type, Barnaul, Altai Territory.
    Description of material: The psychological and pedagogical lesson is prepared for the development of the emotional and personal sphere of children of senior preschool age. The number of children in the group is 8-10 people, the duration of the lesson is 25 minutes. The material may be of interest to educational psychologists and preschool teachers.
    Target: development of the emotional and personal sphere through working with paints.
    o create a friendly and comfortable atmosphere, positive emotional unity of the group;
    o stimulate creative imagination;
    o develop fine motor skills of the hands;
    o develop voluntary attention and perseverance.
    Equipment: pictograms of emotions, paper sun (without rays), whatman paper, paper palms, paints, brushes, glue, calm music.

    Progress of the lesson:

    The psychologist invites the children to stand in a circle.
    1. Introductory part.
    Psychologist: Children, let's say hello, but let's say hello in an unusual way, our hands will say hello first (Touch each other's hands in the middle of the circle), then the legs, now the backs.
    “Sun, pebbles, fence” correctional and developmental exercise(development of voluntary attention)
    Psychologist: Raise your arms up and spread your fingers wider - this is the sun, clench your fists - these are pebbles, put both hands together - this is a fence. Now, attention! I say the words and you fold your hands accordingly. (The pace gradually accelerates).

    2. Main part.
    Children sit at a round table.
    Psychologist: Guys, what's your mood today? Look at the icons of emotions laid out on the table and choose the one that suits you best now. Let's share with each other why we are in this mood today.
    Children take turns telling why they chose this pictogram.
    Psychologist: What do you think we have:
    Gets up early, goes to bed late,
    Shines brightly, warms hot
    Children: Sun!
    Psychologist: This sun came to visit us today (Shows the sun without rays) What do you think this sun is missing?
    Children: Rays!
    Psychologist: Let's help our sun shine with its rays! How do you think this can be done?
    All answer options are discussed.

    “Friendship” finger gymnastics
    Friends in our group (fingers joined)
    Girls and boys. (to the castle, several times)
    We'll make friends with you
    Little fingers.
    One two three four five (fingers, starting with the little finger, are alternately connected to each other)
    We begin to count.
    One two three four five
    We're done counting (hands down, shake hands)
    “Lighting up the sun” correctional and developmental task(development fine motor skills hands, creative imagination).
    Psychologist: To make our sun shine and sparkle, let's give it extraordinary rays, share a piece of our warmth with the sun?
    The psychologist hands out paper palms.
    Psychologist: I suggest you trace your pen on this palm and paint it with the color you like. These will be the rays of our sun.
    We will place the sun on a sheet of whatman paper and each of you will glue ray-shaped palms to it.
    Children do their work to the accompaniment of music (calm music, or sounds of nature).
    The psychologist places the sun in the middle of a piece of whatman paper, and the children, when ready, glue their palms instead of rays.

    3. Final part.
    Psychologist: What do you think, children, what is the mood of our sun? Why did you decide so?
    The word is given to every child.
    Psychologist: Did you like the lesson? What did you like most? Why?
    Each child is given a word, the psychologist also expresses his opinion, paying attention to the achievements of each child.
    Ritual of farewell
    Children stand in a circle holding hands.
    Psychologist: Let's pass on a piece of our warmth and good mood to our neighbor through a handshake. Now let’s say “Goodbye” to each other in unison!

    Summary of the integrated lesson

    In the older group

    "Three piglets"

    Compiled by: educational psychologist Gorokhova S.A.

    Musical director

    Goryushina O.F.

    Summary of the lesson on psychology “The Three Little Pigs”

    Target: Development of the emotional sphere of older preschoolers.


    • Strengthen the ability to recognize andto express emotional states in facial expressions.
    • Improve the ability to verbalize and adequately respond to the emotions of others.

    Material for the lesson:

    • "Baskets of Emotions"
    • Musical accompaniment Children's songs from cartoons. - Everyone in the world needs a home.
    • Flower of emotions
    • Plastic modules
    • Presentation
    • Mirror
    • Emoticons
    • Illustrations from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

    Preliminary work:

    – acquaintance with basic emotions: fear, joy, surprise, anger, disgust.

    – listening to musical works (without presentation of video sequences)

    – conducting psychological games and exercises, cross movements.

    Progress of the lesson


    Guys, come into the hall, sit down in places that are comfortable for you.

    I am glad to see you! How are you feeling?

    There is a mood basket in front of you, put the token in the basket that matches your mood (for example: I’m in a good mood, I’ll put the token in the “Good mood” basket).

    Psychologist . I’m also in a good mood, and I want to pass my smile around to you (the psychologist smiles, next to standing child, this child smiles at his neighbor, etc.).

    How are you feeling now?

    (Children's answers)

    Psychologist: - Guys, our mood depends on our actions, on what we do and how. In turn, our mood affects the mood of others, and they experience different emotions.

    Guys, do you know what emotions are? (children's answers)

    – What do you think we will do today? What are we going to talk about? (children's answers)

    – Guys, we are now going on a journey to the land of “Emotions”. In order for us to travel, we need transport. What transport did you use? Let's build a fairy train. Stand behind each other, grab the person in front by the belt. Our train will be able to move using magic words:

    Our magic train

    He takes all his friends forward...

    (Children say the words and walk in a circle, pretending to be trailers).

    Exercise “What emotion is depicted”

    Psychologist: Guys, look at the screen, what emotions are depicted here?

    (Children's answers)

    Exercise "Mirror"

    Children are asked to depict emotions (anger, joy, sadness, surprise) in front of the mirror.

    Psychologist: Oh! Guys! You hear? Who is this? What is your name?


    Guys, what fairy tale is Nif-Nif from?

    (Children's answers)

    Let’s remember the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, look at the illustrations for this work and determine what emotions the piglets have.

    (Children look at the illustrations for the fairy tale and answer the psychologist’s questions).

    Nif-Nif begins to cry

    Psychologist: what is it, what happened?

    Nif-Nif: The wolf broke my house!

    Psychologist: Don't worry! The guys and I will help you!

    Game "House for Nif-Nif"

    (Children build a house for a pig to the music)

    Psychologist: And now, guys, I invite you to the music room so that you learn that music is an extraordinary magician, it can influence our emotions.

    Musical director:Poets write POEMS, and artists paint pictures, but what do we call those who compose music? (Children's answers) What composers do you know? (Glinka, Prokofiev).

    Look at the portrait of the composer and remember his last name... That's right, this is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. What works of his have you listened to? (March of the Wooden Soldiers). All pieces of music have different moods because they sound different. The mood and character of the music changes in accordance with the name of the musical work. Today we will get acquainted with P. Tchaikovsky’s new work “Waltz of the Flowers”. Listen to it carefully and tell me what feelings this music evokes (listen to a fragment). The music is light, exciting, transparent, tender, danceable) The composer, writing this music, wanted to express his mood, his experiences with sounds and notes.

    Do you guys want to dance to this music? (Children's answers)

    Let's take the flowers that grow in our meadows and dance to a waltz (children repeat the movements after the music director).

    Musical director:Guys, let's give Nif-Nif flowers (children put flowers in a basket)

    Musical director:Guys! Do you hear a strange sound? Oh, who is this?

    Clown Gosha: Hello guys! I secretly learned that someone is in a bad mood! This needs to be fixed!

    Game “Magic Flower”

    Clown Gosha: I have a magical bouquet for you! Now we will glue a smiley face to the core of each flower!

    (Children perform the clown's task)

    Clown Gosha: Look! What a beautiful bouquet we have!

    I give this bouquet to your group so that you and your teachers always have a good mood!


    V preparatory school group

    "Let's live in peace"

    Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution child development center – kindergarten No. 309

    Oktyabrsky district of the urban district of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan

    "Let's live in peace"

    Target: To promote the mental and personal growth of children, their self-knowledge and understanding of the feelings of other children.

    Tasks: continue to develop in children a sense of belonging to a group, the ability to establish and maintain contacts, cooperate and solve conflict situations, continue to form a positive attitude towards one’s “I” in a peer group, harmonize the child’s need for social recognition, and teach one to be aware of one’s emotional feelings.

    Equipment: tape recorder with a recording of the song " A true friend"(words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by B. Savelyev)

    Progress of the lesson

    Psychologist. Hello children! I'm very glad to see you today. I would like to invite you to say hello in an unusual way today and give you the task of shaking hands with as many children as possible in one minute, while you can greet each other several times. Count your handshakes, and then we'll compare who shook the other's hand how many times.

    I want to continue our meeting and invite you to listen to a wonderful song. (The song “True Friend” plays.) The guys can sing along.

    A strong friendship will not break,

    Will not come apart from rain and blizzards.

    A friend will not leave you in trouble,

    He won’t ask too much, -

    This is what real means

    True friend!

    We will quarrel and make up,

    “Don’t spill the water!” - everyone around whispers.

    At noon or midnight

    A friend will come to the rescue, -

    This is what real means

    True friend!

    A friend can always help me out,

    If something happens suddenly.

    To be needed by someone

    In difficult times -

    This is what real means

    True friend!

    Psychologist. Do you have a good friend? Why do you think it's good? And how would you like to see your friend about whom the song is sung? But it is important to remember that you yourself must treat your friend as you would like to be treated. Folk wisdom says: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.” You are judged by the actions of your friends. Therefore, if your friend does unworthy things, help him become a better person. Best friends Your loved ones can also become part of your life: parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents. They love you, you are dear to them. Treat them with love, kindness, and you will make true friends. It’s good when in a group you treat each other in a friendly manner. Let's learn how to do this today. We will learn to be one team.

    Game "Homeostat"

    Psychologist. Sit in a circle. Let each of you clench your fists and, at my command, “throw out your fingers.” You should strive to ensure that all participants “throw out” the same number of fingers. The game will continue until we reach this goal. It is forbidden to wink or negotiate with words. (Children complete the task).

    Game "Living Sculpture"

    Psychologist. Now let's dream up a little. Today we will all create one big sculpture together. Let the bravest one come to the center. He will take some position that is comfortable for him. The next one will join him in a place where there is a lot of free space, and will also take some kind of pose. After which a third will join them. Then the first one will carefully get out of the “sculpture”, and the fourth one will take any empty place in the general group, and so on. (The psychologist plays the role of a “sculptor” throughout the exercise; helps children figure out what the composition looks like.)

    Game "Siamese Twins"

    Psychologist. True friends meet each other often. They do everything together. Now it's waiting for us a new game. Find your own mate. Stand shoulder to shoulder, with one arm around each other's waist. Now you become “Siamese twins”, you have two heads, three legs, one torso, two arms. (To make the third leg friendly, it can be fastened with a rope).I suggest you walk like this, turn around, lie down, stand up, jump, crawl... The pair whose movements are all coordinated will win.(Children complete the task).

    Game "Building numbers"

    Psychologist. Do you know that together with a friend you can not only build sculptures, play, but also do mathematics? Now I will prove it to you. I will count to 10, and during this time you must line up so that you get an outline of the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc.(Children complete the task).

    Game "Typewriter"

    Psychologist. Now I will distribute cards with letters to all of you. Let everyone name their letters. Now we will print the words. I will name the word, and you will “print”, that is, each of you will slap your letter, strictly one after the other. Now we will print the sentences. To do this, you will need to slam the pauses between words together. Listen, I'll read you a poem:

    House with a bell

    There is a small old house under a green hillock.

    A bell decorated with silver hangs at the entrance.

    And if you call him gently, quietly, then believe me,

    That an old lady will wake up in the house, a gray-haired old lady,

    And he will immediately open the door. The old lady will say affably:

    Come in, don’t be shy, my friend, He’ll put the samovar on the table,

    A pie will be baked in the oven.

    And he will drink tea with you until dark.

    And the old one good fairy tale she will tell you.

    But if, but if, but if you are in this cozy house

    You start knocking with your fist, you start ringing and thundering,

    Then it won’t be an old woman who will come to you, but Baba Yaga,

    And you won’t hear fairy tales, and you won’t see the pie.

    (After reading the poem, you need to discuss with the children why in the second part of the poem it was not the kind old woman who came to the child, but Baba Yaga).

    Children sit in a circle on the carpet around the “bonfire”. On the command “it’s hot,” children must move away from the “fire,” and on the command “hands are frozen,” they must extend their hands toward the “fire.” On the command “oh, what a big fire” - stand up and wave your arms, on the command “the fire brought friendship and fun” - hold hands and walk around the “bonfire”. The game is then performed by the lead child.(At the last stage of the game you can use music recordings)

    Exercise "Turtle"

    The psychologist is at one wall of the room, the children are at the other. At the psychologist’s signal, the children begin to slowly move towards the opposite wall, pretending to be little turtles. No one should stop and rush. After 2–3 minutes, the psychologist gives a signal, causing all participants to stop. The one who ends up last wins. Then the psychologist discusses with the group the difficulties in performing the exercise.

    Cognitive exercise "Cha sha of kindness"

    Psychologist. “Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Imagine your favorite cup in front of you. Mentally fill it to the brim with your kindness. Imagine someone else’s cup next to you, it’s empty. Pour your cup of kindness into it. There is another empty cup nearby, another and another... Pour kindness from your cup into the empty ones. Don't be sorry! Now look into your cup. Is it empty, full? Add your kindness to it. You can share your kindness with others, but your cup will always remain full.

    Open your eyes. Calmly and confidently say, “It’s me!” I have such a cup of kindness!”

    Relaxation "Rest Pose"

    It is necessary to sit the children comfortably in a circle, with their hands on their knees.

    Psychologist pronounces the rest formula slowly, in a quiet voice, with long pauses.

    Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw,

    But not everyone knows how to relax and rest yet.

    We have a game like this - very easy, simple,

    Movement slows down, tension disappears...

    And it becomes clear - relaxation is pleasant!

    Psychologist. Our meeting is coming to an end. Tell us what emotions you experienced during our meeting.

    Hold hands. Look at each other and give each other your kindest smile.

    See you!


    Psychology lesson notes in the middle group

    « Guys and animals»

    Compiled by: educational psychologist Gorokhova S.A.

    Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution, child development center - kindergarten No. 309

    Oktyabrsky district of the urban district of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan

    "Guys and animals"

    Target: reducing the level of anxiety, irritability, motor restlessness, overcoming barriers to communication in children of senior preschool age.


    “” relieving emotional and muscle tension;

    "" development of communication skills, ability to work in a group;

    “” formation of a positive self-concept, increased self-esteem;

    "" development of coordination of movements, attention, imagination, perception;

    “” overcoming shyness, isolation, indecision, correction of behavioral deviations;

    "" development of emotionally expressive movements and speech.

    Materials for the lesson: Stuffed Toys, a recording of calm and cheerful dance music, a set of pictures depicting domestic and wild animals.


    Guys, we have gathered with you in the game room. Why do you think?

    (Children’s answers: “Play, study...”)

    Let's come up with the rules of the game so that everyone can play pleasantly, joyfully and cheerfully.

    I propose the following rules: “You cannot: fight, push, or call people names. You can and should: play together and have fun)

    1. EXERCISE “Greeting”.

    The presenter says: “Today we will play together. Let's get acquainted. To do this you need to stand in a circle. Everyone will take turns passing a flower from hand to hand to their neighbor on the right and say: “Hello Masha!”


    Guys! Whose house is this? Who lives in the house?

    Deer and bunny

    They want to play with us

    Game “The deer has a big house”

    "Knock, knock

    Educational game “Wild and Domestic Animals”.

    Children sit on chairs, forming a circle.

    The presenter invites them to remember: who are wild animals, who are domestic animals. Why are they called that? Then the children are invited to play the game.

    The presenter says: “Guys, when I show you pictures of domestic animals, you should pat your hands on your knees, and when I show you pictures of wild animals, you should stomp your feet.”

    Finger gymnastics: “Sun. Pebbles. Fence"

    (Imitation of movements along the text). Leading:

    "One two three four five. We start to play.

    Look, don’t yawn and repeat after me

    Everything I’ll tell you now and show you at the same time.

    Sun (palms close to each other, fingers spread out)

    sides, like the sun's rays);

    Pebbles (fingers clenched into a fist);

    Fence (palms of both hands are close to each other, fingers extended).

    Outdoor game "Penguins".

    The presenter says: “Guys, many different insects, animals and birds live on planet Earth. Penguins live far in the cold North. Do you know who this is? Have you ever seen them? "(Children's answers). Next, the presenter demonstrates a toy and a picture of a penguin. “They know how to play and make friends just like you. During the day they have fun, dance and sing. And when night comes and it becomes very cold, they help each other not to freeze. Then they gather in a flock, huddling closely, warming each other with their warmth.”

    “Let's play a game. Imagine that you are little penguins. During the day, penguins walk, moving “like a penguin” to cheerful music. And when night comes, they follow the command: “Get warm! "They gather in a flock." (Repeat several times).

    Relaxation “Magic sleep”.

    Here you can breathe easily, evenly, evenly, deeply.

    So a light breeze touches our faces,

    The radiant sun smiles at the penguins.

    A wonderful dream, but it's time to wake up. Penguins open their eyes, stretch, and stand up.”


    Parting. Exercise “Palms”.

    The presenter says: “Guys! Today we had a great time working out and playing. Let's stand in a circle and hold hands as we say goodbye. Focus on my words:

    “My friend has a soft and warm palm. (Children holding hands)

    I'll pat my friend's hand a little. (Stroke the hands of those standing nearby, focusing on the warmth of the hands)

    We feel good when we are together, close,

    We don’t need to quarrel or fight! »

    Presenter: “Now let’s say to each other in chorus, “Thank you!” "".


    Psychology lesson notes

    in the first junior group

    "Visiting the Bunny"

    Compiled by: educational psychologist Gorokhova S.A.

    Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution, child development center - kindergarten No. 309

    Oktyabrsky district of the urban district of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan

    Visiting the bunny.

    Goals: creating an emotionally comfortable atmosphere in the group, developing coordination of movements, hand motor skills, perception, attention, imagination, consolidating knowledge about primary colors.


    • To develop self-regulation in students through listening to music.
    • Formation of a positive emotional attitude, unity of a group of children.

    Materials: train, toy hare, bows of different colors (narrow satin ribbons), whistle.

    Progress of the lesson

    Hello guys! Today we will go on a visit with the train. Let's guess who we're going to visit today.

    In winter - white,

    In summer - gray,

    Jumps deftly

    Loves carrots.

    Of course, this is a bunny, a bunny is a runaway. Shall we go visit him? Then hurry up and get on the train. Too-too!

    Game "Locomotive"


    Progress of the game

    Guys, look at what a fluffy, beautiful bunny we came to visit. Let's play with him. Show me what a bunny looks like, what ears it has. And how the ears move.

    Guys, let's imagine that we ourselves have turned into bunnies. Let's play like bunnies.

    Gray bunny sitting

    To squat.

    And he wiggles his ears.

    Make “ears” from your palms and move them.

    It's cold for the bunny to sit -

    Wrap your arms around your shoulders.

    We need to warm our paws.

    Rub your palms.

    One two three four five,

    Clap your hands.

    It's cold for the bunny to stand.

    Stand up.

    The bunny needs to jump.


    Someone scared the bunny -

    Sit down, cover your head with your hands.

    The bunny jumped and ran away.


    Guys, tell me, what kind of ears does the bunny have?(long, fluffy) What about the paws? (short) How many are there? (four) What kind of tail does he have?(short, small, round)How many eyes does he have?(two) Our bunny loves to dress up, he even has bows of different colors. Let's pick up gifts for our bunny - gifts. Look around for objects of the same color as the bunny's bows. Well done, Nikita, I found so many red objects, a curtain, a ball, and a book. Who else will find what? Now we are looking for yellow objects.

    Guys, let's remember what we did today? What did you like? What didn't you like? What would you like to do next time? Thank you. Today we went to visit the bunny. We played a lot, looked for objects of different colors, and even turned into bunnies. And now it’s time for us to go home to kindergarten. Rather, we make a little train and let's go. Too-too! Goodbye, guys. See you.


    1. Zyuzyukova M., Sysoeva O. That’s how good we are! Lesson notes for children early age // Preschool education. – 2005. – No. 10. - With. 36-38.
    2. Ronzhina A.S. Psychologist classes with children 2-4 years old during the period of adaptation to a preschool institution. – M.: Knigolyub, 2003. – 72 p.
    3. Tsvintarny V.V. We play with our fingers - we develop speech - M.: ZAO Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf, 2003. - 32 p.


    Psychology lesson notesin the second youngest group

    "Mishka and his friends"

    Compiled by: educational psychologist Gorokhova S.A.

    Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution, child development center - kindergarten No. 309

    Oktyabrsky district of the urban district of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan

    Teddy bear and his friends

    Goals: creating an emotionally comfortable atmosphere in the group, nurturing the desire to love and treat animals and toys with care, developing empathy, cohesion of the children's group, coordination of movements, hand motor skills, perception, attention, imagination, relieving muscle tension.


    • To develop self-regulation in students through listening to music.

    Forming a positive emotional attitude, uniting a group of children

    Materials: train, toy bear, whistle, sheets of cans, gouache, brushes.

    Hello guys! Today we will go on a visit with the train. Guess who we're going to visit today. I will tell you a riddle, and you will try to guess it.

    Clubbed feet,

    He sleeps in a den during the winter,

    Guess and answer

    Who is this?

    Well done guys, that's right. This is a bear. More like carriages. The train is recovering. Too-too!

    Game "Locomotive"

    Target : teach the child to respond to his name, remember the names of peers, act according to demonstration and verbal instructions.

    Progress of the game : An adult explains to the children that now they will play train. The main locomotive will be the adult himself, and the carriages will be children. He calls the children one by one, emotionally commenting on what is happening: I will be the locomotive, and you will be the carriages. Petya, come to me, stand behind me, hold my belt, like this. Now Vanya come here, stand behind Petya, hold him by the belt (make your hands like Petya), etc. After all the children have lined up, the “train” sets off. An adult, imitating the movements of a steam locomotive “Chuk-chukh, oo-oo-oo!”, encourages the children to repeat them.

    As the game masters, the number of children taking part in it can be increased.

    So we came to visit the bear. Where does the bear live? In the forest, in a pine forest. Guys, show me how to iron a bear? How does he walk?

    And here is our bear.(show the children a toy bear)

    Guys, the bear has friends visiting, who are they?

    Children's answers: Bunny and deer


    The bunny and the deer want to play with us

    Game “The deer has a big house”

    For each phrase of the verse, a different movement is performed:

    At the deer (hands up to the head, like deer antlers)

    The house is big (hands above your head in a “house”)

    He looks (right hand over eyes)

    In your window (with both hands, first vertically, then horizontally, a window is depicted)

    Hare (palms to the head, like the ears of a hare)

    runs through the forest (clench your hands into fists, bend your elbows, pretend to run)

    There is a knock on his door: (with a fist “to hang out”)

    "Knock, knock

    Open the door (depict how the door opens)

    There in the forest (show thumb back over shoulder)

    The hunter is evil! (angry face)

    “Hare, hare, run (image the hare again)

    Give me your paw!” (give hand)

    • Mishka was very happy that we came to visit them. Guys, who loves the bear? Who wants to pet the bear?(children can come up and pet the bear if they wish)Bear, do you like children?Will you pet them?(the bear strokes the children’s heads)Bear, will you catch up with the kids?(the bear growls and nods its head affirmatively). Let's Let's gently pat his tummy. Let's play with him and see if the bear can catch us. Now the bear will catch someone. Olya or Sasha...(the children run away, the psychologist with a toy in his hands catches up with the children)

    Guys, let's remember what we did today? What did you like? What didn't you like? Thank you. Today we met a brown bear in a pine forest. And now it's time for us to return home. Goodbye, bear! Guys, let's make a train and go home. Too-too! Goodbye, guys. See you.


    Psychology lesson notes

    in the senior group

    Compiled by: educational psychologist Gorokhova S.A.

    Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution, child development center - kindergarten No. 309

    Oktyabrsky district of the urban district of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan

    Target: Development of the emotional sphere of children.


    • Strengthen the ability to recognize, show emotions, verbally indicate and adequately respond to them.
    • Improve children's communication skills.
    • Cultivate kindness, empathy, and emotiveness.


    • tape recorder with recordings of music of different moods.
    • Magic wand.
    • magic flower.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Children enter the group to a calm melody, greet each other by touching their palms, and note their mood at the stand.


    Hello children! I am very glad to meet you and that you came in a good mood.

    1. Game-exercise “Pass a smile in a circle”

    Psychologist. I am also in a good mood, and I want to convey my smile to you in a circle (the psychologist smiles at the child standing next to him, this child smiles at his neighbor, etc.).

    How are you feeling now?

    (Children's answers)

    2. Poem “King Borovik” (V. Prikhodko)

    Psychologist. Reads a poem.

    King Borovik was walking
    Straight through the forest
    He shook his fist
    And he clicked with his heel.
    King Borovik was not in a good mood:
    The king was bitten by flies.

    Psychologist. What is the king's mood?

    (Children's answers)

    How did you guess?

    (children's answers)

    Psychologist. He reads a poem and asks the children to act according to the text.

    Psychologist. Oh, what should I do? How many angry kings! What will help me?

    (Children's answers)

    Magic wand!

    3. Game-exercise “Lesha, Lesha turn around, turn around and smile”


    The psychologist touches each child’s shoulder with a magic wand and says: “Lesha, Lesha, turn around, turn around and smile,”

    Lesha turns 180 degrees and smiles.

    Psychologist. Children, how do you cope with feelings of anger?

    Children. We play the game “Tuh - tibi spirit”, “Swearing with vegetables”, “Come out of the puddle of anger”, “Shout loudly into the bag of anger”.

    4. Game-exercise “Switch places”

    Psychologist. It's boring, boring to sit like that, looking at each other.

    Isn't it time to go for a run and change places?

    Children and a psychologist sit on chairs in a circle.

    The psychologist says: “Everyone who has Blue eyes(who is kind, who protects girls, etc.).” Blue-eyed children change places.

    5. Game “Magic Flower”

    Psychologist. And this morning I went into the group and saw Nastya (I show a photo of a girl with the emotion of anger). She was sitting on the sofa all alone. What's her mood?

    (children's answers)

    Psychologist. What would you do if you were me?

    Children offer options for helping an angry girl.

    A photograph of Nastya with the emotion of anger is placed in the center. Children take turns choosing petals that contain photographs with options for helping the angry girl. When the magic flower is composed, the psychologist invites the children to close their eyes and changes the central photo of an angry girl to a cheerful one.

    Psychologist. Why do you think the miracle happened?

    (Children's answers)

    6. Game-exercise “Cuddle me”

    Psychologist. Children, you said that when a person is angry, you can talk to him, calm him down, you need to caress him, but let us also caress the one you want.

    A calm melody sounds. One child sits on a chair in the center of the room, the rest of the children surround him and gently stroke his arms, shoulders, legs, etc.

    Psychologist. How did you feel when children caressed you?

    (Children's answers)

    Psychologist. It was especially pleasant when the children touched what part of the body?

    (Children's answers)

    7.Relaxation “Magic sleep”.

    Children sit on chairs in a “rest position”: (legs slightly apart, hands resting loosely on the knees, back not tense, eyes closed). Quiet, calm music is turned on, against the background of which the presenter slowly says:

    “The little penguins are very tired, they ran around, played enough, and are now resting. They have magical dreams. I dream of a blue sky, bright sun, clear water, gold and silver fish, friends, familiar animals, mother, etc.

    8. Game – exercise “Let’s say goodbye in different ways”


    Our lesson has come to an end, and I suggest you say goodbye in different ways.

    Children stand in pairs.

    Psychologist. “Let’s say goodbye with our palms (elbows, knees, backs, foreheads, etc.)

    Children choose their mood from the pictograms.

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