• Tatyana Tereshina's husband. Tanya Tereshina revealed the intimate details of her acquaintance with her new chosen one. Tatyana Tereshina, having become the wife of Oleg Kurbatov, admitted that two children would be enough for her


    The famous soloist of the Hi-Fi group Tatyana Tereshina married Oleg Kurbatov, however, she never took her husband’s last name so as not to have to deal with paperwork. The Internet has already been flooded with photos from Tanya and Oleg’s wedding, where the couple looks very happy. Meanwhile, in the comments on the singer’s social media pages, caustic remarks continue to be received regarding the recent betrayal of her newly-made husband.

    A few days ago, on September 15, the couple decided to get officially married. By the way, this was the first marriage for 39-year-old Tanya and 23-year-old Oleg. Tereshina already has a daughter from a previous relationship with Slava Nikitin, and at the moment the girl is in pregnancy again. Soon, Oleg and Tanya will have their common child.

    The wedding, according to tradition, took place in two stages. The ceremonial painting took place at the Wedding Palace in the VEGAS Crocus City shopping center. And the couple’s celebration itself was celebrated on a grand scale in one of the expensive restaurants.

    The bride made every effort to become the object of attention for the invited guests and her lover on this day. Tatyana changed three during the day luxury dresses, which I chose for quite a long time in wedding salons. Her daughter Aris helped her make her choice.

    Subscribers on social networks reacted completely differently to the couple’s marriage - some sincerely congratulated the lovers, while others discussed recent rumors about Oleg’s infidelity. Detractors claimed that in the video recording, which allegedly proved his infidelity, Kurbatov looked much happier and more cheerful than in the wedding photos.

    Tatyana Tereshina rebuffed all ill-wishers

    The singer responded to the haters that they shouldn’t ruin their wedding celebration, because she didn’t see anything terrible in what happened, and all this noise came out of thin air.

    Tereshina noticed that her fiancé had too much alcohol, and then decided to touch the blonde’s leg. However, Tanya and Kurbatov have such a hot and different relationship that they do “something different” in front of each other, as the singer herself put it.

    Tatyana did not forget to mention that Kurbatov likes well-groomed girls, and Rita looks very sloppy. The celebrity is sure that nothing could have happened between her lover and this girl, and all the most obscene things that happened at the bachelor party were captured on video. Since in the video frames there is nothing else except the “caresses” of the girl’s legs, it means that Kurbatov’s “betrayal” ended there.

    Singer Tanya Tereshina plans to have a wedding in the summer with Vadim Bukharov, who is 13 years younger than her.

    The Russian singer and fashion model is preoccupied with searching wedding dress: this summer she got ready to marry her young lover Vadim Bukharov. The 13-year age difference does not bother the artist.

    Tanya shared her plans on Instagram.

    She wrote: “So, maybe after all, “Get Married”? What is important to a woman?

    I would answer this way. IN different period different things are important. A stage is needed when a person simply acquires knowledge in order to live and survive. I would call this stage unconscious. The correct social “Instinct” guides the individual.

    Then, of course, it takes time to love yourself. A girl needs a moment of carelessness, lightness and coquetry. These are the most laughter-laughing years. When you can discuss grooms with your girlfriends for hours, or new tights and mascara and thongs, etc. Then first love (for some, the only one), but now this is rare. Love as training for future relationships. There may be several of them. I don't see anything wrong with this. Part of modern life. Further more interesting. Career, children, new relationships or growing up with your husband are intertwined there. One thing is important: growing up is a pleasure; a woman is happy not because of the number of attributes imposed by society in life. She is happy when she has eternal ENERGY 🚀! When you want to move mountains. But this energy comes only when a person is in his place, with his people and in his affairs. Those who do not cycle and do not desire greedily, but simply live in harmony, receive everything easily. I know this myself. I want something badly and there is no way. But I never particularly wanted or strived for a relationship, but no. He stuck... he fell in love, he told me that’s it)), look for the veil))...))). But I still believe that a normal woman needs stability, not a man. Women have learned to do without men and I don’t think it’s necessary to get married. Actually this is nonsense. I don’t understand who came up with this rule and why? Yes, I think so and will continue to think so, but...I will still follow these conventions and in the summer I will still say “Yes”)). It turned out to be some kind of illogical post, but in order not to run around like a stung ass (because we also started urgent repairs of “houses” and “apartments”), I need a BEAUTIFULLY WHITE DRESS! who will sew it for me?))".

    Let us remind you that at this time the former soloist of Hi-Fi is happy in her relationship with Vadim Bukharov. At first, the couple was constantly condemned for their age difference. However, they are still together. The young man treats Tanya’s daughter Iris, born from Slava Nikitin, well.

    Singer Tanya Tereshina is no stranger to show business. She has such strong hits as “Wrecks of Feelings”, “Dot the I”, “Radio GaGaGa”, and from the artist’s bold and sometimes shocking images one can study the evolution of stage style in Russia. However, the successful performer went into the shadows for some time: her name was mentioned in the press only in connection with her marriage, the birth of her daughter, divorce and all the scandals accompanying these events. In 2018, Tanya Tereshina is planning a high-profile return to the stage. We met with her to find out what her new songs will be, how she copes with raising her daughter Aris, what kind of relationship she is in now with ex-husband Slava Nikitin, as well as about a new lover, about betrayal, about the desire to shock and much more.

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    When I was going to interview you, I didn’t know until the very end what kind of person I would see: blonde, red-haired or brunette; With long hair, with short ones or with a bob. So often you experiment with your appearance! What is the reason for wanting to be different all the time?

    There is a stereotype that changes in appearance are justified by the search for oneself, some new stages in life. It's not about me! In my case, everything comes from the fact that I am simply a creative person and an artist by training. Unfortunately, I can’t devote a lot of time to drawing - apparently I compensate in this way ( Smiling). New images are a splash of my creative potential – including acting! I like to experiment, to see myself in different ways. But this has nothing to do with the desire to change something in life.

    Do image changes usually happen abruptly or do you plan in advance?

    I usually get inspired by something spontaneously. Think: " Right now the corner of my jaw is thinner, my cheekbones are emphasized - it would be cool with a shorter haircut».

    Dorothee Schumacher coat

    Shock appearance do you love?

    There were different stages in my life. Once upon a time I didn’t want to shock - I didn’t want anyone to look at me at all. And this again has nothing to do with any personal things. It just happens that you get very tired from work and dream of pretending to be a gray mouse. And sometimes, on the contrary, you are charged with outrageousness, feed on energy, get high from the fact that they are looking at you, that they are discussing you. This is an integral part of my image. If I didn’t want to attract attention, then I wouldn’t wear bright makeup and wouldn’t experiment with looks. This is all of me.

    In the video for “Radio GaGaGa” you had a blast!

    Yes, then I was quite revolutionary. Now, of course, this is not surprising. But at one time people watched this video, they discussed me in show business, they said: “ Wow what is she doing

    Well, the opinions were, to put it mildly, contradictory...

    Yes, and that’s what I needed. I am quite a brave person. Despite the fact that I have been very modest all my life since childhood, apparently, the desire to attract attention to myself had accumulated in me, and it burst out ( Smiling).

    To view photos click on the image:

    How often are you dissatisfied with yourself?

    I am very often dissatisfied with myself and picky. I’ve even been trying to re-educate myself lately. You know, there is such a theme during photo sessions: “ left-hand side working, right – non-working.” No, I thought that you have to love yourself either way: either you fix both sides of yourself and make them symmetrical, or you accept yourself as you are. In life, everyone still sees you in “3D format”; you won’t approach everyone and explain from which side it’s better to look at you. This is nonsense. I am well aware of all my external shortcomings, I can tell the photographer in what lighting I will look a little more interesting. But without fanaticism! The same goes for clips. I participate in editing, but I only remove what I absolutely don’t like. I don’t get involved in the storyboard or editing plan - I give freedom to people who do this professionally, who have an idea and its specific vision in their heads.

    What's the most ridiculous rumor you've heard about yourself?

    It’s hard to remember something specific... For example, I’m always sincerely surprised when I hear that someone doesn’t like me. A man who doesn't even know me personally. Agree, it's strange. I usually only dislike people if they have done something nasty to me. And so... For me it’s a paradox. When I don’t communicate with a person at all, and he suddenly “dislikes” me, this surprises me the most.

    Viva Vox Cloak

    Do you get angry easily? Do you give in to provocations?

    There are different situations. In fact, you won’t piss me off at all if I’m a) not hungry b) had enough sleep ( Smiling). Moreover, sleep is even more important than food! I lead a normal life, work, raise my daughter, enjoy sports, and try to control my emotions. Today, for example, it’s hard to piss me off, because I slept well, talked with my child, was loaded with creative tasks - everything is going great. And if I need to let off steam, I go to the gym - there negative energy it goes away immediately, you begin to breathe differently, live differently.

    A portrait of a strong and independent woman is presented...

    I believe that a woman should be a woman. Deliberate independence is also not good - otherwise you will end up with both a woman and a man in one person. A girl should remain a flirt, allow her to be taken care of, and allow herself some frivolities. I'm enough independent person, but still I always try to remain the weaker sex. You know, when you constantly take care of every little thing, worry about all your relatives, bear responsibility at work, it is important not to bury yourself in all this and remember from time to time that it’s time to go for a manicure or glue eyelashes. I'm for balance! Now, by the way, I have found it to a greater extent than 15 years ago.

    Constante Hats hat, Vassa&Co suit and blouse, Econika shoes

    How are you raising your daughter Aris?

    I am an adequate mother, strict, first of all, with myself. I believe that you need to calculate your time so that you can spend enough time with your child. In this regard, my conscience is absolutely clear! I'm rushing like crazy to Aris - terribly greedy for this time. She and I draw a lot, read, play, and make crafts. And I am also sure that if you want to raise a person with dignity, then, first of all, behave with dignity yourself. Using the example of parents, the child learns very quickly. If you say: " Don't lie to me - lying is bad”, and you immediately lie to some friend on the phone, then the child will learn everything exactly this way: you can lie - you just don’t need to tell your mother about it. It is a pity that very often people become parents when they do not yet fully understand the full responsibility of this status.

    As far as I know, in the first months after the birth of your daughter, you refused the services of a nanny on principle?

    Yes it is. I understood that I couldn’t trust my baby to anyone. I had to control everything personally. And only when I myself learned to turn Aris over correctly, hold her, learned the peculiarities of her behavior and character, did I turn to the nanny for help. And she told her everything about what and how to do.

    So, are you such a controller in life?

    Relatively small child– yes, I am a 100% controller! But if we talk about life in general, I think not. My mother lives with me now, and she helps raise Aris. And we don’t have such a situation that there are two housewives in the kitchen, or someone is teaching someone... No! Please do as you see fit. Still, everyone should have their own certain freedom. True, I still sometimes collect all sorts of jars and cones that my mother keeps for some reason, and secretly throw them away ( Laughs).

    Viva Vox Cloak

    Returning to the topic of rumors. The press quoted your public statements that Slava(TV presenter Slava Nikitin is the father of Tanya Tereshina’s child - approx.) does not participate in raising her daughter.

    Yes, there were such problems. I still don’t understand the reasons: maybe he was under some kind of stress, maybe he didn’t want to see me rather than the child. Or maybe he had difficult period, when he generally wanted to forget. To be honest, I don’t know, and I don’t want to go deeper into it. Thank God, we have normal relations now. But there was a moment when he practically didn’t come, although the child was waiting... It was hard for me. I was terribly angry with him and provoked their meetings in every possible way. I just shoved my “I” into one place and said to myself: “ Stop! A child must have two parents, and this is not discussed!».

    And with Vadim (PR - director Vadim Bukharov - Tanya Tereshina’s current lover - approx. ed. ) have you introduced your daughter?

    I introduced him to Vadim, of course. But with Aris, we are just friends. A child should not have reasons to be jealous. She is still too young to be aware of some things. I try to show that Vadim is my friend, and I am his girlfriend. We spend time together, but we don't show our romantic feelings.

    How important is a guy’s appearance and his age to you?(Vadim Bukharov is 12 years younger than Tanya Tereshina – editor’s note) ?

    It doesn't matter at all. It just so happens lately that young people often meet me. Exactly the young ones! Sami. What, it's my fault if this is so ( Smiling)? Are they bolder or something... I can’t even understand why. Or I have such energy that can be read at some verbal level. Age is not important to me, nor appearance is important. I have long outgrown this moment.

    To view photos, click on the image:

    What can you never forgive the man you love?

    I am very much afraid of betrayal. I think this is so terrible! You live with a person, you confess your love to each other, everything is fine with you, and then you find out that he had a mistress for a year. I can’t even imagine how I’ll react to this. They say that men are designed this way, it is inherent in nature. But how can this be? That is, he called you his beloved all this time and lied! Fortunately, this never happened in my life. Or at least I don't know about it.

    God grant that there is nothing like this in your life... Was parting with Slava painful?

    He just had some kind of psychosis - maybe his childhood was not entirely stable... I was very angry with him, of course, but I can’t say that I hated him. Somehow I understood him, to some extent I even pitied him.

    Well, a little about your creative plans.

    I have a lot of interesting things going on in my creativity. She wrote a song called “Whiskey” and shot a video for it with her favorite director Hindrek Maasik. We worked a lot with him at one time. Beautiful videos he does it, it’s interesting... And after so many years, we started filming again - we hugged and realized how much we missed each other. I have very global plans! Alexey Romanoff is currently writing music for me, and we have a very cool tandem, we feel each other. I’m glad that the time has finally come when we started working, because the prerequisites for cooperation were a long time ago, even when I was just starting my solo career. They anticipated the events several years ago. But, as it turned out, everything has its turn!

    PRODUCER | Zoha Lakerbaya @lakerbaya9 ; PHOTO | Anton Kuznetsov @kuznetsov.photo ; STYLE | Alena Gazarova @alena_gazarova ; MUA | Sophie Knox @sofi_noks ; HAIR | Elena Kharitonova by AiLab @elena_colorist_ailab ; EDIT | Denis Kazmin @denis_kazmin ; STYLE ASSISTANT | Lisa Shepeleva

    Pregnant 39-year-old Tanya Tereshina and her fiance, a businessman Oleg Kurbatov are planning to get married this month. Last week happy bride I organized a bachelorette party in Barbie style, where I had a great time with close friends. As the former lead singer of the Hi-Fi group promised her groom, there were no strippers at the holiday. Everything went orderly and decently. But Oleg allowed himself too much at the bachelor party. Haters were quick to take advantage of this, sending the singer private photos and videos of her future husband openly flirting with an unknown blonde.

    The singer's future husband allowed himself to hug and stroke his "friend" on the leg. Moreover, Oleg lifted up the girl’s T-shirt.

    Tereshina did not remain silent and directly addressed those who decided to disrupt her wedding. To prove that she had no intention of canceling the celebration, Tanya published in Instagram photo, in which she poses in a white dress and stated that she did not see anything horrifying in the pictures. “Lord, we still do the wrong things in front of each other. We have a passionate, not quite standard relationship. Oh, well, I got drunk, or rather, I overate it and what is it, I touched my leg? It's so scary, is it real? Sucked from your finger. You couldn’t remove anything else, because there was nothing. Some drunken men forget themselves even in front of their women. Everything is idiocy, but this is not a disaster,” Tereshina wrote in her microblog (the author’s spelling and punctuation are given unchanged hereinafter. - Note ed.).

    Tanya Tereshina adequately responded to the haters who accused her fiancé of treason

    The star said that the girl with whom her fiancé was flirting is named Rita, and she is a dentist. “I know about this shaggy woman that she cried when she learned that Oleg was having a wedding, in the same Friendship. I know everything, because we don’t have such real secrets. The chick just made a fuss and thought that now she would pull off her stupid scam. A ha ha ha))). Rita, where you studied, I taught! Better go mind your own business, pick at rotten mouths, you’re probably better at it than breaking up relationships)). And yes, I wrote that Oleg loves well-groomed women, not sloppy. We're getting married on the 16th! - said the star.

    Oleg Kurbatov, by the way, is not jealous either. Tanya mentioned this when she wrote that she watches over her wives former partners on Instagram. One of the subscribers asked how many men the star had, and she did not hide it, writing: “3.” The artist also said that her future husband is aware of her entire personal life before meeting him, and complete harmony and trust reign in their relationship: “Yes, my husband and I tell each other everything. We have no secrets at all. He has no complexes, just like me. Sex for us is just a part of life. God, this is a joke, don't take it seriously. Yesterday I admitted to him that I wasn’t a virgin before him, so everything is fine. By the way, I seriously admire these girls. One of them is absolutely indescribable beauty. And I wish them all only happiness!!!”

    Tanya Tereshina at a bachelorette party

    Let us recall that before Oleg Kurbatov, Tanya Tereshina met for a long time with Slava Nikitin, but they did not officially legalize their relationship, although in 2013 the couple had a daughter Aris. Two years after the birth of their common child, the lovers broke up with a scandal. True, today they have forgotten all the grievances and are raising their daughter together. The singer recently admitted that two children would be enough for her and told fans that she would not take her husband’s last name in order to avoid paperwork.

    Hi-Fi soloist Tanya Tereshina officially formalized her relationship with Oleg Kurbatov, however, she decided not to take her husband’s last name in order to avoid paperwork. The couple has already provided the public with many wedding photos, in which they look happy and content. Meanwhile, in the comments on the page in social network Tanya Tereshina keeps getting caustic remarks about her “traitor” husband.

    As it became known to the large public, before the celebration, Tanya and Oleg decided to have a traditional “hen party” and “bachelor party.” At the same time, there was nothing special on Tatyana’s part: she chose the “Barbie” style for the event, and looked quite cute in a pink dress. But Oleg, apparently, had forgotten himself, and therefore drank too much and began pestering some blonde.

    Of course, people were immediately found who filmed the man’s behavior and distributed the video on the Internet. Tanya also began to receive numerous messages that she had decided to connect her life with a young traitor, to which the lead singer of the popular group found something to answer.

    The woman wrote that there was no need to try to disrupt her wedding celebration, since she did not see anything terrible in what had happened, and the whole scandal was made up out of thin air. Tanya notes that her fiancé “gobbled it up” and then touched the blonde’s leg, but she and Oleg have a passionate relationship, unlike the others, and they do “other things” in front of each other.

    By the way, Tereshina made a reservation that the “blonde” with whom her future husband is accused of cheating is named Rita, and she is a dentist. Tanya notes that Rita allegedly cried when she learned that Kurbatov was getting married, and then seemed to decide to pull off some kind of scam. However, where Rita, according to Tanya, studied, the Hi-Fi soloist herself “taught,” so such tricks will not work with her.

    Tereshina advised “shaggy Rita” to mind her own business, that is, pick around rotten mouths. In addition, Tanya did not fail to say that Oleg likes well-groomed women, and Rita is sloppy. The star is sure that there was nothing between her fiance and girlfriend, and everything that happened in the “indecent” bar was caught on camera. Nothing else was included in the video, because the “treason” ended with the “caresses” of the stranger’s legs.

    Tanya wrote to her subscribers that she and her future husband have no secrets from each other, and he is well aware of the men Tanya had before him. According to Tereshina, despite his tender age - and Oleg Kurbatov is only twenty-three years old, he has already achieved a lot, and immediately captivated her with his behavior and attitude to life.

    As it became known, the official wedding took place on September fifteenth: Tanya Tereshina, who many know as the lead singer of the Hi-Fi group, got married for the first time. She is thirty-nine years old and already has a little daughter. Oleg Kurbatov, Tanya’s chosen one, is twenty-three years old. The couple is about to have a child - Tereshina is on recent months pregnancy.

    The celebration, according to tradition, took place in two stages. The official, more modest part, the painting, is in the Wedding Palace No. 2 in the VEGAS Crocus City shopping center. And the celebration itself was celebrated on a grand scale in the expensive Rose Bar restaurant.

    The bride did everything to become the center of attraction for all the guests and her lover. The singer changed three gorgeous dresses, which she had been choosing for a very long time in wedding salons. The choice was helped by daughter Aris, who offered to buy what the groom would like best.

    Internet users reacted to Tereshina’s wedding in completely different ways: under each photo of Tanya there is an active discussion related to Kurbatov’s “betrayal” at the bachelor party. Evil tongues claim that in the video recording that exposes him of treason, Oleg looked much more cheerful than in the wedding photographs.

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