• How to create slightly wavy curls at home. Fashionable and beautiful styling - airy curls. Video: Curls without curlers and curling irons


    Curls on long hair can be different: romantic waves, playful curls or messy curls, but they always look amazing. This hairstyle has been popular with the fair half of humanity for a long period of time. How to make beautiful curls at home? It's much simpler than it might seem at first glance. Some simple techniques will allow you to achieve even better effect than in the salon.

    So that you can get beautiful curls that attract the attention of others, long hair subject to careful care. Keep strong and natural shine The following home activities will help you achieve beautiful curls:

    • various cosmetic procedures(masks, scrubs);
    • regular hair washing;
    • taking mineral and vitamin complexes;
    • frequent combing of strands with a massage brush.

    Choosing styling for long curls, you need to take into account your hair type and face shape so that the image is harmonious. To do this, it is advisable to contact a professional stylist who will tell you about individual characteristics strands, recommend products to care for them and select the most optimal type of hairstyle. You can independently find out the necessary information if you read specialized literature on the relevant topic.

    To create beautiful long curls at home, you will need the following tips:

    1. When styling curly hair with too small curls, it is advisable to straighten them with a hairdryer, and large curls It's better not to straighten it.
    2. Before styling, treat thin long strands with styling products to give the desired volume. A little backcombing from the roots will help give visual thickness.
    3. To achieve perfect curls perm, first stretch out the curls with an iron, and then curl them in any chosen way.

    How to curl beautiful curls at home - photo

    There are many ways to create luxurious curls at home. You don’t have to wait for a holiday or special occasion to build beautiful hairstyle with careless curls. With the help of an iron, curlers, hair dryer or other home helpers, you can create curls every day without spending a lot of time creating them. let's consider step by step guides, which will help you curl beautiful curls at home.

    Curl your hair using a straightener and curling iron

    The easiest way to create beautiful curls– use of a curling iron or iron. But before the procedure, there should be no hairspray, gel, mousse or other styling products on your hair, so wash and dry it first. In order for the hairstyle to last for a long time, and the structure of the strands to remain intact, it is better to apply before curling special remedy for heat styling. Technology for styling beautiful curls with an iron:

    1. Divide your hair into sections.
    2. Place the straightening iron perpendicular to the strand, grab its end with tongs, twist it around the axis several times, then curl your hair as if using a curling iron.
    3. Do the same with all the strands. You will get spirals of hair that you need to carefully separate into curls with your hands.
    4. To prevent the curls from falling apart during wearing, fix them with any means intended for this.

    How to create curls on long hair with a curling iron step by step:

    1. Take a large curling iron with tongs, distribute the hair into strands, and pull one of them.
    2. Pinch the end of the strand with a curling iron, then curl it completely, as with regular curlers, and wait a while. The longer you hold them with a curling iron, the stronger the curls will be. But excessive heat treatment can harm the condition of your hair.
    3. You will get a more natural result if you purchase a conical curling iron without a clamp.
    4. Even without curling irons, curling strands is very easy and safe.
    5. After curling, the hair should not be untwisted, but only carefully removed from the curling iron and fixed with hairspray.

    Making curls with curlers

    With the help of various types of curlers, a woman can curl any curls: funny small curls, thin spirals, beautiful waves and even a lion's mane. This method has been tested for decades - it does not damage the hair, so it inspires confidence. However, those with hair that is too long will have to work hard; winding them with curlers is not such an easy task. How to do this correctly?

    Velcro or hedgehog curlers

    The perfect solution for women with thin hair. “Velcro” and “hedgehog” do not require additional clips or elastic bands, but are used on dry or wet strands. The ease and speed of the winding process plays an important role. The method is suitable for girls who do not have time for a curling iron, diffuser or styler:

    1. Wash your hair and dry it a little.
    2. Distribute any fixing agent over the entire surface to obtain a more lasting result.
    3. Select a section of hair according to the size of the curler and comb it with a comb.
    4. Curl, moving from the end to the roots inward, slightly pulling the strand so that the hair curls smoothly.
    5. Dry your curls naturally, and if you don’t have time, then use a hairdryer.
    6. To remove the “hedgehogs” or “Velcro”, they should be unscrewed, but very carefully so as not to damage the curls.
    7. Afterwards, comb the curls with a large-toothed comb, forming a smooth wave.

    On thermo or electric curlers

    Hot rollers are used to create fashionable long, medium-sized curls. The advantage of this installation is the speed and different ways cheating. Here are instructions for using them:

    1. Wash and dry your hair completely.
    2. Apply heat protection product.
    3. First roll the heated curlers from the back of the head, and then onto the sides.
    4. After complete cooling, remove them.
    5. Apply a fixative to your curls.

    On curlers or boomerang curlers

    Soft curlers or “boomerangs” help create careless small curls and large curls, depending on the size. Girls love them for the opportunity to put them on at night and get up in the morning without a headache from uncomfortable lying down. You should use “boomerangs” to create curls for long hair like this:

    1. Wash your hair, lightly dry your hair, apply a little fixative.
    2. Divide your hair into equal sections and comb each section along its entire length with an antistatic brush to remove tangles.
    3. Separate one strand at the top of your head, wind the curler, starting from the end, moving up in a spiral. Make sure there are no unsightly creases that will ruin the whole effect of beautiful waves.
    4. After winding the strand, fix the “boomerang” by connecting its lower and upper ends.
    5. After twisting all the strands, wait a few hours, then separate the ends of the “boomerangs” and unwind the hair.
    6. To create a slight negligence, do not comb your curls - treat them with varnish. To create wavy Hollywood curls, it is better to comb your hair.

    Creating curls with a hairdryer

    It’s easy to create beautiful curls on unruly long hair using a regular hair dryer with a diffuser attachment. Experts call this method of curling “ wet effect" To create chic small curls you need:

    1. Wash your hair, dry your hair 70% with a towel.
    2. Apply the mousse to your palms, then squeeze the entire length of the strands with them, as if collecting them into a bun.
    3. Tilt your head down and dry your hair with a diffuser.
    4. Then, without raising your head, straighten the curl with your hands, creating volume.

    Curls without curlers and curling irons

    Making curls at home without special equipment is also not a problem. Some fashionistas use pieces of thick paper for this, onto which they twist the strands one by one, securing them with threads. Other resourceful girls even use their own fingers to create beautiful curls from long hair. Let's look at the most common methods of creating curls.


    With the help of an ordinary hairpin, girls create quite professional curls that can last even for several days:

    1. Lightly dampen the strands and gather them in ponytail.
    2. Twist the tail into a tight strand, wind it into a bun, and secure with a hairpin.
    3. After 6-8 hours, unwind the tail.
    4. Beat the resulting beautiful wavy curls with your hands and secure with varnish.

    Small curls

    Our grandmothers made playful curls using rags, and now this method has not lost its relevance. You will need several thin pieces of 5 cm in length to perform the following steps:

    1. Divide your hair into narrow strands and wrap them around rags from ends to roots, like wooden bobbins.
    2. Tie the pieces into knots so that the hair does not slip out.
    3. Dry naturally or with a hairdryer, then carefully untie or cut the fabric so as not to damage the curls.
    4. Fix small curls with any means.

    Large waves

    A piece of fabric will help you create an elegant large wave on long hair. To do this you will need:

    1. Moisten the strands with water and divide them into several zones.
    2. Prepare strips of cotton fabric according to the number of zones.
    3. Wrap the base of the strand with a cloth and braid it into a braid, tying the end with an elastic band.
    4. Make “spikelets” on all strands and leave overnight.
    5. In the morning, loosen your hair, fluff it slightly with your hands, and spray with hairspray.

    Light curls with braids

    Light curls will help you make traditional braids - this is the most reliable way creating beautiful curls on long strands without damaging your hair:

    1. Wet strands with water or wash.
    2. Divide your hair into 10-20 equal parts and braid them.
    3. Tie each with a thin elastic band, spray with varnish, and go to bed.
    4. In the morning, unravel the braids, form curls, and secure with any means.

    Curling hair with an elastic band

    With the help of a headband, girls often create evening hairstyles for long hair. But this accessory is sometimes used to create beautiful curly strands. For this:

    1. Place an elastic band on your head.
    2. Moisten the strands that are underneath with water.
    3. Divide wet hair into several parts and twist each strand into a flagellum.
    4. Place each strand under the elastic band and tuck the end into the previous strand.
    5. After a few hours, let your hair down and form beautiful curls.

    Video: how to quickly create voluminous curls that last a long time

    If you are the owner of straight long hair, do not think that you will never get beautiful hair. voluminous curls. Beautiful perm easy to do at home, it is only important to know exactly what size of curls best suits your appearance. Watch the video selection below, which will help you choose the optimal size of curls and find out the best way to create them, allowing the curls to maintain their shape for a long time.

    Big curls from the face

    Afro curls

    Hollywood curls

    Step-by-step installation instructions for electric curling irons

    The desire of women to constantly change has led to the emergence various forms styling Among them, a special place is occupied by light waves, which are appropriate in Everyday life and on special, solemn occasions. Who these hairstyles suit and how to do them using various devices (including improvised means) will be discussed in this article.

    What they are and who they are suitable for

    These are the same curls, only created in a deliberately careless manner. As a hairstyle, they look natural and feminine.

    This styling option looks great on long and medium-length hair. But on short hair you can also create soft curls very effectively.

    The main thing is to know how to curl your curls correctly, what devices you need to use for this, and what styling products you can use to create them. Wavy hair at home.

    You should not do light curls before important event if you don't have practice. The result may not be what you wanted. It’s better to practice creating soft waves on your hair in advance. This way you will be able to get used to the stylers and decide in which direction it is better to wind.

    Remember that thick, long and coarse hair They unwind faster and in this case you should definitely use styling products. But thin hair can be easily made heavier with the help of various hairsprays, foams, etc. Therefore, use them carefully, trying not to overdo the quantity. Read more about products for creating and fixing curls on our website.

    Wavy curls suit everyone, the main thing is to curl them correctly and in the right direction.

    Curls with a flat iron

    Before making a light wave using a straightener, It is worth familiarizing yourself with some rules:

    • You can use the iron only on dry hair;
    • shaping the hairstyle is done on well-washed hair;
    • the wrap goes in the direction from the roots to the hair;
    • It’s important to choose the right temperature. For example, for fine hair An average temperature is sufficient;
    • when screwing, do not put too much pressure on the clamp so that unsightly folds do not remain;
    • be sure to use thermal protection.

    Curls for medium and long hair

    1. Separate the temple areas and secure them with a hairpin.
    2. Gather the remaining strands into a ponytail, leaving the initial horizontal row at the back of the head.
    3. Take a small strand of hair from the back of your head and press it with an iron at a distance of about 2 cm from the roots.
    4. Holding the tip of the strand, turn it together with the iron towards the head at 360°C. The end of the strand should point down.
    5. In this position, pull the styler down along the entire curl. You should get a neat curl.
    6. Separate the next section of hair horizontally and do the same movements, pointing the iron in the opposite direction - away from the head. So wavy curls will not merge with each other.
    7. In the next row, create root volume. To do this, comb each individual tuft of hair at the root and spray with hairspray.
    8. Then twist in the opposite direction from the previous row, holding the strand at the roots.
    9. Curl the rest of your hair in this manner. The front bundles are all wound in an upward direction.

    What are the features of curling curls for long and medium hair? You will find the preferred curling techniques on our website.

    Advice. To create natural wave on your hair, tilt your head forward and comb the curls thoroughly with your fingers. Spray with varnish. Raise your head, straighten all the curls with your fingers and apply hairspray again.

    Using a straightener, you can make curls at home in this way:

    1. Twist a small strand into a tight strand and run an iron through it, warming your hair well from the inside.
    2. Do the same with the rest of your hair.
    3. Smooth out the curls with your fingers and fix with hairspray.

    Blow dry

    How to make hair wavy with a hair dryer?

    You will need:

    • 2 large round combs;


    1. Wash your hair and dry it with a hair dryer in no particular orderuntil almost dry.
    2. Separate a small part of the hair and stretch it out using brushing and a hairdryer, as with standard styling.
    3. Grab the same bun again and twist it onto the comb towards the head, all the while drying it with a hairdryer. In this position, leave the brush on the strand while you make the next curl.
    4. Curl the next part of the curls in the same way, leaving the comb on it in the form of a large curler.
    5. Unwind the previous curl.
    6. Repeat with the rest of the curls.

    Curls with a curling iron

    How to make wavy hair using curlers:

    1. Wash your hair and dry it until slightly damp. Apply mousse. If you use hot rollers, your curls should be completely dry.
    2. Create curls by starting from the ends. The width of the strand should be slightly less length styler. Make twists in different directions.
    3. Dry your curls with a hairdryer. When using thermostylers, skip this point.
    4. Carefully remove the stylers and comb through the curls with your fingers. Do not brush.
    5. Fix with varnish.

    Attention! Please note that this method is not suitable for those with short hair.

    Styling with a bun

    A great way for those who have long curls and do not have time for lengthy manipulations with their hair. You can wear a bun at work and get soft, airy curls in the evening.

    How to make beautiful waves on your hair using a beam?

    1. Twist your curls into a tight rope.
    2. Twist it to form a bun and secure with hairpins or hairpins.
    3. Leave it on for a few hours, and then just loosen your hair and straighten it all out with your hands.


    1. Apply mousse or foam to cleanly washed and damp hair.
    2. Braid your hair: one or several, depending on the thickness of your hair. The thicker the braid, the softer the wave will be.
    3. Wait for the braid to dry (you can leave it overnight).
    4. Unravel and style with your fingers without a comb.

    This method is also faster. To do this, a braid is braided onto clean, dry hair, which needs to be warmed well with an iron. You can find out what curls from braids look like and who this method of curling is suitable for, on our website.

    Cold Wave

    Cold wave (aka retro wave) gets its name from the styling method: curling occurs without thermal devices. This hairstyle looks good on short hair ah, but you can create it at any length.

    You will need:

    • foam (for more natural look) or gel (to create an emphasis on curls). Choose styling products that will leave your hair flexible, not stiff;
    • hair clips;
    • comb with fine teeth.


    1. Apply the chosen styling product to damp hair and make a side part about 5 cm deep.
    2. Starting from the side where there is more hair, comb it well with a comb, directing it towards the face.
    3. From the very top, at the roots, place your finger on the parting so that it points towards the face, parallel to the parting.
    4. Take a comb and place it parallel to your finger at a distance equal to the depth of the future wave (about 3 cm). Use the comb to move the selected part of the hair towards your finger, forming a wave (crown) upward.
    5. Place your finger in place of the comb and comb the remaining curls, thoroughly combing out any irregularities in the area of ​​the finger.
    6. Secure the wave with clamps on both sides.
    7. Use your finger and comb to create a new wave, remembering to comb the strands well.
    8. Pay due attention to the front part; the lines should be clear and beautifully outlined. Be sure to secure the bends of the crown with clamps. Please note that the clamps must be parallel to each other.
    9. Continue working until you reach the desired number of crowns.
    10. Wrap the tip of your hair in the direction from the face to the crown and form a beautiful curl.
    11. Wait until your hair is dry and only then remove the clips.
    12. Spray the entire surface of the crowns well with varnish.

    Advice. Cold wave You can continue this all over your head, or you can simply curl the back of your hair with curlers.

    Curls with a flat iron and foil

    The foil strengthens the fixation of the curl, and styling with an iron is more durable.

    1. Cut the foil into squares.
    2. Take a small strand and curl it into a ring, starting from the tip, towards the head.
    3. Wrap the ring in foil, forming a pocket.
    4. Warm up the iron for about 2 minutes.
    5. Continue forming curls in the same way.
    6. Remove the foil only when it has cooled completely.
    7. Straighten the finished curls with your hands and fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

    There are many ways to create easy waves. If you need to style quickly, then use a hairdryer. And if you don’t even have time for styling, take care of your hair in advance and just make a bun. Well, if you want to work your magic on your hair longer and create a real masterpiece, then a curling iron will help you.

    Although, in the pursuit of beauty, all means are good, so experiment, try different methods and choose the one that you like more than others.

    Useful videos

    How to make your own curls without harming your health.

    A method of curling curls “for the lazy.”


    Hairstyles with large curls are an excellent solution for a casual and formal look. There are many ways to create a curly hairstyle at home. Moreover, the speed of creating a hairstyle and the shape of the curl will depend on the chosen tool.

    Using one of the proposed options, you will learn how to create romantic waves, passionate curls, frivolous curls and elegant curls.

    Preparation for installation

    Regardless of how you plan to make large curls, you must first wash your hair.

    For any hairstyle, you will need a thin comb to separate strands and clips to hold excess hair. Means for fixation - foam, mousse, varnish. If you plan to use a curling iron, straightener, hair dryer or hot roller, be sure to take brake protectors. A comb or brush is useful for adding volume.

    If your hair does not hold its style well, first apply a salt or sugar spray (for example, Schwarzkopf OSIS) to damp hair.

    Ways to create large curls


    Although this tool is designed for straightening, it can also create spectacular curls. The wider the iron, the larger the curls will be.

    • Start curling from the face. Separate a strand with a thin comb, remove the rest of the hair and pin it up so that it does not interfere.
    • Pinch the strand at the roots at a distance of several centimeters, then turn the iron a little and smoothly lower to the tip of the strand. To avoid damaging the hair structure and leaving kinks. Don't squeeze the iron too hard.

    • After the hairstyle is ready, spray it with hairspray. To give your curls more volume and waviness, pre-comb your hair with your fingers or gently run a brush through it.

    An important nuance: the slower you iron, the steeper the shape of the curl you will get - with a little experimentation, you can determine the optimal time.

    Using a curling iron

    It’s quite easy to make beautiful large curls with a curling iron if you follow the technology:

    • Separate small strands: this will allow you to get curls of optimal shape and elasticity.
    • Curl from roots to ends, then the waves will be smooth, without creases.
    • In most cases it is necessary large curling iron: from 28 to 33 mm - the optimal diameter for creating medium-sized curls, 38 mm and more - for voluminous hair.

    After the hairstyle is ready, apply a fixative to prevent the strands from sticking and becoming deformed.

    An important nuance: to make the styling hold its shape longer, secure the curled strands with bobby pins. Let the strands cool and remove them.

    Using curlers

    Curlers - good way to get large curls without damaging them. In addition, it is an excellent alternative to chemistry. Before you start styling, you need to master the technology of curling hair curlers.

    • Using clips, divide your hair into several parts: the back of the head, the crown and the sides. Or use our diagrams.

    • Start winding from the parietal part, then work on the occipital, temporal and lateral parts.
    • Using a thin comb, separate a strand no wider than the curler and comb it.
    • Keep the strand taut and perpendicular to your head to prevent individual hairs from slipping out.
    • First, carefully twist the end of the strand, then begin to wrap the curlers inside. Bring the hair roller as close to your head as possible and secure it.
    • When all the hair is curled, dry it with a hairdryer or wait until it dries itself, and in the case of hot rollers, let it cool.
    • Carefully remove the curlers, spray with varnish and proceed with further styling.

    The shape of the curls depends on the type of curler you choose:

    Velcro - best type curlers to obtain soft and elastic curls, and the styling lasts as long as possible. Velcro is suitable for all hair types except thick hair and does not cause any harm. They are wound onto damp strands: you can dry your hair with a hairdryer or wait until it dries on its own.

    Thermo-curlers are preheated, then wound onto dry and clean hair with thermal protection applied. It is necessary to hold the curlers until they have completely cooled, and then carefully remove them. The curls are smooth and shiny, but do not last very long. This type of curler is not suitable for soft and fine hair.

    Boomerangs are ideal for night use. Large-diameter curlers allow you to curl large curls, and small-diameter curlers allow you to get smaller curls. The curlers are suitable for all hair types, create a natural effect, and the resulting hairstyle lasts as long as possible. To prevent the curlers from unwinding and individual strands from slipping out, cover your hair with a scarf.

    “Magic” spiral curlers suitable for all hair types. They are a spiral-shaped case into which wet strands are drawn using a stick with a hook. You can wait until your hair dries on its own and takes the required form, and it will last as long as possible. You can also speed up the process by using a hairdryer. You can't sleep in curlers - there will be broken curls.

    Velvet curlers are equipped with a special coating that prevents tangling and damage to the hair, and when removed, hair pulling out. The large diameter of these curlers is optimal for making large curls for long hair. They keep their shape well.

    Plastic curlers They differ from the others in the presence of special clamps, so to secure them yourself, skill is required. The result is soft and voluminous waves. The resulting hairstyle retains its shape for a long time.

    A little secret: To make a hairstyle with curls look natural and voluminous, use curlers of different diameters. And to fix the curls, use a medium hold hairspray. For a clearer texture, apply a little gel to your hands and run your fingers through the strands.

    Creating curls with a hairdryer and diffuser

    To create a curl with a diffuser, use a bowl with long fingers. The shorter the hair, the smaller the “fingers” should be.

    • Lightly dry your wet hair with a towel.
    • Take a hairdryer with a diffuser, a round comb and a fixing product (mousse, spray or foam).
    • Tilt your head back, place the strand in the diffuser, then start drying, springily moving the hair dryer closer and further away. The strands should wrap around the “tentacles” of the bowl. Continue until hair is dry.
    • The hairstyle with curls is ready, now just fix it with hairspray.

    Do not overuse fixatives if you do not want the “wet hair” effect.

    An important nuance: partially form the curls yourself when you apply the diffuser to damp hair.

    Technique for curling large curls using brushing and a hairdryer

    It is familiar to everyone who has ever done hair styling in a salon. To repeat it at home, use a large diameter round comb, a hairdryer, heat protection, bobby pins to hold in place during styling, and a fixative.

    • Divide your hair into four parts: the sides, the back of the head and the crown.
    • Start from the back of the head, pinning the remaining parts. Separate a section of hair no wider than the comb and slowly move the brush downwards, following it with the hairdryer. The greater the tension and slower the movement, the more beautiful, tight and large curls you will get.
    • To fix, cool the strand with cold air.
    • After all the strands are curled, apply hairspray.

    Tip: to style large curls, use a concentrator attachment, but do not touch your hair with it, keep the hair dryer at a distance of 2-3 cm. And be sure to use a heat protectant.

    Making curls with plaits

    Braids are another option for quickly creating a natural hairstyle that is slightly tousled and soft. To do this you will need bobby pins, mousse and a hairdryer.

    • Apply styling product to damp hair and divide it into strands with a thin comb: the thinner the strand, the smaller the curls, so to create large curls, take more hair.
    • Twist the strand into a tight rope and let it fold. Pin the ends with a hairpin. You can dry your future hairstyle with a hairdryer or leave it until your hair dries itself.
    • After unwinding the strands, give the curls the desired shape and fix with varnish.

    Donut or headband for curls

    Typically used for babette hairstyles, donut scrunchies and headbands are ideal for creating curls.

    • Gather your hair into a high ponytail, moisten a little with water from a spray bottle and curl your hair into a donut.
    • Move from the tip of the ponytail to the roots to create a full bun at the end. It does not require additional fastening.

    This hairstyle looks original, so you can wear it all day, and in the evening let your hair down and get luxurious large curls.

    To obtain perfect shape curls, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the hair and its length.

    • It is difficult to get large curls on short hair, but you can create light curls and waves that look even more interesting than classic perm. To do this, use varnish or mousse, but in small quantities to avoid the needle effect.
    • The average length allows you to experiment with hairstyles. Medium curls look better on her. But on medium length It’s much easier to restore the shape of your curls if they have loosened during the day: just gather the bun for a while, and then release it again. Use the brush for voluminous waves and a more natural look.
    • Large curls on long hair require mandatory fixation, otherwise the hairstyle will simply sag under its own weight.

    Whatever method of creating curls you choose, do not neglect heat protection and styling products, because only healthy and undamaged hair looks truly beautiful and attractive.

    Not all girls crave noticeably curly strands - some prefer small and natural curls.

    If you still don’t know how to make light curls at home, then this article will teach you how to twist curls quickly and easily so as not to waste a lot of time.

    In addition, this is an ideal option for those women who do not like voluminous waves on their heads and noticeable curls.

    Beautiful light curls - natural and casual

    Slightly wavy hair – why not ideal styling for every day? It can be done in literally half an hour if you have a curling iron in the house. Slightly curly hair They look natural and quite casual, but at the same time they are not as boring as ordinary hairstyles. That is why such light waves go perfectly with street style and may well become your favorite everyday hairstyle.

    The versatility of this styling lies in the fact that it is suitable for hair of any length - short hair, medium hair, and long hair. So no need to think about how to curl small curls on short haircuts or for thick hair up to the waist – this style will suit everyone.

    Traditionally, fashionistas wear light wavy curls with a simple casual style, which is why this style is often called “street curls.” It perfectly emphasizes the laconicism of everyday and comfortable clothes, youth style, adds a touch of femininity and resonates well with ultra-modern looks.

    So if you are active on Instagram or like to change your looks, be sure to try stylish “street curls”!

    Since small waves on the hair do not contrast too much with a woman’s appearance, such curly strands will not highlight your features in any way - small curls look quite natural and natural, as if they are spinning on their own, and not with the help of curlers or curling irons.

    Very beautiful images are obtained if, along with delicate light curls, you add a touch of audacity to the look - boots or ankle boots with studs, leather jacket studded or distressed boyfriend jeans. Such an appropriate composition attracts attention thanks to its play of contrasts, and therefore simply will not go unnoticed. This technique, by the way, looks great in photographs too!

    Below we present the simplest and available funds that will help you get wavy hair. Choose any of them. We have only conditionally divided these points into those that are more suitable for a particular hair length - in fact, each beauty tip can be safely applied to hair of any length. It’s just that some will work more efficiently, for example, with a long head of hair, and others with a short haircut.

    If you have curlers in your house, then using them to create small waves will be very easy. The size of the beauty device can be different: curlers of any diameter are suitable for medium hair.

    If you want small and smooth waves, then choose a medium size curler. Large curlers will give more sweeping, light curls. Small curlers rarely give a natural curl, since thick and coarse hair is optimal for them.

    1. We comb clean, damp hair and divide it into strands. If you don’t have time to wait for the mop to dry naturally, then use a little mousse or foam for styling. If there is enough time, then we skip this point.
    2. We curl each strand in turn, twisting the hair vertically on curlers. We leave them in this position for the time necessary for the hair to dry completely. But if you are in a hurry, you can use more quick method: take a hair dryer and dry the curled strands with it. Let the hair cool and remove the curlers.

    Light natural wavy hair with a bun

    Medium hair length is convenient because you can apply a variety of curling methods to it. In this case, we will use an ordinary bun - a good old hairstyle that was incredibly popular eight years ago.

    1. We wash our hair, dry our hair a little with a hairdryer and comb it.
    2. We twist the bun at the top of the head, forming it in a spiral, and then secure it on top with an elastic band or hairpin.
    3. We wait for the hair to dry or use a hairdryer to dry it faster. When the mop has completely cooled or dried, remove the elastic band or hairpin and comb the strands a little.

    That's all! As you can see, this is the simplest and most harmless method that gives light curls. By the way, you can do this hairstyle while you are applying makeup to your face or doing routine activities.

    Light curls can be done the fastest with an iron or curling iron - this is the main convenience this method. But, of course, this method is more harmful to the health and beauty of the mop than others. So it’s better not to get carried away with it too much and leave this option for special occasions when there is absolutely no time left for styling.

    Light curls on a bob are very convenient to curl in this way. Therefore, for short hair this method is the fastest and most proven.

    1. First of all, make sure that your hair is clean and looks fresh. IN otherwise, don’t be lazy to spend time washing your hair. After this, blow dry your hair until it is completely dry.
    2. Comb your hair and part it. Separate one strand and take a curling iron. If you curl your hair with an iron, then the strand is placed in it, starting from the roots of the hair, and then clamped and pushed to the side and up. After this, we unclench the iron and move it lower, using it to bend the strand in the other, opposite direction. We hold the iron for 5-7 seconds and continue these manipulations to the very ends of the hair.
    3. Of course, it will be more convenient to curl light curls with a curling iron - to do this, we wind the strands vertically, starting from the ends, and hold them on a hot curling iron for 6-7 seconds. We carry out the described procedures with the remaining hair until we make light curls throughout the entire head of hair.

    To prevent the hairstyle from falling off and losing its shape, it is best to treat it with a fixing hairspray at the very end - three or four sprays on top will be enough.

    How to make curly long hair using braids

    We all remember how in childhood we made braids on our heads, and after unbraiding them we got interesting wavy patterns. This is how you can twist small curls on long or unruly hair.

    It’s best to do this at night, then in the morning all you have to do is remove the elastic bands and adjust your hairstyle.

    1. We wash our hair and dry it with a towel to remove excess moisture.
    2. We comb our hair and then weave a braid that is not tight (this is important to get light curls). You can braid just one - then you will get larger waves. Or two or three to create more structured curls.
    3. If you braid your hair at night, you do not need to use any styling products. And if you are in a hurry, you can apply a little foam or mousse to the strands and dry the braid with a hairdryer.

    This is the most affordable option to create light curls. And if you want more volume, then combine the bun and braid method: divide the entire head into two parts and braid two braids on the sides, then twist them into buns and secure. You will get more interesting and voluminous light curls that will last especially long.

    For example, you can go the old tried and true route and twist strands of hair into bobbins - plastic sticks that are secured to your head with an elastic band. To make the curls sufficiently voluminous, you should use large bobbins. You need to put such devices on damp hair that has been treated with mousse or foam to create curls. To make your hair dry faster and keep your curls longer, you can blow dry them. Then remove the bobbins and use your fingers to shape the hairstyle, separating each strand. Please fix the style with hair spray.

    For those who do not like to dry their hair with a hairdryer, there is your own option for creating curls. These are boomerang curlers. They are wire wrapped in foam rubber. Since they are soft and comfortable to sleep in, you can safely wear them all night long.

    You can also make air ones using hot rollers. To do this, immerse the curlers in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Dry your hair with a hairdryer and spray with hairspray. Twist the strands and secure with clips. After the hot rollers have cooled completely, the hair should be treated with a hairdryer. At the end, carefully remove the curlers, comb your hair and fix the styling with hairspray. Use a hairspray that does not stick or weigh down your hair.

    If you are the owner of straight hair, then tongs will help you create curls. Blow-dry your hair, giving it volume at the crown. Warm up the tongs and, strand by strand, curl your hair on them. Separate the resulting curls with your fingers, comb them so that they become less distinct and style them the way you like.

    If your hair is slightly curly by nature, style it in airy curls you can use a hairdryer with a diffuser. Wash your hair, dry it with a towel and comb it with a wide-toothed comb. Apply mousse to your hair and then dry it with a hairdryer and diffuser. In this case, styling should begin with the hair of the lower occipital zone.

    A hair straightener will also work to create curls. By the way, with its help you can do your hair very quickly and efficiently. Blow dry your hair, separate and pin up the top section of hair. Use the iron to grab one strand of hair from the bottom area with the iron pointing down. Make one turn of the strand around the iron and roll it in the same direction along the entire length of the hair. Lay the rest of the strands in the same way. At the end, spray your curls with hairspray.

    Use properly selected, high-quality products. Remember that mousses and sprays for creating curls are different for straight and curly hair. Be sure to use heat-protective curling irons and straighteners when styling your hair.

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