• Planning the gender of the child. How to plan the sex of a child - a boy: advice from obstetricians, special diets and folk remedies


    The idea that it is possible to plan the sex of the child was given to me by my mother-in-law. She said that it is possible to plan the sex of the child based on the blood renewal method. Then I thought that if it is possible to somehow influence the gender of the unborn child, then this chance should not be missed. My parents really wanted a boy. When was mine born elder sister, their hopes for the appearance of a son grew very high, and they were very much looking forward to the fact that this time a boy would definitely appear. By acute form belly, older women often predicted the appearance of a boy. And the doctor announced to my mother that there would be not one child, but two. My parents even prepared names: Vadim and Maxim.

    But the Lord God was pleased that a girl was born. I spent my childhood among toy trucks and cars. The first doll was given to me at the age of 10 by some relatives who came to visit. And I constantly felt guilty about being born a girl. In the end I had short haircut and I played with boys more often than with girls. I was the first girl in the class that the boys began to call not by their last name, but by their first name.

    In general, when I found out about the possibility of planning the sex of the child, I got excited about this idea. Knowledge of methods floor planning child can save many parents and children from similar situations. If it is possible to avoid disappointment, then why not? Especially those who have 3 girls, and the husband stubbornly wants a son.

    Methods for planning the sex of the child

    After studying all these Chinese and Japanese gender planning calendars, I realized that the probability of having a boy is 50%. I decided to look for something else. I tested the method of blood renewal on my acquaintances and relatives, who could accurately remember the year of birth of their parents. The probability exceeded 80%. I didn't stop there. I thought that if you combine all the real ways of planning the sex of the child, then you can independently increase the likelihood of having a child of the desired gender.

    According to the method of blood renewal, it turned out that before December 2007 (deadline) we should have conceived a boy.

    Preparing for conception

    3 months before the expected one, we passed tests for sexually transmitted diseases, my husband quit smoking, and we stopped buying alcohol. And a month before conception, they decided to go to the sea and relax.

    All these 3 months I recorded the days of menstruation and the timing of unusual discharge. Once I even noticed a transparent clot of lubricant on my panties. Recorded this day as the date of ovulation.

    All these 3 months I refused milk, kefir, yogurt, sweets. Sometimes I ate cottage cheese. And she ate meat, fish, sausage in large quantities. I ate a lot of fried foods, did not spare salt.

    Unsuccessful attempts at conception

    After three months of preparation, we decided it was time. Armed with ovulation tests and an electronic thermometer, I proceeded to the most important stage of planning the sex of the child. It was important not to miss ovulation. And that the husband at this time was not at work (he worked for days).

    After a couple of days of communicating with an electronic thermometer, I decided to leave it for more important things and catch ovulation only with the help of test strips. And besides, a change in rectal temperature could be caused not only by ovulation, but also by other factors.

    Every morning I ran to the bath and looked at the appearing stripes for a long time. Sometimes it was not clear whether there was a second stripe or not. In such cases, I used a different test.

    When it was already the middle of the cycle, and I didn’t see the cherished two stripes, I was upset. Maybe the day of ovulation fell on the day when the husband was at work, or maybe the test was just wrong, and my husband and I missed this day. Or maybe I didn't ovulate at all this month. Since she does not come every month, but about 8-10 times a year (for women under 28 years old).

    I was upset. I used to think that getting pregnant was not a problem. This conclusion has been confirmed by many cases. unwanted pregnancy with familiar girls.

    I plunged into the abyss of the Internet, hoping to find more more information on my question. And I found information that it is possible to talk about problems with conception only after a year of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. This calmed me a little, but December was already on the nose, and I didn’t have time for unsuccessful attempts. The closer to December, the more likely the conception of a girl increased. And we still hoped to conceive a boy.

    Hooray! I am pregnant!

    The third menstrual cycle of planning the sex of the child has begun. Sometimes I was visited by thoughts that maybe I should leave this idea with floor planning, relax and forget about everything. After all, it was then, according to grandmothers, that the long-awaited conception comes. But it was too early to give up. I decided that now I will not wish for the appearance of the cherished stripes and experience their absence. And as little as possible to think about conception.

    This month I started to catch ovulation with strips directly from last days menses. And I was just stunned when I saw two strips on the test on the last day of discharge. I did not take it seriously and attributed everything to residual discharge on the last day of menstruation. The retest was not used. Gently kissed her still sleeping husband, thinking that he was still sleeping. The sweet kiss grew this morning into passionate loving mutual caresses and hugs of two loving people.

    After this incident, I no longer saw double stripes. I didn't even worry about their absence. I tried not to think about our goal, but every morning I used the tests.

    I didn't have my period on the expected day. She did not come on the second day either. But since I always had an irregular menstrual cycle, I decided to wait another week to take a pregnancy test. But every day I lived without menstruation added to my hope for a completed long-awaited conception, and the desire to take the test early was simply impossible to restrain. And I decided to do the test without waiting for the next morning. The only problem was that I was at work that day, I didn’t have any tests with me. At lunchtime, I ran to the nearest pharmacy. But they were not there. Maybe another girl would come back, but not me. I took the bus to another pharmacy. There were tests. But, looking into my wallet, I realized that I didn’t have enough money for the test.

    Disappointed by this, I left the pharmacy and ran into my colleague by chance. I don’t know what he was doing there, but I still borrowed money from him “for painkillers for a tooth.”

    I just flew to work and immediately locked myself in the toilet. I bought inkjet test as it can be used without a cup. I read the instructions, took the test and ... Hooray, I'm pregnant! I came out of the toilet happy and radiant. I don’t know what the girls who met me in the toilet were thinking. I immediately called my husband and was delighted with my news.

    We did an ultrasound the next week. We first saw our baby when he was 5 weeks old. Then he was still with a ponytail. At the appointment with the gynecologist, we learned that our child was conceived immediately after the end of menstruation. And we were sure that we would have a boy. At about 22 weeks, we were told on an ultrasound that we were having a boy.

    Our son is now about a year old. And we are already thinking about a daughter. Now I know that you can and should plan your life the way you want. Even when it comes to planning the sex of the child.

    When a family already has several children of the same sex (for example, only boys), parents who want to continue increasing the family have a natural desire to give birth to at least one girl, as they say, “for mom”. And it happens that young parents want their son to be their firstborn. Then begin how to plan the sex of the child even before he is conceived.

    At one time, geneticists, indeed, suggested that a certain lifestyle and the predominance of certain foods in a man’s diet somehow affect the chromosomal composition of his spermatozoa, which, however, was not scientifically confirmed. And yet, people who are on fire with the idea of ​​​​having a child of the desired sex continue to be interested in how to plan the sex of the child. This interesting topic requires deep consideration.

    In contact with

    For any person who is at least a little versed in the basics of physiology, the question - is it possible to plan the sex of an unborn child - will seem frivolous. Indeed, is it possible to force a female egg to purposefully “copulate” with an X or Y chromosome sperm? Some doctors believe that this is theoretically possible, but in reality it turns out to be either too laborious or expensive.

    Let's remember the future man.

    As soon as the egg cell merges with the spermatozoon, that is, germ cells containing 23 chromosomes each, into one whole - the zygote, combining these chromosomes into pairs and therefore having full 46 chromosomes, the sex of the nascent person is predetermined.

    If the gender of a person is laid down at conception, then it is possible to plan the gender of the unborn child only up to this moment, not later. This must be remembered as twice two, so as not to be tempted by the announcements of all sorts of "magicians" promising to change the gender of a child in the womb (such figures have already appeared).

    Another question is how to plan the sex of the child before conception, if it is impossible to influence the chromosome set of spermatozoa. If anyone has forgotten, let us remind you why.

    It all depends on what chromosome set the sperm will have that has successfully penetrated the egg. If there are only X chromosomes in it, a girl will be conceived, if Y, a boy. Here's what affects the sex of the child at conception.

    The sex cell of a woman contains only the X chromosome, which means that a woman cannot influence the sex of a child in any way. Considering that chromosomes are protein structures of cell nuclei containing hereditary information, it can be understood that the questions of how to plan the sex of a child - a girl or a boy, are not as simple as they seem.

    Neither special foods nor the father's lifestyle can affect the chromosome set of sperm.

    If it is impossible to influence the set of chromosomes, then one thing remains - you need to "catch" the Y-chromosomal spermatozoon at a convenient moment for fertilization. Is it possible?

    Is it true that sperm with a Y chromosome live less than those with an X?

    There is no reliable evidence that X-chromosome spermatozoa are more survivable, but this theory is based on the principle of planning the sex of a child before conception. The theory is as follows:

    1. Y-chromosomes, that is, carriers of the male genome, have greater mobility, but their life expectancy is 24 hours.
    2. X-chromosomal spermatozoa are less mobile, but viable for 72 hours.
    3. After ovulation, the egg can be fertilized within a day.
    4. If coitus (sexual intercourse) takes place shortly before or during ovulation, there is a possibility that the Y-chromosomal spermatozoa will be the first to join the egg. Here's how to plan the gender of a baby - a boy.
    5. If the question is how to plan the sex of the child - girls, coitus should occur 2-3 days before ovulation, no later. The explanation is simple - by the time of ovulation, only X-chromosomal spermatozoa will remain alive around the egg.

    This theory, by and large, does not stand up to criticism, however, it continues to be used and by any means to determine the moment of ovulation.

    What is ovulation?

    If you are seriously interested in planning the sex of the child according to the ovulation table, you will have to thoroughly study this issue. Ovulation is the release of an egg (female germ cell) from the ovary and release from the membrane - the follicle. This happens, as a rule, 14 days before the first day of the regular (monthly), and it is not difficult to determine this date. The mature egg enters the oviduct - the fallopian tube, where it awaits fertilization for only one day.

    Strictly speaking, the entire menstrual cycle of a woman is subordinated to one single goal - conception. Simultaneously with the process of maturation of the egg, there is an increase in the inner mucous layer of the uterus - the endometrium, which creates favorable conditions for the implantation of the future fetal egg.

    If fertilization does not occur, the egg dies, and the endometrium that has grown over begins to exfoliate and, after 2 weeks, is evacuated from the uterus in the form of a menstrual fluid similar to blood.

    How to calculate the time of ovulation?

    Even if you are not interested in the question of how to plan the sex of the unborn child, knowing the time of your own ovulation is very useful. This will help to establish the gestational age or, conversely, to protect against unwanted conception. It usually takes several menstrual cycles to calculate the time of ovulation:

    1. First, determine the duration of the cycle, that is, the number of days from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next.
    2. The first day of menstruation is considered the first day of the appearance of blood-like discharge, regardless of their intensity.
    3. The duration of menstruation can vary from 2 to 8 days, this does not affect the duration of the cycle itself and the end day of the regulation is not taken into account.
    4. From the beginning of menstruation, from 21 to 35 days should pass (for all women in different ways), after which the discharge will reappear - this will be the first day of the next cycle.
    5. By counting the days between the onset of menstruation, we get the duration of the cycle.
    6. Check the beginning of the next cycles. If they come on time, then the cycle is regular. Subtract 14 days from the expected day of the next menstruation - this will be the day of ovulation.
    7. If it started late or earlier than the previous one, then you have an irregular cycle and it will be more difficult to count the days of ovulation.

    Despite the presence of mathematical calculations, this method still cannot be called 100% reliable in order to plan the sex of the child. The onset of ovulation can be affected by how external factors(stress, climate change, taking certain medications), and internal ( various diseases, weakening of the immune system, finally, a spontaneous failure of the cycle can occur).

    How to calculate with an irregular cycle?

    To calculate the day of ovulation with an irregular cycle, you will have to work hard. There are many methods, but they all require some patience and perseverance:

    • according to the basal temperature chart;
    • according to pharmacy tests for ovulation;
    • Ultrasound control.

    Charting your basal temperature is the free and easiest way to determine your ovulation day for those who are wondering how to plan for the sex of your baby.

    Another way is a special ovulation test, sold in a pharmacy. Its essence is to increase the amount of LH (luteinizing hormone) in female urine during ovulation. The method is very simple and accessible, but it also has a drawback - an increase in LH levels is not always associated with ovulation, so the accuracy of this method is doubtful.

    The most accurate data can be obtained by performing ultrasound control with dopplerometry, called folliculometry. In this case, the prediction accuracy is up to 12 hours, with the provision of direct evidence of the time of ovulation. To perform this test, you will need to undergo a whole series (from 3 to 5) of ultrasound monitoring of the ovaries, which is not cheap.

    Some sources say that the ICSI method (ICSI) is a 100% reliable method - pre-implantation genotyping as part of the IVF program. But this method is expensive and is performed strictly on medical grounds for various sperm quality disorders and other reproductive abnormalities.

    Preparation for calculation

    As already mentioned, the cheapest and easiest way is to calculate ovulation from a basal temperature chart (that is, body temperature at complete rest). Is it possible to plan the sex of the child according to this schedule - why not, if many women use this method. How to prepare for the calculation of ovulation according to the basal temperature chart?

    1. Measurements should be taken from the first day menstrual cycle.
    2. For the procedure, a separate thermometer should be allocated, since the measurement is carried out rectally, that is, in the rectum.
    3. To fix the results, draw a graph in a notebook, where the horizontal line will mean days (1, 2, 3, etc.), and the vertical line will mean the temperature in the rectum. The body temperature in this organ is more stable and less susceptible to external influences.
    4. Basal temperature is measured immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed, in a state of absolute rest, and it is imperative that at least 8 hours have passed since the last meal.

    It should be borne in mind that for basal temperature, a difference of 0.4 C has a diagnostic value, so each cell of the vertical graph should correspond to 0.1 degrees: 36.1, 36.2, 36.3, and so on up to 37.5 C.

    How to plan?

    The first 3-5 days of the cycle, the temperature is stable, then it begins to decrease slightly or undergo slight fluctuations. By about the 12-14th day, the temperature again begins to show a clear increase (by 0.4 - 0.5), if fever lasted 3 days, which means ovulation occurred.

    We have already figured out how to plan the sex of a child - a boy, for this, intercourse should take place on the day of ovulation or 12-24 hours before it. That is, while monitoring the graph of basal temperature, in the ovulatory phase, one should not start intercourse until the basal temperature begins to rise.

    And how to plan a girl? In order for a mature egg to be at the mercy of the X-chromosomal sperm, it should appear in the female reproductive system in advance - 2 days before ovulation, so that by the time of fertilization, the Y-chromosomal "seeds" are already out of the game.

    Gender planning within the IVF procedure

    Parents who are shown in vitro fertilization are interested in whether it is possible to plan the sex of the child during IVF?

    The IVF procedure can be called the most guaranteed way to plan the sex of the child. Usually, assisted reproductive technology is used in this case - ICSI, which has already been mentioned above. If parents resort to IVF, they should keep in mind that IVF + ICSI allows you to choose morphologically normal semen from the paternal ejaculate, even with complex forms of infertility.

    A high success rate can be achieved thanks to the implantation of a ready-made embryo, tested for gender and the presence of genetic pathologies (Edwards, Down, Patau syndromes). This, of course, does not mean that everyone who wants to plan the sex of the child can use the procedure. As already mentioned, it is not cheap and is carried out only for medical reasons.

    At all times, people have sought to look into the future, to predict future events and influence them. For centuries, the issue of procreation has not been ignored. Until now, future parents tend to plan the sex of the child at the stage of conception.

    All the methods that mothers and fathers still use today to give birth to a child of the “desired” gender can be divided into two groups. The methods related to the first of these do not attempt to explain the effect by scientific knowledge about the process of conception. In the second, the predictors use proven facts about this complex process as arguments.

    So, place of honor among the folk methods of planning the sex of the unborn baby takes diet.

    According to this theory, with an increase in the intake of calcium in a woman's body, the likelihood of conceiving a girl increases. At restriction - the boy.

    The funny method is attributed to a certain Elena Shavrina, “doctor of alternative medicine.” In her opinion, the sex of a child is determined by a combination of two factors: mother's age and month of conception.

    Conception of a girl in even years of a mother's life should be expected in February, April, June, August and October. In odd - in January, March, May, July, September, November. If parents want a boy, then they should act exactly the opposite.

    But in order to use this method, you must first somehow agree with your ovulation - it should occur in the middle of the month. In general, there are quite a lot of options for calculating the sex of a child related to the age of the mother and the date of conception - on the Internet you can find entire tables resembling Bradis' logarithmic reference books.

    In general, one can draw the following conclusion from them: there are more chances to give birth to a son from a young eighteen-year-old mother. At the beginning of the third decade, women give birth almost entirely to girls, then the probability of having a son or daughter gradually levels off. Mature mothers again increase the chance to give birth to a son.

    There are both male and female months of conception: from November to January you are more likely to get pregnant with a boy, from May to July - with a girl.

    Seems scientific enough at first glance. "Blood renewal theory". There is an opinion that the composition of the blood is completely renewed every four years in men and every three years in women.

    To determine the sex of the child, you have to calculate the age of the parents on the date of conception to the nearest day. Then you need to find the "freshest blood": divide the father's age by four, and the mother's age by three. The gender of the child will be the same as the gender of the parent who has the smallest balance in the quotient.

    There are also variations in the interpretation of the results: for example, if the Rh factor of the mother is negative, then the sex of the child will match the sex of the parent who has the remainder of the quotient more, and some authors wittily suggest that the coincidence of the fractional part of the quotient in these calculations will lead to the birth twins.

    If you want to increase the chance of conception boy decide to merge everything folk methods, you will have to follow instructions like this:

    "To give birth to a boy, you need to conceive a child in an even year of your mother's life in an odd month, on a clear, not rainy night, and in no case on a full moon. The bedroom should be fresh and cool, you need to lie with your head to the north, well, and on just in case, it is better to put some kind of "male" toy under the pillow: a pistol or a typewriter.

    Sons are more often born in families where the husband loves his wife more than she loves him. It is desirable that after moments of love, future parents stay awake as long as possible.

    And, of course, diet: for at least three weeks, a woman should eat protein foods (with the exception of crabs, shrimp and caviar), fruits, potatoes, mushrooms. Eliminate dairy products from the menu and do not limit yourself to salt."

    Conception girls, accordingly, it requires the exact opposite approach: the parity of the month of conception and the year of the mother's life must match, the weather must be rainy, and it would be nice if ovulation occurred on the full moon. It is better not to delay sex until late - early evening is quite suitable, and under the pillow (do not forget to lie with your head to the south) leave a pink ribbon. A more emotional woman, who clearly and openly shows her feelings for her husband and does not hesitate to take the initiative in bed, is more likely to become a mother of a daughter. Well, she should also lean on cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt, carrots, herbs and cucumbers, but limit salt and spices. It is important for the future dad of the girl not to overcool before the evening of love - the heat will somewhat reduce the activity of spermatozoa and, accordingly, increase the chance of the birth of an heiress.

    Adherents scientific methods of floor planning they take a proven fact as the basis of their reasoning: the sex of the baby is determined at the time of fertilization and depends on which sperm is in the egg - the carrier of the female or male type. If X and Y chromosomes met - wait for a boy, if X and X - a girl.

    In the 1960s, medical researchers František Benedo, Martin Yanga, and Hezel Chesterman-Phillips suggested that when spermatozoa enter the body future mother a couple of days before ovulation, then a girl will be born with a probability of 85%, and if conception occurs at the time of ovulation or immediately after, most likely a boy will be born.

    They argued that spermatozoa with a Y-chromosome are more active, but less tenacious than with an X-chromosome. Once in the genital tract of the expectant mother before ovulation, they simply do not wait until the egg is ready. And if the egg, on the contrary, is ready for immediate fertilization, then spermatozoa with the X chromosome do not have many chances to overtake rivals. Far-reaching prognostic conclusions can be drawn from these assumptions; e.g. frequent and active intimate life promotes the birth of boys: fast and active Y-sperms are more likely to be in the right place at the right time.

    The reverse option is in the hands of potential mothers of girls: if anyone will patiently wait for ovulation for several days, it is X-spermatozoa. By the way, some researchers argue that even the technique of sexual intercourse matters: the deeper and more intense the penetration, the more likely it is to conceive a boy.

    It is worth saying that all methods based on the calculation of the time of ovulation can be effective only in 80% of cases. And it’s absolutely not worth relying on them for women with an irregular cycle, in which it is difficult to determine the pattern and the exact day of ovulation. It should be taken into account that also healthy women with a fairly regular menstrual cycle, the date of ovulation can shift.

    Planning the sex of the child is an important occupation of future parents. It turns out that you can determine in advance the birth of a boy or a girl using right ways, elapsed time and set of married couples.

    The sex of a newborn child was laid at the cellular level. From school biology lessons, every person remembers that a cell consists of a cytoplasm and a nucleus. It is the nucleus that contains a set of specific chromosomes. A healthy cell has 46 chromosomes - i.e. 23 couples.

    All 22 pairs for men and women are exactly the same. The differences are only in the last 23 pair.
    In the female body, these are two "X" chromosomes, in the male - "X" and "Y".

    If at the time of conception the egg ( female cage) meets with “X” spermatozoon (male cell), then after 9 months a girl will be born, and if with “Y” spermatozoon, a boy will be born.

    Chromosomes "X" and "Y"

    Back in the 60s of last year, scientists concluded that it was possible to predetermine the future sex! It all depends on the degree of cell activity.

    The fact is that male cells with X chromosomes are distinguished by their vitality, but not activity. Being in the uterine cavity, they can safely wait 48 hours for ovulation. On the other hand, cells with "Y" chromosomes are more active, but are subject to rapid death. They can quickly reach the egg and fertilize it if conception occurred on the day of ovulation.

    How to influence the gender of the child?

    This desire arose in mankind from time immemorial and it is still relevant today. It is interesting that it took its beginning in ancient China and can be traced in many European countries. You can believe in it, but you can not, but the easterners are sure that girls are most often born to smoking parents. It is tobacco that can influence the number of "X" chromosomes in the male material. The Japanese even emphasize that a man must smoke one pack of cigarettes a day.

    Men who smoke have more "X" chromosomes

    Other researchers, from the other side of the world - Italians, have determined that the sex of the unborn child is affected by the time of year. So, they are absolutely sure that in the fall there is the greatest opportunity to conceive a boy, because this season affects the concentration of Y chromosomes in male sperm.

    Autumn is the time for the conception of boys

    The ancient scientists also believed that the moon could influence this decision. sexual relations couples need to plan not only depending on its phases, but also take into account weather conditions. For example, the Egyptians knew for sure that the full moon favors the appearance of a son. They knew that a girl would be born if the woman was impregnated immediately after her period. Well, Aristotle himself insisted that if a couple wants a boy, she needs to conceive a child at a time when the north wind blows, and a girl when the south wind blows.

    Theory of blood renewal

    Modern man hardly pays attention to the weather and the phase of the moon during fertilization. However, there are several basic methods that allow you to accurately predict the sex of the unborn child. Increasingly, couples are planning the sex of the baby according to the fashionable European theory of blood renewal.

    Planning the sex of the child for the renewal of blood

    It is believed that, first of all, the Rh factor affects the sex of the child, and only then the age of the parents.

    Chinese gender planning calendar

    Table Chinese calendar determine the sex of the child by the age of the mother

    According to the results of special studies, male blood is able to be renewed every four years. Women's blood does this more often - once every three years.

    The formula for calculating the sex of the child

    To determine, you need to multiply the father's age in months by four and divide by 16. Then you should multiply the mother's age in months by three and divide by 12. Compare the numbers obtained, if the male number is greater, there will be a boy, if the female number is a girl.

    Formula for determining the sex of a child before conception:
    For a man: Y = 4 x (whole number of months lived: 16)
    For woman: X \u003d 3 x (whole number of months lived: 9).
    If the male number Y is greater than the female number X, then these parents will have a boy. If the female number X is greater than the male number Y, then these parents will have a girl.

    Child gender calculation table

    How to use the table? This is the Japanese calendar, which consists of two tables. According to the first table, we determine the number from 1 to 12 and look for this number in another table, and plan the gender of the unborn child.

    The first table of the Japanese calendar for determining the sex of a child

    The second table of the Japanese calendar for calculating the gender of the child

    Medical planning techniques

    Such planning is quite possible, but highly undesirable. Medical planning allows you to determine the sex of the future baby with 100% accuracy using chromosome staining. Such planning is allowed for couples undergoing artificial insemination and is prohibited in many countries, such as China. It is believed that this method is not natural and can lead to an imbalance on the planet.

    Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis

    Mainly used for genetic diseases parents to prevent transmission of the disease to the child.

    In addition, preimplantation genetic diagnosis is performed in couples with an increased risk of congenital anomalies in children, which is not associated with the carriage of diagnosed mutations. Such cases include couples where the mother's age is over 35; where the father's age is above 39; if the father has severe disorders of spermatogenesis; with married couples habitual miscarriage; in couples with repeated unsuccessful IVF attempts.

    Independent planning of the sex of the baby

    How more people the more opinions.

    There is also such a theory among the people that says that the less often sex is present in a couple’s life, the more likely conceive a girl. And vice versa: more often - to the boy.

    Therefore, some couples practice the method of abstinence and then proceed to insemination, and therefore often have sex when they want to conceive a son. This theory is valid, since spermatozoa tend to mature quickly.

    Nutrition for conceiving the desired child

    French scientists concluded that adhering to the sex of the baby will allow predetermining strict regime nutrition. Moreover, it is believed that a certain diet should be observed during menstruation. Before conception, mom should follow a strict two-month diet. For example, if a woman wants a boy, she should give preference to:

    • potatoes
    • mushrooms
    • bananas
    • oranges
    • dates

    Food should be seasoned with plenty of salt.

    If a woman wants to conceive a girl, she needs to eat:

    • eggplant
    • dairy
    • cucumbers
    • pumpkin
    • beets
    • polka dots
    • pepper

    Statistics show that this method has a performance exceeding 80%. It should also be borne in mind that dieting can have both positive and negative effects. Lack of trace elements leads to beriberi.

    Folk signs for planning the sex of the child

    There are many different folk remedies, both effective and stupid, conducive to the birth of a certain gender of the baby. For example, our great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers were sure that if you put an ax under your pillow during conception, a boy will be born, and if threads - a girl.

    It is also known that if mothers consume sweets, this contributes to the birth of a girl, and salty - a boy. Among all the recommendations and methods, it is important to highlight the most effective ones, in which there is some truth.

    It will be useful to take into account the place of work of the father, because men working in hazardous industries rarely have the opportunity to conceive a boy.

    This is because the carriers of the gene in male sperm are very susceptible to negative influence factors.

    A huge role in planning can be given to the heredity of the parents, for example, if there are many children in families. This feature is important for both mom and dad.

    Surprisingly, it is the female heredity that is unique. Pay attention to how many children are in the mother's family and what gender they are. The predominant gender can affect your child.

    The female body has a predisposition to conceive boys or girls. Therefore, a fertilized egg can be rejected by the body at any time if it does not meet its requirements.

    They also believe that sex depends on the physique and appearance of a woman.

    It has been noticed that it is not tall and plump ladies that reproduce boys, but slender and tall ladies give birth to girls.

    And you should not ignore the nature of the couple, because it often happens that strict "iron" people are predisposed to sons, and soft, flexible and gentle men most often they raise daughters.

    How to conceive a child by ovulation?

    In planning the sex of a child by ovulation, the decisive role is played by what the spermatozoon that fertilizes the egg will be. How to find out?

    It is no secret that the sex of the unborn child depends on the father, more precisely, on the set of sperm chromosomes that will fertilize the mother's egg.

    At first glance, this is a simple and effective method that does not require complex calculations. For more information on this method of planning the sex of the child and other methods, get acquainted in this article Gender of the child before conception on our website.

    If you want to give birth to a girl, try following these recommendations:

    • do not salt food, try to eat fresh food
    • include in your diet a large number of dairy and dairy products
    • eat a lot of sweets
    • eat meat, poultry, fish
    • forget about smoked meats
    • avoid pickles
    • don't drink coffee

    If you dream of a son, try:

    • salt your food generously
    • eat sausage, smoked meat, pickles
    • eat bananas often
    • include potatoes in every menu
    • do not get carried away with eggs and milk

    Which of the "correct" ways is more effective is up to you to decide. The main thing is not to overdo it with efforts and do not harm your body with diets or foods that can bring you allergies.

    Video: We plan the sex of the child

    Good afternoon, dear readers! Would you like to know exactly the gender of the unborn child and even plan the pregnancy by “ordering” a son or daughter? Are there reliable forecasting methods in such a delicate area and how to find out the sex of a child without ultrasound?

    It turns out that there are such methods, some of them are quite ancient, others are based on modern scientific data. Let's get acquainted with the main methods of calculation.

    How to find out the gender of the child: the main ways

    Many parents are not averse to calculating the gender of the child in advance. someone already has, say, two daughters and really wants to have a successor to the family name. Others have more complicated problems: there are, say, a number of diseases that are transmitted only through the male or exclusively through the female line. Here, the very life of the baby, or at least his health, will be tied to his gender.

    Boy or girl, how do you know? This question is often asked by future mothers and fathers. What does science say about this? One thing is known for certain: sex chromosomes are responsible for the birth of a son or daughter.

    Women have two identical X chromosomes, while men have an unpaired set: an X and a Y chromosome. It is clear that the pregnancy calendar depends on the combination of these combinations: it is easy to calculate the sex of the child, knowing the initial data of the connecting chromosomes of a man and a woman.

    In theory, it's understandable. But in practice, how to understand which of the male chromosomes will come into contact with the female and, accordingly, is it possible to conduct a certain test for the sex of the child, or is everything decided by chance, fate?

    There are many different methods, including pseudoscientific ones, there are also so-called folk omens and recommendations, at times, very curious. For example, the ancient Germans advised how to find out the sex of the unborn child: you just need to set it according to the weather.

    In rainy weather, girls are most often conceived, and boys are born after a night of love in clear weather. The ancient Chinese were sure that in order to give birth to an heir, a woman should be put to bed on the night of intercourse with her head to the north, respectively, in a pose with her head to the south, a girl will turn out.

    But today we will still talk about other planning options that are more scientifically based or at least proven by centuries of practice. You can calculate whether a boy or a girl is in several main ways:
    • According to the ovulation algorithm;
    • According to the Japanese and Chinese table;
    • By renewing the blood;
    • Gender of the child by date of birth of the parents;
    • According to the prevailing diet;
    • According to the lunar calendar, etc.

    Gender of the child by date of conception and age of the mother: the ancient Chinese calendar

    In a number of calculations, the same criterion is present, which is quite logical, because one of the main decisive factors really becomes the very moment of the merger of male and female. feminine. Therefore, the sex of the child by the date of conception is determined by several methods, although each uses this element in its own way, in combination with other initial data.

    For example, in a very ancient Chinese table, the link is made to the age of the mother. Historians claim that the original document was found in the catacombs, where it was kept for 700 years. But there is one caveat: the mother's age is needed not at the moment of conception, but at the expected date of birth. That is, 9 months of the gestation period must be added to the day of pregnancy.

    This is a very simple table: a boy or a girl, we find out using just two numbers: the month of conception of the baby and the age of the mother at the time of the future birth. At the intersection of the corresponding rows of the table, we will see the desired letter: M or D.

    How to find out the gender of the child according to the Japanese table

    A little more complicated is the Japanese calculation algorithm. This will require two interdependent tablets and three numbers (months of birth of both parents and conception).

    How to find out the gender of the child using tables of this format? In the first table, the months of birth of the father and mother of the baby are encrypted. At the crossroads of these two introductory there is some figure. We remember it (write it down) and look for it in the “heading” of the columns of the second plate. In this column, select the line with the month of conception of the baby. Opposite this date, we look at the results of forecasts for the sex of the unborn baby.


    The expectant mother was born in May, and future father- in September. The child was conceived in December. To determine the sex of the unborn child, we look in the first table for the number that stands at the intersection of May horizontally and September vertically. This is number 9.

    We find the number 9 in the upper first row horizontally. This is our desired column. In this column, we are looking for the month of conception of the unborn child - December. Opposite December there are many crosses in the "boy" column. So, according to the Japanese table for determining the sex of a child, a boy should be born. And if the child was conceived in May, then most likely it was a girl.

    The Japanese do not give guarantees, their table gives a probabilistic forecast, that is, it shows how great the chances of having a son or daughter are. In this original calendar, a girl or a boy is indicated by several crosses. The more of these icons, the more likely the conception of a baby of this sex in a given month.

    How to determine the sex of the unborn child according to the ovulation schedule

    The most reliable way to determine the sex of the unborn child was proposed by the Polish doctor F. Benedo, there are also similar calculations from French scientists. It is believed that the accuracy of such forecasts is up to 80 percent.

    As we already know, it all depends on which of the male chromosomes will connect with the female - X or Y. In the first case, the code XX will be obtained, that is, a girl will be born. In the second, with set XY, the newborn will be a boy. But still, how to find out who will be born, what will be the combination of chromosomes in our particular case?

    Helps in the calculation of the different behavior of male spermatozoa. The one that has the X chromosome is larger, but slow and can stay in the female body for a long time, up to 5 days, waiting for the egg. And the sperm carrying the Y-chromosome dies quickly, in a day or two. They are small, weak, although quite nimble.

    Who will be born: a girl or a boy, depends on which one has time to merge with the female egg. For the birth of a boy, fertilization must occur a day before ovulation or even earlier. A girl will be conceived if intercourse occurs 3-5 days before ovulation.

    It remains to calculate the date of ovulation. For this, there are special pharmacy testers. Another option is to measure your basal body temperature. It rises slightly at the time of ovulation, by about half a degree. Finally, you can determine the sex of the child by the last menstruation or by the menstrual cycle. The boy will appear if fertilization occurs 11-13 days before the next menstruation. Girl - with effective sexual intercourse 14-15 days before menstruation.

    And one more little secret: If a woman has an orgasm, the chance of giving birth to a boy is higher. It is believed that deep orgasm promotes the survival of sperm Y.

    Gender of the child by date of conception of the baby and mother

    The theories of the Budyansky spouses are another way to calculate the sex of the child by the date of conception of both the baby and his mother. The last figure is derived based on the woman's birthday, 9 months are subtracted from this date and the desired moment is obtained.

    According to Budyansky's theory, the parity or oddness of the mother's menstrual cycle plays a significant role in the process of forming the sex of the baby. From here it is concluded how to find out the sex of the child by the date of conception. Only the emphasis in the calculations is on the date of birth. A woman with an odd cycle will give birth to a boy in an even month, and a girl in an odd month of the year. A mother who has an even cycle of menstruation has every chance of giving birth to a son in an odd month of the year, and a daughter in an even month.

    We determine the sex of the child by updating the blood

    Finding out the sex of the child by blood renewal is the next common method. Numerous medical observations and studies undeniably show the frequency of blood renewal. For beautiful ladies, this happens once every three years. Men are more stable, their renewal process has a cycle of four years.

    On this interesting property and based on the determination of the sex of the child by the renewal of blood. Whoever has fresher blood, that sex is stronger at the time of conception, so will the heir. You can also count the periods from the date of birth of the parents, but it must be borne in mind that the cycles go astray after a serious blood loss, for example, if there was some kind of operation, including an abortion. Then this date will become a new reference point for cycles.

    How to calculate the sex of a child by renewing blood, if both parents have approximately the same quality of blood at the time of conception, that is, the cycle coincided? It is in this case that the birth of twins is most likely! Statistics assures that the forecast for this system gives a 50 percent hit.

    And even more interesting and more about this method, see the video:

    How to determine the sex of the unborn child by diet

    If you are not convinced by the theory of how to calculate the sex of a child by blood renewal, or you think that a 50 percent chance is not enough, you can add "points" using a certain diet. The Dutch have experimentally developed a diet that promotes the birth of a baby of a certain gender.

    Everything is extremely simple: there is no need for complex combinations of numbers, factors, there is no need for such calculations, for example, how to find out the date of birth or in solving other “tasks”. It's just that for about three months, both parents need to adhere to certain preferences in the daily menu. The percentage of luck in the forecast according to this principle is very high - from 70 to 80.

    So, in order for the heir of the stronger sex to be born, you need to consume foods rich in proteins and fats, and even flavor them with salt. It is also important to have foods high in potassium and sodium in the diet. There are even special lists of products: who will be born, the table will tell, based on the preferred set of dishes. To conceive a boy, experts advise to lean on meat and fish, seafood, vegetables (especially potatoes), cereals, beans, mushrooms, testicles, bakery products.

    For girls, food with a predominant content of magnesium and calcium will be required. Specifically, this is an abundance of dairy products, fruits, colored vegetables, nuts, chocolate, honey, and other sweets.

    Other methods to find out the sex of the child

    We already know how the sex of a child is determined by the date of conception and by other factors and signs. For example, the use of the lunar calendar is gaining popularity. The Moon, bypassing the Earth, crosses all 12 zodiac signs every month.

    Half of them are considered male: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. Accordingly, the remaining six signs are female: Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Taurus. Who will be born a boy or a girl: a table is not required, it is enough to have moon calendar and keep track of which sign the Moon was in on the day of conception. If in the male, expect a son, and in the female, logically, a daughter.

    Another method is to take into account the blood type and Rh factor of both parents. True, it is impossible to reveal exactly the sex of a child by blood, one can only talk about the predisposition of a given couple to the birth of children of one sex or another. After all, both Rh and blood type are constants, that is, unchanging indicators. However, there are also tables showing the chances of a daughter or son being born to a particular couple.

    A number of researchers claim that it is possible to predict the sex of a baby based on the age of the mother and father. This is partly true, because it is on age indicators, as we said above, that blood renewal depends. And we have already considered how to determine the sex of a child by blood renewal.

    Of course, the most reliable way diagnosis is ultrasound. Although, babies sometimes hide their clear signs gender, turning so that smart equipment does not see them. Yes, and a number of parents do not really want to make such calculations and deliberately refuse even ultrasound.

    They want the sacrament of birth to remain so, despite the latest means and ancient signs. Moreover, none of the methods gives a 100% guarantee. It is better to wait for the decision of fate than to count, tune in to one result, and then worry if the forecast does not come true.

    That's all for now Dear friends. The main thing is that any newborn should be desired, loved, regardless of his gender. On this today we will say goodbye. Be happy with your kids!

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