• Difficult topics to talk about. Interesting topics to talk about, or where to start



    Do you often go to the movies?
    - What films do you like most?
    - What genre? For example, I like ...... (comedies) (then talk about the genre that she likes. Find out which films)
    - Do you go alone or with friends more often?
    -Have you ever gone to a night session? What about non-stop night time? (this is when you pay once and watch 3-4 movies all night)
    -Have you ever noticed that when you go outside after a session, at first the world you perceive it differently depending on the film. Have you ever had this happen? (If it was, then ask after which film and how?)
    -Have you ever had a problem? strong feeling after watching the film? Which?

    Cafes, bars, discos

    Do you often go to discos? where was the last time and why?
    - Do you know why some girls go to cafes with their friends so often?
    - Do you like sweets?...For pleasure or to the detriment of your diet? :)
    - Have you tried to cook anything yourself from what you tried in the cafe?
    - You know, very often girls sit in cafes and get bored. Sometimes it lasts more than one hour. What are they waiting for?
    - Have you ever dynamized a guy? Well, just be honest;) (regardless of the answer “What a great guy you are!”
    :)") Tell..

    Parks, street, recreation areas

    Do you like to walk?
    - What is your favorite weather? And why?
    - Where do you like to walk most?
    -Have you ever walked in the rain?
    - Do you often just hang out with your friends?
    -Have you ever walked around the city all night?
    - How long have you been to the zoo?
    - Which place do you remember most? Why?
    - Do you like to swim? Do you swim often? Where?


    Do you fall in love often?
    - You are romantic? And what is most?
    - How do you feel about the fact that some people say that relationships can be bought with money?
    -Have you ever had a completely overnight date?
    - Which one do you think is more intense? Male or female? Why?
    - Did you have any competitors? Are they still alive? :)
    - What do you like more, giving compliments or receiving them?
    - What do you consider worthy of a compliment about yourself? Well, besides the beautiful, intriguing look,

    Common topics

    Are you afraid of thunderstorms? What are you most afraid of?
    - Do you have any collection? Well, fish, for example, or someone else? :)
    - Do you have pets? The name of? Are you feeding? :)
    -Have you been somewhere at sea? What did you feel, what did you like most?
    - What music do you like most? Do you listen often?
    - Which one was your best? shining moment in life?
    - Can you cook? What works best?
    - Do you know how to play something? (how long ago? what do you like most?) Do you like to listen?
    - Do you like to sunbathe? Topless? ;)
    - Do you remember your first love? In kindergarten or in primary school?
    - Do you have Brother or sister? Would you like to? (To be alone)
    - Which your favorite season? What do you like most about it?

    Ask girls questions, but don't turn them into interrogations. Discuss afterwards what you really think about this topic, what would be more correct this way and not that way, sometimes agree that she is absolutely right on this issue. Form your point of view on any issue.
    You shouldn’t go through all these topics on one date, 2-4 topics are quite enough, and then everything should result in a beautiful dialogue.
    Constantly practice these topics for conversation with a girl, then as you gain experience, you will select those that suit you, but for now you can study topics for conversation with a girl, part 2.

    We have already looked at topics for conversation with a girl, part 1, now we will look at topics for conversation with girls that penetrate more deeply into the minds of girls and are more courageous, arrogant, that is, what we need, but do not forget about congruence.
    Topics for conversation with a girl should be constructed in such a way that they take the girl’s consciousness into another world, a more romantic one - YOUR world. The topics should be interesting, at least for her, because ultimately they show your interesting and cool life, show her the best. So let's go...

    Hot topics to talk to a girl about
    1) I came home drunk at night, and from you men's perfume smells. How will you make excuses to your husband? (You play the role of a husband)
    2) Imagine that you have a sexual fantasy machine, like a time machine. She can make anything happen. But only 3 fantasies. What will you choose?
    3) You caught it goldfish. Only she has a narrow specialization. Sex and everything connected with it. Three wishes. What will you choose?
    4) Imagine that you have met the man of your dreams, and you are on your period...
    5) You are sitting with a man in a cafe. And you wanted it so much that it hurt your teeth. What will you do?
    Try to use the right topics for conversation with a girl, but do not forget about the bitch instinct.
    6) You and your boyfriend left the cafe. You like him. You got into the car and are driving. Then you realize that he is taking you to his place and you will have sex. How are you feeling at this moment?
    7) You are with a guy. You're drunk. He turned you on. You realize that this is not the guy you want to be with. But you are already excited to the limit. Will you give yourself to him?
    8) A friend comes and tells you that she wants to sleep with a cool guy. And then you find out that this is the guy you’re dating, but your friend doesn’t know about it. What will you do?
    9) You stayed the night with a guy, but didn’t let him. And at night you wake up from the fact that you are being fucked diligently and deliciously in all places. How will you react? You feel good at this moment, but he didn’t warn you (here you have to be very arrogant)
    10) I met 2 guys at a club. And you want them at the same time. They are friends. And you understand that one of them will lose you to the other. What will you do?
    By structuring your topics of conversation with a girl, you can thereby avoid the girl’s checks.
    We strictly diversify topics for conversation with girls
    1) A friend and her boyfriend came to see you. They want you. But your girlfriend is not your type. How will you turn the situation around?
    2) You are with a guy. You want him very much. You are already ready to give it to him. And then he offers you sex for money right now. What will you do? For how long would you agree without hesitation?
    3) It’s the guy’s birthday. You want to surprise him with something sexy and unusual. What surprise will you prepare for him?
    4) You are walking with a guy. He's very nice, but as a man he's not your type. But the guy is very persistent. Once you relax a little, he will fuck you brutally. Will you give it to him out of pity? What do you mean by “giving out of pity”?
    5) You meet a guy for several meetings. He decided not to rush things. And you are already flowing. How will you speed up the process? Can you fuck a guy yourself?
    6) A guy on a date honestly says that he wants you. How would you like to hear things like this?
    7) The guy admitted that he was a virgin and asked to help him. Does the fact that he didn't have sex turn you on? Do you like this kind of stuff?
    8) You are having sex with a guy. And then his/your mother/grandmother comes into the room. What's the first thing you say?
    9) Sometimes you will want to cheat. How will you do this? What are you going to tell your boyfriend and husband? After all, it is known that infidelity strengthens a marriage.
    10) The guy farted during sex. Will you laugh or remain silent? Or will you fart loudly too?
    11) A plumber has come to see you. But you have no money. And there is nowhere to get it. The man offers to pay in kind. If you don’t give it to him, the house will float. Your actions? (Hokhma - also strengthens relationships, do not tell too serious women, without b/w)
    12) You need to go to the toilet. The women's room was closed. You go into the men's room. And you see there sexy guy. What will you do? How to make excuses?
    13) Your boyfriend wants your girlfriend. Just sex. He told you about it. How will you help him?
    14) Your boss is harassing you. You understand that this is not serious, just 1-2 times. What will you do?
    15) Will you date two guys at the same time if you like them both? (So ​​you can start testing her, but only if she is already showing something towards you)

    16 topic for conversation with girls: The guy wants to communicate with you without obligations, and you want responsibility towards each other. What will you do?
    17) The guy invited you over to watch a movie. Sit down and he turns on porn. Will you watch?
    18) Would you be able to exchange any personal secrets with a man? What are the secrets for you?
    19) A friend asks you to help her lose her virginity. How will you help? How?
    20) You go on a date, but at the same time you meet an even cooler guy. What do you tell the first guy?
    21) A guy on the first date offers a blowjob in exchange for cunnilingus. Will you agree?
    22) You walk around the city and see a 90% sale in a sex shop. What will you buy for yourself?
    23) You and your friends played the same sexual game. In the dark. You've been caught. And you feel like you're already being fucked. You feel good. Will you try to find out who it is?
    24) Close your eyes and imagine for a moment that you can do anything you want. What would you like to do right now?
    25) Pleasure. What do you get pleasure from in life?
    26) You and your friend liked the same guy. Will you fight for him?
    27) You understand that you are one of the guys. But something attracts you to him. You want sex with him. Is this normal for you?
    28) You ran out of condoms after 4-5 times. But I want one more time. It’s too much to go to the pharmacy. Will you trust the guy?
    29) How do crazy things guys do make you feel?
    30) Many men and women go to nightclubs to find a partner for the night. Do you like this kind of entertainment? (shows interest in you)
    There are a lot of things you can ask a girl, for God’s sake, just don’t turn it into an interrogation, but enjoy the process, and then you can move on to reading the topic for conversation with a girl, part 3

    You can first read the previous articles: topics for conversation with a girl part 1, topics for conversation with a girl part 2, and now let’s continue introducing the girl into our wonderful and colorful world and don’t forget the girl should also periodically ask you about something, this will mean that she is interested in you.
    Your topics of conversation with a girl should show the girl your versatile personality and in no case - not that you are a noob or someone worse. So let's go...

    Intriguing topics to talk to a girl about
    1) People experience different moods. What will you do when your boyfriend is in different moods?
    2) You can live your whole life at the same age. What age will you choose for yourself?
    3) You have the opportunity to become anything on this planet for one day. What would you like to become? A blade of grass? A leaf? A drop of dew? A butterfly?
    4) The guy you've been dating for a while is bisexual. How will you react to this?
    5) You find yourself in an unfamiliar city in an unfamiliar country. You don't know the language. Are you going to do something or are you going to sit on a rock and cry?
    6) What helps you relax well (drink, music, frank conversation...)
    7) You understand that at your next meeting with a guy there will be sex. Will you come to the next date?
    8) Dancing. How do you feel when you dance with a new partner? How much do you feel sexual energy partner?
    9) What is more pleasant for you: sudden sex or a planned event?
    10) Imagine that I can fulfill 3 of your deepest, craziest desires. What will it be? (this is a trap for her, here she may start thinking about you)
    By studying topics for conversation with a girl, you will increase your effectiveness in club dating.

    Topics for conversation with a girl - hot
    1) Imagine that you could play any game from your childhood. What childhood game are you most looking forward to playing right now?
    2) You really want to make a guy fall in love, because you yourself fell head over heels in love with him. What will you do for this?
    3) You and your boyfriend are great together. You forget about everything when you're together. But you understand that this is not love. Will you be with this person? For what? How long?
    4) What is love to you? (An indestructible topic for conversation with a girl)
    5) You came across a guy with a very strong temperament in sex. More than yours. Will you adapt or try to change it?
    6) An unfamiliar guy called you. You talked. And he invited you to his place. How brave girl are you? What will you do?
    7) You need to learn and improve in everything. How do you plan to improve at sex?
    8) You were given 2 tickets to a male striptease. Who will you invite? What will you do there?
    9) They gave you a time machine. At what point in your life would you move to?
    10) Constancy in men. You can choose someone who is persistent and smart or frivolous and glamorous. Who will you choose?
    11) My friend cured his cold with sex. Have you ever been treated like this? Have you tried this treatment?
    12) Imagine that there are only you and me left in this world. What will you do to me?
    13) Another girl hits on your boyfriend in your presence. What will you do?
    14) You are going on a date in the summer. And your heel broke. You're almost there. What will you do?
    15) I have noticed more than once that with the person you want, all conversations sooner or later come down to sex. You too?
    These topics for conversation with a girl, although popular, do not work with all girls, so do not forget that there are effective and proven methods of seduction.
    16 topic for conversation with girls: Your friend cheated on you - she told her boyfriend about your cheating. How will you take revenge on your friend?
    17) Your loved one wants to change something about you. Are you ready to change for him? How deep?
    18) If you could live your life again, knowing what happened in this one, what would you change?
    19) You really like one guy. You too. But he doesn’t come up first to get acquainted. How will you attract him? What will surprise you?
    20) Calls. The guy doesn't call you often. How important is this to you?
    21) You and your friend were invited to visit by a cool guy. You are drinking and then you realize that there will soon be a threesome. How do you feel about this? What will you do? Will you tell your friend about this?
    22) You wake up in the morning and realize that this is the happiest day of your life. Tell about him. (you can ask this, but it won’t work for everyone, the question is a little boring and is unlikely to be a cool topic for conversation with a girl)
    23) You were given a magic pill that will cure you of any of your shortcomings and make you better. What would you most like to improve?
    Topic 24 - lights up) A guy asks you for money for sex. How much will you give??
    25) Each person is unique in their own way. How are you unique? (check her, and maybe in some situation put her under siege if she’s a dynamo)
    26) All men on this planet have stopped making acquaintances, making dates, and showing any signs of persistence. What will you do?
    27) You are traveling in a compartment. Opposite the guy. The two of you. You see him for the first and last time. You want it madly. The guy is being modest. How will you resolve the situation? (Here you can add something of your own, for example, have you ever had situations where you yourself took the bull by the horns and carefully led a guy out for sex, this will show that you have a clear understanding of life - this is attraction).
    28)What would you do if you became a man for one day?
    29) A very nice grandfather is pestering you. But for some reason he doesn't excite you. How are you going to explain this to him?
    30) You wanted to play with a guy and realized that you fell in love. Do you admit to him that you were playing?
    These were topics for conversation with a girl, part 3. Now go ahead and meet girls and you can already try out a couple of topics for conversation or start the conversation with the words - I like about you....

    I like your crazy unpredictability...(increases its value, be careful)))
    - I like that you were able to become the one and only for me...
    - I like that you often say: “With you, I became REALLY happy..”
    - I like that you understand me so well like no one else.
    - I like your sincere sensuality and unbridled sexuality.
    - I like that I was able to conquer the real embodiment of femininity.
    - I like your “Mur-r-r” when you cling to my shoulder...
    - I like your smile that inspires great achievements... (for lovers)
    - I like your figure of a beautiful nymph... (exalts it, don’t overdo it)))
    - I like your affectionate and playful cat behavior...
    - I like that you like to be beautiful just for me...
    - I like that you can be silent with me...
    - I like that after kissing Your scent remains on My lips...
    - I like that you miss me even after my short absence...
    - I like the way you fall asleep on my shoulder...
    When using this statement, you must take into account that every girl can have a bitch instinct.
    - I like that you cook incredibly delicious...
    - I like your soft and warm fingertips...
    - I like the touch of your gently cool palms...
    - I like your playful nails...
    - I like how my heart beats faster when I see you...
    - I like to see that you want to be the best for me...
    - I like that you taught me to believe in lucky eyelashes and other signs, although I’m not superstitious...
    - I like your playful bangs... (can be like neghit)
    - I like that we are able to see the unusual in ordinary things...
    - I like our frank conversations...
    - I like that you try to be erotic and seductive for me...
    - I like to just walk with you...
    - I like waking up in the morning only with you...
    - I like that you want to be an unusual bride...
    - I like that you love to play with my hands (hair)...
    - I like that you call just to hear my voice...
    - I like that you care about our relationship...
    - I bow to your patience with my character...
    - I like that none of us tries to pull the blanket at night;) ...
    - I like that you can be so sensually seductive on Saturday evenings...
    - I like to listen to the rain with you... (shows your sensuality)
    - I like that no one did for me the things that you were able to do...
    - I like that our relationship is supported by the universe itself, giving easy solutions to complex issues...
    - I like that you are so relaxed and peaceful with me...
    - I like your trust...
    - I like that you and I feel each other’s mood so subtly...
    - I like that you love to read books out loud to me... (encouragement)
    - I like that you like to visit my home...
    - I like that you don’t argue with me about things that I know a little more about... (I really like this phrase)
    - I like that we understand each other’s sign language...
    - I like that you don’t take off the ring I gave you even at night...
    - I like that you smile when I look at you...
    - I like to see how happy you come home from work...
    - ... and the fact that you realize how important my work is to me...
    - I like that our “HONEYMOON” :) (as you called the crazy month after we met) is still going on for a very, very long time...
    - I love that you become so funny after our favorite cocktail...
    - I like that we both laugh at the word PIANIST... and only we know why...
    - I like that we are not having sex, but LOVE...
    - I am amazed at how accurately you know how to choose a perfume that conveys the mood...
    - I am proud that you believe that I will wait for you no matter the separation...
    - I am grateful to you for the mountains of tenderness that you give me... (you can mock me)
    - I like that you want to spend the summer with me by the sea...
    - I like that you find warmth for me, even when you are very tired...
    - I love that your unsurpassed ability to joke at exactly the RIGHT moment...
    - I like the way you dance Arabic dances for me... (Here I would use it better: I would like you to dance Arabic dances for me, it sounds better to me)
    - I like that you can exchange a game of chess with you in the evening, drinking coffee, like with your best friend...
    - I like to discuss types of alcoholic drinks with you while drinking a martini in a cafe or restaurant...
    - I like your poems that you send me when we are apart...
    - I like that you were able to support my romantic endeavors...
    - I like that we are real halves of one whole... (a kind of suggestion, I like it)
    - I like your independence... – it’s better not to say that!
    - I like that for our sake you were able to go against the opinion of your best friend...
    - I like that everything in life becomes “sweeter” when you’re around...
    - I like the way you say: “With you, I learned to feel the taste of life.”...
    - I like all our little madness...
    - I like that despite your independence, you rely on me in everything and turn to me first of all for help...
    - I like your incredibly crispy stewed cabbage with vegetables...
    - I like that your mother was able to understand all our madness...
    - I like the way you hug me from behind and kiss my neck...

    I like to remember how you and I joked about each other when we first met...
    - I like that I don’t get discouraged while I’m waiting for you... (you shouldn’t say that, it’s clear why)
    - I like that you strive to become even better, so that I like you even more...
    - I like your passion for ballroom dancing...
    - I like the way you scratch the back of my head...
    - I like that only with you I feel such a surge of strength that I’m ready to move mountains...
    - I like that only you are able to say “I love” like that, that I believe in it...
    - I like how mysterious you look in the twilight...
    - I like going shopping with you, even though I usually can’t stand it...

    I like that you are the most objective judge of my actions...
    - I like your ability to maintain royal dignity in any situation...
    - I like that you can only argue with the arguments of your heart... (if you speak beautifully)
    - I like that you are like a dream - you cannot predict what you will be like today...
    - I like that you understand those moments when I need to be alone...
    - I like that together we get to know ourselves more deeply...
    - I like that when I met you, I didn’t have to choose between a woman's mind and feminine beauty...
    - I like the eloquence of your eyes, with which I am madly in love...
    - I like that everything we already have is enough for us to be happy...
    - I like your “crazy things”...
    - I like your ability to forgive my little shortcomings...

    I like the music of your voice...
    - I like to feel like the luckiest thief, because I was able to steal your heart...
    - I like to enjoy life next to you...
    - I like that with you it became funny for me to discuss the topic “What should an ideal woman be like”...
    - I like that we successfully completed our mission on earth to find each other...
    - I am grateful to you that I mean so much to you...
    - I like that you are able to understand and realize the importance of my evenings alone with friends...
    - I like the subtlety of your diplomacy...
    - I like that you are exactly what only you can be...
    - I like that you are like a ray of sunshine - you wake me up in the morning with your light and warmth... (for mutual love)
    - I like that only with you I can experience all the shades of the palette of human feelings... (you shouldn’t shift all responsibility to the girl in this way - it should be the other way around)
    - I like your comments on the films we watched...
    - I am incredibly grateful to your mother for you...
    - I like to watch you enjoy the scent of the flowers I gave you...
    - I like that you awakened in me a love for serious books...
    - I like that you and only you are capable of melting the ice of the Arctic with your love...
    - I like your ability to remember interesting quotes from “our” books and remind me of them at the right time...
    - I am grateful to you for being everything free time want to be with me...
    - I like that you are incredibly beautiful not only externally, but also internally...
    - I like that you are not afraid to open up to me too much...
    - I like that you can admit that you were wrong...
    - I like that your hands guide me to where I am really needed...
    - I like that you still have those qualities that most modern girls have lost...
    - I like that you are the flame of passion and the ice of innocence...

    There's a lot here beautiful words, but in any case, choose the ones that suit you best. But remember, in any case, they are pronounced for the ultimate goal, the horizontal position of the girl.

    About what…. What to talk about? Yes about everything! Such an answer! Have you ever tried to talk about absolutely everything? There is nothing complicated in such conversations. All you need is a so-called “hook”.

    1. Listen to your interlocutor! See what topics he enjoys talking about.
    2. Don't interrupt whoever is speaking. Then you won't have to rack your brains about topics. The person who pours out his soul to you will himself “dissolve” in the topics of conversation.
    3. Remember what the person talked to you about before (if, of course, you have communicated before). And start “leaning” on old topics.

    Didn't find anything great?

    Didn’t see “interesting topics” in the tips?

    Especially if you don't use a camera. “Invisibility” liberates people.

    I met my husband on the Internet. It so happens that I am incredibly sociable, just like him. But since I found it... Even the conversational initiative was “attached” to me. I never fiddle with words, so I knew what to say and when. My habit is “questioning rain”. I added Stasik to Friends (in social network) and immediately began asking questions about many things. He probably got tired of me in the first seconds. But he didn’t admit it. What topics were covered?

    Our first conversation was more like a very detailed questionnaire:

    1. How old are you?
    2. Who are you according to the Zodiac?
    3. What do you like to do in life?
    4. What do you like?
    5. Who do you work for?
    6. Is that you in the photo?
    7. Where you're from?
    8. Where do you live now?
    9. What nationality are your parents?
    10. Do you have a brother or sister?
    11. Where do you work?
    12. What are your food preferences?
    13. Do you have a favorite color?
    14. What kind of women (girls) do you like?
    15. What do you like to do on the Internet?
    16. How do you feel about coincidences?

    I can continue listing the questions for a long time, but you will simply get bored reading them. Speak! And the theme will appear by itself!

    How to find an interesting topic?

    If the interlocutor is very uncommunicative? Ask directly what the person would like to talk about. This way your time will be much more interesting.

    Interesting topics for conversation - these are topics that will delight not only your soul, but also the souls of those with whom you like to talk. Do you find this or that topic unpleasant? This does not mean that the person next to you will have the same “feeling” for her. Try to support all topics, not just those that inspire you exclusively! This way, you will earn a positive reputation and a positive opinion about yourself.

    Good afternoon Elvira Baryakina and the Writer's Handbook are with you.

    Today we'll talk about the "hot topics" that always spark discussions on the Internet.

    It's no secret that in any society there are " pain points" They become painful because there are several polar opinions on a particular topic, and, having encountered the opposite point of view, people begin to defend their vision of the situation. They want the world to be “like this” - convenient for them personally: otherwise, an inevitable catastrophe will occur.

    So let's see what these "hot topics" are:


    Migrants, refugees, national issue.

    One of the hot topics is migrants, refugees and the national question. Some believe that migrants should be welcomed, others that they should be expelled from the country. On one side of the scale is safety, on the other there is a shortage of labor at reasonable prices.

    Progressives vs. conservatives

    There are people who defend the ideals of global peace, and people who are close to more conservative values. Some call for reforms, others for a return to basics. Everyone can be understood - everyone has their own comfort zone, but it is impossible to please everyone.

    Great power vs. “Everything is bad with us”

    Some people say that “We are already the coolest and have defeated everyone,” others write indignantly that no matter where you look, we have shortcomings. The eternal theme: the glass is half empty or half full


    Heated discussions can be sparked by discussing news. Let's say the author read something in the news feed and gave his comments on this or that event. At the same time, he posed the question in such a way that you just want to argue with him.

    Interpretation of statements

    What did they say significant people: President Putin, President Trump, etc.?

    Natural disasters and terrorism

    We show our reaction, discuss who is to blame, what to do, where to run, how to help.

    Science news

    Here we can talk about a variety of topics: admire the latest achievements of mankind, condemn them or doubt their usefulness. The main thing is not just to report this or that news, but to express your opinion - then there will probably be people who want to add something to the above.

    News from the lives of celebrities

    The whole range of emotions is manifested here - from admiration to outright hatred. A blogger can discuss a star's outfits, actions or statements... The shape of her nose, the shape of her dog's nose, the shape of her airplane's nose. Comments can be obtained by asking readers questions or deliberately challenging them to debate.

    News from animal life

    What happened at Melbourne Zoo? Who had a baby in San Diego? We show photographs and tell touching and/or interesting stories. If you have quality content, many will start sharing it.

    Release of new interesting products

    We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of new gadgets, films, programs, etc. Comments will appear from those bloggers who bring benefits to their readers, as well as from those who deliberately tease them.


    This topic has enormous potential for discussion - because it concerns everyone without exception.

    Child safety

    Disputes on this topic always evoke a lively response: what can be done and what cannot be done? Is it okay to hit children? What are the dangers of religious education of children? What about secular? Giving your child more independence? Don't let him leave you even one step? Intercede during conflicts? Or let him solve his problems himself?

    Relationship between adult children and parents

    This is a pain point for many people, so if you tell a story about this topic, give advice, or simply express your opinion, you can generate a significant reader response.

    Love and romance

    Who can you love and who can't? What is romance? Rose petals on a pillowcase or something else? What are relationships in marriage and before marriage? How to find the girl of your dreams or how to find young man dreams? What about gifts? How to show your loved one that he is infinitely dear to you?

    Divorce and division of property

    How to survive a divorce? What about parental responsibilities? Who needs a plastic bathtub, and who needs a tea strainer? What to do with the children? Personal stories prompt comments like “Thanks for sharing” and stories about their situation. Advice, especially categorical advice, often causes controversy.


    On the topic of homosexuality, transvestites, etc. You can also argue until you are hoarse. This question doesn’t bother some people at all, but it infuriates others. And those who are tolerant of people of unconventional orientation can be driven to white heat by injustice towards gays.


    Interpretation of history

    Some people remember the USSR with nostalgia, while others think that “under Sovka” everything was terrible: if it weren’t for the bloody KGB and Comrade Stalin, we would have lived like in Finland.

    Feminism and gender equality

    Some people are of the opinion that men and women should be given equal rights, while others believe that women should stay at home and men should earn money.

    Believers vs. atheists

    We discuss whether God exists or not. This also includes disputes over various Churches and denominations.



    There are some things that are clear: sick children need to be helped! But there are issues that cause fierce debate among the people. For example, some people think that it is pointless to spend effort and money on disabled people with severe mental retardation, while talented children from poor families cannot receive a normal education.

    And then there are the problems of homeless people, drug addicts with deep and irreversible personality deformation, and the problem of criminals who need to be somehow adapted to life in society. For example, is it worth or not to do charity work for rapists? There is clearly something to argue about here!

    Behavior in society

    What is acceptable and what is unacceptable? Can only good things be said about the dead, or is the truth more important? Is it possible to criticize the Motherland, especially “in a difficult time for the Motherland”? What to do with someone else's child if he offends you before your eyes younger brother, but mom doesn’t care? Social norms are constantly changing and what was normal yesterday now looks like barbarism - and here one can argue ad infinitum.


    Alcohol and smoking

    You can find any opinions on this topic on the Internet. Some people ardently support the culture of winemaking, others believe that any alcohol is poison. Some people cannot stand tobacco smoke, others smoke like a locomotive and are indignant when non-smokers impose their lifestyle on them.


    Which exercises are beneficial and which are harmful? This topic causes heated debate, because... A huge number of dropouts and outright charlatans have proliferated on the Internet, who clearly do not have a special education. At the same time, who is who and who is right and who is wrong is often also determined by amateurs.

    Plastic surgery

    “Girls, where did you get such cool Botox? Your face looks like a doll’s!” Firstly, you can argue on the topic “Should or should you not fight the natural course of time”, secondly, you can discuss various means, thirdly, you can ask questions and exchange recommendations, etc. You can also discuss the results - with yourself and with the stars.


    We discuss and apply the treatment methods that our grandfathers used.

    Alternative medicine

    We discuss and apply treatment methods such as homeopathy and acupuncture.


    Is the embryo already a person or not yet? Does humanity need to multiply if there are already 7 billion of us? Does the state have the right to decide whether a woman should have a child or not?


    The topic of nutrition is not just an exchange of recipes, but also heated debates about the benefits of foods, the correctness and incorrectness of cutting dill, the secret of the “true Olivier”, etc.

    Healthy lifestyle

    We discuss what is harmful and what is useful. If you provide reliable, scientifically based information, then honor and praise to you. If you specialize in pseudoscientific information, well, that’s also an option, why not?... Some people are attracted and pleased by this.

    Do you want to be interesting conversationalist? What to talk about with a girl, friends or stranger? Random questions to help guide interesting conversation with anyone. Interesting topics for a passionate conversation.

    Running out of topics to talk about? They say that silence is golden. But this is the only gold that girls don't like. Sometimes we don’t know what to talk to a person about, and silence is annoying. Here is a list of topics and questions that you can ask your interlocutor. They are great for face-to-face communication, over the phone, and even online. An interesting and exciting conversation is guaranteed. Keep a list of “things to talk about or chat about” so you don’t rack your brains later.

    Interesting topics for conversation with your interlocutor

    1. How would you spend a million or 100 million dollars?
    2. Which country would you like to visit?
    3. What's your craziest thing?
    4. Which is the most interesting, piquant or horrible dream ever been?
    5. Who did you want to be in childhood, youth and now?
    6. What is your favorite quote?
    7. What ridiculous thoughts came to mind?
    8. What makes you happy?
    9. When was the last time you laughed or had fun?
    10. What is your strangest habit?
    11. What job would you never be able to work as?
    12. If you won the lottery, what would you buy first?
    13. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in life?
    14. What animal would you like to be?
    15. Favorite color and why?
    16. How often do you feel nostalgic for your childhood?
    17. What is your biggest regret in life?

    18. What does no one know about you?
    19. How would you like to become famous?
    20. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
    21. What is your favorite and least favorite holiday?
    22. Do you cry while watching movies and which one brought them to tears?
    23. What is your favorite joke or story?
    24. What is your first or most vivid memory from childhood?
    25. What makes you most proud of yourself?
    26. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
    27. Who is your favorite and hated celebrity?
    28. Who influenced you the most?
    29. What is the last thing you did or bought just for yourself?
    30. What would you like to learn?
    31. What would you like to work with right now?
    32. What do you do when you can’t sleep?
    33. If you were immortal, what would you do right now?
    34. What do you do alone?
    35. What foreign language do you dream of learning?
    36. What do you hate most about people?
    37. In what era or country would you like to live?

    38. Have you ever gotten into scrapes, fights or big troubles?
    39. What is the most beautiful thing about you and what don’t you love?
    40. What is your favorite movie?
    41. Most memorable, favorite or last book?
    42. Which song best describes you?
    43. Do you believe in aliens, god or fate?
    44. What skeletons do you have in your closet?
    45. What do you like to eat most?
    46. ​​What is the biggest fear in life?
    47. What worries or angers you most in life?
    48. What is the most beautiful and ugliest part of the human body?
    49. What are your last words to the world?
    50. What is your favorite animal?
    51. What prank or action would you do if you didn’t have anything to do with it?
    52. Who is your favorite star most like?
    53. What color can the sky or sea be besides blue?
    54. What is the most ridiculous or funny thing you have ever done in your life?
    55. What would you like to leave behind in this world?

    Which one best topic for conversations you know? What was the most interesting conversation you've ever had?

    Don’t know what topics to talk about when talking with a girl or guy? These 25 conversation topics will help you get a little closer.

    A little theory.

    Good conversation topics can help you understand each other better. Have you ever felt that in the process of communication you don’t know what to talk about next, whether it’s talking on the phone or talking while walking in the park? You are not alone; almost every third person faces this. Everything is learned through the practice of communication; the more you communicate with people, the more you develop the ability to find topics for conversation.

    Finding topics to communicate with your boyfriend or girlfriend is much easier. You have known each other for some time. You can use what you know in your everyday communication.

    If we are talking about a relationship that began quite recently, then there may be a barrier in communication, only because you don’t know much about your boyfriend or girlfriend. In this moment the best option is to cover as many topics as possible in order to find something in common between you. At this stage of the relationship, you may recall interesting topics from the past and talk about your goals for the future. There is a possibility that your significant other also has similar stories or goals. Thus, you will find not only a thread for communication, but also something in common. This will be a good start for the first time.

    If the relationship lasts a long time and you are already accustomed to each other, then silence may arise between you. Silence in a relationship that has lasted a long time can be quite normal.

    No matter how long you have been in a relationship, communication is a way to learn to understand each other better, learn more about your other half and simply become closer.

    25 topics for communication

    You can use all these themes every day.

    1. Plans for the weekend. Plan your leisure time and rest, even if today is Monday. Firstly, it’s fun and exciting, and secondly, you’ll look forward to the long-awaited weekend. Sites similar in theme to afisha.ua (for Ukraine) and afisha.ru (for Russia) will help you keep track of events that are happening in your city.

    2. Compliments. Talking about the qualities you like is an integral part of any relationship. This theme will not only be pleasant, but will also show how much you value and appreciate your beloved or lover. Try to praise your soulmate, give pleasant compliments and do it with feelings, with love.

    3. Daily care. Being interested in what happened throughout the day, how you slept that night, how the work day or the day at school went, whether he or she was tired during the whole day, whether something was bothering them - all this makes it possible to feel cared for by loved one, which is not unimportant in a relationship.

    4. Work. One of the places where we hold a large number of of your time - work (study). Things happen every day at work. Conflicts and all sorts of situations often arise in the workplace. Also, by talking about work, it will be easier for both of you to understand each other from a professional point of view.

    5. Little secrets. It's always interesting to talk about secrets. You can make it a game, revealing one secret at a time. It's exciting and a lot of fun.

    6. Movies, entertainment programs, show. Every year there are more and more films. If we are not in front of television screens, as was the case before, then we watch everything on the computer. Discussing a new movie or show is a great conversation starter.

    7. Food, cooking. Well, who doesn't like to eat delicious food? It's especially interesting when it comes to cooking together. Even if your loved one is not a master at cooking, you can learn to cook together. You can learn together about your favorite and least favorite dishes, and share your cooking experiences.

    8. Dreams. Do you have a dream? Share it, even if it is half feasible, or in your opinion is not feasible, your loved one will learn a little more about you.

    9. Rest. Plan a vacation together for a couple of days, a week or a month. Holidays together will be the highlight of everything calendar year.

    10. Hobbies and interests. What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you have a daily hobby? Share your hobbies, most likely your significant other may have several hobbies that you like.

    11. Friends. It's always good to know about each other's friends. This is another step to learn more about your surroundings and what you do when you hang out with your friends.

    12. Personal achievements. Ask your loved one about moments in life that they can be proud of. These could be personal achievements (at work, school, in some sport, etc.), which will be nice to remember and talk about.

    13. Offer for help. If you can help in any matter, offer your help. The more often you try to help and the more often you do something together, the closer you will be to each other.

    14. Plans for the future. Do your plans for the future tell you how you see yourself in a few years? Common goals always make relationships stronger and make it possible to achieve them together.

    15. Self-improvement. Love is a good motive for self-improvement. This topic is very relevant for loving couple. When you try to seem together better friend for a friend, the relationship becomes stronger. Perhaps you would like to improve your personal qualities character or get rid of bad habits, talk about the previous quarrel, reconsider your shortcomings and strive to eliminate them. Every step you take towards improvement will be appreciated by your soulmate.

    16. Parents. Another interesting topic, especially if you have not introduced your loved one to your parents, she or he will probably be interested in knowing about your parents and your relationship with them.

    17. Problems in bed. If there are problems in the bed, don't debug them. At some point they will still return, so it is better to solve them right away. If your loved one is not enjoying themselves to the fullest, you should sit down and talk about how you can solve this together.

    18. Talking about sex. In a relationship, sexual intimacy is just as important as romance. Talk about your sexually sensitive areas, erogenous zones, positions that you would like to try, your secret desires and fantasies and everything that turns you on in bed.

    19. Health. Taking care and asking about the health of your loved one is no less important than taking care of everyday problems.

    20. Tips. If you are well versed in solving any issue, problem, situation, you can give advice. Advice can be useful for improving personal qualities, any matters at work, everyday personal life, etc.

    21. Your past. Topics about your childhood, what happened to you before you met. It's better not to touch it.

    22. Future. What would you like to do in this life? The topic may involve intellectual conversations that can help you get your significant other's views on life and activities that are important to them.

    23. Preferences. Sometimes these can be conversations about the little things in life that can last for several hours. Talk about your likes and dislikes. From time to time preferences change, and the more you know about current preferences, the more you know about your loved one.

    25. Memories. This is always a pleasant topic to remember the first hug, the first kiss, the first words “I love you”, the places you visited together, funny stories that happened to you.

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