• Quotes about female intelligence and beauty. Quotes about beauty


    Tibetan monks say: The worst thing that can happen to a person is beauty, fame and wealth.

    Learn to distinguish between important and unimportant. Higher education is not an indicator of intelligence. Beautiful words are not an indicator of love. Good appearance is not an indicator of a beautiful person. Learn to value your soul, believe in your actions, and look at your deeds.

    Beauty is fleeting. But the beauty of the spirit, the beauty of the imagination and the beauty of the soul are real virtues
    - Vivien Leigh

    The beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, figure or hairstyle. She is in the sparkle of her eyes. After all, eyes are the gateway to the heart where love lives.
    - Audrey Hepburn

    The expiration date of your body is indicated by your lifestyle.
    - Katherine Price

    Many people complain about their appearance, but no one complains about their brains.
    - Ranevskaya

    Nothing makes a woman look older than an overly rich suit. - Coco Chanel
    The highlight of COCO Chanel was precisely its simplicity.

    Age is not the most important thing for a woman: you can be delightful at 20, charming at 40 and remain irresistible until the end of your days.
    - Coco Chanel

    True beauty lives in the heart, is reflected in the eyes and manifests itself in actions!
    - Osho

    Jewelry is a whole science! Beauty is a formidable weapon! Modesty is the height of elegance! - Coco Chanel

    If you are struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, it means she was dressed perfectly.
    - Coco Chanel

    Your face at twenty is given to you by nature, what it will be like at fifty depends on you.
    - Coco Chanel

    Restraining yourself when it’s offensive and not making a scene when it hurts is what an ideal woman is.
    - Coco Chanel

    Stupid women try to impress men by dressing eccentrically. And this scares men; they cannot stand eccentricity. They like it when people look at their women because they are beautiful.
    - Coco Chanel

    You don't have to be young and beautiful to look great.
    - Coco Chanel

    Elegance is not about wearing a new dress. Elegant - because she is elegant, the new dress has nothing to do with it.
    - Coco Chanel

    Perfume is invisible, but unforgettable, unsurpassed fashion accessory. It notifies you when a woman appears and continues to remind you of her when she has left.
    - Coco Chanel

    People with good taste wear jewelry. Everyone else has to wear gold.
    - Coco Chanel

    At 20, a woman looks the way God created her, at 30, the way she wants it, at 50, the way she deserves it.
    - Coco Chanel

    No need to diet, just eat less.
    - Maya Plisetskaya

    When taking care of beauty, you must start with the heart and soul, otherwise no amount of cosmetics will help.
    - Coco Chanel

    Every woman has the age she deserves.
    - Coco Chanel

    After walking and swimming, I feel that I am younger, and most importantly, that I have massaged and refreshed my brain with bodily movements.
    - K. E. Tsiolkovsky

    How mercantile you are, my friend. Remember: everything that money can buy is already cheap!
    - Osho

    No outer beauty can be complete unless it is Enlivened by inner beauty.
    - Victor Hugo.

    Beauty - how gem The simpler it is, the more precious it is.
    - Francis Bacon.

    The radiant beauty of youth is diminished in its perfection by excessive and too elaborate ornaments.
    - Leonardo da Vinci

    Decency was never in fashion, but the one who possessed it was beyond fashion, he was and is above it.

    The body is baggage that you carry throughout your life. The heavier it is, the shorter the journey.
    - Arnold Glasgow

    A drinker and an overeater are engaged in the same thing - self-destruction.
    - English proverb

    My wife started going to a nutritionist and lost three hundred dollars in two months
    - Robert Orben

    Your beauty is your inner world, and how you work on it, how you maintain yourself, what kind of culture you have within yourself, is how you look.
    - Renata Litvinova

    Since people learned to cook food, they eat twice as much as nature requires. If you want to extend your life, shorten your meals.
    - Franklin Benjamin (1706 - 1790). North American scientist and statesman

    Eat and drink like the master of your stomach. Don't become a slave to your stomach.
    - Swami Sivanananda. Yoga teacher, author of many books

    A woman after forty looks the way she treated people in her youth...

    The soul, of course, is an intimate thing, but the beauty of the soul cannot be hidden.

    The true beauty of a person is not in the perfection of his body, but in the beauty of his soul, the beauty of his deeds.

    The beauty of the soul gives charm to even an inconspicuous body, just as the ugliness of the soul puts on the most magnificent constitution and on the most beautiful members of the body some special imprint that arouses in us an inexplicable disgust.

    To be beautiful does not mean to be born, because we can learn beauty. When a person is mentally beautiful, what appearance can compare with it?

    My soul is always in love...

    With the right balance of Strength and Mercy, the Beauty of a person’s soul is visible...

    The beauty of people's souls is measured by the depth of their feelings...

    If you are smart, you will be beautiful. There are no ugly ones. Some are as beautiful as a rose, others as a cactus.

    Beauty is a temporary phenomenon... Soul! That's what's important.

    The beauty of the soul is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious...

    How nice it is when a person’s beauty does not end with his appearance.

    The beauty of the world is seen only by those who look at the world with love.

    Happiness does not come into your life with fanfare... The most beautiful things, the ones that give you true happiness, come tiptoeing, silently and waiting for you to notice them

    Beautiful is the one who has a kind soul and pure thoughts...

    Beauty is when it doesn’t matter how old a person is. A person should glow from within. Youth is a very temporary privilege.

    Beauty is appearance, photography is art, and the most important thing in life is a kind heart, character and feelings!

    Genuinely beautiful life, begins only with the beauty of the soul.

    The beauty of the body can attract true admirers, but in order to keep them, the beauty of the soul is required.

    The most beautiful love, - this is when souls tenderly embrace!!!

    It is not beauty that decides whom we love. Love decides who we consider beautiful.

    People judge a person's beauty by looking at his face, but God judges his beauty by looking into his soul.

    Spiritual beauty can outshine any physical flaws... Be beautiful in your own way!!!

    “Nothing can spoil me!” - said Beauty. “I bet!” - Time said, grinning.

    - You are so cool! One can only dream about such a girl! - So dream...

    Kindness can truly brighten faces.

    Beauty - intrinsic property. As soon as beauty appears, it begins to flow from your body, from your mind - from everything that you are made of. If your inner beauty is with you, everything is beautiful.

    Each woman is beautiful in her own way... some with her soul... another with her body... And if everything comes together in one... then this is generally a diamond person!!!

    Beautiful people often lose their beauty by opening their mouths.

    Inside every old person there is a young person wondering what happened.

    Don't love for beauty. The snake's skin is also beautiful.

    True beauty is the beauty of fidelity!

    In our youth, we all admired beauty))) And only then, over the years, having stepped on a rake more than once, we realized: external beauty is just a shell, under which anything can be)))

    Love in the eyes of your neighbors is a reflection of the beauty of their soul, not yours.

    Physical beauty is impermanent, internal beauty is eternal!

    I polished the broom. The clouds dispersed. I gave the cats a manicure. Released the butterflies. I gave the cockroaches something to drink... Eeeh! Unfold your soul accordion!

    We are women! We are the chosen race! And the heart melts, And the soul flows with tenderness. We are women. And we have enough for everything: Tease. And conquer. And comfort.

    Women's beauty does not disappear over the years. She remains tender and kind in every fine wrinkle, she smiles with her eyes, glows in her smile, melts on her lips.

    Only those who have a beautiful upbringing are beautiful!!!

    When Mother Teresa was asked how she managed to look young despite life's difficulties, she replied: “No the best cosmetologist than peace in the soul."

    Cordiality is the same gift as beauty and intelligence.

    Living things cannot be ugly.

    The most beautiful people- these are the ones... Who passed difficult situations...But they still manage to keep a smile on their face...

    True beauty blooms in the heart and is reflected in the eyes.

    You can be beautiful on the outside, but the main thing is to be beautiful on the inside. And if you are beautiful both externally and internally, then that’s wonderful.

    Beauty that comes from within is the most attractive and irresistible... It is inherent in the few... The chosen ones...

    External beauty and internal beauty are not always mutually exclusive concepts.

    When taking care of beauty, you must start with the heart and soul, otherwise no amount of cosmetics will help!!!

    A smile is a symbol of kindness, warmth, and beauty!!!

    Dear women!!! Love yourself as you are!!! Men are attracted not by your beauty or thin body, but by your soul and its inner filling!

    A beautiful soul is not given to everyone, but only to a select few.

    You don’t need to admire the person you love, you just need to simply love him.

    The soul froze... But it reflects a beautiful mosaic from the past moments of life.

    As a rule, appearance is most important to those people who themselves are not very filled internally with either spiritual qualities or meaningfulness of being.

    A handsome person is pleasing to the eye, an intelligent person is pleasing to the ear, a wise man- makes the soul happy.

    Not everything that is so wonderful on the outside is so wonderful on the inside.

    Don't judge people by their appearance! In my opinion, a child knows this... Sometimes unearthly beauty hides a vile, corrupt soul...

    If the external content is disgusting, no one will know the internal content. A person with rich inner content does not allow himself to keep his outer shell in disarray.

    Beauty will pass, so build up your personality, not your eyelashes...

    I don’t believe in the rich inner world of a neglected person, just as I don’t believe that a creature with false hair and lips swollen like cakes has a developed intellect.

    The most beautiful smile, is the smile of the soul!!!

    If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection.

    Many people have a beautiful appearance, but not everyone has a beautiful soul!

    And I closed the gates to my soul. Someone simply cannot understand me... They often tell me that I am beautiful... I would like to exchange beauty for happiness...

    There are people like windows... Their beauty is revealed thanks to the light coming from within...

    The bodily beauty of a woman has no effect on me; unless it is accompanied by the beauty of the soul, then it produces an effect, and the effect is very extraordinary.

    Beauty has no boundaries, and the beauty of the soul has no boundaries!!!

    Every woman, like flowers, is beautiful in her own way. And the more beautiful a person’s soul, the easier it will be for him to see the beauty in the most inconspicuous, at first glance, flower.

    Statuses about the beauty of the soul and about the beauty of the soul

    I decided to remember the most beautiful and extraordinary women who could always present themselves in the best light. Their statements about female beauty are still relevant today, and their fashion advice will be useful and interesting to many modern women.

    Feminine beauty in the sayings of beautiful women

    Sophia Loren– an elegant woman who always knows what to wear and what to say. We think that every woman can take note of her fashion tips:

    “Hairstyle affects how your day turns out, and ultimately your whole life.”

    “Clothing is the simplest means of revealing personality.”

    "It's hard to be irresistible if you're lazy."

    “Character is the most important component of beauty.”

    Another significant person in the world of fashion and - Coco Chanel. It was this woman who introduced the fashion for combining masculine and feminine clothing. Her elegant laconicism in clothing left no one indifferent.

    "You don't get a second chance to make a first impression."

    “Fashion, like architecture, is a matter of proportions.”

    “If a girl doesn’t wear makeup, then she thinks too highly of herself.”

    “Not every woman is born beautiful, but if she has not become so by the age of 30, she is simply stupid.”

    “Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes.”

    “Old age does not protect from love, but love protects from old age.”

    Of course, one cannot help but remember Marilyn Monroe, one of the most beautiful women of the 20th century:

    “True beauty and femininity are timeless.”

    “Two things should be beautiful in a girl: her eyes and her lips, because with her eyes she can make you fall in love, and with her lips she can prove that she loves you.”

    Sophisticated, incredibly feminine and elegant Audrey Hepburn– we can talk endlessly about the beauty of this woman. But what did she herself say about beauty?

    “I believe in manicures, in flashy clothes, in the fact that on vacation you also need to do your hair and apply lipstick. I believe in pink color, and also that happy girls- most beautiful. I believe that the best remedy for burning calories islaughter. I believe thatTomorrowthere will be a new oneday, and... I believe in miracles."

    "Beautywomenshould be visible in her eyes, this is the door to herheart, the place where he livesLove

    “The shadow from a spotlight can ruin a girl’s figure.”

    “You can always tell what kind of person a man thinks you are by the type of earrings he gives you.”

    "Beautywomenincreases with her years."

    "Beautywomenin the care that she gives with love, and in the passion that she does not hide.”

    Let's not forget about fashion tips women of unearthly beauty Marlene Dietrich:

    “If a woman, when dressing, wants to please to my own husband, she chooses last year’s dress.”

    “It’s better to buy one pair of good shoes than three pairs of bad ones.”

    “It’s easier for ugly girls to be modestlife

    “People look at me like I’m watching a tennis match, but they don’t move their eyes from left to right, but from top to bottom.”

    “My legs are not that beautiful, I just know what to do with them.”

    And, perhaps, we’ll end with the most charismatic, cheerful and no less feminine compatriot - Faina Ranevskaya. Her strong and always appropriate words shoot not in the eyebrow, but precisely in the eye:

    “Faina,” her old friend asked, “howYoudo you thinkmedicinemaking progress?

    - But of course. When I was young, I had to undress every time I visited the doctor, but now it’s enoughlanguageshow."

    “Life is too short to waste it on diets,” greedy men and a bad mood."

    “Many people complain about their appearance, but no one complains about their brains.”

    “Darling, if you want to lose weight, eat naked and in front of the mirror.”

    “Even under the most pretentious peacock tail there is always an ordinary chicken ass.”

    “There are no fat women, there are small onescloth

    “No one except dead leaders wants to tolerate my breasts dangling idly.”

    And here we have prepared even more interesting materials for you!

    What is beauty? Is it possible to answer this question unambiguously? Each person sees it differently. And often, in order to see real beauty, you need to be able to see not with your eyes, but with your soul. After all, external beauty is so short-lived. This is precisely what is so subtly noted in quotes and aphorisms about female beauty.

    300 quotes about the beauty of women

    1. Butterflies cannot see their wings. They can't see how beautiful they are, but everyone else can. It's the same with people.
    2. The meaning of the word "Belladonna": in Italy - a beautiful woman, in England - a deadly poison. A striking example of the deep similarity of two languages.
    3. Biology surprises us a lot, statistically proving that beautiful women are not at all the stupidest. (Jean Rostand)
    4. God created women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so that they could love men. (Faina Ranevskaya)
    5. The great power in the world is the youth and beauty of a woman.
    6. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams... Eleanor Roosevelt
    7. There are such perfect forms of beauty and such brilliant dignity that people touched by it limit themselves to looking at it and talking about it. (Jean de La Bruyère)
    8. Whether she was virtuous, I don’t know; however, she was always ugly, and a woman’s ugliness is a good half of the way to virtue (Heinrich Heine)
    9. Being beautiful is easy; It's hard to just look beautiful. – Frank O'Hara
    10. At 20 you have the face that nature gave you, at 30 you have the face that life sculpted for you, and at 50 you have the face you deserve. (Coco Chanel)
    11. In visible beauty we are delighted by the invisible. (Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach)
    12. In the eyes of the world you will only be young and beautiful for a few years; and in the eyes of his husband - only a few months - Jonathan Swift
    13. Two things should be beautiful in a girl - these are the Look and the Lips, because with her eyes she can make you fall in love, and with her lips she can prove that she loves. (Marilyn Monroe)
    14. True beauty always has a flaw. (Francis Bacon)
    15. These days, beauty has become just a matter of putting on the right makeup.
    16. At the heart of all beauty lies something inhuman.
    17. In my life I have been surrounded by the love of the most beautiful ladies. Why the most? Because I never paid attention to the appearance of those who did not have tender feelings for me.
    18. There is a nerve in every man's heart that is sensitive to the fluctuations of a woman's beauty.
    19. In character, in manners, in style, in everything, beauty is simplicity. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
    20. You can fall in love with beauty, but you can only love the soul. (William Shakespeare)
    21. The appearance of things changes according to moods, and therefore we see magic and beauty in them, while magic and beauty are actually in ourselves.
    22. External beauty is even more precious when it covers the inner. A book whose golden clasps close its golden contents acquires special respect - William Shakespeare
    23. External attractiveness is the result of internal beauty.
    24. External purity and grace should be an expression of internal purity and beauty. (Vasily Belinsky)
    25. A woman's inner beauty is always reflected in her eyes.
    26. Age is not the most important thing for a woman: you can be delightful at 20, charming at 40 and remain irresistible until the end of your days. (Coco Chanel)
    27. All women are beautiful, regardless of their views. You just need to touch their soul with respect and appreciation for their inner beauty and you will be happily rewarded.
    28. Everything that is beautiful is moral. (Gustave Flaubert)
    29. All beauty begins with the beauty of the soul.
    30. You can fall in love with a “beauty”, but remember that you will live with character, not beauty.
    31. Facial expression can enhance or spoil beauty.
    32. The eyes are the first to enter into a love fight, and that moment is sweet when something rare and wonderfully beautiful appears before our eyes.
    33. Stupid beauty is not beauty. Look at the stupid beauty, look deeply into every feature of her face, into her smile, her gaze - her beauty will gradually turn into amazing ugliness. (Ivan Goncharov)
    34. Stupidity is the desire for Happiness and Beauty (George Shaw)
    35. Stupid women try to impress men by dressing eccentrically. And this scares men; they cannot stand eccentricity. They like it when people look at their women because they are beautiful. (Coco Chanel)
    36. Looking at a beautiful woman, I can’t help but fall in love with her, I’m crazy about her. It's like a lightning strike and lasts the same amount of time: a moment. (Jules Renard)
    37. Looking at her, it is impossible to believe that her soul does not have such a magnificent bust - Stanislav Lec
    38. By telling the truth to women who are truly beautiful, we learn to flatter others - William Gaslitt
    39. The voice of beauty sounds quietly: it penetrates only the most sensitive ears. (Nietzsche Friedrich)
    40. It is a sin if a woman looks less beautiful than she could be. (Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra)
    41. Distance is the soul of beauty – Simone Weil
    42. For a woman, beauty is more important than intelligence, because it is easier for a man to look than to think. (Marlene Dietrich)
    43. The best mirror for a woman is her eyes. loving man. You want to admire your reflection in them endlessly.
    44. In order to be beautiful, a woman just needs to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves. (Yves Saint Laurent)
    45. Kindness will always prevail over beauty (Heinrich Heine)
    46. Kindness requires proof, but beauty does not require it.
    47. Spiritual beauty is infinitely more beautiful than all others, and therefore bodies, being only shadows of existence, must have a charm that speaks of spiritual beauty. This type of beauty belongs to nature and is superior to man-made art - Jonathan Edwards
    48. The only beauty I know is health. (Heinrich Heine)
    49. If you are struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, it means she was dressed perfectly. (Coco Chanel)
    50. If you introduce a tax on female beauty, no state will have problems with the budget. (Boris Trushkin)
    51. If a woman is both beautiful and smart, then men are simply afraid of her.
    52. If a woman is beautiful in her soul, then she is beautiful in appearance.
    53. If a woman is beautiful, it means she is already smart.
    54. If a man crashes into someone else's car, the first thing he looks at is his wallet, and the woman looks at her mirror. (Margaret Turnibull)
    55. If there is no internal beauty, then external beauty is worthless.
    56. If a beautiful face is a letter of introduction, then a beautiful heart is a credential (Edward Bulwer-Lytton)
    57. If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection. (Coelho Paulo)
    58. If you are smart, you will be beautiful. There are no ugly ones. Some are as beautiful as a rose, others as a cactus. (Sharon Stone)
    59. If you have crooked legs, wear a deep neckline. (Christian Dior)
    60. There are beautiful women and those who do not know how to take care of themselves.
    61. There is beauty over which the years have no power - this is the beauty of the heart. (Eastern wisdom)
    62. Is there anything more beautiful in the world than a beautiful woman?! – Pierre Bourdey
    63. There are people in the Baroque style: many beautiful details, but overall bad taste - Maria Ebner Eschenbach
    64. A woman's beauty is not in the shape of her face, not in the clothes she wears or in her hairstyle. True female beauty is reflected in her soul, it is manifested in how passionately a woman gives her love. Women's beauty grows over the years. (Nina Ricci)
    65. Women's beauty and men's intelligence are mostly detrimental to their owners.
    66. Female beauty is selective and behaves differently with everyone: it kindles passion in a lover, but only instills fear in a husband.
    67. Female beauty is like a tea bag. It's only when she's in hot water that you realize how strong she is.
    68. Women's beauty does not require jewelry and cannot be hidden by makeup, it is only emphasized by it.
    69. Female beauty is worse than wine, since it intoxicates not only its owner, but also the viewer.

      Beautiful words about the beauty of women
    70. A woman always wants to belong to someone who will truly appreciate her beauty and femininity.
    71. A woman looks as good as she feels.
    72. A woman must be beautiful because a man's eyes are more developed than his brain. (Doris Deitz)
    73. A woman should not hide her beauty to such an extent that she loses her human appearance. (Pola Negri)
    74. A woman who cannot look ugly cannot be considered beautiful - Karl Kraus
    75. A woman who is firmly confident in her beauty will eventually be able to convince everyone else of it. (Sophia Loren)
    76. Beauty grants victory to a woman immediately, but to a man it only brings it closer by two weeks.
    77. Women are more beautiful than they look (Gabriel Laub)
    78. Women pay attention not to handsome men, but to men with beautiful women. (Milan Kundera)
    79. Living things cannot be ugly. (Coco Chanel)
    80. When taking care of beauty, you must start with the heart and soul, otherwise no amount of cosmetics will help. (Coco Chanel)
    81. They are wasted in vain: a moonlit night, if you are sleeping; beautiful places if you don’t admire them; wife of a young rake - Huang Yun Jiao
    82. Ideal beauty, the most delightful appearance are worth nothing if no one admires them. – O. Balzac
    83. Grace is the result of inner harmony. (Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach)
    84. Grace is to the body what common sense is to the mind. (Francois VI de La Rochefoucauld)
    85. True beauty will always outshine and smooth out inner fear.
    86. The true beauty of a woman lies in making a man the best in all areas.
    87. True beauty lies in the purity of the heart...
    88. True beauty lies on the inside and if you know anyone who values ​​a woman based solely on her appearance, then that person is petty.
    89. Every woman should wake up shamelessly happy and leave the house blatantly beautiful!
    90. Usually, female eye reveals hidden moral flaws under the expensive mask of beauty.
    91. How are ideas about beauty formed? Each of us subconsciously associates traits female face with character traits that we love.
    92. When we talk about love, it must be understood as the desire for beauty, for this is the definition of love for all philosophers - Marsilio Ficino
    93. When you silently contemplate beauty, your heart speaks to God.
    94. A beauty can afford anything, a beauty can forgive anything.
    95. The beauty will not bother you with your mind. He will find ingenuity and achieve beauty.
    96. A beauty who won't bother you with your mind. The mind will invent it, but beauty will get it! (William Shakespeare)
    97. A beautiful wife and at the same time faithful is as rare as a successful translation of a poetic work.
    98. A beautiful woman always feels happy. (Joseph Geitz)
    99. A beautiful woman is heaven for the eyes, hell for the soul, and purgatory for the pocket. (Bernard Fontenelle)
    100. A beautiful woman should not be too smart - it distracts attention. (Marc Gilbert Sauvageon)
    101. A beautiful woman pleases the eyes, and kind hearted; one is a beautiful thing, and the other a treasure. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
    102. A beautiful woman pleases the male eye, an ugly woman pleases the female eye.
    103. A beautiful woman feels free. (Joseph Geitz)
    104. A beautiful face is a silent recommendation (Francis Bacon)
    105. What is beautiful does not need additional decorations - what makes it most beautiful is the absence of decorations.
    106. Everyone should have a beautiful body.
    107. Beautiful expressions decorate a beautiful thought and preserve it - Victor Hugo
    108. Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes...
    109. Beautiful female legs turned more than one page in history.
    110. Beautiful women can be very stupid in old age only because they were very beautiful in their youth - Vasily Klyuchevsky
    111. Beautiful women are rarely alone, but they are often lonely. (Henrik Jagodzinski)
    112. Beautiful women are often like great cities, easy to conquer but difficult to maintain.
    113. Beautiful birds sing worse than others. The same applies to people. You shouldn’t look for a deep thought in an elaborate style. (Lichtenberg Georg Christoph)
    114. Everything that you look at with love seems beautiful.. (K. Morgenshgern)
    115. There shouldn't be handsome men, but there shouldn't be ugly ones. There are only a few flowers and warm champagne. (Coco Chanel)
    116. Beauty is the only quality of a woman that can awaken a feeling of pity in a man - Etienne Rey
    117. Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is. (Francis Bacon)
    118. Beauty is one of the types of Genius, it is even higher than Genius, because it does not require understanding - Oscar Wilde
    119. Beauty is the first gift that nature gives to women and the first that she takes away.
    120. Beauty is a gift for several years. (Oscar Wilde)
    121. Beauty is also a virtue; a beautiful woman cannot have flaws. (Johann Friedrich Schiller)
    122. Beauty is an eternity that lasts a moment - Albert Camus
    123. Beauty is a matter of hands and no fraud!
    124. Beauty is a queen who reigns for a very short time. (Socrates)
    125. Beauty is one continuous dignity, that says it all.
    126. Beauty is an open letter of recommendation that wins the heart in advance. (Arthur Schopenhauer)
    127. Beauty is a sense of self, and it is reflected in your eyes. (Sophia Loren)
    128. Beauty is a radiance that comes from within.
    129. Beauty without grace can only please, but not captivate. It looks like a floating bait without a hook. (Capiton)
    130. Beauty without kindness dies unclaimed. (Benjamin Franklin)
    131. Beauty without brains will destroy the world!
    132. Beauty without charm is like a hook without bait.
    133. Beauty is in simplicity and pristineness. Constant striving for perfection and therefore incompleteness. (Japanese wisdom)
    134. Beauty is in a girl's heart, not in her face. Women's beauty does not require jewelry and cannot be hidden by makeup, it is only emphasized by it.
    135. Beauty is a welcome guest everywhere. (Goethe)
    136. Beauty is superior to genius because it does not require understanding.
    137. Beauty gives freedom and the right to choose.
    138. Beauty affects even those who do not notice it. (Jean Cocteau)
    139. Beauty must come from within.
    140. There is beauty in everything, but not everyone can see it. (Confucius)

    141. Beauty is the highest revelation because it expresses nothing - Oscar Wilde
    142. The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, not in her figure, and not in her hairstyle. The beauty of a woman should be visible in her eyes, it is the door to her heart, the place where love lives.
    143. The beauty of a woman is in the care she gives with love, and in the passion she does not hide. (Audrey Hepburn)
    144. The beauty of a woman is like a powerful alchemy that transforms men into donkeys.
    145. A woman's beauty grows as the years pass...
    146. A woman's beauty increases with her years. (Audrey Hepburn)
    147. Beauty is captivating when it is not all exposed.
    148. Beauty lies not in individual features and lines, but in the general expression of the face, in the sense of life that manifests itself in it (Yakov Dobrolyubov)
    149. Beauty and a passion for knowledge cannot enter into legal marriage (Max Beerbohm)
    150. Beauty lies in simplicity.
    151. Beauty is so strong that it overshadows other human virtues.
    152. Beauty is not in the face, beauty is the light in the heart. (Gibran Kahlil Gibran)
    153. Beauty cannot live without kindness.
    154. Beauty does not need additional adornment - what makes it most beautiful is the absence of adornment. (Johann Gottfried Herder)
    155. We need beauty for men to love us, and stupidity for us to love men. (Coco Chanel)
    156. Beauty remains, but good looks disappear. But for some reason women don’t strive to be beautiful, they want to remain pretty.
    157. The beauty of a decent woman seems not quite complete. She lacks the mysterious charm of depravity (Etienne Rey)
    158. Beauty leads us to despair, it is an eternity that lasts a moment, and we would like to extend it forever.
    159. Beauty just gets in the way of wisdom...
    160. Beauty is rarely combined with wisdom. (Petronius)
    161. The beauty of the body can attract, but only the beauty of the soul can hold.
    162. The beauty of the body can attract, but only the beauty of the soul can hold...
    163. Physical beauty is insignificant; without spiritual charm, it can only awaken in us disgust and shame. At the same time, a pure, bright soul leaves even an inconspicuous body with an imprint of light, awakening the warmest feelings when looking at it.
    164. The beauty of the trio is the beauty of souls, bodies and voices. The beauty of souls is comprehended by the mind; body - perceived by sight; voices - only by hearing. (Marsilio Ficino)
    165. Beauty, grace, appearance, a pleasant voice make life easier. But beauty should not be overestimated: if not supported by other advantages, it can cause harm. (Janusz Korczak)
    166. Beauty immersed in sorrow is most impressive (Edmund Burke)
    167. Beauty: the power with which a woman charms her lover and keeps her husband at bay. (Ambrose Bierce)
    168. Beauty is not enough to be seen, it must be felt.
    169. Whoever chooses between intelligence and beauty must take the beautiful one as his lady of the heart, and the intelligent one as his wife. (Pedro Barca)
    170. Flattery is an urgent need for handsome men, whose specialty is that they are handsome men. (Heinrich Heine)
    171. Personal beauty is a recommendation far better than any characteristic (Aristotle)
    172. The best part of beauty is what a picture can't convey. (Francis Bacon)
    173. It's better to be beautiful than to be virtuous. But, on the other hand, it is better to be virtuous than ugly - Oscar Wilde
    174. Loving a person for their beauty is like loving chocolate for its wrapper.
    175. Love is the desire to enjoy beauty. Beauty is a kind of radiance that attracts the human soul. (Marsilio Ficino)
    176. People, more than things, need relationships with them to be restored, revived, corrected and never thrown away or forgotten.
    177. People stopped being animals when a man began to appreciate beauty in a woman. (Nikolai Chernyshevsky)
    178. Little girl in fluffy dress lavender tulle
    179. There are few women in the world whose dignity would outlive their beauty. (Francois La Rochefoucauld)
    180. There are many people with beautiful appearance, which, however, have nothing to boast about inside. (Cooper James Fenimore)
    181. It may be true that baldness is a sign of male potency, but it reduces your ability to prove it - Robert Orben
    182. A young beautiful woman is a miracle of nature. A middle-aged, beautiful woman is a miracle of art. (Yanina Ipohorskaya)
    183. Young people do not know well what beauty is: they know only passion - Luc Vauvenargues
    184. Male beauty is a useless thing. The attractiveness of a man does not lie in being handsome himself, but in convincing a woman that she is beautiful next to him. (Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt)
    185. A man is a man, but handsome man- that's a completely different conversation.
    186. Men take advantage of beauty, and at the same time do not want to see the soul.
    187. The true beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul. The beauty of a woman is manifested in her care and love.
    188. The real beauty of a woman appears early in the morning when she wakes up, and not in the evening when she is tired and falls asleep.
    189. True beauty is not the kind that you admire with pleasure, but the kind that is as difficult to look at as the sun. (Etienne Rey)
    190. There is no woman of exquisite beauty without some oddity in proportion.
    191. There are no ugly women, only lazy ones. (Coco Chanel)
    192. Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry. – I. Turgenev
    193. What is beautiful is not always good. And I say this for those painters who are so in love with the beauty of colors that with great regret they give them the faintest and almost imperceptible shadows, underestimating their relief. In this mistake they are like those who use beautiful, but nothing speaking words– Leonardo da Vinci
    194. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have two breasts! – Faina Ranevskaya
    195. It is not the beauty of every woman that is gold, but intelligence and silence - Gregory the Theologian
    196. It is not beauty that causes love, but love that makes us see beauty. (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)
    197. Not the one who is beautiful whose arm or leg is praised, but the one whose entire appearance does not allow one to admire individual features. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)
    198. Not every woman is born beautiful, but if she has not become so by the age of 30, she is simply stupid. (Coco Chanel)
    199. It doesn't matter what you look like, what matters is how you feel and what you think about yourself. I love myself, that's why others think I'm beautiful. (Monica Bellucci)
    200. Plain women know more about men than beautiful women. (Katherine Hepburn)
    201. No wonder some wise man said that women owe half of their beauty to dressmakers (Lope de Vega)
    202. Some women are not beautiful at all, they just look that way. (Karl Kraus)
    203. Ugly people usually have more intelligence because they have less opportunity for pleasure and more time for learning (Claude-Adrian Helvetius)
    204. There are no beautiful women - there are ugly and well-made-up ones. (Oscar Wilde)
    205. There are no ugly women - there are only women who do not know that they are beautiful. (Vivien Leigh)
    206. There is nothing sadder than the life of women who only knew how to be beautiful (Bernard Fontenelle)
    207. There is nothing more beautiful than tender and beautiful girl with a peaceful spirit.
    208. There is nothing uglier than a man who thinks he is handsome - Frederic Beigbeder
    209. There is nothing that finds its way to the soul as quickly as beauty does. (Joseph Addison)
    210. There is no harder work than trying to look beautiful from eight in the morning until midnight. (Brigitte Bardot)
    211. Never fight with ugly people. They have nothing to lose
    212. Nothing will help bring beauty inside.
    213. Morality must appear in the form of beauty (Georg Hegel)
    214. Charm is a way of getting a positive response without the question asked. (Albert Camus)
    215. Adoration - this is science! Beauty is always a weapon! Modesty is the other side of elegance! (Coco Chanel)
    216. One woman will never recognize the beauty of another.
    217. Beauty alone conquers us with strength. We, not fearing death, are afraid of dear wrath! (Pierre Corneille)
    218. However, the beauty of a woman is not only the correct facial features, beautiful figure and expensive clothes. Oh, if only everything were so simple... Even in fairy tales, beauties, in addition to external attractiveness, should also have internal ones: kindness, charm, sincerity. After all, evil cannot be beautiful. Moreover, attractiveness and youth are so short-lived... Quotes and aphorisms about female beauty once again remind us of this.
    219. He is stupid because he is so handsome, and would not be so handsome if he were less stupid - Vasily Klyuchevsky
    220. Let's leave beautiful women to people without imagination.
    221. A witty woman is a treasure; a witty and beautiful woman is power.
    222. Lack of taste entails lack of beauty.
    223. Charm is beauty in motion (Gotthold Lessing)
    224. The charm of a good and beautiful woman is an obvious means to create feminine character with all the power of Superman.
    225. She is definitely happy with at least one thing - her appearance.
    226. In my opinion, calling a woman elegant is insulting her, because elegance and beauty are incompatible.
    227. Picking on a beautiful woman is not an easy task, because your words will not make her look bad.
    228. Truly happy are those people who know how to notice beauty in little things! Or maybe everything beautiful consists of little things? One brush stroke on paper is just a stain. And many will make a beautiful picture. Quotes and aphorisms about the ability to find beauty in little things will once again remind us of this. (Coco Chanel)
    229. Why else can one say that beauty is a terrible force? Remember the lover young man. It seems that set a goal for him, and the beauty of a woman will give him confidence in the achievability of any goal. He is ready for any action and even feat.
    230. Why do women devote so much time and money to their appearance, and not the development of intelligence? Because there are much fewer blind men than smart ones - Faina Ranevskaya
    231. Truth and beauty have always been the main thing in human life and on earth in general. (A.P. Chekhov)
    232. Truth rarely lies on the surface, unlike beauty.
    233. Only what is natural is beautiful. (Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire)
    234. Beautiful is something that belongs solely to taste. (Kant Immanuel)
    235. When the lamp is extinguished, all women are beautiful. (Plutarch)
    236. Nature provides beauty, which then needs to be looked after.
    237. Nature told the woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must certainly be prudent.
    238. Simplicity, naturalness, genuineness have always gone hand in hand with the concept of true beauty. Is a wildflower less beautiful than a luxurious orchid? After all, the tinsel of jewelry only interferes with seeing the whole essence of beauty. Quotes and aphorisms on the topic of beauty in simplicity say this so accurately.
    239. Simplicity, truth and naturalness are the three great principles of beauty in all works of art. (Christoph Willibald Gluck)
    240. It is easier to be mistaken in truth than in beauty (Joseph Joubert)
    241. It’s not a sin to suffer for the sake of beauty (Hans Andersen)
    242. The spring of poetry is beauty (Nikolai Gogol)

    243. Next to beauty, the mind and heart always look like poor relatives (Etienne Rey)
    244. The most beautiful girl cannot give more than what she has; and the most devoted friend can only remain silent about what he does not know.
    245. The most beautiful thing is to look into the eyes of a person who is smiling. Everyone's eyes “smile” in their own way. But it is smiling eyes that are the most beautiful.
    246. The most beautiful thing in life is purity of heart and when it is reflected in a person’s face, it makes him beautiful.
    247. Make life around you beautiful. And let every person feel that meeting you is a gift. (Osho)
    248. There is so much technology today that it would be a sin not to be beautiful. (Coco Chanel)
    249. The radiant beauty of youth is diminished in its perfection by excessive and too elaborate ornaments. (Leonardo da Vinci)
    250. They would rather forgive an ugly leg than an ugly stocking! – Karl Kraus
    251. The contemplation of beauty of any kind, taking us beyond our own self, awakens in us the capacity for self-sacrifice - Benjamin Constant
    252. The average woman prefers to be beautiful rather than smart, because the average man sees better than thinks.
    253. As you get older, you learn that you have two hands: one to help yourself, the other to help your neighbor.
    254. Old age has its own beauty, spilling not passions, not impulses, but pacifying, calming - Alexander Herzen
    255. Strangeness is a necessary ingredient for beauty. (Charles Baudelaire)
    256. Happy is he who can see the beauty in ordinary things, where others see nothing! Everything is fine, you just need to be able to look closely. (Camille Pissarro)
    257. Happiness and Beauty spin-offs (George Shaw)
    258. The woman who values ​​in herself not so much beauty as the qualities of her soul and mind is head and shoulders above other women; the one who values ​​beauty most of all is similar to all her sisters, and the one who values ​​her nobility or title more than even beauty is lower than other women, and, perhaps, not a woman at all. – N. Chamfort
    259. Talent in a man is the same as beauty in a woman - just a promise. To be truly great, his heart and character must be equal to his talent. (Honoré Balzac)
    260. Where there is beauty, there is nothing to prove.
    261. How beautiful a woman is depends not on nature, but on herself...
    262. What delights us in visible beauty is always only the invisible (Maria-Ebner Eschenbach)
    263. What is dear to the heart is always beautiful.
    264. Only after marrying a beautiful woman does a man understand that beauty requires sacrifice.
    265. Only beauty combined with modesty has the right to be called beauty. Beauty without modesty is not beauty, but merely prettiness. (Miguel de Cervantes)
    266. He who falls in love with an ugly woman falls in love with all the power of passion, because such love testifies either to the strange whim of his taste, or to the secret charms of his beloved, stronger than the charms of beauty - Jean La Bruyère
    267. “It’s hard to keep anger in your heart when there is so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I see all of her and it becomes unbearable. My heart is filled with her, like balloon which is about to burst. And then I relax and stop resisting her. And it seeps through me like rain. And I feel nothing but gratitude for every moment of my stupid little life. (From the movie "American Beauty")
    268. You are beautiful in your own way, because God does not make mistakes. (Lady Gaga)
    269. A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there are a hundred thousand opportunities to be attractive. (C. Montesquieu)
    270. Everyone has their own idea about feminine attractiveness; beauty is something more immutable and independent of tastes and judgments (Jean La Bruyère)
    271. Beauty has as many meanings as a person has moods. Beauty is a symbol of symbols. Beauty reveals everything to us because it expresses nothing - Oscar Wilde
    272. Elegance has a quiet voice. (Sophia Loren)
    273. I am sure that beauty exists in the eyes of others, the main thing is to feel good in the body that you have... (Vanessa Paradis)
    274. This is her custom: beauty is always right. (Babur Z.)
    275. A woman is adorned by what makes her more beautiful, but what makes her so is not gold, emeralds and purple, but modesty, decency and bashfulness. (Plutarch)
    276. An intelligent facial expression in men is the same as the correctness of features in women: this is a kind of beauty that even the most vain people would like to have. (Jean de La Bruyère).
    277. Learn to notice the beauty in every thing, and you will see the beauty in yourself
    278. The teacher said: “I have never met a person who loved virtue as much as they love a woman’s beauty.” (Confucius)
    279. The French say: “If a girl is ugly, then nature is to blame; if a woman is ugly, then she herself is to blame.”
    280. Character is the most important component of beauty. (Sophia Loren)
    281. The character of a woman is usually determined by the beauty or ugliness of her face - Oliver Goldsmith
    282. A pretty woman must be neat and flirtatious from the very morning and in household chores she must shine like a new coin among a heap of garbage. (Jules Renard)
    283. Even if we travel all over the world in search of beauty, we will not find it if we do not take it with us. (Ralph Emerson)
    284. If you want to be beautiful, wash your hair. (Coco Chanel)
    285. The older a woman is, the more she has to work on her beauty.
    286. How more beautiful woman, the more honest she must be, because only with honesty can she counteract the harm that her beauty can cause - Gotthold Lessing
    287. What makes a woman feel incredibly beautiful? No, this is not an expensive dress and not fifteen-centimeter heels - this is a whisper in your ear - “Darling, you are so beautiful.”
    288. What could be more beautiful than old friends, old books, old wine and young women? – Julien Falkenare
    289. What can I add to my unwritten beauty... Except monstrous modesty!
    290. What seems disgraceful to the mind is pure beauty to the heart - Fyodor Dostoevsky
    291. To be loved, the best thing to do is to be beautiful. But to be beautiful, you need to be loved. (Françoise Sagan)
    292. To make your hair beautiful, let your baby play with the strands every day.
    293. To make your eyes beautiful, just speak good words. (Audrey Hepburn)
    294. To create beauty, you yourself must be pure in soul. (Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka)
    295. For men to chase a woman, she must be beautiful. To accept their attention is stupid.
    296. To see beauty, you need to look into the eyes.
    297. To keep your figure slim, share food with the hungry.
    298. The young man wants a woman, a woman as such; the old man is looking for a beautiful woman. If a nation has taste, it means it has grown old (Denis Diderot)
    299. I prefer to see ten times a day an ugly form in which there is brilliance, originality and intelligence, than to see once a month a beautiful nothingness in which the soul is barren. (Amin Reyhani)
    300. I want to learn more and more to look at what is necessary in things as beautiful: so I will be one of those who makes things beautiful.


    true beauty cannot be described in words, it must be felt. Beauty comes in different forms. The external beauty of a person, nature or thing is available to everyone, everyone can see it. But there is also inner beauty, the beauty of the soul. Although it is hidden from public view, it is no less important than the external one. If a person is rotten inside, has an evil and envious nature, then his appearance is worthless. Even the most expensive cosmetics and outfits cannot replace the lack of beauty within.

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