• How to paint your eyes correctly to make them expressive. Beautifully made-up eyes: advice from a cosmetologist How best to make up your eyes


    Beautiful makeup is the right makeup!

    How to make up your eyes beautifully? This question is often asked by girls who don’t know their faces well or rarely use makeup. Makeup is necessary to correct facial features, disguise imperfections, and highlight advantages. But in inept hands, decorative cosmetics can only aggravate the situation - add age, fatigue, and make the face less attractive. Therefore, it is important not so much how to make up your eyes beautifully, apply blush or lipstick, but how to do it correctly.

    The first step to flawless makeup eye

    Everyone knows that before applying makeup, the skin must be prepared by cleansing and applying foundation. But often the skin around the eyes is deprived of attention, and yet it also needs the application of foundation and tonal products. A concealer with reflective pigments will add radiance to the skin and disguise fine wrinkles. A pencil with a denser texture will hide dark circles under the eyes. But not every foundation is suitable for the skin around the eyes; for example, you should not use mattifying products. The skin of the eyelids is very thin and contains virtually no sebaceous glands, so after using this product, dryness and flaking may occur. Give preference tonal products with a moisturizing effect.

    How to beautifully make up your eyes with shadows?

    Applying shadows is the next step to beautiful makeup eye. There are many eye makeup techniques, both evening and for every day, but the shape of the eyes plays an important role. Precisely when correct use shadows and pencil can achieve the effect of enlarging the eyes or highlighting their beautiful cut. It is difficult to give one recommendation for everyone here. In addition to the shape of the eyes, their color, skin tone, even how they are planted (close to the bridge of the nose or widely spaced) matter. To understand how to make up your eyes beautifully, and what shades to use relative to your color type, you just need to experiment. What suits one woman may not suit another. Use different techniques, experiment with color. The basic rule for applying shadows is shading. There should be no sharp lines of transition from one color to another.

    How to make up your eyes beautifully with a pencil?

    The color of the pencil can be any - it is classic black, brown, blue, green, etc. Your choice is limited only by your external data. Black color suits almost everyone and is used in classical technique"Smoky Ice". Brown will make your look softer. A white pencil applied to the lower eyelid will not only make the eyes appear larger, but will also hide redness if necessary. The pencil itself must be sharpened, otherwise the line will be too greasy, and moderately hard, otherwise you can scratch the skin. A line is drawn along the growth of the eyelashes from the inner corner to the outer. If you draw it a little further than the eye, it will visually elongate it, which is important for creating an oriental image, or will emphasize the beauty of the almond shape. And if you want to visually enlarge your eyes, then the lines of the outer and lower eyelids should not be connected. After applying the pencil, blend the line well.

    How to apply eyeliner to your eyes?

    The technique of applying eyeliner is practically no different from a pencil, the only difference being that it does not need to be shaded. But for many this procedure causes great difficulties. It would seem that there is nothing difficult here - to draw a line with a brush as thin as possible and close to the eyelash growth line. But the main secret of eyeliner is to keep the line even, and this is not always possible right away. Those who are used to using eyeliner every day usually end up filling their hands.

    How to make your eyes beautiful with mascara?

    In order for the eyelashes to be painted well, the brush should be held perpendicular to their growth, and the color should be applied from the roots to the tips. It is enough to apply two layers. If you apply several layers of mascara, your eyelashes will look heavy and unnatural; moreover, the eyelashes themselves may stick together. If this happens, separate them with a needle or pin.

    How much decorative cosmetics should there be?

    This is largely determined by the age and lifestyle of the owner of the cosmetic bag. For a young girl, it is enough to have mascara, lipstick or gloss, a toner for teenage skin to hide pimples. A young and fresh face is beautiful in itself. Older girls attend nightclubs, celebrations and other events where required evening make-up. How to make up your eyes beautifully with just mascara? Here you can’t do without a palette of shadows and a pencil. But an older woman will need much more decorative cosmetics. After all, the face already has wrinkles, age spots, circles under the eyes and much more that needs to be hidden and corrected. After all, every woman wants to be beautiful and young!

    Many women are interested in how to put on beautiful makeup at home. Most beauties have a good command of technology, but often cannot understand the huge variety of colors and products used for eye makeup. At the same time, eyes beautifully emphasized with decorative cosmetics can highlight the beauty of shape and color, making a woman much more attractive and her appearance more expressive.

    There are some quite simple rules makeup techniques that can be quickly mastered and put into practice by every woman. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, but they need the right frame. This role is played by high-quality decorative eye cosmetics.

    How to put on makeup - the subtleties of makeup

    Beautifully painted eyes make a woman visually younger and highlight the beautiful color of the iris. If you follow a certain technique, you can visually enlarge your eyes or adjust their shape, making them much more expressive. Simple rules for eye makeup will tell you the sequence of actions and will be a guide on how to learn how to apply makeup from scratch.

    In order to perform high-quality makeup, every woman must have a certain minimum of decorative cosmetics, which is used to work with the eyes:

    1. Eyeshadow base.
    2. Shadows in individual packages or in palettes of matching shades.
    3. Pencil dark and light for eyeliner (for the mucous membrane you need a special type of pencil - kajal).
    4. Convenient type of eyeliner - cream, gel, liquid, felt-tip pen.
    5. Mascara of the desired shade.

    This is a minimum set that every woman supplements with those products that suit her and which she prefers to use.

    Selection of eye shadow shade depending on eye color

    For most beautiful ladies, the main difficulty with makeup is how to apply eye shadow. There are a few easy-to-remember rules:

    It is best to select shadows for the eyes based on the principle of contrast. Such shadows highlight the shade of the eyes and make it much brighter and richer. For example, blue eyes beautifully emphasize brown shades of shadows, gray eyes are beautiful with blue, blue, greenish tones, green eyes become simply emerald when next to purple and plum flowers, and Brown eyes good with a variety of colors, the main thing is to choose them by color temperature.

    Warm shades will “ask” for softer warm shades of eyeshadow, and a cool brown color will look good with gray, blue, cold green and purple tones.

    Some colors are neutral and work well with different eye colors. These are all shades of gray and black, a cool taupe, often called "taupe" or "top".

    Fashionable red shadows can turn a woman into tears or sick with sore eyes, but once you make the red darker at the outer corner of the eye and draw a thin line at the eyelash line with a dark pencil or eyeliner, the makeup becomes very stylish and effective.

    It is believed that matte shadows or those with a soft, unobtrusive satin sheen are best suited for daytime.

    Shimmer, highly shiny, frost and glitter shadows are suitable for an evening out, and colored pigments are often used to create stage or carnival makeup.

    You can apply eye makeup with several specially designed products or use one or two products. For big ones expressive eyes It is quite enough to use only separating and lengthening mascara, carefully highlighting the eyelashes. Enlarging your eyes and changing their shape will require more makeup and effort, but the results are worth it.

    Important! When choosing eye cosmetics, focus on hypoallergenic products. If any type of cosmetic provokes an allergy, mercilessly part with it.

    Correcting eye shape with the right makeup

    Happy owners of large eyes can just use mascara - and their eyes sparkle precious stones. Those women who have small eyes do not have this advantage, but cosmetics will allow them to quickly make their eyes larger.

    The easiest way to quickly enlarge your eyes is to highlight the waterline of the lower eyelid with a light kajal pencil. White color looks a little unnatural, so it is best to go with beige or pinkish kajal. In combination with it, you can use a thin line of dark eyeliner along the lash line on the upper eyelid, slightly retreating from the contour, and then thickly paint the upper eyelashes with dark mascara. This technique allows you to visually enlarge your eyes and make your gaze “open.” During the day, the pencil on the water line needs to be periodically renewed, so it should always be present in every woman's cosmetic bag.

    Using shadows, pencil or eyeliner, you can change the shape of your eye.

    • If you apply light shadows to deep-set eyes, they will appear more prominent and larger.
    • Protruding eyes can be corrected with dark shadows on the upper eyelid and mascara without using contour.
    • You can give a beautiful almond-shaped eye shape by extending the line of the lower eyelid with eyeliner towards the outer corner of the eyebrow. An arrow made in this direction along the entire upper eyelid will give the eye a spectacular “cat” shape.
    • Close-set eyes can be visually “separated” by darkening the outer corner of the eye and highlighting the inner one. If the eyes are too wide apart, do exactly the opposite.

    How to quickly and accurately draw arrows with a pencil or eyeliner

    Some women do not know how to use eyeliner, thereby depriving themselves of a very practical and effective remedy makeup. The fact is that eye pencils can be of different types. Soft and plastic are intended for shading; they do not hold the line and are not suitable for creating a clear contour. Dense and less greasy ones are used for neat thin lines and can replace eyeliner; they are used to draw arrows of different types and sizes.

    In addition, you can paint your eyes with a pencil as eye shadow and use it as a “base” to create a smoky eye.

    No one can achieve a beautiful arrow line right away. It can be especially difficult to make them symmetrical, that is, to draw arrows of the same length and width on each eye.

    • To draw a beautiful arrow you need to place your elbow working hand on a hard, stable surface, start drawing from the outer corner of the eye, drawing a line upward, then draw the outline of the upper eyelashes, connecting it to the tail, and lastly, drawing the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye.
    • The arrows can be thin, medium thickness, large, double, single-color or two-color, emphasizing the contours of only the upper eyelid or both eyelids. Using a pencil, you can make an original eyeliner only on the lower eyelid.
    • Beginning craftswomen can try drawing arrows using a special felt-tip pen. Usually it allows you to quickly and easily draw the desired line, and with its help you can adjust the thickness of the arrow without any problems. To do this, you just need to increase or decrease the intensity of pressing the felt-tip pen. But most eyeliners of this type have a significant drawback - they either run out quickly or dry out too quickly.
    • Experienced young ladies prefer to use gel or cream eyeliner. It is produced by numerous cosmetic companies in cute little jars, and is applied with a special brush - with a thin tip or an angled one. Using this tool you can draw the thinnest arrows or depict wide ones, in the style of the 60s, which is also in fashion now.

    Important! Follow the expiration dates of eye cosmetics. Old cosmetics contain a lot of microorganisms that can cause conjunctivitis and many other diseases of the organs of vision.

    How to use mascara correctly

    Most women are firmly convinced that they know perfectly well how to apply mascara correctly, because... Most often, this is the first decorative cosmetic product that a girl begins to use in her life.

    However, most of us unknowingly ruin our mascara by pistoning back and forth while trying to get mascara onto the wand. This is a fundamentally wrong action that accelerates the spoilage of the product. With such movements, air is pumped into the tube, which contributes to the oxidation of the carcass and the entry of harmful microorganisms into it. The product may deteriorate, and your eyes with such mascara may become very inflamed.

    In order to make the look more expressive and the eyelashes longer, we paint the eyes with zigzag movements, bringing the brush to the very base of the eyelashes. In this way, we paint them along their entire length, separate them and lengthen them, covering them with a thin and uniform layer of mascara without lumps or gluing.

    Mascara is a perishable product, its lifespan usually does not exceed 3 months, so you should not try in vain to “reanimate” dried or thickened mascara. It still won’t apply well and evenly, or it will crumble under the eyes a couple of hours after application. This mascara should be thrown away and purchased fresh. You only need to buy the copy that is “sealed” in cellophane and has a sticker indicating the date of manufacture. Expired mascara is a collection of bacteria and fungi that can lead to serious eye diseases.

    Step by step makeup tutorials

    Simple step-by-step instruction will help women master the basics of eye makeup, so that they can then use their knowledge to perform more complex options. This method will clearly show how you can paint your eyes step by step and will help you easily remember the sequence of actions.

    On our website you can find many step-by-step photographs of creating eye makeup or watch special videos. These lessons will help you learn the procedure and accurately repeat them in your makeup.

    Many makeup gurus recommend painting your eyes first. This is due to the fact that during the application process, shadows and other decorative cosmetics products can crumble, staining the area under the eyes. If foundation and powder are applied to the face, removing traces of shadows and mascara, you can smear the layer of cosmetics and ruin the whole job. If your eyes are made up before applying foundation and powder, you can carefully remove traces of paint, apply foundation or BB cream, powder and disguise traces of bruises and swelling under the eyes with concealer. As a result of this technique, you can get perfect, perfectly executed and very neat eye makeup.

    Everyday option

    For everyday eye makeup for women with large eyes, simply line the lash line with eyeliner or pencil and cover the eyelashes with mascara.

    If you want to make up more expressively, you can use the following scheme:

    • Apply basic light shadow to the eyes - all over the upper eyelid.
    • Using a slightly darker shade, use a soft fluffy brush to highlight the crease of the upper eyelid, bringing the color closer to the outer corner of the eye.
    • Bring the upper eyelid as close to the eyelash line as possible, or even better, between them. This will make your eyes larger and your gaze more expressive.
    • Apply dark mascara to the upper eyelashes (black for brunettes and brown-haired women, brown for blondes and redheads).
    • To complete such a simple makeup, it’s good to slightly lighten the inner corner of the eye with light satin shadows, and also lighten the area under the eyebrow.

    Important! Store eye cosmetics in closed boxes away from sunlight in a cool place. Wash your brushes and applicators, wipe down packaging, and wash cosmetic bags often. This will not only help maintain the presentable appearance of cosmetics, but also protect against the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

    Universal “smoky eyes”

    Smoky eye makeup never goes out of fashion, only the shades of shadows and the degree of color intensity change. Most often, classic smokey eyes are made on a base of shadows to give the desired density to the color. Good way How to make shadows from a pencil - take a pencil with a soft plastic texture, apply it to the upper eyelid, then gently shade it with a soft brush.

    You can use pencil or creamy shadows instead of shadows, or apply regular dry shadows over pencil or creamy shadows to give the shade depth and velvety. To do this, with a fluffy brush, shadows are applied in layers to the upper eyelid, outlining its shape and contours.

    To get a beautiful haze around the eyes, the shadows need to be blended well. For these purposes, use a lush brush with neutral light shadows collected on it, which is carefully brushed along the contour of the dark shadows.

    You can simply complete your makeup with mascara on your eyelashes, or apply eyeliner, make an arrow, and for a “big entrance”, stick on artificial eyelashes for greater expressiveness.

    evening make-up

    Easy to turn everyday makeup or smoky eyes in the evening, you can use shiny and sparkling shadows and “metallic” eyeliner. You can apply them to the entire eyelid or use them fragmentarily, for example, apply shiny shadows or glitter only to the center of the upper eyelid. This technique will make the eyes more prominent and expressive.

    A line of glittery eyeliner looks impressive and at the same time more modest than too sparkling eyeshadow. It can be combined with regular black eyeliner to create very expressive double arrows.

    First, carefully draw an arrow with black eyeliner or a pencil. Then, when it “grabs”, just above it, a line is drawn along its upper contour with a bright colored or shiny metallic eyeliner. This makeup is perfectly complemented by lush false eyelashes.

    Creating long-lasting makeup

    A significant proportion of women have “oily” eyelids, which do not hold even the most expensive and high-quality cosmetics. After several hours of wearing makeup, it “floats” and loses its clear outline. To prevent this from happening, you need to use a special base for eyelid makeup.

    This product is simply applied in a thin layer to the skin of the upper eyelid and allowed to set. Against this background, any shadows will look brighter and richer, blend well and last up to two times longer than without a base.

    In the absence of a base, you can use non-greasy cream shadows that need to be lightly powdered, or a soft eyeliner that needs to be shaded well. For light shadows, it is good to use a white pencil, and for bright and dark shadows, a black pencil is suitable. It will make the shadows more saturated and expressive, giving them depth and richness.

    Correct use of decorative cosmetics for the eyes can make a woman’s face more expressive and brighter, emphasizing its originality and beauty. When performing bright eye makeup, you need to remember that in order not to look vulgar, you need to focus on only one accent. If these are the eyes, then the lips should either not be highlighted at all, or use a neutral gloss or lipstick.

    Eye makeup helps to give your appearance a certain chic and sophistication, but this will only happen if the makeup is done impeccably carefully. Careless shading, smudged shadows, uneven eyeliner and mascara lying in clumps on the eyelids and crumbling under the eyes will quickly negate all efforts and make even a very naturally beautiful woman look sloppy.

    Video lessons step by step at home

    We paint the eyes. Rules, techniques, techniques

    What is the first thing people pay attention to when looking at a girl’s face? Of course, by sight. They are the ones who first attract attention. Therefore, when applying makeup, most often more attention is paid to eye makeup.

    With the help of cosmetics, you can emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, languor, make the look more gentle or, on the contrary, aggressive, bright, etc.

    But you can create all of the effects listed only after you know the basic rules of eye makeup. Therefore, today you will learn about the most important thing, namely, how to properly apply makeup to your eyes.

    Fundamental Rules

    First of all, it is worth saying that the creation of makeup by a girl is a kind of creation of a painting by an artist. Therefore, all the rules that apply on a blank canvas will also apply on a living person.

    You should also remember that you should only paint your eyes after you have created a base for it. This is important because after your eyes are already painted, it will be quite a difficult task to apply foundation to your face without disturbing the already finished “drawn eyes”.

    For daytime eye makeup, apply mascara only to the upper eyelashes. If you have dry eyelid skin, we advise you to refrain from using eyeshadows with a pearlescent effect. Also, do not forget that bright, dark and shiny shadows are more suitable for evening outings. As a daily or daytime option, it is better to choose shades of pastel and nude eyeshadow.

    The properties and abilities of flowers are one of the most important knowledge in this matter.

  • dark – emphasize expressiveness
  • light – make the eyes visually larger
  • if you want something serious visual increase, then there is no better option than mixing dark and light shades of eyeshadow; we will tell you how to do it correctly further
  • If you have done eye makeup in bright or dark colors, then your lips must be neutral colors
  • with light shadows, you can safely highlight your lips with any bright colors
  • if you prefer naturalness, then it is better to give up bright shades of shadows.
  • How to choose shadows to match your eye color

    To more accurately match “your” color, there is a special color wheel.

    Let's look at how to use such a circle using a specific example. Imagine that you have blue eyes. Most suitable color The one that is directly opposite the blue shade will be the one for you. That is, a palette from brown to gold. Further, the choice depends on your color type and personal preferences.

    Oswald's color wheel

    For example, for a fair-skinned, fair-haired girl with blue eyes, soft coffee and chocolate shades would be the ideal choice. With their help, the blueness of the eyes will be most pronounced, the look will become deeper and more attractive. The ideal complement to this makeup would be brown or black-brown mascara.

    Step-by-step eye makeup using shadows

    The most common and successful invention for creating eye makeup is undoubtedly eye shadow. But even they are the most different types. Let's look at them in more detail.

    Types of eye shadows:

    Dry. Some of the most common. They are made by pressing dry colored powder. A wide range of colors, ease of application, the possibility of wet application, which allows you to make the pigment more saturated and bright - ideal in all respects, with the possible exception of small nuances.

    Due to the fact that the shadows are “dry”, they often fall off on the wings of the nose, lower eyelids, and, in general, on the face, although they can be brushed off with a fluffy brush. And the use of this type of shadow is not recommended for those who wear lenses, since microparticles of the product can get between the magnifier and the eye. This caused irritation.
  • Liquid shadows. They can be cream, mousse, gel, etc. This is the most durable option. There is also a fairly large color palette and easy application. They come in matte, shiny, glossy and natural shine. The downside, perhaps, is that they are quite difficult to shade.
  • Shadow pencil. Maximum ease of use. They blend well and do not fall off.
  • Now let's move on directly to how to properly paint your eyes with shadows.

    So, let's figure out how to paint your eyes with shadows.

    The very first step will be preparing the face. This step is often underestimated and in vain. Even if you do your eyelid makeup perfectly, without first preparing your face, the overall picture will look careless, ugly, and simply repulsive.

    Therefore, first of all, apply primer and moisturizer to your face, wait until it is completely absorbed, and apply foundation on top. Or replace all this with BB/CC cream. Afterwards, you can set your makeup with powder if you want the beauty to last long. You can also use a special makeup fixer, but this should be done at the very end, after you have completely finished applying your makeup.

    Carefully treat the area around your eyes, if you have bruises or bags under your eyes, first apply cold tea bags to your eyelids or use a special cream that can cope well with these problems. If you are unable to completely eliminate dark circles, use concealer. The color should be selected according to the same principle as eye shadow.

    For example, if you have bruises of a lilac hue, then a concealer in yellow or orange shades will best disguise them. To further make your look clearer, more open and fresh, use a highlighter and a white pencil. Apply the first to the area between the bridge of the nose and the inner corner of the eye and under the eyebrow. Use a pencil to draw a red arch on the lower eyelid. That is, you need to draw along the mucous membrane, carefully bending the lower eyelid. This will not only give a fresh look, but will also help make your eyes appear much larger.

  • Next, apply a neutral light shade, close to the color palette you chose for makeup, to the entire moving eyelid.
  • Apply a darker shade to the outer corner of the eye and carefully blend the border.

  • For extra highlight, use a thin, flat brush to take the darkest shade of eyeshadow in your palette and create a line at the very base of your upper lash line. In this step, you can replace the shadows with any eyeliner. Pencil, liquid or gel.
  • The lower eyelid can be emphasized with a dark or the darkest shade, shaded well.
  • Now apply mascara. In order to make your eyelashes longer and thicker, and your makeup more durable, use the following trick. Apply the first layer of mascara and lightly powder your eyelashes. After this, apply a second layer, while carefully combing and pulling out the hairs. This will give you maximum separation, length, volume and curl.
  • If you apply eye shadow according to the instructions above and use all the tips and recommendations, you will be able to achieve the most successful effect. Your eyes will be expressive, large and beautiful, and your gaze will be deep and attractive.

    We hope we have answered your question about how to apply makeup to your eyes. Thank you for your attention. Be beautiful!

    After a sleepless night, dark spots and swelling usually appear under the lower eyelids. How to disguise dark circles under the eyes, what cosmetics are best to use, is it possible to make your face look fresh and rested?

    Professional cosmetologists know how to properly disguise dark circles under the eyes. But experts assure that any woman can learn this technique.

    Dark circles under the eyes and swelling usually appear after a sleepless night or against a background of fatigue or chronic overwork. Sometimes these defects occur due to existing diseases of the internal organs. If circles under the eyes are a permanent phenomenon, you should definitely consult a doctor. When the cause of their occurrence is overwork, lack of sleep, you just need to try to get a good night's sleep, and in the future more strictly observe the work and rest regime.

    You can deal with circles quickly; you can disguise them with the help of cosmetics. First, you need to wipe the lower eyelids with a swab dipped in cold water or herbal decoction. It is not possible to remove swelling with cosmetics. This can only be done through the use of a mask and lotions. Black tea bags, chopped parsley, or even special anti-edema gels help very well.

    You can buy a cream-gel against swelling of the eyelids at the pharmacy. The drug not only smoothes the skin, but also lightens it slightly. When the cream is absorbed, you need to blot it and begin to disguise the dark circles. Colored concealers are ideal for these purposes. If the skin of the lower eyelids has a purple tint, a yellowish cream will help correct the defect. A product with a green tint helps remove redness. The corrector should be applied very carefully, in a small amount, working the product into the skin using your fingertips. Under no circumstances should you stretch your eyelids. If a woman realizes that she has slightly overdone the concealer, she just needs to blot it with a napkin, removing excess cream.

    When the circles under the eyes have a grayish, earthy tint, you can use a regular eyelid concealer, but it should be lighter than the base tone. The product must be applied to the fingertips and gently massaged into the lower eyelids. It is permissible to lightly powder the makeup on top. but you need to use translucent powder. It is important for women to remember that they should not apply makeup only to the lower eyelids. This will make your face look unnatural. In this case, you should definitely use powder or foundation. Bright eye makeup should be avoided. Catchy shadows will only attract attention. It is advisable to avoid cosmetics with a bluish tint. Bright lipstick, on the contrary, can and even should be used. Pink lips will distract attention from a tired look and give your face a fresh look.

    To make your face appear rested, you can use concealers and concealers with small sparkling particles. They diffuse light and disguise dark circles. Unfortunately, these products are completely unsuitable for mature ladies, as they tend to emphasize wrinkles and make them more noticeable. When applying makeup to the lower eyelids, do not forget about the upper ones. If they are dark enough, you need to lighten them with light matte shadows.

    When choosing products to disguise dark circles under the eyes, you must take into account your own skin type. If the skin is dry, oily textures are suitable; for those with problematic face types, gel textures will be ideal. The corrector should be dense enough, have good covering power, but at the same time remain invisible. Makeup in which the tone on the lower eyelids catches the eye can hardly be called successful. To make the corrector less noticeable, makeup artists advise mixing it with regular day cream, but in this case the product will no longer have high covering power and, perhaps, the circles under the eyes will only be able to be disguised slightly.

    Dark circles under the eyes of women do not look very aesthetically pleasing and give a tired look to the eyes. You can disguise them using special correctors, foundation or concealer. When choosing products, you should consider your own skin type.

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    Many girls are unhappy with their appearance due to the appearance of hated dark circles under the eyes. Dark circles do not make a girl look good at all, but you also need to get rid of them wisely. Do not try to cover up bruises with foundation, you may make the situation worse. You need to deal with unaesthetic dark circles competently, using proven methods. If you have and have always had circles under your eyes, consult a doctor. The problem may be either heredity or genetics (very thin skin under the eyes, capillaries and veins are visible), or kidney or heart disease. If dark circles appear occasionally, it means you either don’t get enough sleep or have age spots.

    The first thing to remember when deciding to disguise dark circles under your eyes is not to hide them under a layer of foundation. The skin under the eyes is designed in such a way that the cream quickly rolls off and emphasizes your wrinkles. If nothing else is available, use better powder, although it will not save 100%.

    Decorative cosmetics offers girls special products to hide dark circles - correctors and concealers. They come in different packages or release forms. Correctors are aimed specifically at camouflaging and correcting dark circles (purple, greenish, blue). Their thick texture allows the concealer to apply well and lie down freely. Concealers come in different colors: yellow, pink, orange, red. It's no coincidence that they don't suit your skin tone: main principle correction - neutralize another color due to the quality of one. So, if you need to hide circles of the same color, choose a corrector of the opposite shade to disguise (blue circles - orange corrector, green circles - red corrector, purple circles - yellow corrector). Based on this rule of opposition, choose a corrector of a shade that can disguise dark circles under the eyes of your exact color. Another interesting advantage of the corrector is that it can hide other skin imperfections: green masks red spots on the face, blue hides pigment spots, etc.

    Not pronounced circles under the eyes can be disguised with the help of another cosmetic product - concealer. It is lighter in consistency than concealer and matches your skin tone. Its action is based on the fact that the complexion is evened out and dark spots are hidden. Both corrector and concealer must be applied to problem areas, without touching clean and healthy skin, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect.

    Concealing cosmetics should be applied to prepared skin - first use a soft cream, then use a corrector or concealer. Afterwards, apply foundation or powder to make your facial skin even. If you have problems with dark circles under your eyes, do not tint your eyelashes on the lower eyelid - this will visually accentuate your appearance. dark spots. On the contrary, highlight the upper eyelid, and mark the inner corner of the eye with light shadows.

    If you want to not only disguise dark circles under your eyes, but also get rid of them, there are several “ grandma's recipes", which will help. Firstly, washing with ice is an excellent method to get rid of dark circles under the eyes in a few days. In the morning, wipe your face with an ice cube, paying special attention to the eye area. Don't overdo it - if your skin is too sensitive to cold, it's best to avoid this method, otherwise you may get a migraine the next morning.

    Secondly, place warm green tea bags on your eyelids. This tones the skin, and soon you will not notice dark circles under your eyes. And the last “recipe from grandma” is to grate a potato, wrap it in gauze or bandage and put it on your eyelids for 2-3 minutes. A noticeable result will appear after the third procedure if you do it once a week.

    Remember that the most important thing to avoid dark circles under the eyes is, of course, to get enough sleep. You need to sleep at least eight hours, then your skin will be beautiful and rested.

    Dark circles under the eyes: hide with makeup

    You can sleep 8 hours a day, scrupulously follow all the recommendations of cosmetologists for skin care, drink a lot of water and regularly detox, but they still don’t disappear. Sometimes dark circles under the eyes are of a very complex nature, and this problem is one of the insurmountable problems for most women. Because the reason is not only poor sleep or insufficient care.

    But there is some encouraging news: dark circles can be hidden with makeup and no one will know about your problem. Find out how to do it right.

    Step 1: Primer. Prime the eye area with a light-diffusing primer. This will help extend all your makeup efforts throughout the day. As a result, the skin is evened out, small wrinkles and unevenness are filled, and the skin tone becomes more even. Use a product with moisturizing properties.

    Attention: a moisturizing primer cannot replace an eye cream or serum; before priming, the skin should be moisturized as usual with daytime products.

    Step 2. Colored concealer. The biggest mistake in covering up dark circles is not trusting color corrector or using color corrector incorrectly. Evens out and conceals dark circles under the eyes with a warm shade of concealer. But not all problem areas are the same, so choose your corrector shade wisely:

    Blue and purple circles under the eyes are masked with a peach-colored corrector,
    - brown circles are neutralized by an orange tint.

    If you have doubts about what color of concealer to choose, then we offer a simpler rule: if your skin is fair to medium in tone, then choose a peach concealer, and for olive skin, choose an orange one.

    Please note: Apply colored concealer only to dark areas! And be sure to blend it well.

    Step 3. Foundation concealer. This product completely evens out the area under the eyes. You need a concealer with full coverage (that is, as opaque as possible). However, avoid being too creamy or fatty foods, since the area of ​​skin under the eyes is too mobile, and a very thick product can accumulate in the folds.

    If you use concealer in a stick, do not press the product onto the skin so as not to smear all the previous correction work. Another important detail is the choice of shade. After color corrector, you don't need a very light shade, which is what makeup artists most often recommend to lighten dark circles. Choose a color that is only 1 tone or semi-tone lighter than your own skin color.

    Step 4. Highlighter. Highlight the inner corners of the eyes to bring all the attention to the eyes and not to the circles under the eyes. This will give the look a special attractiveness and glow to the skin. Add a small dot with highlighter.

    Tip: if you also highlight the skin under the eyebrow with a highlighter, this will “open” your eyes more and shift attention away from dark circles.

    Step 5. Powder. Now all that remains is to set everything with translucent brightening powder. Use loose product and a round brush. The layer is very thin, almost invisible. Focus on the area under the eyes.

    Attention: Avoid powders with a strong glow!

    Photo: funlipstick.com, mycharm.ru

    Thank you for detailed recommendations. Previously, I thought that only step #3 was enough: The best way to apply concealer is to draw a triangle under the eye (with a sharp downward angle). Thanks to this method of application, you can not only easily disguise dark circles under the eyes, but also create the illusion of a rested face.
    And if you follow all the recommendations step by step, the effect is 100% guaranteed!

    Eye shadow is one of the main cosmetic attributes in every woman’s arsenal. Their proper use can help make the face open, and the look playful and expressive. This article will tell you how to properly apply eye shadow step by step (photos are attached to each technique).

    The modern cosmetology industry provides a huge selection of shadows of various textures and shades. And choosing a truly high-quality product among them is very difficult.

    To choose the right cosmetics, you can use the following tips from makeup artists:

    Carefully remove some of the product with your finger and transfer it to the back of your hand. The shadows should be distributed evenly and convey the shade most accurately.

    It is important to know! This method may give an idea of ​​the color properties of the product, but not its quality.

    The latter can be checked using a special tester brush, which is available in every store. She needs to pick up some shadow and run it over her wrist. This way you can find out how durable the chosen cosmetics are, and whether they will crumble.

    Cream shadows are some of the most comfortable

    As for cream eyeshadows, the situation here is more complicated, since their longevity cannot be determined immediately after application. Usually you need to wait several hours, and if after this time the cosmetics have not creased and the color remains the same rich, we can conclude that the product is of high quality.

    Once the shadows have been selected, you should purchase the necessary tools.

    There are three types of brushes for applying this cosmetic product:

    • flat hard brush will help to evenly distribute the shadows over the surface of the eyelid;
    • soft brush used for applying cosmetics to the crease of the eyelid and subsequent shading in order to obtain a soft transition from one shade to another;
    • thin pointed brush Suitable for applying shadow along the lash line.

    A soft brush is used to apply cosmetics to the crease of the eyelid and then blend it

    How to choose the right eyeshadow color based on your appearance

    The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and their design should be approached very carefully.. Often, unsuitable shadows can ruin even the most beautiful and highly professional makeup. Below we will consider step by step how to choose the right shadows and make up your eyes, based on various appearance parameters.

    The presented photos will help you more accurately determine the external data.

    Selecting shadows by color type


    For women of this type, shades of white, beige, golden-silver and pink are suitable. From dark tones, it is better to choose violet, ultramarine or grayish-brown shades.





    Representatives of this color type are better off using shades of gray-blue, grayish-lilac tones and metallic shades. Amateurs rich colors can use ultramarine or dark gray shadows various shades.




    Choosing shadows according to eye color

    Blue eyes. This color goes well with shades of all variations of brown and gray, as well as blue, gray-blue, pink and lilac.

    Grey eyes. This color is universal and shadows of almost all colors can be combined with it. The main thing is that they are not too bright. Perfectly emphasizes beauty gray eyes steel and silver tones, yellow, blue, black.

    Green eyes. Eyeshadows of all shades of green, pale yellow, yellow-brown, beige, orange, lilac or purple are suitable for such eyes.

    Selecting shadows by color type

    Brown eyes . It is recommended to choose brown, beige, light yellow, brick, dark green, olive or purple shades for the iris color in question.

    Advice from professional makeup artists and cosmetologists on: How to get perfect cheekbones using contouring (professional makeup)

    The importance of eyebrows in eye makeup and how to shape eyebrows

    The most common mistake most women make is to think that eyebrows do not play a key role in their appearance. However, this is a misconception.

    They perform not only a protective, but also an aesthetic function, helping to convey a person’s mood and highlight the beauty of his eyes.

    For correct design eyebrows is of great importance to the type of face:

    • For chubby girls, eyebrows in the form of a curved line are suitable;
    • the advantages of an oval face will be highlighted by slightly arched eyebrows;
    • to soften the angular shapes of a diamond-shaped face, it is better to make eyebrows in the form of an arc or a line with a slight break;
    • for girls with a triangular face type, arched eyebrows will be the best option;
    • Straight eyebrows will visually reduce an elongated face.

    For the correct design of eyebrows, the type of face is of great importance.

    In order to properly shape your eyebrows, it is not necessary to contact a specialist.. You can do this yourself using a simple pencil:

    1. To understand where the eyebrows should begin, you should place the pencil vertically between the wing of the nose and the inside of the eye.
    2. The highest point is determined by a line drawn from the bridge of the nose through the pupil of the eye to the eyebrow.
    3. To determine the end of the eyebrow, you should apply a pencil from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eyelid.
    4. You can find out how smooth your eyebrow is by applying a pencil from the start to the end point. You should get an absolutely straight line.

    In order to properly shape your eyebrows, it is not necessary to contact a specialist. You can do this yourself using a simple pencil.

    Step-by-step photo instructions: how to properly apply eye shadow

    To make a competent eye make-up, it is not enough just to choose a high-quality cosmetic product and decide on a suitable color scheme. It is important to follow a certain algorithm of actions so that the makeup conveys all the beauty of the eyes and does not deteriorate over a long period of time.

    Must remember! In order to harmoniously design the eyes, they usually use a color palette of three shades: dark, neutral and light.

    Step 1. Cleansing your face. Before applying makeup, you need to wash your face using cleansers and moisturize your face with cream.

    Step 2. Even out skin tone. A small amount of tinting agent should be completely applied to the upper and lower eyelids.

    Step 3. Apply a base to prevent the shadows from creasing. To prevent cosmetics from creasing and staying on for a long time, before using it, you should use a special eyelid base. It is sold in any specialized store. But if it is not possible to purchase a base, you can replace it with ordinary powder.

    Evening out skin tone and applying a base - so that cosmetics last for a long time

    Step 4. Shaping the upper eyelid. The main shade of the shadow should completely cover the upper eyelid.

    Step 5. Design of the moving eyelid. The moving eyelid is painted with shadows of two shades: light in the inner corner of the eye, dark in the outer corner.

    Step 6. Shaping the area under the eyebrows. The area under the eyebrows is painted in the lightest tone.

    Design of the upper eyelid - design of the moving eyelid - design of the area under the eyebrows - shading

    Step 7: Shading. The applicator must be used to retouch the shadows and remove the joints between colors.

    Features of applying shadows for different types of eyes

    If it depends on the color type which color scheme is most suitable for makeup, then the type of eyes affects how well the chosen makeup will fit.

    Knowing how to properly apply eye shadow according to their type will help correct flaws in your appearance and make your look truly perfect.

    Below, step by step with photos, you will see examples of how to do makeup for eyes of different shapes.

    Close-set eyes

    Not too dark matte or iridescent shadows are applied to the eyelid from the bridge of the nose, and more saturated ones from the side of the temple. The border is properly shaded.

    Deep-set eyes

    The orbital part is painted over with more saturated shadows, the eyelid itself is painted over with a pale shade.

    Droopy eyes

    Wide-set eyes

    The corner of the eye from the side of the nose is darkened, and from the side of the temple it is lightened.

    Almond shaped eyes

    The happy owners of such eyes have almost unlimited choice of color palette of cosmetics, but it is better if they are soft tones. To highlight perfection almond eyes, the upper eyelid and the area above it are completely painted over with desaturated shadows. The corners of the eyes are highlighted in a dark tone and shaded.

    Round eyes

    The outer edge of the eye is emphasized with a rich color, and the inner edge is less bright.

    Small eyes

    Pastel colors are the best solution for those with small eyes. Non-dark shadows are used to tint the eyelid from the inside, and a more saturated shade is used to tint the middle and outer parts, slightly extending beyond the edge of the eye.

    Eyes with drooping corners

    Light shadows are applied to the inner side of the eyelid, a little darker to the middle, and the most saturated shadows to the outer side, shading them up to the temple.

    Eyes with puffy lids

    Owners of this type of eyes are better off opting for dark matte shadows in soft shades. The entire eyelid is treated with a rich tone, the area above it is lightened.

    Don't miss the most fashionable method of face decoration - Biotattooing of eyebrows with henna - what is it?

    How to apply eyeshadow using the wet method

    The wet method of applying eyeshadow has recently become very popular. thanks to durability and the ability to convey the brightness of the selected shadow palette.

    However, making such a make-up is not so easy. Of great importance is not only the choice of suitable cosmetics, but also strict observance of the proportions in the ratio of shadow and water.

    Note! If you add too little water, the shadows will fall unevenly and form lumps, but if, on the contrary, too much, the makeup will simply “run off”.

    The following professional tips will help you understand how to properly apply eye shadow using a wet method:

    When choosing cosmetics, it is better to give preference to mineral shadows consisting of natural components;

    When choosing cosmetics, it is better to give preference to mineral shadows consisting of natural ingredients

    Do not add water directly to the shades themselves so as not to spoil them. Using a brush required amount the cosmetic product must be transferred to a specially prepared container, for example, an eyeshadow lid;

    you can also add liquid using a brush, moistening it with water;

    the resulting mass should resemble foundation in consistency;

    Shadows should be applied wet in the same sequence as dry ones..

    You can also add liquid using a brush, moistening it with water.

    How to put makeup on your eyes to make them appear bigger

    Big eyes are the undoubted pride of any girl, but, alas, nature has not endowed everyone with this quality.

    It is preferable to paint small eyes with non-dark shadows;

    The entire upper eyelid is painted with the base color;

    The corner of the eye from the bridge of the nose and the lower eyelash line are decorated with pearlescent shadows;

    The part of the eyelid on the temporal side is highlighted in a more saturated tone than the main color;

    The borders are properly shaded.

    How to paint eyes with dry eyeshadow

    Dry or powder eyeshadow is the most common type of this cosmetic product..

    They have a lot of positive qualities: the ability to mix different shades to get interesting solutions, create smooth transitions due to ease of shading, and not be afraid to use shadows in the summer because they roll off.

    The main disadvantage is the friability of such shadows.

    But if you apply dry shadows correctly, the risk of them falling off will be reduced to zero:

    Do not use a sponge or soft applicator, it is better to choose a small brush made of natural bristles, cut at an angle;

    you should pick up the shadows very carefully, and shake off the excess from the brush;

    before using the shadows, the area under the eyes is treated with powder. This is done so that when the shadows fall off, they can be easily removed together with powder.

    How to use liquid eyeshadow

    Liquid shadows appeared relatively recently, but have already won the love of many women thanks to its bright color palette, durability and ease of application.

    For a more even distribution of shadows, apply with fingers or a flat sponge.

    The following step-by-step recommendations will help you understand how to properly apply liquid eye shadow to your eyes:

    Before using shadows, apply a base to the eyelid to prevent the formation of lumps;

    For a more even distribution of shadows, apply with fingers or a flat sponge;

    The shadows are applied in one layer so as not to weigh down the eyelids and increase their durability.

    How to quickly and easily create bright smoky eyes

    (translated from English as “smoky eyes”) - a very popular eye coloring technique. Initially Smoky eyes was done exclusively with black pencil. Today, smoky eyes can be made with eyeshadow of any color.

    Below is a guide on how to properly apply eye shadow step by step (photos will help you create a more accurate makeup):

    Smoky eyes are a very popular eye coloring technique.

    Using a pointed brush, draw a strip of dark shadow along the growth line of the upper and lower eyelashes and lightly shade;

    The upper eyelid is abundantly painted with a more saturated color;

    The orbital part is treated with a non-dark tone;

    The joints are carefully shaded to create a smooth transition.

    How to apply mousse eyeshadow on your eyelids

    Mousse shadows resemble cream in texture. Their positive qualities include bright colors and ease of use. Among the main disadvantages is the tendency to pill, so they are often used as a base for applying dry eyeshadow.

    There are no special recommendations on how to paint your eyes with mousse shadows., they are the same as for makeup with other types of this cosmetic product. The only thing worth considering is that such shadows dry quite quickly, so it is not recommended to apply them in several layers to avoid the formation of lumps.

    How to use eyeshadow stick

    Shadow pencil is the most convenient type of this cosmetics. They have a dense lead, which prevents the formation of smudges, while their texture is more like a cream, which provides protection against shedding.

    This cosmetic product is applied either in the form of a line or by painting over a certain area of ​​the eyelids.

    If desired, the pencil can be shaded, or you can leave clear boundaries.

    Do you want to be even more beautiful:

    How to make your makeup last longer

    • The secret of good makeup is not only how to apply eye shadow correctly (photos are given for each technique), but also how to make the shadow last as long as possible.
    • You should buy shadows only in trusted stores to minimize the risk of purchasing low-quality goods;
    • before purchasing, it is recommended to check the properties of the shadows using the methods described above;
    • Before applying, be sure to use a base; It is not recommended to apply shadows in several layers

    . The thinner the layer, the less likely it is that the cosmetic will run, crumble, or form lumps. Shadows are an indispensable assistant in creating perfect makeup

    and using them is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to take into account the structural features of the face, the color type of appearance and the quality of the cosmetic product.

    The methods described in the article on how to properly apply eye shadow step by step (photo instructions clearly demonstrate this) can help every girl become irresistible.

    Smokey Ice makeup step by step:

    How to Paint Your Eyes Correctly? How to Apply Makeup Correctly? Tips from Oksana Chekmareva:

    Basic application of shadows from Elena Krygina:

    According to stylists, doing good eye makeup is not difficult - it takes no more than five minutes if you have the right cosmetics and professional advice on hand. There are very few recommendations.

    • Prepare your eyes. Apply concealer cream or corrective pencil. Such products eliminate dark circles and shade pigment spots.
    • Place a few drops of corrective cream under the eye and gently rub into the skin, moving towards the outer corner. Perform the procedure delicately, since the skin here is very delicate.
    • Apply an eye primer to the eyelid, which will ensure longevity and strength to the shadows. Otherwise, the eyelid will begin to shine, and the shadows will roll into stripes.

    Many women make mistakes in makeup. I think this is not a threat to you, since you have already learned the rules for preparing your eyes. Next, I will look in detail at the use of pencils, eye shadows and eyeliners.

    If you are just starting to take care of your eyes or have decided to change your approach to getting your eyes in order, continue reading the article. She will delight you with a huge amount of useful information that will help make your eyes flawless.

    Paint your eyes with a pencil

    Pencil application is a universal makeup technique that is easy to learn. It helps to easily change the shape of the eyes and visually “open” the gaze. If you haven't used a pencil before, it will be a little difficult at first.

    Use high quality and sharpened cosmetic pencil. Fortunately, purchasing good cosmetics at an affordable price is not difficult. We are talking not only about a pencil, but also about powder, foundation and other products.

    When choosing a pencil, be guided by your type of appearance, eye shade, hair color and other factors. Black pencil is universal. I propose to consider its use.

    1. Apply a base on the upper eyelid using shadows . The shade directly depends on the type of makeup. Correctly and beautifully make up your eyes with a pencil if you slightly pull the skin of the eyelid towards the end of the eyebrow. This simple technique will stretch out uneven lines and wrinkles that prevent makeup from applying evenly.
    2. Carefully apply tiny dots along the eyelashes along the eyelid. . Make sure that the spaces between the points are the same.
    3. Connect the dots one by one . I advise you to start from the inner corner of the eye. Correctly connecting the dots into a line will make the eye shape attractive. The line can be drawn slightly beyond the corner of the eye by making a thin ponytail.
    4. Lower eyelid work . To apply the pencil along the lower lash line, slightly pull the eyelid with your fingers. When painting the lower eyelid, make sure that the line is smooth and thin, and at the outer corner it should rise slightly.
    5. Do not apply the pencil close to the inner corner of the eye. . This area contains tear ducts that secrete fluid throughout the day. This will eventually cause the pencil to blur.
    6. An additional thin line can be applied to the inner eyelid , which will visually enlarge your eyes. Pull your eyelid as far as possible, otherwise you can only dream of a neat and even line. If you want to become more attractive, apply another dark pencil to the inner eyelid, and use a silver or white pencil to make a neat, thick line.

    Following step-by-step instructions, you can easily and without any help create excellent eye makeup with a pencil.

    Video instructions

    Men won't be able to take their eyes off your face. To do this you still need to do fashionable hairstyle and pay a little attention to other areas of the face.

    Painting your eyes with shadows - step-by-step instructions

    Eyes are the most expressive part of the image. It’s not for nothing that they say that they are capable of bewitching. The main merit in this is the woman who, through makeup, emphasizes the advantages of the eyes and hides flaws.

    In this part of the article we will talk about using shadows at home. With the help of this cosmetic product, the expressiveness of the eyes is emphasized, and imperfections in shape and location are corrected. Use only high-quality cosmetics. The result directly depends on this. Cosmetics should stick well, lie flat and not roll off over time. Cheap shadows will not be able to provide this.

    How to choose shadows

    Buy eyeshadow in several shades. The base is shadows, which you use to paint the entire surface of the eyelid. When choosing a color, be guided by your appearance type and eye color. Most often the base is light.

    Contrast - dark shadows that will correct the shape of the eyes and make them more expressive. Choose a color slightly darker than the base. They must fit into color palette.

    Cosmetic companies offer eyeshadow in a wide range of colors and consistencies. I'll look at the most popular options to make your choice easier.

    • Dry shadows. Pressed or loose dry eye shadows are sold. Easy to apply and stays on well. A wide variety of dry eyeshadow colors provides ample opportunities for creating high-quality makeup.
    • Shadow pencil . Provides a moist effect and natural shine. They do not blend well and can accumulate in eyelid marks. Painting your eyes with them is a little more difficult.
    • Liquid shadows. The most resistant variety. They dry quickly, so apply them as quickly as possible. If you apply a lot, it will collect in the creases of your eyelids.
    • Shadow mousse. Appeared recently. They are distinguished by a dry, thick texture and enviable durability. With their help, they create the effect of sparkling satin. Easy to apply. You need to apply this type of eyeshadow with your fingers, since a brush or applicator doesn’t do the job well.

    How to apply eye shadow correctly

    Now let's look at the technique of applying shadows. I think we can figure this out quickly. You will be able to put your eyes in order if you listen to the recommendations.

    1. Apply base . Cover the entire surface of the eyelid with light-colored shadows. It is recommended to choose a color based on your appearance type and eye shade.
    2. Apply contrast . Use shadows that are slightly darker than the base. Strive to match the colors. Apply cosmetics to the outer corner of the eye and blend until the middle of the eyelid, moving towards the inner corner.
    3. Draw an outline . Use shadows that were applied for contrast. Using a thin applicator, draw a thin line along the contour of the eyelashes. The only exception is the inner corner of the eye, where you apply a drop of pearlescent shadow.

    Perhaps difficulties will arise at first, but over time, having gained experience and learned the secrets female beauty, you can easily and quickly complete the task.

    Video tips

    Even when you need to quickly leave the house, you will get yourself in order in a matter of minutes. As a result, you won’t have to blush in front of other people for your unkempt appearance.

    How to paint your eyes with eyeliner - step-by-step guide

    Women who want to look attractive have to resort to various tricks. Not least on the list of tricks is makeup. Let's look at how to paint your eyes with eyeliner. If you strive to become fashionable and beautiful, knowledge will definitely come in handy.

    Cosmetics manufacturers offer liquid eyeliner in various colors. Apply it using a thin brush with a pointed tip. Liquid cosmetics are more noticeable and last better than pencil ones. With its help it is easy to achieve the effect of fluffy eyelashes and expressive eyes.

    Liquid eyeliner is sold in the form of felt-tip pens and applicators. This cosmetics is perfect for ladies who use false eyelashes. She makes the look mysterious, seductive and deep.

    • It is better to paint your eyes using eyeliner in front of a large mirror in a well-lit room so that you can clearly see all the movements.
    • Before applying cosmetics, powder your eyelid. Tilt your head back a little and stretch your eyelid with your hand. It is recommended to draw the contour from the inside of the eyelid with a thin line towards the outer edge of the eyes.
    • During the procedure, your hands may shake a little. To solve the problem, rest your elbow on a table or chest of drawers. This is the only way to make a clear and even line.
    • You may not be able to draw the line on the first try. In this case, apply barely noticeable strokes above the eyelashes and connect them together. To make the eye contour more expressive, draw a number of additional strokes along the outer edge.
    • Make the inner contour almost invisible. Open your eye completely after 10 seconds. Do the same with the second eye.

    When applying eye makeup, you often end up with sloppy strokes and spots. To avoid this, start with eyeliner, then color your eyelashes and apply eye shadow.

    Video training

    To make your makeup look dramatic, draw a neat contour along the edge of your lower eyelid. True, this kind of makeup is not suitable for all women, and liquid eyeliner is not the best option for these purposes. Good effect will provide only a high-quality pencil.

    How to dye your eyes to make them appear bigger

    Not every woman will brag large size eyes, like in the anime. With the help of cosmetics and the right makeup technique, you can easily enlarge small eyes and make them more expressive.

    Men are crazy about big ones women's eyes. Modern makeup allows you to masterfully model women's eyes.

    Each individual case will require an individual approach. Let's discuss general rules eye makeup. Guided by general recommendations and using cosmetics in fashionable colors, through experiments you will select perfect image peephole

    1. Emphasize eyebrows using pencil or shadow . The main thing is that the color of the cosmetics matches the shade of the hair. Remember, eyebrows are an integral element proper makeup eye.
    2. Draw a line under the eyebrows with light matte shadows and be sure to shade it. Apply light shadows in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye. For daytime makeup Matte texture is better. If you are planning an evening outing Fresh air, use shadows with pearlescent.
    3. Apply light shadows to the middle of the upper eyelid .
    4. Apply dark shadows diagonally to the outer corner of the eye. . The starting point should be the middle of the upper eyelid. Move the applicator to the outer corner, touching the fixed eyelid.
    5. Draw a small line with dark shadows under the eye . Then blend everything thoroughly. Otherwise, pronounced transitions will ruin the makeup. All you have to do is open your eyelashes wide and cover them with high-quality mascara.

    The instructions will help you learn how to paint your eyes at home correctly so that they appear larger.

    I will focus your attention on tricks that will visually increase the size of your eyes. As a result, you will have at your disposal a formidable weapon focused on conquest men's hearts.

    • To make your eyes open and your eyes appear larger, paint your eyelashes from base to tip.
    • You won't be able to make your eyes look bigger with liquid eyeliner. A pencil of natural color or shade is suitable for these purposes.
    • When creating makeup, place your main focus on the eyes. Choose a pale lipstick. Bright lipstick distracts attention from the eyes.
    • Paint the inner eyelid with a white pencil. This will visually enlarge the eyes. A black pencil will visually reduce them. Don't forget this.

    Take care of your face at home, paying attention not only to the eyes, but also to other areas of the face. This is the only way to bring the image to perfection.

    Decorative cosmetics are the most powerful weapon with which women fight for beauty. With the help of makeup, they emphasize the advantages of appearance, hide flaws, and place accents, which allows you to transform beyond recognition.

    Eye makeup plays an important role. And it’s not surprising, because the eyes are business card person. The type of makeup directly depends on many factors, including appearance, clothing, eye color and shape.

    Any woman can look charming if she masters the rules for choosing cosmetics and studies makeup techniques.

    1. When choosing the color of eye cosmetics, be guided by the spectral circle. Only contrasting shades will provide the perfect combination.
    2. Light cosmetics visually widen the eyes, while dark cosmetics provide the opposite effect.
    3. Eye shadows and pencils in light colors are ideal for pale skin. Dark-skinned women should use cosmetics in rich colors.
    4. Gray cosmetics are in harmony with all eye colors. Therefore, it should be present in the arsenal of any lady.
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