• Tips on how to do smokey makeup. How to make an everyday smokey eye for blue eyes: a step by step guide. Some secrets of the Smokey Ice technique


    Unusual and bewitching smokey ice is a popular makeup option. It is recommended for any eye color, but differs in certain features. When creating smokey ice for blue eyes tone must be taken into account. skin and shade of hair. The make-up done should match the chosen outfit, as well as match the occasion.

    At correct execution, you can create a delightful look that will shade the shape and shade of the eyes and mask imperfections. Smokey eye is a trendy makeup that is especially suitable for blue eyes.

    Makeup Features

    In the classic version, smokey ice makeup came into fashion at the beginning of the last century. It was used to embody the image femme fatale- vamp. Such a make-up added a bit of drama to the look.

    A similar makeup was created for special occasions, but can also be used as everyday option. In this case, you will need shadows of softer shades.

    This technique can not always be performed in dark ash tones. You can use greenish, gray, deep purple and chocolate shades. With caution, you need to use blue colors, as a bruising effect can be created.

    Advice!With this make-up option, dark shadows often crumble and create bluish marks under the eyes. To prevent this, it is necessary to distribute a small amount of special powder under the eyelids, and then brush off with a wide brush along with the remnants of the shadows.

    General rules for creating makeup

    In order for bright makeup to be used during the day, you should follow some recommendations:

    • The lighter the tone of the skin, hair and eyes, the lighter the color palette should be.

    Advice! Black colors are suitable only for bright brunettes, while pale blondes are better off using steel, brown or shades of gray. Girls with red hair can try warm green tones, and brown-haired women can decorate with smoky makeup with dark blue shadows.

    Creation technique

    Beautiful varieties of smokey ice makeup for blue eyes can be seen in the photo. A similar design is performed in a special technique. For high-quality application of cosmetics, you need to consider certain rules:

    • Do not use bright lipstick colors.
    • Must be perfect shape eyebrows.
    • Blush should choose gentle tones.

    Advice! Lips should not look catchy. Lipsticks with a matte tone and all kinds of lip glosses will look great. Beige and pale pink are a great makeup solution for every day.

    What colors are suitable for blue eyes?

    Performing unusual makeup, you should take care of the choice right color decorative cosmetics. Pale pink, lilac, golden, taupe and lavender palettes are recommended for blue eyes.

    The right choice of shadows

    To bring to life a mysterious image, the colors of the shadows should be suitable not only for the tone of the eyes, but also for the skin tone and for a certain shade of curls.

    Blue eyes have various shades, taking into account which suitable shadows are selected:

    Advice!Eyes and shadows should not match in color. Blue-eyed girls will not go green shades with eyeliner. Lilac is considered a universal color for blue eyes.

    What cosmetics to choose?

    A key role in creating the perfect make-up is played by right choice cosmetics.

    Before you decide: how to make smokey ice for blue eyes, you need to pick up the following set of cosmetics:

    1. Foundation and matching powder.
    2. Three colors of suitable shadows.
    3. Pencils or special shadows for coloring eyebrows.
    4. Soft eyeliner pencil.
    5. Set of various brushes and mascara.

    The classic version of this make-up is done with a black pencil. It is recommended for brunettes with gray-blue or blue eyes, and for blondes it is better to choose a brown or gray-black pencil.

    When choosing the right shadows, hair color is important. If the strands are light, then you should not choose too dark palettes.

    Advice! Makeup in unusual technique Smokey ice is made with a special pencil, not eyeliner. Since a smoky make-up will not work with even and clear lines.

    Varieties of smokey ice

    Smokey eyes makeup is versatile. It suits women of various color types of appearance. In addition, it looks at any time of the day. At the same time, the daytime version is carried out in more delicate colors than the evening one.

    Evening option

    Smoky makeup is suitable for parties and various festive events. It allows you to create the image of a languid beauty with a fatal look.

    Evening make-up is performed in traditional gray-black tones. But you can use other types. Looks great rich purple and blue shades. When creating such a make-up, you should take care of persistent cosmetics that will not crumble during the entire holiday.

    Evening smokey ice is produced in the following sequence:

    • A base or foundation is applied.
    • It is recommended to cover the moving eyelid with a base under the shadow.
    • To create a matte surface, the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes should be lightly powdered.
    • With the help of a soft black pencil, arrows are drawn along the eyelids.
    • The arrows made with a pencil are shaded with a brush. In this case, the color is slightly stretched and a smooth gradient is created.
    • The mobile eyelid is painted with shadows of various shades from light gray to dark graphite. Most dark tone used at the eyelashes, and light under the eyebrows. There should not be clear transitions between colors.

    Evening option smokey ice blue. Step 1-4
    • The outer edges of the lower eyelids are stained with the darkest tone.
    • Black eyeliner stains the space between the eyelashes on the lower eyelids.
    • Eyelashes are stained with black mascara in several passes.
    • For lips, apply nude lipstick.

    Advice!For a spectacular haze, matte shadows are used. Pearly or shimmery ones can also be used, but in small quantities.

    Casual style

    In minutes, you can create a daytime smoky eye for blue eyes. The execution technique differs little from classic version. But in this case It is worth using stable gel-like shadows.

    Smoky make-up for every day is as follows:

    • The texture and complexion are evened out with foundation.
    • Cheekbones can be highlighted with a blush of a neutral shade.
    • Using a black pencil, an arrow is drawn along the upper eyelid, which thickens to the outer edge.
    • The pencil can be shaded with shades of a beige-bronze shade. Shadows can be applied to the eyelid with a finger, and shading is done with a special brush.
    • The outer edge of the lower eyelid is highlighted with the same color.
    • Mascara is applied to the eyelashes, and nude lipstick is applied to the lips.

    Daytime makeup. Step 5-6

    Such makeup makes the look more expressive. It can be done to study or work with any style of clothing.

    Advice! To create the most open look, it is recommended to use an eyelash curler. Eyebrows should also be neat and well-groomed.

    Preparing the skin for makeup

    Before proceeding with the smokey ice, which is done step by step, you should perform special preparation for makeup for blue eyes.

    On the painted face, all the roughness and irregularities become more noticeable. Choose carefully Foundation, which should not differ much from the color of the skin.

    Particular attention should be paid to the choice of foundation for blondes with pale and too fair skin.

    Before performing a smoky make-up, you need to prepare the skin. In doing so, the following actions are performed:

    All these steps must be performed with any type of makeup: both evening and daytime.

    Smokey eye makeup for blue eyes

    Advice! Girls with small eyes are not recommended to focus on the inner corners of the eye with dark shadows or a pencil. In this case, the outer corners of the eyes should remain as dark as possible.

    Smokey eye makeup steps

    After preparatory phase you can go to the main makeup. To create a stylish and effective make-up, it is not necessary to use shadows of dark shades.

    Makeup consists of the following steps:

    • Submarine is in progress. It can be done with cosmetic pencil or flat brush with shadows. You can not use liquid eyeliner, which draws only clear lines. The contour on the outer corners of the eyes is made thicker than on the inner ones, and also rises to the temples.
    • The created lines are shaded well. On the lower eyelid, the contour is thinner.
    • Shadows are applied to the upper eyelid. Shades of close color palette to make the transitions from color to color smoother.
    • The shade of the shadows should be combined with the color of the pencil. The darkest tone is distributed over the upper eyelid, from the outer corner to the inner.

    • With the help of shadows, the contours of the eyes are emphasized.
    • Shadows are applied to the lower eyelid. In this case, the outer corner of the eye is painted with shadows, and then shading is performed towards the inner corner.
    • Shades of light shades are distributed, which are applied to the upper eyelid towards the eyebrows. You can use pearl, beige or light gray shades. The borders of color transitions are also shaded.
    • Eyelashes are well stained. The mascara layer should be thick on the lower and upper lashes.

    Advice! Charcoal black eyeshadow classic make-up can be replaced with a thick pencil line. Shading is carried out along the moving eyelid upwards. In this case, not a brush is used, but fingertips.

    If you follow the rules of makeup technique, you can create a bright, feminine and mysterious image that will be remembered for a long time.

    An excellent solution would be to use shadows, mascara and a pencil with similar shades. To create a real haze effect, the lower eyelid should be emphasized not with a pencil, but with shadows.

    With a properly executed smokey ice, there should not be even and clear lines.

    If you follow the rules of makeup technique, you can create a bright, feminine and mysterious image that will be remembered for a long time.

    The literal translation of “smoky eyes” is a smoky eye. Thanks to this makeup technique, even the most inexpressive eyes can be made languid and seductive. No wonder this technique has not lost its position for more than a year. This effect is achieved through smooth transitions from dark to light volume. Some people mistakenly believe that smokey ice is only available in black, but this is not the case. Such makeup can be done by anyone enough dark color. In this article, we will tell you how to do smokey ice step by step. Following our instructions, and you will become the owner of a look that is impossible to resist.

    Step one. Evening out the tone of the face

    Before you start applying decorative cosmetics, you need to give the skin a healthy, radiant look. To do this, first cleanse the skin with a swab dipped in a moisturizing tonic. Next, apply a matting agent of any company. Pay special attention to the skin around the eyes, mask dark circles and other skin imperfections. It doesn’t hurt to apply a little eyeshadow base on the eyelids so that the color of the makeup turns out to be more saturated, and the makeup itself lasts a long time.

    After applying a mattifier, apply a thin layer of light powder.

    Step two. Drawing the main contour

    Using a black contour pencil, paint over the upper lash line, the space between the lashes and slightly capture the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid. The pencil does not have to be black, you can pick up any other dark pencil.

    If your eyes are close-set, then do not bring the line to the inner corners of the eyes.

    Step three. shading

    After you have finished with the contour, you need to carefully blend it. To do this, use a brush or an eyeshadow applicator. As a result, the line should not be clear.

    Step four. Applying the base tone

    Start applying shadows with the darkest color. Using a flat eyeshadow brush, apply the most dark color over the entire surface of the movable eyelid. When applying, use "driving" movements. This method of application will evenly distribute the shadows and make the color most intense. Now let's move on to shading again. Smokey ice technique- does not tolerate clear boundaries.

    Step five. Applying an intermediate tone

    Now you can apply an intermediate tone. For example, if your base color is black, then the intermediate tone should be gray. Apply it just above black, carefully distributing the shadows, starting from the outer corner of the eyes.

    Carefully blend the too clear border between the two tones.

    Step six. Applying extreme tone

    The extreme tone should be light - light gray or natural shade. Apply shadow to the crease of the eyelid. Once again, blend all the lines. Apply the same shadows to the inner corner of the eyelid. This technique will allow you to give your eyes an openness. And apply some of the same shadows under the eyebrow.

    Step seven. lower eyelid

    We've almost got it right how to make smokey ice. It remains only to work out some details. We turn to the study of the lower eyelid. On the lower eyelid, using the same contour pencil, apply a not very thick line and close your eyes tightly for a second. This is a trick to paint over the upper inner eyelid.

    Now back to the intermediate tone. Using a flat brush or applicator, apply an intermediate tone to the contour line and blend lightly.

    A little warning: if you have small eyes, then be careful with the lower eyelid. By highlighting it too much, you run the risk of visually reducing your eyes even more.

    Step eight. Eyelashes

    Boost your eyes with charcoal black voluminous mascara. Apply mascara not only on the upper eyelashes, but also on the lower ones.

    Step nine. We complement the makeup

    Although these eyes are very expressive in themselves, you should not neglect the rest of the make-up components. Dark eyes, not complemented by blush and lip gloss, can give you a sickly look.

    So, some smokey ice makeup rules. We focus only on the eyes, and give the lips a natural healthy look. Don't even think about wearing red lipstick - it will look vulgar, better apply pink shimmery lip gloss. On the cheeks, be sure to apply a little blush, but not too saturated.

    Color selection

    Finally, I would like to say a few words about the choice of color for smoky ice techniques.

    For owners of brown eyes, makeup made in blue, purple, brown and lilac shades is an excellent choice.

    Girls with clear green eyes will suit chocolate, golden and dark green colors.

    To those who have grey eyes, you should pay attention to bronze, blue, green and purple shades.

    Blue-eyed girls are very makeup will go, made in purple, jet black, gold, silver, lavender and taupe.

    We have described to you smokey ice step by step. Follow step by step, taking into account all our recommendations, and you will easily master the art of creating beautiful expressive eyes. You will be able to create stunning makeup, matching evening outfit or casual clothes. Smokey ice is appropriate everywhere and always.

    The Smokey Eyes eye makeup technique appeared about a century ago., but still continues to excite the male half of humanity with its unusualness and expressiveness.

    Moreover, if in the last century such makeup could be used mainly by brunettes, since it was usually performed in black and gray tones, then today this technique is available to every woman, regardless of the type of appearance- the main thing is to choose the right shades.

    Every woman who wants to be in the spotlight should know how to make up Smokey Ice eyes step by step - the mysterious smoky look will definitely not leave any man indifferent, and the detailed information presented in this article will be the starting point in achieving this skill .

    Features of the Smokey Ice Makeup Technique

    The Smokey Ice technique is quite difficult to perform., so don't get frustrated over a few bad cases - it's not something you learn all at once, so be patient and careful with this the best helpers.

    First of all, it will be useful to learn a little about what the Smokey Ice technique is, after which you can go directly to makeup.

    A feature of this make-up is a smooth transition from one shade to another, which is achieved by carefully blending the shadows.

    Thanks to this makeup, the look becomes a little smoky. At the same time, if there are no special problems with dark tones, then with bright colors one must be very careful not to end up with a vulgar image.

    Classic technique " smoky eyes» was originally used by brunettes in evening dress to create fashionable image fatal seductress.

    To date every woman has the opportunity to use this technique- at correct selection colors, depending on the color type of appearance, this makeup can be done even in the daytime.

    How to make up eyes using the Smokey Ice technique in light shades, is described step by step in the following sections of the article.

    To create the makeup in question, best to use ready set shadows- in them, the shadows are already selected by color and the probability of making a mistake is less.

    Makeup using blue flowers needs to be done very carefully- one wrong move and instead of a fatal haze, you can get the effect of bruises.

    Note! Learning how to paint eyes with the Smokey Ice technique is better from the classic version - in this case, the necessary shades have already been selected, and it’s easier to correct the shading up or down - it’s not for nothing that fashionistas started with these colors, and step by step instructions find easier.

    Tools and materials for creating Smokey Ice makeup

    Work on makeup "Smoky eyes", as well as any other, begins with the preparation of tools and cosmetics. At the same time, to create such an image, you will not need any special professional toolsPerfect for regular makeup brushes which are usually used on a daily basis.

    The main purpose of their use is a thorough and accurate shading of the boundaries between the shadows. different shades. That's why cotton buds, sponges, and even fingers can be used.

    And here To cosmetics slightly higher requirements:

    • foundation High Quality, able to even out skin tone and hide minor flaws;
    • eye makeup pencil that can be swiped straight line by age;
    • shadows matched by shades (usually they use a trio of shadows in which the most light color with pearl effect).
    • mascara is also subject to special requirements - the main thing is that it does not crumble and gives additional volume.

    Classic Smokey Ice: step by step instructions

    The instruction is as follows:

    Smokey Ice makeup of this kind is considered classic and, due to its brightness and saturation, is more relevant for evening outings.

    For a long time this was thought to be the case, but now there are many versions and ways of how to make up the eyes in the Smokey Ice technique and for daytime - step by step guide in creating this image is similar to the previous one, but with a slight difference.

    Instructions for creating a daily "Smoky Ice"

    The instruction includes the following items:

    This is the most common way to make up smokey eyes step by step to get a discreet daytime makeup that you can feel comfortable with without worrying about its excessive brightness.

    It is important to know! The modern Smokey Ice differs from the classic not only in that it can be converted into day makeup, but also the possibility of using decorative cosmetics of different colors.

    Today, not only brunettes can conquer with a fatal look, but also any women, regardless of their color type - it is only important to choose the right shades.

    Harmonious shades of makeup for different eye colors

    There is already an established classic palette of colors and shades of shadows, matched to the color of the eyes.

    So, choose makeup colors as follows:

    1. Gray or blue eyes: lilac, gold and silver colors will look best here - they will not overload the face with dark tones and draw attention to the look. Instead of a black pencil, it is better to take a dark gray and shade it well.
    2. Brown eye color: in combination with fair skin Smokey Ice is best done in purple, blue or lilac flowers, and for dark skin brown-olive tones are best suited.
    3. Green eyes: This is the most versatile color and will go with most color combinations – brown, chocolate, violet, gold, dark green and many more.

    Important to remember! The technique of creating smoky, bewitching eyes gives a huge scope for imagination, but before you start using it, you need to experiment with different shades and practice applying.

    This is necessary in order to choose exactly your color, and then the question of how to make up your eyes using the Smokey Ice technique will not cause difficulties, but step-by-step execution comes to automaticity.

    In order for the Smokey Ice makeup to turn out exactly the way it looks on models from glossy magazines, it is important to know and take into account some subtleties which are used in their work by real masters of visage.

    Smokey Eye makeup tips from professionals

    The secrets and nuances of smoky makeup include the following:

    For creating perfect image you need not only to know how to beautifully make up Smokey Ice eyes step by step, but also to have high-quality cosmetics.

    Also very it is important to be able to determine your type of appearance in order to choose the right harmonious shades and correctly use the professional secrets of makeup masters. Only if all these conditions are met in a complex, a bewitching make-up and everyone's attention is provided.

    This video will walk you through the step by step tutorial on how to do smokey eye makeup.

    From this video you will learn how to do Smokey Ice makeup for physical defects in the shape of the eyes.

    view all 33 photo "Smoky eyes makeup"

    In order to be convinced of the popularity of Smokey Ice makeup, just look at the star beauties of Hollywood. Both for fashionable photo shoots and for solemn exits on the red carpet, glamorous divas for the most part prefer a smoky make-up. And there is nothing to be surprised. After all, Smokey Ice is actually one of the most popular and versatile eyelid coloring techniques. With its help, they create not only a very stylish and effective make-up, but also cope with an even more global task - correcting the shape and size of the eyes. Although initially Smokey Ice was performed exclusively in a very bright, intense tone, through the efforts of makeup artists, it became available not only as an evening, but also as a daytime option for eye design. Smokey Ice in calmer, neutral shades is quite appropriate in everyday situations - at work, school or a walk. Many girls strive to master the "smoky" art. And all because the skill of its embodiment gives the opportunity to remain beautiful, fashionable and sexy always and everywhere. Learning how to create a mysterious "haze" is not difficult if you know some general rules make-up and adhere to them during the practical implementation of the technique.

    In this article, we will consider the distinctive features of smoky makeup, a list of the necessary tools and tools for its implementation, and also provide detailed description technology. Using the information received, you will learn how to create a luxurious makeup without the help of a professional makeup artist.

    Key Features of Smokey Ice Makeup

    • The absence of sharp borders and transitions - the use of soft shading techniques is mandatory. For its implementation, it is necessary to use not applicators, but cosmetic brushes. Shading provides an even distribution of shadows over the surface of the eyelids and a smooth flow of contrasting shades into each other.
    • A gradual decrease in the intensity of colors - the most saturated shadows are applied to the lower border of the upper eyelid, and the lightest - under the eyebrow.
    • A clear drawing of the contours of the upper and lower eyelids with a soft pencil or eyeliner, followed by shading.
    • Thickly painted eyelashes.

    A set of necessary cosmetics for Smokey Ice makeup

    • foundation, loose mineral powder, concealer - the use of these products will hide skin imperfections, even out its tone and texture;
    • blush;
    • kayal - soft bold pencil for the eye contour of the desired shade (black, brown, dark gray, dark blue);
    • base for shadows;
    • eye shadow - the color scheme can vary depending on the color of the eyes, outfit and time of day;
    • eyebrow pencil to match hair color;
    • brushes for applying and blending shadows (you can also blend shadows with a cotton swab or sponge), brush for powder and blush;
    • mascara in black, brown or dark gray;
    • contour pencil, lipstick or lip gloss.

    Doing Smokey Ice makeup step by step

    1. No matter what technique the make-up is made in, perfect skin is its important component. Therefore, start your own transformation by correcting the unevenness of the skin of the face and leveling its color. To do this, use foundation a suitable shade (it may not necessarily be pale, but, for example, with a tan effect) and matting loose powder. Do not forget that the area under the eyes also needs your attention. Use concealer to mask her imperfections - bruises, swelling, fine lines.

    2. Accentuate your cheekbones with blush that matches your skin tone. To create a blush, powder with a tan effect is also suitable.

    3. Untidy eyebrows can significantly spoil the overall makeup picture. Therefore, if your brow ridges need to be corrected in shape and density, pinch them with tweezers or tweezers and only then draw with a pencil. At blonde hair it is better to prefer gray or brown to a black pencil. Having achieved a beautiful bend of the eyebrows, fix the result with a transparent gel.

    4. Before you start coloring your eyes, cover your eyelids with a special base, tone or cream. Thanks to this basis, the shadows lie evenly, do not crumble and do not roll.

    5. Draw the contours of the upper and lower eyelids with a soft black kayal pencil. Dark shadows can also be used for this purpose, but it is somewhat more difficult for a non-professional to work with them. Try to carefully paint over the space between the eyelashes. Drawing a line along the upper eyelid, gradually expand it from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. As for the lower eyelid, it should be applied less intensively, especially if the eyes are medium-sized and deep-set. After drawing the contours, “blur” them to a haze effect with a brush, cotton swab or sponge.

    6. Prepare shadows of three shades of different saturation - dark, medium intensity and light. Apply the darkest pigment to the shaded line of the pencil, the middle one - to the moving eyelid up to the crease, the lightest one - closer to the eyebrows. Do not forget that each subsequent layer should be started only after careful shading of the previous one. In order to make the look fresher, highlight the inner corner of the eye and the line just under the eyebrow with a highlighter or light pearlescent shadows. If, after using the shadows, crumbled particles of cosmetics remain under the eyes, carefully remove them using a cotton swab.

    7. The final touch in the design of the eyes is the application of mascara. At the same time, it is desirable to paint over the upper cilia thicker (especially the outer edges), but one layer will be enough for the lower ones. Use bulk mascara with the effect of false eyelashes. IN evening make-up her the best color considered jet black, but as a daylight option is suitable brown or dark grey.

    8. There is only one thing in Smokey Ice makeup. important rulebright accent exclusively in front of your eyes. Therefore, for the design of the lips, use calm, natural tones. Outline their outline with a pencil, then blend the clear lines with a brush or cotton swab. Finish your lip makeup with a light lipstick - pale pink, beige, soft coral, etc. If your lips do not have enough splendor and volume, make up over lipstick upper lip and the middle of the lower transparent gloss.

    Smokey Ice Makeup Color Variations

    In the Smokey Ice makeup technique, not only a black and gray palette is acceptable, but also other color combinations that are matched to a specific shade of the iris. So, for girls with gray and blue eyes, it is important not to overdo it with dark tones. The ideal choice would be beige, gold, silver, purple, blue-gray shadows and a dark gray pencil. For green eyes, golden, copper, lilac, dark green, as well as brown tones of various intensities are suitable. Fair-skinned young ladies with brown eyes you should provide for the presence in your cosmetic bag of purple, lilac and blue shadows. But against the background of dark skin, a brown-olive gamma will look better.

    Visually, Smokey Ice makeup options will be demonstrated by the photos below.

    Perfect for a daytime look smoky ice in cool taupe tones. It will suit anyone and beautifully highlight both dark and light eyes. It is better to refuse black eyeliner and bright arrows so as not to overload the image. A light haze and expressive eyelashes will be enough to make you look bright, but not defiant.

    To recreate this image, you will need:
    - ;
    - soft brown eyeliner;
    - brown-gray shadows;
    - light milk shadows;
    - Mascara;
    - eye makeup brushes

    Step 1 Apply an eye shadow base all over the eyelid and a little on the lower lash line.

    Step 2 Line the upper and lower lash lines with a soft brown pencil. Make the eyeliner wide enough and not necessarily neat, then we will shade it.

    Step 3 With a small eye brush, blend the pencil upwards on the mobile eyelid and slightly down on the lower eyelid. The line should be smoky.

    Step 4 With a standard spatula brush, “hammer” the pencil substrate with shadows. Apply shadows with patting movements, try not to rub them on the eyelid.

    Step 5 The most important process in smokey ice makeup is shading. Take a barrel brush and carefully blend the upper borders of applying shadows. The color should change from darker on the movable lid to lighter in the crease and on the fixed lid. The same should be done on the lower lash line.

    Step 6 Apply a light milky shade under the eyebrow. If the main color of the shadows seems too bright for you, pick up light shadows on a barrel brush and blend with light movements over brown shadows.

    Step 7 Apply 2 coats of mascara to your lashes.

    This smokey ice option will take you a maximum of 10 minutes, take note of it for your morning fees for work. And if you want to add drama for an evening out, draw active blacks.

    Do you like Smokey Eye makeup?

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