• How to dye dark hair red. How to dye your hair a fashionable red color


    It is difficult to confuse the owner of red hair with someone else - the girl seems very bright against the backdrop of the gray crowd. According to legend, God created Adam's first wife, Lilith, from red clay and gave the girl bright fiery hair. But her husband’s relationship with her did not work out - she turned out to be a very wayward wife. Only after this did the Almighty decide to make Eve from Adam’s rib. From Jewish mythology, similar legends migrated to European folklore, and the red-haired woman became a symbol of an insidious seductress, a witch. In the Middle Ages, girls with fiery hair were forced to hide it if they lived in Europe - the superstition was so great that red hair was burned at the stake.

    There are few girls with the red hair gene these days. Most owners of such hair are dyed, but how do you know that this color really suits you?

    Who suits dyed red hair?

    1. There is an opinion among people that people with red hair have a perky, or even quarrelsome character, which is partly true. Red color can emphasize a person’s bright temperament, his inner openness and cheerfulness.
    2. The choice of shade of red depends on your skin tone. Probably every girl understands that against the background of a bronze tan, fiery hair will look rather strange, but slightly dark skin is quite suitable. Representatives of the fair sex with pinkish skin are suitable for any shade; they can use both light dye and dark red hair color. Golden chestnut red goes well with olive skin, and reddish colors suit dark-skinned girls.
    3. Also focus on eye color: chestnut, gray, green and blue colors combined with bright, natural red and its shades: peach, sand, etc.
    4. The shade of the dyed color is determined by your own hair color. Dark colors, if they are not spoiled by lightening first, are well repainted into dark red, wine tones. Blondes can choose any color from the red palette, while fair-haired girls can easily choose from those that are darker than their natural shade.

    Who doesn't suit red hair?

    1. Red hair dye emphasizes the face and makes it stand out, so if you have facial wrinkles, it is better not to use red color - it draws attention to skin defects.
    2. On White hair red also goes wrong, modifying the pre-planned shade. If you decide to dye your gray hair, contact a professional colorist, otherwise you risk being unpleasantly surprised when you see a new shade of hair.
    3. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, red does not go well with age spots and freckles, highlighting them on the face. If natural redheads have freckles that look organic and very cute, then when painted, such things can seem quite strange.

    Henna or paint?

    This dispute has not been resolved for a long time. Of course, there are different dyes: from tinted shampoos, which will gently make your hair “redder” by several tones, to permanent bright colors which negatively affect the hair structure. IN in this case natural dye clearly wins: henna applies softly to natural hair, lasts a long time and gives exactly a bright red color. The key word is natural; on dyed hair, henna can give a completely unexpected effect, even a green tint when interacting with some components of the dye. The main disadvantage is the duration of action: on light brown hair, henna must be kept for 40 minutes, on dark hair – from 2 to 8 hours. The procedure needs to be repeated with some regularity, but since henna does not damage the hair, this does not cause any big problems.

    If you are doing professional painting, opt for paint. If at home you risk making your hair weaker, a professional hairdresser will not make such a mistake. In addition, there are permanent dye options that last much longer than henna.

    Choosing hair dye

    There are 3 types of paint:

    1. Coloring agents such as tinted shampoos. They wash off quickly and only change the color slightly.
    2. Semi-permanent dyes - last up to 2 months, do not destroy the hair structure.
    3. Permanent paints - for a radical change of color or masking gray hair. They affect the hair structure, making it thinner. Nevertheless, they last longer than other types, there is only a need for touch-up.

    When choosing paint, look at its components.

    The fewer chemicals it contains, the better. Of course, there is no absolutely neutral dye; it must contain an active substance like hydrogen peroxide to wash out the natural pigment, but still, the lower its concentration, the less harmful the hair dye is.

    The style gained popularity in the 2000s. It looks new, fashionable, extravagant. Ombre consists of dyeing the hair a dark color at the roots, and a light shade at the ends. The same effect can be obtained with brown hair If a girl with dark brown hair actively sunbathes on the beach in the summer, her hair will fade, and when it grows back, the roots will be dark.

    Ombre on red hair looks elegant when red is used as a transition shade, that is, the roots are chestnut, the middle is red, and the ends are light red or blonde, depending on the desired smoothness of the transition. Of course, you can use red as the darkest shade, but then the hairstyle will look pale, and if you dye the ends, the hair will seem too dark.

    Ombre looks good on wavy hair when the transition is smoothest. On straight hair, it is extremely difficult to make the shade “bleed out” from the shade, especially if you make an even transition.

    Dyeing red hair in bronding style

    - this is the same highlighting, but when dyeing, the strands do not start from the top of the head itself, but with some indentation, which has its advantage: the hair does not need to be tinted as it grows.

    Booking suitable for girls, having a light red tint, the introduction of more dark strands will give your hair more volume.

    You can also use a fade to blonde, but this is more for those with chestnut or dark red hair.

    Hair coloring

    Coloring is the dyeing of individual strands in bright, contrasting colors. Red is no exception. You can use the usual bright red shade, or vary the colors, giving your appearance a more original look. For example, you can dye your hair red and blue or red and green colors. It looks fashionable and bright on dark hair.

    Nevertheless, attracting attention with dyed hair is considered a trait of teenagers. If you need to be taken seriously, don't try to stand out that way. As a last resort, you can dye a few strands in the front with a tinted shampoo if you need to make your hair less pale, but it is not recommended to get carried away with coloring.


    If you want to get a bright red shade without ruining your hair, pay attention to elumination. This procedure is considered the most gentle of coloring agents, since it does not contain either H2O2 or ammonia. This technique based on physical effects on hair. Penetrating inside, the dye not only effectively colors it, but also treats it, which has a positive effect on the shine and volume of the hair.

    Before you decide to take such a serious step as dyeing your hair, try coloring your hair with colored chalk and see the result. Such products do not last long and are easily washed off with shampoos, but they give a temporary bright effect, by which you can understand whether a given color suits you or not. This bright effect is well suited for festivals, special events in nature, rallies (very often “Protestants” dye their hair in the colors of the flag in this way. Of course, there are those who use permanent dye, but most limit themselves to crayons). You shouldn’t come to work like this, there are several reasons: crayons can fall off and smear, which will make your white shirt colorful, but it’s unlikely to give you joy; The effect is short-lived, literally after 4 hours the brightness will disappear, and the paint will require updating.

    Color sprays

    They act on the principle of crayons, but last much longer. Sold in cans, which are enough for up to 4 hair colorings middle length. Again, the effect is bright, but not suitable for constant “wearing”. Unlike crayons, the spray has a lacquer base, and it is quite durable, so they should be applied to dry, clean hair if you do not want the effect of curls hanging down in greasy strands. If you have Thin hair who react poorly to varnishes, try to avoid colored sprays.

    Care after coloring

    Any dyeing procedure worsens the condition of the hair (except, perhaps, elution), so it requires special care:

    1. Make moisturizing and... They contain oils that stimulate hair restoration. Please note that they are applied not only along the entire length, but also at the roots, which need to be given special attention.
    2. Try to use a hair dryer, straightener and curler less. Any temperature changes negatively affect the condition of the hair. It is for this reason that in summer and winter, try to cover your head with a hat or cap. If you have problems styling your hair, use foam; use a straightener as a last resort.
    3. Some people ask, can red hair be washed frequently if it is dyed? The color is bright, so it washes out quickly. Try to wash your hair as little as possible.

    Shades of red hair: photo

    Photos will help you better understand what the red color is. If you decide that you need red hair, the photos will help you decide on the shade and type of coloring.

    To whom red will do hair color: photos, tips was last modified: May 12th, 2016 by MaximB

    The red shade is one of the most capricious, so you shouldn’t rush into this color without studying in detail the photo with the rules for transforming the old image into a new fiery one. Of course, you should definitely take into account the color of your skin, eyes, and the presence or absence of freckles. Girls of British origin are simply lucky to be born fiery beauties with freckles and curls. But those who want to implement transformation at home should watch videos and photos with methods of coloring and changing from one shade to another.

    Who suits red hair color?

    Matte and perfect smooth skin plus green, blue and grey eyes– ideal for a bright mop. Courage in experimenting with your beauty is inherent in women under 40, so you shouldn’t change so dramatically in adulthood, this can add extra years and visually age.

    Before changing the color of your hair, you should accurately determine your own shade, and it is desirable that the dye be similar to natural. The shape of the face does not play a special role, it is important to choose the right palette and choose the most suitable one for you. There are many ways, for example, professional paint, for example, Estelle and henna, a decoction of onion skins, which is ideal for rinsing after painting.

    Shades of red hair color with photo color name

    To achieve a beautiful result, study the photos and names of all existing shades today. Copper, golden, caramel, honey, burgundy, chestnut, carmine, bright blond and red - from this long list you can choose the right shade based on reviews and photos. Don’t forget that after a successful transformation, you need to keep an eye on the colors in your clothes, which will once again emphasize the brightness of your hair. If your look is saturated with green, blue or red, you will stand out in the crowd.

    Who suits dark red hair color?

    Nothing is impossible in this world, so the question of who suits red hair cannot be answered unambiguously. After all, today you can even change the color of your skin. The dark shade suits brunettes with brown and black eyes, who belong to the winter color type. Intense and ginger is only possible if your face does not have blemishes such as acne and dark spots. Fiery hair will once again highlight these flaws and you will not look in the best light. If you are determined to change and are wondering how to do it, look through as many photos as possible with examples.

    Photos of successful transformations into a dark shade of red:

    Light shades of red hair suit which girls?

    First of all, light red hair is suitable for owners of light brown hair. Pale skin, blue or green iris is ideal for carrot and golden. For olive and marbled skin, bright fiery hair is more suitable. With such an expressive head of makeup, you need a calm and not so bright makeup; pastel colors on the lips and eyeliner on the eyelid are welcome.

    Successful examples of light shades:

    Painting red at home and vice versa

    Photo and video information on how best to get rid of the old shade and switch to a new one will help you not make mistakes and do everything correctly without harm to your hair.

    Coloring, grading and highlighting, as well as ombre should already be done after coloring. You can achieve all this without a hairdresser.

    How to dye your hair red with henna at home

    A natural and harmless competitor to chemical coloring is henna, which is produced in Eastern countries and is still used in the field of beauty, tattoos and cosmetics. If you just dye with henna without adding additional elements, then over time the hair becomes shiny and smooth. Henna is also used in painting, and is also very successful.

    First, conduct a test for this product to identify or exclude allergic reaction and you can safely use it for home repainting. If you mix three packets of henna with half a packet of ginger, add hot water and mix, you will get real paint. Apply the mixture to your curls and leave for as long as you want a dark or light result. It will turn dark if you keep it longer - 2-3 hours. Once a month you can repeat this procedure yourself without going to the hairdresser. This paint also has a good effect on the general condition of the hair, strengthening and healing it.

    But one important detail should be taken into account; it is almost impossible to remove this color afterward. It’s even more difficult to paint it over with household paint, which is absolutely unpredictable on curls dyed with henna.

    How to recolor your curls with household paint

    If you are interested in how to dye your hair red with household dye at home, then you should remember a few simple rules:

    1. You should dye your curls with household dye on dirty hair. You can add a few drops of any oil to preserve the beauty and shine of your hair.
    2. Before starting the procedure, do a test for allergies - lubricate a small area of ​​skin behind the ear and wait 5 minutes. If there is no redness, the paint is suitable for you.
    3. In order to achieve light color, take an oxidizing agent of 9%-12%, and for darker ones - 3%-6%. Most often in household paints ready set the paint itself and the oxidizing agent, but if you want to use professional set, select separately all parts of the coloring mixture.
    4. Apply the prepared mixture, starting from the roots of the frontal part of the head, gradually moving towards the back of the head. Afterwards, comb the strands well and cover with cling film.
    5. Keep the dye on your head for no more than 30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with shampoo 2 times with warm water, using a softening balm afterwards.
    6. Over time, the color fades and is washed off; in order to refresh your hair, use a tint balm, which is applied for 8-10 minutes, adding freshness and brightness.

    How to paint red hair dark or light

    If you need to know how to dye red hair dark or light, then try starting with choosing a shade.

    If you want to go lighter, buy light household paint that is 2-3 shades lighter than your current color. Don't try to make too much of a change too quickly, as this can be very damaging to your locks, causing them to become dry and lifeless. A safe transition from one color to another occurs gradually over 2 or 3 months. A mandatory addition to the procedure will be a separately purchased purple tint balm, which neutralizes red hair well. This is the most main secret professional hairdressers who face the difficult task of changing their image.

    Red can rightfully be called the most insidious of the entire range of colors. Get this fiery and very beautiful shade incredibly difficult. This makes it much more difficult to maintain. It is red that fades and loses almost all its attractiveness much faster than other colors. When choosing this shade, first of all, always take into account your type of appearance, your own hairstyle and your skin tone. You should also be confident that you can touch up your hair color often enough if the color washes out.

    If you are not yet firmly convinced that a fiery red color will probably suit you, then experiment with tinted shampoos. They allow you to color your hair without using ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. At the same time, you can wash off the paint after 7-14 days. As a rule, such balms are affordable. As soon as the intensity of the shade decreases, the hairstyle can be colored with other means. You should only wait until the color is completely removed if you don’t like the result at all.

    Buy the most durable paint in the shade of red that suits you. When choosing, consider both the recommendations of professionals and user reviews. Always remember that no matter what color intensity you choose, the result will largely depend on original shade and other characteristics of your hair. It is much easier for fair-haired and blondes to get the most saturated red, sunny and fiery colors. The color scheme on brunettes is leveled out dark color and appears, as a rule, with a pleasant burgundy or copper tint. Therefore, for dark hair, preliminary lightening is necessary, and for dyed brunettes, a washing procedure will be required.

    When carrying out such a rather serious experiment as completely dyeing your hair red, you need the hands of a master. This is why you should contact nice salon. Carrying out this procedure at home can lead to a completely unexpected result: an uneven, doll-like or completely wild shade. It is worth seeking the help of specialists, especially in cases where the hair has already been dyed. As an example, watch this video tutorial from the experts at L’Oreal Paris.

    You can probably play around with it yourself at home. natural dyes. You can easily get a fiery color using orange or red henna. Following the instructions on the package will give you copper-red hair. But you are unlikely to achieve a deep burgundy or red tone. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that henna stays on the hair for quite a long time. It begins to fade only after 1-1.5 months. And it is also quite difficult for other permanent paint to “lay” on it.

    If you still decide to get a fiery shade with henna, do not neglect the recommendations for improving the color:

    1. to obtain a fiery red glow, replace the boiling water required for diluting the powder with heated beet juice,
    2. You can also brew henna with a strong infusion of chamomile,
    3. You can also add one teaspoon of paprika and turmeric to the paste before applying.

    Red and bright red fade and become discolored somewhat faster than other colors. Therefore, they require more frequent use, making their applications most suitable only for thick and very healthy hair. In addition, sunny shades are picky about many shampoos. You will have to purchase special masks and conditioners for colored hair.

    Also note that many unnatural and aggressive shades of hair (fiery red, bright red, etc.) visually add age and even age. Only in rare cases are they suitable for women of Balzac age and older.

    It just so happens that women constantly change their images. Brunettes dream of becoming blondes, owners of light curls have dyed them with dark dye at least once in their lives, they constantly try to straighten their wavy hair, and smooth, obedient strands curl into curls.

    Energetic, temperamental girls, full of passion and eccentricity, prefer to paint themselves in dark shades of red. It is this color that looks original and elegant, successfully highlights the advantages of the appearance and even adds a touch of nobility.

    But dyeing your hair dark red is a very capricious and whimsical matter. Sometimes it happens that the final result differs significantly from what was expected.

    To prevent this from happening, you should learn all the subtleties of the art of being a redhead. After all, there are types of women who, no matter how much they dream of copper curls, but their appearance does not allow them such changes.

    Dark shades of red suit people with dark skin and yellow color. Pinkish tones skin allow the use of the brighter dark red colors, and the olive epidermis is conducive to painting in the darkest undertones. It is better for dark-skinned brunettes to give preference to strands with a reddish wine tint.

    For albinos with an alabaster coat, fiery curls will not bring anything good.

    All facial imperfections are accentuated, and existing wrinkles are emphasized unfavorably. Therefore, it is advisable for naturally blondes to choose other more suitable colors.

    People with brown and brown hair can afford luxurious copper hair. green eyes. Girls with gray and blue irises should pay attention to the natural color. A sunny and cheerful person-autumn “reveals” under the cover of dark red hair, her gaze becomes clear and open, her lips have a ripe, juicy shine, and it seems that the girl is simply glowing from within.

    Ladies who decide to try on a bold, defiant image have only one small task left to do - choose the right tone.

    Palette of dark shades of red hair color

    At first glance, it may seem that dark red itself is a shade. But actually it is not. The palette of tones and halftones is very rich in color range.

    1. Amber. The lightest possible dark red tones interspersed with nutty shades.
    2. Terracotta. Red shade with honey notes.
    3. Flaming copper. Red color with a warm golden tint.
    4. Copper red. Rich red with hints of red.
    5. Dark copper. Chocolate reddish undertone.
    6. Cherry. Brown-red-violet color scheme.
    7. Mahogany. Natural chestnut with a hint of red and a slightly noticeable tint of purple.
    8. Bordeaux. Wine shades of hair mixed with scarlet and purple.
    9. Burgundy. Dark ruby.
    10. Red tree. Bright red with splashes of brown.
    11. Ripe plum. A mixture of deep red and bright purple.

    It should be noted that red stays on the hair longer than other colors. But the durability of the color also depends on other factors: the quality of the paint itself, adherence to the dyeing technology and care of the hair after it.

    We choose hair dye wisely

    Permanent dyes are the most popular; they are highly durable, but due to the ammonia and hydrogen peroxide they contain, they destroy the hair structure. Semi-permanent colors without ammonia safer, but also less durable.

    Third option - tinted shampoos. Tinting complexes do not penetrate deeply into the hair, and therefore do not cause significant harm. For test coloring, paints that are not too “caustic” are suitable, and if the decision is made to change the color once and for all, then permanent products are used.

    Hair dye must first of all be of high quality. And, despite the statement that expensive does not always mean high quality, spare financial resources for the purchase cosmetics not worth it. This can affect the health of your curls. Here's what to look for when looking at the list of paint ingredients:

    • the composition should not contain the presence of coal tar and lead acetate;
    • the presence of B vitamins and plant extracts is mandatory;
    • The UF filter will provide additional hair protection.

    Paint boxes always indicate the color natural hair And possible result staining.

    When choosing the right tube, you should always start from these data. You can find the necessary auburn hair dye among the following:

    1. Ollin;
    2. Estel;
    3. Organic;
    4. Palette;
    5. London Professional;
    6. Schwarzkopf Brilliance;
    7. L'Oreal Luo Color;
    8. Clerical System;
    9. Cramer.

    You can read about how to dye your hair dark red in the instructions for the chosen dye. You should be prepared for the fact that painting may eventually bring surprises, and not always pleasant ones.

    The color does not always turn out as intended. Dark brown hair is the worst to dye.

    Although even on black hair a copper-red tint will be noticeable, and if lighter tones of dark red are meant, then a bleaching procedure is carried out before dyeing.

    But gray hair and blonde will make any shade brighter by at least one and a half tones. With such white strands you should be very careful and apply makeup with caution.

    Give your hair a dark red hue using henna

    Henna is preferred as a dye for its naturalness and safety. But misuse can cause the hair color to turn swamp green. Recommendations from professionals will protect you from mistakes.

    How to get auburn hair color using natural henna:

    1. The main staining begins only after the verification test. It is carried out on one strand of hair. This will help you figure out how long it will take to achieve the desired color.
    2. When preparing the solution, use only ceramic dishes.
    3. Do not mix henna with other dyes.
    4. Do not apply the mixture to your head while it is heated.
    5. Strictly observe the time regime for keeping the coloring mass.

    Henna does not fade or fade in the sun. In addition, it does not have a harmful effect on the hair follicles and structure. And each new coloring will make the color brighter and more saturated.

    An original way to give your hair a dark shade of red using henna

    Take three bags of henna, half a bag of ground cloves and a glass of red wine. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to infuse for a quarter of an hour. After the allotted time, the mixture is ready for application. It is advisable to soak the paint for as many minutes as determined by trial testing.

    Non-standard dyeing methods

    Modern fashion is so sophisticated and pretentious that it is difficult to surprise others with just an exclusive hair color. We have to resort to non-standard ways staining.

    Highlighting and coloring is already an innovation. But in any case, you can play with the main tone. So, add strands of lighter tones to the dark red chosen as a base.

    But balayage is gaining popularity. This option involves coloring only the ends of the hair. The color can be either harmonious (for example, terracotta strands are shaded with burgundy color), or it can contrast with the main tone (when a very unexpected shade is chosen, ripe wheat, ash blonde or blue-black).

    Professionals often focus on naturalness and naturalness. The effect of burnt hair is repeated by shatush and 3D coloring.

    But it’s still not worth trying to lighten individual strands of copper curls on your own at home. It is better to contact an experienced hairdresser.

    How to properly care for colored hair

    So, half the job is done: the tips have been studied, the paint has been chosen, the strands have been dyed. All that’s left to do is to take proper care of your dyed hair.

    The rules for caring for red hair are not much different from the basic recommendations for hair dyed other colors. Trim the ends at least once a month, use masks and balms, purchase only high-quality shampoos and conditioners, limit negative impact high temperatures and chemicals (hairspray and mousse are also considered negative factors).

    Daily head massage and the use of B vitamins have a good effect.

    It is important to carry out additional coloring in a timely manner so that regrown roots do not spoil the overall impression. Remember, in the image beautiful woman Everything is perfect, from hair roots to fingertips.

    It is believed that people with fiery hair are temperamental individuals with a daring disposition and perky character. Many women dream of possessing similar qualities in order to attract the gaze of men and always be the center of attention.

    Some people think that changes in appearance will not bring changes in the inner world. Maybe you should decide to experiment and test from your own experience how the undertones of dark red hair color play with feelings and emotions, raising to the surface the boldest notes of the hidden corners of the soul.

    The next video contains a lot of interesting additional information on dyeing hair with henna.

    “Wow, what a fiery beast!” – this phrase can be heard by those who have bright red hair. But in fact, not many people hear it, because by nature this color of locks is found in 3-4% of all girls on the planet. But why limit ourselves to what nature has given us? You can change your appearance using cosmetic procedures– go to the salon and dye your hair the color of fire, becoming the center of attention for many men. But let's figure out who suits red hair, what shades you can choose and what is important to know so as not to turn your appearance into something awkward.

    Shades of red hair are very diverse:

    1. Natural. A natural shade that is especially popular. It will fit perfectly on blonde hair. Gives the appearance brightness and tenderness at the same time.

    2. Red-blond. An option for those who want changes, but not drastic ones. Red-brown color hair goes well with light eyes.

    3. Auburn. Suitable for girls with the “winter” color type. Makes the image rich and mysterious. A woman with dark red hair looks aristocratic and sophisticated and always attracts the attention of the opposite sex.

    4. Light red. For owners light skin and eyes. More often light shades red color is chosen by young girls who do not want to attract special attention, trying to make your image soft and gentle.

    5. Bright shades. These include: carrot, orange and copper. They are suitable for brave girls with brown or black eyes. But for those with light eyes, it is better to avoid bright fiery tones.

    6. A hint of ginger. A cold tone, which is considered the most practical. It retains its original color for the longest time.

    7. Terracotta. Red tint, close to red, suitable for girls with the color type “winter” or “autumn”.

    Who is this color suitable for?

    Changes in appearance are, of course, good, the main thing is that they are positive. After all, there are cases when a girl spontaneously decided to recolor her curls, and received a “disastrous result.” Not because the quality of the painting is poor or the strands are badly damaged. The whole reason is that the new image is absolutely not harmonious. That's why it's so important to consider your skin type, eye and hair color before deciding to make a change. Let's take a closer look at what features go well with red hair.

    • Eyes.

    If a girl has green eyes, then any shade of red will only embellish her appearance. Brown-eyed ladies can experiment with dark shades of red and bright red. Grey colour the eye is combined with light tones. It can be honey, peach or carrot shade. The same goes for blue-eyed people.

    • Leather.

    Skin color is the main criterion in choosing a red shade. If you have pink skin, then you don't have to be afraid of change. Any shade of fiery color will suit you. To the owners dark skin worth paying attention to dark colors. The ideal solution for such girls the hair color will be golden brown. But the pale-faced ones are unlucky in this regard. They are contraindicated to dye their locks in dark fiery colors. It is worth giving preference to light colors that are as close to natural as possible.

    • Natural shade of curls.

    If by nature you have dark hair, then in order to minimally injure them and not resort to lightening, it is worth trying cherry shades on yourself. But if you're not afraid of discoloration, you can experiment with lighter tones. But for blondes there are no barriers. Any tone will suit them and for them, becoming a redhead is an easy task.

    The color of the sun, which pleases the eye, can significantly deteriorate your appearance. It turns out that it is not suitable for everyone. If you already have expression lines, age folds on the face, then it is better to refuse this color. It will only highlight all these skin imperfections. Therefore, stylists do not recommend women over 40 to dye their locks red. If there are freckles or age spots on the face, then rich shades of red will focus attention on them.

    In what ways can you dye your hair?

    Use regular paint or resort to natural materials– two options for making your hair red. On store shelves there are a whole bunch of paints with fiery shades that are suitable for both blondes and brunettes. To get a beautiful tone, you should pay attention to the table with transition colors (it is on every paint package). After all, the result depends precisely on original color hair. If you want the color you see on the dye box, then you should lighten your locks. But it is worth considering the fact that such a procedure negatively affects the health of curls.

    Henna is the product that will help you get a red hair color. It must be used according to the instructions (it is in the package). The disadvantage of this coloring is that the color does not last long.

    By adding a little beetroot juice to henna you can give your hair greater brightness and richness.

    Decoction of onion peel- another product that gives hair a red tint. You should regularly rinse your hair with this decoction so that it becomes slightly red.

    Nuances that are important to know about!

    If you decide to paint it red, then it is important for you to know some nuances:

    • To get the “perfect” color, you should lighten it before painting. This is especially true for dark-haired girls.
    • Gray curls are a kind of obstacle on the path to “perfection.” Such hairs lack their own pigment, which complicates the tinting process. Therefore, the master must warn in advance about the difficulties that will have to be encountered. In this case, coloring will be carried out in several stages.
    • You will have to tint your hair regularly. After all, this color quickly loses its brightness, becomes dull and unsaturated. Plus, overgrown roots spoil the appearance a lot.
    • When you decide to go back to your previous color, it will be a very difficult task.
    • Red hair should not be combined with bright makeup.
    • The new color should be in harmony with the eyebrows.

    How to care for colored hair?

    Whatever shade of red you choose, in any case you will need special care behind the hair. After all, it is very important to preserve the shine of your curls and the fire that they emit thanks to the new color. To do this, you will need to use special shampoos and conditioners, and hair masks. Pay attention to the composition cosmetic products: They must not contain alcohol, ammonium or peroxide.

    Homemade natural remedies for hair care will be a great find and salvation for newly colored curls. They will help restore the structure of the strands, moisturize the scalp and maintain the brightness of the new color. Red-haired people should give preference to products based on pomegranate, chamomile, and cinnamon. By the way, these ingredients can be added directly to shampoo.

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