• Which acid peeling for the face is best to use at home. Acid peeling for the face at home and in a beauty salon: which one is better to choose and what to be wary of


    Acid peeling for the face - what is this procedure, how is it carried out and what effect does it have on the skin? IN modern cosmetology There are several types, they all differ in their composition, affect different layers of the skin and are not suitable for all people.

    At what time of year can peeling be carried out, what results should be expected from it and what are its advantages over other methods of rejuvenation and renewal? How should you care for your skin after peeling and what do you need to know before undergoing this procedure? More on this below.

    What is acid facial peeling?

    Acid peeling for the face is a procedure that involves the use of acids of varying concentrations to provide a certain degree of effect on the skin.

    Peels are distinguished not only by the degree of power, but also by the depth of impact. To peel different layers of the skin, certain types of acids with different concentrations are used.

    The procedure can take place at home or salon conditions, depending on what results the patient wants to achieve. Doctors recommend using the technique under the supervision of specialists to avoid burns and other unpleasant consequences.

    How does acid peeling affect the skin?

    The principle of operation of chemical peels is to apply a burn to various layers of the skin, which, in turn, triggers natural regeneration processes in the body.

    This seemingly cruel method of influence at first glance makes it possible to restore the youthfulness of the face and give it healthy color, eliminate fine wrinkles and even get rid of noticeable scars that have arisen during the removal of acne and blackheads.

    First, we should describe exactly how the human skin is structured in order to clarify the method of action of the described peeling. Substances can affect various layers of the skin and act with different strengths.

    So, the skin has three main layers:

    1. Epidermis. This upper layer, in which the development and renewal of epithelial cells occurs. The visible layer, which is responsible for the body’s protective functions from various harmful influences. It is this layer that is affected by creams and other cosmetical tools for home care.
    2. Dermis. It is located under the epidermis and separated from it by the basement membrane. It consists of the papillary and reticular layers, which form the main part of the dermis. It is in the reticular layer that most of the collagen fibers are located, and, to a large extent, the general condition of the skin depends on the condition of this layer.
    3. Hypodermis. Subcutaneous tissue or fatty tissue located just below the dermis. This layer takes part in the thermoregulation of the body; it stores water and nutrients.

    Chemical peeling can affect different layers of the skin. This depends on the degree of aggressiveness of the active substance. To achieve the desired effect, various substances can be used, which are selected by a cosmetologist depending on the condition of the patient’s skin.

    It is allowed to use independently only those acid peels that have a weak effect on the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis.

    3 types of impact depth

    Each type of acid has a special effect on a particular layer of the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right concentration and determine the type of active substance in order to achieve the desired results:

    1. Superficial peeling. For this category, weak acids are taken. Different concentrations may be used and exposure times may vary. This will affect the final result - complete or partial removal of the epidermis.
    2. Peeling for. It affects the epidermis and dermis simultaneously, resulting in noticeable rejuvenation. Here, TCA (trichloroacetic) or retinoic acid is most often used.
    3. Deep peeling. It is used exclusively in medical institutions. The procedure is referred to as surgical intervention, it is able to act even on the hypodermal layer and remove small scars that occur after acne or blackheads. Phenol is used as the active substance.

    The use of highly concentrated acids at home without medical supervision is strictly prohibited, as there is a high risk of serious burns.

    6 acids and what are their differences

    Each type of acid has a specific effect on the skin, and the final result depends on choosing the right substance:

    1. . One of the weakest acids, which is used for mild age-related changes. Suitable for home use. The active ingredients are grape, mangrove, cane or sugar acid. Returns skin firmness, elasticity and tone.
    2. . Used for antibacterial treatment of the skin, reduces the severity of scars formed from acne and acne.
    3. Salicylic acid. Suitable for owners dark skin, as well as those who suffer from seborrhea (any of its types), hyperpigmentation or acne.
    4. Lactic acid. Promotes skin rejuvenation, making it softer and more delicate.
    5. It is used in cosmetology clinics and has a pronounced effect. The concentration of the substance allows you to select the effect for different age categories. Degree chemical burn is also determined by this criterion.
    6. Glycolic acid. Ideal for treating the upper layers of leather. Cleanses the epidermis, eliminates rashes and stains, eliminates dirt plugs and sebaceous accumulations.

    The type of acid, its concentration and exposure time are selected individually for each patient.

    How does the procedure for using acid peels proceed?

    Regardless of whether the procedure takes place at home or clinical settings, it is divided into the following stages:

    1. Cleansing. The patient's skin must be cleansed of cosmetics and oily deposits. This process is carried out using special tonics that do not contain fragrances, fatty oils or dyes.
    2. Applying peeling. After cleansing, an acid peel is applied to the skin, selected for the patient individually. The type of active substance, its concentration, as well as the period of application to the skin is determined individually.
    3. Removing peeling. After the peeling has been on the skin for the specified time, it must be washed off with water, eliminating the possibility of getting into the eyes or mucous membranes (nose, mouth). Should also be protected delicate skin lips
    4. Applying care product. After removing the peeling, you need to use a special cream that will protect the skin from drying out and promote its speedy healing.

    Improper execution of at least one of these processes can lead to a lack of results, or, conversely, to a chemical burn.

    Question answer

    Yes, acid peeling will improve the condition of the skin and brighten it. It is recommended to pay attention to TCA peeling, as well as laser resurfacing.

    This procedure can be carried out at any location. The main thing is that the doctor selects the appropriate peeling mixture to combat a specific problem.

    In this area, cosmetologists use superficial peels. They will improve regeneration processes in the skin. But to eliminate wrinkles, it is better to think about other manipulations.

    Rehabilitation period

    Acid peeling requires a fairly long recovery period - from 7 to 14 days, depending on the degree of impact on the skin. The duration of rehabilitation depends on physiological characteristics patient.

    For some, regeneration processes in the body proceed quite quickly, and the skin can recover in up to 7 days, while for others this value exceeds two weeks.

    But, regardless of the speed of healing, there are general instructions for all categories of patients, which include:

    • the use of creams and ointments that accelerate the healing process (Bepanten or Solcoseryl);
    • refusal to visit baths and saunas;
    • avoiding exposure to frost;
    • refusal to use aggressive cleansers;
    • avoiding injury.

    In all other respects, the same behavior is necessary as when receiving a burn - eliminate mechanical impact on the skin, you need to protect it from injury, aggravation of the burn condition, and others.

    Indications and contraindications

    Certain indications are highlighted.


    • the first signs of aging;
    • the appearance of scars from acne and acne;
    • education age spots;
    • hyperkeratosis (thickening of the upper layers of the skin);
    • seborrheic dermatitis.

    There are also some prohibitions on peeling.


    1. pregnancy and lactation;
    2. allergies and individual intolerance to active ingredients;
    3. herpes in the acute stage;
    4. the presence of keloid scars.

    Peeling is only allowed between November and March. During the warm season, peeling is strictly prohibited, since exposure to warm temperatures and sunlight can cause irreversible processes in the skin.

    Peeling at home

    There are a number of drugs that allow you to carry out. Among them are homemade acid facial peeling Mi Ko 30 ml, reviews of which say that the drug is very effective, as well as products from the Mac line.

    At correct use medications, you can count on real results that will lead to an improvement in the overall condition of the skin.

    The main advantage of home remedies is that they are not so harsh on the skin, but they lead to tangible results. Their disadvantages include the less pronounced result that is achieved in a clinical setting.

    You can also prepare the peeling yourself:

    1. Fruit peeling. Anyone can do this fresh fruit. For example, banana, strawberry, apple or pineapple. It needs to be cut and placed on the face for a third of an hour. After this, you should wash and moisturize your skin.
    2. Lemon peeling. It whitens the skin and eliminates excess fat. Using a cotton pad, apply lemon juice (it must be fresh). After a quarter of an hour, the mixture is washed off. At the end, it is also worth moisturizing the skin with cream.
    3. Grape peeling. You need to make a paste from the grapes. It is applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour. During exposure, a tingling sensation may be felt. Don't forget to moisturize with cream after the procedure.

    Acid peeling involves treating the skin with acids. The purpose of the procedure is to cleanse the skin of dead cells, cleanse pores, and also promote active cell renewal. The last point is possible due to the fact that acids penetrate deep into the epidermis and stimulate the production of new skin cells.

    Acid peeling is designed to solve problems such as:

    • wrinkles;
    • sagging skin;
    • above sensitive skin;
    • scars;
    • stretch marks and scars.

    Today, this procedure is completely safe and very effective. With the help of acid peeling, you have the opportunity not only to get rid of existing problems, but also to carry out excellent prevention of their development in the future.

    Cosmetologists offer their clients peeling using all kinds of acids. These acids have the same effect on the skin, but some work in the deep layers of the skin, while others work in the superficial layers. If you are allergic to any component of fruit acid, you can use another acid without harming your health. You must understand that each individual fruit acid helps to solve a specific problem to a greater or lesser extent. At the same time, a woman does not need to decide on her own which acid is best to use for peeling. The doctor will take care of this. A woman should only report possible allergic reactions or contraindications to peeling with a particular acid. These issues are very important for health, despite the fact that acid peels are often well tolerated and do not injure the skin too much, it is still better to play it safe in advance, so to speak, to protect yourself from the unpleasant consequences of acid peeling. There is no need to completely trust the theory according to which acid peels are considered completely safe when compared with the same mechanical dermabrasion.

    Often, acid peeling involves gentle treatment of the surface layer of facial skin. But, if you suddenly want to peel with trichloroacetic acid, then know that this procedure will not affect the superficial, but the middle layer of facial skin.

    Beauty salons offer women peelings with fruit or AHA acids. As you may have guessed, when fruit peelings The main means of influencing the skin of the face are the acids of berries or fruits. In addition to fruit acids, you can peel with ascorbic acid. Takes best care of your skin almond peeling. It gently cleanses the skin of the face without damaging it.
    It also happens that the peeling procedure is carried out not with one acid, but with a mixture of acids. With this combination it is possible to carry out complex procedure, which will give a truly amazing effect. Superficial peeling involves exposing the skin to acids of varying concentrations. This figure ranges from 5 to 70%. When choosing a concentration, the main role is played by the sensitivity of the skin and the severity of the problem, to get rid of which, in fact, acid peeling is carried out.

    If your facial skin is very sensitive, then experts recommend gentle almond peeling.

    At problem skin With a lot of pimples, it is best to peel with retinolic acid. The fact is that it contains retinol, which is designed to ensure the beauty of the skin.

    Peeling with glycolic acid will help heal the skin both in adolescence and in older age.

    Kojic acid can help treat hyperpigmentation. It is designed to whiten the skin, make it more elastic and fresh.
    You can nourish the skin and, at the same time, soften it by peeling with salicylic acid.

    Now we will talk about medium peels, namely the treatment of the skin with trichloroacetic acid. With this type of peeling, the acid penetrates deep into the skin. The effect of this peeling is simply amazing! However, you need to remember that acid has an extremely negative effect on the skin. This means that the skin will then have to recover for a very long time.

    So, if after superficial peeling the skin recovers in 1-2 days, then after medium peeling this figure increases almost 5 times and ranges from 7 to 10 days. That's why before agreeing to a medium peel, you should think carefully about its consequences for your skin. It is best to carry out this peeling in mature age to eliminate stretch marks and scars on the facial skin.

    Types of acid peeling

    Depending on which layer of skin the procedure affects:

    • superficial peeling;
    • middle peeling;
    • deep peeling.

    Let's take a closer look at these types of peeling.

    Superficial peeling implies an effect on the epidermis. For this type of procedure, non-aggressive acids are used:

    Very often, superficial peeling is sufficient to obtain a noticeable result, improve the appearance of facial skin and rejuvenate it. This tweed peeling is often done at home.

    Medium acid peeling affects the deeper layer of the skin - the dermis. More powerful acids are used for the procedure - trichloroacetic, retinoic. The procedure is more aggressive on the skin and should be performed by professionals.

    However, the result from correct application The procedure is amazing - it seems that your facial skin looks five years younger. Wrinkles on the skin of the face disappear, as do minor damage and depressions. The procedure is very effective.

    Deep peeling is a procedure that is used for significant defects on the skin of the face and body - scars, stretch marks, cicatrices, etc. the procedure is carried out only by professionals, as there is a great danger of burns and other injuries, because very aggressive acids are used.

    Differences in peeling acids

    Not all acids have the same effect on the skin. For example, grape acid is designed to increase the elasticity of facial skin and its firmness. In addition, with the help of this acid you can protect the skin from moisture loss and negative impact external factors. Peeling with such acid will benefit people with thin, weakened skin. You can get a similar effect after peeling with lactic acid. It is designed to stimulate collagen production. This type of peeling can be carried out even in summer, unlike other types.

    Who needs acid peeling?

    Acid peeling of the facial skin will benefit young girls and adult women. If young girls can count on cleansing their skin from acne, pimples, as well as reducing pores, then adult women, with the help of peeling, will maintain skin elasticity and reduce the depth of wrinkles.

    Acid peeling in combination with antioxidant care perfectly regulates cellular regeneration and protects the skin from harmful effects. ultraviolet rays.

    For oily skin

    Oily facial skin will benefit from peeling with glycolic acid. This acid is designed to carefully open pores, cleanse them of impurities, and also improve appearance skin. If you are prone to acne, doctors recommend peeling based on salicylic acid. Salicylic acid penetrates deep into the skin, taking care of the normalization of the sebaceous glands.

    Peeling will help with pigmentation problems

    Exposure to the sun can cause pigment spots to appear on the skin. You can combat them with kojic acid peeling. This acid is designed to lighten the skin and even stop the production of melanin. Kojic acid will help get rid of even old age spots that are located deep in the epidermis.

    A good result can be obtained by mixing kojic acid with phytic and retinoic acid. The mixture of acids has a beneficial effect on the skin, brightening it and promoting the development of new cells. After the peeling procedure, the effect lasts from 3 to 4 months. If desired, you can repeat the peeling procedure again.

    Peeling copes with age-related skin problems

    At age-related changes Peeling based on retinoic acid will help the skin of the face and body. The acid penetrates deep into the skin, helping to speed up the process of cell regeneration and the production of new ones. Among other things, this acid is designed to soothe irritated skin and relieve inflammation.


    Contraindications included the following: individual intolerance, existing skin imperfections, burns, recent laser skin treatment procedures.

    Peeling done. What's next?

    You should be prepared for the fact that acid peeling is not an entirely pleasant procedure. During and after it is Great chance that the skin will burn or redness will appear on it. A similar effect from acid peeling can last from several hours to several days. That's why don't plan anything important after the peeling procedure. In order for the skin to recover faster, you should not use it during this period. decorative cosmetics. You just have to understand that even Foundation not always able to hide the redness of the skin caused by the acid peeling procedure.

    Skin care after acid peeling

    Since acid peeling increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, you should take care of your skin during the recovery period. And even if the weather is cloudy outside, it is better to play it safe by using sunscreen for one week after the acid peeling procedure. If you don't want to use sunscreen, you can use your daily cream or special means skin care after peeling. It is not recommended to go on vacation immediately after peeling. Just give your skin the opportunity to have a good rest and recovery.

    Any peeling, even the most gentle one, causes considerable stress for the skin, especially for the facial skin. That is why you should take pity on your facial skin and stop all possible exposure to cosmetics containing alcohol while it is recovering.

    Remember that during this period, your facial skin will benefit from products based on plant extracts of medicinal herbs or micellar water. That is, cleansing should be gentle and not traumatic to already weakened skin.

    You can support your facial skin by using moisturizers with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and natural oils.

    You can overcome skin irritation resulting from the acid peeling procedure by choosing the appropriate care product.

    Home care after peeling

    Often for proper care After the acid peeling procedure, doctors advise using cosmetics that contain acids for the skin. It would seem, why supply the skin with additional acids? In fact, acids in care cosmetics help to consolidate the results. That is, such cosmetics are designed to restore an even complexion, as well as normalize the production of sebum. The choice of cosmetics should be entrusted only to a cosmetologist. He will be able to select cosmetics in which the amount of active ingredients is no more than 5% of the total volume.

    Cost and frequency of acid peeling procedure

    If you decide to undergo a procedure such as acid peeling, get ready to shell out a considerable amount of money. The cost of peeling directly depends on the concentration of acids, the services of a cosmetologist and the cost of skin care in recovery period. It happens that one cleaning procedure is not enough to obtain an effective result. In this case, you will have to conduct several sessions of acid peeling with a break of one week.

    Those who wish can perform acid peeling once every 6 months. Thus, you can be sure that over time your facial skin will cleanse and rejuvenate.

    Is it possible to perform acid peeling at home?

    Those women who do not have skin problems are very lucky, as they can carry out the acid peeling procedure even at home. To do this, they will need simple cosmetics available in every woman’s makeup bag. Of course, with this approach you can rely solely on superficial effects on the skin. But how effective!

    With home peeling, you can whiten your skin, make it firmer and more elastic. In order for the result to become clearly noticeable, the peeling procedure must be carried out within 1 month.

    The acid used for peeling at home contains gentle acids. This:

    • glycolic;
    • wine;
    • apple;
    • koyaeva;
    • mandelic acid.

    Watch the video describing acids for home use:

    If your facial skin is dull, thin, flabby, wrinkled or covered in rashes, a peeling procedure will improve its condition. Mechanical or chemical, it can be done at home.

    Exfoliation. Or why is peeling done?

    Peeling - cleansing the skin of dead cells

    Peeling- This cosmetic procedure deep cleansing of the skin, during which the top layer of dead cells is exfoliated.

    IMPORTANT: The term “peeling” is derived from the English. the verb peel (“to peel”, “to scrape”). The procedure has another name - exfoliation

    The procedure for getting rid of the stratum corneum of the skin is carried out with the aim of:

    • improving oxygen supply to living cells
    • improving blood circulation in subcutaneous vessels
    • acceleration of cellular metabolism
    • accelerating skin cell regeneration
    • preparing the skin for nutritional, moisturizing, rejuvenating procedures using masks

    If peeling is carried out regularly, it is possible:

    • get rid of small wrinkles that appear
    • prevent the emergence of new
    • smooth out other uneven skin
    • clean and close pores
    • make skin more elastic
    • improve complexion
    • get rid of acne and other rashes

    Peeling can be done in a beauty salon or just at home. Based on what exactly affects the skin, exfoliation is distinguished:

    1. Mechanical— small abrasive particles in the composition of the skin cleanser act on it like sandpaper
    2. Chemical– removal of dead cells using acids and alkalis
    3. Ultrasonic– use of a special device that creates ultrasonic waves. Under their influence, the connections between living and dead cells of the epidermis are destroyed, as a result of which the latter are separated
    4. Laser– removal of the stratum corneum under the influence of laser beams
    5. Biological— using enzymes (pepsin, papain, bromelain, others) to accelerate the natural processes of cellular renewal

    There is a whole arsenal of folk and store supplies, which can be used for home peeling for all skin types.

    IMPORTANT: The preparation for mechanical peeling is called a scrub or exfoliant

    The home peeling procedure has contraindications:

    • open wounds and ulcers
    • acute inflammatory process
    • oncology
    • treatment with ointments with hormones (glucocorticosteroids)

    Homemade peeling for dry skin

    Those with dry or sensitive skin are wary of peeling, rightly considering it a traumatic procedure. Some people prefer not to do it at all. It is not right!

    IMPORTANT: Dry skin needs cleansing no less than other types. It is possible and necessary to exfoliate it at home

    But! The scrub should not contain:

    • absorbent substances
    • large abrasive particles
    • too coarse abrasive particles
    • other components damaging thin skin

    Substances and products that will effectively and safely cleanse dry and sensitive skin are::

    • fruit acids (grape acid, citric acid, others)
    • semolina
    • oat flour (from crushed oats)
    • strawberry
    • coffee grounds
    • other

    When carrying out the exfoliation procedure, owners of thin, dry, sensitive skin must follow several rules:

    1. Do peeling no more than once every 7-10 days
    2. Duration of procedure – 1 minute
    3. When rubbing the scrub into the skin, do not press too hard on it.
    4. It is better to wash off the exfoliant with milk
    5. After exfoliation, it is recommended to make a moisturizing mask

    IMPORTANT: Before using any exfoliant for dry skin, you should test it for allergies. An allergy test is done on the inside of the elbow. If after 24 hours no reaction occurs in this area of ​​the skin, the drug is used as directed.

    Homemade peeling for oily skin

    The choice of peeling products for those with oily skin is much larger. To cleanse the pores of toxins and remove the upper stratum corneum of cells, you can use:

    • milk
    • sugar
    • sea ​​salt
    • cosmetic clays
    • ground rice and bran in a coffee grinder
    • other

    Exfoliation rules for oily skin :

    1. Peeling is done once every 5-7 days
    2. Duration of the procedure – 2-3 minutes
    3. The drug must be washed off with warm water.
    4. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing mask to the skin.

    IMPORTANT: Before peeling, oily skin can be steamed, for example, using a towel soaked in chamomile decoction or steam bath with herbs. Then the pores will be cleaned better

    Peeling face mask

    This product differs from an exfoliant in that it not only cleanses the skin, but nourishes and moisturizes it. The effect of the caring procedure will be double.

    IMPORTANT: Mask - peeling is not rubbed into the skin, but acts on it for some time

    As a rule, homemade masks with a cleansing effect include:

    • dairy
    • fruits and berries
    • vegetables
    • oils
    • cereals

    RECIPE No. 1: Peeling mask for oily skin with oatmeal and lemon juice
    This drug cleanses pores, nourishes skin cells with vitamins, tones the skin, and promotes the separation of its stratum corneum.
    Prepare a mask - peeling from 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal ground into flour and lemon juice (usually half a fruit is enough) so that it has the consistency of a thick paste. The drug is evenly distributed on the face and left until completely dry. Wash off with warm water or chamomile decoction

    Oatmeal is a component of a peeling mask for oily skin.

    RECIPE No. 2: Peeling mask for dry skin made from strawberry pulp and rich sour cream
    When using this product, the skin is moisturized and cleansed.
    Take 2 tbsp. spoons of strawberries crushed into pulp and 1 tbsp. spoon of fat sour cream, mix. Leave the mixture on the face for 10 minutes, then wash with milk diluted with water 1:1

    RECIPE No. 3: Rejuvenating Maxa – Peeling
    Honey, wheat bran and lemon juice will help improve the condition of aging skin.
    Lightly warmed liquid honey (2 tablespoons) is mixed with wheat bran (1 tablespoon) and lemon juice (1 tablespoon). Make the mask for half an hour, then wash it off thoroughly and use an anti-aging cream.

    Chemical peeling of the face at home. How to do deep facial peeling at home

    Chemical peeling can be done at home using acids:

    • glycolic
    • almond
    • salicylic
    • lemon
    • grape
    • others

    An inexpensive and effective method is often used to remove dead skin cells. calcium chloride.

    IMPORTANT: A natural reaction to chemical home peeling is facial skin flushing, which persists for 8-18 hours after the procedure. Therefore, carry out cleansing better evening before the weekend IMPORTANT: Tolerable tingling or burning of the skin during chemical exfoliation - normal phenomenon. But if the discomfort is too severe, the drug should be washed off immediately and consult a dermatologist as soon as possible.

    Glycolic peeling at home

    Glycolic fruit acid very often used for home skin cleansing. The substance is extracted from sugar cane. It is not aggressive, but at the same time it has the ability to penetrate deeply into the epidermis, where:

    • promotes the separation of dead cells
    • improves cellular metabolism, in particular, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin
    • destroys melanin

    IMPORTANT: Glycolic peeling evens out the skin and improves its color

    The procedure is performed as follows:

    1. A gel or lotion containing 10-15% glycolic acid is applied to previously cleansed facial skin.
    2. The drug is applied with a special brush.
    3. The drug is applied in a circular motion from top to bottom, from forehead to chin.
    4. Do not apply gel or lotion to the area around the eyes
    5. During 15 minutes, while the drug acts on the skin, a light acupressure massage is performed using cotton swabs.
    6. The mask is washed off with running cold water.

    Peeling with calcium chloride. Facial peeling with calcium chloride at home

    Peeling with calcium chloride The good thing is that it can be done on any skin type. In addition, allergies to the substance are very rare.

    IMPORTANT: Calcium chloride and calcium chloride are the same substance

    Suitable for cleansing 10% calcium chloride, which is available in ampoules at any pharmacy:

    • ampoule with calcium chloride is opened
    • a cotton pad is soaked in the product
    • The product is applied in several stages to the entire face, except upper lip and areas around the eyes
    • when the contents of the ampoule are exhausted, the face should be washed with warm water, but not wiped
    • When the moisture is absorbed into the skin, apply moisturizer

    VIDEO: Hollywood peeling with calcium chloride

    Almond facial peeling at home

    Mandelic acid, obtained through glycolysis of almond extracts, as a peeling:

    • eliminates acne and other types of rashes
    • improves skin color by fighting age spots
    • promotes skin regeneration and rejuvenation
    • stimulating the synthesis of elastin and collagen, improves skin texture

    IMPORTANT: Light-skinned and dark-skinned girls can use mandelic acid for home peeling

    Mandelic acid is used in pure form composition of multicomponent cleansers.

    RECIPE No. 1: Peeling with mandelic acid

    On a steamed face cleansed of cosmetics and sebum, first apply 5% tonic with mandelic acid, then pre-peeling with 10% mandelic acid, and lastly the 30% preparation itself. After the procedure, a soothing mask with collagen, laminaria and lactic acid is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

    RECIPE No. 2: Peeling with almonds

    Take 1 tbsp. spoon of ground almonds, 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. spoon of cream. Mix and apply to face. Exposure time – 15 minutes.

    IMPORTANT: For almond peeling to have an effect, it must be done regularly, once every 2 weeks, alternating with a less damaging cleansing procedure

    Lemon facial peeling at home

    Lemon, zest, lemon acid in powder - everything is suitable for peeling

    For lemon exfoliation you can use:

    • lemon juice
    • lemon pulp
    • lemon zest
    • citric acid

    The first three substances, as a rule, are part of masks - exfoliants. Their advantage is that additional components can be selected according to skin type: olive oil and cream - for dry, honey and clay - for oily, and the like.

    Citric acid is used in this way: apply 15% acid to a cleansed and steamed face with a cotton pad or sponge, then wash with warm water and make a nourishing mask.

    Salicylic facial peeling at home

    For skin hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, seborrhea and acne, it is recommended to do salicylic peeling. At home, you will need ordinary aspirin for this.


    Peeling agent with salicylic acid

    2 tablets of pharmacy aspirin are dissolved in 0.5 teaspoon of water and 1 teaspoon of honey (you can use olive oil instead for dry skin, aloe juice for oily skin). The drug is applied to the prepared face for a quarter of an hour, the residue is removed with a cotton pad and a toning mask is made.

    VIDEO: Facial scrub|Peeling aspirin

    Fruit facial peeling at home

    They refresh the skin, fight wrinkles, rashes and seborrhea, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and other fruit acids, which can be used at home:

    • wine
    • dairy
    • apple

    The acid concentration in the exfoliation preparation should not exceed 25%. After using it, the skin must be soothed and moisturized.

    The results of using acids for exfoliation at home are obvious, the condition of the skin really changes in better side. But since the procedure is comparable to thermal burn, before carrying out it, you should still consult a dermatologist so that he approves it. If there are contraindications, it is better to choose a more gentle method for removing dead skin particles.

    VIDEO: Peeling At Home. Chemical Facial Peeling at Home

    In the care system modern women With many changes taking place, acid peeling for the face at home has become a very popular procedure over the past decade.

    The specificity of peeling with acids is to treat the skin with acid solutions of not very high concentrations in order to remove dead epithelium and deeply cleanse the pores. Acid peeling was done at home by the women of Ancient Egypt, using simply well-chopped fruits containing a lot of acid.

    Without a doubt, today peelings have become more advanced and effective, new methods have emerged for this procedure, and cosmetic companies are striving to develop more and more new formulations to help fight various problems skin.


    In salons, the acid peeling procedure began to be called differently: exfoliation, deep cleansing, AHA peeling, chemical skin treatment, etc. Acids began to be used more and more often different types to solve specific problems:

    • azelaic, kojic and phytic help eliminate hyperpigmentation (azelaine peeling is described in);
    • retinoic aimed at rejuvenating the epidermis;
    • benzoic, salicylic and trichloroacetic fight inflammation of the sebaceous glands (you can read about peeling with retinoic acid at);
    • glycolic acid Known for its skin strengthening properties.

    No matter how scary the names of the above acids may sound, modern technologies and developments make it possible to do acid peeling at home, and even young women who are not experienced in expensive salon procedures can eliminate their problems with the help of acids. The main requirement is strict adherence to all instructions and recommendations of specialists.

    So, at what age can you start peeling with acids? Experts unanimously believe that girls after 20 years of age can resort to this procedure, which is an excellent way to combat acne, post-acne, seborrhea, excessive sebum production, and hyperpigmentation.

    Upon reaching the age of 30, peeling will help fight wrinkles that are already brewing, dull color face and loss of skin turgor.

    Despite all its advantages, this procedure has contraindications, especially if you have an increased tendency to allergic reactions, sensitivity, wounds and other damage to the epidermis, rosacea, psoriasis, herpes, a large number of birthmarks, dehydration. In these cases, the use of plings with acids at home is extremely undesirable.

    Video shows acid peeling for the face at home:

    As a rule, for home use, formulations with a lower percentage of acids are used (compared to salon procedures). Thanks to this, if any mistakes are made, it will be possible to avoid causing irreparable harm to the skin of the face in the form of burns, hyperpigmentation and superficial scars.

    Read how often you can peel with lactic acid.

    Various types of procedures

    Acids are known for their ability to literally “burn” the epidermis, so certified cosmetologists are trained to control the depth of skin changes during the procedure. To do this, they simply select a composition with the required concentration of acids and its exposure time. But when carrying out home procedures, ordinary women will not be able to do this, so they only carry out the so-called superficial peeling.

    This procedure affects only the epidermis and can be used both at home and in salons. To achieve a good result, you will have to carry out a course of procedures once a week for one and a half months. This peeling is aimed at rejuvenating the epidermis, eliminating the effects of photoaging, and helping to achieve a more uniform complexion.

    There are also medium and deep peels that affect the middle layers of the dermis. The procedure is quite painful, so it is carried out under local anesthesia. Medium peeling helps eliminate significant age spots, fights actinic keratoses and photoaging, reduces or removes acne scars, and makes wrinkles less pronounced.

    Deep peeling acts on the lower layers of the dermis and eliminates scars, scars, and wrinkles.

    Products suitable for home use IN home care It is allowed to use products based on alpha and beta hydroxy acids, which are intended specifically for surface action. AHA acids are obtained from apples, citrus fruits, sugar cane, willow bark, etc. The most famous is glycolic, but lactic, citric, and tartaric acid . This type of peeling is indicated for women with dry and normal skin

    Among beta hydroxy acids, salicylic acid is the most popular. This type of acid has a more pronounced effect due to deep penetration into the pores. Thus, it is possible to use lower concentration formulations, thereby reducing the likelihood of complications.

    It is salicylic acid that has proven its effectiveness as an anti-inflammatory, exfoliating and oil-dissolving agent, which makes it indispensable in the fight against acne, excessive sebum secretion and increased skin sensitivity.

    When carrying out peeling at home, first of all, you should choose the right composition, focusing on your skin type, expressed problems, as well as the expected result. Before the procedure, you need to prepare the skin - wash and apply a scrub. The day before, you need to test for skin sensitivity by applying a small amount of the composition to the bend of your elbow for 1 minute. If no itching, irritation or other symptoms occur after 24 hours allergic reaction, the product can be safely applied to the face.

    To prevent burns to the mucous membranes and other sensitive areas, before peeling it is recommended to treat the nostrils, lips, eyelids and eyebrows with regular Vaseline. After this, you can apply the selected product, following the instructions in the instructions for use.

    The video shows the selection of means for the procedure:

    Read what almond facial peeling is.

    Behavior after the procedure

    After this rather aggressive procedure, you need to properly care for your face: wash only with very mild products, moisturize the skin well at least 2 times a day, avoid exposure to active sunlight for a month, use a day cream with SPF protection of at least 50. If signs of infection of the epidermis or age spots occur, you should immediately seek qualified help.

    All these precautions will help make the peeling procedure safe; it will become an essential element of regular self-care, which will help maintain the beauty and youth of the skin.

    Every woman thinks about how to maintain youth and attractiveness. The achievements of modern cosmetology come to the rescue, one of which is acid peeling - cleansing the skin using chemicals of natural and synthetic origin. Peeling with acids - perfect solution for women who want to cleanse their facial skin, reduce the depth of wrinkles and restore skin radiance of youth.

    Types of acid peeling

    The cleansing and rejuvenating effect of acid peeling develops as a result of the interaction of acids with epidermal cells. When chemicals come into contact with the skin, they cause controlled tissue burns, after which old cells are peeled off. After removing a layer dead cells regeneration processes are launched, the skin is evened out, and its color improves.

    Depending on the depth of penetration of the acid into the skin, these types of peeling are distinguished::

    • Superficial is the most gentle method, approved for use at home. Non-aggressive acids are used for superficial peeling; after the procedure, the condition of the skin pores is normalized, the complexion improves, and acne marks disappear. This method is a good prevention of skin aging and is recommended for use at any age.
    • Median - reaches the papillary layer of the dermis, tissue restoration takes about two weeks. The procedure is carried out to smooth out the skin texture, eliminate shallow wrinkles and minor pigmentation. After medium peeling, the production of your own collagen and elastin increases, the skin becomes elastic and acquires a healthy color.
    • Deep - the most aggressive procedure, after it the skin receives a deep burn, it takes 1-2 months to recover. Deep peeling is prescribed to eliminate persistent age spots, rough scars, and deep wrinkles.

    The second classification involves the division of techniques depending on the type of acid. There are different types of acid peeling::

    Indications and contraindications

    Chemical peeling is used to eliminate:

    Young girls are recommended to carry out superficial procedures using fruit acids; after 30 years, you can resort to medium peeling. Deep cleansing carried out after the age of 40−45 years, if the cosmetologist considers that other methods will not have the desired effect.

    For chemical peeling there are such contraindications:

    • abrasions, scratches and other minor skin damage;
    • skin allergic manifestations;
    • herpes;
    • infectious diseases;
    • ARVI;
    • moles and warts;
    • exacerbation of acne;
    • bacterial and fungal infection on the skin;
    • pregnancy;
    • lactation;
    • hormonal disorders in organism;
    • oncological diseases;
    • increased sensitivity to the components of the cleansing composition;
    • recent laser or mechanical cleaning faces.

    Peeling at home

    Stages of implementation

    Skin cleansing and rejuvenation using peeling is carried out in the following sequence:

    If discomfort, burning or tingling is felt during the procedure, the peeling mixture should be washed off immediately.

    In order not to harm the skin, acid peeling is carried out twice a month, more than frequent procedures thin the skin.

    Post-peeling care includes daily use of care products; before going outside, you must apply sunscreen.

    Cooking recipes

    In stores you can find many products that are used to perform acid peeling for the face; at home you can prepare the following exfoliating compositions yourself:

    • Sour cream. In a blender, beat a tablespoon of sour cream with three fresh strawberries, add 3-4 drops almond oil and a teaspoon of potato starch.
    • Grape. Mash 5-7 green grapes with a fork until smooth (or beat in a blender), add 2 tablespoons of carbonated mineral water.
    • Kefir. Three tablespoons of sour kefir are mixed with a tablespoon of oatmeal and left to swell. After 20-30 minutes the mixture is used.
    • Citric. Squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon and soak a few in it. cotton pads and apply to the face for three minutes. Then the discs are removed, and after three minutes the face is washed with clean water.

    Acid peeling - inexpensive and affordable way maintain youthful skin, prevent early appearance wrinkles Cleansing fruit acids at home is becoming increasingly popular due to its safety and ease of implementation.

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